Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
3. Your aunt has asked you for your suggestions to make her business, a local
sandwich shop, more efficient. Describe at least
three types of business processes that a sandwich shop has. Can any be better
coordinated through the use of information
3. Your aunt has asked you for your suggestions to make her business, a local
sandwich shop, more efficient. Describe at least three types of business processes
that a sandwich shop has. Can any be better coordinated through the use of
information systems?
Answer: The business processes of a sandwich shop include: Taking orders,
making sandwiches, selling to the customer,
ordering supplies, opening the store, closing the store, cleaning the store, paying
employees, hiring employees, paying creditors
and vendors, creating financial statements, paying taxes, managing cash.
Many of these processes could be helped by better information systems,
specifically those that require recorded data, such as
any financial processes (payments, cash management, taxes, and salaries) and
information gathered from and distributed to
Answer: The business processes of a sandwich shop include: Taking orders,
making sandwiches, selling to the customer, ordering supplies, opening the store,
closing the store, cleaning the store, paying employees, hiring employees, paying
creditors and vendors, creating financial statements, paying taxes, managing cash.
Many of these processes could be helped by better information systems,
specifically those that require recorded data, such as any financial processes
(payments, cash management, taxes, and salaries) and information gathered from
and distributed to employees.
4. The pet products chain you work for, Pets Galore, has noticed that one of its
brands of dog food is not selling nearly as well
as anticipated. What information systems of the business will you use to determine
the reason for the poor sales? Discuss
what information you will retrieve from which system. Which of the information
systems will be most important for your
analysis? Which of the systems will be least important
4. The pet products chain you work for, Pets Galore, has noticed that one of its
brands of dog food is not selling nearly as well as anticipated. What information
systems of the business will you use to determine the reason for the poor sales?
Discuss what information you will retrieve from which system. Which of the
information systems will be most important for your analysis? Which of the
systems will be least important?
You might query operational level TPS to make sure that the product is
actually getting to the stores and being restocked.
You could query MIS to see average sales levels according to geography,
location, and other factors to see if there are any specific factors affecting
the sales.
You might query ESS to see if the same faucets are being sold by
competitors and what these prices are.
You might use DSS to see what factors could increase sales.
Assuming that the faucets are being properly stocked at the stores, the most
important systems to query are the managerial-
level systems: MIS for summaries of sales records to help pinpoint any other
factors; ESS to check competition, and DSS for
higher-level analysis to forecast possible solutions.
Assuming that the faucets are being properly stocked at the stores, the most
important systems to query are the managerial-level systems: MIS for summaries
of sales records to help pinpoint any other factors; ESS to check competition, and
DSS for higher-level analysis to forecast possible solutions.
5. Identify and discuss the major types of information systems that serve the main
management groups within a business. What are the relationships among these
Answer: The four major categories of information systems are:
Transaction processing systems (TPS), such as payroll or order processing,
track the flow of the daily routine transactions that are necessary to conduct
Management information systems (MIS) provide the management control
level with reports and access to the organization's current performance and
historical records. Most MIS reports condense information from TPS and are
not highly analytical.
Decision-support systems (DSS) support management decisions when these
decisions are unique, rapidly changing, and not specified easily in advance.
They have more advanced analytical models and data analysis capabilities
than MIS and often draw on information from external as well as internal
Executive support systems (ESS) support senior management by providing
data of greatest importance to senior management decision makers, often in
the form of graphs and charts delivered via portals. They have limited
analytical capabilities but can draw on sophisticated graphics software and
many sources of internal and external information.
The various types of systems in the organization exchange data with one
another. TPS are a major source of data for other systems, especially MIS
and DSS. ESSs primarily receive data from lower-level systems.
7. You have been hired to work with 8 employees from different branches of a
national business to help create a web application to be used to train new sales
employees. Identify six collaboration tools that are available to help the team work
together. Which single tool would be the most helpful for the project, in your
opinion, and why?
Answer: Collaboration tools include e-mail and instant messaging; social
networking; wikis; virtual worlds, collaboration platforms such as virtual meeting
systems, Google Apps/Google Sites. The most helpful of these might be a
collaboration platform because it would enable people to have discussions,
calendars, conferences, and share documents.
11. How do collaborative business culture and business processes differ from
“command-and-control” firms?
In command-and-control organizations, the top leaders determine all the
really important matters and then order lower-level employees to execute
senior management plans. The job of middle management is to pass
messages back and forth up and down the hierarchy. Command-and-control
firms require lower-level employees to carry out orders without asking too
many questions, with no responsibility to improve processes, and with no
rewards for teamwork or team performance. If workgroups need help from
another work group, that is something for the bosses to figure out.
Employees never communicate horizontally, always vertically, so
management can control the process
A collaborative business culture and business processes are very different.
Senior managers are responsible for achieving results but rely on teams of
employees to achieve and implement the results. Policies, products, designs,
processes, and systems are much more dependent on teams at all levels of
the organization to devise, to create, and to build. Teams are rewarded for
their performance, and individuals are rewarded for their performance in a
team. The function of middle managers is to build the teams, coordinate
their work, and monitor their performance. The business culture and
business processes are more social. In a collaborative culture, senior
management establishes collaboration and teamwork as vital to the
organization, and it actually implements collaboration for the senior ranks of
the business as well.
(The job of senior managers, employees – individuals/teams, middle
management, reward, communication)