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There are few aside from orcs who dwell in Hul. Some who Where the river spills into the sea lies the Formian Ostiary, a
serve the Paths of Umbra and assassins from the Crna Ruk wide wetland.
dwell therein sparse numbers. Merchants to come up from
the Confederation of Torrich, trading with the orcs for raw GRAFIKA
materials and some manufactured goods. The orcs are passable
Grafika is not so much a city or town, rather it is a safe haven
smiths and make wheel hubs, barrel hoops, and chains as well as
for bandits, outlaws, murderers, thieves, necromancers, traitors,
weapons and armor. But more sought after is the pottery, shaped
and similar people. The place is, by all accounts, a brutish den.
of the red clays of the hills, the orcs are skilled artisans when
It was not always such a place.
designing bowls, cups and the like. These merchants live within
the city fortress in a small district set aside for them. During the reign of Unklar, Grafika was a large town, the last
stop on the way to Aufstrag. Sitting only a score of miles from
For more on the Hlobane see Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde.
the Great Causeway, it was a safe haven. Wealth poured into the
Total Population: 16,000 (includes villages around Hul) town. Coin from traveling merchants, smiths, and other skilled
laborers and plunder from the outlands came on the backs of
Human: 250 ox and horse. Wild beasts captured for the pits of Aufstrag and
Orc: 16,000 +/- wealth in tributes paved its roads. Its halls grew, and its citizens
Government: Hul is governed by a Sanjak, a title that roughly lorded over men. Many lived there in comfort, relatively safe
equates to General, one they picked up long ago during their from the malignant evil of Aufstrag and far from the constant
service to Unklar the Horned God. Hul also contains the wars that fueled the Empire. The town prospered and grew as
Council of Elders that govern the whole Hlobane Nation that such gateway towns are wont to do.
dwells in the Red Hills. But in the end, the wars came to Grafika. The armies of Aufstrag
Military: Hul is a large fortification, encompassing several marched forth but never returned, devoured by the Princes of
large hills, and the valleys between them. This is the heart of the west. The horned god fell, his might cast down by sword
the Hlobane Nation and there is a standing garrison of 1,200 and sorcery. In the end, the Princes came to the Causeway, the
orcs in the castle proper. In the deep warrens beneath the castle, bridge that crossed the great swamps to Auftrag. Grafika stood
warrens that fan out into a dozen different communities beneath too close and the city that had known a thousand years of peace
and above the Red Hills are another 7,000 warriors that can be was sacked and burned. Many of its inhabitants were put to
transported to the castle with ease. death. The smoking ruin then stood abandoned for many years.
Economy: Hul itself is a large fortress but is connected to an Grafika is a shadow of its former self. Most of the buildings have
underground series of roads that lead to other villages, as such, fallen into ruin. Those that remain are almost never repaired
it is able to produce manufactured goods for use or trade. This or when they are, they are done so in the laziest and minimalist
makes Hul a Tier 3 economy. manner. The streets are awash with dirt, debris, and trash
becoming muddy rivers during the frequent rains. Most of the
Religion: No religion but the worship of Unklar is permitted in cobbles that once lined the main streets of Grafika have been
Hul. To speak another god’s name is to invite being drawn and pulled up and are now used to shore up falling buildings. Most of
quartered. the remaining buildings are made of stone, as the wooden ones
have burned, rotted or fallen into a state of disrepair.
Language: Hlobane, and the Vulgate, the common tongue, is
spoken here. There is no city government. There are essentially five factions/
groups which ‘run’ Grafika. Each faction has some control
Major Guilds: There are no guilds here, however the Crna over an area of the ruins. The central portion of the town
Ruk have a presence as do the Paths of Umbra. is controlled by Idius Branfeeter, the owner of the Impaled
Griffon. He and his cohort of thugs maintain a semblance of
FROMIA RIVER order in this part of town. The northern portion of Grafika is
This muddy river tumbles out of the northern Antule Mountains held under the sway of a massive ogre, Gudgerot his tribe and
into the lowlands of Aenoch where it wanders for many associates control the Cudgel. Hirten von Dirbild and his band
hundreds of miles until it reaches the sea. It is a muddy affair in have taken up residence in a keep just outside of Grafika
its early courses, cutting down through steep valleys and over and maintain influence in the Dirbild, by both strength in
precarious falls, pulling dirt, soil, and clays along with it. Where numbers and location. The Old Man and his cohorts invest
the Olgdon spills into it, it clears and widens, consuming that a small keep in the southern portion of Grafika and control
massive volume of water and pushing it all down to the sea. that area; people call it Old Town. A relative newcomer to
It runs a rusty yellow-brown for much of its course and where The ruins of a score of palaces of the Aenochians, long
the river spills into the Udunilay the water of that river becomes abandoned, remain on the banks of the lake. It was here that
cloudy. But that effect lasts for only a few hundred yards as the the Princess Nem-et-Uhl ruled in her gold and topaz palace. A
volume of water coming down from the north breaks it up. powerful sorceress born at the height of the Aenochian Empire.
She came to embody the great spirit of that people and their
LAKE OF UL unknowing cruelty, for in her court lesser men were slain for
a pittance. She saw this as a favor, a goodness given to her
The huge sprawling Lake of Ul lies in the Grausumland and
subjects, for who, indeed would lead the life of lesser men. The
is fed by the Udunilay River. The lake was created by one of
Princess disappeared in her youth, leaving her sprawling palace,
the God Emperors who sought to replicate the Amber Sea in
vast wealth and magics behind. Such was the fear of her that
the South. He loved to sail, and he loved boats so he set his
her domains remained untouched during all the long years of
might toward excavating a vast area of the Vale and channeling
the Winter Dark.
the river’s waters into it. Huge dikes were built to contain it
and several islands left in its course. The region flooded and
became a place of wonder and beauty in the days of its glory. LUDENSHEIM
The Emperor called it the Waters of Laemonoth, after his wife. Ludensheim was once called Geerdes Gag and ruled by evil
Floating palaces were built upon the waters and large sailboats princes who served Unklar. Geerdes Gag, when initially
passed between them. Barges too, elaborately outfitted were put designed, consisted of little more than a bridge over the Hruesen
in the water and all the wealth of Aenoch enjoyed the inner sea River and several towers to guard that crossing. Many giants
and the beauty of tame water. and trolls labored long and hard to make the bridge and towers
to the exacting specifications of Unklar’s engineers. Their work
But all that ended when the Empire fell and Aenoch came to was a wonder then and is even now. So well were they made,
ruin. The cost of maintaining the lake became too great and the they stand undiminished 1000 years later.
floating palaces were abandoned. Like much of the glory of old, it
lost its luster with time. When the Darkness came, the lake was Geerdes Gag changed in size and scope over the centuries.
filled with evil creatures that hunted its shores and slaughtered all After the armies of orc and ungern poured over the Hruesen,
they found. Foul demons and devils from the underworld settled the Captain Kings of Aufstrag decided to make Geerdes Gag
into its deeps and it was renamed the Lake of Ul. a fortress to oversee the nearby lands and barrack the many
troops needed to keep the region under their dominion as well
Today it is a foul place and dangerous. It is deep in places, over as those moving through the area. A keep was raised, walls
300 feet. Where the river runs the current is swift, pushing wrapped around it and a labyrinth built beneath it.
through the lake, but elsewhere it is slow and lethargic. The ruins
of Al Liosh remain in the water and out of it, plain for all to see. After the banishment of Unklar, Geerdes Gag was forsaken by
all but the most stalwart of Unklar’s soldiery. The crusaders of
LAKE RADLEBY New Aenochia eventually made their way to Geerdes Gag and
This large inland lake lies within two arms of the Bearcoat laid waste to it killing all its inhabitants and pulling the keep
Roughs. It is fed by melting glaciers that lie on the high slopes of and portions of the walls down, though leaving the bridge and
Mount Pendlton. Lake Radlbey avoided most of the devastation towers beside it intact. Thereafter, Geerdes Gag was named
of the Winter Dark Wars. The Lake layout of the path of Kain Ludensheim after Prince Luden, the commander of the army
the Duke of Altengrund when he lay waste to the Luneberg which brought the orcs of Geerdes Gag to their knees, after he
Plains. And they were just far enough removed from the Toten decided to occupy the towers. A slow trickle of people moving to
Fields when those areas were devastated by several armies. Ludensheim quickly became a flood once gold was discovered in
the Hruesen River and the place has grown into a walled town
The lake is generally placid, her calm waters inviting sailors yet again. Thus, the Barony of Ludensheim was born.
and fisherman. However, this is subject to violent changes as
the Ursal Wind coils around the great Plains of Achrothos The gold has since given out and fewer and fewer crusaders
and thunder across the Grausumland. Here the wind picks up make their way here as internal strife in Aenochia is beginning
moisture and violent storms evolve. The Ursal Wind drives these to consume their time and efforts. As a result, the power
storms into the Roughs, and the two arms of the mountains structure of the town has changed and those knights and their
channel them across the lake. At such times the waters become orders have diminished greatly in power.
extremely hazardous, large waves whipped up to thunder across
the open water. The storms develop suddenly and as suddenly The town is ruled by a descendant of Prince Luden, Dietbold
spend themselves. Heimer and his family. It vies with Botkinburg to the east for
During the Winter Dark Wars Kain, the Godless was set by his The moors extend from the Blighted Screed on either bank of
master, Unklar, to destroy the enemy. He crossed from Aufstrag the Iaolmeta River in the south for some 75-90 miles into the
into the Luneberg Plains, a region in which the Council of north, flanking the south-eastern edge of the Grausumland.
Light, Augsberg and her other allies hotly contested. Kain They consist of broad plains of thick sphagnum moss, peat and
lay waste to it all. He burned cities and towns, putting their saw grass, broken up by countless small pools and lakes and
populations to death. He pulled up the Ursal Road. Burned sandbars. The ground throughout the Moors is damp, almost
crops and polluted the fields. Forests were cut down and sponge-like and makes travel here difficult. There are hidden
burned out. Wells, lakes, and ponds were poisoned. The sinkholes and quicksand spread generously throughout the
Devastation of Kain is known in book and song throughout all whole region.
the Lands of Ursal (see Codex of Aihrde).
Small stream links ponds and open water, as do some ancient
But as in any apocalypse, some survive. In the Luneberg, only canals. Town streets from the ancient Aenochians often serve
two towns did so, Unspt and Madgeburg. this purpose. But all are narrow and emit only small boats,
canoes and skiffs.
Located in the southern plains near the Bearcoat Roughs, built
upon the ruins of an old city, Magdeburg is essentially two The land is hot, hunted by large vultures and wyverns who nest
towns. Within her, thick wood and stone walls are a wedge of on the flanks of Aufstrag and hunt the Moors for carrion or prey
stone houses and buildings, shops and the like. The streets are as suits them. It is a favored hunting ground for a small breed
paved and in places well lit. This is considered the inner city of wolf as well, large predatory cats and other such creatures.
where Mayor the Lord Enternich rules. A mercenary by trade,
he settled in the town after overstaying his welcome in the Few live in the Moors. It is an inhospitable land that grows little
Rhuneland. Through muscle, he has taken control of most of and yields less. Even so, some have settled in the deeps of the
the burg but continues to vie for control with the Thieves Pit, place, building small houses or shacks and carving a living out
a motley collection of rouges, brigands, prostitutes, and thieves. of the wilderness. It is a favored haunt of naga, the witches who
breed them, will-o-wisps, and other fey.
After Unklar’s fall, Bule remained at his post, and though many NEW AENOCH
around him sought to flee to Aufstrag to join in the fight, he
Aesperdi, Barachia, Dundador, Kourland, and Meteira, as well
refused. Knowing his master was banished he husbanded his
as the cities of Vilshofen and Heimstat, rebelled against the
strength. In those early days, Murlien became a haven for those
tumbling might of Unklar’s Empire in 1030md. These cities
fleeing the turmoil of war. Bule welcomed them and began to style
lived under the shadow of Aufstrag for a thousand years. They
himself a lord. He recast Murlien as a refuge and holy ground
grew wealthy through control of the overseas trade routes and
and set about building it anew. Employing many dispossessed he
they suffered little from the hand of Unklar. In consequence,
raised a new wall and added several keeps. He built a temple on
a powerful, educated merchant class came to rule these cities.
a rise nearby and made sacrifices to Unkar. More flocked to his
When war came to the Empire, the lords of Aenoch banded
banner and he built ever greater fortifications until the castle of
together in a loose confederation and prepared to rebel.
Murlien Akt commanded all the country about.
Pryzmira, the last daughter of the House of the Old Empire of
He gave refuge to all who fled the chaos from the west, allowing Aenoch, came to them and promised the wealth and power
the construction of villages and farmsteads. Enlisting soldiers of of the Council if they would support her claim to the ancient
Unklar’s old army he fleshed out his ranks until he commanded lineage. She bore the dagger mark on her shoulder, the sign of
an army of some size. In time he raided the river as far south the ruling family. and they believed her. They agreed to league
East Branch River and into the west, even so far as the shores with Pryzmira under the stipulation that each of the seven
of Lake Bas in the Confederation of Torrich. Many men, great lands, the Duchies of Aesperdi, Barachia, Dundador, Kourland
and small fell to his blade. More flocked to him until at last, he and Meteira and the city-states of Heimstat and Vilshofen, be
crowned himself King Bule Man Slayer. given the rights to elect the Empress and her heirs to the throne.
In turn, she demanded that their borders be permanently fixed,
His kingdom extends from the Kasda River in the south to the that they give her the city of Ascalon to rule from, and that they
banks of Udunilay in the west. He claims all the land north to grant her wide privileges of taxation and expansion. In 1040md,
the borders of the Moors and some of the Moors besides. A the 30-year-old Pryzmira became Empress of Aenoch.
SUMP In time, the place became a stinking morass of silted pools and
poisoned earth. The Plains of Alpa were renamed then, called
The Sump is a broad lake on the northern edge of the
the Dead Lands, or the Toten Fields.
Grausumland and at the mouth of the Wasting Way. Anyone
who wishes to travel the Wasting Way must first cross the Sump. The earth eventually swallowed up the dead and the land
healed some little, but the lands of the Toten Fields were ever
The Sump is a deadly dangerous place to find oneself in. The
after haunted places, plagued by the howls of the dead and
ground here is utterly saturated, the water turning the clay-
damned. It is said that on warm days the goodly Princess Elisa
filled earth into a vast patch of thick, clinging mud. The water
(see the Codex of Aihrde, Aachen) can be seen calling for her
is rarely over a few inches high, even during the rainy season.
lords and her father to come to her and find her. Untold wealth
What water the ground cannot drink runs off in rivulets to the
and magic lie buried in the Toten Fields, sunk deep into the
south. This makes boat travel impossible.
earth, but the ghosts of the fallen wander the hills, calling out
The ground itself is broken and pockmarked. Some areas are their pain. Necromancers thus frequent the land in search of
relatively flat, with the earth just beneath the surface of the the power of the dead.
water. However, the water does cover deep holes and gulches
The only thing of value in the whole land is a small worm that,
filled with a murky, muddy liquid. Falling in one of these holes
when coaxed right, produces the finest silks in the world. A yard
is dangerous, as mud lines them from their bottoms to the top
of the silk can easily sell for 20gp in Anglamay. Reputed to be
edges. Falling in means getting stuck, and getting out is not as
used only by the Horned God himself in times past, the silk is
easy as going in.
now available only rarely, for few brave the wasteland to cull it
Some paths exist through the lake, but these only lead to the from the stricken earth.
swamp and are known by only a few rangers and animals.
Otherwise, entering the mud is dangerous. The mud is thick, UDUNILAY RIVER
clinging to boots, feet, legs, cloaks and anything else it touches. A mighty river, perhaps the most fearful of all rivers upon
The weight of the thick, clingy mud serves to drag one into the Aihrde, the Udunilay begins high up Mount Ud, deep in the
Sump where one is likely to remain until the Gonfod, the end Grundliche Mountains near the Hohle of the same name. It
of days. is said that the water flows from the eye of the All Father, so
clean and pure is its beginning. It is called the River of Eternal
See A11 The Wasting Way for more.
So powerful is its flow, the Grausumland could not absorb it, There he remained, even after the fall of Unklar.
though Unklar bent much of his will towards taming it, and it
The mountain itself is difficult to climb and has only one path
filled all the ruins of Al-Liosh.
that leads up its flanks. This path circumnavigates the mountain,
The Udunilay stood as the main avenue of traffic for centuries, however, to use it one must first pass through a fortified
until the creation of the Grausumland, carrying goods north gatehouse. Once through the gatehouse, the path offers seven
and south. It fertilizes all the central plain, watered the people different entries to Utrink Akt beneath. Each entry is guarded
of Al-Liosh and later Aufstrag. It is here that the first of the by a tower. Breaching a tower leads one to the underground
Aenochians dwelt. dungeons that are the Frost Lord’s lair.