Fetal+Surveillance+ (Cardiotocography) PPG v1 1
Fetal+Surveillance+ (Cardiotocography) PPG v1 1
Fetal+Surveillance+ (Cardiotocography) PPG v1 1
Fetal Surveillance
© Department for Health and Wellbeing, Government of South Australia. All rights reserved.
This guideline provides advice of a general nature. This statewide guideline has been prepared to promote and facilitate
standardisation and consistency of practice, using a multidisciplinary approach. The guideline is based on a review of published
evidence and expert opinion.
Information in this statewide guideline is current at the time of publication.
SA Health does not accept responsibility for the quality or accuracy of material on websites linked from this site and does not
sponsor, approve or endorse materials on such links.
Health practitioners in the South Australian public health sector are expected to review specific details of each patient and
professionally assess the applicability of the relevant guideline to that clinical situation.
If for good clinical reasons, a decision is made to depart from the guideline, the responsible clinician must document in the
patient’s medical record, the decision made, by whom, and detailed reasons for the departure from the guideline.
This statewide guideline does not address all the elements of clinical practice and assumes that the individual clinicians are
responsible for discussing care with consumers in an environment that is culturally appropriate and which enables respectful
confidential discussion. This includes:
• The use of interpreter services where necessary,
• Advising consumers of their choice and ensuring informed consent is obtained,
• Providing care within scope of practice, meeting all legislative requirements and maintaining standards of
professional conduct, and
• Documenting all care in accordance with mandatory and local requirements
Australian Aboriginal Culture is the oldest living culture in the world yet
Aboriginal people continue to experience the poorest health outcomes when
compared to non-Aboriginal Australians. In South Australia, Aboriginal women are
2-5 times more likely to die in childbirth and their babies are 2-3 times more likely to
be of low birth weight. The accumulative effects of stress, low socio economic
status, exposure to violence, historical trauma, culturally unsafe and discriminatory
health services and health systems are all major contributors to the disparities in
Aboriginal maternal and birthing outcomes. Despite these unacceptable statistics
the birth of an Aboriginal baby is a celebration of life and an important cultural
event bringing family together in celebration, obligation and responsibility. The
diversity between Aboriginal cultures, language and practices differ greatly and so
it is imperative that perinatal services prepare to respectively manage Aboriginal
protocol and provide a culturally positive health care experience for Aboriginal
people to ensure the best maternal, neonatal and child health outcomes.
Fetal Surveillance (Cardiotocography)
Table 1: Indications for performing a CTG in the Antenatal Period
Preterm labour
Prolonged rupture of membranes (≥ 24 hours)
Labour Indications for Intrapartum CTG
Absent liquor following amniotomy
FHR abnormalities on auscultation (bradycardia, tachycardia, decelerations)
Maternal pyrexia ≥ 38 ˚C
Meconium-stained or blood-stained liquor
Prolonged active first stage labour (> 12 hours regular uterine contractions with cervical
dilatation > 3 cm)
Prolonged second stage of labour (> 1 hour active pushing)
Regional anaesthetic (epidural or spinal) (including just before insertion)
Uterine tachysystole, hypertonus or hyperstimulation
Vaginal bleeding in labour (in excess of a “show” ≥ 50 mL)
Indications associated with the use of interventions
Before and for at least 20 minutes after administration of prostaglandin or cervical-ripening
balloon catheter
Use of oxytocin for either induction or augmentation of labour
Regional anaesthesia: epidural, spinal (including prior to and at the time of insertion)
** RANZCOG include these indications, however if appropriate antenatal investigation / serial
ultrasound / maternal investigation has been undertaken and is reassuring, then the woman and
her unborn baby should not be inappropriately pathologised, and should be managed as ‘normal’
without the need for continuous CTG unless other indications are present or arise.
ACOG American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
BMI Body mass index
bpm Beats per minute
cm Centimetre
CTG Cardiotocography
cCTG Computerised cardiotocography
EFM External fetal monitoring
ECG Electrocardiogram
e.g. For example
FBS Fetal blood sampling
FHR Fetal heart rate
FSE Fetal scalp electrode
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
IP Intrapartum
min Minute
mL Millilitre(s)
MoM Multiples of the median
NICE National Institute for Clinical Excellence
PAPP-A Pregnancy associated plasma protein A
PPROM Preterm prelabour rupture of membranes
RANZCOG Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and
RCOG Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
RCT Randomised controlled trial
SA South Australia
STAN ST analysis
A Cochrane Review of the literature found no new trials had been conducted on IP CTG. The
results were:
1. Compared with intermittent auscultation of the FHR, continuous CTG had no significant
improvement in perinatal mortality. It was associated with a higher caesarean section
rate and instrumental birth. There was little difference in the incidence of cord blood
2. There was no significant difference between intermittent and continuous CTG and the
caesarean section rate.
3. CTG use in labour is linked to a reduction in neonatal seizures, but no clear difference in
the incidence of cerebral palsy or infant mortality .
Two large multisite RCTs were conducted in the USA evaluating fetal ECG ST analysis (STan)
and fetal pulse oximetry. The trials did not show any clear benefit in reducing caesarean section
rate or neonatal outcomes .
Use of computerised decision making systems to interpret FHR patterns on CTG during labour
remains controversial, with some concluding that an electronic decision making tool does not
improve outcomes or detect abnormal traces effectively . Human factors in the interpretation
and response to the alerts on computerised programs may result in poor outcomes, however
multiple trials have suggested that the benefit of computerised programs to assist in the decision
making process of assessing abnormal trace findings of clinical benefit .
Similarly, a comparison between computerised interpretation of CTG and traditional CTG (visual
interpretation) showed a significant reduction in perinatal mortality with computerised CTG but no
difference in potentially preventable deaths . Computerised CTGs augmented by fetal ECG ST
segment analysis (STAN) during labour have been introduced at the Women’s and Children’s
Hospital in South Australia as part of an ongoing trial. For further information on STAN see
www.neoventa.com. ST segment analysis (STan) classification is available in Table 4.
Performing a CTG
CTG setting recommendations
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There are no internationally agreed practice recommendations . In SA we recommend :
• CTG paper speed at 1cm/minute
• Sensitivity displays at 20 beats per minute/cm
• Set FHR range display at 50 – 210 bpm
• Date and time settings on CTG tracings are validated whenever used
Health professionals should be aware that machines from different manufacturers use different
vertical axis scales, and this can change the perception of fetal heart rate variability.
External CTG
The transducer is located externally on the maternal abdomen, ideally placed over the anterior
shoulder of the fetus . The toco-transducer, which is pressure-sensitive, is placed over the top of
the fundus, as this is the most contractile segment of the uterus. It is important to note that the
toco-transducer will inform the length (time) of the uterine contraction (if positioned correctly), but
not interpret the strength of the uterine contraction .
External CTG monitoring can be less reliable than internal monitoring due to loss of signal,
detection and recording of maternal heart rate. It can also pick up signal artefact, particularly in the
second stage of labour .
Internal CTG
An internal fetal scalp electrode (FSE) is applied to the presenting part of the fetus. It can be
applied to the scalp (preference) but also the buttock . The FSE has an electrode which when
applied to the fetus detects the fetal ECG and calculates a FHR . The FSE can only be applied
when the cervix is sufficiently dilated and the membranes have been ruptured. In most situations
the cervix needs to be 2 – 3 cm dilated to allow for correct attachment. FSE should be applied over
fetal bone and not over a suture lines or fontanelles .
The toco-transducer remains on the maternal abdomen, as with external CTG monitoring .
Internal FSE monitors can be inadvertently applied to the maternal cervix or other tissue and
therefore detect the maternal heart rate. Additionally, when there has been a fetal death, the
maternal heart rate can be conducted through the fetus and be recorded .
FSE should not be used when contraindicated. Contraindications include the presence of infection
(e.g. HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, active genital herpes) or sepsis to prevent vertical transmission
. Internal CTG should also be avoided in situations where there are fetal bleeding disorders,
3, 5, 7
malpresentation or an unstable lie of the fetus or intact membranes .
Documentation of CTG
The clinician who performs the CTG tracing should record the features of the tracing in the
woman’s hospital record.
Documentation of the CTG should be recorded 30 minutely to hourly within the woman’s case
notes as required. Documentation on the CTG recording itself includes :
• The mother’s name, date, time commenced, hospital record number and maternal
• Intrapartum events that may affect the FHR (e.g. starting or changing oxytocin regimen,
vaginal examination, obtaining fetal blood sample or insertion of an epidural) should be
noted contemporaneously both on the CTG and in the maternal case notes, including date,
time and signature
• Document on the report when CTG is performed within 30 minutes of cigarette smoking,
self-medication of illicit substances or administration of any prescribed medications.
• Document significant maternal events such as change of position to relieve aortocaval
compression .
• Loss of contact and audible decelerations should be marked on the CTG by the attending
clinician and actions taken to ensure that the CTG recording has good contact and uterine
activity is clearly recorded.
Documentation of ANY abnormal features should be described in detail as per Table 5 . Where
the features indicate fetal compromise, continual CTG monitoring and recording is recommended.
Medical review should also be sought .
Physiologically based assessments of antenatal CTG traces support the following classification of
antenatal traces:
1. Reactive: 2 accelerations in 10 minutes within a recording period of 120 min
2. Unreactive: no accelerations seen in 120 minutes of tracing
3. Decelerative: presence of repetitive decelerations on an otherwise unreactive trace
Above classification reduces high rate of false-positive traces for recordings of 40 minutes or less .
Review of language and consistent definitions and implementation of ‘normal’ and ‘abnormal’ has
reduced false positive rate for fetal compromise .
Normal CTG
A reassuring (normal) CTG is associated with a low probability of fetal compromise
3, 5
and has the following features :
• Baseline FHR 110-160 bpm
• Baseline FH variability of 6-25 bpm
• FH accelerations
• No decelerations
All other CTGs are by this definition abnormal and require further evaluation in the context of the
full clinical picture.
The following features may be associated with significant fetal compromise and
require further action
• Baseline fetal tachycardia > 160 bpm
• Reduced or reducing baseline variability (3-5 bpm)
• Rising baseline fetal heart rate
• Complicated variable decelerations
• Late decelerations
• Prolonged decelerations
Maternal Oxygenation
Cochrane reviewed the literature on maternal oxygenation in labour and second stage. No
conclusive benefit to the fetus was determined based on current evidence . In review of
supplemental maternal oxygenation at caesarean section, there was statistically a higher umbilical
and artery and vein partial pressure of oxygen, but no clinical significance or benefit to the woman
or fetus. Cochrane have stated that there is no evidence to suggest supplemental maternal
oxygenation as either beneficial or harmful to either mother or baby . In 2018, a RCT of
hyperoxygenation in second stage for fetal distress was conducted. Recommendations of this trial
are to not use maternal hyperoxygenation to treat fetal distress. Further studies in neonatal
outcomes are recommended to determine the risk or benefit to the fetus in using maternal
oxygenation .
Regular case review of individual CTGs with corresponding outcomes at local unit level is
Governance of competency for CTG application and interpretation is described in the SA Health
Perinatal Emergency Education Strategy Policy Directive, 2018 .