A. Hand instruments or other items such as interproximal wedges used to
protect soft tissue from contact with sharp cutting or abrasive
B. May be mouth mirror, check retractor, lip retractor or even the operator’s
own finger of the other hand.
C. This should be placed in the direction of movement of instrument
D. Advantages
• Avoid accident slippage of instrument.
• Prevent injuries
Scaling and root planning --- pull stroke not push
Cutting hand instrument ---- push motion (as chisel, hatchet)
1. Bur least heat generation carbide, while with highest diamond.
2. To plane line angle(straight), smoothening enamel margin (mono angled)
Plane line angles of proximal cavity by bi-angled chisel, but triple angled chisels to flatten
pulpal floor
3. Enamel hatchet --- heavier blade chisel to cut enamel margins (provide proper cavosurface
margin) Enamel hatched is used for planning l, f line angles during cavity preparation
4. To form internal line angles and retentive groove for dentine scratch and beveling angle: angle
former. , to leveling line angles --- enamel hoe
5. Remove loose enamel rod at the gingival floor from class II – gingival trimmer
6. The most retentive pin ,post is Self-threaded
7. Carbide 12 fluted bur used to finish composite, 30 flutes carbide bur for smoothening the
surface before polishing
- aluminum oxide disc or paste used to finish GI after 24hrs .( knife or scaler immediate,
finishing stones later)
8. Sharpening of hand instrument mounted air driven better than unmounted due to fine grift
9. Unmounted better due to less particles of instrument are removed.
Bur used to make grooves for veneer or on composite veneer: tapered round ended carbide
Dark color in dentin remove with Large excavator
But, the hard caries in dentine remove with round carbide bur low speed
ھاد الكالم موجود باالصدار.. oxford
Q: Excavation of deep carious dentin which is contraindicated to use:
·Low speed round bur
·Low speed fissure bur
·High speed round bur with stall out speed
- Most recommended instrument to use during deep caries excavation are {low speed
round bur }
- Contraindicated to use during dentin excavation is: a high speed
- Stall out speed it means change high speed to low speed by foot control outside the
- Fissure bur never use in deep cavity either high speed or low speed
10. Removal of caries --- large round bur from periphery to center
11. Use no. 33½ inverted cone bur. OR no 35 inverted cone bur for slot preparation
12. In standard instrument for proper work the cutting edge should be: perpendicular to the handle.
*** (cutting edge of the blade is at a right angle to the handle of the instrument).
13.Which part of periodontal instrument is parallel to long axis of the tooth
A. hand
B. blade
C. shank ***
D. cutting edge
celluloid matrix composed of: Bis-gamma
Types of matrix metal (criumferantial for amalgam restoration or MOD
composite restoration of sectional better for proximal composite
Celluloid matrix
Mylar strip class iii
Cervical strip class V
Celluoide crown or crown former class iv
Blade no 12 for what→ Incision-suture cutting, they are also used within
Dental surgery for raising skin flaps and for removing excess polymerized
composite resin on the facial and interproximal region of the tooth.
2. Walsham's forceps: for nasal fracture treatment, and if nasal bone is deviated it will be
straightened by Ash's forceps afterward.
3. Allis forceps: to hold tissues prior to excision (epulis fissuratum}
5. Still’s forceps :for wisdom teeth suturing because it is longer than adson's forceps.
9. Farabeuf retractor the retractor which retract the flap and the cheek together when
doing surgery
All elevators are basically levers; they are used to apply a large amount of force on the tooth or root to
be removed. It needs a fulcrum
Parts of elevators
1. Handle (May continuous with the shank or at right angle to it)
2. Shank
3. Blade (part which engage the tooth)
Blade Use
Suturing material
1.non- absorbable 2.Absorbable
Need to be removed by surgeon Not need removal
1.slik (black or white)—natural 3/0 gut (natural from intestine of the sheeps)
2.nylon synthetic substitute for silk it is absorbed by proteolytic enzymes
3.prolene (poly propylene ,pigmented blue ) Plain cut gut ---absorbed 7-10 days
4.mersilene polyester fibers Chromic cat gut ---18-21 days
5. wire (steel nickel chromium extra orally) 2.synthetic (poly glycolic acid)—vicryl , dexon
6.cotton : not used now Absorbed by hydrolysis by action of phagocytic
Absorption ---2-3 weeks
The instrument used to remove half of a root after fracture: Crane pick Crane indicated for
removing half of the root
Looks like gates gliden but working part larger , longer , used to remove gutta-percha during
retreatment , or during post space preparation