Portfolio Arw1 Icpna

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Sofía Salazar




a. Interaction (n.) An occasion when two or more people or things communicate with or
react to each other
b. Flexible (adj.) Able to change or be changed easily according to the situation
c. Compensate (v.) To balance something negative with something positive
d. Disabled (adj.) Having an illness or condition that makes it difficult to do the things that
other people do
e. Savant (n.) A person with a high level of knowledge or skill, especially someone who is
less able in other ways
f. Estimate (v.) To guess or calculate the cost, size, value, etc. of something
g. Retain (v.) To keep or continue to have something
h. Benefits (n.) A helpful or good effect, or something intended to help
i. Predictable (adj.) Something that is predictable happens in a way or at a time that you
know about before it happens
j. Anxious (adj.) Worried and nervous
k. Image (n.) A picture in your mind or an idea of how someone or something is
l. Sum (n.) An amount of money
m. Transform (v.) To change completely the appearance or character of something or
someone, especially so that that thing or person is improved
n. Expertise (n.) A high level of knowledge or skill
o. Assimilate (v.) To understand and remember new information and make it part of your
basic knowledge so that you can use it as your own
p. Emerging (adj.) Starting to exist
q. Persistent (adj.) Someone who is persistent continues doing something or tries to do
something in a determined but often unreasonable way

a. There is not much social interaction between students, that's why the teacher is not
b. His schedule is so flexible that no matter if it is Monday, we can hang out.
c. No one will ever be able to compensate her for all the damage she received as a child.
d. The car accident we saw on the news left three people severely disabled.
e. Savant syndrome is an extremely rare condition in which a person develop a great ability.
f. Once a friend played a game where she had to estimate how many candies are in a jar.
g. I failed the history test because I could not retain enough information about the Cold war.
h. One of the benefits of learning English is that I can travel to many countries and
communicate normally.
i. The movie is so predictable that in the middle of it I already know how it will end.
j. My grandmother always gets anxious when she can not find my little brother.
k. I already have an image in my mind of how I want my future house.
l. The police officer found a big sum of money in a black bag.
m. With this investment we will totally transform our small business.
n. I need to find a person who has a considerable expertise in Roman history to help me
with my homework.
o. For him is hard to assimilate so much information, that’s why he keeps disapproving.
p. Right now, I am study about emerging powers. I have to say that I really like this topic.
q. Be persistent, don’t let your fears stop you.

Rachel Carson was a world-renowned marine biologist and the reason why I want to study that
major. Thanks to her book "Silent Spring," where she talks about how humans are threatening
life on the planet, she became famous. She studied zoology and genetics, so after not being able
to continue with her studies, she focused all her attention on writing. After publishing several
books on marine biology, she focused on observing the devastating effects of pesticides on
wildlife. She exposed the chemical industry. They did not like this, and they criticized her,
attacking her marital status and political ideology to discredit her. But at the same time, she
created consciousness in American society.
Daniel Tammet is a “savant” because he has a surprising mental ability. Since he was a child,
he discovered his passion for numbers. At age of 4, he suffered an epileptic attack, which
combined with genetic problems damaged a part of his brain. He is also autistic; he has many
disabilities. He must brush his teeth or drink tea at the same hour every day, he is not flexible at
all. He has to follow his schedules; in that way he can feel he has control. He cannot drive or
interact easily with people, but his brain compensates for it giving him an extraordinary
memory. For example, years ago, he participates in a competition where he had to recall pi. He
not only said a few decimals, but he also spent 5 hours recalling 22,514 decimals. And that's not
all, he is also very good with languages, he can speak French, German, Spanish, Lithuanian and
Esperanto. He is even in the process of creating his own language called Manti. 
a. Abandonment (n.) The act of leaving someone or something or of ending or stopping
something, usually forever
b. Meager (adj.) Very small or not enough
c. Misery (n.) Great unhappiness
d. Yearned for (v.) To wish very strongly
e. Tormented (adj.) Great mental suffering and unhappiness, or great physical pain
f. Dilapidated (adj.) Old and in poor condition
g. Poverty (n.) Having little money or few material things
h. Hopelessness (n.) The feeling or state of being without hope
i. Shame (n.) If something is described as a shame, it is disappointing or not satisfactory.
j. Sordid (adj.) Dirty and unpleasant
k. Defeated (v.) To win against someone in a fight, war, or competition
l. Accountable (adj.) Someone who is accountable is completely responsible for what they
do and must be able to give a satisfactory reason for it
m. Confused (adj.) Not clear and therefore difficult to understand
n. Darkest (adj.) Sad and without hope
ñ. Suffer (v.) To experience physical or mental pain
o. Disability (n.) an illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult for someone to do the
things that other people do
p. Exalted (adj.) An exalted position in an organization is a very important one
q. Expectations (n.) The feeling that good things are going to happen in the future
r. Free (adj.-adv.) Not limited or controlled
s. Give up (phr v.) To stop trying to do something before you have finished, usually
because it is too difficult
t. Inquisitiveness (n.) The quality of wanting to discover as much as you can about things,
sometimes in a way that annoys people
u. Laborious (adj.) Needing a lot of time and effort
v. Mortified (adj.) Very embarrassed
w. Paradise (n.) A place or condition of great happiness where everything is exactly as you
would like it to be
x. Pride (n.) A feeling of pleasure and satisfaction that you get because you or people
connected with you have done or got something good
y. Self-reliance (n.) The quality of not needing help or support from other people
z. Struggle (v.) To experience difficulty and make a very great effort in order to do

a. Suffer abandonment by his mother when he was just a baby affected him.
b. The boss gives them a meager salary, even if they work efficiently the whole day.
c. 5 years leaving with her aggressor made her life a misery.
d. That moment was what he had been yearning for since he was little.
e. He lived a tormented childhood until he was adopted by a very loving couple.
f. When we travel to Trujillo, we stayed in a very dilapidated hotel.
g. She lived in poverty until she was 16, then everything got better after winning the lottery.
h. Their hopelessness increased when they saw their favorite team losing.
i. What a shame that you couldn’t assist to the Jonas Brothers concert yesterday.
j. She used to live in a sordid apartment before she moved in with you.
k. The Peruvian soccer team was defeated by the Brazilian soccer team.
l. My friend is accountable to the managing director.
m. I’m a bit confused. Did you say that all of this was just a joke?
n. I saw her darkest side; I can’t believe what she did.
ñ. Fabrizzio suffered a lot when his girlfriend left him.
o. He refuses to let his disability win.
p. Currently she is in the exalted post of the ONU.
q. I have high expectations for this month, I am totally sure I will achieve my best.
r. Feel free to interrupt me if you have any question. I’m at your dispose.
s. I tried to solve this math problem, but after 1 hour of hard work I gave up.
t. I love the innocence and the inquisitiveness of my little cousin.
u. While working in a zoo, I had to do many laborious tasks.
v. I was absolutely mortified when I saw my brother screaming at school.
w. My dream vacation is travel to a tropical paradise.
x. He felt pride when he watched her with an award.
y. We need to encourage a sense of independence, self-reliance and responsibility.
z. Her dog had been struggling to open the food bag.

Someone once said, "Don't give up, because at any moment the wind can change course.” It's
easy to say, but when you get caught up in a problem, you don't always have a positive mind.
Many people have to deal with a lot of bad situations in their life. Although it is difficult to
overcome them, many of them have the necessary strength to do it. For example, Sofía Salazar,
3 times in a row winner of a scholarship that helps her continue with her studies. In 2017, his
family went through a bad economic situation, which led them to close several of their
businesses. They were all worried about what the future would hold. However, stopping paying
for their children's education was not an option. Sofia was willing to help her parents so she
worked very hard to win a scholarship that the school offered. Unfortunately, financial
problems and stress brought on by constant worry about her grades caused her to develop
various mental problems such as anxiety and depression. That year he did not win the
scholarship. But she did not give up, she managed to recover and the following year she won
the scholarship. In conclusion, things are not always going to turn out the way you would like,
at the time you want. However, to achieve great things the only option is not to give up.

Stephen Hawking said, “I wouldn’t have achieved everything I did if I hadn’t worked as hard.”
Many people give up before even starting something. Obstacles will always be present in life,
what matters is how hard you work to overcome them; those people are the ones who succeed.
This is the story of Leoncio Allccaco, a businessman who owns several hotels in the city. When
he was a child, his family lived in extreme poverty. He had 3 brothers; his mother did not have
enough money to educate them. At the age of 10, due to lack of money, the 4 of them went out
to sell fruit. Unfortunately, one of his brothers died after falling off a moving bus while trying
to sell apples. He had to deal with the death of another of his brothers at the time of terrorism.
The misery in his life seemed not to end. Having a job in which he did not earn to support his
mother and brother, Leoncio saw an opportunity in Canada. He had high expectations because
his friend found a really good job there. He tried and he succeeded. After returning, Leoncio
decided to buy a small store, which gave him enough income to buy a larger space, where he
opened a restaurant. Together with his wife and daughter, he bought a piece of land and built
his first hotel. He never thought he would end up having 3 more hotels. In short, obstacles from
the past can destroy one, but having the strength to get up and keep trying says a lot about a
a. Impact (n.) The effect that an event or situation has on someone or something
b. Reliable (adj.) Able to trusted; dependable
c. Revolutionized (v.) To have completely changed the way people think or do things
d. Advocate (n.) Strong supporter of a particular way of doing things
e. Environment (n.) The circumstances, objects, or conditions that surround you
f. Linked (v.) Made a connection between two or more events, people, or ideas
g. Potential (n.) The possibility that something will develop or happen in a particular way
h. Interaction (n.) The action or influence of people, groups, or things on one another
i. Risk factor (n.) Something that is likely to hurt you or be dangerous
j. Consensus (n.) An agreement that everyone in a group reaches
k. Aspects (n.) Parts or features of a situation, idea, problem, etc.
l. Interpreting (n.) Explaining or deciding on the meaning of an event
m. Consult (v.) To get information or advice from a person, book, etc. with special
knowledge on a particular subject
n. Skeptical (adj.) Doubting that something is true or useful
o. Alternative (adj.) Something that is different from something else, especially from what
is usual, and offering the possibility of choice
p. Conventional (adj.) Traditional and ordinary
q. Elicit (v.) To get or produce something, especially information or a reaction

a. In the instant of the terrible car crash, one of them exploded after the impact.
b. I am not sure you found this information in a reliable website.
c. Einstein’s discoveries revolutionized physics.
d. Drug traffickers’ advocates are normally well-paid.
e. I usually go to the school library, because it is a good environment to study.
f. Annita think that the violence in her society is linked to violent TV series.
g. Peru has enormous potential for economic development, but we are not taking advantage
of it.
h. I read that this movie follows the interactions of 4 different characters.
i. Age is a risk factor for this disease. We must start treatment as soon as possible.
j. Because we were unable to reach a consensus, we decided to vote.
k. His disability affects almost every aspect of his life.
l. By interpreting the person signals, she knew he was in trouble.
m. Are you sure we are on the right rode? I’d better consult google maps.
n. I’ve always been skeptical about alternative therapies.
o. Trucks must take an alternative route because the next bridge is not that high.
p. I use a conventional oven to bake macarons, but soon I will buy a professional one.
q. During the exhibition of our project, my group was able to elicit the support of the public.

Stop! Imagine that you can know if in the future you will develop any disease and maybe you
are lucky to have a way to prevent it. Genetic testing is already a reality and its popularity
continues to grow. But, would you agree to take a test that would totally define your future?
Would you sit and wait for the results that would mark the rest of your life? Results of genetic
testing can often be uninformative and ultimately can cause more stress and anxiety over the
possibility of a disease you may never get. Genetic testing should only be encouraged only
when there is effective therapy available to prevent or treat the condition tested for. For this
reason, like many people, I think that genetic testing should be regulated and should not be
offered to the general public.
There are many reasons why genetic testing should be used only in certain people. First, a
negative result does not mean that you cannot develop the disease, it means that you do not
have the genetic variant for that particular disease. But what the test does not evaluate are the
factors present in the environment, which, as we know, are also the cause of a large number of
diseases. Nor does it take into account the daily habits. Obviously after a negative result the
anxiety disappears, but a positive test could quickly increase your anxiety and worry, and
destroy your immune system.
However, the fact that you received a positive result, it does not mean that the disease is going
to appear immediately. So, you can take the test in you 20’s and spend the rest of your life
worried about whether that disease is going to come. And it may not. That is why before you try
something like this you should read all the information you can find. Let me tell you that a
positive genetic test just means you’re at a greater risk to develop it down the line, but doesn't
guarantee anything. And this brings me to my last point, it is essential that a specialist be the
one who interprets your results, not everyone is qualified. That is what happened with a friend.
If she had read, she wouldn't have let anyone check your results.
Finally, generic testing should be used responsibly just like anything else beneficial. A negative
or positive result influences how your life will be from that day on. If you don't have any
suspicions that you have a fatal disease, don't get tested. It is better to live in peace than to live
in fear.

This course was a good introduction to what will be the next writing courses. In my opinion the
topics covered are very useful. Regarding the writing tips, for example the topic sentence and
the development of an essay are things that I will use very often in the future. On grammar, for
me it is like a reminder of everything we saw a few months ago. It even helped me improve the
use of modals. However, I believe that vocabulary is what remains the most in my memory and
the fact of looking for the meaning of each new word makes it difficult for me to forget the
word. That is why I liked making the portfolio, because after knowing which is the correct
definition, I managed to formulate sentences with each word. I can also see changes in my
behavior in virtual classes, my performance improved compared to previous cycles and I have
constant participation. Although I still have some difficulty staying focused. Regarding the
organization of the course, I thought it was excellent that you gave us the information about the
dates on which there are evaluations (writing, quizzes and exams), something that my previous
teachers did not consider. This also allowed me to organize my schedule and be prepared to
successfully take the evaluations. In conclusion, this course, like the others, will help me in the
correct use of the language in the next 2 cycles remaining for the completion of the advanced

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