ST - Unit3
ST - Unit3
ST - Unit3
Unit 3
3.8 Understanding TestNG framework with Selenium Web driver for automation testing
• Manual testing is performed by a human sitting in front of a computer carefully executing the
test steps.
• Automation Testing means using an automation tool to execute your test case suite.
• The automation software can also enter test data into the system under test, compare
expected and actual results and generate detailed test reports. Test automation demands
considerable investments of money and resources.
• Successive development cycles will require execution of same test suite repeatedly. Using a
test automation tool, it's possible to record this test suite and re-play it as required. Once the
test suite is automated, no human intervention is required. The goal of Automation is to
reduce the number of test cases to be run manually and not to eliminate manual testing
• Manual Testing of all workflows, all fields, and all negative scenarios is time and money
• It is difficult to test for multilingual sites manually.
• Automation does not require Human intervention. You can run automated test unattended
• Automation increases the speed of test execution.
• Automation helps increase test coverage.
• Manual Testing can become boring and hence error-prone.
• Test Cases that are newly designed and not executed manually at least once.
• Test Cases for which the requirements are frequently changing.
• Test cases which are executed on an ad-hoc basis.
Tricentis is the industry’s #1 Automation Testing platform and is recognized for reinventing software
testing for DevOps. Tricentis is the only vendor to achieve “leader” status in all three top analyst
• Risk-based testing.
• Scriptless end-to-end test automation.
• Supports API, BI, Mobile, Cross Browser, RPA and other automation testing types.
• The industry’s most extensive technical support.
mabl delivers scriptless end-to-end test automation, integrated with your delivery pipeline, so you
can focus on improving your app.
• Proprietary machine learning models automatically identify and surface application issues.
• Tests are automatically repaired when UI changes.
• Automated regression insights on every build.
Selenium It is a software testing tool used for Regression Testing. It is an open source testing tool
that provides playback and recording facility for Regression Testing. The Selenium IDE only supports
Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers.
• It provides the provision to export recorded script in other languages like Java, Ruby, RSpec,
Python, C#, etc
• It can be used with frameworks like JUnit and TestNG
• It can execute multiple tests at a time
• Autocomplete for Selenium commands that are common
• Walkthrough tests
• Identifies the element using id, name, X-path, etc.
• Store tests as Ruby Script, HTML, and any other format
• It provides an option to assert the title for every page
• It supports selenium user-extensions.js file
• It allows to insert comments in the middle of the script for better understanding and
QTP is widely used for functional and regression testing, it addresses every major software
application and environment. To simplify test creation and maintenance, it uses the concept of
keyword driven testing. It allows the tester to build test cases directly from the application.
• It is easier to use for a non-technical person to adapt to and create working test cases.
• It fix defects faster by thoroughly documenting and replicating defects for developer.
• Collapse test creation and test documentation at a single site.
• Parameterization is easy than WinRunner.
• QTP supports .NET development environment.
• It has better object identification mechanism.
• It can enhance existing QTP scripts without "Application Under Test" is available, by using the
active screen.
Rational functional tester is an Object-Oriented automated functional testing tool that is capable of
performing automated functional, regression, data-driven testing and GUI testing. The main features
of this tool are:
• It supports a wide range of protocols and applications like Java, HTML, NET, Windows, SAP,
Visual Basic, etc.
• It can record and replay the actions on demand.
• It integrates well with source control management tools such as Rational Clear Case and
Rational Team Concert integration.
• It allows developers to create keyword associated script so that it can be re-used.
• Eclipse Java Developer Toolkit editor facilitates the team to code test scripts in Java with
• It supports custom controls through proxy SDK (Java/.Net).
• It supports version control to enable parallel development of test scripts and concurrent
usage by geographically distributed team.
Watir is an open source testing software for regression testing. It enables you to write tests that are
easy to read and maintain. Watir supports only internet explorer on windows while Watir webdriver
supports Chrome, Firefox, IE, Opera, etc.
Silk Test is designed for doing functional and regression testing. For e-business application, silk test is
the leading functional testing product. It is a product of Segue Software takeover by Borland in 2006.
It is an object-oriented language just like C++. It uses the concept of an object, classes, and
inheritance. Its main feature includes
Selenium is a free (open source) automated testing suite for web applications across different
browsers and platforms. It is quite similar to HP Quick Test Pro (QTP now UFT) only that Selenium
focuses on automating web-based applications. Testing done using Selenium tool is usually referred
as Selenium Testing.
Selenium is not just a single tool but a suite of software's, each catering to different testing needs of
an organization. It has four components.
At the moment, Selenium RC and WebDriver are merged into a single framework to form
Selenium 2. Selenium 1, by the way, refers to Selenium RC.
Since Selenium is a collection of different tools, it had different developers as well. Below are the
key persons who made notable contributions to the Selenium Project.
Primarily, Selenium was created by Jason Huggins in 2004. An engineer at ThoughtWorks, He was
working on a web application that required frequent testing. Having realized that the repetitious
Manual Testing of their application was becoming more and more inefficient, he created a
JavaScript program that would automatically control the browser's actions. He named this
program as the JavaScriptTestRunner. Seeing potential in this idea to help automate other web
applications, he made JavaScriptRunner open-source which was later re-named as Selenium
Same Origin policy prohibits JavaScript code from accessing elements from a domain that is different
from where it was launched. Example, the HTML code in uses a JavaScript program
"randomScript.js". The same origin policy will only allow randomScript.js to access pages within such as,, or However, it cannot
access pages from different sites such as because they belong to different
domains. This is the reason why prior to Selenium RC, testers needed to install local copies of both
Selenium Core (a JavaScript program) and the web server containing the web application being tested
so they would belong to the same domain.
Unfortunately; testers using Selenium Core had to install the whole application under test and the
web server on their own local computers because of the restrictions imposed by the same origin
policy. So another ThoughtWork's engineer, Paul Hammant, decided to create a server that will act
as an HTTP proxy to "trick" the browser into believing that Selenium Core and the web application
being tested come from the same domain. This system became known as the Selenium Remote
Control or Selenium 1.
Selenium Grid was developed by Patrick Lightbody to address the need of minimizing test execution
times as much as possible. He initially called the system Hosted QA. It was capable of capturing
browser screenshots during significant stages, and also of sending out Selenium commands to
different machines simultaneously.
Shinya Kasatani of Japan created Selenium IDE, a Firefox extension that can automate the browser
through a record-and-playback feature. He came up with this idea to further increase the speed in
creating test cases. He donated Selenium IDE to the Selenium Project in 2006.
Simon Stewart created WebDriver circa 2006 when browsers and web applications were becoming
more powerful and more restrictive with JavaScript programs like Selenium Core. It was the first
cross-platform testing framework that could control the browser from the OS level.
Selenium IDE
Selenium Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is the simplest framework in the Selenium suite
and is the easiest one to learn. It is a Chrome and Firefox plugin that you can install as easily as you
can with other plugins. However, because of its simplicity, Selenium IDE should only be used as a
prototyping tool. If you want to create more advanced test cases, you will need to use either
Selenium RC or WebDriver.
Selenium RC
Selenium RC was the flagship testing framework of the whole Selenium project for a long time. This is
the first automated web testing tool that allowed users to use a programming language they prefer.
As of version 2.25.0, RC can support the following programming languages: Java, C#, PHP, Python,
Perl and Ruby.
The WebDriver proves itself to be better than both Selenium IDE and Selenium RC in many aspects. It
implements a more modern and stable approach in automating the browser's actions. WebDriver,
unlike Selenium RC, does not rely on JavaScript for Automation. It controls the browser by directly
communicating with it. The supported languages are the same as those in Selenium RC.
Selenium Grid
Selenium Grid is a tool used together with Selenium RC to run parallel tests across different machines
and different browsers all at the same time. Parallel execution means running multiple tests at once.
The Selenium-IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is the tool you use to develop your
Selenium test cases. It’s an easy-to-use Chrome and Firefox extension and is generally the most
efficient way to develop test cases. It records the users’ actions in the browser for you, using existing
Selenium commands, with parameters defined by the context of that element. This is not only a time-
saver, but also an excellent way of learning Selenium script syntax.
Download the IDE using Chrome or Firefox. Click on Add to Chrome or Add to Firefox. After
Installation a button will appear on the right hand side of the address bar.
To run the Selenium IDE, simply click the button to the right of the address bar. It opens as follows
with an empty script-editing window and buttons to open a project or save one.
IDE Features
The toolbar contains buttons for controlling the execution of your test cases, including a step feature
for debugging your test cases. The right-most button, the one with the red-dot, is the record button.
Run All: Runs the entire test suite when a test suite with multiple test cases is loaded.
Run: Runs the currently selected test. When only a single test is loaded this button and the Run All
button have the same effect.
Step: Allows you to “step” through a test case by running it one command at a time. Use for
debugging test cases.
The Command, Target, and Value entry fields display the currently selected command along with its
parameters. These are entry fields where you can modify the currently selected command. The first
parameter specified for a command in the Reference tab of the bottom pane always goes in the
Target field. If a second parameter is specified by the Reference tab, it always goes in the Value field.
The Comment field allows you to specify in a human readable format a description of the current
command. The comment field is renamed as Description in version 3.5.2.
If you start typing in the Command field, a drop-down list will be populated based on the first
characters you type; you can then select your desired command from the drop-down.
Navigation Panel
Navigation between test cases and test suites is done through the right hand side of Selenium IDE.
Clicking on Tests with the small caret will open up a menu.
When saving the project will be saved as the new .side format, which will include all test cases and
suites combined. It is referred to as a project.
Console Panel
The bottom pane, called Console Panel for it’s similarity with web devtools, is used for different
utility functions: Log, Reference, depending on which tab is selected.
Log: When you run your test case, error messages and information messages showing the progress
are displayed in this pane automatically, even if you do not first select the Log tab. These messages
are often useful for test case debugging. Notice the Clear button for clearing the Log.
Reference: When adding, editing, or viewing test steps this pane displays information about the
command that’s currently in focus. Details like name, description, what arguments it accepts, and
details about those arguments.
There are three primary methods for developing test cases. Frequently, a test developer will require
all three techniques.
Many first-time users begin by recording a test case from their interactions with a website. When
Selenium-IDE is first opened, the record button is OFF by default, unlike previous version of it.
During recording, Selenium-IDE will automatically insert commands into your test case based on your
actions. Typically, this will include:
Your test cases will also need to check the properties of a web-page. This requires assert and verify
commands. We won’t describe the specifics of these commands here; that is in the topic on Selenium
Commands – “Selenese”. Here we’ll simply describe how to add them to your test case.
With Selenium IDE recording, go to the browser displaying your test application and right click
anywhere on the page. You will see a context menu showing verify and/or assert commands.
The first time you use Selenium, there may only be one Selenium command listed. As you use the IDE
however, you will find additional commands will quickly be added to this menu. Selenium-IDE will
attempt to predict what command, along with the parameters, you will need for a selected UI
element on the current web-page.
Let’s see how this works. Open a web-page of your choosing and select a block of text on the page. A
paragraph or a heading will work fine. Now, right-click the selected text. The context menu should
give you a verifyTextPresent command and the suggested parameter should be the text itself.
Also, notice the Show All Available Commands menu option. This shows many, many more
commands, again, along with suggested parameters, for testing your currently selected UI element.
Try a few more UI elements. Try right-clicking an image, or a user control like a button or a checkbox.
You may need to use Show All Available Commands to see options other than verifyTextPresent.
Once you select these other options, the more commonly used ones will show up on the primary
context menu. For example, selecting verifyElementPresent for an image should later cause that
command to be available on the primary context menu the next time you select an image and right-
Again, these commands will be explained in detail in the chapter on Selenium commands. For now
though, feel free to use the IDE to record and select commands into a test case and then run it. You
can learn a lot about the Selenium commands simply by experimenting with the IDE.
Insert Command
Select the point in your test case where you want to insert the command. To do this, in the Test Case
Panel, left-click on the line where you want to insert a new command. Right-click and select Insert
Command; the IDE will add a blank line just ahead of the line you selected. Now use the command
editing text fields to enter your new command and its parameters.
Insert Comment
Comments may be added to make your test case more readable. Comments will hide the details of
the Command with the readable text you sepecify.
Simply select the line to be changed and edit it using the Command, Target, Value and Comment
To save a Selenium IDE project, click the save button at the top right hand side, Selenium IDE will
download a .side file, which contains all test cases and suites.
When you open an existing test case or suite, Selenium-IDE displays the test cases and suites at the
left hand side panel, and the commands at the table.
The IDE allows many options for running your test case. You can run a test case all at once, stop and
start it, run it one line at a time, run a single command you are currently developing, and you can do
a batch run of an entire test suite. Execution of test cases is very flexible in the IDE.
Click the Run button to run the currently displayed test case.
Click the Run All button to run all the test cases in the currently loaded test suite.
The Pause button can be used to pause the test case while it is running. The icon of this button
changes to indicate the run is paused. To continue, click it again or click the Run button.
You can set a breakpoint in the test case to cause it to stop on a particular command. This is useful
for debugging your test case. To set a breakpoint, select a command, right-click, and from the context
menu select Toggle Breakpoint.
You can tell the IDE to begin running from a specific command in the middle of the test case. This
also is used for debugging. to play from a specific command, select a command, right-click, and from
the context menu click Play from here.
Double-click any single command to run it by itself. This is useful when writing a single command. It
lets you immediately test a command you are constructing, when you are not sure if it is correct. You
can double-click it to see if it runs correctly. This is also available from the context menu.
The Base URL field at the top of the Selenium-IDE window is very useful for allowing test cases to be
run across different domains. Suppose that a site named had an in-house
beta site named Any test cases for these sites that begin with an open
statement should specify a relative URL as the argument to open rather than an absolute URL ( Selenium-IDE will then create an absolute URL by
appending the open command’s argument onto the end of the value of Base URL. For example, the
test case below would be run against
This same test case with a modified Base URL setting would be run against
Locator is a command that tells Selenium IDE which GUI elements ( say Text Box, Buttons, Check
Boxes etc) its needs to operate on. Identification of correct GUI elements is a prerequisite to creating
an automation script. But accurate identification of GUI elements is more difficult than it sounds.
Sometimes, you end up working with incorrect GUI elements or no elements at all! Hence, Selenium
provides a number of Locators to precisely locate a GUI element. The choice of locator depends
largely on your Application Under Test.
Locating by ID
This is the most common way of locating elements since ID's are supposed to be unique for each
For the below part of a web page figure, inspect the "Email or Phone" text box and take note of its ID.
In this case, the ID is "email."
Launch Selenium IDE and enter "id=email" in the Target box. Click the Find button and notice that the
"Email or Phone" text box becomes highlighted with yellow and bordered with green (the way of
highlighting may vary for different versions of Selenium IDE), meaning, Selenium IDE was able to
locate that element correctly.
Locating by Name
Locating elements by name are very similar to locating by ID, except that we use the "name=" prefix
For the below part of a web page figure, inspect the "User Name" text box. Take note of its name
In Selenium IDE, enter "name=userName" in the Target box and click the Find button. Selenium IDE
should be able to locate the User Name text box by highlighting it.
This type of locator applies only to hyperlink texts. We access the link by prefixing our target with
"link=" and then followed by the hyperlink text.
For the below part of a web page figure, inspect the "REGISTER" link. The link text is found between
tags. In this case, our link text is "REGISTER".
Copy the link text and paste it onto Selenium IDE's Target box. Prefix it with "link=".
Click on the Find button and notice that Selenium IDE was able to highlight the REGISTER link
SS Selectors are string patterns used to identify an element based on a combination of HTML tag, id,
class, and attributes. Locating by CSS Selector is more complicated than the previous methods, but it
is the most common locating strategy of advanced Selenium users because it can access even those
elements that have no ID or name.
CSS Selectors have many formats, but we will only focus on the most common ones.
When using this strategy, we always prefix the Target box with "css=" as will be shown in the
following examples.
Syntax: css=tag#id.
For the below part of a web page figure, take note that the HTML tag is "input" and its ID is "email".
So our syntax will be "css=input#email".
Enter "css=input#email" into the Target box of Selenium IDE and click the Find button. Selenium IDE
should be able to highlight that element.
Locating by CSS Selector using an HTML tag and a class name is similar to using a tag and ID, but in
this case, a dot (.) is used instead of a hash sign.
Syntax: css=tag.class
• .: the dot sign. This should always be present when using a CSS Selector with class.
• class: the class of the element being accessed.
For the below part of a web page figure, inspect the "Email or Phone" text box. Notice that its HTML
tag is "input" and its class is "inputtext."
In Selenium IDE, enter "css=input.inputtext" in the Target box and click Find. Selenium IDE should be
able to recognize the Email or Phone text box.
Take note that when multiple elements have the same HTML tag and name, only the first element in
source code will be recognized.
This strategy uses the HTML tag and a specific attribute of the element to be accessed.
Syntax: css=tag[attribute=value]
For the below part of a web page figure, inspect the "Last Name" text box. Take note of its HTML tag
("input" in this case) and its name ("lastName").
In Selenium IDE, enter "css=input[name=lastName]" in the Target box and click Find. Selenium IDE
should be able to access the Last Name box successfully.
When multiple elements have the same HTML tag and attribute, only the first one will be recognized.
This behavior is similar to locating elements using CSS selectors with the same tag and class.
Syntax: css=tag.class[attribute=value]
For the below part of a web page figure, inspect the 'Email or Phone' and 'Password' input boxes.
Take note of their HTML tag, class, and attributes. For this example, we will select their 'tabindex'
We will access the 'Email or Phone' text box first. Thus, we will use a tabindex value of 1. Enter
"css=input.inputtext[tabindex=1]" in Selenium IDE's Target box and click Find. The 'Email or Phone'
input box should be highlighted.
To access the Password input box, simply replace the value of the tabindex attribute. Enter
"css=input.inputtext[tabindex=2]" in the Target box and click on the Find button. Selenium IDE must
be able to identify the Password text box successfully.
Locating by XPath
XPath is the language used when locating XML (Extensible Markup Language) nodes. Since HTML can
be thought of as an implementation of XML, we can also use XPath in locating HTML elements.
Advantage: It can access almost any element, even those without class, name, or id attributes.
Disadvantage: It is the most complicated method of identifying elements because of too many
different rules and considerations.
Fortunately, Firebug can automatically generate XPath locators. In the following example, we will
access an image that cannot possibly be accessed through the methods we discussed earlier.
For the below part of a web page figure, inspect the orange rectangle to the right of the yellow
"Links" box.
Right click on the element's HTML code and then select the "Copy XPath" option.
In Selenium IDE, type one forward slash "/" in the Target box then paste the XPath that we copied in
the previous step. The entry in your Target box should now begin with two forward slashes "//".
Click on the Find button. Selenium IDE should be able to highlight the orange box as shown below.
Selenium commands, often called selenese, are the set of commands that run your tests. A sequence
of these commands is a test script. Here we explain those commands in detail, and we present the
many choices you have in testing your web application when using Selenium.
Selenium provides a rich set of commands for fully testing your web-app in virtually any way you can
imagine. The command set is often called selenese. These commands essentially create a testing
In selenese, one can test the existence of UI elements based on their HTML tags, test for specific
content, test for broken links, input fields, selection list options, submitting forms, and table data
among other things. In addition Selenium commands support testing of window size, mouse position,
alerts, Ajax functionality, pop up windows, event handling, and many other web-application features.
For details on available commands, what they’re used for, and what parameters they take see the
Reference tab when using the IDE.
A command tells Selenium what to do. Selenium commands come in three “flavors”: Actions,
Accessors, and Assertions.
• Actions are commands that generally manipulate the state of the application. They do things
like “click this link” and “select that option”. If an Action fails, or has an error, the execution of
the current test is stopped.
• Accessors examine the state of the application and store the results in variables, e.g.
“storeTitle”. They are also used to automatically generate Assertions.
• Assertions are like Accessors, but they verify that the state of the application conforms to
what is expected. Examples include “make sure the page title is X” and “verify that this
checkbox is checked”.
All Selenium Assertions can be used in 2 modes: “assert” and “verify”. For example, you can
“assertText” and “verifyText”. When an “assert” fails, the test is aborted. When a “verify” fails, the
test will continue execution, logging the failure. This allows a single “assert” to ensure that the
application is on the correct page, followed by a bunch of “verify” assertions to test form field values,
labels, etc.
Opens a URL and waits for the page to load before proceeding. This accepts both relative and
absolute URLs.
Sets the value of an input field, as though you typed it in. Can also be used to set the value of combo
boxes, check boxes, etc. In these cases, value should be the value of the option selected, not the
visible text. Chrome only: If a file path is given it will be uploaded to the input (for type=file), NOTE:
XPath locators are not supported.
assert text
Confirm that the text of an element contains the provided value. The test will stop if the assert fails.
assert value
Confirm the (whitespace-trimmed) value of an input field (or anything else with a value parameter).
For checkbox/radio elements, the value will be "on" or "off" depending on whether the element is
checked or not. The test will stop if the assert fails.
assert title
Confirm the title of the current page contains the provided text. The test will stop if the assert fails.
Soft assert that the specified element is somewhere on the page. The test will continue even if the
verify fails.
Soft assert that the specified element is not somewhere on the page. The test will continue even if
the verify fails.
Select an element from a drop-down menu using an option locator. Option locators provide different
ways of specifying a select element (e.g., label=, value=, id=, index=). If no option locator prefix is
provided, a match on the label will be attempted.
option - An option locator, typically just an option label (e.g. "John Smith").
verify text
Soft assert the text of an element is present. The test will continue even if the verify fails.
verify title
Soft assert the title of the current page contains the provided text. The test will continue even if the
verify fails.
verify value
Soft assert the (whitespace-trimmed) value of an input field (or anything else with a value
parameter). For checkbox/radio elements, the value will be "on" or "off" depending on whether the
element is checked or not. The test will continue even if the verify fails.
Selenium IDE will now automatically wait for you, at every command, every command will wait for
the page to load. Commands which take a locator will wait for the element to appear. This will
eliminate the need for explicit waiting. In the rare case that it is not enough, the pause command can
be used instead.
Step 1 – Download and install the Java Software Development Kit (JDK).
Step 3 - Download the Selenium Java client driver. Client driver is also available for other languages.
Client driver automates browsers using different driver server for each browser. For example,
Internet Explorer has its own driver server which you cannot use on other browsers.
Below is the list of driver servers and the corresponding browsers that use them.
When starting a WebDriver project in Eclipse, do not forget to import the Java client driver files onto
your project. These files will constitute your Selenium Library.
package newproject;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
//comment the above line and uncomment below line to use Chrome
public class PG1 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// declaration and instantiation of objects/variables
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
//comment the above 2 lines and uncomment below 2 lines to use Chrome
//WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
/* compare the actual title of the page with the expected one and print
* the result as "Passed" or "Failed" */
if (actualTitle.contentEquals(expectedTitle)){
System.out.println("Test Passed!");
} else {
System.out.println("Test Failed");
Importing Packages
org.openqa.selenium.*- contains the WebDriver class needed to instantiate a new browser loaded
with a specific driver
If your test needs more complicated actions such as accessing another class, taking browser
screenshots, or manipulating external files, definitely you will need to import more packages.
A FirefoxDriver class with no parameters means that the default Firefox profile will be launched by
our Java program. The default Firefox profile is similar to launching Firefox in safe mode (no
extensions are loaded).
For convenience, we saved the Base URL and the expected title as variables.
WebDriver's get() method is used to launch a new browser session and directs it to the URL that you
specify as its parameter.
The WebDriver class has the getTitle() method that is always used to obtain the page title of the
currently loaded page.
actualTitle = driver.getTitle();
This portion of the code simply uses a basic Java if-else structure to compare the actual title with the
expected one.
if (actualTitle.contentEquals(expectedTitle)){
System.out.println("Test Passed!");
} else {
System.out.println("Test Failed");
chapters of these tutorials. Infact, it is recommended that you locate GUI elements using IDE and
once successfully identified export the code to webdriver.
Here is a sample code that locates an element by its id. Facebook is used as the Base URL.
package newproject;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
tagName = driver.findElement("email")).getTagName();
We used the getTagName() method to extract the tag name of that particular element whose id is
"email". When run, this code should be able to correctly identify the tag name "input" and will print it
out on Eclipse's Console window.
elements / tbody/tr[4]/td/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]/
via XPath form/table/tbody/tr[5]"))
Common Commands
Instead of using the long "driver.findElement(By.locator())" syntax every time you will access a
particular element, we can instantiate a WebElement object for it. The WebElement class is
contained in the "org.openqa.selenium.*" package.
Clicking on an Element
Clicking is perhaps the most common way of interacting with web elements. The click() method is
used to simulate the clicking of any element. The following example shows how click() was used to
click on Mercury Tours' "Sign-In" button.
Get Commands
Get commands fetch various important information about the page/element. Here are some
important "get" commands you must be familiar with.
Command Description
get() • It automatically opens a new browser
window and fetches the page that
you specify inside its parentheses.
• It is the counterpart of Selenium
IDE's "open" command.
• The parameter must be a String
getTitle() • Needs no parameters.
• Fetches the title of the current page.
3.8 Understanding TestNG framework with Selenium Web driver for automation
What is TestNG?
TestNG is an automation testing framework in which NG stands for "Next Generation". TestNG is
inspired fromJUnit which uses the annotations (@).
• Using TestNG you can generate a proper report, and you can easily come to know how many
test cases are passed, failed and skipped.
• You can execute failed test case separately. For example.
o Suppose, you have five test cases, one method is written for each test case (Assume
that the program is written using the main method without using testNG). When you
run this program first, three methods are executed successfully, and the fourth
method is failed. Then correct the errors present in the fourth method, now you want
to run only fourth method because first three methods are anyway executed
successfully. This is not possible without using TestNG.
• The TestNG provides an option, i.e., testing-failed.xml file in test-output folder. If you want to
run only failed test cases means you run this XML file. It will execute only failed test cases.
Default Selenium tests do not generate a proper format for the test results. Using TestNG we can
generate test results.
Most Selenium users use this more than Junit because of its advantages. There are so many features
of TestNG, but we will only focus on the most important ones that we can use in Selenium. Following
are key features of TestNG
• Generate the report in a proper format including a number of test cases runs, the number of
test cases passed, the number of test cases failed, and the number of test cases skipped.
• Multiple test cases can be grouped more easily by converting them into testng.xml file. In
which you can make priorities which test case should be executed first.
• The same test case can be executed multiple times without loops just by using keyword called
'invocation count.'
• Using testng, you can execute multiple test cases on multiple browsers, i.e., cross browser
• The testing framework can be easily integrated with tools like Maven, Jenkins, etc.
• Annotations used in the testing are very easy to understand ex: @BeforeMethod,
@AfterMethod, @BeforeTest, @AfterTest
• WebDriver has no native mechanism for generating reports. TestNG can generate the report
in a readable format like the one shown below.
• TestNG simplifies the way the tests are coded. There is no more need for a static main method in our
tests. The sequence of actions is regulated by easy-to-understand annotations that do not require
methods to be static.
• Uncaught exceptions are automatically handled by TestNG without terminating the test
prematurely. These exceptions are reported as failed steps in the report.
Annotations in TestNG are lines of code that can control how the method below them will be
executed. They are always preceded by the @ symbol. A very early and quick example is the one
shown below.
Annotations will be discussed later in the section named "Annotations used in TestNG,"so it is
perfectly ok if you do not understand the above example just yet. It is just important to note for now
that annotations in TestNG are easier to code and understand than in JUnit.
The ability to run tests in parallel is available in TestNG but not in JUnit, so it is the more preferred
framework of testers using Selenium Grid.
Before we create a test case, we should first setup a new TestNG Project in Eclipse and name it as
Step 3: We will now start to import the TestNG Libraries onto our project. Click on the "Libraries" tab,
and then "Add Library…"
Step 4: On the Add Library dialog, choose "TestNG" and click Next.
Step 6: We will now add the JAR files that contain the Selenium API. These files are found in the Java
client driver that we downloaded from when we were
installing Selenium and Eclipse in the previous chapters.
Then, navigate to where you have placed the Selenium JAR files.
After adding the external JARs, your screen should look like this.
Step 7: Click Finish and verify that our FirstTestNGProject is visible on Eclipse's Package Explorer
Now that we are done setting up our project, let us create a new TestNG file.
Step 1: Right-click on the "src" package folder then choose New > Other…
Step 2: Click on the TestNG folder and select the "TestNG class" option. Click Next.
Step 3: Type the values indicated below on the appropriate input boxes and click Finish. Notice that
we have named our Java file as "FirstTestNGFile".
Eclipse should automatically create the template for our TestNG file shown below.
Let us now create our first Test Case that will check if Mercury Tours' homepage is correct. Type your
code as shown below.
package firsttestngpackage;
import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.*;
public void verifyHomepageTitle() {
You may have multiple test cases (therefore, multiple @Test annotations) in a single TestNG file. This
will be tackled in more detail later in the section "Annotations used in TestNG."
To run the test, simply run the file in Eclipse as you normally do. Eclipse will provide two outputs –
one in the Console window and the other on the TestNG Results window.
The Console window in Eclipse gives a text-based report of our test case results while the TestNG
Results window gives us a graphical one.
Step 1: After running our FirstTestNGFile that we created in the previous section, right-click the
project name (FirstTestNGProject) in the Project Explorer window then click on the "Refresh" option.
Step 2: Notice that a "test-output" folder was created. Expand it and look for an index.html file. This
HTML file is a report of the results of the most recent test run.
Step 3: Double-click on that index.html file to open it within Eclipse's built-in web browser. You can
refresh this page any time after you rerun your test by simply pressing F5 just like in ordinary web
In the previous section, you have been introduced to the @Test annotation. Now, we shall be
studying more advanced annotations and their usages.
We can use multiple @Test annotations in a single TestNG file. By default, methods annotated by
@Test are executed alphabetically. See the code below. Though the methods c_test, a_test, and
b_testare not arranged alphabetically in the code, they will be executed as such.
Run this code and on the generated index.html page, click "Chronological view."
If you want the methods to be executed in a different order, use the parameter "priority".
Parameters are keywords that modify the annotation's function.
• Parameters require you to assign a value to them. You do.this by placing a "=" next to them,
and then followed by the value.
• Parameters are enclosed in a pair of parentheses which are placed right after the annotation
like the code snippet shown below.
TestNG will execute the @Test annotation with the lowest priority value up to the largest. There is no
need for your priority values to be consecutive.
The TestNG HTML report will confirm that the methods were executed based on the ascending value
of priority.
Multiple Parameters
Aside from "priority," @Test has another parameter called "alwaysRun" which can only be set to
either "true" or "false." To use two or more parameters in a single annotation, separate them with
a comma such as the one shown below.
methods under this annotation will be executed prior to the first test case in the
TestNG file.
methods under this annotation will be executed after all test cases in the TestNG file
are executed.
package firsttestngpackage;
import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.*;
public class firsttestngfile {
public String baseUrl = "";
String driverPath = "C:\\geckodriver.exe";
public WebDriver driver ;
public void launchBrowser() {
System.out.println("launching firefox browser");
System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.marionette", driverPath);
driver = new FirefoxDriver();
public void verifyHomepageTitle() {
String expectedTitle = "Welcome: Mercury Tours";
String actualTitle = driver.getTitle();
Assert.assertEquals(actualTitle, expectedTitle);
public void terminateBrowser(){
Applying the logic presented by the table and the code above, we can predict that the sequence by
which methods will be executed is:
• 1st - launchBrowser()
• 2nd - verifyHomepageTitle()
• 3rd - terminateBrowser()
The placement of the annotation blocks can be interchanged without affecting the chronological
order by which they will be executed. For example, try to rearrange the annotation blocks such that
your code would look similar to the one below.
package firsttestngpackage;
import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.*;
public class firsttestngfile {
public String baseUrl = "";
methods under this annotation will be executed prior to each method in each test
methods under this annotation will be executed after each method in each test
In Mercury Tours, suppose we like to verify the titles of the target pages of the two links below.
• Go back to the homepage and verify if it still has the correct title.
The code below illustrates how @BeforeMethod and @AfterMethod are used to efficiently execute
the scenario mentioned above.
package firsttestngpackage;
import org.openqa.selenium.*;
import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;
import org.testng.Assert;
import org.testng.annotations.*;
public class firsttestngfile {
public String baseUrl = "";
String driverPath = "C:\\geckodriver.exe";
public WebDriver driver;
public String expected = null;
public String actual = null;
public void launchBrowser() {
System.out.println("launching firefox browser");
System.setProperty("webdriver.firefox.marionette", driverPath);
driver= new FirefoxDriver();
public void verifyHomepageTitle() {
String expectedTitle = "Welcome: Mercury Tours";
String actualTitle = driver.getTitle();
Assert.assertEquals(actualTitle, expectedTitle);
@Test(priority = 0)
public void register(){
driver.findElement(By.linkText("REGISTER")).click() ;
expected = "Register: Mercury Tours";
actual = driver.getTitle();
Assert.assertEquals(actual, expected);
@Test(priority = 1)
public void support() {
driver.findElement(By.linkText("SUPPORT")).click() ;
expected = "Under Construction: Mercury Tours";
actual = driver.getTitle();
Assert.assertEquals(actual, expected);
public void goBackToHomepage( ) {
driver.findElement(By.linkText("Home")).click() ;
public void terminateBrowser(){
After executing this test, your TestNG should report the following sequence.
Simply put, @BeforeMethod should contain methods that you need to run before each test case
while @AfterMethod should contain methods that you need to run after each test case.
@BeforeSuite: The annotated method will be run before all tests in this suite have run.
@AfterSuite: The annotated method will be run after all tests in this suite have run.
@BeforeTest: The annotated method will be run before any test method belonging to the classes
inside the tag is run.
@AfterTest: The annotated method will be run after all the test methods belonging to the classes
inside the tag have run.
@BeforeGroups: The list of groups that this configuration method will run before. This method is
guaranteed to run shortly before the first test method that belongs to any of these groups is invoked.
@AfterGroups: The list of groups that this configuration method will run after. This method is
guaranteed to run shortly after the last test method that belongs to any of these groups is invoked.
@BeforeClass: The annotated method will be run before the first test method in the current class is
@AfterClass: The annotated method will be run after all the test methods in the current class have
been run.
@BeforeMethod: The annotated method will be run before each test method.
@AfterMethod: The annotated method will be run after each test method.
• TestNG is a testing framework that is capable of making Selenium tests easier to understand
and of generating reports that are easy to understand.
• The main advantages of TestNG over JUnit are the following.
o Annotations are easier to use and understand.
o Test cases can be grouped more easily.
o TestNG allows us to create parallel tests.
• The Console window in Eclipse generates a text-based result while the TestNG window is
more useful because it gives us a graphical output of the test result plus other meaningful
details such as:
o Runtimes of each method.
o The chronological order by which methods were executed
• TestNG is capable of generating HTML-based reports.
• Annotations can use parameters just like the usual Java methods.
What is Maven?
Maven is an automation and management tool developed by Apache Software Foundation. It was
initially released on 13 July 2004. In Yiddish language the meaning of Maven is "accumulator of
It is written in Java Language and used to build and manage projects written in C#, Ruby, Scala, and
other languages. It allows the developer to create projects using Project Object Model and plugins.
It helps to build projects, dependency, and documentation. Its development process is very similar to
ANT.However, it is much advanced than ANT.
Maven helps the developer to create a java-based project more easily. Accessibility of new feature
created or added in Maven can be easily added to a project in Maven configuration. It increases the
performance of project and building process.
The main feature of Maven is that it can download the project dependency libraries automatically.
Below are the examples of some popular IDEs supporting development with Maven:
• Eclipse
• IntelliJ IDEA
• JBuilder
• NetBeans
• MyEclipse
• Builds
• Documentation
• Reporting
• Dependencies
• SCMs
• Releases
• Distribution
• mailing list
Maven Architecture
• To configure the Maven, you need to use Project Object Model, which is stored in a pom.xml-
• POM includes all the configuration setting related to Maven. Plugins can be configured and
edit in the <plugins> tag of a pom.xml file. And developer can use any plugin without much
detail of each plugin.
• When user start working on Maven, it provides default setting of configuration, so the user
does not need to add every configuration in pom.xml
• Add / Write the code for application creation and process that into source code repository
• Edit configuration / pom.XML / plugin details
• Build the application
• Save the build process output as WAR or EAR file to a local location or server
• Get the file from local location or server and deploy the file to the production site or
• client site Updated the application document with date and updated version number of the
• create and generate a report as per the application or requirement.
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