Aesthetic Facial Analysis
Aesthetic Facial Analysis
Aesthetic Facial Analysis
Facial Surgery
Key Points
• After completing the chapter, the reader should have a comprehensive understanding of facial landmarks and aesthetic analysis.
• Both soft tissue and skeletal landmarks should be clearly identified as should a relationship to cephalometric analysis.
• The concepts of facial proportions as well as subunit principles should be clearly understood.
• The works of Powell and Humphreys are rudimentary to topographic facial relationships as well as formulated angles.
• Digital photography and standardized patient photo documentation are reviewed.
Throughout history, mankind has tried to define beauty. Poets, phi- nately on the works of Powell and Humphreys, who in 1984 crystal-
losophers, and artists have pondered its elusive quality while attempting lized this topic into a single text, Proportions of the Aesthetic Face.2
to quantify that which is evident to all of us. As surgeons, however, we
are required to have a more scientific approach to beauty to formulate Anatomic Landmarks and Reference Points
operative plans with successful surgical outcomes. Common reference Facial analysis is dependent on both soft tissue and skeletal anatomic
points are essential in communicating with colleagues and medical landmarks. Soft tissue reference points are shown in Figure 19-3 and
record keeping. Furthermore, we must be able to accurately define listed in Box 19-1. Skeletal reference points are defined by cephalo
specific characteristics that deviate from the norm so that we may metric analysis and are shown in Figure 19-4 and listed in Box 19-2.
identify congenital anomalies and facial deformities. The Frankfort horizontal plane (Fig. 19-5) is the standard refer-
As early as ancient Egypt, aesthetic facial proportions have been ence point for patient positioning in photographs and cephalometric
idealized in art. However, it was not until the era of Greek philosophy radiographs. The Frankfort plane is defined as a line drawn from the
that the study of beauty became a formal discipline. To Plato and superior aspect of the external auditory canal to the inferior border of
Aristotle, beauty meant symmetry, harmony, and geometry. In the fifth the infraorbital rim while the patient’s gaze is parallel to the floor. A
century bc, the Greek sculptor Polyclitus defined perfect beauty as the soft tissue definition for the inferior aspect of the infraorbital rim is the
mutual harmony of all parts, such that nothing could be added or point of transition between lower eyelid and cheek skin.
subtracted. Such harmonic proportions were held to be beautiful in
themselves, independent of any observer. Facial Proportions
These ideas were later revisited by the Renaissance artists, who The initial assessment of the face evaluates symmetry. Symmetry is
began to define ideal proportions for the human form. This example rarely perfect when comparing halves through a midsagittal plane (Fig.
is nowhere more evident than in the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci 19-6); nevertheless, midline points should lie on the axis line. Facial
and his Vitruvian man (Fig. 19-1). It was da Vinci, who, through the width is evaluated by dividing the face into equal fifths (Fig. 19-7). The
study of anatomy, formulated ideal facial proportions and divided the width of one eye should equal one fifth of the total facial width, as well
profile into equal thirds (Fig. 19-2). Leonardo’s scientific accuracy as the intercanthal distance or nasal base width.
rivaled that of Vesalius, whereas his artistic beauty remains unchal- Facial height is commonly assessed by one of two methods. The
lenged. Another Renaissance artist inspired by the Vitruvian notion of first method divides the face into equal thirds (Fig. 19-8) as described
perfect proportions was the German printmaker Albrecht Durer. Durer by da Vinci. Measurements are made in the midline from the trichion
used his own finger as a unit of measurement to construct a propor- to the glabella, from the glabella to the subnasale, and from the subna-
tional system for the entire body, and in 1528 he published a four-book sale to the menton. The second method excludes the upper third of the
treatise on human proportions. Durer divided the facial profile into face because of common variability regarding hairline position. Meas-
four equal parts and recognized that the length of the nose equals that urements are made from the nasion (as opposed to the glabella) to the
of the ear. subnasale and from the subnasale to the menton (Fig. 19-9). With this
The artistic canons set forth in antiquity and during the Renais- method the midface represents 43% of the height, with the lower face
sance dominated Western art for centuries. In the twentieth century, representing 57%.
anthropometrist Leslie Farkas and colleagues1 challenged the classic
canons by measuring the facial proportions of 200 women, including Subunit Analysis
50 models. His results concluded that some of the canons are nothing The face is divided into aesthetic units (Fig. 19-10) that are further
more than artistic idealizations. Nevertheless, although social and cul- divided into subunits. The major units that are classically defined for
tural factors influence every generation’s concept of beauty, the aes- facial analysis include the forehead, eyes, nose, lips, chin, ears, and neck.
thetic canons have withstood the test of time. Currently, the parameters The units and subunits are based on skin thickness, color, texture, and
established in the facial plastic surgery literature are based predomi- underlying structural contour. Precise planning of surgical incisions
270 Part 3 n Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Box 19-1
Soft Tissue Anatomic Landmarks
Trichion (Tr): Anterior hairline in the midline
Glabella (G): Most prominent point of the forehead on profile
Nasion (N): The deepest depression at the root of the nose;
typically corresponds to the nasofrontal suture
Radix: Root of the nose, a region and not a point; part of an
unbroken curve that begins at the superior orbital ridge and
continues along the lateral nasal wall
Rhinion (R): Soft tissue correlate of the osseocartilaginous
junction on the nasal dorsum
Sellion: Osseocartilaginous junction on the nasal dorsum
Supratip: Point cephalic to the tip
Tip (T): Ideally, the most anterior projection of the nose on
Subnasale (Sn): Junction of columella and upper lip
Labrale superius (Ls): Vermilion border of upper lip
Stomion (S): Central portion of interlabial gap
Stomion superius: Lowest point of upper lip vermilion
Stomion inferius: Highest point of lower lip vermilion
Labrale inferius (Li): Vermilion border of lower lip
Mentolabial sulcus (Si): Most posterior point between lower lip
and chin
Pogonion (Pg): Most anterior midline soft tissue point of chin
Menton (Me): Most inferior soft tissue point on chin
Figure 19-1. Leonardo da Vinci. The proportions of the body according Cervical point (C): The innermost point between the submental
to Vitruvius, ca. 1490. Pen and ink with touches of wash, over stylus area and the neck
34.4 × 24.5 cm. (Courtesy of the Galleria dell’ Accademia, inv.228, Venice.)
Box 19-2
Cephalometric Reference Points
(S) Sella: The midpoint of the hypophysial fossa
(Or) Orbitale: The most inferior point on the infraorbital rim
(P) Porion: The most superior point on the external auditory
(Cd) Condylion: The most superior point on the head of the
mandibular condyle
(Ar) Articulate: The point of intersection of the posterior margin
of the ascending mandibular ramus and the outer margin of
the cranial base
(ANS) Anterior nasal spine
(PNS) Posterior nasal spine
(A) Point A, subspinale: The deepest point in the concavity of
the premaxilla
Figure 19-2. Leonardo da Vinci. The proportions of the head, ca.1490. (Pr) Prosthion: The lowest most anterior point on the alveolar
Pen and ink over black chalk, 28.0 × 22.2 cm. (Courtesy of the Galleria portion of the premaxilla
dell’ Academia, inv.236v, Venice.) (Id) Infradentale: The highest most anterior point on the
alveolar portion of the mandible
(B) Point B, supramentale: The most posterior point in the outer
and reconstructions require analysis of the entire unit or subunit. Inci- contour of the mandibular alveolar process
sions parallel to relaxed skin tension lines (Fig. 19-11) and within unit (Pg) Pogonion: Most anterior point on the bony chin in the
or subunit borders result in the most favorable scars.
Forehead (Gn) Gnathion: A point between the most anterior (Pg) and
The boundaries of the forehead are from the hairline to the glabella inferior (Me) point on the chin
and make up the upper third of the face. The contour anatomy of the (Me) Menton: The lowest point on the mandible
forehead is most aesthetically pleasing with a gentle convexity on (Go) Gonion: The midpoint at the angle of the mandible
profile. The nasofrontal angle (Fig. 19-12) is created by a line tangent
to the glabella through the nasion and intersecting with a line tangent
to the nasal dorsum. The range of aesthetic measurements for this angle
is from 115 to 135 degrees.
Chapter 19 n Aesthetic Facial Analysis 271
Labrale superius
Labrale inferius
Labrale superius
Labrale inferius
Mentolabial sulcus
Cervical point B
Figure 19-3. Frontal view (A) and lateral view (B) of soft tissue reference points.
The ideal eyebrow shape follows a smooth and gently curving arc. 38.7 mm, respectively. In general, the eye should be almond shaped
The brow should begin medially with a slight clublike configuration with the lateral canthus slightly more superior than the medial canthus.
and gradually taper toward its lateral end. Lateral position for a female The average palpebral opening is 10 to 12 mm in height and 28 to
is well above the supraorbital rim, whereas for a male it is at or close 30 mm in width. The upper lid crease is the line created by the insertion
to the rim. The medial edge of the eyebrow lies on a perpendicular line of the levator aponeurosis and orbital septum into the orbicularis oculi
that passes through the lateral-most portion of the nasal ala and approx- and dermis. The location of the crease averages approximately 11 mm
imately 10 mm above the medial canthus (Fig. 19-13). In women, the from the lash line but can vary between 7 and 15 mm. The upper eyelid
highest point of the eyebrow arc is at a line drawn tangentially from normally covers a small portion of the iris but not the pupil. The lower
the lateral limbus. However, this ideal eyebrow position can vary with eyelid is within 1 to 2 mm of the iris on neutral gaze, with the sclera
fashion trends, and the highest point may actually lie anywhere from not being visible below the iris margin.
the lateral limbus to the lateral canthus. Sheen3 describes the eyebrow
arc as most pleasing when it extends as an unbroken line from the brow Nose
down to the lateral nasal tip (Fig. 19-14). The boundaries of the nose are within the middle third of the face. On
the lateral view, the nasal starting point begins at the nasion, which
Eyes ideally corresponds to the same level as the upper eyelid’s superior
The boundaries of the orbits are in the lower third of the upper face palpebral fold (see Fig. 19-3) and ends at the subnasale. Because the
and the upper third of the midface. The width of one eye from medial nose is the central and most prominent aesthetic unit of the face, it is
to lateral canthus should equal one fifth of the facial width. The inter- always analyzed in relationship to other facial structures, most impor-
canthal distance should equal the width of one eye. Normal intercan- tantly the chin, lips, and eyebrows. The topographic subunits of the
thal distances for women and men are 25.5 to 37.5 mm and 26.5 to nose (Fig. 19-15) have been described by Burget4 and are essential when
272 Part 3 n Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Or Cd
Pg Go
Figure 19-4. Cephalometric reference points. See Box 19-2 for defini-
tions of all abbreviations.
Figure 19-5. Frankfort horizontal plane. A line is drawn from the supe-
rior aspect of the external auditory canal to the most inferior aspect 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5
of the infraorbital rim.
Figure 19-7. Facial width. The facial width is divided into equal fifths.
Figure 19-8. Facial height. The facial height is divided into equal thirds. From trichion to glabella, from glabella to subnasale, and from subnasale
to menton.
Figure 19-9. Middle and lower facial height. Division of height is unequal and measured from the nasion to subnasale and from the subnasale
to the menton.
ing a line from the nasion through the nasal tip. This angle ideally by a radius based at the external auditory canal (Fig. 19-19). Rotation
measures 36 degrees but can vary from 30 to 40 degrees. The naso- increases along the upper portion of the arc and decreases along the
mental angle describes the angle between a tangent line from the nasion lower portion. Several methods have been used to analyze tip projection
to the nasal tip intersecting with a line from the tip to the pogonion and, in turn, have defined nasal length. Simons5 measures tip projection
(Fig. 19-18). The range of this angle is from 120 to 132 degrees, and in relation to the length of the upper lip (Fig. 19-20). Nasal projection
it can clearly be obscured if the chin or lip position is in facial dishar- is approximately equal to the length of the upper lip, giving a ratio of
mony. 1:1. Goode’s2 method uses a vertical line drawn from the nasion to the
alar groove, a perpendicular line from the alar groove to the nasal tip,
Nasal Rotation and Projection and a line from the tip back to the nasion (Fig. 19-21). The ratio
Nasal rotation and projection are essential measurements in determin- comparing the length of the perpendicular line (alar groove to tip) with
ing nasal aesthetics. Tip rotation generally occurs along an arc produced that of the nasal length (nasion to tip) should be 0.55 to 0.60. When
274 Part 3 n Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Hairline or
superior border of
frontalis m.
Orbital rim
Nasofacial groove crease
Melolabial fold
Mentolabial sulcus
Figure 19-11. Relaxed skin tension lines of the face. The boundaries of the lips are contained within the lower one third
of the face. The upper lip is measured from the subnasale to the
stomion superius, whereas the lower lip and chin are measured from
these ratios are observed, the nasofacial angle is approximately 36 the stomion inferius to the menton (Fig. 19-24). The subunits of the
degrees. Crumley and Lanser6 use a similar method and use a 3-4-5 lip are well defined (Fig. 19-25), whereas the height of the upper lip
triangle, where the hypotenuse is the nasal length and the projection is to the lower lip should have a ratio of approximately 1:2. Horizontal
the smallest arm of the triangle. lip position can be determined by two separate methods. The first
constructs a line from the subnasale through the labrale inferius to
Alar-Columellar Complex the pogonion (Fig. 19-26). A perpendicular line through the anterior-
On lateral view, the ala-to-tip lobular complex ratio is considered most point of each lip defines its horizontal position. The upper and
optimal at 1:1 (Fig. 19-22); columella shown at 3 to 5 mm is considered lower lip should lie 3.5 and 2.2 mm anterior to this line, respectively.
acceptable. From the basal view, the nose should be triangular and The second method uses the nasomental angle to determine hori-
divided into three equivalent units (Fig. 19-23). zontal lip position. The lips should fall just behind this line at a
Chapter 19 n Aesthetic Facial Analysis 275
Soft triangle
Figure 19-13. Ideal eyebrow position. Medial brow head lies along
horizontal tangent with medial canthus and nasal ala. The highest point
of brow arch is located above the lateral limbus.
The ideal neck has a well-defined mandible from the pogonion to the
angle with an acute mentocervical angle. This angle is produced by
drawing a line from the glabella to the pogonion and intersecting with
a line tangent from the menton to the cervical point (Fig. 19-28). The
cervical point is defined as the innermost point between the submen-
tum and neck. It is also important to evaluate chin position when
analyzing the neck, because an obtuse mentocervical angle may cause
the perception of poor chin projection.
The width of the ear is approximately one half its length. The ear length
should approximate the length of the nose measured from the nasion
to the subnasale. The superior aspect of the ear lies at the level of the
eyebrow, whereas its inferior aspect is at the level of the nasal ala. The
long axis of the ear is parallel to the long axis of the nasal dorsum
(Fig. 19-29) and is noted to have a posterior rotation of approximately
15 degrees from the vertical plane. The ear protrudes from the skull at
an angle of approximately 20 to 30 degrees, which usually translates
into a measurement of 15 to 25 mm from the helix to the mastoid
Figure 19-14. Unbroken aesthetic line forms eyebrow to nasal tip.
Skin and Rhytids
When analyzing the face, evaluation of the skin deserves special atten-
tion. Skin texture, thickness, elasticity, and solar damage are all critical
distance of 4 mm for the upper lip and 2 mm for the lower lip (see factors contributing to one’s overall facial appearance. In 1988, Fitz-
Fig. 19-18). patrick8 established skin type classification (Box 19-3), and in 1994,
Glogau9 categorized photoaged skin (Box 19-4). Most importantly,
Chin however, in the examination of the skin is the analysis of facial rhytids.
The boundaries of the chin lie in the lower one third of the face and Wrinkles or rhytids originate from a wide variety of sources that can
can be measured from the mentolabial crease to the menton. The chin include chronologic aging, photoaging or solar damage, and skin
is a pivotal facial unit when analyzing the nose or neck. Most rhino- folding secondary to loss of underlying skeletal or soft tissue support.
plasty analysis begins with proper chin position in relation to nasal Hyperdynamic facial lines (Fig. 19-30) are specific wrinkles that are
projection and facial harmony. Gonzalez-Ulloa7 described the ideal caused by long-term facial muscle animation. Examples of these include
chin position by a tangential line through the nasion to pogonion, horizontal forehead creases, crow’s feet, and glabellar lines. Each line is
which is almost perpendicular to the Frankfort horizontal plane (Fig. caused by repeated underlying muscle contraction. Hyperdynamic lines
19-27). An alternative method for analyzing chin position is described should be distinguished from other facial lines such as the melolabial
in the lip section (See Fig. 19-26), where the mentolabial sulcus lies fold, mentolabial sulcus, and the fine crisscross wrinkling found on the
approximately 4 mm behind this line. cheek and under the eyelids.
276 Part 3 n Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Figure 19-16. Nasolabial angle. Male (A), 90 to 95 degrees; female (B), 95 to 110 degrees.
36 4 mm
2 mm
Figure 19-22. Nasal ala. A, Ala-to-tip lobular ratio should be 1:1.
B, Columella is shown between 3 and 5 mm.
Figure 19-20. Simons’ nasal projection is approximately equal to the
length of the upper lip with a ratio of 1:1.
Philtrum dimple
Philtrum column
Melolabial fold
Cupid’s bow
Vermilion border
Labiomental crease
Frontalis m.
Procerus m.
Corrugator m.
creases Orbicularis
G occuli m.
Me C
Figure 19-28. Mentocervical angle (80 to 95 degrees). C, cervical Figure 19-30. Hyperdynamic facial lines caused by repeated underly-
point; G, glabella; Me, menton; Pg, pogonion. ing muscle contraction.
Figure 19-29. Long axis of the ear parallels the long axis of the nasal
Figure 19-31. Facial angle analysis, including nasofrontal angle,
nasofacial angle, and mentocervical angle. (Courtesy of Canfield Clinical
a more professional look with 35-mm like quality and control, a true Systems.)
single lens reflex (SLR) with higher mega pixels is preferred. The addi-
tional capabilities include interchangeable lenses and through-the-lens
(TTL) metering. The price for advanced digital SLR cameras has
dropped dramatically over the past several years, and a 6.0-megapixel (Canfield Scientific, Inc., Fairfield, NJ) is sophisticated but user-
camera can be purchased, with lens included, for around $700. Light- friendly high-end software designed for medical professionals. Image
ing, background, and patient positioning are similar to conventional files from the camera once downloaded are automatically tethered into
photography, and shoe mount external flashes are suggested for the Mirror Software and saved into patients’ charts. The ease and speed
improved results with minimal shadow. of image alteration lies at the heart of this sophisticated software,
Once the photographic images are downloaded onto the compu- making patient consultations streamlined and informative. Further-
ter, a variety of image or graphics software may be used to open and more, this advanced software has the ability to measure and analyze
alter images. The Mirror Suite (Image Management Plus Simulation) facial angles for assistance in preoperative analysis and planning (Fig.
280 Part 3 n Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery