JVSM 2325 4645 05 0032
JVSM 2325 4645 05 0032
JVSM 2325 4645 05 0032
Veterinary Science
Assessment of Bovine & Medicine
Tuberculosis like Lesions
and Its Risk Factors in Cattle
Yibrah Tekle1*, Gezahegn Mamo2, Gobena Ameni3
and Mulugeta Ftiwi1
1College of Agriculture & Natural Resources, Department of
ISSN: 2325-4645
farms [27,34-36], like human TB has not received more focus responsible bodies).
on research and its control strategies plus the test and slaughter
Study animal
control strategies not applied, due to its economic constraints, but
its applicable effective method in developed countries [37]. The A total of 753 apparently healthy adult cattle slaughtered in the
epidemiology BTB is not well identified in livestock, inadequate abattoirs (Hawassa city municipal abattoir, n = 369 and Hawassa
comprehensive abattoir surveillance and lack of diagnostic facilities University abattoir, n = 384) regardless of sex, breed and origin were
the BTB has limited information and the majority researches were considered in the study. And the cattle used for this study were mainly
focused at the central part of Ethiopia [38,39]. Hence, the epidemiology originated from different markets (source of cattle); for the municipal
of BTB has to be assessed widely in all regions in order to embark abattoir were from Tula, Arsi Negele, Tukr Wuha, Wolayita, Harrar,
the national BTB control program in the future. Therefore, this study Borena, Hawassa and Nazeriat (Adama) Markets and for University
was designed to assess the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis based on abattoir the origin were from Borena and Wolayita markets. Basic
postmortem examination of slaughtered cattle at Hawassa University animal information on each study animals (such as sex, age, breed,
and municipal abattoirs and to evaluate the association between the body condition score, market) were collected and recorded during
potential risk factors and bovine tuberculosis. ante mortem examination. All the study animals in this study were
cross and local breed.
Materials and Methods
Study design and sampling method
Study area
A cross sectional study with systematic random sampling was
The study was conducted from December 2015 to May 2016 in carried out to examine the carcass and sample suspected TB lesions
Hawassa University and municipal abattoir in Southern Nations from cattle slaughtered at Hawassa city municipal and Hawassa
Nationalities and Peoples Regional state (SNNPRs), Southern University abattoirs.
Ethiopia. This region has an estimated total area of about 112,323.19
km2. Hawassa city is located in Southern part of Ethiopia, in Sidama In these abattoirs, individual heads of cattle to be slaughtered were
Zone, on the shores of Lake Hawassa in the Great Rift Valley and given identification number for proper recording of ante mortem and
located 270 km South of Addis Ababa. The city serves as the capital of post mortem examination results. Selection of cattle population to
the SNNPRs, and its total area is 157.21 square kilometers. It bounded be involved in the study was based on systematic random sampling,
by Lake Hawassa on the West and North-west, Chelelaka swampy from among those cattle slaughtered each day, which was arranged
area on the East and South-East, Tikur Wuha River on the North in a systematic manner with each individual animal constituting a
and Alamura Mountain on the South. It lies on the Trans-African sampling unit. Systematic random selection of animals was made
Highway for Cairo-Cape Town, and has a geographic coordinate based on the arrangement that the population (cattle slaughtered each
of 7 °3′ N latitude and 38 °28′ E longitude and an elevation of 1708 day) was first arranged in groups based on sampling interval (batch).
This sampling interval was obtained by dividing the total animals
m.a.s.l. [40].The livestock resource of the city is 61,123 cattle, 14,764
slaughtered within that day by the estimated daily sample size. Each
sheep, 17,735 goats, 5,544 equines and 56,961 poultry and the total
individual animal was then selected randomly from the first sampling
population is estimated about 304,479 [41].
interval (batch), then, every nth animal from the subsequent batch was
Hawassa city has two abattoirs: one municipality abattoir and included in the sample.
second Hawassa University abattoir, in main campus. The Hawassa
In Hawassa city municipal abattoir on average 20 carcasses were
municipal abattoir supplies the inspected meat to about 304,479
decided to be inspected each day (range from 15 to 25) from among
inhabitants and based on the information obtained from personnel
those slaughtered cattle whereas in Hawassa University abattoir the
working in Hawassa University Registrar Office, the University’s
whole cattle slaughtered in each day were considered for postmortem
abattoir supplies for about 25,000 students (personal communication)
examination because the number of slaughter cattle was often fewer
(range from 6 to 12) compared the Hawassa city municipal abattoir.
Even though the abattoirs were fenced, the places used to The work was carried out in all the weekdays except Wednesday and
dispose condemned carcasses were not secured since they were easily Friday when animals were not slaughtered due to fasting occasions
accessed by hyenas, dogs and other animals. The overall hygiene according to the belief of Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity.
and the internal facilities including the drainage were not good in
Sample size determination
the Municipal abattoir whereas the University’s abattoir was good.
Even though the Municipal abattoir has recently built abattoir inside All animals coming to the abattoirs from different markets during
the compound, currently the slaughtering is performing in the old the study period were considered for sampling. The sample size
house. The minimum and maximum numbers of cattle slaughtered calculation was done by using the Thrusfield formula [42]:
per day during the study period in Hawassa city Municipal abattoir 1.962 × pexp (1 − pexp )
were about 75 and 175 heads of cattle, respectively and about 8 and n=
12 heads of cattle were for Hawassa University abattoir, respectively.
Few numbers of female cattle were also slaughtered in both abattoirs. Where n = required sample size
The municipal abattoir was operated by one veterinarian and three Pexp = expected prevalence, 8.8% was for the Hawassa city
assistant meat inspectors but the University abattoir was operated municipal abattoir d = desired absolute precision, 5%
only by one assistant meat inspector (Personal communication to the
ISSN: 2325-4645
The expected prevalence, Pexp, of Hawassa city municipal abattoir program and was transferred and analyzed by STATA version 11
was (8.8%) used from the previous works [43]. The calculated sample (STATA Corp. College station, TX). Presence or absence of TB like
size for the municipal abattoir was 123 heads of cattle, but to increase lesions and affected tissues (suspected lesions) were recorded during
the precision of the study this sample size multiplied three times, then postmortem examination. The variations between different factors
n = 369 heads of cattle. Whereas the calculated sample size of the were analyzed using logistic regression and chi-square (χ2) was used
Hawassa University abattoir, Pexp considered as 50% because there for association of different risk factors. P-value less than 5% was
was no previous study on bovine tuberculosis in this abattoir, was considered statistically significant. In cases of estimating the effect
384 heads of cattle. Thereafter, the total animals supervised in both of different risk factors in terms of odds ratio (OR), to assess the
abattoirs were 753 heads of cattle. strength of association of different factors with the prevalence of BTB,
with corresponding 95% confidence interval, statistical significance
Ante mortem examination was assumed if the confidence interval did not include one among
Clinical examination was conducted on the study animals before its values.
they slaughtered; this included examining of superficial lymph nodes, Result
visible mucus membrane, and other basic parameters [44]. Age
determination based on dentition (teeth) as previously described Prevalence and associated risk factors analysis
[45,46] and the body condition of each of the study animal was scored Upon detailed post mortem examination of 753 cattle, an overall
using the guidelines established by Nicholson and Butterworth prevalence of BTB was 5.84% (95% CI: 4.58 - 8.42). Out of the total
and Maurya et al. [47,48]. Accordingly, on the basis of observation 753 slaughtered cattle in both abattoirs, 675 (89.6%) were local breed
of anatomical parts such as vertebral column, ribs, and spines, the and 78 (10.4%) cross breed whereas the prevalence of tuberculous
study animals were classified as poor (score, 1 to 3), medium (4 to lesion was higher in cross breed, 17.9% than local breeds, 4.4% and
6), or good (greater than 6). The breed, sex and source of the animals this difference in prevalence of BTB was found to be statistically
(markets) were recorded during ante mortem examination. significant (χ2 = 23.18, P = 0.000). Associations of the risk factors, the
difference in prevalence of BTB in relation to body condition score,
Post mortem examination
age, and markets were statistically significant (χ2 = 118.64, p = 0.000;
Post mortem examination was carried our according to the χ2 = 54.67, p = 0.000 and χ2 = 20.9, p = 0.004) respectively (Table 1).
OIE and Meat Inspection and Quarantine Division of the Ministry
of Agriculture method [49,50]. All lymph nodes, livers, kidney and
Table 1: Association of different risk factors with gross pathological lesion of
lungs were visualized, palpated, and incised into a size of 2 mm to bovine tuberculosis in Hawassa abattoirs, Southern of Ethiopia.
facilitate the detection of tuberculous lesion from each animal. These
Variables No of cattle examined No of positive (%) χ² Value P-value
include the mandibular, medial retropharyngeal, cranial and caudal BCS
mediastinal, left and right bronchial, hepatic, mesenteric lymph Good 348 2(0.6)
nodes as well as the seven lobes of the two lungs, including the left Medium 318 15(4.7)
118.64 0.000*
apical, left cardiac, left diaphragmatic, right apical, right cardiac, Poor 87 27(31)
right diaphragmatic and right accessory lobes were investigated. The Breeds
animal was classified as suspected tuberculos lesion when tuberculous Local 675 30(4.4)
lesion was found, and if not as non-lesioned. Cross 78 14(17.9) 23.18 0.000*
The severity of gross lesions in individual lymph node was scored ≤ 5 years 210 1(0.5)
as follows; 0 = no gross lesion, 1 = small lesion at one focus, 2 = >5 - ≤8
367 13(3.5)
small lesions at more than one focus and 3 = extensive necrosis as years 54.67 0.000*
developed by Vordermeier et al. and Ameni et al. [51,52]. And for >8 years 176 30(17)
organs, the pathological scoring was scored separately as follows: 0 =
Male 664 38(5.7)
no visible lesions; 1 = no gross lesions but lesions apparent on slicing 0.148 0.700
Female 89 6(6.7)
of the lobe; 2 = fewer than five gross lesions; 3 = more than five gross Markets
lesions; 4 = gross coalescing lesions. The scores for the individual Tula 115 3(2.6)
lobes were added up to calculate the lung score. The cut surfaces were Tukur Wuha 59 0(0.0)
examined under bright light for the presence of abscess, cheesy mass, Arsi Negele 62 2(3.2)
and tubercles [53]. Wolayta 153 9(5.9)
Borena 305 25(8.2)
Statistical analysis Harrar 32 0(0.0) 20.91 0.004*
ISSN: 2325-4645
Table 2: Univarite and multivariable logistic regression analysis of bovine Gross pathological lesions were observed in lymph nodes and
tuberculosis lesion with various host related risk factors.
organs of the slaughtered cattle; the majority of the lesions were
Crude OR (95% considered typical of tuberculous lesions which characterized by
No of cattle Positive Adjusted OR
Variables CI)
Examined (%) (95% CI) central round, oval, or irregular, often coalescing areas of caseous
BCS necrosis and mineralization (calcification) (Figure 2). Large
Good 348 2(0.6) 1 1 encapsulated nodules containing thick yellowish cheesy material
8.56(1.94 - 7.05(1.49 - were mostly observed in the thoracic lymph nodes. Whenever gross
Medium 318 15(4.7)
37.75)* 33.22)* lesions of suggestive pathological lesions of TB noticed in any tissue;
Poor 87 27(31)
77.85(18.04 - 41.21(8.27 the tissue was classified as positive for TB.
335.97)* -205.29)*
Breed According to the anatomical site, 75% (33/44) of the
Local 675 30(4.4) 1 1 gross lesions were sampled from thoracic cavity followed by
9.75(3.34 - abdomen cavity and head region 13.64% (6/44) and 15.91% (5/44)
Cross 78 14(17.9) 4.70(2.37 - 9.32)*
28.47)* respectively. 70.45% (31/44) of the gross lesions
Age were collected from Mediastinal lymph nodes whereas
≤5 years 210 1(0.5) 1 1 only 11.36% (5/44) where obtained from mesenteric lymph nodes
>5 - ≤8 7.65(0.87 - (Table 3 and Figure 3).
367 13(3.5) 7.68(0.99 - 59.09)
years 67.15)
42.94 (5.79 - 18.25(2.12 The pathological scoring analysis of the lymph nodes and organs
>8 years 176 30(17)
318.45)* -157.06)* described by the mean severity of lesion; retropharyngeal lymph
Sex nodes (3±0.408) was higher followed by mediastinal lymph node
Female 89 6(6.7) 1 1
1.68(0.49 -
Male 664 38(5.7) 0. 84(0.34 2.05)
5.77) Total number(n)
350 305
Market Suspected lesion(%)
Tula 115 3(2.6) 1 1
Total number (%)
Tukur 250
59 - - -
Wuha 200 153
Arsi 2.40 (0.31- 150 115
62 2 (3.2) 1.24 (0.20 - 7.65)
Negele 18.51)
100 62 59
3.89(0.56 - 32
Wolayta 153 9 (5.9) 2.33 (0.62 - 8.82)
26.81) 50 25 20
8.2 5.9 2.6 3.2 2 0
0 0
9.41 (1.26 - 0
Borena 305 25 (8.2) 3.33 (0.99 -11.26)
69.97) *
Harrar 32 - - -
Nazeriat 2 - - -
9.33 (2.07 - 13.17(1.96 -
Hawassa 25 5 (20)
42.18)* 88.42)* Markets source of cattle
Figure 1: The markets total number of cattle slaughtered and their proportion
HMCA 369 13 (3.5) 1 1 of suspected lesions in Hawassa abattoirs, Southern Ethiopia.
2.40 (1.24 -
HUA 384 31 (8.1) 0.45(0.11-1.87)
* = statistically significant, HUA = Hawassa University Abattoir, HMCA = Hawassa
City Municipal Abattoir; BCS = Body Condition Score
ISSN: 2325-4645
Table 3: Lesion distribution in different organs and anatomic parts. (2.9±0.149), Liver (2.5±0.50), mesenteric lymph nodes (2±0.447),
Anatomical Site Affected organs Frequency (%) Total (%) mandibular (1.50±0.50) (Table 4 and Figure 4).
Retropharyngeal LN 4 (9.09%)
Mandibular LN 2 (4.5%)
6 (13.64%) Discussion
Thorax Mediastinal LN 31 (70.45%) 33 (75%) Bovine tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease of animals
Mesenteric LN 5 (11.36%) 7 (15.91%) characterized by the formation of granulomas in tissues and its
Livers 2 (4.55%) detection is carried out most commonly on the basis of tuberculin
Total 44 (100%) 44 (100%)
skin testing, abattoir meat inspection and rarely on bacteriological
LN = Lymph Node techniques. Bovine tuberculosis has serious economic significance to
the livestock sector and public health hazard to human. Tuberculosis
caused by M. bovis is clinically indistinguishable from tuberculosis
caused by M. tuberculosis and the proportion of human tuberculosis
%lesion prevalence
caused by M. bovis is estimated to 10-15% [28,29].
Bovine tuberculosis, caused by M. bovis, is known to be endemic of
most developing countries including Ethio This result is in consistent
20 pia although the magnitude varies between livestock production
10 system and breed of animals still nationwide epidemiological
0 surveillance and control activities are often inadequate or unavailable
in most developing countries [32,38,52].
In the present study, the overall prevalence of BTB was 5.84%
(95% CI: 4.58 - 8.42) which is comparably in agreement with the
Lymph nodes and livers findings of various researchers who reported prevalence of BTB 4.2%
in Yabello municipal, 4.5% in Hosaana abattoir , 5.16% in Adama
Figure 3: Proportion of lymph nodes and livers of TB suspected in 44 cattle Municipality abattoir, 5.1% in Nekemte Municipality abattoir, 5%
with visible lesions.
in Kombolcha ELFORA abattoir , 6.4% in Mekelle town municipal
abattoir and 6.79% in Adama municipal abattoir as well as it was
Table 4: Mean pathology scoring of lesion from different lymph nodes and livers. the same (5.8%) with research report of Romha et al. in western
Tissues Number Examined Number (%) Mean ± SE Tigray Zone [43,54-60]. However, the total prevalence of this study
was lower than previous studies carried out by other authors; 11.50%
Retropharyngeal 753 4 (0.53%) 3±0.41
by Abdurohaman in Butajira, 9% Nemomsa et al. in Butajira abattoir,
Mandibular 753 2 (0.27) 1.50±0.50
8.8% by Biffa et al. in Hawassa municipal abattoir, 7.96% by Regassa
Mediastinal 753 31 (4.12%) 2.9±0.15 in Wolayta, Southern Ethiopia and 24.7% in Adama municipal
Liver 753 2 (0.27%) 2.50±0.50 abattoir [35,61-63]. On the other hand, the finding of this study
Mesenteric 753 5 (0.66%) 2±0.45
was higher than the results of Regassa et al. in Hawassa municipal
abattoir (1.1%), Gebremedhin et al. in Dilla Municipal Abattoir
(2.6%), Asseged et al. in Addis Ababa (1.48%) and Shitaye et al. in
Addis Ababa (3.46%) [36,64-66]. This lower prevalence recorded in
Mean Severty of Pathology
the present study could be due to the fact that animals slaughtered in
the abattoirs were mainly local breeds (Zebu) (675 out of 753) which
2.9 are relatively resistant to BTB [32]. This the variations in prevalence
Mean of pathology Score
2.5 could be due to the possible difference in the epidemiology of the
2 disease in the animal populations, markets sources of animal (from
2 which they brought to abattoirs either from high BTB prevalent or
1.5 1.5 their local BTB burden), body condition score of the animals and
1 types of production system; The intensive livestock management
0.5 system could contribute the development of mycobacterial infections
than the extensive livestock management system [21,26,32].
The prevalence of BTB among the markets (source of cattle) and
between the two abattoirs was statistically significant (P = 0.004, p
= 0.008 respectively). Based on the post mortem inspection, the
prevalence of TB lesions showed marked variation between the
two abattoirs; the cases recorded in cattle slaughtered in Hawassa
university abattoir was higher, 8.1% (31/384) than Hawassa municipal
Lymph nodes and Organs abattoir, 3.5% (13/369). Because most of the animal slaughtered at
Figure 4: Mean severity of lesion in different lymph nodes and livers. Hawassa University abattoir were from Boren area which might show
ISSN: 2325-4645
the high prevalence in the source [67]. The abattoirs have no effects in animals with medium and poor body condition score [22,26,74].
the development of the TB infection within that short period of time
Variation among breeds in susceptibility to tuberculosis has been
since TB is a chronic disease that needs long period of time. For this
documented in Ethiopia and elsewhere and the result of this study
reason, the statistically significance of the abattoirs indicated that to
agreed; was statistical significant between cattle breed and tuberculous
the prevalence variation of the market source of cattle.
lesion (P = 0.000) [52,75-77]. The prevalence of the BTB was being
The prevalence of BTB of cattle brought from various markets highest in cattle cross breed 10.36% (14/78) compared to cattle local
which were source of cattle to both abattoirs was different; higher breeds, 4.4% (30/675). The cross breeds (OR = 9.75) were nine times
prevalence was observed in the cattle come from Hawassa market more sensitive to M. bovis (owned BTB lesions) as compared to local
20% (5/25); followed by the markets of Borena 8.2% (25/305), breeds. The finding of lower prevalence in the local/Zebu breed is in
Wolayta 5.9% (9/153), Arsi Negele 3.2% (2/62) and Tula 2.6% (2/115) line with other previous studies which showed different breeds could
but there was no BTB in the cattle brought from the Tukur Wuha, result in difference in susceptibility to BTB infections. The difference
Harrar and Nazeriat markets. The source of cattle for Hawassa susceptibility of BTB infection between breeds is likely to be related
University abattoir were from Borena (275/305) and Wolayta to differences in management: those genetically improved cattle are
(109/153) markets and also the source of cattle for Hawassa city more prone to BTB infection than local breeds since they may suffer
municipal abattoir were from Borena (30/305), Wolayta (44/153), more severely from deficient housing and malnutrition [22,58,72,78-
Tula (115/115), Tukur Wuha (59/59), Harrar (32/32) and Nazeriat 81].
(2/2) markets. The cattle purchased from Hawassa market was (OR
The difference in the prevalence of BTB lesion between the
=13.17) thirteen times more likely to have the BTB than those cattle
two sexes was statistically insignificant (P = 0.700). BTB suspected
bought from Tula market. The infection rate in cattle has been found
slaughtered female and male cattle were 6.7% (6/89) and 5.7%
to differ greatly from place to place and the difference most probably
(38/664) respectively. This insignificant result is in consistent with
linked to the type of production system (extensive), which is unlikely
previous studies [33,54,65,76]. The possible reason might be due to in
to favor the spread of the disease in contrast to the intensive dairy
proportionality in the number of female and male animals compared
farms Grazing on the open field reduces the level of confinement and
in specific variable; less number of female animals was come to the
in turn minimizes the rate of infection in the herd [52,66,68].
study abattoir to be slaughtered.
The prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in this study showed a
The best evidence of the transmission route of M. bovis
statistically significant difference among the age groups (P = 0.000).
to cattle is the pattern of lesions observed in slaughtered
This result is in consistent with the reports of Gebremedhin et al. in
animals [19]. In the present study, gross tuberculous lesions were
Dilla Municipal Abattoir, Nemomsa et al. and Hussein in Butajira
found most frequently in lymph nodes of the thoracic cavity, 75%
abattoir [62,64,69]. The occurrences of TB lesions in cattle were 68.2%
(33/44); followed by the lymph nodes of the head region, 13.64%
(30/44) in the older cattle (greater than 8 years) than younger cattle,
(6/44) and the lymph nodes of the abdominal cavity 11.36% (5/44).
2.3% (1/44) and adult cattle, 29.5% (13/44), age groups; this indicted
The occurrence of tuberculous lesions in thoracic cavity was lower
as the age of the cattle increased the prevalence also increased. The
than the results of previous studies which reported greater than 84%
older cattle (OR = 18.25) were eighteen times more likely to have the
TB lesions occurrence in the respiratory system [54,74,82-84]; whereas
gross pathological lesions than the younger cattle. The results of the
it was higher than the report of Dechassa (67.7%), Firdessa (70%),
current research also agreed with findings of Barwinnek and Taylor
Miliano-suazo et al. (49.2%) and Regassa et al. (50%) [59,85,86,36].
, Ameni et al. Regassa et al. and Biffa et al. that explained as the age
As a result, this study indicated the main route of transmission and
of the cattle increases the probability of acquiring TB infection also
infection being respiratory route and this finding agreed with the
increases [32,36,70,71]. The reason can be by declining of protective
previous researchers who reported the same route of transmission
capability in aging animals, have weaker immune system [72]; this is
and infection, respiratory route [19,36,54,55,82,87,88].
due to the fact that stresses, malnutrition and immunosuppression
increase with age [73]. Conclusion and Recommendations
The difference in the prevalence of BTB among animals having The output of this study has indicated that an overall BTB
different body condition scores was statistically significant (P = prevalence of 5.8% of which 20%, 8.2%, 5.9%, 3.2% and 2.6%
0.000) and the prevalence was highest in cattle with poor body were recorded in these sampled animals come from Hawassa,
condition (31%) as compared to cattle with medium body condition Borena, Wolayta, Arsi Negele and Tula markets respectively. Even
(4.7%) and good body condition cattle (4.5%) which is in agreement though the overall prevalence was low, high prevalence was found
with study resulted by Nemomsa [62]. The poor body conditioned in animals which are older, poor body condition and cross breeds
cattle were (OR = 41.21) forty one times more likely to have the cattle. Similarly, relatively high occurrence of BTB was in cattle
BTB compare to the good body conditioned cattle. This could due brought from Hawassa and Borena markets than Tula market.
to related to the weak protective immune response in poor body This could be indicating the presence of BTB infection in certain
conditioned cattle compared to good ones that may result extensive geographical areas. This research also shown that the respiratory
lesions and wasting of the body condition as well as its chronicity route was the major means of BTB transmission among the cattle
nature of the disease. The present result is in consistent with previous population and the higher mean severity of pathology among
reports which indicated that animals with good body condition have associated lymph nodes and organs was recorded in retropharyngeal
relatively good immunological response to the infectious agent than and mediastinal lymph nodes. In conclusion, in this study the
ISSN: 2325-4645
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My appreciation is run to all staff members of tuberculosis
laboratory of the Institute of Aklilu Lemma Pathobiology for
their genuine and cooperativeness during the laboratory work,
especially Mr. Samuel Tolasa and Mr. Aboma Zewude.
I am grateful to acknowledge Hawassa University, the staff
of Faculty Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Animal and Range
Management Science, Dairy Section and Hawassa University
Slaughter House staff (particularly Mr. Abera Elias and W/o
Emebet Abera) as well as my thank go to the staff of Hawassa city
municipal abattoir specially Mr. Tarekegn Birhanu, Mr. Abera
Sintayohu, Mr. Betiso Chuko and Dr. Eshetu Belayneh.