The Consumer Protection Bill
The Consumer Protection Bill
The Consumer Protection Bill
• Rights of consumers: Six consumer rights have been defined in the Bill, including
the right to: (i) be protected against marketing of goods and services which are
hazardous to life and property; (ii) be informed of the quality, quantity, potency,
purity, standard and price of goods or services; (iii) be assured of access to a variety
of goods or services at competitive prices; and (iv) seek redressal against unfair or
restrictive trade practices.
• CCPA will carry out the following functions, including: (i) inquiring into violations of
consumer rights, investigating and launching prosecution at the appropriate forum; (ii)
passing orders to recall goods or withdraw services that are hazardous, reimbursement
of the price paid, and discontinuation of the unfair trade practices, as defined in the
Bill; (iii) issuing directions to the concerned trader/ manufacturer/ endorser/
advertiser/ publisher to either discontinue a false or misleading advertisement, or
modify it; (iv) imposing penalties, and; (v) issuing safety notices to consumers against
unsafe goods and services.
• CCPA can also prohibit the endorser of a misleading advertisement from endorsing
that particular product or service for a period of up to one year. For every subsequent
offence, the period of prohibition may extend to three years. However, there are
certain exceptions when an endorser will not be held liable for such a penalty.
• Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission: Consumer Disputes Redressal
Commissions (CDRCs) will be set up at the district, state, and national levels. A
consumer can file a complaint with CDRCs in relation to: (i) unfair or restrictive trade
practices; (ii) defective goods or services; (iii) overcharging or deceptive charging;
and (iv) the offering of goods or services for sale which may be hazardous to life and
safety. Complaints against an unfair contract can be filed with only the State and
National Appeals from a District CDRC will be heard by the State CDRC. Appeals
from the State CDRC will be heard by the National CDRC. Final appeal will lie
before the Supreme Court.
• Jurisdiction of CDRCs: The District CDRC will entertain complaints where value of
goods and services does not exceed Rs one crore. The State CDRC will entertain
complaints when the value is more than Rs one crore but does not exceed Rs 10
crore. Complaints with value of goods and services over Rs 10 crore will be
entertained by the National CDRC.