Elster - QA & QAe .PDF (New)
Elster - QA & QAe .PDF (New)
Elster - QA & QAe .PDF (New)
Flow meters
with mechanical (QA) or
electronic index (QAe)
Elster-Instromet quantometers are highly reliable gas meters which can be used throug- • Compact gas meter
hout the entire field of flow metering and which fulfil all of the varying requirements of
• Meter sizes QA/e 10 - QA/e 1000
industrial metering. The QA and QAe quantometers work on the principle of the rotating
turbine wheel. The rotation of the turbine wheel is proportional to the volume of the flowing • Flow ranges 1.6 –1600 m³/h
gas and this volume (Vb/m3 ) is registered by either a mechanical (QA) or an electronic
• Measuring range up to 1:20,
(QAe) index.
at higher pressures up to 1:50
Self-lubricating bearings ensure that the quantometers operate completely without any
maintenance. • Nominal width DN 25 - DN 150
On account of the proven metering principle and the quality of the materials in use, the
• Aluminium housing
quantometers meet the highest standards. By using the quantometers in production and
heating processes, it is possible to control the flow of gas precisely and therefore optimise • Gas temperature -10 °C up to +60 °C
the use of energy.
The QA quantometers are fitted with a 7-digit mechanical index which registers the volu- • Ambient temperature
me Vb in cubic meters (m3). QA: -20 °C up to +70 °C
The QAe quantometers are equipped with an electronic index. Besides the normal regis- QAe: 0 °C up to +50 °C
tration of the total volume (Vb, m3 ), the QAe can also display the flow rate (Qb, m3/h), the • Maintenance-free
volume of a key-day (m3 / Vb on the key-day) and the date of the key-day. This means
that the user can easily calculate the gas consumption for any specific part of the building • QA: protection class IP52
or for any cost centre at any chosen time. 7-digit mechanical index
• QAe: protection class IP44
Installation tips: The Elster-Instromet quantometers can be installed easily in the pipeline. 7-digit LCD display showing:
The position of the installation can be selected as required. - actual volume (basic state)
The flow direction is clearly marked by an arrow on the meter housing. - high-resolution volume
(digits after the point)
- current flow rate
Interfaces/Outputs: - QA: E1 Reed switch - key-day values / key-day date
- QA/QAe: E 200 Namur output - back-flow volume
(in accordance with DIN EN 50227) • Metering accuracy in wide ranges
- QAe: Optical interface independent of physical characteristics
(in accordance with EN 1434 – ZVEI- kompatibel) of the gas such as density, temperature
and pressure
- QAe: M-BUS interface
(in accordance with EN 14349) • DVGW approved
Technical data
QA/e 10 - QA/e 40 QA/e 40 QA/e 65 - QA/e 1000
Your contacts
Germany Belgium Singapore
Elster-Instromet GmbH Elster-Instromet N.V. Elster-Instromet
Steinern Str. 19 - 21 Rijkmakerlaan 9 Singapore Representative Office
55252 Mainz-Kastel 2910 Essen 80 Marine Parade Road
T +49 6134 605 0 T +32 3 670 0700 09-04 Parkway Parade
F +49 6134 605 223 F +32 3 667 6940 Singapore 449269
www.elster-instromet.com www.elster-instromet.com T +65 6247 7728
info@elster-instromet.com info@elster-instromet.com F +65 6247 7729