01 Theories of Learning
01 Theories of Learning
01 Theories of Learning
Theories of Learning
▪ Why do we need
theories in learning?
Learning Theory:
▪ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvzVAQkuSqU
Examples of Learner-Centered instructional
strategies that address learner’s needs:
▪ Problem-Based Learning
▪ Essential Questions
▪ Discovery Learning
Principles of Learner-Centered:
New Theories of Learning:
Social Learning Theory
▪ Implications on the Practice of Education:
a. Students often learn a great deal simply by observing people.
b. Describing consequences of behavior can effectively increase
appropriate behaviors and decrease inappropriate ones.
c. Modeling provides an alternative to shaping for teaching new
behaviors. It can provide faster, more effecient means of teaching
new behavior.
d. Teachers and parents must model appropriate behaviors and take
care not to model inappropriate behaviors.
e. Teachers should expose students to a variety of other models to break
down traditional stereotypes.
New Theories of Learning:
Experiential Learning
New Theories of Learning:
Experiential Learning
▪ Implications to the Practice of Education
a. Teachers should be keen and sensitive to the history and
experiences of learners, which could serve as inputs for
related lessons. In doing so, students would feel that they
are involved in learning process, because it is their own
experiences which they are studying.
b. Teachers should make sure that they have a feel of the
experiences of the students, so they are better able to create
an atmosphere for students that is relaxed.
c. Teachers should apply strategies meant to facilitate and
guide students’ learning so that they do not have to always
be the source of learning materials.
New Theories of Learning:
Multiple Intellgineces (MI)
New Theories of Learning:
Multiple Intellginces (MI)
New Theories of Learning:
21st Century Learning Skills
New Theories of Learning:
21st Century Learning Skills
Self-Assessment: Answer the link.
▪ Dapat, J.R., Sadorra, B.E., Lumabi, B.M. (2016). Oral communication in focus. Lorimar Publishing Inc.: Philippines.
▪ Doyugan, C.G. (2019). Oral communication in various contexts: A journey towards communicative competence.
Lorimar Publishing Inc.: Philippines.