Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of
Roll No:-200992105200
I SONALI AGNIHOTRI, bearing Enrolment No.. 200992105200, BBA -V Sem of the Mangalmay
Institute of Management & Technology Greater Noida and U.P. hereby declare that the Summer training
Project Report Entitled, “A study on Marketing & Sales Promotion at Bhutani-Infra” is an original
work and the same has not been summited to any other Institute for the Award of Any other degree .
Certified that the Summer Training Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
200992105200. Has been completed under my MR. PUSHPENDRA GIRI guidance and is
This is to certify that this Project Work Report Titled “A study on Marketing & Sales
Promotion at Bhutani-Infra” is the bonafide work of SONALI AGNIHOTRI University Roll
No. 200992105200, who has carried out his their project under my supervision. I also certify
further, that to the best of my knowledge the work reported herein does not form part of any other
project report or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier
occasion on this or any other candidate.
Student(s)’s Declaration
I hereby declare that the Project Work titled “A study on Marketing & Sales Promotion at
Bhutani-Infra” is a result of my own work and my indebtedness to other work publications,
references, if any, has been duly acknowledged. If I am found guilty of copying from any other
report or published information and showing as my original work, or extending plagiarism limit, I
understand that I shall be liable and punishable by the university, which may include ‘Fail’ in
examination or any other punishment that university may decide.
Bachelor of Business Administration is one of the most reputed professional course in the field of
Management. This Course include both Theory and Application as part of the Three Year
Apart from Management Education, the student of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
program are required to go under a practical training in the organization of repute.
This study is an exercise of exposing students to the market where they can experience to observe
the principle and concepts of marketing applicable in the real market situation.
I have tried my best to present this information as clearly as possible using basic terms that I hope will
be comprehended by the widest spectrum of analysts and students for further studies.
This Research Report is a synergistic product of many minds and it bears the imprints of many people.
I would like to thank my faculty guide MR. PUSHPENDRA GIRI, who has guided me throughout the
making of this report. Her valuable suggestions and motivation has enabled me to take up this Research
Report in a healthy manner and come up with this final report.
Roll No:-200992105200
Executive Summary
functioning of the organization at all Bhutani Group Noida Levels by ensuring right
numbers of people are available at the right time to do the right job.
Not only that I have also gained insight into the working culture of the organization
and observed how BHUTANI-INFRA handles its employees with value and
The report starts with an organization profile of BHUTANI-INFRA its mission and
background is to provide designed luxury real estate projects with some of the best
skills, BHUTANI group has delivered the most modern IT office spaces and retail
The next part of the project carries out the strength, weakness, opportunities andthreats
Table of Contents
1. Certificate
3. Acknowledgement
4. Executive Summary
5. Table of Content
6. Chapter 1: Introduction
I have selected the topic The Study of Management Responsibilities & Relation
internship. I have tried to cover all the major functions of Human Resource
At the end of the report I have tried to provide some recommendation based on my
developing Marketing & Sales plans and policies that help business superiors better
manage human resources. As an intern I and all the Marketing & Sales managers
usually play a role that is strategic and operational, with a vision of building a
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Scope of the report
This report has been prepared through extensive discussion with company
preparing the report. At the time of preparing the report, I had a great
There have been some objectives set forward in doing this report so that it can be
determined what tasks have to be done. The objectives of the report are:
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To understand the process of recruitments.
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Sources of Information
All the information incorporated in the report has been collected from primarysources
Primary Sources:
Secondary Source:
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I have tried my best to enhance my abilities and apply the knowledge that I gain
internees also shared their experiences and working process as some of them have
experienced before this internship also. This helped me lot in working and learning
1st task is to know how many people are needed in any department of the company,
analyze future needs and take actions accordingly so that the company can run
Continuous Development:
crucial investment for companies, Marketing & Sales manages these processes by
Performance Management
As an intern my work is to keep track of all employees’ performance and tell the
managers to reward the correct person, and thus workers stay productive and engaged.
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Responsibilities as Marketing & Sales -Intern
termination process.
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This Article shows the review of literature in the field of Human Resource
Management. In every organization Marketing & Sales plays a major role. As they
act as a bridge between Employer and Employee, they have critical role balancing
employee and employer needs. The article helps us to know the detailed about the
researches who undergone some fair idea about the Human Resources Practices in
India. To retain the employees and to achieve profit in the organization well
developed and well construct Human Resources Practices should be followed in the
organization. This article deals with the literature review of Human Resources
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This research article is prepared to know about the importance of Human Resource
employees. This article is prepared on the basis of researchpapers, books and thesis
Anupama Gupta (2010) explained the consequences of the challenges faced bythe
Human Resource Management in context with the current economic status And the
challenges in the short fall of talented employees. This also emphasis on howHuman
Saini R.R. (2010) this article explains Management in United Commercial Bank
regulations. Basically this study explains the hurdles in the process of framing the
rules and process of executing it. This analytical study contains a sample size of 100
18 | P a g
people and analyzed their opinion about A STUDY ON MARKETING & SALES
is qualification plays an important role in recruitment in top, middle and low level
management. The practice of selecting right candidate for the level of management
helps the organization to achieve more and retain employees in the organization.
Kundu. Subhash C., Divya Malhan (2009) in their article on “Human Resources
Management Practices in Insurance Companies: The study was made in Indian and
MNC’s and explains the benefits of the organization are generated only by Human
one of the employee benefits issued by the Human Resources management. The
findings of the study says that both domestic and international Insurance companies
Tripathy (2008) explained that the organization have the optimum usage of Human
Singh S.K (2008) in this study he explained that for a good organizational growth
Employee’s dedication helps him to achieve his target, and increases his quality of
work. Organization should also help the employee in training him to develop his
19 | P a g
interpersonal skills. Both Employer and Employee should equally contribute each
an important place in the growth of the country. Life Insurance Corporation is oneof
the major service providers in which they provide the best service. The Transmission
doesn’t come in a day. For that employees have put in lot of efforts to bring the
Hemant Rao (2007) in his study he explained the changes in the role Human
Department. They should work in the organization such that they should treat the
employees irrespective to cast, religion, gender etc. The productivity of the company
Sharma and Jyoti (2006) in this article they have explained about the job
satisfaction that they finalize it the best effective reason for an employee in the
working situation. They also explained that this emotional factor helps the employee
in the organization to yield best results. Dissatisfaction is one of the main reasons for
attrition of employee in the organization. So, job satisfaction isthe primary reason of
Subramanian, V. (2005) he express that the recruitment and selection process inthe
organization and selecting the right candidate for the correct position helps
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employees to work in the organization in a very positive mode. The interview
process should be relevant to the job profile so that the candidate will be interested
G.V. Chalam and L. Srinivas (2005) in his article he have made a Human
Resources Department survey across 120 branches of State Bank of India at Andhra
Pradesh, and defines the gender where he paper made an attempt to explore the
basic gender difference. He finds that the woman employees have much more
Maitin, T.P. (2003) in his study he explain the Human Resource Development
shows the progress of the organizational growth with different process like
recruitment and selection, payroll processing and maintains the rules and
regulations of the office. By the way of best approach towards the employees
Vidya A. Salokhe (2002) in her study she explained the Human Resources
the organization. It also helps the organization to achieve more in the profit with
their effective smart work. Employees are the assets of any organization which they
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make profit out of them.
Mishra and Bhardwaj (2002) in his research he made an empirical study on the
random sample of 107 managers with different Bhutani Group Noida Levels like low
level, middle level and top level management are taken into consideration. A
questionnaire was circulated to them to know about the Human Resource Department
and analyzed.As a result the situation present in the A STUDY ON MARKETING &
T.V. Rao (1999) the study in his book explains that the audit conducted describesthe
method and ideas which have to be implemented in the Human Resource Audit. His
frame works to estimate that different criteria like core competency, culture and
improve in some of the factors which are they lacking in the system. They also have
broadminded people in the top level management which helps the low and middle
level employees to know about their concerns. So theyeach and every employee in
Udai Pareek & T.V. Rao (1997) in his study he explains that the limitation of
Human Resource Department where they need to improve in the personal growth of
In his he elaborately explains about the importance of the training and Development,
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Marketing & Sales , Planning and Development, Organizational Behaviors. This also
gives the lots of information about the Educational Institutes and lot of professional
Department helps the organization in their financial growth. For that he made a
organization. This study helps to know how the A STUDY ON MARKETING &
way how such that employees are more much comfortable in the rule andregulation
of the organizations. This also helps the organization to maintain a good decorum.
Sales Promotion
Promotion is the final element in the marketing mix. After the nature of product is
decided, its price fixed and the methods of distribution decided, the manufactures has to
take effective steps in meeting the consumers in the markets. In the present consumer
consumer. It is also their duty to make the customers know where, when how and at what
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Meaning of Promotion
The term promotion is the term and includes mainly three type of sales activity:
3. Activities other than personal selling and advertising such as point of purchase display
(P.O.P.) show and exhibitions, demonstrations and other non-securing selling efforts.
1. Pull Blend.
2. Push Blend.
1. A pull blend is one in which mass impersonal, sales efforts are given the greatest
emphasis. The purposes of pull blend to pre-sell to the final consumers. So that they
demand the product at the retail level of distribution. The firm adopting this strategy
would spend more on advertising and sales promotion rather than in personal selling.
2. A push blend emphasizes personal selling. Naturally firms adopting this method
develop a strong sales force at both the distributor and the dealer level. This method
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Promotion and Selling
The term promotion is very often used as a synonym for selling. But selling is a narrow
term which includes only transfer of title or personal selling. Promotion on the other hand
is broader in its outlook and includes a variety of activities used ultimately for increasing
sales volume.
Similarly the terms sales promotion cannot be taken to mean what is commonly does.
information persecution and influence. Promotion has come to mean the overall co-
function designed to make all other marketing activities more effective and efficient. But
sales promotion as such helps only the selling activity still, there exit same difference of
"Sales promotion means any step that are taken for the purpose of obtaining or increasing
"Muddled misused misunderstood that is sales promotion Acc. to him the field of sales
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influencing the end consumer. Sales promotion on the other hand, includes the form of
distribution (e.g. distributors, retailers etc.). Hence a price of product literature distributed
advertising and on the other in to personal salesman ship. It is concerned with the
material and techniques that supplement advertising and personal selling. Sales
promotion makes use of direct mail, catalogues, trade shows, sales contests, premiums,
samples, windows displays and other aids. Its purpose is to increase the desire of
salesman, distributors and dealers to sell a certain brand to make consumers more eager
to buy that brand. Personal selling and advertising do include prospects to make these
2. To disseminate information through sales man dealers etc. So as to insure the product
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4. To face the competition effectively.
The advertising material prepared by the company such as store signs, banners, shelf
signs, board etc. are distributed to sub dealer for display purposes this is in fact a method
of advertising.
In the promises of the whole sale or the retailer the products sales personnel will conduct
introduce a new product at its peculiar advantage can be high lightened and the
consumer’s doubt clear. It can be used to reticulate an old product. A good demonstration
with a great dealer of action will draw heavy crowds in to the store and will attract
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attention to the product.
These are in seasonal in character but could be arranged in an elaborate manner and for
all the products of a company. Usually these are arranged along with trade fair and
exhibition. Besides effecting sales these shows impress the company’s name generally on
the public.
These are given directly to the consumer these coupons are in most cases kept inside the
package. The consumers many receive a price reduction of the stated values of the
coupon at the time of purchase. The retailer receives reimbursement for the value of the
coupon form the manufacturer. Coupons act as a short run stimulus to the sale of the
product, since they are directly tied with the purchase of the item. They encourage the
What is important is that a coupon offer does not spoil the named price of the brand nor
does it unpair the margin of the dealers. But it is not easy to measure the effectiveness of
a coupon offer. One over knows how many customer would have bought the product
without the incentive. It is also difficult to find out how many customers were held after
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2. Price-off-offer (Also known as bargain offer price packs):-
This offer is intended to stimulate the sales during a slump season. In this method the
customer is offered a reduction from the printed price list. It is also used when a
Many experts on sales promotion fed that ‘Off Schemes’ are among the weaker and less
desirable methods of promotion. These can be trade resentment particularly when the
retailer raises the price to retain his margin. Secondly that is not conductive to building
up brand loyalty. Consumers may simply shift to the products that offer this scheme.
3. Samples:-
In the hope of converting a prospect into a customer a sample (Some quantity of the
product) may be given. This helps the consumer to verify the real quality of the product.
Various pair manufacturing companies offer this method. For developing brand loyalty
this method is quite useful. Sampling is a fast method of demand creation because one
knows the result as soon as the consumer has had time to use the sample and buy the
Disadvantage of Sampler:-
Offering sample in quit expensive. There is the cost of producing samples. The
distribution costs are also high. Sample have to be mailed to potential customers or to be
distributed through retail shops. There are also problems when the real product does not
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4. Money Refund Offer:-
An offer usually stated on the package is that manufacturers will return with in a stated
period part or all of the purchaser’s money if he is not completely satisfied with the
5. Trading Stamps:-
A premium in the form of stamps is given by the sellers to consumers while selling
goods. The number and value of stamp that the buyer receives depends on the values of
the purchase. These stamps are redeemable through premium catalogues at the stamp
redemption centers.
6. Buy-Back Allowance:
This an allowance following a previous trade deal not offer a certain amount of money
for new purchases based on the quantity of purchases on the first trade deal. It extends the
life of a trade deal and helps to prevent part deal sales decline. It greatly strengthens the
7. Premium:-
There are various forms of premiums provided by the manufacturer as sales promotional
(b) Factory in pack premium these are popular in the case of Body food and Tin food
items, Spoons, Cups, Measuring, Glass etc. and such other items are packed with the
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product in the box itself. Factory in pack premium are particularly goods for product
meant for children. The Bianca Toothpaste packs contain animal shape toys. These are
The cost of the premium is collected from the buyer himself. But when the buyers pays
for it he has to pay only a considerably low price for the premium. This is possible for the
manufacturer purchases the items in bulk at a premium and his cost per unit as is
substantially low.
Often this service is reciprocal the manufacturer may acquaint his dealer with the fact
relating to his production and prices while the dealer may familiarize him in return with
the information bearing on charges in the consumer's demand, their like and dislike
The gestures of regard and respect pave the way for better relation and co-operation.
Of all the forms of encouragement, the monetary incentive evokes immediate response.
Hence every producer must offer the most responsible terms of sale such as longer
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periods of credit and higher rates of descants.
Aggressive Selling
Goods are produced for market. Manufacturers have to make efforts to sell all they
produce. When the manufacturers uses various sales efforts to obtain increased sales
volume for his product it is called aggressive selling or offensive selling. The sales efforts
which a manufacturer makes to retain his customers i.e. to protect his already established
market against against his competitors is termed as defensive selling. In contrast to this
aggressive selling is concerned with the sales efforts made with the express objective of
selling more by expanding the market for the product of the selling firm.
Aggressive selling is based on the answer to the question how much does the firm gain
(in term of sales with profit) by using this method defensive selling is based on
consideration as to how much the firm will lose if it does not use this method increase of
2. From the competitors i.e. those consumers who were purchasing similar product of
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competition firms, if the market for the product is
"In case of an expanding market all the firm may stand to gain by following the methods
of aggressive selling but if the market is static manufacturer of a new market will have to
established competitor.
3. When the total market for the product or line of product to expanding.
5. If the manufacturer has unused production capacity with heavy investment in plant and
equipment he will like to develop the demand for his product rapidly so that demand for
his product is equal to the optimum production capacity of his plant ; and
6. When primary demand for a product must be created and provision must be made in
the channel of distribution to educate consumers regarding the new product and to
Sales promotion efforts use for aggressive selling may be divided in two classes.
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1. Trade Promotion.
2. Consumer Promotion.
1. Trade Promotion:-
Under trade promotion methods special incentives are offered to the trader to buy
products of the firm. Such incentive may take one or more of the following firm:-
Instead of giving any cash allowance extra product is given with each unit of product
ordered. For instance if a box normally contains 20 Cakes of Soap, special box contains
25 cakes may be made and sold at the same price as that of the box of 20 cakes.
(c) Gifts:-
2. Consumer Promotion:-
Under consumer promotion method special incentives are offered to the consumers to
buy the firms product. The more prominent amongst such incentives are as following.
(a) Coupons:-
A coupon of a giving value is sent to the consumer. By presenting this coupon to the
reduced price. The retailer sells the products mentioned. In the coupon to such consumer
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(consumers presenting the coupons) under an agreement with the manufacturer at a price
lower than the user retail price. Thus the consumer get the benefit of reduced price to the
Under this system, the firm offers an article at an attracting price if the consumer send a
given sum of money accompanied by a given number of box tops from the packages of a
particular product the benefit to the consumer is that he receives the articles at a bargain
Under this system a product is sold at a reduced price for a short period Bargain pack
method encourages new consumers to try the product. It is also helpful in obtaining large
(d) Sampling:-
The method involves giving the product or a small quantity of the product to a consumer
free with the hope that the customer will be favorable impressed with its actual use and
A firm selling new product or an extensively improved product finds this methods useful.
Also a firm whose market is hold by competitors whose free sampling almost expensive.
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(ii) Offer of door to door selling.
(iii) Hire purchase and installment payment methods of selling and by forming
(ii) Instead of using wholesalers, the firm may develop its own sales force to call
directly on retailers.
(iii) The firm may follow a compromise method by employing a manufacturer’s agent
and giving him a large enough commission to encourage him to sell product
(iv) New territory exploitation sales promotion has a particularly important role in
In fact, an ingenious sales manager can devise any number of incentives schemes for
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Our Projects
World leaders may disagree on how to best ensure business continuity, but they can
agree that organisations everywhere need to innovate in order to survive. That is still the
single most important factor driving our expansion at Bhutani Infra. Bhutani Infra's
Bhutani Infra has been on an upward trajectory of evolution, drawing inspiration from
and developing best practises in the realm of development, with the highest standards of
deliveries across Delhi and NCR for the previous two decades. Our projects include
elements of Glocalization, Co-working, and Greenology into buildings that are mostly
The Bhutani Group is the first of its kind to conceptualise and carry out high-end real
estate projects in the retail, commercial, and residential markets, backed by a decade's
Alphathum, our commercial tower building with one of the largest infinity pools in
India, is complete and ready for a post-COVID-19 workplace. Cyberthum, our next big
project, will feature a mall in the clouds and a massive entertainment complex, both of
which will be unrivalled in the country. Grandthum is another new development that
follows the Prime Minister's "Bharat Badho Abhiyan" by providing reasonably priced
From initial site selection and design to full-scale development, building, marketing, and
37 | P a g
sales, the company provides a full spectrum of traditional services and more.
Assuring its clients and business partners of the highest quality, prompt deliveries, and
dependability, the Group has quickly made a name for itself across the entire breadth of
Mr. Prem Bhutani established The Bhutani Group in 1985. His impact on the field has
been enormous. The Bhutani Group has come a long way thanks to his leadership.
Mr. Ashish Bhutani is currently heading the company to carry out their mission.
happiness, and most significantly, "on time delivery of projects," have all contributed to
Additionally, the organisation has found that focusing on and completing one project at a
time has allowed them to maintain a track record of timely, high-quality project
Bhutani Group. He graduated from the University of Sheffield in the UK and received
his MBA from the University of Cardiff, giving him a worldwide perspective that he
the knowledge he gained from his vast travels around the world.
During his tenure as CEO, the Group has seen unprecedented growth and success. Under
his direction, our flagship project, Alphathum, has seen sales of over 90% in just 2
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making it the quickest selling commercial real estate project in India.
In addition to his work as a corporate leader concerned with project conception and
need. To put this idea into action, he has launched a number of programmes through
Bhutani Care, the corporate social responsibility arm of the Bhutani Group.
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Alphathum, which features one of the largest infinity pools in India, has been a long-
awaited goal for Bhutani Infra and is finally ready for occupancy. It's the foundation for
solving and teamwork. The workplaces have been brought up to COVID standards,
Our three high-rise towers will feature sky gardens with gathering spaces, an infinity
India's most productive office towers, with one of the country's largest rooftop infinity
pools - Connecting walkways both within and between the buildings, as well as a first-
The building is equipped with a central chilled water air conditioning system that keeps
(heated in winter),
High-speed elevators and a private lobby are just two of the modern conveniences found
41 | P a g
Cyberthum, located on a 26.8-acre mixed-use development, is the prototypical
landmark of the future. The NCR's tallest commercial tower at 50 stories, it features a
sky mall, a variety of shops, state-of-the-art offices, coworking areas that are compliant
with the COVID standard, and more. Furthermore, it is home to Bolt, one of the largest
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situated in the centre of the Noida IT corridor
The Noida Express Highway links the area to both the airport and the city's central
Noida. Well-connected to all of the city, including the central business district.
Allows for quick and simple travel to and from nearby shopping centres, institutions of
43 | P a g
Retail and lifestyle entertainment have come a long way, and you can see it
all at City Centre 150. The concept is designed to immerse visitors in a world
rise construction. Here, picking out the things you need (or want) becomes a
44 | P a g
the latest in high street fashion. And to cap it all off, the project truly does
have something for everyone. While the many attractions and upscale eateries
make this a true paradise for amusement, it also serves well as a place to relax
It has a glass facade and a frontage of almost 500 feet (158 metres), and
it is located on a road that is 30 metres wide. From there, you can reach
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Anyone who has travelled widely enough will tell you that time is more
There are only so many minutes in a day, and absolutely none of them should
46 | P a g
be spent dealing with problems. We at Bhutani Experience value your time
and effort so much that we provide you a full day to do whatever you like
with it. It's up to you how you use your free time. We'll take care of anything
Get to a secret location right now. It's the most popular shopping centre in all
of Noida. Step into a room that caters to your every want, made even better
by the warm welcome of the staff. Don't bring your troubles in here; this is
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One of the commercial developments in Noida is called Techno Pak. My
all the amenities and facilities that office workers might possibly require.
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The I-THUM represents a major step forward for the IT Park industry in Noida's Sector
62. Also is located on the same site as The Corenthum, which is home to a number of
There are a variety of office spaces available, with sizes between 475 and 1700 square
feet (approx.) A typical floor plan may have a footprint of anything between 20,000 and
40,000 square feet. It is adjacent to the National Highway 24 and the Sector 62 Noida
Metro station is within walking distance. Like HCL, Jaypee, Airtel, and Nucleus, the I-
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One of the best shopping centres in Ghaziabad is Bhutani Group's World Square Mall,
which features a multiplex, ban- quet, and a 3-star hotel. The state-of-the-art facilities and
assortment of shops make it an ideal gathering place for friends, family, and coworkers of
all stripes.
It attracts customers of all ages and tastes by stocking a wide variety of well-known
brands, both domestic and foreign. With so many options for weekend fun, such as
dining, shopping, and entertainment, this area is perfect for a relaxing getaway.
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The data has been collected from both the sources Primary and Secondary
Primary Data:
employees. The questionnaires were carefully designed by taking into account the
parameters of my study.
Secondary Data:
Data was collected from web sites, going through the records of the
else for the purpose of other than those of our particular research study. Or in other
The kind of research has the primary objective of development of insights into the
problem. It studies the main area where the problem lies and also tries to evaluate
Sample Design:
A complete interaction and enumeration of all the employees was not possible so a
sample was chosen that consisted of 25 employees. The research was taken by
Tools of analysis:
The data collected from both the sources is analyze and interpreted in the
54 | P a g
A research design is the arrangement of the condition for collection and analysis of
data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with
economy in procedure.
A research design is the specification of methods and procedure for acquiring the
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The study is based on the data provided by the company statements so, the
The term of the internship period is brief time whereas Human Resources
Division is a vast area, after doing a regular office work from 11:00 AM to
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Bhutani Infra Group is an established name in the construction world. With the
in all the projects, it is setting new benchmarks in the industry. Bhutani Group Noida is
Within a short span of time, Bhutani Infra Group has managed to become a prime
realty player and is known for equality, timely delivery and customer satisfaction to
the investors. Some of the distinguished projects by the developer are Alphathum,
Group Noida has pioneered conceptualization and execution of upscale real estate
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Registered Office Plot No. 3 & 4, 2nd floor, A-Block Market, Savitri
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We live in a more worldwide society, and each of our projects understands and
We believed that a project’s culture is defined by its public and shared areas. Withthe
best commercial properties in Noida & Delhi NCR, we aim to make these areas
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resulting in a dynamic and buzzing environment in each of our constructions.
Green ology
A division of study at Bhutani Infra, this stream drives our architects and
engineers to develop solutions and innovations that are most efficient and
Future working and living spaces will appear, act, and react unlike anything in the
present. The living and the concrete will exist in a symbiotic relationship with one
another. Bhutani Infra, one of the top real estate companies in India, recognizes that
this transformation is already taking place. And our solution is not only intended to
recognize this paradigm but also to stay ahead of it. We strive to develop living and
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Customer Focus
Responsible Citizenship
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The analysis of the data is done as per the finding. The data is represented
graphically in percentage. The percentage of the people opinion were analyzed and
Most of the manager prefer personal interview, 30% prefer to take telephonic
interviews where as only 20% goes for video conferencing and rest 10% adopt
66 | P a g
Question 2: What source you adopt to source candidate?
This analysis indicates that most of the respondent i.e. 80% responded for Job Portal,
67 | P a g
Question 3: How many stages are involved in selecting the candidate? / How
many Questions you are asking during the Telephonic interview round?
Most of the Executives Prefer two stages of interview, 40% prefer to take three stages
interviews, where as only 10% goes for four rounds and rest 5% sometimesopt for one
round of interviews.
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It takes recruiter and a recruiter: it takes a recruiter and a recruitee recruiter has achoice
As per Baling et al, there are three ways in which a prospective employee makes a
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Objective Factor Theory
It assumes that the applicants are rational. As per this theory, the choice of
factors such as; Pay package, Location, Opportunity per career growth, Nature of
The decision making is dominated by social and psychological factors. The statusof
the job, reputation of the organization and other similar factors plays an important
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organization is decisive factor in choosing an organization by individual candidate
seeking for employment. These subjective factors are; Personal compatibility for
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In this study we aimed the complete procedure of Human Resource Reporting and
performance of a firm. These statements are used in the study done above to find
about the different factors that change the growth percentage of the firm in the year.
From the above discussion it can conclude such a way that since Human Resource
few persons are recruited for its operations and performance. But it will expand soon
or later and then the number of Marketing & Sales employee may not be enough to
Committed and trustworthy employees are the most significant factors to becoming
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and trust in leadership can positively impact thecompany’s bottom line. In fact, the
true potential of an organization can only be realized when the productivity level of
all individuals and teams are fully aligned, committed and energized to successfully
accomplish the goals of the organization. Thus, the objective of every company
should be to improve the desire of employees to stay in the relationship they have
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contribution of people.
its staffs.
The management should have job evaluated salary structure, which is most
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Bhutani Infra Asset Management should hire specialist for each individual
will work to achieve twin goal at a time; one is direct marketing and another
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