Data Formats
Data Formats
Data Formats
PSS®E 35.3.0
July 2021
Copyright © 1997 - 2021 Siemens Industry, Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
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All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Table of Contents
Power Flow Data File (RAW) .............................................................................................................. 1
Overview ................................................................................................................................. 1
Extended Bus Names ................................................................................................................ 1
Default Values .......................................................................................................................... 2
Q Record .................................................................................................................................. 2
Case Identification Data ............................................................................................................ 4
System-Wide Data .................................................................................................................... 5
GENERAL Record ............................................................................................................... 6
GAUSS Record .................................................................................................................. 6
NEWTON Record ............................................................................................................... 7
ADJUST Record ................................................................................................................. 8
TYSL Record ..................................................................................................................... 8
SOLVER Record ................................................................................................................. 9
RATING Record ............................................................................................................... 10
Bus Data ................................................................................................................................ 10
Bus Data Notes ............................................................................................................... 12
Load Data .............................................................................................................................. 12
Load Data Notes ............................................................................................................. 14
Constant Power Load Characteristic ................................................................................. 14
Constant Current Load Characteristic ............................................................................... 15
Fixed Bus Shunt Data .............................................................................................................. 16
Fixed Shunt Data Notes ................................................................................................... 17
Generator Data ....................................................................................................................... 18
Reactive Power Limits ..................................................................................................... 21
Modeling of Generator Step-Up Transformers (GSU) .......................................................... 22
Multiple Machine Plants .................................................................................................. 23
Non-Transformer Branch Data .................................................................................................. 24
Zero Impedance Lines ..................................................................................................... 27
System Switching Device Data ................................................................................................. 28
Transformer Data .................................................................................................................... 30
Three-Winding Transformer Notes .................................................................................... 45
Example Two-Winding Transformer Data Records ............................................................. 46
Example Three-Winding Transformer Data Records ............................................................ 47
Two Winding Transformer Vector Groups .......................................................................... 47
Three Winding Transformer Vector Groups ........................................................................ 49
Clock Positions and Phase Angles specified in Transformer Power Flow Data ........................ 49
CC=11 ............................................................................................................................ 49
CC=12 ............................................................................................................................ 50
CC=13 ............................................................................................................................ 50
CC=14 ............................................................................................................................ 50
CC=15 ............................................................................................................................ 50
CC=16 ............................................................................................................................ 51
CC=17 ............................................................................................................................ 51
CC=18 ............................................................................................................................ 51
Areas, Zones and Owners ....................................................................................................... 51
Area Interchange Data ............................................................................................................ 53
Area Interchange Data Notes ........................................................................................... 54
Two-Terminal DC Transmission Line Data .................................................................................. 55
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All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Data Formats Reference Manual
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Data Formats Reference Manual
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Data Formats Reference Manual
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Data Formats Reference Manual
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Data Formats Reference Manual
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
List of Figures
Constant Power Load Characteristics ................................................................................................ 15
Constant Current Load Characteristics .............................................................................................. 16
Implicit GSU Configuration – Specified as Part of the Generator ........................................................ 22
Explicit GSU Configuration– Specified Separately from the Generator ................................................. 23
Multiple Generators at a Single Plant ............................................................................................... 24
Two and Three-winding Transformer Configurations Related to Data Records ....................................... 31
Two-Winding Transformer Positive Sequence Connections ............................................................... 162
Three-Winding Transformer Positive Sequence Connections ............................................................. 162
Induction Machine Sequence Network ........................................................................................... 165
Non-conventional Source Fault Contribution Characteristics ............................................................. 168
Non-conventional Source Sequence Network .................................................................................. 169
Auto-transformer Equivalent Circuit ............................................................................................... 173
YNyn transformer zero sequence network ...................................................................................... 174
YNyn with neutral impedance transformer zero sequence network ................................................... 174
YNd transformer zero sequence network ........................................................................................ 175
Znyn, Zny, or ZNd transformer zero sequence network .................................................................... 175
YNy core type transformer zero sequence network .......................................................................... 176
Dyn transformer zero sequence network ........................................................................................ 177
YNzn, Yzn or Dzn transformer zero sequence network ..................................................................... 177
Yyn core type transformer zero sequence network .......................................................................... 178
Yy, Yd, Dy, Dd, Yyn or YNy transformer zero sequence network ........................................................ 179
Ya ungrounded auto transformer zero sequence network ................................................................ 179
CC=5 or CC=15 zero sequence network .......................................................................................... 180
YNd transformer with Zigzag or YNd earthing transformer on winding 2 side zero sequence network ... 181
YNzn or Dzn core type transformer zero sequence network ............................................................. 182
Dyn transformer with Zigzag or YNd earthing transformer on winding 1 side zero sequence network ... 183
ZNyn or ZNd core type transformer zero sequence network ............................................................. 183
YNa core type auto transformer zero sequence network .................................................................. 184
YNa core type auto transformer zero sequence network .................................................................. 186
YNyn with or without neutral impedance core type transformer zero sequence network ..................... 188
YNa auto transformer zero sequence network ................................................................................. 190
Ya ungrounded core type auto transformer zero sequence network .................................................. 191
YNynyn with magnetising impedance modelled transformer zero sequence network .......................... 193
YNynd transformer zero sequence network .................................................................................... 194
Dynd transformer zero sequence network ...................................................................................... 195
Ddd, Ddy, Dyd, Dyy, Ydd, Ydy, Yyd or Yyy transformer zero sequence network ................................... 196
Dynd auto transformer zero sequence network ............................................................................... 197
YNynyn transformer zero sequence network ................................................................................... 198
Ynad (grounded) auto transformer zero sequence network .............................................................. 199
Equivalent zero sequnce network for a transformer with two externally available neutrals and 0 phase shift
between windings 1 and 2 ............................................................................................................ 199
Yad (ungrounded) auto transformer zero sequence network ............................................................ 201
Capability Curve Example file savnw.gcp for savnw.sav Case ............................................................ 259
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List of Tables
Examples of Two Winding Transformer Vector Groups ....................................................................... 48
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Chapter 1
Power Flow Data File (RAW)
1.1. Overview
The input stream to activity READ consists of 23 groups of records, with each group containing a particular
type of data required in power flow work (refer to Figure 1-1). The end of each category of data, except
the Case Identification Data, is indicated by a record specifying a value of zero; the end of the system-wide,
FACTS device, DC line, and GNE device data categories may alternatively be indicated with a record specifying
a NAME value with blanks. The optimal power flow problem typically consists of several components: one or
more objectives, a set of available system controls and any number of system constraints. The purpose of this
chapter is to present the available controls and constraints for the optimal power flow problem statement.
The sections within this chapter are presented in the order in which the data categories must appear within
the OPF Raw Data File. The format of the OPF Raw Data File itself is outlined in Figure 3-1. Each section of
this chapter fully describes the data elements associated with each data model. Specific information on the
use of the data input facilities can be found in Section 14.8 Data Input and Storage.
• The extended name of a bus is a concatenation of its 12 character alphanumeric name and its Breaker
and Switch base voltage.
• The 12 character bus name, including any trailing blanks, must be the first 12 characters of the extended
bus name.
• The bus base voltage in kV follows the 12 character bus name. Up to 6 characters may be used.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Default Values
• For those data fields for which a sign is used to indicate a modeling attribute, a minus sign may be specified
between the leading single quote and the first character of the 12 character bus name.
Thus, valid forms of an extended bus name include 'aaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvv' and 'aaaaaaaaaaaavvv'. For
those data fields cited in (4) above, '-aaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvv' and '- aaaaaaaaaaaavvv' are also valid forms
of extended bus names.
As an example, consider a 345 kV bus with the name ERIE BLVD. The following are all valid forms of its
extended bus name:
The following is not a valid form of its extended bus name because the three tailing blanks of its bus name
are not all included before the base voltage:
Because there are default values for many of the data items specified in the Power Flow Raw Data File, you
can include only the specific information you need. For example, if bus 99 is a 345 kV Type 1 bus assigned
to zone 3, the Bus Data record in the file could be:
99,' ',345.0,1,1,3,1,1.0,0.0
If, in addition, you name the bus 'ERIE BLVD', the minimum data line would be:
99,'ERIE BLVD',345,,,3
1.4. Q Record
Generally, specifying a data record with a Q in column one is used to indicate that no more data records are
to be supplied to activity READ. This end of data input indicator is permitted anywhere in the Power Flow
Raw Data File except where activity READ is expecting one of the following:
• the second or subsequent records of the four-record block defining a two-winding transformer
• the second or subsequent records of the five-record block defining a three-winding transformer
• the second or third record of the three-record block defining a two-terminal dc transmission line
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Q Record
• the second or third record of the three-record block defining a VSC dc transmission line
• the second or subsequent records of the series of data records defining a multi-terminal dc transmission
• the second or subsequent records of the series of data records defining a GNE device
System-Wide Data
Bus Data
Load Data
Generator Data
Transformer Data
Zone Data
Owner Data
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Case Identification Data
Substation Data
Q Record
Node Data
"fields":["ic", "sbase", "rev", "xfrrat", "nxfrat", "basfrq", "title1",
"data":[0, 100.00, 35, 0, 1, 60.00, "", ""]
0 for base case input (i.e., clear the working case before adding data to it)
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) System-Wide Data
IC = 0 by default
SBASE sbase System MVA base
When current ratings are being specified, ratings are entered as:
MVArated = √ 3 x Ebase x Irated x 10
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) GENERAL Record
Generally, each record specified in the System-Wide Data category begins with a NAME that defines the type
of data specified on the record. The formats of the various records are described in the following paragraphs.
RAW Example
"fields":["thrshz", "pqbrak", "blowup", "maxisollvls", "camaxreptsln",
"data":[0.0001, 0.7, 5.0, 4, 20, 0]
Using keyword input, any or all of the following solution parameters may be specified:
• MAXISOLLVLS (the maximum levels to move outward from a element when attempting to isolate it by
breaker/switch actions)
• CAMAXREPTSLN (the maximum number of times to try and solve a contingency/remedial action)
• CHKDUPCNTLBL (check for duplicate contingency labels when create DFAX file and running contingency
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) NEWTON Record
RAW Format
"fields":["itmx", "accp", "accq", "accm", "tol"],
"data":[100, 1.6, 1.6, 1.0, 0.0001]
Using keyword input, any or all of the following solution parameters may be specified:
RAW Example
"fields":["itmxn", "accn", "toln", "vctolq", "vctolv", "dvlim", "ndvfct"],
"data":[20, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.00001, 0.99, 0.99]
The NEWTON record contains solution parameters used by the Newton-Raphson power flow solution meth-
ods (FDNS, FNSL and NSOL). Using keyword input, any or all of the following solution parameters may be
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) ADJUST Record
• ACCN (voltage magnitude setpoint change acceleration factor at voltage controlled buses)
• DVLIM (maximum votlage magnitude change that may be applied on any iteration)
RAW Example
"fields":["adjthr", "acctap", "taplim", "swvbnd", "mxtpss", "mxswim"],
"data":[0.005, 1.0, 0.05, 100.0, 99, 10]
Using keyword input, any or all of the following solution parameters may be specified:
• SWVBND (percent of voltage band switched shunts with voltage violations that are adjusted on any iter-
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) SOLVER Record
RAW Example
"fields":["itmxty", "accty", "tolty"],
"data":[20, 1.0, 0.00001]
Using keyword input, any or all of the following solution parameters may be specified:
RAW Example
"fields":["method", "actaps", "areain", "phshft", "dctaps", "swshnt",
"flatst", "varlim", "nondiv"],
"data":["FNSL", 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0]
Following the name SOLVER is the name of the solution method (either FDNS, FNSL, NSOL, SOLV or MSLV).
Then, using keyword input, any or all of the following solution option selections may be specified:
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) RATING Record
RAW Example
"fields":["irate", "name", "desc"],
[1, "STEMER", "Short term summer emergency"],
• a quoted string that contains the rating’s name (this is used as a column heading in several reports), and
If no RATING record is specified for rating set "n", its name is set to "RATEn" and its description is set to "RATING
SET n".
System wide data input is terminated with a record specifying a value of zero.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Bus Data
"fields":["ibus", "name", "baskv", "ide", "area", "zone", "owner", "vm",
"va", "nvhi", "nvlo", "evhi", "evlo"],
[101, "NUC-A", 21.6, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1.01, -19.0, 1.1, 0.9, 1.1, 0.9],
IDE = 1 by default
AREA area Area number (1 through 9999).
AREA = 1 by default
ZONE zone Zone number (1 through 9999).
ZONE = 1 by default
OWNER owner Owner number (1 through 9999).
OWNER = 1 by default
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Bus Data Notes
VM = 1.0 by default
VA va Bus voltage phase angle; entered in degrees.
VA = 0.0 by default
NVHI nvhi Normal voltage magnitude high limit; entered in pu.
Bus data input in the RAW file is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
Each load at a bus can be a mixture of loads with three different characteristics: the Constant Power Load
Characteristic, the Constant Current Load Characteristic, and the constant admittance load characteristic. For
additional information on load characteristic modeling, refer to Load, activities CONL and RCNL, Modeling
Load Characteristics and Basic Load Characteristics.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Load Data
"fields":["ibus", "loadid", "stat", "area", "zone", "pl", "ql",
"ip", "iq", "yp", "yq", "owner", "scale", "intrpt",
"dgenp", "dgenq", "dgenm", "loadtype"],
[152, "1", 1, 1, 1, 1200.0, 360.0, 868.3, 360.5, 837.8, -351.3,
1, 1, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, ""],
[3010, "1", 1, 5, 4, 12.0, 5.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5,
1, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, ""]
No default allowed.
ID loadid One or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric load identifier used to
distinguish among multiple loads at bus I. It is recommended that, at buses for
which a single load is present, the load be designated as having the load identifier
ID = '1' by default
STATUS stat Load status of one for in-service and zero for out-of-service.
STATUS = 1 by default
AREA area Area to which the load is assigned (1 through 9999). By default, AREA is the area
to which bus I is assigned (refer to Bus Data).
ZONE zone Zone to which the load is assigned (1 through 9999). By default, ZONE is the zone
to which bus I is assigned (refer to Bus Data).
PL pl Active power component of constant MVA load; entered in MW.
PL = 0.0 by default
QL ql Reactive power component of constant MVA load; entered in Mvar.
QL = 0.0 by default
IP ip Active power component of constant current load; entered in MW at one per unit
IP = 0.0 by default
IQ iq Reactive power component of constant current load; entered in Mvar at one per
unit voltage.
IQ = 0.0 by default
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Load Data Notes
YP = 0.0 by default
YQ yq Reactive power component of constant admittance load; entered in Mvar at one
per unit voltage. YQ is a negative quantity for an inductive load and positive for
a capacitive load.
YQ = 0.0 by default
OWNER owner Owner to which the load is assigned (1 through 9999). By default, OWNER is the
owner to which bus I is assigned (refer to Bus Data).
SCALE scale Load scaling flag of one for a scalable load and zero for a fixed load (refer to SCAL).
SCALE = 1 by default
INTRPT intrpt Interruptible load flag of one for an interruptible load for zero for a non interrupt-
ible load.
INTRPT = 0 by default
DGENP dgenp Distributed Generation active power component; entered in units of MW.
DGENM = 0 by default
LOADTYPE loadtype Alphanumeric load type descriptor of up to twelve characters used to distinguish
among different types of load.
Load data input is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Constant Current Load Characteristic
and 0.8 pu. The user may modify the value of PQBRAK using the [Solution Parameters] GUI (refer to PSSE
GUI Users Guide, Section 11.1.1, Boundary Conditions).
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Fixed Bus Shunt Data
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Fixed Shunt Data Notes
"fields":["ibus", "shntid", "stat", "gl", "bl"],
[151, "F1", 1, 5.0, -400.0],
[3022, "1 ", 1, 0.0, 1080.0]
No default allowed
ID shntid One- or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric fixed shunt identifier
used to distinguish among multiple fixed shunts at bus I. It is recommended that,
at buses for which a single fixed shunt is present, the fixed shunt be designated
as having the fixed shunt identifier '1'.
ID = '1' by default
STATUS stat Shunt status of one for in-service and zero for out-of-service.
STATUS = 1 by default
GL gl Activecomponent of shunt admittance to ground; entered in MW at one per unit
voltage. GL should not include any resistive impedance load, which is entered as
part of load data.
GL = 0.0 by default
BL bl Reactive component of shunt admittance to ground; entered in Mvar at one per
unit voltage. BL should not include any reactive impedance load, which is en-
tered as part of load data; line charging and line connected shunts, which are
entered as part of non-transformer branch data; transformer magnetizing admit-
tance, which is entered as part of transformer data; or switched shunt admittance,
which is entered as part of switched shunt data. BL is positive for a capacitor, and
negative for a reactor or an inductive load.
BL = 0.0 by default
Fixed bus shunt data input is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Generator Data
Area Totals” through Section 12.12, “Summarizing Zone-to-Zone Interchange”) and for shunt scaling purpos-
es (refer to SCAL).
The admittance specified in the data record can represent a shunt capacitor or a shunt reactor (both with
or without a real component) or a shunt resistor. It must not represent line connected admittance, switched
shunts, loads, line charging or transformer magnetizing impedance, all of which are entered in other data
RMPCT, PT, PB, BASLOD, O1, F1, ..., O4, F4, WMOD, WPF
"fields":["ibus", "machid", "pg", "qg", "qt", "qb", "vs", "ireg", "nreg",
"mbase", "zr", "zx", "rt", "xt", "gtap", "stat", "rmpct",
"pt", "pb", "baslod", "o1", "f1", "o2", "f2", "o3", "f3", "o4",
"f4", "wmod", "wpf"],
[101, "1", 750.0, 165.2, 400.0, -100.0 1.01, 101, 0, 900.0, 0.01,
0.3, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1, 100.0, 800.0, 50.0, 0, 1, 0.1289, 2, 0.2524,
3, 0.1031, 4, 0.5156, 0, 1.0],
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Generator Data
[3018, "2", 100.0, -0.157, 75.0, -75.0, 0.99, 3018, 0, 120.0, 0.024,
0.36, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1, 92.5, 110.0, 20.0, 0, 1, 0.3003, 2, 0.1358,
3, 0.2857, 4, 0.2782, 0, 1.0]
No default allowed
ID machid One- or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric machine identifier
used to distinguish among multiple machines at bus I. It is recommended that, at
buses for which a single machine is present, the machine be designated as having
the machine identifier '1'.
ID = '1' by default
PG pg Generator active power output; entered in MW.
PG = 0.0 by default
QG qg Generator reactive power output; entered in Mvar. QG needs to be entered only
if the case, as read in, is to be treated as a solved case.
QG = 0.0 by default
QT qt Maximum generator reactive power output; entered in Mvar. For fixed output
generators (i.e., nonregulating), QT must be equal to the fixed Mvar output. For
infeed machines (WMOD=4), QT is not used in powerflow calculations. The reac-
tive power output of infeed machines is held constant at QG.
QT = 9999.0 by default
QB qb Minimum generator reactive power output; entered in Mvar. For fixed output
generators, QB must be equal to the fixed Mvar output. For infeed machines
(WMOD=4), QB is not used in powerflow calculations. The reactive power output
infeed machines is held constant at QB = -9999.0 by default.
VS vs Regulated voltage setpoint; entered in pu.
VS = 1.0 by default
IREG ireg Bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes, of the bus for which
voltage is to be regulated by this plant to the value specified by VS. If IREG specifies
a remote bus (i.e., a bus other than bus I), bus IREG must be a Type 1 or 2 bus
(if it is other than a Type 1 or 2 bus, bus I regulates its own voltage to the value
specified by VS). IREG may be entered as zero if the plant is to regulate its own
voltage. If bus I is a Type 3 (swing) bus, IREG must not specify a remote bus.
IREG = 0 by default
NREG nreg A node number of bus IREG. The bus section of bus IREG to which node NREG
is connected is the bus section for which voltage is to be regulated by this plant
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Generator Data
NREG = 0 by default
MBASE mbase Total MVA base of the units represented by this machine; entered in MVA. This
quantity is not needed in normal power flow and equivalent construction work,
but is required for switching studies, fault analysis, and dynamic simulation.
STAT = 1 by default
RMPCT rmpct Percent of the total Mvar required to hold the voltage at the bus controlled by bus
I that are to be contributed by the generation at bus I; RMPCT must be positive.
RMPCT is needed only if there is more than one local or remote setpoint mode
voltage controlling device (plant, switched shunt, FACTS device shunt element,
or VSC dc line converter) controlling the voltage at bus IREG.
PT = 9999.0 by default
PB pb Minimum generator active power output; entered in MW.
PB = -9999.0 by default
BASLOD baslod Base loaded flag;
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Reactive Power Limits
• = 2 Neither up nor down; the machine can be scaled neither up nor down
• = 3 Up only; the machine can be scaled up but will not be scaled for any de-
crease in generation
BASLOD = 0 by default
Oi o1, o2, o3, Owner number (1 through 9999). Each machine may have up to four owners. By
o4 default, O1 is the owner to which bus I is assigned (refer to Bus Data) and O2,
O3, and O4 are zero.
Fi f1, f2, f3, f4 Fraction of total ownership assigned to owner Oi; each Fi must be positive. The
Fi values are normalized such that they sum to 1.0 before they are placed in the
working case. By default, each Fi is 1.0.
WMOD wmod Machine control mode; WMOD is used to indicate whether a machine is a conven-
tional or a non-conventional machine (e.g. renewables, infeed) machine, and, if
it is, the type of reactive power limits to be imposed. Non-conventional machines
are renewables (e.g., wind, PV etc.) and infeed machines (for definition of infeed
machines, see description below of WNMOD=4)
1 - renewable type machine for which reactive power limits are specified by QT
and QB.
2 - renewable type machine for which reactive power limits are determined from
the machine’s active power output and WPF; limits are of equal magnitude and
opposite sign
3 - renewable type machine with a fixed reactive power setting determined from
the machine’s active power output and WPF; when WPF is positive, the machine’s
reactive power has the same sign as its active power; when WPF is negative, the
machine’s reactive power has the opposite sign of its active power.
4 - infeed type machine. An infeed type machine is one for which the machine
reactive power (QG) is held constant. The QT and QB limits values are not used
and are for information only. QG value has to be between QT and QB.
WMOD = 0 by default
WPF wpf Power factor used in calculating reactive power limits or output when WMOD is
2 or 3
Generator data input in the RAW file is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Modeling of Generator Step-Up Trans-
formers (GSU)
tions require that the difference between the controlling equipment's high and low reactive power limits
be greater than 0.002 pu for all setpoint mode voltage controlling equipment (0.2 Mvar on a 100 MVA sys-
tem base). It is recommended that voltage controlling plants have Mvar ranges substantially wider than this
minimum permissible range.
For additional information on generator modeling in power flow solutions, refer to refer to Section 6.3.12,
“Generation” and Section 6.3.18, “AC Voltage Control”.
Figure 1-4 shows that bus K is the Type 2 bus. This is the bus at which the generator will regulate/control
voltage unless the user specifies a remote bus.
In this method, the transformer data is not specified with the generator data. It is entered separately (see
Transformer Data) in a transformer branch data block.
In Figure 1-5, there is an additional bus to represent the generator terminal. This is the Type 2 bus where the
generator will regulate/control voltage unless the user specifies a remote bus.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Multiple Machine Plants
Figure 1.4. Explicit GSU Configuration– Specified Separately from the Generator
A generator data record may be entered in activities READ, TRSQ, or RDCH for each of the machines to be
represented, with machine powers, power limits, impedance data, and step-up transformer data for each
machine specified on separate generator data records. The plant power output and power limits are taken
as the sum of the corresponding quantities of the in-service machines at the plant. The values specified for
VS, IREG, and RMPCT, which are treated as plant quantities rather than individual machine quantities, must
be identical on each of these generator data records.
Alternatively, a single generator record may be specified in activities READ, TREA, or RDCH with the plant
total power output, power limits, voltage setpoint, remotely regulated bus, and percent of contributed Mvar
entered. Impedance and step-up transformer data may be omitted. The PSSE power flow activities may be
used and then, any time prior to beginning switching study, fault analysis, or dynamic simulation work,
activity MCRE may be used to introduce the individual machine impedance and step-up transformer data;
activity MCRE also apportions the total plant loading among the individual machines.
As an example, Figure 1-5 shows three Type 2 buses, each having two connected units. For generators 1
through 4, the GSU is explicitly represented while for generators 5 and 6 the GSU is implicitly represented.
Figure 1-6 shows the generator data records corresponding to Figure 1-5.
The separate transformer data records for the explicitly represented transformers from buses 1238 and 1239
to bus 1237 are not included in Figure 1-6.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Non-Transformer Branch Data
1238,'1 ', 200., , 120., 0.0, 1.03, 0, 0, 200.0, 0.0, .26, 0., 0.0, 1.00, 1, 50.0, ...
1238,'2 ', 250., , 150., 0.0, 1.03, 0, 0, 250.0, 0.0, .22, 0., 0.0, 1.00, 1, 50.0, ...
1239,'3 ', 200., , 120., 0.0, 1.03, 0, 0, 200.0, 0.0, .26, 0., 0.0, 1.00, 1, 50.0, ...
1239,'4 ', 250., , 150., 0.0, 1.03, 0, 0, 250.0, 0.0, .22, 0., 0.0, 1.00, 1, 50.0, ...
1237,'5 ', 750., , 500., 0.0, 1.06, 0, 0, 800.0, 0.0, .25, 0., 0.18, 1.05, 1, 50.0, ...
1237,'6 ', 750., , 500., 0.0, 1.06, 0, 0, 800.0, 0.0, .25, 0., 0.18, 1.05, 1, 50.0, ...
Branches to be modeled as transformers are not specified in this data category; rather, they are specified
in Transformer Data.
When specifying a non-transformer branch between buses I and J with circuit identifier CKT, if a two-winding
transformer between buses I and J with a circuit identifier of CKT is already present in the working case, it
is replaced (i.e., the transformer is deleted from the working case and the newly specified branch is then
added to the working case).
In PSSE, the basic transmission line model is an Equivalent Pi connected between network buses. Figure 1-8
shows the required parameter data where the equivalent Pi is comprised of:
• Two admittance branches (jBch/2) representing the line's capacitive admittance (line charging).
• Two admittance branches (G + jB) for shunt equipment units (e.g., reactors) that are connected to and
switched with the line.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Non-Transformer Branch Data
To represent shunts connected to buses, that shunt data should be entered in fixed shunt and/or switched
shunt data records.
"fields":["ibus", "jbus", "ckt", "rpu", "xpu", "bpu", "name",
"rate1", "rate2", "rate3", "rate4", "rate5", "rate6",
"rate7", "rate8", "rate9", "rate10", "rate11", "rate12",
"gi", "bi", "gj", "bj", "stat", "met", "len",
"o1", "f1", "o2", "f2", "o3", "f3", "o4", "f4"],
[151, 152, "1", 0.0026, 0.046, 3.5, "", 1200.0, 1100.0, 1000.0,
1200.4, 1100.5, 1000.6, 1200.70, 1100.80, 1000.90, 1200.10,
1100.11, 1000.12, 0.01, -0.25, 0.011, -0.15, 1, 2, 150.0, 1,
0.2, 2, 0.3, 3, 0.4, 4, 0.1],
[3008, 3009, "1", 0.003, 0.025, 0.06, "", 25.0, 22.0, 18.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1,
2, 60.00, 1, 0.1797, 2, 0.2695, 3, 0.3594, 4, 0.1914]
No default allowed
J jbus Branch to bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes.
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Non-Transformer Branch Data
B = 0.0 by default
NAME name Alphanumeric identifier assigned to the branch. NAME may be up to forty char-
acters and may contain any combination of blanks, uppercase letters, numbers
and special characters. NAME must be enclosed in single or double quotes if it
contains any blanks or special characters.
Ebase is the base line-to-line voltage in volts of the buses to which the terminal of
the branch is connected
ST = 1 by default
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Zero Impedance Lines
MET = 1 by default
Non-transformer branch data input is terminated with a record specifying a from bus number of zero.
The branch is treated as series compensated line when its R=0 and X is < 0.
• Its magnitude of reactance must be less than or equal to the zero impedance line threshold tolerance,
During network solutions, buses connected by such lines are treated as the same bus, thus having identical
bus voltages. At the completion of each solution, the loadings on zero impedance lines are determined.
When obtaining power flow solutions, zero impedance line flows, as calculated at the end of the solution, are
preserved with the working case and are available to the power flow solution reporting activities. Similarly,
in activity SCMU, the positive, negative, and zero sequence branch currents on zero impedance lines are
determined and preserved, and are subsequently available to activity SCOP. In the ACCC, as well as activity
ASCC and in the linearized network analysis activities, zero impedance line results are calculated and reported
as needed.
The remainder of this section contains points to be noted, and restrictions to be observed, in using zero
impedance lines.
Branch impedances may not be specified as identically zero; a non-zero reactance must be specified for all
branches, and those meeting the criteria above are treated as zero impedance lines.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) System Switching Device Data
The zero impedance line threshold tolerance, THRSHZ, may be changed using the category of solution pa-
rameter data via activity CHNG or the [Solution Parameters] dialog. Setting THRSHZ to zero disables zero
impedance line modeling, and all branches are represented with their specified impedances.
A zero impedance line may not have a transformer in parallel with it. Although not required, it is recommend-
ed that no other in-service lines exist in parallel with a zero impedance line.
A zero impedance line may have non-zero values of line charging and/or line connected shunts. This allows,
for example, a low impedance cable to be modeled as a zero impedance line.
When more than two buses are connected together by zero impedance lines in a loop arrangement, there is
no unique solution to the flows on the individual zero impedance lines that form the loop. In this case, the
reactances specified for these branches is used in determining the zero impedance line flows.
It is important to note that buses connected together by zero impedance lines are treated as a single bus by
the power flow solution activities. Hence, equipment controlling the voltages of multiple buses in a zero im-
pedance connected group of buses must have coordinated voltage schedules (i.e., the same voltage setpoint
should be specified for each of the voltage controlling devices). Activity CNTB recognizes this condition in
scanning for conflicting voltage objectives, and activity REGB may be used to generate a regulated bus report.
Similarly, if multiple voltage controlling devices are present in a group of buses connected together by zero
impedance lines, the power flow solution activities handle the boundary condition as if they are all connected
to the same bus (refer to Setpoint Voltage Control).
In fault analysis activities, a branch treated as a zero impedance line in the positive sequence is treated in
the same manner in the zero sequence, regardless of its zero sequence branch impedance. Zero sequence
mutual couplings involving a zero impedance line are ignored in the fault analysis solution activities.
Most activities do not honor the system switching devices. System switching devices are treated as zero
impedance lines if they have characteristics of zero impedance lines; otherwise, they are treated as regular
non-transformer branches.
System switching devices are recognized in Substation Reliability Assessment (refer to Section 6.16, Calcu-
lating Substation Reliability) and activity DFAX. Substation Reliability Assessment simulates operations of
breakers to isolate faults in a substation and manual switching to restore the service to supply loads. Dis-
tribution Factor File setup activity can process automatic commands to operate and monitor breakers and
switches in Contingency Description Data File and Monitored Element Data File respectively.
As mentioned in the section Zero Impedance Lines, PSSE is able to handle a loop arrangement consisting of
zero impedance lines so that users can build a fully detailed bus/breaker model for any bus configuration,
such as a ring bus configuration. When adding a system switching device into a network model, connectivity
nodes where the terminals of a transmission line connect to the terminals of the system switching device
must be added as well. This will change a bus branch configuration which is widely used in planning studies
to a detailed bus breaker configuration and lead to a tremendous increase in number of buses. In such cases
as this, the use of the the use of the extensive substation modeling capabilities introduced in PSSE 34 is
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) System Switching Device Data
"fields":["ibus", "jbus", "ckt", "xpu",
"rate1", "rate2", "rate3", "rate4", "rate5", "rate6",
"rate7", "rate8", "rate9", "rate10", "rate11", "rate12",
"stat", "nstat", "met", "stype", "name"],
[151, 201, "*1", 1.0E-4, 1206.0, 1106.0, 1006.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1, 2, 3, ""],
[153, 3006, "@1", 1.0E-4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1, 2, 2, ""]
No default allowed
J jbus To bus number.
No default allowed
CKT ckt Two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric switching device identifier.
STATUS=1 by default
NSTATUS nstat Normal service status: 1 for normally closed (in service) and 0 for normally
opened (out of service).
NSTATUS=1 by default
METERD met Metered end
STYPE stype Switching device type
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
2 - Circuit breaker
3 - Disconnect switch
NAME name System switching device name
System Switching Device data input is terminated with a record specifying a from bus number of zero.
Both two-winding and three-winding transformers are specified in transformer data record blocks. Two-wind-
ing transformers require a block of four data records. Three-winding transformers require five data records.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
The five record transformer data block for three-winding transformers has the following format:
The four-record transformer data block for two-winding transformers is a subset of the data required for
three-winding transformers and has the following format:
"fields":["ibus", "jbus", "kbus", "ckt", "cw", "cz", "cm",
"mag1", "mag2", "nmet", "name", "stat",
"o1", "f1", "o2", "f2", "o3", "f3", "o4", "f4",
"vecgrp", "zcod", "r1_2", "x1_2", "sbase1_2",
"r2_3", "x2_3", "sbase2_3", "r3_1", "x3_1",
"sbase3_1", "vmstar", "anstar",
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
Note: The above RAWX example includes both a 2-winding and a 3-winding data row example. The 2-winding
example skips several trailing fields at the end of the record.
Control parameters for the automatic adjustment of transformers and phase shifters are specified on the
third record of the two-winding transformer data block, and on the third through fifth records of the three-
winding transformer data block. All transformers are adjustable and the control parameters may be specified
either at the time of raw data input or subsequently via activity CHNG or the transformer [Spreadsheets]. Any
two-winding transformer and any three-winding transformer winding for which no control data is provided
has default data assigned to it; the default data is such that the two-winding transformer or three-winding
transformer winding is treated as locked.
Refer to Transformer Sequence Numbers and Three-Winding Transformer Notes for additional details on the
three-winding transformer model used in PSSE.
When specifying a two-winding transformer between buses I and J with circuit identifier CKT, if a nontrans-
former branch between buses I and J with a circuit identifier of CKT is already present in the working case, it
is replaced (i.e., the nontransformer branch is deleted from the working case and the newly specified two-
winding transformer is then added to the working case).
All data items on the first record are specified for both two- and three-winding transformers except for ZCOD,
which is specified only for three-winding transformers.
No default is allowed
J jbus The bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes, of the bus to
which Winding 2 is connected.
No default is allowed
K kbus The bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes, of the bus to
which Winding 3 is connected. Zero is used to indicate that no third winding is
present (i.e., that a two-winding rather than a three-winding transformer is being
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
CW = 1 by default.
CZ cz The impedance data I/O code defines the units in which the winding impedances
R1-2, X1-2, R2-3, X2-3, R3-1 and X3-1 are specified:
• 1 for resistance and reactance in pu on system MVA base and winding voltage
• 2 for resistance and reactance in pu on a specified MVA base and winding volt-
age base
In specifying transformer leakage impedances, the base voltage values are al-
ways the nominal winding voltages that are specified on the third, fourth and
fifth records of the transformer data block (NOMV1, NOMV2 and NOMV3). If the
default NOMVn is not specified, it is assumed to be identical to the winding n bus
base voltage.
CZ = 1 by default.
CM cm The magnetizing admittance I/O code defines the units in which MAG1 and MAG2
are specified:
• 1 for complex admittance in pu on system MVA base and Winding 1 bus voltage
• 2 for no load loss in watts and exciting current in pu on Winding 1 to two MVA
base (SBASE1-2) and nominal Winding 1 voltage, NOMV1.
CM = 1 by default.
MAG1, mag1, mag2 The transformer magnetizing admittance connected to ground at bus I.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
When CM is 2, MAG1 is the no load loss in watts and MAG2 is the exciting cur-
rent in pu on Winding 1 to two MVA base (SBASE1-2) and nominal Winding 1
voltage (NOMV1). For three-phase transformers or three-phase banks of single
phase transformers, MAG1 should specify the three-phase no-load loss. When a
non-zero MAG2 is specified, it should be entered as a positive quantity.
NMETR = 2 by default
NAME name Alphanumeric identifier assigned to the transformer. NAME may be up to forty
characters and may contain any combination of blanks, uppercase letters, num-
bers and special characters. NAME must be enclosed in single or double quotes if
it contains any blanks or special characters.
STAT = 1 by default
Oi o1, o2, o3, An owner number (1 through 9999). Each transformer may have up to four own-
o4 ers. By default, O1 is the owner to which bus I is assigned and O2, O3, and O4
are zero.
Fi f1, f2, f3, f4 The fraction of total ownership assigned to owner Oi; each Fi must be positive.
The Fi values are normalized such that they sum to 1.0 before they are placed in
the working case.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
ZCOD = 0 by default
ZCOD value is used only for three winding transformers. It is not used for two
winding transformers.
For three winding transformers, winding impedances are the equivalent T-model
impedances Z1, Z2 and Z3; and the bus-to-bus impedances are impedances Z12,
Z23 and Z31.
For three winding transformers and bus-to-bus impedance correction factors, on-
ly one of the three windings must be adjustable (only one of COD1, COD2 and
COD3 can be non-zero).
The first three data items on the second record are read for both two- and three-winding transformers; the
remaining data items are used only for three-winding transformers:
When CZ is 3, R1-2 is the load loss in watts, and X1-2 is the impedance magnitude
in pu on Winding 1 to 2 MVA base (SBASE1-2) and winding voltage base. For
three-phase transformers or three-phase banks of single phase transformers, R1-2
should specify the three-phase load loss.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
When CZ is 3, R3-1 is the load loss in watts, and X3-1 is the impedance magnitude
in pu on Winding 3 to 1 MVA base (SBASE3-1) and winding voltage base. For
three-phase transformers or three-phase banks of single phase transformers, R3-1
should specify the three-phase load loss.
All data items on the third record are read for both two- and three-winding transformers:
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
COD1 = 0 by default.
CONT1 cont1 The bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes (refer to Ex-
tended Bus Names), of the bus for which voltage is to be controlled by the trans-
former turns ratio adjustment option of the power flow solution activities when
COD1 is 1. CONT1 should be non-zero only for voltage controlling transformer
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
CONT1 = 0 by default.
NODE1 node1 A node number of bus CONT1. The bus section of bus CONT1 to which node
NODE1 is connected is the bus section for which voltage is to be controlled by the
transformer turns ratio adjustment option of the power flow solution activities
when COD1 is 1. NODE1 should be non-zero only for voltage controlling trans-
former windings. If bus CONT1 is not in a substation, NODE1 must be specified
as 0.
NODE1 = 0 by default.
RMA1, RMI1 rma1, rmi1 When |COD1| is 1, 2, 3, or 5, the upper and lower limits, respectively, of one of
the following:
Not used when |COD1| is 0 or 4; RMA1 = 1.1 and RMI1 = 0.9 by default.
VMA1, VMI1 vma1, vmi1 When |COD1| is 1, 2, 3, or 5, the upper and lower limits, respectively, of one of
the following:
• Reactive power flow into the transformer at the Winding 1 bus end in Mvar
when |COD1| is 2. No default is allowed.
• Active power flow into the transformer at the Winding 1 bus end in MW when
|COD1| is 3 or 5. No default is allowed.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
For three winding transformers, these impedance correction factors are applied
to the equivalent T-model impedance Z1 when ZCOD=0 and to the bus-to-bus
impedance Z12 when ZCOD=1.
CR1, CX1 cr1, cx1 The load drop compensation impedance for voltage controlling transformers en-
tered in pu on system base quantities; used when COD1 is 1.
The first two data items on the fourth record are read for both two- and three-winding transformers; the
remaining data items are used only for three-winding transformers:
Field RAWX Key Description
WINDV2 windv2 When CW is 1, WINDV2 is the Winding 2 off-nominal turns ratio in pu of Winding
2 bus base voltage; WINDV2 = 1.0 by default.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
COD2 = 0 by default.
CONT2 cont2 The bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes (refer to Ex-
tended Bus Names), of the bus for which voltage is to be controlled by the trans-
former turns ratio adjustment option of the power flow solution activities when
COD2 is 1. CONT2 should be non-zero only for voltage controlling transformer
CONT2 may specify a bus other than I, J, or K; in this case, the sign of CONT2
defines the location of the controlled bus relative to the transformer winding.
If CONT2 is entered as a positive number, or a quoted extended bus name, the
ratio is adjusted as if bus CONT2 is on the Winding 1 or Winding 3 side of the
transformer; if CONT2 is entered as a negative number, or a quoted extended bus
name with a minus sign preceding the first character, the ratio is adjusted as if
bus |CONT2| is on the Winding 2 side of the transformer.
CONT2 = 0 by default.
NODE2 node2 A node number of bus CONT2. The bus section of bus CONT2 to which node
NODE2 is connected is the bus section for which voltage is to be controlled by the
transformer turns ratio adjustment option of the power flow solution activities
when COD2 is 1. NODE2 should be non-zero only for voltage controlling trans-
former windings. If bus CONT2 is not in a substation, NODE2 must be specified
as 0.
NODE2 = 0 by default.
RMA2, RMI2 rma2, rmi2 When |COD2| is 1, 2, 3, or 5, the upper and lower limits, respectively, of one of
the following:
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
• Reactive power flow into the transformer at the Winding 2 bus end in Mvar
when |COD2| is 2. No default is allowed.
• Active power flow into the transformer at the Winding 2 bus end in MW when
|COD2| is 3 or 5. No default is allowed.
NTP2 = 33 by default
TAB2 tab2 The number of a transformer impedance correction table if this transformer
winding’s impedance is to be a function of either off-nominal turns ratio or phase
shift angle (refer to Transformer Impedance Correction Tables), or 0 if no trans-
former impedance correction is to be applied to this transformer winding.
TAB2 = 0 by default.
For three winding transformers, these impedance correction factors are applied
to the equivalent T-model impedance Z2 when ZCOD=0 and to the bus-to-bus
impedance Z23 when ZCOD=1.
CR2, CX2 cr2, cx2 The load drop compensation impedance for voltage controlling transformers en-
tered in pu on system base quantities; used when COD2 is 1.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Data
COD3 = 0 by default
CONT3 cont3 The bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes (refer to Ex-
tended Bus Names), of the bus for which voltage is to be controlled by the trans-
former turns ratio adjustment option of the power flow solution activities when
COD3 is 1. CONT3 should be non-zero only for voltage controlling transformer
CONT3 may specify a bus other than I, J, or K; in this case, the sign of CONT3
defines the location of the controlled bus relative to the transformer winding.
If CONT3 is entered as a positive number, or a quoted extended bus name, the
ratio is adjusted as if bus CONT3 is on the Winding 1 or Winding 2 side of the
transformer; if CONT3 is entered as a negative number, or a quoted extended bus
name with a minus sign preceding the first character, the ratio is adjusted as if
bus |CONT3| is on the Winding 3 side of the transformer.
CONT3 = 0 by default
NODE3 node3 A node number of bus CONT3. The bus section of bus CONT3 to which node
NODE3 is connected is the bus section for which voltage is to be controlled by the
transformer turns ratio adjustment option of the power flow solution activities
when COD3 is 1. NODE3 should be non-zero only for voltage controlling trans-
former windings. If bus CONT3 is not in a substation, NODE3 must be specified
as 0.
NODE3 = 0 by default.
RMA3, RMI3 rma3, rmi3 When |COD3| is 1, 2, 3, or 5, the upper and lower limits, respectively, of one of
the following:
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Three-Winding Transformer Notes
• Active power flow into the transformer at the Winding 3 bus end in MW when
|COD3| is 3 or 5. No default is allowed.
NTP3 = 33 by default
TAB3 tab3 The number of a transformer impedance correction table if this transformer
winding’s impedance is to be a function of either off-nominal turns ratio or phase
shift angle (refer to Transformer Impedance Correction Tables), or 0 if no trans-
former impedance correction is to be applied to this transformer winding.
TAB3 = 0 by default
For three winding transformers, these impedance correction factors are applied
to the equivalent T-model impedance Z3 when ZCOD=0 and to the bus-to-bus
impedance Z31 when ZCOD=1.
CR3, CX3 cr3, cx3 The load drop compensation impedance for voltage controlling transformers en-
tered in pu on system base quantities; used when COD3 is 1.
Transformer data input is terminated with a record specifying a Winding 1 bus number of zero.
In deriving winding impedances from the measured impedance data input values, one winding with a small
impedance, in many cases negative, often results. In the extreme case, it is possible to specify a set of mea-
sured impedances that themselves do not individually appear to challenge the precision limits of typical
power system calculations, but which result in one winding impedance of nearly (or identically) 0.0. Such
data could result in precision difficulties, and hence inaccurate results, when processing the system matrices
in power flow and short circuit calculations.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Example Two-Winding Transformer Da-
ta Records
Whenever a set of measured impedance results in a winding reactance that is identically 0.0, a warning
message is printed by the three-winding transformer data input or data changing function, and the winding’s
reactance is set to the zero impedance line threshold tolerance (or to 0.0001 if the zero impedance line
threshold tolerance itself is 0.0). Whenever a set of measured impedances results in a winding impedance for
which magnitude is less than 0.00001, a warning message is printed. As with all warning and error messages
produced during data input and data modification phases of PSSE, the user should resolve the cause of the
message (e.g., was correct input data specified?) and use engineering judgement to resolve modeling issues
(e.g., is this the best way to model this transformer or would some other modeling be more appropriate?).
Activity BRCH may be used to detect the presence of branch reactance magnitudes less than a user-specified
threshold tolerance; its use is always recommended whenever the user begins power system analysis work
using a new or modified system model.
Data Formats
1.0299, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 60.0, 75.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 6151, 0, 1.1, 0.9, 1.025, 1.0, 33, 0, 0.0, 0.0
1.0, 0.0
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Example Three-Winding Transformer
Data Records
Data Formats
0.003, 0.03, 100.0, 0.001, 0.03, 100.0, 0.001, 0.035, 100.0, 1.025, 0.0
1.00, 0.0, 0.0, 300, 400, 600, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3001, 0, 1.1, 0.9, 1.04, 1.0, 33, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Two Winding Transformer Vector
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Three Winding Transformer Vector
Vector groups are specified forming combinations of allowed winding connections and clock positions for
various transformer connection codes.
1.13.7. CC=11
Allowed Winding Configurations Allowed Clock Positions
Winding 1 YN 0, 6
Winding 2 yn 0, 6
Winding 3 yn 0, 6
Examples YN0yn6yn0, ANG1=0, ANG2=180, ANG3=0
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) CC=12
1.13.8. CC=12
Allowed Winding Configurations Allowed Clock Positions
Winding 1 YN 0, 6
Winding 2 yn 0, 6
Winding 3 y 0, 6
d 1, 5, 7, 11
Examples YN0yn6d5, ANG1=0, ANG2=180, ANG3=-150
1.13.9. CC=13
Allowed Winding Configurations Allowed Clock Positions
Winding 1 D 1, 5, 7, 11
Winding 2 yn 0, 6
Winding 3 d 1, 5, 7, 11
Examples D1YN0d1, ANG1=-30, ANG2=0, ANG3=0
1.13.10. CC=14
Allowed Winding Configurations Allowed Clock Positions
Winding 1 Y 0, 6
D 1, 5, 7, 11
Winding 2 y 0, 6
d 1, 5, 7, 11
Winding 3 y 0, 6
d 1, 5, 7, 11
Examples Y6d11d7, ANG1=180, ANG2=30, ANG3=150
1.13.11. CC=15
Allowed Winding Configurations Allowed Clock Positions
Winding 1* D 1, 5, 7, 11
Winding 2 yn 0, 6
Winding 3* d 1, 5, 7, 11
Examples D1yn0d1, ANG1=-30, ANG2=0, ANG3=-30
* Note: Windings 1 and 3 form auto-transformer. So their clock positions are always identical.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) CC=16
1.13.12. CC=16
Allowed Winding Configurations Allowed Clock Positions
Winding 1 YN 0, 6
Winding 2 yn 0, 6
Winding 3 yn 0, 6
Examples YN0yn0yn0, ANG1=0, ANG2=0, ANG3=0
1.13.13. CC=17
Allowed Winding Configurations Allowed Clock Positions
Winding 1 YNa 0
Winding 2
Winding 3 d 1, 5, 7, 11
Examples YNa0d1, ANG1=0, ANG2=0, ANG3=-30
1.13.14. CC=18
Allowed Winding Configurations Allowed Clock Positions
Winding 1 Ya 0
Winding 2
Winding 3 d 1, 5, 7, 11
Examples Ya0d5, ANG1=0, ANG2=0, ANG3=-150
Areas are commonly used to designate sections of the network that represent control areas between which
there are scheduled flows. PSSE provides for the identification of areas and their schedules. Alternatively, the
network can be subdivided between utility companies or any other subdivisions useful for specific analyses.
Each ac bus, load, and induction machine, as well as each dc bus of each multi-terminal dc line, is assigned
to an area.
Assigning buses to specific zones allows an additional subdivision of the network to facilitate analyses and
documentation. While PSSE provides documentation of zone interchange, it provides no analytical facility to
schedule interchange between zones. Each ac bus, load, and induction machine as well as each dc bus of
each multi-terminal dc line, is assigned to a zone.
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Areas, Zones and Owners
Although areas cannot overlap other areas and zones cannot overlap other zones, areas and zones can over-
lap each other.
Figure 1-12 shows a system subdivided into three areas and three zones, each with a unique name. Notice
the following:
• An area does not have to be contiguous. Area #1 covers two separate parts of the network.
Assigning ownership attributes to buses and other equipment allows an additional subdivision of the network
for analysis and documentation purposes. PSSE provides neither analytical facility to schedule interchange
between owners, nor documentation of owner interchange. Each of the following power system elements
is assigned to a single owner:
• ac bus
• load
• induction machine
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Area Interchange Data
• FACTS device
• GNE device
• synchronous machine
• non-transformer branch
• VSC dc line
Area, zone and owner assignments are established at the time the network element is introduced into the
working case, either as specified by the user or to a documented default value. Assignments may be modified
either through the standard power flow data modification functions (refer to Section 5.9, Changing Service
Status and Power Flow Parametric Data) or via activities ARNM, OWNM and ZONM.
Additional Information
See also: Section 4.8, Subsystem Selection Section 4.9, Subsystem Reporting Adjusting Net Inter-
change Area Interchange Control Area Interchange Data Interarea Transfer Data Owner Data Zone
Data Bus Data Load Data Generator Data Non-Transformer Branch Data Transformer Data Volt-
age Source Converter (VSC) DC Transmission Line Data Multi-Terminal DC Transmission Line Data
"fields":["iarea", "isw", "pdes", "ptol", "arname"],
[1, 101, -2800.0, 10.0, "CENTRAL"],
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Area Interchange Data Notes
No default allowed.
ISW isw Bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes (refer to Extended
Bus Names), of the area slack bus for area interchange control. The bus must be a
generator (Type 2) bus in the specified area. Any area containing a system swing
bus (Type 3) must have either that swing bus or a bus number of zero specified
for its area slack bus number. Any area with an area slack bus number of zero is
considered a floating area by the area interchange control option of the power
flow solution activities.
ISW = 0 by default.
PDES pdes Desired net interchange leaving the area (export); entered in MW. PDES must be
specified such that is consistent with the area interchange definition implied by
the area interchange control code (tie lines only, or tie lines and loads) to be spec-
ified during power flow solutions (refer to Section 6.3.20, Automatic Adjustments
and Area Interchange Control).
Area interchange data input is terminated with a record specifying an area number of zero.
Area interchange is a required net export of power from, or net import of power to, a specific area. This does
not imply that the power is destined to be transferred to or from any other specific area. To specify transfers
between specific pairs of areas, see Interarea Transfer Data.
Each bus in the PSSE working case may be designated as residing in an interchange area, for purposes of
both interchange control and selective output and other processing. When the interchange control option
is enabled during a power flow solution, each interchange area for which an area slack bus is specified has
the active power output of its area slack bus modified such that the desired net interchange for the area falls
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Two-Terminal DC Transmission Line Da-
within a desired band. Refer to Area Interchange Control for further discussion on this option of the power
flow solution activities.
• Converter transformers
"fields":["name", "mdc", "rdc", "setvl", "vschd", "vcmod", "rcomp",
"delti", "met", "dcvmin", "cccitmx", "cccacc", "ipr", "nbr",
"anmxr", "anmnr", "rcr", "xcr", "ebasr", "trr", "tapr",
"tmxr","tmnr", "stpr", "icr", "ndr", "ifr", "itr", "idr",
"xcapr", "ipi", "nbi", "anmxi", "anmni", "rci", "xci", "ebasi",
"tri", "tapi", "tmxi", "tmni", "stpi", "ici", "ndi", "ifi",
"iti", "idi", "xcapi"],
["TWO_TERM_DC1", 1, 7.8543, 1490.65, 525.0, 400.0, 3.942, 0.1556,
"I", 0.00, 20, 1.0, 301, 2, 13.00, 7.50, 0.0111, 3.88, 500.0, 0.44,
1.06275, 1.1, 0.9, 0.00525, 0, 0, 0, 0, "1 ", 2.0034, 3021, 2, 21.00,
18.5, 0.0, 3.047, 230.0, 0.95652, 1.075, 1.1, 0.8, 0.00625, 0, 0,
152, 3021, "T4", 2.0],
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Two-Terminal DC Transmission Line Da-
The first of the three dc line data records defines the following line quantities and control parameters:
No default allowed
MDC mdc Control mode: 0 for blocked, 1 for power, 2 for current.
MDC = 0 by default
RDC rdc The dc line resistance; entered in ohms.
No default allowed
SETVL setvl Current (amps) or power (MW) demand. When MDC is one, a positive value of
SETVL specifies desired power at the rectifier and a negative value specifies de-
sired inverter power.
No default allowed
VSCHD vschd Scheduled compounded dc voltage; entered in kV.
No default allowed
VCMOD vcmod Mode switch dc voltage; entered in kV. When the inverter dc voltage falls below
this value and the line is in power control mode (i.e., MDC = 1), the line switches to
current control mode with a desired current corresponding to the desired power
at scheduled dc voltage.
METER = I by default
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Two-Terminal DC Transmission Line Da-
CCCITMX = 20 by default
CCCACC cccacc Acceleration factor for capacitor commutated two-terminal dc line Newton solu-
tion procedure.
The second of the three dc line data records defines rectifier end data quantities and control parameters:
No default allowed
NBR nbr, nbi Number of bridges in series (rectifier).
No default allowed
ANMXR anmxr, an- Nominal maximum rectifier firing angle; entered in degrees.
No default allowed
ANMNR anmnr, an- Minimum steady-state rectifier firing angle; entered in degrees.
No default allowed
RCR rcr, rci Rectifier commutating transformer resistance per bridge; entered in ohms.
No default allowed
XCR xcr, xci Rectifier commutating transformer reactance per bridge; entered in ohms.
No default allowed
EBASR ebasr, ebasi Rectifier primary base ac voltage; entered in kV.
No default allowed
TRR trr, tri Rectifier transformer ratio.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Two-Terminal DC Transmission Line Da-
ICR = 0 by default
NDR ndr, ndi A node number of bus ICR. The bus section of bus ICR to which node NDR is con-
nected is the bus section used as the rectifier commutating bus. If bus ICR is not
in a substation, NDR must be specified as 0.
NDR = 0 by default
IFR ifr, ifi Winding 1 side from bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single
quotes, of a two-winding transformer.
IFR = 0 by default
ITR itr, iti Winding 2 side to bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes,
of a two-winding transformer.
ITR = 0 by default
IDR idr, idi Circuit identifier; the branch described by IFR, ITR, and IDR must have been en-
tered as a two-winding transformer; an ac transformer may control at most only
one dc converter.
Data on the third of the three dc line data records contains the inverter quantities corresponding to the
rectifier quantities specified on the second record described above. The significant difference is that the
control angle ALFA for the rectifier is replaced by the control angle GAMMA for the inverter.
DC line data input is terminated with a record specifying a blank dc line name or a dc line name of ’0’.
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Two-Terminal DC Line Data Notes
DC line converter buses, IPR and IPI, may be Type 1, 2, or 3 buses. Generators, loads, fixed and switched
shunt elements, induction machines other dc line converters, FACTS device sending ends, and GNE devices
are permitted at converter buses.
When either XCAPR > 0.0 or XCAPI > 0.0, the two-terminal dc line is treated as capacitor commutated. Capac-
itor commutated two-terminal dc lines preclude the use of a remote ac transformer as commutation trans-
former tap and remote commutation angle buses at either converter. Any data provided in these fields are
ignored for capacitor commutated two-terminal dc lines.
For additional information on dc line modeling in power flow solutions, refer to Section 6.3.17, DC Lines.
"fields":["name", "mdc", "rdc", "o1", "f1", "o2", "f2", "o3", "f3", "o4",
"f4", "ibus1", "type1", "mode1", "dcset1", "acset1", "aloss1",
"bloss1","minloss1", "smax1", "imax1", "pwf1", "maxq1", "minq1",
"vsreg1", "nreg1", "rmpct1", "ibus2", "type2", "mode2", "dcset2",
"acset2", "aloss2", "bloss2", "minloss2", "smax2", "imax2", "pwf2",
"maxq2", "minq2", "vsreg2", "nreg2", "rmpct2"],
["VDCLINE1", 1, 0.710, 1, 0.3204, 2, 0.3883, 3, 0.1942, 4, 0.0971,
3005, 2, 2, -209.0, 0.950, 100.0, 0.1, 50.0, 400.0, 1200.0, 0.1,
100.00, -110.00, 3005, 0, 100.0, 3008, 1, 1, 100.0, 0.99, 90.0,
0.150, 40.0, 350.0, 1200.0, 0.15, 150.0, -140.0, 3008, 0, 100.0],
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Voltage Source Converter (VSC) DC
Transmission Line Data
["VDCLINE2", 1, 0.35, 1, 0.3705, 2, 0.3597, 3, 0.1799, 4, 0.0899,
203, 2, 1, -100.0, 1.0, 100.0, 0.15, 123.0, 200.0, 1200.0, 1.0,
200.0, -150.0, 203, 0, 100.0, 205, 1, 1, 100.0, 1.0, 93.0, 0.12,
98.0, 250.0, 1250.0, 1.0, 225.0, -250.0, 205, 0, 99.0]
The first of the three VSC dc line data records defines the following line quantities and control parameters:
Field RAWX Key Description
NAME name The non-blank alphanumeric identifier assigned to this dc line. Each VSC dc line
must have a unique NAME. NAME may be up to twelve characters and may contain
any combination of blanks, uppercase letters, numbers and special characters.
NAME must be enclosed in single or double quotes if it contains any blanks or
special characters.
No default allowed.
MDC mdc Control mode:
• 0 - for out-of-service
• 1 - for in-service
MDC = 1 by default.
RDC rdc The dc line resistance; entered in ohms. RDC must be positive.
No default allowed
Oi o1, o2, o3, An owner number (1 through 9999). Each VSC dc line may have up to four own-
o4 ers. By default, O1 is 1, and O2, O3 and O4 are zero.
Fi f1, f2, f3, f4 The fraction of total ownership assigned to owner Oi; each Fi must be positive.
The Fi values are normalized such that they sum to 1.0 before they are placed in
the working case.
The remaining two data records define the converter buses (converter 1 and converter 2), along with their
data quantities and control parameters:
Field RAWX Key Description
IBUS ibus Converter bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes (refer to
Extended Bus Names).
No default allowed
TYPE type Code for the type of converter dc control:
• 2 -for MW control
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All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Voltage Source Converter (VSC) DC
Transmission Line Data
No default allowed
MODE mode Converter ac control mode:
MODE = 1 by default
DCSET dcset Converter dc setpoint. For TYPE = 1, DCSET is the scheduled dc voltage on the dc
side of the converter bus; entered in kV. For TYPE = 2, DCSET is the power demand,
where a positive value specifies that the converter is feeding active power into
the ac network at bus IBUS, and a negative value specifies that the converter is
withdrawing active power from the ac network at bus IBUS; entered in MW.
No default allowed
ACSET acset Converter ac setpoint. For MODE = 1, ACSET is the regulated ac voltage setpoint;
entered in pu. For MODE = 2, ACSET is the power factor setpoint.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) VSC DC Line Data Notes
VSREG = 0 by default
NREG nreg A node number of bus VSREG. The bus section of bus VSREG to which node NREG
is connected is the bus section for which voltage is to be regulated by this con-
verter to the value specified by ACSET. If bus VSREG is not in a substation, NREG
must be specified as 0.
NREG = 0 by default
RMPCT rmpct Percent of the total Mvar required to hold the voltage at the bus controlled by bus
IBUS that are to be contributed by this VSC converter; RMPCT must be positive.
RMPCT is needed only if there is more than one local or remote setpoint mode
voltage controlling device (plant, switched shunt, FACTS device shunt element,
or VSC dc line converter) controlling the voltage at bus VSREG.
VSC dc line data input is terminated with a record specifying a blank dc line name or a dc line name of ’0’.
• It must be a Type 1 or 2 bus. Generators, loads, fixed and switched shunt elements, induction machines,
other dc line converters, FACTS device sending ends, and GNE devices are permitted at converter buses.
• It must not have the terminal end of a FACTS device connected to the same bus.
• It must not be connected by a zero impedance line to another bus that violates any of the above restrictions.
In specifying reactive power limits for converters that control ac voltage (i.e., those with unequal reactive
power limits where the MODE is 1), the use of very narrow var limit bands is discouraged. The Newton-Raph-
son based power flow solutions require that the difference between the controlling equipment's high and
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Transformer Impedance Correction Ta-
low reactive power limits be greater than 0.002 pu for all setpoint mode voltage controlling equipment (0.2
Mvar on a 100 MVA system base). It is recommended that voltage controlling VSC converters have Mvar
ranges substantially wider than this minimum permissible range.
For interchange and loss assignment purposes, the dc voltage controlling converter is assumed to be the
non-metered end of each VSC dc line. As with other network branches, losses are assigned to the subsystem
of the non-metered end, and flows at the metered ends are used in interchange calculations.
For additional information on dc line modeling in power flow solutions, refer to Section 6.3.17 DC Lines.
Each impedance correction table may have up to 99 points. The scaling factors are complex numbers; the
imaginary components of these factors may be specified as 0.0. Points are specified six per line in the im-
pedance correction table data block. As many records as are needed (with six points per record) are entered.
End of data for a table is specified by specifying an additional point with the three values defining the point
all specified as 0.0.
I, T1, Re(F1), Im(F1), T2, Re(F2), Im(F2), ... T6, Re(F6), Im(F6)
T7, Re(F7), Im(F7), T8, Re(F8), Im(F8), ... T12, Re(F12), Im(F12)
Tn, Re(Fn), Im(Fn), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
RAWX Parameter Set Format (one data row for each point)
"fields":["itable", "tap", "refact", "imfact"]
[1, -30.0, 1.100, 0.000],
[1, -24.0, 1.091, 0.000],
[1, 30.0, 1.110, 0.000],
[2, 0.6, 1.060, 0.000],
[2, 1.4, 0.950, 0.000]
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Impedance Correction Table Notes
Ti = 0.0 by default
Fi refact, im- Complex scaling factor by which transformer nominal impedance is to be mul-
fact tiplied to obtain the actual transformer impedance for the corresponding Ti. Fi
= (0.0+j0.0) by default. The impedances used in calculation of Fi should be ex-
pressed in percent or pu on on winding voltage base at specified tap position Ti
and MVA base used in power flow data. This is the same base as per CZ of power
flow data but winding voltage at tap Ti.
Transformer impedance correction data input is terminated with a record specifying a table number of zero.
Example: Transformer Test Data, MVA=50, Nominal Tap position=10, winding voltage=132 kV,
Impedance=123.1118 ohms/phase
Ti Fi
0.85=112.2/132.0 0.9187=0.3245/0.3532
1.0=132.0/132.0 1.0=0.3532/0.3532
1.15=151.8/132.0 1.098277=0.3880/0.3532
The Ti values for tables that are a function of tap ratio (rather than phase shift angle) in pu of the controlling
winding bus voltage base.
A transformer impedance is assigned to an impedance correction table either on the third, fourth or fifth
record of the transformer data record block of activities READ, TREA, RDCH (refer to Trans), or via activity
CHNG or the two-winding and three-winding transformer [Spreadsheets]. Each table may be shared among
many transformer impedances. If the first T in a table is less than 0.5 or the last T entered is greater than
1.5, T is assumed to be the phase shift angle and each transformer impedance dependent on the table is
treated as a function of phase shift angle. Otherwise, the transformer impedances dependent on the table
are made sensitive to off-nominal turns ratio.
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Impedance Correction Table Notes
For three-winding transformers, a data item associated with the transformer (ZCOD) indicates whether im-
pedance adjustment is to be applied to winding impedances or to the bus-to-bus impedances. If applied to
winding impedances, the input to the table look-up is the winding tap ratio or phase shift angle, as appro-
priate, and the scaling factor is applied to the winding’s nominal impedance.
When impedance adjustment is applied to the bus-to-bus impedances of a three-winding transformer, the
following requirements must be met:
• at least one winding must have an impedance correction table assigned to it.
• the impedance correction table(s) must be sensitive to the quantity that is automatically adjustable (tap
ratio or phase shift angle, as appropriate).
In this case, the input to each of the tables is the appropriate quantity (tap ratio or phase shift angle) of the
adjustable winding. If an impedance correction table is specified for winding 1, impedance adjustment is
applied to Z1-2; if an impedance correction table is specified for winding 2, impedance adjustment is applied
to Z2-3; and if an impedance correction table is specified for winding 3, impedance adjustment is applied
to Z3-1.
The power flow case stores both a nominal and actual impedance for each transformer winding imped-
ance. The value of transformer impedance entered in activities READ, TREA, RDCH, CHNG, or the transformer
[Spreadsheets] is taken as the nominal value of impedance. Each time the complex tap setting of a trans-
former is changed, either automatically by the power flow solution activities or manually by the user, and
the modified quantity is an input to the table look-up function of any impedance correction table associated
with the transformer, actual transformer impedances are redetermined if appropriate. First, the scaling fac-
tor is established from the appropriate table by linear interpolation; then nominal impedance is multiplied
by the scaling factor to determine actual impedance. An appropriate message is printed any time the actual
impedance is modified.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Multi-Terminal DC Transmission Line
Each multi-terminal dc transmission line to be represented in PSSE is introduced by reading a series of data
Each set of multi-terminal dc line data records begins with a record that defines the number of converters,
number of dc buses and number of dc links as well as related bus numbers and the control mode. Following
this first record there are subsequent records for each converter, each dc bus, and each dc link.
Each set of multi-terminal dc line data records begins with a record of system definition data in the following
RAW Format
["MULTERM_DC_1", 4, 5, 4, 1, 212, 400.0, 0]
No default allowed
NCONV nconv Number of ac converter station buses in multi-terminal dc line I.
No default allowed
NDCBS ndcbs Number of dc buses in multi-terminal dc line I (NCONV NDCBS).
No default allowed
NDCLN ndcln Number of dc links in multi-terminal dc line I.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Multi-Terminal DC Transmission Line
• 0 - for blocked
MDC = 0 by default
VCONV vconv Bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes (refer to Extended
Bus Names), of the ac converter station bus that controls dc voltage on the posi-
tive pole of multi-terminal dc line I. Bus VCONV must be a positive pole inverter.
No default allowed
VCMOD vcmod Mode switch dc voltage; entered in kV. When any inverter dc voltage magnitude
falls below this value and the line is in power control mode (i.e., MDC = 1), the line
switches to current control mode with converter current setpoints corresponding
to their desired powers at scheduled dc voltage.
VCONVN = 0 by default
"fields":["name", "ib", "n", "angmx", "angmn", "rc", "xc", "ebas", "tr",
"tap", "tpmx", "tpmn", "tstp", "setvl", "dcpf", "marg", "cnvcod"],
["MULTERM_DC_1", 402, 4, 10.0, 8.0, 0.0, 19.0, 500.0, 0.22, 1.01,
1.1, 0.97, 0.01, 321.0, 1.0, 0.15, 3],
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Multi-Terminal DC Transmission Line
No default allowed
N n Number of bridges in series.
No default allowed.
ANGMX angmx Nominal maximum ALPHA or GAMMA angle; entered in degrees.
No default allowed
ANGMN angmn Minimum steady-state ALPHA or GAMMA angle; entered in degrees.
No default allowed
RC rc Commutating resistance per bridge; entered in ohms.
No default allowed
XC xc Commutating reactance per bridge; entered in ohms.
No default allowed
EBAS ebs Primary base ac voltage; entered in kV.
No default allowed
TR tr Actual transformer ratio.
TR = 1.0 by default
TAP tap Tap setting.
No default allowed
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Multi-Terminal DC Transmission Line
where SUM is the sum of the DCPFs at the unconstrained converters on the same
pole as the constrained rectifier, and R is the order reduction at the constrained
DCPF = 1. by default
MARG marg Rectifier margin entered in per unit of desired dc power or current. The converter
order reduced by this fraction, (1.-MARG)*SETVL, defines the minimum order for
this rectifier. MARG is used only at rectifiers.
CNVCOD = 1 by default
These data records are followed by NDCBS dc bus records of the following format:
["MULTERM_DC_1", 1, 401, 4, 4, "DC1", 0, 0.0, 4],
No default allowed
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Multi-Terminal DC Transmission Line
IB = 0 by default
AREA area Area number (1 through 9999).
AREA = 1 by default
ZONE zone Zone number (1 through 9999).
ZONE = 1 by default
DCNAME dcname Alphanumeric identifier assigned to dc bus IDC. DCNAME may be up to twelve
characters and may contain any combination of blanks, uppercase letters, num-
bers and special characters. DCNAME must be enclosed in single or double quotes
if it contains any blanks or special characters.
IDC2 = 0 by default
RGRND rgrnd Resistance to ground at dc bus IDC; entered in ohms. During solutions RGRND is
used only for those dc buses specified as IDC2 on other dc bus records.
OWNER = 1 by default
These data records are followed by NDCLN dc link records of the following format:
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Multi-Terminal DC Line Notes
No default allowed
JDC jdc Branch to bus dc bus number.
No default allowed
CKT ckt One-character uppercase alphanumeric branch circuit identifier. It is recommend-
ed that single circuit branches be designated as having the circuit identifier '1'.
MET = 1 by default
RDC rdc dc link resistance, entered in ohms.
No default allowed
LDC ldc dc link inductance, entered in mH. LDC is not used by the power flow solution
activities but is available to multi-terminal dc line dynamics models.
Multi-terminal dc line data input is terminated with a record specifying a dc line number of zero.
• Conventional two-terminal (refer to Two-Terminal DC Transmission Line Data) and multi-terminal dc lines
are stored separately in PSSE working memory. Therefore, there may simultaneously exist, for example, a
two-terminal dc line identified as dc line ABC along with a multi-terminal line for which the name is ABC.
• Multi-terminal lines should have at least three converter terminals; conventional dc lines consisting of two
terminals should be modeled as two-terminal lines (refer to Two-Terminal DC Transmission Line Data).
• AC converter buses may be Type 1, 2, or 3 buses. Generators, loads, fixed and switched shunt elements,
induction machines, other dc line converters, FACTS device sending ends, and GNE devices are permitted
at converter buses.
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Multi-Terminal DC Line Notes
• Each multi-terminal dc line is treated as a subnetwork of dc buses and dc links connecting its ac converter
buses. For each multi-terminal dc line, the dc buses must be numbered 1 through NDCBS.
• Each ac converter bus must be specified as IB on exactly one dc bus record; there may be dc buses con-
nected only to other dc buses by dc links but not to any ac converter bus.
• AC converter bus IB may be connected to a dc bus IDC, which is connected directly to ground. IB is specified
on the dc bus record for dc bus IDC; the IDC2 field is specified as zero.
• Alternatively, ac converter bus IB may be connected to two dc buses IDC and IDC2, the second of which
is connected to ground through a specified resistance. IB and IDC2 are specified on the dc bus record for
dc bus IDC; on the dc bus record for bus IDC2, the ac converter bus and second dc bus fields (IB and IDC2,
respectively) must be specified as zero and the grounding resistance is specified as RGRND.
• The same dc bus may be specified as the second dc bus for more than one ac converter bus.
• All dc buses within a multi-terminal dc line must be reachable from any other point within the dc subnet-
• The area numbers assigned to dc buses and the metered end designations of dc links are used in calculating
area interchangeand assigning losses in activities AREA, INTA, TIES, and SUBS as well as in the interchange
control option of the power flow solution activities. Similarly, the zone assignments and metered end
specifications are used in activities ZONE, INTZ, TIEZ, and SUBS.
• Section 5.7.2 Reading RDCH Data Files Created by Previous Releases of PSS®E describes the specification of
NCONV, NDCBS and NDCLN when specifying changes to an existing multi-terminal dc line in activity RDCH.
For additional information on dc line modeling in power flow solutions, refer to Section 6.3.17, DC Lines.
A multi-terminal layout is shown in Figure 1-14. There are 4 convertors, 5 dc buses and 4 dc links.
Multi-Terminal DC Network
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Multi-Section Line Grouping Data
A transmission line with several distinct sections can be represented as one multisection line group.
"fields":["ibus", "jbus", "mslid", "met", "dum1", "dum2", "dum3", "dum4",
"dum5", "dum6", "dum7", "dum8", "dum9"],
[101, 201, "&1", 2, 102, 103, 104, null, null, null, null, null, null]
No default allowed
J jbus To bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes.
No default allowed
ID mslid Two-character upper case alphanumeric multi-section line grouping identifier.
The first character must be an ampersand (' ').
ID = '1' by default
MET met Metered end flag:
MET = 1 by default
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Multi-Section Line Example
Multi-section line grouping data input is terminated with a record specifying a from bus number of zero.
If this multi-section line grouping is to be assigned the line identifier 1, the corresponding multi-section line
grouping data record is given by:
I J 1 1 D1 D2
Each dummy bus must have exactly two branches connected to it, both of which must be members of the
same multi-section line grouping. A multi-section line dummy bus may not be a converter bus of a dc trans-
mission line. A FACTS control device may not be connected to a multi-section line dummy bus.
The status of line sections and type codes of dummy buses are set such that the multi-section line is treated
as a single entity with regards to its service status.
When the multi-section line reporting option is enabled (refer to Section 3.3.3, Program Run-Time Option
Settings and activity OPTN), several power flow reporting activities such as POUT and LOUT do not tabulate
conditions at multi-section line dummy buses. Accordingly, care must be taken in interpreting power flow
output reports when dummy buses are other than passive nodes (e.g., if load or generation is present at a
dummy bus).
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Zone Data
"fields":["izone", "zoname"],
[1, "NORTH_A1"],
[9, "ALL_A4_A6"]
No default allowed
ZONAME zoname Alphanumeric identifier assigned to zone I. ZONAME may be up to twelve char-
acters and may contain any combination of blanks, uppercase letters, numbers
and special characters. ZONAME must be enclosed in single or double quotes if it
contains any blanks or special characters.
Zone data input is terminated with a record specifying a zone number of zero.
The use of zones enables the user to develop reports and to check results on the basis of zones and, conse-
quently, be highly specific when reporting and interpreting analytical results.
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Interarea Transfer Data Notes
These active power transfers are specified in interarea transfer data records.
"fields":["arfrom", "arto", "trid", "ptran"],
[1, 2, "A", 1000.0],
No default allowed
ARTO arto To area number (1 through 9999).
No default allowed
TRID trid Single-character (0 through 9 or A through Z) upper case interarea transfer iden-
tifier used to distinguish among multiple transfers between areas ARFROM and
Interarea transfer data input is terminated with a record specifying a from area number of zero.
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Owner Data
The use of the ownership attribute enables the user to develop reports and to check results on the basis of
ownership and, consequently, be highly specific when reporting and interpreting analytical results.
Owner identifiers are specified in owner data records. Owner names may be specified either at the time of
raw/rawx data input or subsequently via activity CHNG or the owner [Spreadsheet].
"fields":["iowner", "owname"],
[1, "OWNER 1"],
No default allowed
OWNAME owner Alphanumeric identifier assigned to owner I. OWNAME may be up to twelve char-
acters and may contain any combination of blanks, uppercase letters, numbers
and special characters. OWNAME must be enclosed in single or double quotes if
it contains any blanks or special characters.
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) FACTS Device Data
Owner data input is terminated with a record specifying an owner number of zero.
PSSE accepts data for all of these devices through one generic set of data records. Each FACTS device to be
represented in PSSE is specified in FACTS device data records.
"fields":["name", "ibus", "jbus", "mode", "pdes", "qdes", "vset", "shmx",
"trmx", "vtmn", "vtmx", "vsmx", "imx", "linx", "rmpct", "owner",
"set1", "set2", "vsref", "fcreg", "nreg", "mname"],
["FACTS_DVCE_1", 153, 0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.015, 50.0,100.0, 0.9263, 1.134,
1.0, 0.0, 0.05652, 100.0, 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 153, 0, ""],
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) FACTS Device Data
No default allowed
I ibus Sending end bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes (refer
to Extended Bus Names).
No default allowed
J jbus Terminal end bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes; 0 for
J = 0 by default
MODE mode Controlmode:
For a STATCON (i.e., a FACTS devices with a shunt element but no series element),
J must be 0 and MODE must be either 0 or 1):
For a FACTS device with a series element (i.e., J is not 0), MODE may be:
• 2 - series link bypassed (i.e., like a zero impedance line) and shunt link operating
• 3 - series and shunt links operating with series link at constant series impedance
• 4 - series and shunt links operating with series link at constant series voltage
• 6 - slave device of an IPFC with P and Q setpoints specified; the FACTS device
specified in MNAME must be the master device (i.e., its MODE is 5 or 7) of this
IPFC. The Q setpoint is ignored as the master device dictates the active power
exchanged between the two devices.
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) FACTS Device Data
MODE = 1 by default
PDES pdes Desired active power flow arriving at the terminal end bus; entered in MW.
OWNER = 1 by default
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) FACTS Device Notes
VSREF = 0 by default
FCREG fcreg Bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes (refer to Extended
Bus Names), of the bus for which voltage is to be regulated by the shunt element
of this FACTS device to the value specified by VSET. If FCREG specifies a remote
bus (i.e., a bus other than bus I), bus FCREG must be a Type 1 or 2 bus (if it is other
than a Type 1 or 2 bus, the shunt element regulates voltage at the sending end
bus to the value specified by VSET). FCREG may be entered as zero if the shunt
element is to regulate voltage at the sending end bus and must be zero if the
sending end bus is a Type 3 (swing) bus.
FCREG = 0 by default
NREG nreg A node number of bus FCREG. The bus section of bus FCREG to which node NREG
is connected is the bus section for which voltage is to be regulated by the shunt
element to the value specified by VSET. If bus FCREG is not in a substation, NREG
must be specified as 0.
NREG = 0 by default
MNAME mname The name of the FACTS device that is the IPFC master device when this FACTS
device is the slave device of an IPFC (i.e., its MODE is specified as 6 or 8). MNAME
must be enclosed in single or double quotes if it contains any blanks or special
FACTS device data input is terminated with a record specifying a FACTS device number of zero.
A static synchronous condenser (STATCON) or static compensator (STATCOM) is modeled by a FACTS device
for which the terminal end bus is specified as zero (i.e., the series element is disabled).
A unified power flow controller (UPFC) has both the series and shunt elements active, and allows for the
exchange of active power between the two elements (i.e., TRMX is positive). A static synchronous series
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) FACTS Device Notes
compensator (SSSC) is modeled by setting both the maximum shunt current limit (SHMX) and the maximum
bridge active power transfer limit (TRMX) to zero (i.e., the shunt element is disabled).
An Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) is modeled by using two series FACTS devices. One device of this
pair must be assigned as the IPFC master device by setting its control mode to 5 or 7; the other must be
assigned as its companion IPFC slave device by setting its control mode to 6 or 8 and specifying the name
of the master device in its MNAME. In an IPFC, both devices have a series element but no shunt element.
Therefore, both devices typically have SHMX set to zero, and VSET of both devices is ignored. Conditions at
the master device define the active power exchange between the two devices. TRMX of the master device
is set to the maximum active power transfer between the two devices, and TRMX of the slave device is set
to zero.
Figure 1-15 shows the PSSE FACTS control device model with its various setpoints and limits.
Each FACTS sending end bus must be a Type 1 or 2 bus, and each terminal end bus must be a Type 1 bus. Refer
to Section 6.3.16, FACTS Devices and Section 6.3.18, AC Voltage Control for other topological restrictions
and for details on the handling of FACTS devices during the power flow solution activities.
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Switched Shunt Data
The switched shunt elements at a bus may consist entirely of blocks of shunt reactors (each Bi is a negative
quantity), entirely of blocks of capacitor banks (each Bi is a positive quantity), or of both reactors and capac-
Each network bus to be represented in PSSE with switched shunt admittance devices must have a switched
shunt data record specified for it. The switched shunts are represented with up to eight blocks of admittance,
each one of which consists of up to nine steps of the specified block admittance.
S1, N1, B1, S2, N2, B2,...S8, N8, B8
"fields":["ibus", "shntid", "modsw", "adjm", "stat", "vswhi", "vswlo",
"swreg", "nreg", "rmpct", "rmidnt", "binit", "s1", "n1", "b1",
"s2", "n2", "b2", "s3", "n3", "b3", "s4", "n4", "b4", "s5", "n5",
"b5", "s6", "n6", "b6", "s7", "n7", "b7", "s8", "n8", "b8"],
[152, "1 ", 1, 0, 1, 1.045, 0.955, 152, 0, 100.0, "", -233.00,
1, 1, -15.0, 1, 2, -5.0, 1, 3, -10.0, 1, 4, -8.0, 1, 5, -7.0, 1, 6,
-5.0, 1, 7, -7.0, 1, 8, -4.0],
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Switched Shunt Data
No default allowed
ID shntid One- or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric switched shunt iden-
tifier used to distinguish among multiple switched shunts at bus I. It is recom-
mended that, at buses for which a single switched shunt is present, the switched
shunt be designated as having the switched shunt identifier '1'.
ID = '1' by default
MODSW modsw Control mode:
• 0 - locked
• 6 - discrete adjustment, controlling the reactive power output of the shunt el-
ement of the FACTS device for which the name is specified as RMIDNT
MODSW = 1 by default
ADJM adjm Adjustment method:
• 0 - steps and blocks are switched on in input order, and off in reverse input or-
der; this adjustment method was the only method available prior to PSSE-32.0.
• 1 - steps and blocks are switched on and off such that the next highest (or
lowest, as appropriate) total admittance is achieved.
ADJM = 0 by default
STAT stat Initial status for entire switched shunt. Status of one for in-service and zero for
STAT = 1 by default
VSWHI vswhi When MODSW is 1 or 2, the controlled voltage upper limit; entered in pu.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Switched Shunt Data
When MODSW is 1 or 2, SWREG specifies the bus for which voltage is regulated.
If SWREG specifies a remote bus (i.e., a bus other than bus I), bus SWREG must be
a Type 1 or 2 bus (if it is other than a Type 1 or 2 bus, the switched shunt controls
its own voltage). SWREG may be entered as 0 if the switched shunt is to regulate
its own voltage.
When MODSW is 3, SWREG specifies the Type 2 or 3 bus where plant reactive
power output is to be regulated by this switched shunt. Set SWREG to I if the
switched shunt and the plant that it controls are connected to the same bus.
When MODSW is 4, SWREG specifies the converter bus of a VSC dc line where
converter reactive power output is to be regulated by this switched shunt. Set
SWREG to I if the switched shunt and the VSC dc line converter that it controls are
connected to the same bus.
When MODSW is 5, SWREG specifies the remote bus to which the switched shunt
for which the admittance setting is to be regulated by this switched shunt is con-
SWREG = 0 by default
NREG nreg A node number of bus SWREG. The bus section of bus SWREG to which node
NREG is connected is the bus section for which voltage or connected equipment
reactive power output is controlled by this switched shunt. If bus SWREG is not in
a substation, NREG must be specified as 0.
NREG = 0 by default
RMPCT rmpct Percent of the total Mvar required to hold the voltage at the bus controlled by
bus I that are to be contributed by this switched shunt; RMPCT must be positive.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Switched Shunt Notes
Switched shunt data input in the RAW file is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
The switched shunt elements at a bus may consist entirely of reactors (each Bi is a negative quantity) or
entirely of capacitor banks (each Bi is a positive quantity). In these cases, when ADJM is zero, the shunt blocks
are specified in the order in which they are switched on the bus; when ADJM is one, the shunt blocks may
be specified in any order.
The switched shunt devices at a bus may be comprised of a mixture of reactors and capacitors. In these cases,
when ADJM is zero, the reactor blocks are specified first in the order in which they are switched on, followed
by the capacitor blocks in the order in which they are switched on; when ADJM is one, the reactor blocks are
specified first in any order, followed by the capacitor blocks in any order.
In specifying reactive power limits for setpoint mode voltage controlling switched shunts (i.e., those with
MODSW of 1 or 2), the use of a very narrow admittance range is discouraged. The Newton-Raphson based
power flow solutions require that the difference between the controlling equipment's high and low reactive
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Switched Shunt Example
power limits be greater than 0.002 pu for all setpoint mode voltage controlling equipment (0.2 Mvar on a
100 MVA system base). It is recommended that voltage controlling switched shunts have admittance ranges
substantially wider than this minimum permissible range.
When MODSW is 3, 4, 5 or 6, VSWLO and VSWHI define a restricted band of the controlled device’s reactive
power range. They are specified in pu of the total reactive power range of the controlled device (i.e., the
plant QMAX - QMIN when MODSW is 3, MAXQ - MINQ of a VSC dc line converter when MODSW is 4, SNiBi
- SNjBj when MODSW is 5 where i are those switched shunt blocks for which Bi is positive and j are those
for which Bi is negative, and 2.*SHMX of the shunt element of the FACTS device, reduced by the current
corresponding to the bridge active power transfer when a series element is present, when MODSW is 6).
VSWLO must be greater than or equal to 0.0 and less than VSWHI, and VSWHI must be less than or equal to
1.0. That is, the following relationship must be honored:
The reactive power band for switched shunt control is calculated by applying VSWLO and VSWHI to the re-
active power band extremes of the controlled plant or VSC converter. For example, with MINQ of -50.0 pu
and MAXQ of +50.0 pu, if VSWLO is 0.2 pu and VSWHI is 0.75 pu, then the reactive power band defined by
The switched shunt admittance is kept in the working case and reported in output tabulations separately
from the fixed bus shunt, which is entered on the fixed bus shunt data record (refer to Fixed Bus Shunt Data).
Refer to Section 6.3.15, Switched Shunt Devices and Section 6.3.17, DC Lines and Switched Shunt Adjust-
ment for details on the handling of switched shunts during power flow solutions.
It is required that the data record for a switched shunt for which the control mode is 5 (i.e., it controls
the setting of another switched shunt) be placed in the file after the data record for the switched shunt
that it controls. Otherwise, a warning message indicating that the controlled switched shunt is not found is
printed, and control of the switched shunt will not be implemented. It is recommended that data records for
switched shunts for which the control mode is 5 be grouped together following all other switched shunt data
records. This practice will eliminate the behavior described above simply because the controlled switched
shunt record has not as yet been read.
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) GNE Device Data
REAL1, ..., REALmin(10,NREAL)
INTG1, ..., INTGmin(10,NINTG)
CHAR1, ..., CHARmin(10,NCHAR)
"fields":["name", "model", "nterm", "bus1", "bus2", "nreal", "nintg",
"nchar", "stat", "owner", "nmet", "real1", "real2", "real3",
"real4", "real5", "real6", "real7", "real8", "real9", "real10",
"intg1", "intg2", "intg3", "intg4", "intg5", "intg6", "intg7",
"intg8", "intg9", "intg10", "char1", "char2", "char3", "char4",
"char5", "char6", "char7", "char8", "char9", "char10"],
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) GNE Device Data
No default allowed
MODEL model The name of the BOSL model. NAME is the root name of the ".mac" or ".xmac" file
containing the BOSL model.
No default allowed
NTERM nterm The number of buses to which this instance of the model is connected. NTERM
may be either 1 or 2 for a variable admittance model, and must be 1 for a variable
power model and a variable current model.
NTERM = 1 by default
BUSi bus1, bus2 Bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes (refer to Extended
Bus Names).
For RAWX, if the value of nterm is equal to 1, data for bus2 will be ignored (treated
as null).
No default allowed
NREAL nreal Number of floating point data items required by model MODEL. NREAL must be
identical to the number required by the ".mac" or ".xmac" file.
NREAL = 0 by default
NINTG nintg Number of buses required in calculating the inputs required by model MODEL.
NINTG must be identical to the number required by the ".mac" or .".xmac" file.
NINTG = 0 by default
NCHAR nchar Number of two-character identifiers (e.g., machine identifiers, circuit identifiers,
etc.) required in calculating the inputs required by model MODEL. NCHAR must
be identical to the number required by the ".mac" or ".xmac" file.
NINTG = 0 by default
STATUS stat Device status of one for in-service and zero for out-of-service.
STATUS = 1 by default
OWNER owner Owner to which the device is assigned (1 through 9999). By default, OWNER is
the owner to which BUS1 is assigned (refer to Bus Data).
NMET nmet Bus number, or extended bus name enclosed in single quotes (refer to Extended
Bus Names), of the non-metered end bus. NMET is used for GNE devices with
NTERM > 1.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Induction Machine Data
GNE device data input is terminated with a record specifying a blank GNE device name or a GNE device name
of ’0’.
GNE devices are not recognized in all forms of analysis available in PSS®E. For example, they are ignored
in the fault analysis activities. Those analysis functions from which they are excluded print an appropriate
message if any in-service GNE devices are present in the working case.
PCODE, PSET, H, A, B, D, E, RA, XA, XM, R1, X1, R2, X2, X3, E1, SE1, E2, SE2,
"fields":["ibus", "imid", "stat", "sc", "dc", "area", "zone", "owner",
"tc", "bc", "mbase", "ratekv", "pcode", "pset", "hconst",
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Induction Machine Data
No default allowed
ID imid One- or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric machine identifier
used to distinguish among multiple induction machines at bus I. It is recommend-
ed that, at buses for which a single induction machine is present, it be designated
as having the machine identifier '1'.
ID = '1' by default
STATUS stat Machine status of 1 for in-service and 0 for out-of-service.
STATUS = 1 by default
SCODE scode Machine standard code:
• 1 - for NEMA
• 2 - for IEC
SCODE = 1 by default
DCODE dcode Machine design code. Following are allowed machine design codes:
DCODE = 2 by default
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Induction Machine Data
TCODE = 1 by default
BCODE bcode Machine base power code:
BCODE = 1 by default
MBASE mbase Machine base power; entered in MW or MVA. This value is specified according to
BCODE, and could be either the mechanical rating of the machine or the electrical
input. It is necessary only that the per unit values entered for the equivalent circuit
parameters match the base power.
PCODE = 1 by default
PSET pset Scheduled active power for a terminal voltage at the machine of 1.0 pu of the
machine rated voltage; entered in MW. This value is specified according to PCODE,
and is either the mechanical power output of the machine or the real electrical
power drawn by the machine. The sign convention used is that PSET specifies
power supplied to the machine:
A positive value of electrical power means that the machine is operating as a mo-
tor; similarly, a positive value of mechanical power output means that the ma-
chine is driving a mechanical load and operating as a motor.
No default allowed.
H hconst Machine inertia; entered in per unit on MBASE base.
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Power Flow Data File (RAW) Induction Machine Data
RA = 0.0 by default
XA xa Armature leakage reactance, Xa (> 0.0); entered in per unit on the power base
MBASE and voltage base RATEKV.
XA = 0.0 by default
XM xm Unsaturated magnetizing reactance, Xm (> 0.0); entered in per unit on the power
base MBASE and voltage base RATEKV.
XM = 2.5 by default
R1 r1 Resistance of the first rotor winding ("cage"), r1 (> 0.0); entered in per unit on the
power base MBASE and voltage base RATEKV.
R1 = 999.0 by default
X1 x1 Reactance of the first rotor winding ("cage"), X1 (>0.0); entered in per unit on the
power base MBASE and voltage base RATEKV.
X1 = 999.0 by default
R2 r2 Resistance of the second rotor winding ("cage"), r2 (> 0.0); entered in per unit on
the power base MBASE and voltage base RATEKV.
R2 = 999.0 by default
X2 x2 Reactance of the second rotor winding ("cage"), X2 (>0.0); entered in per unit on
the power base MBASE and voltage base RATEKV.
X2 = 999.0 by default
X3 x3 Third rotor reactance, X3 (> 0.0); entered in per unit on the power base MBASE
and voltage base RATEKV.
X3 = 0.0 by default
E1 e1 First terminal voltage point from the open circuit saturation curve, E1 (> 0.0);
entered in per unit on RATEKV base.
E1 = 1.0 by default
SE1 se1 Saturation factor at terminal voltage E1, S(E1).
E2 = 1.2 by default
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Machine Electrical Data
Induction machine data input in the RAW file is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
The machine model is described by eight electrical elements: three resistive and five inductive. Values are
specified in per unit on the base power, MBASE, and rated voltage, RATEKV, which are also specified on the
data record.
The left side of the circuit is the machine armature: ra is the armature resistance and Xa is the armature leak-
age reactance. The armature and the rotor are linked through the magnetizing reactance X m; the unsaturated
value of the mutual reactance is specified.
The rotor is described by two parallel resistance and reactance branches, r1, X1 and r2, X2, that represent the
"cages" or windings in the rotor. To model a single cage machine, the resistance and reactance of the second
of these parallel branches must both be specified as 999.0; i.e., to model a single cage machine, specify r2
= X2 = 999.0 on the data record.
The mutual reactance Xm saturates. The saturation curve is for the induction machine operating with no load.
Two points on the saturation curve must be specified. These are normally chosen such that E1 is near the
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Load Mechanical Data
"knee" of the saturtion curve and E2 is near its ceiling. Saturation is neglected if E1 * S(E1) = 0.0; therefore,
to neglect saturation, specify either E1 or SE1 as 0.0.
If a non-zero machine design code (DCODE) value is specified, all data items from RA to the end of the record
are ignored, and pre-programmed machine electrical and saturation data values are assigned to the machine.
If you wish to modify any of these data items after they have been assigned, you may change the machine
design code to 0 (custom).
where Tload0 is the load torque and S0 is the slip at a terminal voltage of 1.0 pu.
RAW Format
"fields":["isub", "name", "lati", "long", "srg"],
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Node Data
No default allowed
NAME Substation name, NAME may be up to forty characters and may contain any combi-
nation of blanks, uppercase letters, numbers and special characters. NAME must be
enclosed in single or double quotes if it contains any blanks or special characters.
Substation data input is terminated with a record specifying a substation number of zero.
RAW Format
"fields":["isub", "inode", "name", "ibus", "stat", "vm", "va"],
[1, 1, "SS_NILE_NODE_1", 101, 1, null, null],
[18, 2, "SS_PILCOMAYO_NODE_2", 3009, 1, null, null]
No default allowed
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Station Switching Device Data
NAME Node name, NAME may be up to 40 characters and may contain any combination of
blanks, uppercase letters, numbers and special characters. NAME must be enclosed in
single or double quotes if it contains any blanks or special characters.
No default allowed
STATUS Node status. One for in-service and zero for out-of-service.
STATUS = 1 by default
VM Node voltage magnitude; entered in pu.
VM = -1.0 by default
VA Node voltage phase angle; entered in degrees.
VA = 0.0 by default
Node data input for this substation is terminated with a record specifying a node number of zero.
• The network, as entered into the working case via activity READ, is to be considered solved as read in
• Substation bus “I” is represented in the bus branch model by multiple bus sections
The voltage of each bus representing one of the bus sections is set to the node voltage corresponding to the
bus section number (e.g., if bus 154 is represented by the bus sections154-1 and 154-4, the voltage at bus
154-1 is set to the voltage specified for node 1 and the voltage at bus 154-4 is set to the voltage specified
for node 4).
Otherwise, unless some better estimate of the solved voltage and/or phase angle is available, VM and VA
may be omitted. In this case, the voltage at each of the bus sections is set to the voltage specified for bus “I”.
RAW Format
"fields":["isub", "inode", "jnode", "swdid", "name", "type", "stat",
"nstat", "xpu", "rate1", "rate2", "rate3"],
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Equipment Terminal Data
NI From node number (1 through 999). The from node must be in the sub- station IS.
No default allowed
NJ To node number (1 through 999). The to node must be in the substation IS.
No default allowed
CKT Two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric switching device identifier.
1 - Generic connector
2 - Circuit breaker
3 - Disconnect switch
STATUS Switching device status. One for close and zero for open.
STATUS = 1 by default
NSTAT Switching device normal status. One for close and zero for open.
NSTAT = 1 by default
X Switching device reactance; entered in pu. A non-zero value of X must be entered for
each switching device.
X = 0.0001 by default
RATE1 First rating; entered in either MVA or current expressed as MVA.
RATE2 Second rating; entered in either MVA or current expressed as MVA.
RATE3 Third rating; entered in either MVA or current expressed as MVA.
Station switching device data input for this substation is terminated with a record specifying a from node
number of zero.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Equipment Terminal Data
Equipment terminal data input for this substation in the RAW file is terminated with a record specifying a
bus number of zero.
Unlike RAW, all terminal data have a common format in RAWX regardless of terminal device type. This has
the form:
"fields":["isub", "inode", "type", "eqid", "ibus", "jbus", "kbus"],
[1, 25, "L", "SC", 201, null, null], // Load
[1, 16, "F", "F1", 151, null, null], // Shunt
[1, 4, "M", "1 ", 101, null, null], // Machine
[1, 11, "B", "1 ", 151, 152, null], // AC Line
[1, 14, "2", "T1", 151, 101, null], // 2-winding
[5, 49, "3", "3 ", 208, 205, 215 ], // 3-winding
[7, 19, "S", "1 ", 93002, null, null], // Sw Shunt
[7, 18, "I", "1 ", 93002, null, null], // Ind Mach
[2, 30, "D", "TWO_TERM_DC1", 3021, null, null], // 2-Term DC
[4, 17, "V", "VDCLINE2 ", 203, null, null], // VSC DC
[12, 3, "N", "MULTERM_DC_1", 212, null, null], // N-Term DC
[2, 19, "A", "FACTS_DVCE_1", 153, null, null] // FACTS
Where the following terminal device type codes and required field apply for each terminal type:
Each load terminal data record has the following format in RAW:
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Equipment Terminal Data
I, NI, 'L', ID
I Bus number.
No default allowed
NI Node number (1 through 999). If the electrical bus has node breaker model, in other
words it represents a set of nodes in a substation, the node must be one node in the
set and indicates the connections of the load within the substation. If the electrical
bus has no node breaker model, it is zero.
No default allowed
L Single character ‘L’ to indicate the record contains terminal information for a Load.
ID One or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric load identifier used to dis-
tinguish among multiple loads at bus I. It is recommended that, at buses for which a
single load is present, the load be designated as having the load identifier '1'.
ID = '1' by default
Each fixed shunt terminal data record has the following format:
I, NI, 'F', ID
I Bus number.
No default allowed
NI Node number (1 through 999). If the electrical bus has node breaker model, in other
words it represents a set of nodes in a substation, the node must be one node in the
set and indicates the connections of the shunt within the substation. If the electrical
bus has no node breaker model, it is zero.
No default allowed
F Single character ‘F’ to indicate the record contains terminal information for a Fixed
ID One or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric fixed shunt identifier used
to distinguish among multiple fixed shunts at bus I. It is recommended that, at buses
for which a single fixed shunt is present, the fixed shunt be designated as having the
fixed shunt identifier '1'.
ID = '1' by default
Each machine terminal data record has the following format in RAW:
I, NI, 'M', ID
I Bus number.
No default allowed
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Equipment Terminal Data
NI Node number (1 through 999). If the electrical bus has node breaker model, in other
words it represents a set of nodes in a substation, the node must be one node in the set
and indicates the connections of the machine within the substation. If the electrical
bus has no node breaker model, it is zero.
No default allowed
M Single character ‘M’ to indicate the record contains terminal information for a Machine.
ID One or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric machine identifier used to
distinguish among multiple machines at bus I. It is recommended that, at buses for
which a single machine is present, the machine be designated as having the machine
identifier '1'.
ID = '1' by default
No default allowed
NI From node number (1 through 999). If the electrical from bus has node breaker model,
in other words it represents a set of nodes in a substation, the from node must be one
node in the set and indicates the connections of branch within the substation. If the
electrical from bus has no node breaker model, it is zero.
No default allowed
'B' or 2 Specifies that the record contains terminal information for a non-transformer or two-
winding transformer.
J To bus number.
No default allowed
CKT One or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric switching device identifier.
No default allowed
NI From node number (1 through 999). If the electrical from bus I has node breaker mod-
el, in other words it represents a set of nodes in a substation, the from node must be
one node in the set and indicates the connections of branch within the substation. If
the electrical from bus has no node breaker model, it is zero.
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Equipment Terminal Data
No default allowed
3 Single character ‘3’ to indicate the record contains terminal information for a three-
winding transformer.
J To bus number.
No default allowed
K To bus number.
No default allowed
CKT One or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric switching device identifier.
Each switched shunt terminal data record has the following format in RAW:
I, NI, 'S', ID
I Bus number.
No default allowed
NI Node number (1 through 999). If the electrical bus has node breaker model, in other
words it represents a set of nodes in a substation, the node must be one in the set and
indicates the connections of the switched shunt within the substation. If the electrical
bus has no node breaker model, it is zero.
No default allowed
S Single character ‘S’ to indicate the record contains terminal information for a switched
ID One or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric switched shunt identifier
used to distinguish among multiple switched shunts at bus I. It is recommended that,
at buses for which a single switched shunt is present, the switched shunt be designat-
ed as having the switched shunt identifier '1'.
ID = '1' by default
Each induction machine terminal data record has the following format in RAW:
I, NI, 'I', ID
I Bus number.
No default allowed
NI Node number (1 through 999). Must be one of the nodes of the bus within the sub-
station to which the induction machine is to be connected to. If the bus has no node
breaker model, it is zero.
No default allowed
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) Equipment Terminal Data
I Single character ‘I’ to indicate the record contains terminal information for an induction
ID One or two-character uppercase non-blank alphanumeric machine identifier used to
distinguish among multiple machines at bus I. It is recommended that, at buses for
which a single machine is present, the machine be designated as having the machine
identifier '1'.
ID = '1' by default
No default allowed
NI Node number (1 through 999). Must be one of the nodes of the bus within the sub-
station to which one end of the two-terminal dc line is to be connected to. If the elec-
trical bus has no node breaker model, it is zero.
No default allowed
D Single character ‘D’ to indicate that the record contains terminal information for a two-
terminal dc line connection.
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric identifier of the two-terminal dc line.
No default allowed
No default allowed
NI Node number (1 through 999). Must be one of the nodes of a converter bus within a
substation to which one end of the VSC dc line is to be connected to. If the bus has
no node breaker model, it is zero.
No default allowed
V Single character ‘V’ to indicate that the record contains terminal information for a VSC
dc line connection.
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric identifier of the VSC dc line.
No default allowed
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Power Flow Data File (RAW) End of Data Indicator
No default allowed
NI Node number (1 through 999). Must be one of the nodes of the ac converter station
bus within the substation to which the multi-terminal dc line is to be connected to. If
the bus has no node breaker model, it is zero.
No default allowed
N Single character ‘N’ to indicate that the record contains terminal information for a mul-
ti-terminal dc line connection.
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric identifier of the multi-terminal dc line.
No default allowed
Each FACTS device terminal data record has the following format in RAW:
No default allowed
NI Node number (1 through 999). Must be one of the nodes of the ac converter station
bus within the substation to which the FACTS device is to be connected to. If the bus
has no node breaker model, it is zero.
No default allowed
A Single character ‘A’ to indicate that the record contains terminal information for a FAC-
TS device connection.
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric identifier of the FACTS device.
No default allowed
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Chapter 2
Extensible Power Flow Data File (RAWX)
2.1. Overview
The RAWX format is a JSON-compliant, human-readable data storage and exchange format for PSS®E data.
Version 35 of PSS®E will support both the non-extensible, traditional RAW format along with RAWX. It is
expected that the RAWX format will become the standard text-based data format for PSS®E in the future, and
that updates to the functions that read and create the traditional RAW format will not be fully supported in a
future version of PSS®E. Therefore, it is recommended that your current use of the RAW format be migrated
to RAWX as soon as possible. PSS®E has tools for generating RAWX files from RAW and SAV files.
A RAWX files consist of two types of data objects, RAWX Parameter Sets and RAWX Data Tables. A minimal
example of the content of a RAWX file looks like the example below, where "caseid" section is an example of
a RAWX Parameter Set, and the "bus" section is an example of a RAWX Data Table (which has multiple data
rows, one for each bus record).
"fields": ["title1", "company:string", "modelyear:int"],
"data": ["SIMPLE EXAMPLE", "ElectroCorp", 2026]
"fields": ["ibus", "name", "rdfid:string", "baskv", "ide"],
[101, "Bus1", "c9bca33c8fcb4df5bbfae15a9a9157c7", 500.0, 3]
[102, "Bus2", "8d4653380d374901bf856fa07c88c23a", 230.0, 1]
Note that the above example is not sufficient to create a viable power flow case in PSS®E, but simply shows
the general structure of the format. This document describes the specification of the underlying JSON format,
the details of the RAWX objects, and a complete field key reference.
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Introduction to JSON
• JSON Object
The JSON Object is an unordered collection of name–value pairs where the names (also called keys) are
strings. Since objects are intended to represent associative arrays, it is recommended, though not required,
that each key is unique within an object. Objects are delimited with curly brackets { }, and use commas to
separate each pair, while within each pair the colon ':' character separates the key or name from its value.
The RAWX format consist of two types of named JSON objects. These are referred to the RAWX Parameter
Set, and the RAWX Data Table. An example of a JSON Object used in RAWX is:
object attributes...
• JSON Array
A JSON array in an ordered list of zero or more values, each of which may be of any type. Arrays use square
bracket [ ] notation and elements are comma-separated.
In the RAWX Format, JSON Arrays are used for Field Lists and Data Rows. Field Lists are attributes of RAWX
Parameter Sets and Data Tables to indicate the order and subset of fields for which data is provided, for
And Data Rows are JSON arrays that provide the data records for each element, for example:
"data": [
[1, 101, 250.000, 10.000, "FLAPCO"],
[2, 206, -100.000, 10.000, "LIGHTCO"]
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Extensible Power Flow Data File RAWX Format Specification
• JSON String
A JSON string is a sequence of zero or more Unicode characters. Strings are delimited with double-quota-
tion marks " " and support a backslash escaping syntax for certain special characters.
JSON strings are used in RAWX data for data the field names in Field Lists, as well as values in Data Rows
that are encoded in PSS®E as character data, such as equipment ids, equipment names, etc.
• JSON Number
A JSON Number a signed decimal number that may contain a fractional part and may use exponential E
notation, but cannot include non-numbers such as NaN. The format makes no distinction between integer
and floating-point. JavaScript uses a double-precision floating-point format for all its numeric values, but
other languages implementing JSON may encode numbers differently.
Data values in Data Rows that correspond to either Integer or Real data in PSS®E are encoded as JSON
numbers in the RAWX file. Note that these number values are interpreted as either Fortran Integers or
Fortran Real values in PSS®E during the READX process that reads RAWX data into the PSS®E internal arrays.
• JSON Boolean
The JSON boolean can be either of the values true or false, denoted by the literal symbols true and false,
without quotes.
The RAWX format does not have any boolean fields in the native RAWX data schema. However, custom
fields may be included of type boolean, and these are stored as used as Fortran logical values in PSS®E.
• JSON Null
In RAWX, a value of null in a Data Row indicates a skipped value, which forces the data value to use the
appropriate default value. In other words
• An outer, top-level, unnamed object denoted with an opening curly bracket { and ending with a closing
curly bracket }:
file contents...
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Extensible Power Flow Data File RAWX File Structure
• A named object within the top-level object in which the network data parameter sets and data tables
reside. This object is a data set with the key "network":
parameter sets and data tables...
• A comma-separated, unordered set of named objects within the "network" object. These objects are the
parameter sets and the data tables. The names (keys) of the object are the documented names of the
parameter sets and data tables, such as "caseid", "newton", "bus" or "generator":
parameter set contents...
data table contents...
The order of these does not matter, but when exporting RAWX data from PSS®E, the order will match the
prescribed order of the sections of the traditional RAW format. Not all parameter sets or data tables need
to be included, but only the subset of these objects need to be included in the file for which data will be
provided. For example, if not FACTS devices exist in the power flow case encoded in the RAWX file, the
data table object with key "facts" can be excluded completely in the file.
• Additional objects included under the top-level object will be ignored and not stored or exported from
PSS®E during a RAWX export (RAWDX command). In other words, the RAWX system currently only supports
the data set "network".
• Any additional objects within the "network" object with unrecognized names will be ignored and not stored
or exported from PSS®E during a RAWX export (RAWDX command). In other words, custom tables and pa-
rameter sets are not supported (Custom fields within known parameter sets and data table are supported,
and will be discussed in the following sub sections).
• Indentation, additional whitespace, and new lines are all optional. The convention used in this document
and in the PSS®E RAWX export is based on JSON best-practices for readability.
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Parameter Sets
• Commas are required between parameter sets and data tables. JSON validation will fail if these commas
are missing. Also, the last object in the set must not have a trailing comma.
As and example, A minimal working case in the form of a RAWX file, available as mincas.rawx in the PSS®E
EXAMPLE folder, is listed below.
"fields":["ibus", "name", "ide"],
[101, "Source", 3],
[102, "Sink", 1]
"fields":["ibus", "loadid", "pl", "ql"],
[102, "1", 500.0, 200.0]
"fields":["ibus", "machid"],
[101, "1"]
"fields":["ibus", "jbus", "ckt", "xpu"],
[101, 102, "1", 0.01]
Note that only the parameter sets and data tables for which data is provided are present in the file. Also, only
the parameters and fields for which data is provided are included in the field lists and data rows. The details
of the contents of the parameter sets and data tables are described in the following section.
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Data Tables
"fields": [ "key1", "key2", ... , "keyN" ],
"data": [ value1, value2, ... , valueN ]
An example with real field keys and data values looks like:
"fields": ["method", "actaps", "phshft", "swshnt"],
"data": ["FDNS", 0, 0, 0]
"fields": [ "key1", "key2", ... , "keyN" ],
"data": [
[ value1, value2, ... , valueN ],
[ value1, value2, ... , valueN ],
"fields":["ibus", "shntid", "stat", "gl", "bl"],
[151, "1", 1, 0.000, -600.0],
[201, "1", 1, 0.000, 300.0],
[205, "1", 1, 0.000, 300.0]
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Field List Customization
This field list can be customized by excluding the "gl" field (which is typically zero) and moving the "stat" field
to the end. This customized field list specification is:
The rows must provide the data values according to the customized field list specification. For this example,
the new "fixshunt" data table object will appear as:
"fields":["ibus", "shntid", "bl", "stat"],
[151, "1", -600.0, 1],
[201, "1", 300.0, 1],
[205, "1", 300.0, 1]
Primary key fields, or the fields that are used to uniquely define a PSS®E element, may not be excluded and
must be present in the field list and data rows. For example, the primary key of the "bus" data table is the
"ibus" field, and the primary keys for the "acline" table are the "ibus", "jbus", and "ckt" fields. Whether a field
is a primary key can be determined from the "Is Primary Key" column in the RAWX Field Key Reference.
The only data values that can be excluded from the data rows, are trailing fields. In other words, if the number
of elements in a data row is less than the number of elements the field list, the RAWX parser will assume that
the data values matches the field list positionally, and the data values for the missing trailing data will be
null. The effect of excluding a field is to force PSS®E to assume the default value for that field. For example,
if one wishes to leave out the "stat" data for some rows, this can be achieved by simply excluding the data
value and inserting an explicit null. Both methods have the same effect:
"fields":["ibus", "shntid", "bl", "stat"],
[151, "1", -600.0],
[201, "1", 300.0, null],
[205, "1", 300.0, 1]
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Custom Field Definitions
In order to skip fields that are not at the end of the field list, the data value must be null. Again, the effect
of skipping a field is to force PSS®E to assume the default value for that field. An example of this, where the
default value for the field "bl" is desired at bus 201, appears as:
"fields":["ibus", "shntid", "bl", "stat"],
[151, "1", -600.0, 1],
[201, "1", null, 1],
[205, "1", 300.0, 1]
The default value of a field can be determined from the "Default" column in the RAWX Field Key.
The rules for defining and using custom fields are as follows:
• Custom fields may not have the same name as any known RAWX fields. See the RAWX Field Key Reference
for a full list of known fields and the PSS®E minor version in which they have been introduced.
• Custom fields have one of several data types. Data types are specified in the field definition, delimited
from the field name by a colon (eg. "myfield:integer"). Custom fields without a data type specification are
assumed to be of type string. For example, a custom field of "myfield" without a data type specification,
is interpreted and stored as a string.
• Custom fields may appear anywhere in the field list, however, the field order is not guaranteed to be
retained when exporting RAWX data from PSS®E.
• PSS®E will attempt to read and store the custom data according to the defined data type of the custom
field. If the data conversion fails, such as in the case of providing a String of characters for an integer field,
a warning will be given in progress, and the data value will be null.
• All Multi-terminal DC Line Component Tables (ntermdcconv, ntermdcbus, and ntermdclink). (Note that
the primary data record (ntermdc) does support custom fields)
A full description of the custom field data type specification and examples are shown in the below table.
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Partial Datasets (Read and Change)
Data Type JSON Data Type Valid RAWX Example Field Example Da-
Keywords Definitions ta Values
String JSON String string "company" "ElectroCorp"
Integer JSON Number int "normalstatus:int" 1
Floating Point JSON Number float "scalfact:float" 1.25
Boolean JSON Boolean bool "baseload:bool" true
"fields":["ibus", "shntid", "stat", "normalstat:int", "gl", "bl", "type:string"],
[151, "1", 1, 1, 0.000, -600.0, "reactor"],
[201, "1", 1, 0, 0.000, 300.0, "capacitor"],
[205, "1", 1, 1, 0.000, 300.0, "capacitor"]
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Partial Datasets (Read and Change)
If "ic" is set to 1, all of the parameter sets and data tables in the RAWX file are interpreted as data to update
or add to the previously loaded loadflow data already in PSS®E.
For example, if one wishes to update only the area number of a few buses, the RAWX file contents would
read as follows:
"fields":["ibus", "area"],
[101, 10],
[102, 10]
Assuming a loadflow case that includes at least buses 101 and 102 has been loaded into PSS®E using READ,
READX, or CASE, when the above RAWX file is read into PSS®E using the activity READX, the existing loadflow
data remains intact, except the area number for buses 101 and 102 are updated to the value 10. If bus 101
or bus 102 are not present in the case, new bus record(s) will be added with default data (except for the area
number of 10). This is analogous to the behavior of the data change APIs (eg. psspy.bus_data) where some
arguments are the "default" or "do not change" values of _i or _f.
All or some of the fields included in partial datasets may be custom fields. For example, if one wishes to add
latitude and longitude data to the buses in a case while leaving all other data intact, the following RAWX
file could be used:
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Custom Table Definitions
"fields":["ibus", "lati:real", "long:real"],
[101, 81.34, -34.51],
[102, 81.85, -34.12],
[151, 82.31, -33.51],
[152, 82.87, -33.61],
[153, 83.33, -32.81],
... additional data rows...
The rules for defining and using custom tables are as follows:
• The name of the table must be unique within the file. If there are more than one table in the network data
section of the rawx file with the same name, only one of the tables with that name will be stored in PSS®E.
• The field specifications in the field list follow the rules of the previous section (Custom Field Definitions).
Note that all fields in a custom table are by definition custom fields.
• User defined tables do not have to be located at the end of the rawx file. They can be located anywhere
within the network node. When rawx data is exported from PSS®E, however, the original order of the tables
may not be maintained.
"fields":["name", "rating:real"],
["InterfaceA", 600.0],
["InterfaceB", 850.0]
"fields":["intname", "ibus:int", "jbus:int", "ckt"],
["InterfaceA", 152, 3004, "1"],
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Importing/Exporting from CSV files
Once the custom tables are imported into PSS®E via readx, the data in the custom tables are accessible
using the Extension Data APIs (in the form get_ext_, set_ext_, etc.). An example of accessing the data using
Python is given below. In this example, the get_ext_rowcount api is used to get the number of rows of each
custom table, the get_ext_char, get_ext_int, and get_ext_real apis are used to get the ratings and flows of
an interface, and a message is printed if the interface flow exceeds its rating.
rating = 0.0
intflow = 0.0
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Exporting RAWX tables to CSV
The only required field(s) are the primary keys (unique identifiers) for the element for built-in (non-custom)
data tables (primary keys are shown in the RAWX Field Reference Section of this document for each data
table). Currently, the API CSV_TO_RAWX is the only method to perform this import. And example of an area
table before and after a CSV import is shown below.
"fields":["iarea", "isw", "pdes", "ptol", "arname"],
[1, 101, -2800.000, 10.000, "CENTRAL"],
[2, 206, -1600.000, 10.000, "EAST"],
[4, 401, 300.000, 15.000, "EAST_COGEN1"],
[5, 3011, 900.000, 10.000, "WEST"]
"fields":["iarea", "isw", "pdes", "ptol", "arname", "companyname:char"],
[1, 101, -2800.000, 5.000, "CENTRAL" , "ElectroCorp" ],
[2, 206, -1600.000, 5.000, "EAST" , "Tesla Power and Light" ],
[4, 401, 300.000, 10.000, "EAST_COGEN1", "Gigawatt Industries" ],
[5, 3011, 900.000, 5.000, "WEST" , "Electron Wholesalers" ]
When exporting RAWX to CSV, all fields, built-in and custom, are included in the export, and the field order-
ing is identical to the ordering of RAWDX data export. Custom fields will retain their dataype specification
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Extensible Power Flow Data File RAWX Field Key Reference
(eg. "latitude:real" vs. just "latitude") in the header row of the CSV file. An example of a Zone table and its
cooresponding CSV output is shown below:
RAWX Table:
"fields":["izone", "zoname", "loadfactor:real"],
[1, "NORTH", 0.54],
[2, "MID", 0.47],
[3, "SOUTH", 0.56],
[4, "EAST", 0.59]
Data Tables
Rating Data (rating)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Case Identification (caseid)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File General parameters (general)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Newton solution parameters (newton)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File TYSL parameters (tysl)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Bus Data (bus)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Fixed Bus Shunt Data (fixshunt)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Generator Data (generator)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Non-transformer Branch Data (acline)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File System Switching Device Data (sysswd)
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Transformer Data (transformer)
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Transformer Data (transformer)
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Transformer Data (transformer)
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Transformer Data (transformer)
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Area Interchange Data (area)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File VSC DC Line Data (vscdc)
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Extensible Power Flow Data File VSC DC Line Data (vscdc)
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Transformer Impedance Correction Ta-
(RAWX) ble Data (impcor)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Multi-Terminal DC Line Converter Data
(RAWX) (ntermdcconv)
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Multi-Terminal DC Line DC Link Data
(RAWX) (ntermdclink)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Interarea Transfer Data (iatrans)
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Switched Shunt Data (swshunt)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File GNE Device Data (gne)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Induction Machine Data (indmach)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Induction Machine Data (indmach)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Substation Data (sub)
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Substation Terminal Data (subterm)
* Required field.
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Extensible Power Flow Data File Voltage Droop Control (voltagedroop)
(RAWX) (Added in version 35.3)
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Chapter 3
Sequence Data File
3.1. Overview
The input stream to activity RESQ is a Sequence Data File containing 11 groups of records with each group
specifying a particular type of sequence data required for fault analysis work (see Figure 2-1). Any piece of
equipment for which sequence data is to be entered in activity RESQ must be represented as power flow data
in the working case. That is, activity RESQ will not accept data for a bus, generator, branch, switched shunt
or fixed shunt not contained in the working case.
All data is read in free format with data items separated by a comma or one or more blanks. Each category
of data except the change code is terminated by a record specifying an I value of zero. Termination of all
data is indicated by a value of Q.
Change Code
Q Record
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Sequence Data File Change Code
IC IC = 0 indicates the initial input of sequence data for the network contained in the
working case. All buses, generators, branches, switched shunts and fixed shunts for
which no data record is entered in a given category of data have the default values
assigned for those data items.
IC = 1 indicates change case input of sequence data for the network contained in the
working case. All buses, generators, branches, switched shunts and fixed shunts for
which no data record is entered in a given category of data have those data items
unchanged; i.e., they are not set to the default values.
IC=0 by default.
REV PSSE revision number. REV = Current revision by default.
The use of the change case mode in activity RESQ is identical to its use in activity READ: for the addition
of equipment to the working case (e.g., to add a zero sequence mutual coupling to the working case). It
is not valid to set IC to one for the initial execution of activity RESQ for the network in the working case;
in this case, an appropriate message is printed and activity RESQ continues its execution as if IC had been
specified as zero.
Generally, each record specified in the System-Wide Data category begins with a NAME that defines the type
of data specified on the record. The formats of the various records are described in the following paragraphs.
The Short Circuit Output Report Format record begins with the name RPTFORMAT and contains unit and co-
ordinates option for reporting current, voltage and Thevenin impedance. Using keyword input, any or all of
the following report format parameters may be specified:
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Sequence Data File Generator Sequence Data
Those RPTFORMAT parameters that are specified may be entered n any order. The following is an example
of this record:
MOV Record
The Metal Var Oxide (MOV) Iteration Options record begins with the name MOV and contains linearized MOV
model iteration parameters used by short circuit calculation methods. Using keyword input, any or all of the
following MOV iteration parameters may be specified:
Those parameters that are specified may be entered in any order. The following is an example of this record:
The Short Circuit Model Options record begins with the name SCMODEL and contains fault analysis modeling
option setting. Using keyword input, SCMODEL parameters may be specified:
Each generator sequence impedance data record has the following format:
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Sequence Data File Generator Sequence Data
I Bus number; bus I must be present in the working case as a generator bus.
ID One or two character machine identifier of the machine bus I for which the data is
specified by this record.
ID = '1' by default
ZRPOS Generator positive sequence resistance; entered in pu on machine base (i.e., on bus
voltage base and MBASE).
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Sequence Data File Generator Sequence Data
This angle is used only when fault calculations with for "FLAT" voltage profile is select-
Throughout this Manual, the complex positive sequence generator impedance used in fault analysis will be
referred to as ZPOS. The real component of ZPOS is always ZRPOS. Its imaginary component is either ZXPPDV,
ZXPDV or ZXSDV, according to the selection made in selecting the fault analysis calculation activity. Similarly,
the negative sequence generator impedance, ZNEG, is ZRNEG + j ZXNEGDV, and the zero sequence generator
impedance, ZZERO, is ZR0 + j ZX0DV.
During the initial input of sequence data (i.e., IC = 0 on the first data record), any machine for which no
data record of this category is entered has its positive sequence resistance set to ZR (the real component
of ZSORCE), and all three positive sequence reactances set to ZX (the imaginary component of ZSORCE).
ZSORCE is the generator impedance entered in activities READ, Section Activity, TREA, RDCH, and MCRE; it is
used in switching studies and dynamic simulations (refer to Generator Data).
In subsequent executions of activity RESQ (i.e., IC = 1 on the first data record), any machine for which no data
record of this category is entered has its positive sequence generator impedance values unchanged. Note
that the generator positive sequence impedance values entered in activity RESQ for fault analysis purposes
is not necessarily the same as the generator impedance (ZSORCE) used in dynamics, and that it does not
overwrite ZSORCE. That is, the two different sets of positive sequence impedance data are specified in the
working case simultaneously at different locations.
During the initial input of sequence data (i.e., IC = 0 on the first data record), any machine for which no data
record of this category is entered has its negative sequence generator impedance ZNEG set equal to ZRPOS
+ j ZXPPDV. In subsequent executions of activity RESQ (i.e., IC = 1 on the first data record), any machine for
which no data record of this category is entered has its negative sequence generator impedance unchanged.
For those machines at which the step-up transformer is represented as part of the generator data (i.e., XTRAN
is non-zero), ZZERO is not used and, in the fault analysis activities, the step-up transformer is assumed to be
a delta wye transformer. Refer to Modeling of Generator Step-Up Transformers (GSU).
For those machines that do not include the step-up transformer as part of the generator data (i.e., XTRAN is
zero), a zero sequence impedance(ZR0, ZR0DV) of zero and grounding impedance (ZRG, ZXG) of zero results
in the machine being treated as an open circuit in the zero sequence.
During the initial input of sequence data (i.e., IC = 0 on the first data record), any machine for which no data
record of this category is entered has its zero sequence generator impedance ZZERO set equal to ZRPOS + j
ZXPPDV. In subsequent executions of activity RESQ (i.e., IC = 1 on the first data record), any machine for which
no data record of this category is entered has its zero sequence generator impedance unchanged.Generator
sequence impedance data input is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
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Sequence Data File Load Sequence Data
ID = '1' by default
PNEG Active component of negative sequence load; entered in MW at one per unit voltage.
If PNEG=0 or is not specified, PNEG = positive sequence load MW.
QNEG Reactive component of negative sequence load; entered in MVAR at one per unit volt-
age. If QNEG=0 or is not specified, QNEG = positive sequence load MVAR. QNEG is
specified as negative MVAR for lagging (reactive) power factor loads.
GRDFLG Grounding flag; 1 for grounded loads and 0 for ungrounded loads.
GRDFLG=0 by default
PZERO Active component of zero sequence load; entered in MW at 1 pu voltage. If PZERO is
non-zero and GRDFLG=1, PZERO is modelled. If GRDFLG=0, PZERO is ignored.
PZERO=0 by default
QZERO Reactive component of zero sequence load; entered in MVAR at 1 pu voltage. If QZE-
RO is non-zero and GRDFLG=1, QZERO is modelled. If GRDFLG=0, QZERO is ignored.
QZERO is specified as negative MVAR for lagging (reactive) power factor loads.
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Sequence Data File Zero Sequence Non-Transformer
Branch Data
For any bus where no load sequence data record is specified, or PNEG and QNEG are both specified as zero,
the load elements are assumed to be equal in the positive and negative sequence networks. For any bus
where no load sequence data record is specified, or PZERO and QZERO are both specified as zero, or GRDFLG
is specified as zero (i.e., an ungrounded load), no load component is represented in the zero sequence.
The user is advised to exercise caution in specifying negative and zero sequence loads. In the fault analysis
calculations, constant power and constant current loads are converted to constant admittance at the pre-
fault voltage. Further, when positive sequence loads are changed, either directly by the user or by activities
such as SCAL, it may be appropriate to change previously specified negative and zero sequence loads. It is
the user’s responsibility to ensure that the positive sequence loading data, as contained in the working case,
is coordinated with the specified negative and zero sequence load data.
Load sequence data input is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
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Sequence Data File Zero Sequence Mutual Impedance Data
• 3 for Spark Gap Protection enabled (information only, not used in any calculations)
SCTPY=0 by default
The zero sequence network is assumed to be a topological subset of the positive sequence network. That is,
it may have a branch in every location where the positive sequence network has a branch, and may not have
a branch where the positive sequence network does not have a branch. The zero sequence network does not
need to have a branch in every location where the positive sequence network has a branch.
A branch treated as a zero impedance line in the positive sequence (refer to Zero Impedance Lines) is treated
in the same manner in the zero sequence, regardless of its specified zero sequence impedance.
During the initial input of sequence data (i.e., IC = 0 on the first data record), any non-transformer branch
for which no data record of this category is entered is treated as open in the zero sequence network (i.e., the
zero sequence impedance is set to zero). In subsequent executions of activity RESQ (i.e., IC = 1 on the first
data record), any branch for which no data record of this category is entered has its zero sequence branch
data unchanged.
Zero sequence branch data input is terminated with a record specifying a from bus number of zero.
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Sequence Data File Zero Sequence Mutual Impedance Data
No default is allowed
BIJ1 Starting location of the mutual coupling along circuit CKT1 from bus I to bus J relative
to the bus I end of the branch; entered in per unit of total line length.
• The maximum number of zero sequence mutual couplings that may be entered at the standard size levels
of PSSE is defined in Table 3-1 Standard Maximum PSS®E Program Capacities.
• The polarity of a mutual coupling is determined by the ordering of the bus numbers (I,J,K,L) in the data
record. The dot convention applies, with the from buses (I and K) specifying the two dot ends of the
coupled branches.
• RM+jXM specifies the circuit-to-circuit mutual impedance, given the polarity implied by I and K.
• The geographical B factors are required only if one or both of the two mutually coupled lines is to be
involved in an unbalance part way down the line, and only part of the length of one or both of the lines
is involved in the coupling. (Note that the default values of the B factors result in the entire length of the
first line coupled to the entire length of the second line.)
• The values of the B factors must be between zero and one inclusive; they define the portion of the line
involved in the coupling.
• BIJ1 must be less than BIJ2, and BKL1 must be less than BKL2.
• Mutuals involving transformers or zero impedance lines are ignored by the fault analysis solution activities.
The following figure schematically illustrates a mutual coupling with BIJ1 = 0.0, BIJ2 = 0.4, BKL1 = 0.0 and
BKL2 = 1.0 (the first 40% of the first line coupled with the entire second line).
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Sequence Data File Zero Sequence Transformer Data
As a second example, BIJ1 = 0.6, BIJ2 = 1.0, BKL1 = 0.0 and BKL2 = 0.6 (last 40% of the first line coupled
with the first 60% of the second line) might be depicted as follows:
Zero sequence mutual impedance data input is terminated with a record specifying a from bus number of
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Sequence Data File Zero Sequence Transformer Data
K = 0 by default
CKT One- or two-character transformer circuit identifier; a transformer with circuit identi-
fier CKT between buses I and J (and K if K is non-zero) must be in the working case.
For those connection codes that existed prior to PSS®E-33, CZ0 must be specified as 1.
• For all two-winding transformers with legacy connection codes, Z01 is specified
in per unit on system MVA base and winding voltage base. Only for two-winding
transformers with connection code 9, Z02 is specified in per unit on system MVA
base and winding 2 voltage base.
• For all three-winding transformers with legacy connection codes, Z01, Z02 and Z03
are specified in per unit on system MVA base and winding "n" voltage base.
For all two-digit connection codes for two- and three-winding transformers, CZ0 may
be specified as one of the following values:
• 1 for per unit on system MVA base and winding "n" voltage base
• 2 for per unit on a specified MVA base and winding "n" voltage base
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Sequence Data File Zero Sequence Transformer Data
These are the same units dictated by CZ values 1 and 2 on the transformer data record
of the Power Flow Raw Data File.
CZG The grounding impedance data I/O code defines the units in which the impedance val-
ues Zg1, Zg2, Zg3 and Znutrl are specified. In specifying these impedances, the wind-
ing base voltage values are always the nominal winding voltages (NOMV1, NOMV2
and NOMV3) that are specified on the third, fourth and fifth records of the Transformer
Data block in the Power Flow Raw Data File. If no value for NOMVn is specified, the
winding "n" voltage base is assumed to be identical to the winding "n" bus base volt-
For those connection codes that existed prior to PSS®E-33, CZG must be specified as 1.
• For two-winding transformers with legacy connection codes 2, 3 and 9, Zg1 is spec-
ified in per unit on system MVA base and winding voltage base.
• For two-winding transformers with connection code 8, Zg2 is specified in per unit
on system MVA base and winding 2 voltage base.
For all two-digit connection codes for two- and three-winding transformers, CZG may
be specified as one of the following values:
• 1 for per unit on system MVA base and winding voltage base
• 2 for per unit on a specified MVA base and winding voltage base
• 3 for ohms
For three winding transformers, Zg1 is on SBASE12, Zg2 on SBASE23, Zg3 on SBASE31,
and Znutrl on SABSE12.
For CZG values of 1 and 2, these are the same units dictated by CZ values 1 and 2 on
the transformer data record of the Power Flow Raw Data File
CC Winding connection code indicating the connections and ground paths to be used in
modeling the transformer in the zero sequence network.
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Sequence Data File Zero Sequence Transformer Data
For a two-winding transformer, valid values are 1 through 9 and 11 through 23. They
define the following zero sequence connections that are shown in Section Two Wind-
ing Transformer Zero Sequence Network Diagrams and Connection Codes.
5, 15 series path, ground path on Winding 2 side (normally only used as part of a
three-winding transformer).
9, 19 series path on each side, ground path at the junction point of the two series
20 series path on each side, ground path at the junction point of the two series paths;
wye grounded - wye grounded core type transfromer
21 series path, no ground path; wye grounded - wye grounded non core type auto
22 series path, no ground path; wye - wye ungrounded core type auto transfromer
The following ' single digit three-winding connection codes are available, where the
connection codes of the three two-winding transformers comprising the three-wind-
ing transformer are shown in parenthesis in winding number order:
1, 11 series path in all three windings, Winding 1 ground path at the star point bus
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Sequence Data File Zero Sequence Transformer Data
2, 12 series path in Windings 1 and 2, Winding 3 ground path at the star point bus
3, 13 series path in Winding 2, ground paths from windings one and three at the star
point bus (3-1-3).
4, 14 no series paths, ground paths from all three windings at the star point bus
5, 15 series path in windings one and three, ground path at the Winding 2 side bus
17 series path in Windings 1 and 2, Winding 3 ground path at the star point bus; wye
grounded - wye grounded - delta auto transfromer
18 series path in Windings 1 and 2, no ground path in Winding 3;wye - wye - delta
ungrounded neutral auto transfromer
Section 5.5.3, Transformers in the Zero Sequence, includes examples of the proper
specification of CC and the remaining transformer data items for several types of trans-
CC = 14 by default
RG1, XG1 Zero sequence grounding impedance on for an impedance grounded transformer.
Refer zero sequence network diagrams for each connection code for specifying this
• ZG1 is grounding impedance of winding 1 when CC are two digits, like, CC=12
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Sequence Data File Zero Sequence Transformer Data
• Two winding transformer: Z01 is equal to the transformer's zero sequence leakage
impedance. Z01 is equal to the transformer's positive sequence impedance by de-
• Three winding transformers and connection codes CC=11 and higher: Z01 is equal
to the transformer's winding 1 to winding 2 zero sequence impedance. Z01 is equal
to the transformer's winding 1 to winding 2 positive sequence impedance by de-
• For three winding transformers and connection codes CC=1 through 9 and User
Code: Z01 is equal to the transformer's winding 1 star-circuit equivalent zero se-
quence impedance. is equal to the transformer's winding 1 star-circuit equivalent
positive sequence impedance by default.
Refer zero sequence network diagram for each connection code for specifying this
R02, X02 Refer zero sequence network diagram for each connection code for specifying this
value. This value could be:
Refer zero sequence network diagram for each connection code for specifying Z02
value. R02 = 0.0 and X02 = 0.0 by default.
• For three winding transformer and connection codes CC=11 and higher:
• For three winding transformer and connection codes CC=1 through 9 and User
Code: Z02 is equal to the transformer's winding 2 star-circuit equivalent zero se-
quence impedance. Z02 is equal to the transformer's winding 2 star-circuit equiva-
lent positive sequence impedance by default.
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Sequence Data File Zero Sequence Transformer Data
RG3, XG3 Zero sequence grounding impedance on winding 3 for an impedance grounded trans-
former. This data is applicable for connection codes CC=11 and higher. This data is
specified in units specified by CZG.
Refer zero sequence network diagram for each connection code for specifying this
value. RG3 = 0.0 and XG3 = 0.0 by default.
R03, X03 Refer zero sequence network diagram for each connection code for specifyingthis val-
ue. This value could be:
• For three winding transformer and connection codes CC=11 and higher: Z03 is equal
to the transformer's winding 3 to winding 1 zero sequence impedance.
• For three winding transformer and connection codes CC=1 through 9: Z03 is equal
to the transformer's winding 3 star-circuit equivalent zero sequence impedance.
Refer zero sequence network diagram for each connection code for specifying this
Refer Sections 5.5.4, 5.5.5 and 5.5.6 for transformer winding connections, zero sequence network diagrams
and connection codes.
In specifying zero sequence impedances for three-winding transformers, note that winding impedances are
required, and that the zero sequence impedances return to the default value of the positive sequence wind-
ing impedances. Recall that, in specifying positive sequence data for three-winding transformers (refer to
Transformer Data), measured impedances between pairs of buses to which the transformer is connected,
not winding impedances, are required. PSSE converts the measured bus-to-bus impedances to winding im-
pedances that are subsequently used in building the network matrices. Activities LIST and EXAM tabulate
both sets of positive sequence impedances.
Recall that the service status of a three-winding transformer may be specified such that two of its windings
are in-service and the remaining winding is out-of-service (refer to Transformer Data). Recall also that data
for the three windings of a three-winding transformer is stored in the working case as three two-winding
transformers (refer to Three-Winding Transformer Notes). Ri + jXi is stored with the two-winding transformer
containing winding i’s data; RG + jXG is stored with the two-winding transformer containing the data of the
winding at which it is applied.
Placing one winding of a three-winding transformer out-of-service may require a change to the zero sequence
data of the two windings that remain in-service. As the fault analysis calculation functions construct the zero
sequence admittance matrix, when a three-winding transformer with one winding out-of-service is encoun-
tered, all data pertaining to the out-of-service winding (i.e., pertaining to the two-winding transformer con-
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Sequence Data File Zero Sequence Switched Shunt Data
taining the data of the out-of-service winding) is ignored. Thus, any zero sequence series and ground paths
resulting from the impedances and connection code of the out-of-service winding are excluded from the
zero sequence admittance matrix. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the zero sequence impedances
and connection codes of the two in-service windings result in the appropriate zero sequence modeling of
the transformer.
Specification of the transformer connection code along with the impedances entered here enables the fault
analysis activities to correctly model the zero sequence transformer connections, including the ground ties
and open series branch created by certain grounded transformer windings. If no connection code is entered
for a transformer, all windings are assumed to be open. Section 5.5.3, Transformers in the Zero Sequence
gives additional details on the treatment of transformers in the zero sequence network, including examples
of specifying data for several types of transformers.
During the initial input of sequence data (i.e., IC = 0 on the first data record), any transformer for which no
data record of this category is entered has it zero sequence winding impedance(s) set to the same value(s)
as its positive sequence winding impedance(s). In subsequent executions of activity RESQ (i.e., IC = 1 on the
first data record), any transformer for which no data record of this category is entered has its zero sequence
transformer data unchanged.
Zero sequence transformer data input is terminated with a record specifying a from bus number of zero.
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Sequence Data File Zero Sequence Fixed Shunt Data
I Bus number; bus I must be present in the working case with positive sequence
switched shunt data.
ID One or two character identifier of the switched shunt at bus I for which the data is
specified by this record.
ID = '1' by default
BZi Zero sequence admittance increment for each of the steps in block i; entered in MVAR
at 1 pu unit voltage.
BZ i = 0.0 by default
Data specified on zero sequence switched shunt data records must be coordinated with the corresponding
positive sequence data (refer to Switched Shunt Data). The number of blocks and the number of steps in
each block are taken from the positive sequence data.
Activity RESQ generates an alarm for any block for which any of the following applies:
• The positive sequence admittance is positive and the zero sequence admittance is negative.
• The positive sequence admittance is negative and the zero sequence admittance is positive.
• The positive sequence admittance is zero and the zero sequence admittance is non-zero.
The zero sequence admittance switched on at a bus is determined from the bus positive sequence value,
with the same number of blocks and steps in each block switched on.
Zero sequence switched shunt data input is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
ID = '1' by default
GSZERO Active component of zero sequence admittance to ground to represent this fixed shunt
at bus I; entered in MW at 1 pu voltage.
BSZERO Reactive component of zero sequence admittance to ground to represent this fixed
shunt at bus I; entered in MVAR at 1 pu voltage.
For any fixed shunt for which either no such data record is specified or GSZERO and BSZERO are both speci-
fied as 0.0, no zero sequence ground path is modeled for this fixed shunt. The zero sequence ground tie cre-
ated by a grounded transformer winding is automatically added to whatever zero sequence fixed shunt and
shunt load is specified at the bus when the transformer winding connection code data for the transformer
is specified (refer to Zero Sequence Transformer Data).
Zero sequence fixed shunt data input is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Sequence Data File Induction Machine Sequence Data
I Bus number; bus I must be present in the working case as an induction machine bus.
ID One or two character identifier of the induction machine at bus I for which the data
is specified by this record.
ID = '1' by default
CZG Units of grounding impedance (ZRG and ZXG) values, = 1 for pu (on bus voltage base
and MBASE), = 2 for Ohms
GRDFLG 1 for grounded machine, 0 for ungrounded machine (Most commonly, stator winding
is either delta connected or star connected with the neutral isolated.) GRDFLG=0 by
ILR2IR_SUB Ratio of positive sequence subtransient locked rotor current to rated current.
R2X_SUB Ratio of positive sequence subtransient resistance to reactance. This is used only when
positive sequence impedance is calculated using ILR2IR_SUB.
For a star connected stator winding with an earthed neutral, zero sequence imped-
ance is much smaller than motor starting impedance (subtransient or transient) and
does not vary with time. Induction machine zero sequence impedance can be assumed
equal to the stator ac resistance
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Sequence Data File Induction Machine Sequence Data
Application Notes:
Positive (ZP) and negative (ZN) sequence impedances are calculated as below.
1. When locked rotor current to rated current sequence data is provided, depending on activity "reactance"
option used:
2. When locked rotor current to rated current sequence data is not provided:
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Sequence Data File Non-Conventional Source - Fault Con-
tribution Characteristics Data
A source injects short circuit current and is independent of its terminal voltage. The amount of fault cur-
rent contribution is determined from its pre-fault loading condition and TI characteristics. For example,
activities ASCC and SCMU calculates momentary fault currents, so the fault current contribution specified
at Time=0.0 is used.
The active and reactive components of short circuit current, CiP and CiQ, are specified in per unit on rat-
ed voltage and base MVA of the source. The components CiP and CiQdo not include the source pre-fault
A source injects short circuit current which is a function of its terminal voltage and mode of operation
[active power or reactive power priority]. The amount of fault current contribution is determined by iter-
ating over the positive sequence bus voltage and desired current as per its characteristics and pre-fault
loading condition. For faults at source bus, the fault contribution will be maximum and as fault moves
away from its bus the contribution will decrease. If the fault is farther enough such that its terminal voltage
remains same as pre-fault voltage or within dead-band voltage limits, the source will contribute only pre-
fault loading condition currents to the fault.
The active and reactive components of short circuit current, CiP and CiQ, are dependent on the pre-fault
active power of the source [2]. Considering rated active power and power factor, specify C iP and CiQ on
base MVA of the source. The components CiP and CiQdo not include the source pre-fault loadings.
As shown in Figure 3.4, “Non-conventional Source Fault Contribution Characteristics”, the fault contribution
characteristics may have up to 20 points. A minimum of one point is required. This characteristics could be
defined separately for each postive and negative sequence components. Points are specified six per line in
each source data block. As many records as are needed (with six points per record) are entered. End of data
for a source is specified by specifying an additional point with the three values defining the point all specified
as 0.0.
NAME, CHRTYP, T1, C1P, C1Q, T2, C2P, C2Q, ... T6, C6P, C6Q
T7, C7P, C7Q, T8, C8P, C8Q, ... T12, C12P, C12Q
Tn, CnP, CnQ, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric identifier assigned to table. Each Fault Contribution Char-
acter- istics table must have unique NAME. The NAME may be up to 12 characteristics
and may contain any combination of blanks, uppercase letters, numbers and special
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Sequence Data File Non-Conventional Source - Fault Con-
tribution Characteristics Data
characters, but the first character must not be a minus sign. The NAME must be en-
closed in single or double quotes if it contains any blanks or special characters.
No default allowed.
CHRTYP Three character Fault Contribution Characteristics Type.
No default allowed.
Ti Time in seconds when curve is for Time dependent fault current contribution.
Source Terminal (Bus) Voltage in PU when curve is for Voltage dependent fault current
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Sequence Data File Non-Conventional Source - Fault Con-
tribution Characteristics Data
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Sequence Data File Non-Conventional Source - Generator
When a generator has non-conventional source data specified, its "generator sequence data" record, even
if present, is ignored.
This fault current contribution and its sequence network model is shown in Figure 3.5, “Non-conventional
Source Sequence Network”.
I Bus number; bus I must be present in the working case as a generator bus.
No default is allowed
ID One or two character source identifier of the generator bus I for which the data is
specified by this record.
ID = '1' by default
CHRTYP Three character Fault Contribution Characteristics Type.
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Sequence Data File Non-Conventional Source - Generator
The POSTBL table name must be defined in "Non-Conventional Source Fault Contribu-
tion Characteristics Data" records.
No default allowed.
NEGTBL Previously defined Fault Contribution Characteristics table name used to determine
negative sequence impedance.
The NEGTBL table name must be defined in "Non-Conventional Source Fault Contribu-
tion Characteristics Data" records.
NEGTBL='' (blank) by default meaning this generator is treated as open circuit in neg-
ative sequence.
DBVMAX In this voltage dead-band, the source is considered operating in normal state with ac-
tive power priority. Outside of this voltage dead-band, the source is considered oper-
ating with reactive power priority.
When DBVMIN=DBVMAX these limits are ignored and the source is considered oper-
ating with reactive power priority.
DBVMIN=0.9 pu be default
DBVMAX=1.1 pu be default
Application Notes:
• The characteristics type (CHRTYP) of POSTBL and NEGTBL tables must be the same. The names of POSTBL
and NEGTBL could be different.
• At version 35.2, two data record groups “NCS Fault Contribution Characteristics Data” and “NCS – Generator
Data” are added. These two record groups are update of a record group “NCS Fault Contribution Data” at
version 35.0. The record groups are updated to provide following benefits.
• Ability to specify different fault contribution characteristics for positive sequence and negative se-
• Ability to specify voltage limits during which NCS contributes only pre-fault loading currents to the fault.
• Version 35.2 [and later] can read sequence file of version 35.0 format, but will write only version 35.2
format sequence file.
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Sequence Data File Non-Conventional Source - Generator
• Version 35.2 [and later] will write only positive sequence time dependent fault contribution characteristics
for version 34 format sequence file.
• Following was format of "Non Conventional Source Fault Contribution Data” record used in versions 35.0
and 35.1. Use this for information only.
I, ID, T1, C1P, C1Q, T2, C2P, C2Q, ... T6, C6P, C6Q
ID - Machine Identifier
Ti - Time in seconds
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Sequence Data File Application Notes - Transformers in the
Zero Sequence
Transformer zero sequence data is entered into the working case by means of zero sequence transformer data
records in the Sequence Data File. Transformers are represented in the zero sequence as per their connection
codes. The establishment of the connections and ground paths is handled automatically on the basis of the
impedances and connection code entered and the winding turns ratios.
Zero sequence transformer default data is such that the transformer appears as an open circuit in the zero
sequence network. Therefore, zero sequence data must be entered for all grounded transformers.
Connection codes do not indicate the inherent phase shift due to the relative connection of delta and wye
windings. If this phase shift is to be represented, it must be specified in the positive sequence power flow
Virtually any impedance grounded two-winding transformer may be modeled automatically by specifying
its winding and grounding impedances along with the appropriate connection code. Many three-winding
transformer configurations may be handled in a similar manner; others require the addition of 3Zg or other
impedances to one or more of the winding impedances.
The winding numbers specified in zero sequence network diagrams are not directly associated with the nom-
inal voltage levels of those windings. They are associated with corresponding winding connection only.
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Sequence Data File Auto Transformer Equivalent Circuit
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
Figure 3.8. YNyn with neutral impedance transformer zero sequence network
CC=11 PSS®E calculates pu Znutrl0 as below:
• R01+jX01 = Zt0
• RG1+jXG1 = Zg1
• RG2+jXG2 = Zg2
NOTE: When CC=1, data specified for Zg1 and Zg2 will be ignored. Hint instead use CC=11.
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
Figure 3.15. Yy, Yd, Dy, Dd, Yyn or YNy transformer zero sequence network
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
No Series Path, Ground Path on Winding 1 side, Earthing transformer on Winding 2 Side
Figure 3.18. YNd transformer with Zigzag or YNd earthing transformer on winding 2
side zero sequence network
Note: Activity IECS applies impedance correction factors to transformer impedances. When main and
earthing transformers are modeled separately with CC=2, impedance correction factors are applied
to both main and earthing transformers. This is incorrect. The impedance correction factors should
not applied to earthing transformer. So model main and earthing transformers correctly using CC=6
or CC=16.
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
Figure 3.19. YNzn or Dzn core type transformer zero sequence network
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
No Series Path, Earting transformer on Winding 1 Side, Ground Path on Winding 2 side
Figure 3.20. Dyn transformer with Zigzag or YNd earthing transformer on winding 1
side zero sequence network
No Series Path, Ground Path on Winding 2 side through core magnetizing impedance
Figure 3.21. ZNyn or ZNd core type transformer zero sequence network
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
Wye grounded - wye grounded three legged core type auto transformer
Figure 3.22. YNa core type auto transformer zero sequence network
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
CC=8 CC=18
- R01+jX01 = ZM0
- RG1+jXG1 = Z10
- RG2+jXG2 = Z20
- R01+jX01 = Zto
- R02+jX02 = ZphiC
- RG2+jXG2 = Zg2
ZphiC is the magnetising (exciting) impedance as measured on the Common Winding with series winding on
the same core open circuited and zero sequence voltage is applied to Terminal 2.
Refer auto transformer equivalent circuit represention description for definition of N and Zto.
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
• Series Path on each side, Ground Path at the junction point of the two series paths
• Wye grouned - wye grounded three legged core type auto transformer
Figure 3.23. YNa core type auto transformer zero sequence network
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
CC=9 CC=19
- R01+jX01 = Zto
Z1S, Z2S, ZSG from equations as in CC=19
- R02+jX02 = ZphiC
- R01+jX01 = Z1S
PSS®E calculates pu values as:
- R02+jX02 = Z2S
- RG1+jXG1 = ZSG
ZphiC is the magnetising (exciting) impedance as measured on the Common Winding with series winding on
the same core open circuited and zero sequence voltage is applied to Terminal 2.
Refer auto transformer equivalent circuit representation description for definition of N and ZCS.
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
• Series Path on each side, Ground Path at the junction point of the two series paths
Figure 3.24. YNyn with or without neutral impedance core type transformer zero
sequence network
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
- R01+jX01 = Zt0
- R02+jX02 = Zphi0
- RG1+jXG1 = Zg1
- RG2+jXG2 = Zg2
Zphi1 is the magnetising (exciting) impedance as measured on Winding 1 with winding 2 on the same core
open circuited and zero sequence voltage is applied to Winding 1.
Zphi2 is the magnetising (exciting) impedance as measured on Winding 2 with winding 2 on the same core
open circuited and zero sequence voltage is applied to Winding 2.
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
- R01+jX01 = Zto
- RG2+jXG2 = Zg2
Refer auto transformer equivalent circuit represention description for definition of N and Zto.
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Sequence Data File Two Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Networks
Figure 3.26. Ya ungrounded core type auto transformer zero sequence network
Set: PSS®E calculates pu values as:
- R01+jX01 = ZphiS
ZphiS is the magnetising (exciting) impedance as measured on the Series Winding with all the other windings
on the same core open circuited and zero sequence voltage is applied to Terminal 1.
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Sequence Data File Three Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Network
The three Winding transformer is modeled as T-model in zero sequence network. The impedances of this T-
model are calculated from transformer test report in-between winding impedances as below.
0 0 0 0
Zt1 = 0.5(Z12 + Z31 - Z23 )
0 0 0 0
Zt2 = 0.5(Z12 + Z23 - Z31 )
0 0 0 0
Zt3 = 0.5(Z23 + Z31 - Z12 )
Zt1 = Zero sequence impedance between winding 1 and star point
Zt2 = Zero sequence impedance between winding 2 and star point
Zt3 = Zero sequence impedance between winding 3 and star point
The in-between winding impedances can be calculated from T-model impedances as below:
Z12 = Z1 + Z2
Z23 = Z2 + Z3
Z31 = Z3 + Z1
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Sequence Data File Three Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Network
Series path in all three Windings, Winding 1 ground path at star point bus
0 0 0
Z1 , Z 2 , Z3 from equations as in CC=11 0
- R01+jX01 = Z12
Set (pu): - R02+jX02 = Z23
0 0
- R01+jX01 = Z1 - R03+jX03 = Z31
- R02+jX02 = Z2 - RG1+jXG1 = Zg1
- R03+jX03 = Z3
PSS®E calculates pu values as:
- RG1+jXG1 = Zg1 0 0 0
- Zt1 , Zt2 , Zt3
0 0
Assigned: - Z1 = Zt1
0 0 0
- Z1 = R01+jX01 - Z2 = Zt2
0 0 0
- Z2 = R02+jX02 - Z3 = Zt3
0 0
- Z3 = R03+jX03 - Zg = 3(RG1+jXG1)
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Sequence Data File Three Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Network
Note: When CC=2 or CC=113, Zg3 assigned is a fictious grounding impedance derived from T-model.
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Sequence Data File Three Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Network
Series path in Windings 2, ground paths from Windings 1 and 3 at star point bus
Calculate: Set:
0 0 0 0
Z1 , Z 2 , Z3 from equations as in CC=13 - R01+jX01 = Z12
Set (pu): - R02+jX02 = Z23
0 0
- R01+jX01 = Z1 - R03+jX03 = Z31
- R02+jX02 = Z2 - RG2+jXG2 = Zg2
- R03+jX03 = Z3
Calculated (pu):
- RG1+jXG1 = Zg1 0 0 0
- Zt1 , Zt2 , Zt3
Assigned: 0 0
- Z1 = Zt1
- Z1 = R01+jX01 + 3Zg1 0 0
- Z2 = Zt2 + 3(RG2+jXG2)
- Z2 = R02+jX02 0 0
- Z3 = Zt3
- Z3 = R03+jX03
Note: When CC=3 or CC=313, Zg1 assigned is a fictious grounding impedance derived from T-model.
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Sequence Data File Three Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Network
No series paths, ground paths from all three Windings at the star point bus
Figure 3.30. Ddd, Ddy, Dyd, Dyy, Ydd, Ydy, Yyd or Yyy transformer zero sequence
CC=4 or CC=333 CC=14
Calculate: Set:
0 0 0 0
Z1 , Z 2 , Z3 from equations as in CC=14 - R01+jX01 = Z12
Set (pu): - R02+jX02 = Z23
0 0
- R01+jX01 = Z1 - R03+jX03 = Z31
- R02+jX02 = Z2
Calculated (pu):
- R03+jX03 = Z3 0 0 0
- Zt1 , Zt2 , Zt3
Assigned: 0 0
- Z1 = Zt1
- Z1 = R01+jX01 0 0
- Z2 = Zt2
- Z2 = R02+jX02 0 0
- Z3 = Zt3
- Z3 = R03+jX03
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Sequence Data File Three Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Network
Calculate: Set:
0 0 0 0
Z1 , Z 2 , Z3 from equations as in CC=15 - R01+jX01 = Z12
- R02+jX02 = Z23
Set (pu):
- R03+jX03 = Z31
- R01+jX01 = Z1
- RG2+jXG2 = Zg2
- R02+jX02 = Z2
- R03+jX03 = Z3 Calculated (pu):
0 0 0
- RG2+jXG2 = Zg2 - Zt1 , Zt2 , Zt3
0 0
- Z1 = Zt1
0 0
- Z2 = Zt2
- Z1 = R01+jX01
0 0
- Z3 = Zt3
- Z2 = R02+jX02
- Zg = 3(RG2+jXG2)
- Z3 = R03+jX03
Calculated (pu)
- Zg = 3(RG2+jXG2)
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Sequence Data File Three Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Network
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Sequence Data File Three Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Network
Series path in Windings 1 and 2, Winding 3 ground path at star point bus
(For wye grounded - wye grounded - delta non auto transformer, refer CC=12)
- R01+jX01 = Z12
- R02+jX02 = Z23
- R03+jX03 = Z31
- RG2+jXG2 = Zg2
For auto transformers with one/two neutral connections taken out, IEEE Std C57.12.90-2015 standard pro-
vides the test procedure and T-model impedance calculations from that test data.
Figure 3.34. Equivalent zero sequnce network for a transformer with two externally
available neutrals and 0 phase shift between windings 1 and 2
Following four test results are used to determine zero sequence network:
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Sequence Data File Three Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Network
• Test 1 - Apply voltage winding 1 and its neutral. All other windings are open-circuited. The measured zero
sequence is represented by Z1N0.
• Test 2 - Apply voltage winding 1 and its neutral. Short Winding 2 and its neutral. All other windings may
be open-circuited or shorted. The measured zero sequence is represented by Z 1Ns.
• Test 3 - Apply voltage winding 2 and its neutral. All other windings are open-circuited. The measured zero
sequence is represented by Z2N0.
• Test 4 - Apply voltage winding 2 and its neutral. Short Winding 1 and its neutral. All other windings may
be open-circuited or shorted. The measured zero sequence is represented by Z 2Ns.
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Sequence Data File Three Winding Transformer Zero Se-
quence Network
Calculated (pu):
0 0 0
Calculate Zt1 , Zt2 , Zt3
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Chapter 4
Optimal Power Flow Data File
4.1. Overview
The input stream to activity ROPF is a Optimal Power Flow Data File containing 17 groups of records with
each group specifying a particular type of OPF data or constraint definition required for OPF work (see Figure
3-1). Any piece of equipment for which OPF data is to be entered in activity ROPF must be represented as
power flow data in the working case. That is, activity ROPF will not accept data for a bus, generator, branch,
switched shunt or fixed shunt not contained in the working case.
All data is read in free format with data items separated by a comma or one or more blanks. Each category
of data except the change code is terminated by a record specifying an I value of zero. Termination of all
data is indicated by a value of Q.
Change Code
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Change Code
Within the OPF Raw Data File, this record contains one data field entered as follows:
ICODE ICODE = 0. All data within the OPF Raw Data File is treated as new data and entered
into the working case. Any optimal power flow data that may have previously existed
within the working case is erased prior to the reading of the rest of the data records
contained within the OPF Raw Data File.
ICODE = 1. All data within the OPF Raw Data File is to supersede values that current-
ly exist in the working case. Any data records introduced through the OPF Raw Data
File which do not correspond to an existing record within the working case, are auto-
matically appended to the data records already within the current working case. Data
records which do correspond to an entry within the working case are simply updated
to reflect the new values.
By default, all buses within the working case automatically have OPF Bus Voltage Constraint records defined.
The OPF Bus Voltage records of out of service (Type 4) buses can be modified but the bus and all bus asso-
ciated models (voltage constraints, bus shunts, loads, etc.) will not be utilized by the optimal power flow
solution process.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Bus Voltage Attribute Record
When entered in the OPF Raw Data File each field must be separated by either a space or a comma. Any
blank fields must be delineated by commas. A bus value of zero (0) indicates that no further bus voltage
constraint records are to be processed.
Each bus voltage constraint record is uniquely identified by a bus identifier. The values for each record is
defined as follows:
BUS A bus number between 1 and 999997. The specified bus number must correspond to
a bus already defined within the power flow working case.
VNMAX The maximum bus voltage magnitude value, entered in pu. The normal and emer-
gency OPF bus voltage limits are independent of the normal and emergency bus volt-
age limits in the main network bus data. The OPF bus voltage limits may be initialized
to those of the network bus voltage limits through either the OPF bus and bus subsys-
tem spreadsheets, or through the OPF bus API commands.
• Reporting only (0),Only report on violations of the bus voltage limits, taking no
action if the voltage falls outside of limits.
• Hard limit (1). Strictly enforce the specified bus voltage magnitude limits through
the use of barrier terms.
• Soft limit with a linear penalty (2). Permit bus voltages to go outside of their speci-
fied voltage magnitude limits, but penalize excursions linearly. The Soft limit penal-
ty weight, SLPEN, is used in conjunction with this penalty to indicate severity of
• Soft limit with a quadratic penalty (3). Permit bus voltages to go outside of their
specified voltage limits, but penalize excursions along a quadratic curve. The Soft
limit penalty weight, SLPEN, is used in conjunction with this penalty to indicate
severity of excursion.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Adjustable Bus Shunt Data
SLPEN The soft limit penalty weight value applied to either the linear or quadratic soft limit
penalty functions. The larger the number, the higher the penalty for voltage excursions
outside of limits.
The maximum and minimum var limits specified in the Adjustable Bus Shunt records are used in conjunction
with the Minimize Adjustable Bus Shunts objective function. Details of the adjustable bus shunt model can
be found in Section 14.6.2 Adjustable Bus Shunt.
An individual bus may have one or more adjustable bus shunts defined, each differentiated by a unique bus
shunt identifier.
When entering records in the OPF Raw Data File, each field must be separated by either a space or a com-
ma and any fields left blank must be delineated by commas. A bus value of zero indicates that no further
Adjustable Bus Shunt records are to be processed.
The bus number and shunt identifier uniquely identifies each Adjustable Bus Shunt record. The values for
each record are described as follows:
BUS A bus number between 1 and 999997. The specified bus number must correspond to
an existing bus within the power flow working case.
ID A one or two character identifier that uniquely identifies the bus shunt at the bus. If
this field is left blank, the bus shunt identifier will default to a value of '1'.
The bus number and bus shunt identifier may optionally correspond to a fixed shunt
record within the power flow network. If so, then the corresponding fixed shunt data
record will be updated after an OPF solution.
BINIT The initial additional shunt value, entered in Mvar at nominal voltage.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Bus Load Data
For example, one application for the cost scale coefficient is to assign a relatively low
cost to an Adjustable Bus Shunt record representing an existing var installation, and a
high cost to an Adjustable Bus Shunt record representing a potentially new installation.
This higher cost may take into consideration the additional costs associated with the
purchase of new equipment and the labor required for installation. This setup ensures
that vars from the existing installation will likely be employed during solution before
any new vars are applied.
• In-service (1)
By default, all bus loads within the working case are initialized with default OPF Bus Load data. When a new
bus load is added to the power flow network, a corresponding OPF Bus Load data record will automatically
be created with default values. These data values may be updated. Bus loads connected to buses that are out
of service can have their OPF Bus Load Data modified, but the load will not be acknowledged by the optimal
power flow solution process.
Within the OPF Raw Data File each field must be separated by either a space or a comma. A bus value of zero
indicates that no further adjustable bus load records are being entered.
The bus number and load identifier uniquely identify each adjustable bus load record. The values for the
record are described as follows:
BUS A bus number between 1 and 999997. The specified bus number must correspond to
an existing bus within the power flow working case.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Adjustable Bus Load Table Data
LOADID A one or two character load identifier that uniquely identifies the load at the bus. If
left blank, a default bus load identifier of '1' is assumed.
LOADTBL The adjustable bus load table reference number, as presented in Section 3.6 Adjustable
Bus Load Table Data.
An adjustable bus load table number of zero indicates that the corresponding bus load
is not being utilized within any OPF Adjustable Bus Load models.
Multiple OPF bus load records may reference the same adjustable bus load table num-
An Adjustable Bus Load Table must be defined before it can be referenced by an OPF Bus Load record. Not
all Adjustable Bus Load Tables however have to be referenced by an adjustable bus load record. Those tables
which are defined but not referenced are ignored during the OPF solution process. There may be up to 1000
Adjustable Bus Load Table records defined within the working case.
When entering data in the OPF Raw Data File each field must be separated by either a space or a comma.
Any fields left blank must be delineated with commas. A load table value of zero indicates that no further
adjustable bus load table records are to be processed.
The adjustable bus load table number uniquely identifies each adjustable bus load table record. The values
for the record are defined as follows:
TBL Adjustable bus load table number is an integer number. A value less than four digits
in length is most suitable for reporting purposes.
LM Load multiplier. The initial load adjustment variable, as indicated by Yi in the load
adjustment model of Section 14.6.3 Load Adjustment.
LM = 1.0 by default
LMMAX The maximum load adjustment multiplier, used to establish an upper limit for the load
multiplier Y.
To represent a load shedding model, YMAX should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and larger
than YMIN. For a load addition model, YMAX should be greater than 1.0.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Generator Dispatch Data
• In-service (1)
All or a portion of the generating unit’s capacity may be made available for dispatch. The active power dis-
patch model, including the minimum and maximum active power limits, is defined within the active power
dispatch table record, described in Section 3.8 Active Power Dispatch Data.
By default, all machines within the working case that do not already have generator dispatch data defined,
are initialized with default data. When a new generator is added to the power flow network, a corresponding
OPF Generator Dispatch record is automatically created with default values.
When entering data in the OPF Raw Data File each field must be separated by either a space or a comma.
A bus value of zero indicates that no further generator dispatch records are being entered. Any blank fields
must be delineated by commas.
The bus number and machine identifier uniquely identifies each Generator Dispatch record. The values for
each Generator Dispatch data record are described as follows:
BUS A bus number between 1 and 999997. The specified bus number must correspond to
a bus already defined within the power flow working case.
GENID A one or two character machine identifier that uniquely identifies the machine at the
bus. If left blank, a default machine identifier of '1' is assumed.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Active Power Dispatch Data
DISP The fractional dispatch value of the machine's total active power output available for
participation in the active power dispatch control.
A value of 1.0 indicates that 100% of the current active power output at the machine
will be employed in the associated active power control.The sum of the dispatch frac-
tions for all of the generator dispatch records that reference the same active power
dispatch table should add up to 1.0 for typical applications.
DSPTBL = 1 by default
Each Active Power Dispatch Table references a Cost Curve (Sections 3.12- 3.14) that specifies the costs as-
sociated with dispatching generation between the defined active power limits. Active Power Dispatch Table
records in turn are referenced by Generator Dispatch records (Section 3.7 Generator Dispatch Data). The
combination of these data records are used in conjunction with the Minimize Fuel Cost objective to perform
dispatch studies.
When entering data in the OPF Raw Data File each field must be separated by either a space or a comma.
Any fields left blank must be delineated with commas. A table value of zero indicates that no further active
power dispatch table records are to be processed.
Each active power dispatch table is uniquely identified by a numerical identifier. The values of each record
are defined as follows:
TBL Active power dispatch table number is an integer number. A number less than four
digits is most suitable for reporting purposes.
PMAX The upper limit on the total amount of active power available for dispatch, specified
in MW.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Generation Reserve Data
As an example, if the cost curve table coordinate value has units of MBTU/hour, then
the fuel cost scale coefficient should be entered with units of (cost units)/MBTU.
• 1 - In-service
• 0 - Out of service
CTBL = 0 by default
Generation Reserve records may be utilized by one or more generation Period Reserve Constraint records.
The period reserve constraint model, as described in Section 14.6.6 Generator Period Reserve, provides a
means of imposing a specified MW reserve within a certain time limit (i.e., 200 MW in 10 minutes) by the
participating generator reserve units.
When entering records into the OPF Raw Data File, each field must be separated by either a space or a comma.
A bus number of zero indicates that no further generator reserve records are being entered. Any blank fields
must be delineated by commas.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Generation Reactive Capability Data
The bus number and machine identifier uniquely identifies each Generation Reserve record. The values for
each record are defined as follows:
BUS A bus number between 1 and 999997. The specified bus number must correspond to
a bus defined within the power flow working case.
GENID A one or two character machine identifier that uniquely identifies the machine at the
bus. If left blank, a default machine identifier of '1' is assumed.
RAMP Unit ramp rate. The rate at which it takes the generator to reach its maximum MW
capability, specified in MW / minute.
Whereas the conventional generator model provides for constant reactive generation limits, the reactive ca-
pability model represents generator armature reaction (Efd) behind synchronous reactance (Xd). With limits
applied to armature reaction magnitude and stator current magnitude, the reactive power capability of the
unit is recognized in a manner which is independent of any assumptions in terminal voltage magnitude or
active power generation. This is further discussed in Section 14.6.5 Generator Reactive Capability.
When entering records in the OPF Raw Data File each field must be separated by either a space or a comma
and any fields left blank must be delineated with commas. A bus number of zero indicates that no further
generator reactive capability records are being entered.
A bus number and machine identifier is used to uniquely identify each Generation Reactive Capability record.
The values for each record are defined as follows:
BUS A bus number between 1 and 999997. The specified bus number must correspond to
a bus already defined within the power flow working case.
GENID The one or two character machine identifier of a valid machine within the working
case. If this field is left blank, a default machine identifier of '1' will be assumed.
XD The direct axis synchronous reactance of the machine, entered in pu on machine base.
XD = 1.0 by default
ISMAX The generator stator current limit, entered in pu on machine base.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Adjustable Branch Reactance Data
• 0 - Out-of-service. The program will employ reactive generation limits directly from
the power flow data.
• 2 - Enabled with +DEfd inhibited. The generator is in service and any increase in the
field voltage is inhibited.
• 3 - Enabled with -DEfd inhibited. The generator is in service and any decrease in the
field voltage is inhibited.
• 4 - Enabled with Efd fixed. The generator is in service with an invariant field voltage.
The limit status determines how the specified reactive capability record should be em-
ployed in the optimal power flow problem.
Each field must be separated by either a space or a comma and any fields left blank must be delineated by
commas. An IBUS number of zero indicates that no further adjustable branch reactance records are being
The from bus, to bus and circuit identifier uniquely identify each Adjustable Branch Reactance record. The
values for each record are defined as follows:
IBUS The sending bus, specified by a number between 1 and 999997. The number must
correspond to a bus already contained within the power flow working case.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Piece-wise Linear Cost Data
JBUS The receiving bus, specified by a number between 1 and 999997. The number must
correspond to a bus already contained within the power flow working case.
CKT The one or two character branch identifier of an existing branch between the from
bus and the to bus. If this field is left blank a default circuit identifier of '1' is assumed.
XMLT The multiplier applied to the current reactance of the branch to yield the initial series
compensation value. A value of 1.0 implies that the initial reactance will be the current
reactance of the branch as obtained from the working case.
For example, if the minimum reactance multiplier is specified as 0.3 and the maximum
reactance multiplier is specified as 1.0 then 70% of the branch reactance is available
as compensation.
The minimum value cannot be less than 0.1 to ensure that compensation does not
exceed 90% of the branch impedance.
• 0 - Out-of-service
The status determines whether the specified Adjustable Branch Reactance record
should be considered active or not. Only in-service Adjustable Branch Reactance
records are recognized as candidates for series var adjustment.
The Piece-wise Linear cost model defines a linear relation between a cost, in cost units (i.e., dollars, pounds,
etc.), and a particular control variable value. For example, an active power dispatch model may reference a
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Piece-wise Linear Cost Record
piece-wise linear cost curve in order to obtain the relative fuel cost for dispatching a participating generator
unit at a certain active power dispatch level.
Each field must be separated by either a space or a comma and any fields left blank must be delineated by
The total number of pairs entered must equal the value specified for NPAIRS.
An LTBL number of zero indicates that no further piece-wise linear cost table records are to be processed.
Each Piece-wise Linear Cost Curve Table record is uniquely identified by a linear cost table number. The values
for each record are defined as follows:
LTBL The piece-wise linear cost table number is an integer number. A number less than four
digits in length is most suitable for reporting purposes.
Note that the same cost table number may be used for multiple cost curve tables,
provided that each table represents a different cost curve type (i.e., quadratic or poly-
LABEL A descriptive label of the piece-wise linear cost table, containing at most, 12 charac-
ters. This label is strictly used for reporting purposes.
NPAIRS = 0 by default
Coordinate Pairs The individual coordinate pairs. Each pair (X1, Y1 through X N, YN) defines one segment
of the piece-wise linear cost curve.
• X1... XN The control variable value. In the typical situation where the cost curve
is representing fuel cost characteristics, this value would define the active power
generation, in MW.
• Y1... YN The total cost or energy consumption. For the fuel cost model, this value
would typically be entered in cost units / hour.
The Piece-wise Linear Cost Table displays all Piece-wise Linear Cost Tables in the working case. The subsystem
filter has no effect on the list displayed. If there are no Piece-wise Linear Cost Tables in the working case,
the Tables list will be blank.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Piece-wise Quadratic Cost Record
The Piece-wise Quadratic Cost Curve model presents the cost, in cost units (i.e., dollars, pounds, etc.), as a
quadratic function of a control variable value. For example, an active power dispatch model may reference
a piece-wise quadratic cost curve to obtain the relative fuel costs for dispatching a participating generator
unit at a certain active power dispatch level.
Each field of the data record must be separated by either a space or a comma, with any blank fields being
delineated by commas.
The total number of pairs entered must equal the value specified for NPAIRS.
A QTBL number of zero indicates that no further Piece-wise Quadratic Cost Table records are to be entered.
Each Piece-wise Quadratic Cost Curve Table is uniquely identified by a quadratic cost table number. The data
values for each record are defined as follows:
QTBL The piece-wise quadratic cost table number is an integer number. A number less than
four digits in length is most suitable for reporting purposes.
Note that the same cost table number may be used for multiple cost curve tables,
provided that each table represents a different cost curve type (i.e., quadratic or poly-
LABEL A descriptive label of the piece-wise linear cost table, containing at most, 12 charac-
ters. This label is strictly used for reporting purposes.
When this value is used in conjunction with the active power dispatch table, it should
be defined in units which, when its product is taken with the fuel cost scale coefficient
defined in the active power dispatch table record, the resultant units are cost units /
hour. For example, if the fuel cost scale coefficient in the active power dispatch table
has units of $/MBTU, then the integration constant should be specified in units of
NPAIRS = 0 by default
Coordinate Pairs The individual coordinate pairs. Each pair (X1, Y1 through X N, YN) defines one segment
of the piece-wise quadratic cost curve.
• X1... XN The control variable value. In the typical situation where the cost curve
is representing fuel cost characteristics, this value would define the active power
generation, in MW.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Polynomial and Exponential Cost Table
• Y1... YN The incremental cost or energy consumption. For the fuel cost model, this
value would typically be entered in cost units / MW.
The Piece-wise Quadratic Cost Table editor displays in the editor all Piece-wise Quadratic Cost Curve Tables
in the working case. The subsystem filter has no effect on the list displayed. If no Piece-wise Quadratic Cost
Curve Tables exist in the working case, the editor will be blank.
The Polynomial and Exponential Cost Curve model describes the cost, in cost units (i.e., dollars, pounds,
etc.), as a polynomial equation in terms of a control variable value. Similar to the linear and quadratic cost
curve models, an active power dispatch model may reference a polynomial cost curve in order to obtain
the relative fuel cost to dispatch a participating generator unit at a certain active power dispatch level. The
following equation is employed:
Each field of the data record must be separated by either a space or a comma with blank fields delineated
by commas. A PTBL number of zero indicates that no further polynomial and exponential cost table records
are being entered.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Period Reserve Constraint Data
Each Polynomial and Exponential Cost Curve Table record is uniquely identified by a polynomial and expo-
nential cost table number.
PTBL The plynomial and exponential cost table number is an integer number. A number less
than four digits in length is most suitable for reporting purposes.
Note that the same cost table number may be used for multiple cost curve tables, pro-
vided that each table represents a different cost curve type (i.e., linear or quadratic).
LABEL A descriptive label of the piece-wise linear cost table, containing at most, 12 charac-
ters. This label is strictly used for reporting purposes.
The values for the integration constant and each of the coefficients should be specified in units that will allow
them to be multiplied by a cost scale value. When the polynomial and exponential table is used in conjunction
with the active power dispatch table, the coefficients and integration constant should be defined in units
which, when a product is taken with the fuel cost scale coefficient defined in the active power dispatch table
record, the resulting value is in units of cost units / hour. For example, if the fuel cost scale coefficient in
the active power dispatch table has units of $/MBTU, then the integration constant should be specified in
units of MBTU / hour.
The Polynomial and Exponential Cost Table displays in the editor all Polynomial and Exponential Cost Curve
Tables that exist in the working case. The subsystem filter has no effect on the list displayed. If no Polynomial
and Exponential Cost Curve Tables exist in the working case, the editor will simply show a blank record.
The period reserve constraint model, as described in Section 14.6.6 Generator Period Reserve, defines a MW
reserve that must be met within a stated time limit (i.e., 200 MW in 10 minutes). Some or all of a group of
participating generator units may be deployed to meet this requirement.The maximum reserve contribution
in MWand the unit ramp rate in MW/minute are defined for each participating generator unit as part of
the generation reserve data presented in Section 3.9 Generation Reserve Data. The period reserve records
described here define the desired reserve limit and the time limit in which the reserve limit must be met.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Period Reserve Constraint Record
Each field of the data record must be separated by either a space or a comma and any fields left blank must
be delineated by commas. For each complete period reserve record entered, a single zero must be placed on
the line immediately following the last generator unit entered, or immediately after the main RSVID record
if no participating units are specified. A RSVID value of zero indicates that no further period reserve records
are being entered.
Each Period Reserve record is uniquely identified by a reserve identification number between one and fifteen.
The values for each record are defined as follows:
RSVID The Reserve identifier is a number between one and fifteen, inclusive.
MWLIMIT The reserve requirement, in MW.
If the sum of maximum reserves for all of the units participating in the Period Reserve
data record is less than the specified reserve limit, then the constraint cannot be sat-
isfied. The solution will terminate if this situation arises.
If the reserve limit is set to 0.0, the reserve constraint will not be employed as part of
the optimal power flow problem statement.
T = 9999.0 by default
STATUS • 1 - In-service
• 0 - Out-of-service
The status switch indicates whether the specified period reserve record should be in-
cluded within the OPF problem statement. Only in-service period reserve records will
be included as a reserve constraint.
• BUS - The bus number of the bus where the unit is located. When using the spread-
sheet, this value may need to be entered as a bus name, depending upon the input
mode currently in effect.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Branch Flow Constraint Data
• GENID - The generator unit identifier of the participating generator. A default iden-
tifier of 1 is assumed if left blank.
The Period Reserve data editor displays all Period Reserve data records within the working case. The subsys-
tem filter has no effect on the list displayed. If no Period Reserve records exist in the working case, the editor
will be blank.
Each field of the data record must be separated by either a space or a comma and any fields left blank must
be delineated by commas. An IBUS number of zero indicates that no further branch flow constraint records
are being entered.
The from bus, to bus, third bus (for three-winding transformers), circuit id and flow id uniquely identify each
Branch Flow Constraint record. The values for each record are defined as follows:
IBUS The sending bus, specified by a number from 1 through 999997. The number must
correspond to an existing bus within the power flow working case.
If a three-winding transformer is being specified, the from bus defines the winding for
which the flow constraint is being introduced.
JBUS The receiving bus, specified by a number from 1 through 999997. The number must
correspond to an existing bus within the power flow working case.
CKT A one or two character identifier used to differentiate between multiple connecting
lines between the from bus, to bus and third bus (if three-winding transformer). If this
field is left blank, a circuit identifier of '1' is assumed.
BFID A single character identifier to differentiate between multiple branch flow constraints
defined at the same branch. If this field is left blank, a flow identifier of '1' is assumed.
FMAX The maximum normal flow limit on the specified branch. Values are specified in phys-
ical units appropriate to the flow limit type being specified; Ampere constraints are
specified in MVA.
If the difference between the specified upper and lower branch flow limits is less than
0.0001 then the specified flow constraint is fixed at the indicated limit.
This value, along with the minimum normal limit defined below, is used to define
one of two possible flow limits assigned to the branch. An alternate set of emergency
limits is defined below. By default, the normal flow limits are employed during the OPF
solution unless the Impose Emergency Branch Flow Limits solution option is selected.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Branch Flow Constraint Record
FMIN The minimum normal flow limit on the specified branch. Values are specified in phys-
ical units appropriate to the flow limit type being specified; Ampere constraints are
specified in MVA.
If the difference between the specified upper and lower branch flow limits is less than
0.0001 then specified flow constraint is treated as fixed at the indicated limit.
To enforce recognition of the minimum and maximum emergency flow limits as op-
posed to the normal flow limits during the OPF solution, select the Impose Emergency
Branch Flow Limits solution option.
If emergency limits are employed during the OPF solution and the difference between
the specified upper and lower emergency branch flow limits is less than 0.0001, then
the specified flow constraint is treated as fixed at the indicated limit.
• 1 - MW
• 2 - MVar
• 3 - MVA
• 4 - Ampere (4)
• 0 - Reporting only. Only report on violations of the specified branch flow limits,
taking no action if the branch flow falls outside of limits.
• 1 - Hard limit. Strictly enforce the specified branch flow limits through the use of
barrier terms.
• 2 - Soft limit with a linear penalty. Permit branch flows to go outside of their speci-
fied branch flow limits, but penalize excursions along a linear curve. The Soft limit
penalty weight, as defined below, is used in conjunction with this penalty to indi-
cate severity of excursion.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Interface Flow Constraint Data
• 3 - Soft limit with a quadratic penalty. Permit branch flow limit to go outside of
their specified flow limits, but penalize excursions along a quadratic curve. The Soft
limit penalty weight, as defined below, is used in conjunction with this penalty to
indicate severity of excursion.
An interface consists of a collection of branches that may include the tie lines between two areas, the flows
through a particular transmission corridor, or the collection of lines emanating from an area. Each interface
flow constraint record defines a set of branches included in the interface and the flow limits that are to
be imposed on that set during the optimization process. By default, the interface flow definitions are for
informational purposes only. They do not automatically introduce constraint equations or objective terms
in the optimization problem unless one or both of the corresponding Constrain Interface Flows or Minimize
Interface Flows options are enforced.
The format for each Interface Flow Constraint data record is a multi-line record as follows:
Each field of the data record must be separated by either a space or a comma, with any blank fields delineated
by commas. For each interface flow record entered, a single zero must be placed on the line immediately
following the last participating branch entered, or immediately after the main IFLWID record if no participat-
ing branches are specified.
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Interface Flow Constraint Data
An IFLWID value of zero indicates that no further interface flow records are to be processed.
Each Interface Flow Constraint record is uniquely identified by an interface flow identifier. The values for
each record are defined as follows:
IFLWID The interface flow identifier is an integer number. A value less than four digits in length
is most suitable for reporting purposes.
LABEL A string containing a maximum of 32 characters used to describe the interface. This
label is only used for reporting purposes.
If the range between the maximum and minimum interface MW flow limits is less than
0.001, then the maximum interface flow limit is set to the average of the two interface
flow limit values plus 0.1.
If the range between the maximum and minimum interface MW flow limits is less than
0.001, then the minimum interface flow limit is set to the average of the two interface
flow limit values minus 0.1.
• 1 - MW
• 2 - MVar
• 0 - Reporting only. Only report on violations of the specified interface flow limits,
taking no action if the interface flow falls outside of limits.
• 1 - Hard limit. Strictly enforce the specified interface flow limits through the use of
barrier terms.
• 2 - Soft limit with a linear penalty. Permit interface flows to go outside of the speci-
fied interface flow limits, but penalize excursions along a linear curve. The Soft limit
penalty weight, as defined below, is used in conjunction with this penalty to indi-
cate severity of excursion.
• 3 - Soft limit with a quadratic penalty. Permit interface flows to go outside of the
specified interface flow limits, but penalize excursions along a quadratic curve. The
Soft limit penalty weight, as defined below, is used in conjunction with this penalty
to indicate severity of excursion.
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Optimal Power Flow Data File Linear Constraint Dependency Data
• IBUS - From bus number. The sending bus number (1 through 999997). When using
the spreadsheet, this value may optionally be entered as a bus name, provided that
names input mode is in effect.
• JBUS - To bus number. The receiving end bus number (1 through 999997). When
using the spreadsheet, this value may optionally be entered as a bus name, provided
that names input mode is in effect.
• CKT - Circuit ID. The one or two character circuit identifier. If no circuit identifier is
entered, a default value of '1' is assumed.
• KBUS - Third bus number. The third bus number (1 through 999997) if a three wind-
ing transformer is specified; zero (0) otherwise. When using the spreadsheet, this
value may optionally be entered as a bus name, provided that names input mode
is in effect.
The Interface Flow Constraint editor displays all Interface Flow Constraint records within the working case
in the data table. The subsystem filter has no effect on the list displayed. If there are no Interface Flow
Constraint records in the working case, then the editor window will be blank.
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Optimal Power Flow Data File Linear Constraint Dependency Record
Each field of the data record must be separated by either a space or a comma, with any blank fields delineated
by commas. For each Linear Constraint Equation record entered, a single zero must be placed on the line
immediately following the last participating variable record entered, or immediately after the main EQID
record if no participating variables are specified.
An EQID value of zero indicates that no further linear constraint dependency records are to be processed.
Each Linear Constraint Dependency record is uniquely identified by a constraint equation identifier. The val-
ues for each field within the record are defined as follows:
EQID The linear constraint equation identifier is an integer number. A value less than four
digits in length is most suitable for reporting purposes.
LABEL A string containing a maximum of 32 characters used to describe the linear constraint
dependency equation being defined. This label is only used for reporting purposes.
1. voltage magnitude, in pu
3. active power generation, in per unit of reactive power based on system base(i.e.
400 MW limit base on a system base of 100 is entered as 4.0)
4. reactive power generation, in per unit of reactive power based on system base(i.e.
400 Mvar limit base on a system base of 100 is entered as 4.0)
5. transformer tap ratio, entered as the inverse of the tap ratio; or transformer phase
shift angle, in radians
8. adjustable bus shunt, in per unit Mvar value based on system base
10. load adjustment, entered in terms of the load multiplier (i.e. 0.8 for 80% of load
or 1.8 for 180% of load
"ID FIELDS" Depending upon the variable type code selected above, one or more identification
fields must be specified in order to uniquely identify the record to be employed as
the variable entry. The identification fields corresponding to each of the variable type
codes defined above, are as follows:
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Optimal Power Flow Data File Linear Constraint Dependency Record
To bus number
To bus number
8. Bus number (1 through 999997) Adjustable bus shunt identifier [" 1"]
Depending upon the variable type code selected above, one or more identification
fields must be specified in order to uniquely identify the record to be employed as
the variable entry. The identification fields corresponding to each of the variable type
codes defined above, are as follows:
When using the linear constraint equation table editor, bus identifiers may alternately
be entered as extended bus names instead of bus number, provided that the names
input mode option is in effect.
COEFF A real variable coefficient applied to the dependency variable specified above.
Any number of participating variables may be included in the linear constraint dependency equation. The
variable identifiers must correspond to a record that already exists within the working case.
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Optimal Power Flow Data File Linear Constraint Dependency Record
The Linear Constraint Dependency Equation data table displays in the editor all Linear Constraint Dependency
Equation records within the working case. The subsystem filter has no effect on the list displayed. If there
are no Linear Constraint Dependency Equation records in the working case, the editor window will be blank.
PSS®E 35.3.0
All material contained in this documentation is proprietary to Siemens Industry Inc., Siemens Power Technologies International
Chapter 5
GIC Data File
5.1. Overview
The geomagnetic induced currents can flow through transformer winding and substation ground paths.
For power flow calculations and substation ground paths data is not required. So this data is not available
in power flow data. This additional data is provided in GIC data file (extension .gic). The accuracy of GIC
calculations will depend on the data provided in GIC data file.
Depending on the size of the power flow network studied, this data could be large. It is recommended to
create a GIC data template with one of the following ways and edit/modify that:
1. Using activity GIC GUI, GIC data file from Excel GIC data templates
2. Python module “gicdata” (See PSSE Application Program Interface (API) manual)
All data is read in free format with data items separated by a comma or one or more blanks. Each category
of data except the change code is terminated by a record specifying an I value of zero. Termination of all
data is indicated by a value of Q.
Substation Data
Transformer Data
Branch Data
Two-Terminal DC Data
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GIC Data File File Identification Data
Multi-Terminal DC Data
Load Data
Q Record
GICFILEVRSN GICFILEVRSN is the keyword to specify the GIC data file version number.
vernum is an integer value specifying GIC data file version number. No default allowed.
Allowed, GICFILEVRSN = 4
Note: The first release of the GIC data file did not have this record and is treated as
file version 1
At PSSE version 35.0.0, network equipment location information is consolidated in one source which is base
case data. To faciliate that:
• The substation location information is moved from the GIC data file to the Base Case data (power flow
• When GIC data file version 4 is read, "Single Bus" substation configuration is added to each bus-substation
data record and non Node-Breaker base case is converted to Node-Breaker base case.
• For this to work without any data conflicts, GIC data file version 4 is allowed to be read into base case that
has no Node-Breaker configurations.
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GIC Data File Substation Data
No default allowed.
NAME Alphanumeric identifier assigned to substation I. NAME may be up to 40 characters
and may contain any combination of blanks, uppercase letters, numbers and special
characters, but the first character must not be a minus sign. NAME must be enclosed
in single or double quotes if it contains any blanks or special characters.
• 0 - degrees
UNIT = 0 by default.
LATITUDE Substation latitude, positive for North and negative for South. When UNIT = 1, latitude
is specified in degrees.
No default allowed.
LONGITUDE Substation longitude, positive for East and negative for West. When UNIT = 1, longi-
tude is specified in degrees.
No default allowed.
RG Substation grounding DC resistance in ohms. If RG <= 0.0 or RG > = 99.0, it is assumed
that the substation is ungrounded.
RG = 0.1 by default.
EARTHMDL Name of the earth model. EARTHMDL may be up to 32 characters.
• When specified this earth model will be used in determining Benchmark GMD event
earth model scaling factor (beta) and Non-uniform GMD event calculations
• When not specified, the earth model specified in GIC API is used.
Possible methods:
• "Assumed"
• "Measured"
• "Calculated"
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GIC Data File Bus Substation Data
BUSNUM Bus number. Bus BUSNUM must be present in the working case.
No default allowed.
SUBNUM Substation number (1 through 999997). This is the substation number to which bus
BUSNUM belongs to.
The following restrictions apply when assigning bus and its substation:
• Two buses connected by zero impedance line must have same substation number.
No default allowed.
Note 1 : For two and three winding auto transformers WRI, WRJ and WRK could represent per phase dc
resistances of series winding (Rs) or common winding (Rc).
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GIC Data File Transformer Data
Note 2 : Figure below shows generic Phase Angle Regulator (PAR) connections where series unit has split
tap. It is represented as T model in GIC calculation DC network. The series unit is connected between Bus I
and Bus J. In GIC data file:
It is imperative that WRI, WRJ and WRK values are calculated and specified in GIC data file for correct modeling
of such a transformer.
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GIC Data File Transformer Data
I The bus number of the bus to which Winding 1 is connected. It must be same Winding
1 bus for the same transformer in the working case.
No default allowed
J The bus number of the bus to which Winding 2 is connected. It must be same Winding
2 bus for the same transformer in the working case.
No default allowed
K The bus number of the bus to which Winding 3 is connected. It must be same Winding
3 bus for the same transformer in the working case.
K = 0 for two winding transformers. No default allowed for three winding transform-
CKT One- or two-character branch circuit identifier.
GICBDI = 0 by default
GICBDJ GIC blocking device in neutral of Winding 2
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GIC Data File Transformer Data
GICBDJ = 0 by default
GICBDK GIC blocking device in neutral of Winding 3
If vector group is specified in power flow data that data will be used and it is not needed
to be specified here. As far as GIC calculations are concerned, winding grounding con-
nection information is used; its clock angles are not used. Refer to POM Sections “Two
Winding Transformer Vector Groups” and “Three Winding Transformer Vector Groups”
for allowed vector groups.
• When bus number orders in GIC data file record are different than the bus number
orders in power flow RAW data file, the bus number orders in power flow RAW data
file is used to assign winding configuration as per vector group specified.
• For auto-transformers, bus with lower base bus voltage is treated as common wind-
ing bus.
CORE = 0 by default
KFACTOR Factor to calculate transformer reactive power loss from GIC flowing its winding
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GIC Data File Fixed Bus Shunt Data
TMODEL = 0 by default
Each fixed bus shunt data record has the following format:
I, ID, R, RG
I Bus number of the bus to which the fixed shunt is connected. It must be present in
the working case.
No default allowed
ID One- or two-character non-blank alphanumeric fixed bus shunt identifier.
ID = '1' by default
R DC resistance in ohms/phase. It must be > 0.0. Fixed bus shunt records with R = 0.0
will be ignored.
No default allowed
RG Grounding DC resistance in ohms
No default allowed
J Branch to bus number
No default allowed
CKT One- or two-character transformer circuit identifier; a transformer with circuit identi-
fier CKT between buses I and J must be in the working case.
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GIC Data File User Earth Model Data
• When INDUCEDV is not specified, GIC activity calculates this according to its options
• When INDUCEDV is specified as INDVP = 0.0 and INDVQ = 0.0, then that branch is
treated as part of the GIC DC network but does not have GMD induced voltage, like
“underground pipe-type cables (cables enclosed in the steel pipe).”
For uniform filed modeling INDUCEDV will be real value, but for non-uniform field
modeling this will be complex value.
Note 2 :
• When the Branch INDVP + j INDVQ is specified, it is used as is. There are no other
scaling factors applied to this voltage.
• When INDVP + j INDVQ is specified for all branches, specified GMD event option is
ignored during GIC calculations.
• When INDVP + j INDVQ is specified for few branches, the induced Efield for remain-
ing branches in study subsystem is calculated using the GMD event option specified.
RLNSHI DC resistance in ohms/phase of the line shunt at the bus I end of the branch. It must be
> 0. When RLNSHI = 0 or not specified, there will be no ground path for this line shunt.
No default allowed
RLNSHJ DC resistance in ohms/phase of the line shunt at the bus J end of the branch. It must be
> 0. When RLNSHJ = 0 or not specified, there will be no ground path for this line shunt.
No default allowed
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GIC Data File Switched Shunt Data
model may have up to 25 layers. Use as many records needed to specify the data. The thickness of the last
layer is infinity. This is specified as any value less than 0.0 (= -999.0 for example). The thickness value less
than 0.0 is also used as end of earth model data.
Each user earth model data record has the following format:
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric identifier assigned to this earth model. Each earth model
must have unique name. NAME may be up to 32 characters. This name should be
different than the Standard US and Canada Earth Models defined (Refer …).
No default allowed
BETAFTR Earth Model scaling factor used when calculating branch induced electric field for
Benchmark GMD event.
BETAFTR = 1 by default
DESC Description of the earth model. NAME may be up to 72 characters. This is used for
information purpose only
No default allowed
THICKNESS1 Layer 1 thickness in km
No default allowed
RESISTIVITYN Nth layer resistivity in ohm-m. Up to 25 layers are allowed
No default allowed
THICKNESSN Nth layer 1 thickness in km. Up to 25 layers are allowed. The thickness of the last layer
is infinity. This is specified as any value less than 0 (= -999.0 for example).
No default allowed
I, R, RG
I, ID, R, RG
I Bus number; bus I must be present in the working case with positive sequence
switched shunt data.
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GIC Data File Two-Terminal DC Data
ID = '1' by default
R DC resistance in ohms/phase. It must be > 0.0. Switched shunt records with R = 0.0
will be ignored.
No default allowed
RG Grounding DC resistance in ohms. No grounding resistance; solidly grounded.
RG = 0.0 by default
The status (blocked or in-service) of two-terminal DC lines from power flow data is not considered. The DC
data provided on this data record is modeled in the GIC DC network. Up to 10 GIC DC network elements are
allowed per DC line.
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric identifier assigned to this DC line. It must be present in
the working case. NAME may be up to 12 characters.
No default allowed
I Bus number of the rectifier (IPR) or inverter (IPI) converter AC bus. It must be present
in the working case.
No default allowed
ID One- or two-character non-blank alphanumeric identifier. There could be more than
one ground path at rectifier or inverter ac bus. This ID is used to be able to specify
more than one ground path. This is specific to GIC data and it does not exist in the
working case.
No default allowed
R DC resistance in ohms/phase of grounded winding of converter transformers. It must
be > 0.0. R = 0.0 or not specified means there will be no ground path.
No default allowed
RG Grounding DC resistance in ohms
Two-terminal DC data input is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
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GIC Data File VSC DC Data
The status (blocked or in-service) of VSC DC lines from power flow data is not considered. The DC data
provided on this data record is modeled in the GIC DC network. Up to 10 GIC DC network elements are allowed
per DC line.
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric identifier assigned to this VSC DC line. It must be present
in the working case. NAME may be up to 12 characters.
No default allowed
I Bus number of the rectifier (IPR) or inverter (IPI) converter AC bus. It must be present
in the working case.
No default allowed
ID One- or two-character non-blank alphanumeric identifier. There could be more than
one ground path at rectifier or inverter ac bus. This ID is used to be able to specify
more than one ground path. This is specific to the GIC data and it does not exist in
the working case.
No default allowed
R DC resistance in ohms/phase of grounded winding of converter transformers. It must
be > 0.0. R = 0.0 or not specified means there will be no ground path.
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GIC Data File Multi-Terminal DC Data
No default allowed
RG Grounding DC resistance in ohms
VSC DC data input is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
The status (blocked or in-service) of multi-terminal DC lines in the working case is not considered. The DC
data provided on this data record is modeled in the GIC DC network. Up to 10 GIC DC network elements are
allowed per DC line.
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric identifier assigned to this Multi-Terminal DC line. It must
be present in the working case. NAME may be up to 12 characters.
No default allowed
I Converter ac bus number (IB). It must be present in the working case.
No default allowed
ID One- or two-character non-blank alphanumeric identifier. There could be more than
one ground path at ac bus. This ID is used to be able to specify more than one ground
path. This is specific to the GIC data and it does not exist in the working case.
No default allowed
R DC resistance in ohms/phase of grounded winding of converter transformers. It must
be > 0.0. R = 0.0 or not specified means there will be no ground path.
No default allowed
RG Grounding DC resistance in ohms
Multi-Terminal DC data input is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
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GIC Data File Load Data
The status (in-service or out-of-service) of FACTS device from power flow data is not considered. The DC
data provided on this data record is modeled in the GIC DC network. Up to 10 GIC DC network elements are
allowed per DC line.
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric identifier assigned to this FACTS device. It must be
present in the working case. NAME may be up to 12 characters.
No default allowed
I FACTS device sending end bus number (IBUS). It must be present in the working case.
No default allowed
ID One- or two-character non-blank alphanumeric identifier. There could be more than
one ground path at ac bus. This ID is used to be able to specify more than one ground
path. This is specific to the GIC data and it does not exist in the working case.
No default allowed
R DC resistance in ohms/phase of grounded winding of converter transformers. It must
be > 0.0. R = 0.0 or not specified means there will be no ground path.
No default allowed
RG Grounding DC resistance in ohms
FACTS device data input is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
I, ID, R, RG
I Bus number of the bus to which load is connected. It must be present in the working
No default allowed
ID One- or two-character non-blank alphanumeric load identifier.
ID = '1' by default
R DC resistance in ohms/phase of grounded loads. It must be > 0.0. R = 0.0 or not spec-
ified means there will be no ground path.
No default allowed
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GIC Data File Load Data
Load data input is terminated with a record specifying a bus number of zero.
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Chapter 6
Harmonics Data File
6.1. Overview
To perform network frequency scan or run harmonic analayis following data is needed.
These additional data items (3) and (4) are provided in Harmonics data text file (.har) or xml file (.xhar). The
accuracy of Harmonic analysis will depend on the quality this additional data provided.
This section describes the format of .har file. All data in .har file is read in free format with data items sepa-
rated by a comma or one or more blanks. Each category of data except the File Identification is terminated
by a record specifying a value of zero as first value on that data record. Termination of all data is indicated
by a value of Q.
Load Data
Transformer Data
Two-Terminal DC Data
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Harmonics Data File File Identification Data
Q Record
HARFILEVRSN HARFILEVRSN is the keyword to specify the harmonics data file version number.
vernum is an integer value specifying harmonics data file version number. No default
Allowed, HARFILEVRSN = 2
There is no limit on number of harmonics modeled in each impedance characteristics table. The table data
can span on more than one text line. End of data for the table is specified by specifying 0 value for harmonic
NAME, FREQ1, R1/R0, L1/LO, C1/C0, FREQ2, R2/R0, L2/LO, C2/C0, .., FREQN, RN/
R0, LN/LO, CN/C0, 0
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric identifier assigned to table. Each Impedance Character-
istics table must have unique NAME. The NAME may be up to 40 characteristics and
may contain any combination of blanks, uppercase letters, numbers and special char-
acters, but the first character must not be a minus sign. The NAME must be enclosed
in single or double quotes if it contains any blanks or special characters.
No default allowed.
FREQ Harmonic Frequency in Hz
No default allowed.
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Harmonics Data File Voltage Sources Data
No default allowed.
LN/L0 Ratio of inductance at harmonic number 'N' to its inductance at fundamental frequen-
No default allowed.
CN/C0 Ratio of capacitance at harmonic number 'N' to its capacitance at fundamental fre-
No default allowed.
Impedance Characteristics Data input is terminated with a record specifying table NAME as 0 (zero).
There is no limit on number of harmonics modeled in each voltage sources table. The table data can span
on more than one text line. End of data for the table is specified by specifying 0 value for harmonic number.
NAME, ANGLE, H1, V1/V0, ANG1, H2, V2/V0, ANG2, .., HN, VN/V0, ANGN, 0
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric identifier assigned to table. Each Voltage Sources table
must have unique NAME. The NAME may be up to 40 characteristics and may contain
any combination of blanks, uppercase letters, numbers and special characters, but the
first character must not be a minus sign. The NAME must be enclosed in single or
double quotes if it contains any blanks or special characters.
No default allowed.
ANGLE Default angle determination
• 0 - No
• 1 - Yes
ANGLE = 0 by default
No default allowed.
No default allowed.
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Harmonics Data File Current Sources Data
No default allowed.
Voltage Sources Data input is terminated with a record specifying table NAME as 0 (zero).
There is no limit on number of harmonics modeled in each current sources table. The table data can span on
more than one text line. End of data for the table is specified by specifying 0 value for harmonic number.
NAME, CURTYP, ANGLE, H1, I1/I0, ANG1, H2, I2/I0, ANG2, .., HN, IN/I0, ANGN, 0
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric identifier assigned to table. Each Current Sources table
must have unique NAME. The NAME may be up to 40 characteristics and may contain
any combination of blanks, uppercase letters, numbers and special characters, but the
first character must not be a minus sign. The NAME must be enclosed in single or
double quotes if it contains any blanks or special characters.
No default allowed.
CURTYP Current source state
• 1 - Current in A
• 2 - Current in %
CURTYP = 2 by default
• 0 - No
• 1 - Yes
ANGLE = 1 by default
No default allowed.
No default allowed.
ANGN Angle in degrees at harmonic number 'N'.
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Harmonics Data File Load Data
No default allowed.
Current Sources Data input is terminated with a record specifying table NAME as 0 (zero).
No default allowed
ID One- or two-character load identifier.
ID = '1' by default
HSTATE Current control state
• 1 - Active in harmonics
HSTATE = 1 by default
HTYPE Harmonic type
• 0 - No frequency dependency
• 3 - Impedance characteristics
• 5 - CIGRE model
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Harmonics Data File Generator Data
HTYPE = 13 by default
SINCAL value = pk
ZHARM_TABLE Previously defined Harmonic Impedance Characteristics table name. The frequency
behavior of the load is modeled using the impedance characteristics specified in this
table. When table is not found or specified as blank, the frequency dependency of the
load is ignored.
Load Data input is terminated with a record specifying bus number 0 (zero).
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Harmonics Data File Generator Data
I Bus number of the bus to which the generator is connected. It must be present in the
working case.
No default allowed
ID One- or two-character generator identifier.
ID = '1' by default
HSTATE Current control state
• 1 - Active in harmonics
HSTATE = 1 by default
HTYPE Harmonic type
• 2 - quality constant X/R series ( generator R data if any, ignored and R calculated
• 3 - Impedance characteristics
• 4 - Model 1: IEEE
HTYPE = 4 by default
HQUALITY Harmonic quality constant
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Harmonics Data File Non-Transformer Branch Data
IHARM_TABLE Previously defined Harmonic Current Source table name. When modeled the genera-
tor will inject the current harmonics in the network at bus 'I'. The Current source val-
ue at harmonic 'N' is calculated using the current source characteristics specified in
this table. When table is not found or specified as blank, the current harmonics by the
generator are ignored.
Generator Data input is terminated with a record specifying bus number 0 (zero).
The branch is always modeled with branch resistance skin effect and long line effects considered except
when ZHARM table is specified.
The branch shunts are modeled as per the HTYPE specified below.
No default allowed
J Branch to bus number. It must be present in the working case.
No default allowed
CKT One- or two-character non-transformer branch identifier. A branch with cicuit identi-
fier CKT between buses I and J must be in the working case.
• 1 - Active in harmonics
HSTATE = 1 by default
HTYPE Harmonic type. Used to specify branch shunt model.
• 2 - quality constant X/R series (applicable only when branch shunt is inductive), (Line
shunt R data if any, ignored and shunt R calculated from HQUALITY)
• 4 - quality constant X/R parallel (applicable only when branch shunt is inductive),
(Line shunt R data if any, ignored and shunt R calculated from HQUALITY)
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Harmonics Data File Transformer Data
HTYPE = 1 by default
HQUALITY Harmonic quality constant
Non-Transformer Branch Data input is terminated with a record specifying bus number 0 (zero).
No default allowed
J Transformer Winding 2 bus number. It must be present in the working case.
No default allowed
K Transformer Winding 3 bus number. K is specified as 0 (zero) to indicate that no third
winding is present. When K specified is non-zero, it must be present in the working
K = 0 by default.
CKT One- or two-character transformer identifier. A transformer with cicuit identifier CKT
between buses I and J (and K if K is non-zero) must be in the working case.
• 1 - Active in harmonics
HSTATE = 1 by default
HTYPE Harmonic type
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Harmonics Data File Two-Terminal DC Data
• 4 - Model 4 – Arrillaga
• 5 - Model 5 – Funk
HTYPE = 1 by default
HQUALITY Harmonic quality constant, not used
ZHARM_TABLE Previously defined Harmonic Impedance Characteristics table name. The frequency
behavior of the transformer is modeled using the impedance characteristics specified
in this table. When table is not found or specified as blank, the frequency dependency
of the transformer is modeled assuming HTYPE=1 and Model 1 default parameters.
Transformer Data input is terminated with a record specifying bus number 0 (zero).
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric two-terminal dc line name. It must be present in the
working case.
No default allowed
ACBUS Two-terminal dc line rectifier or inverter converter AC bus number. A two-terminal dc
line 'NAME' with 'ACBUS' as one of the rectifier or inverter buses must be in the working
No default allowed
HSTATE Current control state
• 1 - Active in harmonics
HSTATE = 1 by default
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Harmonics Data File VSC DC Data
VHARM_TABLE Previously defined Harmonic Voltage Source table name. When modeled the two-ter-
minal dc line will inject the voltage harmonics to the network at bus 'ACBUS'. The volt-
age source value at harmonic 'N' is calculated using the voltage source characteristics
specified in this table. When table is not found or specified as blank, the voltage har-
monics by the two-terminal dc line are ignored.
No default allowed
ACBUS VSC dc line converter AC bus number. A VSC dc line 'NAME' with 'ACBUS' as one of its
converters AC buses must be in the working case.
No default allowed
HSTATE Current control state
• 1 - Active in harmonics
HSTATE = 1 by default
VHARM_TABLE Previously defined Harmonic Voltage Source table name. When modeled the VSC dc
line will inject the voltage harmonics to the network at bus 'ACBUS'. The voltage source
value at harmonic 'N' is calculated using the voltage source characteristics specified
in this table. When table is not found or specified as blank, the voltage harmonics by
the VSC dc line are ignored.
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Harmonics Data File FACTS Device Data
NAME The non-blank alphanumeric FACTS device name. It must be present in the working
No default allowed
SENDBUS FACTS device Sending End AC bus number. A FACTS device 'NAME' with 'SENDBUS' as
its sending AC bus must be in the working case. A SENDBUS value must be provided
as every FACTS device has as least one bus, making it a shunt device.
No default allowed
TERMBUS FACTS device Terminal End AC bus number. A FACTS device 'NAME' with 'TERMBUS' as
its terminal AC bus must be in the working case. A TERMBUS value must be provided
if the FACTS device is operating as a serial device.
TERMBUS = 0 by default
HSTATE Current control state
• 1 - Active in harmonics
HSTATE = 1 by default
HTYPE Harmonic type
• 0 - No frequency dependency
• 3 - Impedance characteristics
• 5 - CIGRE
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Harmonics Data File Induction Machine (Asynchronous ma-
chine) Data
• 9 - Infinite
If TERMBUS != 0:
• 0 - No frequency dependency
• 3 - Impedance characteristics
HTYPE = 1 by default
Previously defined Harmonic Voltage Source table name. When modeled the FACTS
device will inject the voltage harmonics to the network at bus 'ACBUS'. The voltage
source value at harmonic 'N' is calculated using the voltage source characteristics spec-
ified in this table. When table is not found or specified as blank, the voltage harmonics
by the FACTS device are ignored.
Previously defined Harmonic Current Source table name. When modeled the FACTS
device will inject the current harmonics in the network at bus 'ACBUS'. The Current
source value at harmonic 'N' is calculated using the current source characteristics spec-
ified in this table. When table is not found or specified as blank, the current harmonics
by the FACTS device are ignored.
FACTS Device Data input is terminated with a record specifying NAME as 0 (zero).
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Harmonics Data File Induction Machine (Asynchronous ma-
chine) Data
I Bus number of the bus to which the induction machine is connected. It must be
present in the working case.
No default allowed
ID One- or two-character induction machine identifier.
ID = '1' by default
HSTATE Current control state
• 1 - Active in harmonics
HSTATE = 1 by default
HTYPE Harmonic type
• 0 - No frequency dependency
• 1 - Quality - R constant
• 3 - Impedance characteristics
• 9 - Infinite
HTYPE = 1 by default
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Harmonics Data File Passive Filter Data
this table. When table is not found or specified as blank, the current harmonics by the
induction machine are ignored.
Induction Machine Data input is terminated with a record specifying bus number 0 (zero).
For each harmonic frequency, the fixed bus shunt MW and MVAR are calculated and the working case updated
Given RG, XB1 and XB2 at the fundamental frequency and CZY, the units in which they are specified, the
passive filter equivalent impedance and corresponding fixed bus shunt MW and MVAR are calculated.
The passive filter specified with "I, ID" should not exist in the working case as the Fixed Bus Shunt "I, ID". If
Fixed Bus Shunt "I, ID" exists in the working case, the passive filter specified with "I, ID" will be ignored.
I Bus number of the bus to which the passive filter is connected. It must be present in
the working case.
No default allowed
ID One- or two-character passive filter identifier.
No default allowed
HSTATE Current control state
• 1 - Active in harmonics
HSTATE = 1 by default
CZY Units of RG, XB1 and XB2
CZY = 0 by default
RG Resistance, Conductance or MW as per CZY
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Harmonics Data File Passive Filter Data
RG = 0.0 by default.
XB1 Reactance, Susceptance or MVAR as per CZY
XB1 and XB2 are positive for inductive reactance and capacitive susceptance.
XB1 and XB2 are negative for inductive susceptance and capacitive reactance .
When RG, XB1 and XB2 are 0.0 (zero), the record will be ignored.
Passive Filter Data input is terminated with a record specifying bus I as 0 (zero).
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Chapter 7
Machine Capability Curve Data File
7.1. Overview
The input stream to activity REGC consists of a Change Code record, followed by a group of capability curve
data records. One such record is specified for each machine whose capability curve is to be read into the
working case.
All data is read in free format with data items separated by a comma or one or more blanks. The capability
curve data category is terminated by a record specifying an I value of zero.
IC = 0 indicates the initial input of capability curve data for the network contained in
the working case. Any capability curves in the case are deleted from the case before
adding the capability curves specified in the input file.
IC = 1 indicates change case input of capability curve data for the network contained
in the working case. If a record is specified for a machine that already has a capability
curve, default values for omitted data items are the existing values of the capability
IC = 0 by default
REV PSSE revision number
I, ID, P1, QT1, QB1, P2, QT2, QB2, ... P20, QT20, QB20
I Bus number. Bus I must be present in the working case with a plant sequence number
assigned to it (refer to Plant and Machine Sequence Numbers).
No default is allowed
PSS®E 35.3.0
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Machine Capability Curve Data File Capability Curve Data
ID One-or two character machine identifier used to distinguish among multiple machines
at a plant (i.e., at a generator bus)
ID = 1 by default
Pi Generator active power output along the MW axis of the machine's capability curve,
entered in MW
No default is allowed
QTi Maximum (i.e., overexcited) reactive power limit at P i MW, entered in Mvar
At least two sets of points must be specified for each capability curve; up to 20 sets of points on the capability
curve may be entered. When the machine is a generator, the Pi values must be in ascending order with
P1greater than or equal to zero. When the machine is a motor, the Pi values must be in descending order
with P1 less than or equal to zero.
Capability curves may be specified for non-conventional as well as conventional machines. For a non-con-
ventional machines with machine control mode (WMOD) greater than 1, the capability curve will not be used
to update the machine's reactive power limits; the limits will be determined from the specified power factor
(WPF) for mode 2 and 3 machines, and from the machine's fixed reactive power (QG) for mode 4 machines.
Figure 7.1. Capability Curve Example file savnw.gcp for savnw.sav Case
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Chapter 8
IEC Data File
8.1. Overview
The impedances and admittances of electrical equipment in the working case are modified according to the
correction factors defined in IEC 60909-0 (2016 Section 6 or 2001 Section 3).
Generators, equivalent generators, asynchronous motors, wind farms and photovoltaic (PV) farms are repre-
sented as sources in the working case. To calculate their impedance correction factors or correct contribution
to fault additional data is required. This additional data is provided in IEC data file (.iec).
• If a generator model includes a GSU transformer. It is recommended to represent the GSU transformer
explicitly as a separate power component so as to be able to correctly modify the generator and transformer
impedances as per the IEC 60909 standard.
• If a generator is set with QMIN=QMAX, then it is treated as an asynchronous motor. If this is the case, then
additional data is not necessary.
• If a transformer winding MVA specified in system MVA base and not nameplate winding MVA.
• If an induction machine base power (MBASE) is specified as mechanical power output (BCODE=1), then
power factor and efficiency are needed to calculate base MVA. If an induction machine scheduled active
power (PSET) is set as real electrical power drawn by the machine, efficiency is needed to calculate me-
chanical power output (MW) of the machine.
There are six groups of records, with each group containing a particular type of data required. Each record
is terminated by specifying a bus number of 0.
IECFILEVRSN IECFILEVRSN is the keyword to specify the IEC data file version number.
vernum is an integer value specifying IEC data file version number. No default al-
PSS®E 35.3.0
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IEC Data File GSU, Equivalent Generator and Motor
Allowed, IECFILEVRSN = 2
Note: The first release of the IEC data file did not have this record and is treated as
file version 1
I, ID, MCTYPE, UrG, PG, PFactor, PolePair, GSUType, Ix, Jx, Kx, Ckt, PT
MCTYPE =3, for Induction machines specified as part of generator data category
MCTYPE =5, for Wind power station double fed asynchronous generator
MCTYPE =6, for Wind or Photovoltaic power station generator with full size convert-
UrG Rated terminal voltage, line-to-line in kV r.m.s. (this need not be the rated bus volt-
PG Range of generator voltage regulation in %, e.g., if PG is ±5%, enter PG=5.
= 0 default
PFactor Generator rated power factor (used only if MCTYPE=1).
= 1.0 default
PolePair Number of pole pairs if machine is induction machine (used only if the machine is
modeled as induction machine)
Example: If the induction machine has a six pole construction then Polepair=3
GSUType Generator step-up-transformer type
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IEC Data File Transformer Nameplate Winding MVA
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IEC Data File Wind Power Station Asynchronous Gen-
erator Data
Example: If the induction machine has a six pole construction then Polepair=3
PFactor Induction Machine rated power factor
= 1.0 default
Efficiency Induction Machine percent efficiency.
=100 by default
I, ID, IMAX_1, R2X_1, IMAX_2, R2X_2, IMAX_0, R2X_0, KWD, IKWDmax, IKWDmin
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IEC Data File Wind and Photovoltaic Power Station
Generator with Full Size Converter Data
ID Machine ID
IMAX2IR_1 Ratio of Positive Sequence highest instantaneous short circuit value in case of a
three-phase short circuit to rated current, no default allowed
R2X_1 Ratio of Positive Sequence resistance to reactance. R2X_1=0.1 by default
IMAX2IR_2 Ratio of Negative Sequence highest instantaneous short circuit value in case of an
unbalance short circuit to rated current, IMAX2IR_2=IMAX2IR_1 by default
R2X_2 Ratio of Negative Sequence resistance to reactance. R2X_2=R2X_1 by default
IMAX2IR_0 Ratio of Zero Sequence highest instantaneous short circuit value in case of an unbal-
ance short circuit to rated current, IMAX2IR_0=IMAX2IR_1 by default
R2X_0 Ratio of Zero Sequence resistance to reactance. R2X_0=R2X_1 by default
KWD Factor for the calculation of the peak short-circuit current, KWD=1.7 by default
IkWDmax Ratio of maximum steady state short circuit current to rated current,
IkWDmax=IMAX2IR_1 by default. This is used in calculation of symmetrical breaking
IkWDmin Ratio of minimum steady state short circuit current to rated current,
IkWDmin=IMAX2IR_1 by default. This is used in calculation of symmetrical breaking
I Machine bus number
ID Machine ID
IMAX2IR_1 Ratio of Positive Sequence short circuit current value to rated current, no default al-
R2X_1 Ratio of Positive Sequence resistance to reactance. R2X_1=0.1 by default
IMAX2IR_2 Ratio of Negative Sequence short circuit current value to rated current,
IMAX2IR_2=IMAX2IR_1 by default
R2X_2 Ratio of Negative Sequence resistance to reactance. R2X_2=R2X_1 by default
IMAX2IR_0 Ratio of Zero Sequence short circuit value in case of an unbalance short circuit to
rated current, IMAX2IR_0=IMAX2IR_1 by default
R2X_0 Ratio of Zero Sequence resistance to reactance. R2X_0=R2X_1 by default
IkPFmax Ratio of maximum steady state short circuit current to rated current,
IkPFmax=IMAX2IR_1 by default. This is used in calculation of symmetrical breaking
IkPFmin Ratio of minimum steady state short circuit current to rated current,
IkPFmin=IMAX2IR_1 by default. This is used in calculation of symmetrical breaking
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IEC Data File Wind and Photovoltaic Power Station
Generator with Full Size Converter Data
IEC File Data records for generators, transformers and motors are created only for those units that need IEC
data and they may be entered in any order and using a free format with blanks or commas separating each
data item in each record group.
Following is an example of IEC data for IEC 60909-4, Section 6 network, refer PAG for details.
1 Q1 2
5 Q2 2
6 G3 1 10.5 0.0 0.8
41 G1 1 21.0 0.0 0.85 0 1 4 41 0 T1 12
31 G2 1 10.5 7.5 0.9 0 2 3 31 0 T2
7 M1 1 0.88 97.5
7 M2 2 0.89 96.8
7 M3 2 0.89 96.8
1 Q1 2
5 Q2 2
6 G3 6 10.5 0.0 0.8
41 G1 4 21.0 0.0 0.85 0 1 4 41 0 T1 12
31 G2 5 10.5 7.5 0.9 0 2 3 31 0 T2
7 M1 1 0.88 97.5
7 M2 2 0.89 96.8
7 M3 2 0.89 96.8
41 G1 5.0 0.2
31 G2 6.0 0.3
6 G3 7.0 0.4
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