BFG Space Marine Codex
BFG Space Marine Codex
BFG Space Marine Codex
Revised Edition
Plaxor, Afterimagedan, The Specialist Games Community
"T hey shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me.
Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They
will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and
with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague
or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and Where there is uncertainty, I shall bring light;
machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against Where there is doubt, I shall sow faith;
Where there is shame, I shall point to atonement;
the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines Where there is rage, I shall show its course;
My word in the soul shall be as my bolter in the field.
and they shall know no fear."
-The Litany of Devotion
-The Emperor of Mankind
"W hat is the terror of death? That we die with our work incomplete. What is the joy of life? To die knowing our task is done. I stand alongside warriors of honour, and the warrior who
acts out of honour cannot fail. His duty is honour itself. Even a warrior's death--if it is honourable--is a reward and can be no failure, for it has come through duty. Seek honour as you
act, and you will know no fear. A fortress is a living thing: the commander its brain, the walls its bones, the sensors its eyes and ears, the troops its blood, their weapons its fists. If one organ
fails, the whole dies. And if the whole dies, no single organ can survive alone. And above all, remember this... for a warrior the only crime is cowardice."
-Chaplain Judd Clausel, Ultramarines 4th Company
Honor Guard
Most Chapters maintain special bodies of honored Space
Marines with extraordinary experience, given over to
form the personal retinue of company captains, great "A typical offensive against a rebel or alien-held planet begins with the arrival of strike craft which clear away
defending system ships. The strike craft then neutralise orbital defences, ground-based defence laser silos
and missile bunkers. By preference, if the system defences are weak or still under friendly control, the Space
heroes within the Chapter or even the Chapter Master
himself. An Honor Guard counts as an extra teleport Marines will deploy directly onto the planet's surface, often directly into the midst of a decisive engagement to
attack that can be made once per turn, in addition to the take advantage of the considerable shock of their arrival.
ship’s regular teleport attack. When using the Honor
Guard, roll two dice and pick the result to apply. In conclusion I would surmise that the Adeptus Astartes command powerful fleet forces, capable of overwhelming
even a heavily defended system. In a fleet action they would be at a disadvantage in comparison to Imperial Navy
Space Marine Terminators vessels, due to their special adaptations for planetary assaults. However it is hard to imagine that the Adeptus
Taken from the elite First Company and wearing the Astartes would accept a ship to ship fight on any but the most favourable terms, instead operating against shipping
heaviest armor known to man, Terminators are the lanes, dock facilities and other vulnerable assets."
greatest ship-to-ship fighters in the galaxy. Terminators
provide the embarked ship with two additional teleport
-From the lectures of Lord Captain Morley
attacks that may be used once per turn in addition to the
of the Fleet Insturum of Alien Studies.
ship’s normal teleport attack.
Naturally this also makes the battle barge one of the most
TYPE/HITS SPEED TURNS SHIELDS ARMOR TURRETS frightening opponents in the galaxy when close-range,
Battleship/12 20cm 45° 4 6+ 4 ship-to-ship combat is a possibility.
Secondary Shield: Any number of strike cruisers in the fleet may purchase an additional shield (increasing their
shields value by +1) for +15 points each.
Strike Cruiser Variants: Throughout the Imperium of Man, the various Adeptus Astartes Chapters utilize strike
cruisers that, while essentially the same in purpose, sometimes differ significantly in details, appearance and
specific weapons arrangement. A strike cruiser may incorporate any of the following refits for the point costs
indicated. At a minimum, as many strike cruisers in the fleet must be of the basic profile listed above as all other
variants combined (additional shields do not count towards this restriction):
• Replace Launch Bays: A Space Marine strike cruiser may replace its prow launch bays with either a torpedo
salvo (Speed 30cm, Strength 3, Front) or a bombardment cannon (Range 30cm, Firepower 3, Front) for no
change in cost. Any strike cruiser with torpedoes may be armed with short-burn torpedoes and/or barrage
bombs for +15 points each.
• Replace Weapons Batteries: A Space Marine strike cruiser may replace both its port and starboard weapons
batteries with port and starboard launch bays (1 Squadron each), equipped with Thunderhawks (Speed:
20cm) for +15 points.
those within the jurisdiction of many Space Marine Phalanx Squadron Nebula Chasers
dominions. Even deep within the territory of Ultramar, Patrol Group Augusta Strike Group Piety
many of these vessels can be seen patrolling alongside
those of the Astartes, escorting VIPs and protecting "Victory often rests on the correct weaponry being in the right
shipping lanes. However, the Falchion’s relatively weak place and at the right time. Even the most destructive weapons
offensive capabilities means that most do not stray far of war are worthless if absent from the battle."
-Chapter Master Artor Amhrad, Astral Knights
Escort/1 25cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Special Rules: A Falchion class rapid strike vessel
uses the same profile as shown in the Imperial Navy
Weapons Battery 30cm 3 Left / Front / Right fleet list; it is reprinted here for convenience. It does
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 1 Front not benefit from any Space Marine special rules.
make them a perfect long range attack vessel. As a result, FAMOUS SQUADRONS:
many of these have been seconded to Space Marine Galahad Squadron Strike Group Arturia
forces, especially in the vast Ultima Segmentum. The
Astartes tend to use Cobras in much the same way as
traditional Imperial Navy battle fleets, although when HEADING.124.5.BY.031+++SHOW.THEM.
Escort/1 30cm 90° 1 4+ 1
Special Rules: A Cobra class rapid strike vessel uses
the same profile as shown in the Imperial Navy fleet
Weapons Battery 30cm 1 Left / Front / Right list; it is reprinted here for convenience. It does not
Torpedo Salvo Speed: 30cm 2 Front benefit from any Space Marine special rules.
A fortress-monastery normally has a fixed leadership value of Shields & Blast Markers During the end phase of the owning player’s turn, a fortress-
10; it is home to the command staff of an entire Space Marine Each quadrant has its own shields; when blast markers are monastery may board any enemy ships foolish enough to remain
Chapter, after all! It may also purchase re-rolls at the cost listed placed, put them in contact with the appropriate edge of the in base contact, and may choose how many of its quadrants will
in the fleet list. These re-rolls are usable only by the fortress- fortress-monastery ’s base. In the end phase, D6 blast markers be involved in the boarding action. Quadrants not involved in
monastery itself, unless a fleet commander is aboard. are removed from the entire model, not from each quadrant. the boarding action may fire their weapons normally.
If a fleet commander is aboard, any re-rolls purchased by the Because the four quadrants are essentially in contact with each Massing Turrets
fortress-monastery are added to the commander’s own re- other, blast markers in contact with the base affect the quadrant Each quadrant of a fortress-monastery automatically counts as
rolls, which can then be used by the entire fleet. However, in taking fire and the two adjacent quadrants as well. If the fortress- massing turrets with the two quadrants immediately adjacent,
such cases the fortress-monastery must use the commander’s monastery is rotating, blast markers that are not removed remain in addition to any ships that may be in base contact with it.
leadership value, even if it is less! in place when it rotates and affect whatever quadrant(s) they are Naturally, quadrants that are crippled or destroyed may not
contribute to massing turrets. Furthermore, a quadrant cannot
in contact with at the end of its movement.
use this special rule to increase its turrets value beyond the
MOVEMENT normal +3 limit.
Before the game starts, the owning player must decide whether Damage & Criticals
a fortress-monastery will rotate or not. This choice may not All damage and criticals only affect the quadrant that they are
Teleport Attacks
be altered later in the game. A rotating fortress-monastery inflicted against unless specifically noted otherwise. Quadrants
Fortress-monasteries contain numerous teleport chambers, both
must pivot exactly 45 degrees at the beginning of each of its are crippled individually once they are reduced to 6 Damage
for dispatching troops to other vessels in the fleet and delivering
movement phases, and always in the same direction (chosen the Points. Once a quadrant’s hits are reduced to 0, any further hits
them into combat, be it on a nearby planet or as a devastating hit
first time it rotates). This movement cannot alter nor be altered plow into the drifting wreckage and do no further damage. Treat and run attack against enemy vessels. Each quadrant that is not
by any special orders or other effects, and will continue even if that quadrant of the station as an asteroid field from now on. crippled or destroyed allows the fortress-monastery to launch
the entire station is destroyed. Finally, allied ships may not dock one teleport hit and run attack. In addition, a fortress-monastery
with a rotating fortress-monastery; the danger of collision is Damage Control has a permanent garrison of First Company warriors aboard.
simply too high. Other than this exception, a fortress-monastery Damage control is also undertaken individually. To all intents It automatically counts as having an Honor Guard and Space
may not move in any way during the course of a game. and purposes the four quadrants function as individual stations Marine Terminators for no additional cost. Naturally, this means
placed ‘back to back’. The fort itself is only destroyed once all that the fortress-monastery cannot benefit from any Terminators
QUADRANTS four quadrants are reduced to 0 hits, at which point a single roll or Honor Guard purchased for an embarked fleet commander.
The fortress-monastery is so large that its weapons, hits and on the catastrophic damage table must be made.
defenses are divided up into four ‘quadrants’ representing the THE BASILICA
different sides of the space station. When the station is fired Templates The central command and control facility of a fortress-monastery
upon, determine which quadrant the attack will hit by tracing a Nova cannons and Armageddon guns can only score a ‘full on’ is a heavily armed and armored redoubt capable of withstanding
straight line from the stem of the firing ship to the center of the D6 hits against the quadrant most under the center hole of the almost any attack. The basilica cannot be targeted separately by
station. Likewise, ordnance hits are only resolved against the marker when it hits. enemy attacks and is only destroyed when the rest of the station
first quadrant actually contacted by the marker. is reduced to zero hits. In rare instances, if the basilica would
Hit-and-Run Raids take damage (such as from its own ordnance exploding due to
Looking vertically down on the model, the quadrants are as Hit-and-run raids are likewise resolved only against the quadrant critical hits, etc), the opposing player distributes this damage
shown in the following diagram: they are directed at and will not affect other quadrants. between any remaining quadrants.