Lab Planning - OOPJ - 2022-23
Lab Planning - OOPJ - 2022-23
Lab Planning - OOPJ - 2022-23
Practical list
Department name: Information Technology & Subject Teacher: Ms. Aayushi Shah
CyberSecurity Mr. Axay Patel
Program & Semester: 3rd sem B.Tech IT & CS- A &
Subject Name: Object Oriented Programming with Java
Academic Year: 2022-23 (Odd sem) Subject Code: CE4002
Sr. Contact
No. Hours
1. Write a program to print “Hello CGPIT” on the console. 1
Write a program to print inputs given from command line 1
arguments on the console.
Write a program to check whether the given number is Armstrong 1
or not.
Write a program using a switch which takes two command-line
The first argument is a string (odd, even, avg, sum) specifies the
operation, and the second argument (number N) is the upper limit
4. 1
of the range starting from 0.
Arguments: even 10; Output: 0 2 4 6 8 10.
Arguments: sum 5; Output: 15
5. Write a program that finds factorial of a given number. 1
Write a program to take marks of five students and prints the
6. 2
marks of student in descending order.
Define a class Student which contains following:
Data Members:
− Name of student
− Enrolment number of student
7. − Contact number of student 1
Member Functions:
− To get details of the student
− To display details of the student
Write a program to display details of one students.
Define a class Bank_system which contains following:
Data Members:
− Name of account holder
− Account Number
− Balance
8. 2
Member Functions:
− To get details of the account
− To display the balance
− To search account by account number
Write program for above Bank system that handles five customers.
9. Define a class called TIMEC with Three integer data members for 2
Practical list