Lec 12 Psychology of Architecture
Lec 12 Psychology of Architecture
Lec 12 Psychology of Architecture
1. Introduction
2. History
3. Importance of the built environment on psychological processes
4. Psychological effects of:
a. Space
b. Light
c. Colors
5. Case study: Thinking style
6. Conclusion: Independent reflection of each student
7. Resources
“Buildings have a direct effect on
our emotions. They can be
depressing or uplifting, soothing
or surprising, welcoming or
1 Introduction
How does architecture affect our psychology?
What happens to people when
they enter a space?
Most of our lives are spent inside buildings. Our
thoughts are shaped by their walls, and the way
we perceive things is influenced by our
Architecture and the interior design may affect a
person's health, behavior, mood, decisions, and
interactions with others.
Architecture affects
human psychology
The Psychology of The importance of
through certain
Architecture is also architecture as a trigger
elements such as color,
referred to as to physical,
form, shape, light,
“Psychology of The Built physiological and
space, etc.
Environment” or psychological
It is important to
“Environmental well-being is nowadays
consider these elements
Psychology”. becoming a topic of
in order to design
significant relevance.
comfortable and
healthy spaces.
2 History
The founding fathers of Environmental Psychology
Willy Hellpach (1877-1955) Egon Brunswik (1903–1955) Kurt Lewin (1890–1947)
Hellpach was one of the first scholars who He was one of the first psychologists who Lewin, like Brunswik, conceptualised
introduced the term ‘environmental argued that psychology should give as much the environment as a key determinant
psychology’ in the first half of the 20th attention to the properties of the organism’s of behaviour. He argued that behaviour
century. This term was mentioned in his environment as it does to the organism itself. is a function of the person and the
book “Geopsyche” in 1935. He studied the He believed that the physical environment environment. He mostly focused on the
impact of different environmental stimuli can affect psychological processes social or interpersonal influences
(colour, form, space, nature, etc.) on human subconsciously. He also strongly advocated instead of the physical environment, but
activities. He also studied urban phenomena. research that includes all aspects of the he inspired different students to continue
environment of the person being studied. and expand on his ideas.
Psychology for Architects by David Canter
Architecture can control the way people live, the way they think and the way the feel. By defining the function of your space
and meeting your users’ needs, you design an effective building, for each building should be designed first and foremost
around their occupants.
Thinking Freely
High, open spaces
helps us think
freely and Arrangements
Organization of
elements and tidiness.
The view a space
Limits Thinking
Tight spaces limit
thinking and cause Arrangements
Overlapping elements
and lack of
A. Experienced higher levels of freedom related body state, but lower levels of confinement related body state.
B. Exhibited faster response time when solving freedom related anagrams, slower response time when solving
confinement related anagrams, but equal response time when solving unrelated anagrams
An emphasis on
High Freedom-related Relational data integration &
An emphasis on
separately analyzed and
Low Confinement-related Item specific
specific, relatively concrete
Model of the mechanism by which ceiling height can affect type of processing
General discussion
This case study adds to the field of architectural psychology by
showing the effects of an architectural element (ceiling height) on
the psychology of people and how it can change the way they
respond to certain variables.
6 Conclusion
The independent reflection of each student
Sara Ghani Shahd AlAmri Tala Hadhrawi
“As an architecture student, I learned a “Designing for the people should “I have come to understand that
lot about how our built environment accommodate their psychological psychology and architecture are
plays a huge role on human psychology. well-being. As architects, we should inseparably bound together . They are
The study of psychology is a broad study how we can achieve this goal by involved in everything and affect
science that is related to nearly designing positive architecture that everything . Now, Walking around I
everything around us. It is interesting to can lead to happier, more stable notice how everything surrounding us
see how certain elements and details communities.” affects our thoughts and feelings, and
can affect how people feel and perceive how our thoughts and feelings build
things. I suggest that all our surroundings.”
architects/designers study the field of
architectural psychology in order to
properly design comfortable and healthy