A Tool For The Creation and Assessment of Student Learning Activities in Complex Open, Online and Flexible Learning Environments
A Tool For The Creation and Assessment of Student Learning Activities in Complex Open, Online and Flexible Learning Environments
A Tool For The Creation and Assessment of Student Learning Activities in Complex Open, Online and Flexible Learning Environments
To cite this article: David Becerra-Alonso, Isabel Lopez-Cobo, Pilar Gómez-Rey, Francisco
Fernández-Navarro & Elena Barbera (2020): EduZinc: A tool for the creation and assessment of
student learning activities in complex open, online and flexible learning environments, Distance
Education, DOI: 10.1080/01587919.2020.1724769
Article views: 21
Decades of research on assessment at university level have highlighted the benefits of
using assessment as the basis for the analysis of student progress and achievements (Ion
et al., 2019). Studies have stressed the importance of challenges in assessing key compe-
tences and cross-sectional skills (Pellegrino, 2017; Pepper, 2011). They have also acknowl-
edged the challenges around the use of different assessment techniques (Boud & Soler,
2016). Traditionally, the process of monitoring and evaluating student learning has been
carried out manually. Over the last decades, however, the development of electronic
systems to evaluate student learning has become more frequent (Paiva et al., 2017).
The advent of these tools is closely related to the shift from an information society to
a knowledge society (Gallardo-Echenique et al., 2015). Higher education systems within the
knowledge society are characterised mainly by the personalization of the learning process, the
need for flexible educational systems, and the incorporation of technology in the classroom.
Firstly, students require a learning context adapted to their personal needs and abilities.
Literature review
This section is devoted to a discussion of some of the most commonly automated evaluation
systems used. We explored two types of automated grading tools organized according to
their input data. First, we present an exploration of automated assessment systems for
qualitative data. This is followed by an examination of existing automated grading tools for
quantitative data.
Qualitative grading tools focus on automated essay evaluation systems (Page &
Petersen, 1995; Sijimol & Varghese, 2018). When assessing qualitative texts with human
graders, there are human variables to be considered, such as knowledge, emotion, and
energy. One way to show the effect of these variables is to consider the deviation
between scores provided by several instructors on the same work. Also, providing
a judgment of text coherence and quality can be tedious and time-consuming. The
main motivations behind developing qualitative computer-assisted assessment tools
are to accurately assess the correctness of students’ writings and to decrease the time in
which students receive feedback. These automated measurement tools are capable of
identifying similarities between texts based on previous knowledge acquired by a given
model. Latent semantic analysis is the most common technique used for automatic essay
grading (Farrús et al., 2010). Other approaches, such as n-gram co-occurrence and BLEU,
have been also implemented to support the automatic assessment of essays (He et al.,
2009). It is worth mentioning that previous research work has one thing in common: the
outcome provided by the tool is subjective. These systems provide only a preliminary
evaluation of the learning outcome (Farrús et al., 2010).
In the literature, we found two types of tools under the umbrella of quantitative
evaluation: tools for evaluating programming code and tools for evaluating exercises
related to mathematics and other scientific subjects. Following this categorisation,
below is some research linked to the computer science field (specifically coding). The
importance of the topic has motivated authors to perform a systematic literature review
of automated feedback generation for programming exercises (Gupta & Gupta, 2017;
Keuning et al., 2016). This type of tool automatically assesses programming tasks and
focuses on qualifying the code developed by the student. These tools are under
constant review and upgrade. Their evolution is aligned with that of programming
languages. Some automated teaching assistants are related to the use of machine
code and assembly language (Hollingsworth, 1960). Moreover, other tools run grading
scripts based on utilities provided by the operating systems (Benford et al., 1994).
Furthermore, there are systems that are based on Web technologies (Edwards & Perez-
Quinones, 2008); T tools that enable granular evaluation by applying regression meth-
ods and patterns (Al Shamsi & Elnagar, 2012; Srikant & Aggarwal, 2014), and others
integrated in learning management systems (Pohuba et al., 2014; Rodríguez-del Pino
et al., 2012; Suleman, 2008). Table 1 presents, in alphabetical order, an overview of some
of these assessment tools with information related to the programming languages that
the platform supports, the work mode in which the systems are run, and the type of
feedback generated by the tool.
Within quantitative tools for mathematics and science, many web-based systems collect
and assess practical exercises from science and engineering courses. These applications share
the use of computer algebra systems as the engine and implementation language (Mavrikis &
Maciocia, 2003; Pacheco-Venegas et al., 2015; Sangwin, 2004). Over time, researchers have
improved the functionalities of these tools by adding features such as the automation of
personalized assignments and the parameterization of exercises for each student (Carlos et al.,
2015. As an example, Goodle GMS (nowadays called Doctus) is a specific tool that brings all the
abovementioned characteristics together (De la Peña et al., 2012). From an educational point
of view, individualization and parameterization of assignments have a double benefit. First,
providing individualized exercises to the students prevents them from copying from each
other and other forms of cheating (plagiarism). Second, parameterization enables an instructor
to implement self-learning techniques to enable students to continuously measure their
knowledge base. Doctus focusses on the online grading management system. Thus, Doctus
operates from the online evaluator, whereas EduZinc begins offline directly with the creation of
learning products.
EduZinc explained
EduZinc is focussed on easy ways for instructors to create personalized learning material.
While the content creator creates material, the tool provides the necessary information for
its automated evaluation. The material is associated with the source code required for the
solution of the corresponding exercise. Thus, the content can be focussed, one exercise at
a time, in both the way the exercise will look and the way in which it will be evaluated.
Figure 1 shows a basic flowchart with the main elements that constitute EduZinc. Each one
of them will be explained in detail in this section. (The tool code and its implementation
are available upon request.)
● Content creators (resource material creators) create the material prior to the begin-
ning of the course. They have access to the templates for exercises and can compile
a complete Content Creator’s Guide. This guide shows all exercises that can be
assigned to a student. The content creator is also responsible for the assignment
of the competencies associated to each template.
● Students register on the first day of class. They immediately receive the Student’s
Guide, which includes their personalized exercises. During the course, they submit
their solutions to the exercises on the submissions website, and as a response to that,
both their Student’s Guide and their Student’s Report are upgraded with grades and
information that can facilitate further submissions.
● Instructors receive an Instructor’s Guide with the solutions specific to each Student’s
Guide. It can be used to tutor students whenever they have questions about the
exercises they have to solve. Instructors also receive a daily report on the entire class.
This report provides individual information about the students and general statistics
about the overall progress in competences.
We took inspiration from other research work for the design of the abovementioned
roles. As suggested in distance education environments, there are some courses designed
by experts (instructional designers) but taught by a different person (instructors); while in
other courses, the same person is in charge of both tasks (Gómez-Rey, Barbera, et al.,
2018). In EduZinc, tasks related to the role of content creators and instructors are distinct.
Registration website
To register as a student in the system, a website was set up to gather both generic and
specific information (see Figure 2). Of all the inputs, an ID number (linked to the student’s
national identity card or foreign identity number) and an email address are compulsory
for students to obtain the personalized course material.
Student’s Guide
A generic LaTeX template creates a Student’s Guide that has material common to all
students as well as personalized material. This material is created using templates specifi-
cally designed to create real-time evaluation for the students. Some of these templates are
pre-designed to create (for example) quizzes, numerical exercises, multiple-choice ques-
tions, open-ended questions, fill-in-the-blanks questions, and coding evaluation.
All students have a guide with the same number of exercises of a certain kind, chosen
at random from a collection of templates. The code not only chooses the exercises to be
shown but also randomizes the parameters of the exercises, according to the wishes of
the content creator. Therefore, even when two students receive the same exercise, the
parameters are unlikely to be the same.
many times as they need or want to (multiple-pass exercises). Unlike other automatic
grading tools, EduZinc offers both kinds, yet it proves particularly useful on multiple-pass
exercises. These exercises can be used as a strategy to reinforce students’ learning.
Instructor’s Report
The Instructor’s Report must include the academic record with the achievements and
grades of all students. It must update as new information comes in, graphically showing
the wave of submissions and results. This, of course, is a time saver on one of the most
common jobs for an instructor: filling out the chart with all the grades.
Templates and exercises are associated with specific skills, competencies, and achieve-
ments. These must, in turn, feed into a general report that may guide the instructor
whenever the class is lagging in particular skills. Often, even when a generic problem in
the class is detected, the root competency affecting it is not easy to spot. Armed with this
information, instructors can redirect the direction of their lessons.
The Instructor’s Report also includes a section for automated warnings whenever
a student stops participating in the course for a certain amount of time. The section also
informs when certain students excel in their learning processes, enabling the instructor to
make curricular adaptations to help students reach their maximum level of competency.
Student’s Report
The Student’s Report includes information related to a student’s achievement (similar to
a portfolio). Thus, it details the student’s individual progress (student’s marks) as well as
the competencies already achieved or to be achieved. Text, images, and videos submitted
by students are linked on the report as a means to prove their qualification. Additionally,
every report includes an icon that identifies the student anonymously. Only each student
knows the icon (randomly set by the system) shown in the report. Using those icons,
a ranking of the best students in class is shown for the purposes of gamification. Figure 4
illustrates an anonymized example of a Student’s Report.
Content creation
With EduZinc, the aim is to produce templates that cover most kinds of exercises.
Following is an explanation of the most common automated template. Every exercise
under this template requires the student to go to the results input website and type short
text or numerical results. The template uses the following fill-in fields (bold indicates
compulsory fields):
● Exercise name: All templates must have a unique name. From this name, hash
codes, links, and QR codes are created.
● Main exercise text: In this field, the text of the exercise and the questions posed
must be specified. A non-expert content creator can write the exercises in plain
text. However, this field understands LaTeX code, thus enriching the compiled
text. A number of LaTex and PythonTeX commands have been created for this
field. These commands are intended to personalize parameters within the text.
● Parameters: Within the text of the exercise, the content creator might be interested in
diversifying words of values (potential parameters of the problem), thus creating an
individualized exercise for those students having to solve it. These values are parameters
within the text and must be specified in the “parameters” field. These words or values are
randomly chosen for each student. In this way, each student has a different set of
● Solution: This is a text field, which uses LaTeX and benefits from the same LaTeX and
PythonTex commands created for the main exercise text field. The intent for the
“solution” field is to directly write the solution to the exercise without further
explanations on how it is obtained.
● Step-by-step solution: Just like the “solution” field, this is a LaTeX field where, if
useful, the content creator can detail the steps that lead to the solution. This field will
be shown to students only when the exercise is used as an example of how these
kinds of exercises are solved.
● Solver: This field includes, one by one, all the solutions to the questions posed in the
Main exercise text. Each solution has a specific name. If a certain word or text is the
answer, it simply goes alongside the solution’s name. When the solution is numerical,
the field uses the names of the parameters and the names of other solutions to
calculate a specific solution. The calculations are made using the common arithmetic
provided in Python; NumPy library is available if special functions (e.g., trigonometric,
logarithmic) are needed.
● Group: Exercises are grouped according to any criteria useful to the syllabus.
Exercises within the same group have the same deadlines.
● Value of individual questions: Every exercise may pose one or many questions.
Some might be more difficult than others, and thus deserve a greater percentage
of the overall value. By default, empty brackets [ ] are available to be filled out.
● Value of the exercise within its group: The default value of all exercises in
a group is 1.
● Competencies and levels of acquisition: Every question of the exercise can be assigned
to one or many levels of acquisition. These levels of acquisition belong to competences.
This information will feed into both the Student’s Report and the Instructor’s Report.
● Hints: After several attempts at solving an exercise, a student can be helped with
a hint. Content creators and instructors can add one or many hints per question.
An example of what an exercise looks like with this template as well as an additional
example of an automated template that entails multiple-choice questions can be seen at
This section details the experimental framework used to highlight the educational
advantages of the proposed application. To do this, we conducted a validation of the
application from two perspectives: we considered students’ learning performance over
the time and we analyzed students’ satisfaction with the process of teaching and learning
in the last academic year. The instruments used, the participants and the data analysis
carried out in this empirical study are described below.
Two sources of data were used to assess the effectiveness of EduZinc: first, the academic marks
obtained by students during 6 academic years (time period 2013–2019); second, an online
questionnaire that was administered to the students at the end of the semester in the
academic year 2018/19 (see the Results section). Specifically, the questionnaire was provided
to students enrolled in the Degree in Electromechanical Engineering and the Degree in
Industrial Organization Engineering at the Universidad Loyola Andalucía (Spain), during the
fall semester of the 2018/19 academic year. The instructor of the course provided the ques-
tionnaire to the students in class in December 2018. Students were invited during the class to
voluntarily fill out the questionnaire.
The participants were students from the Universidad Loyola Andalucía (Spain), a private face-
to-face university with campuses in Seville and Córdoba, which was established in the 2013/14
academic year. It is a Catholic university run by the Society of Jesus. The university offers
undergraduate as well as postgraduate programs (both in Spanish and English) in areas
related to economics, business, social sciences, law, education, and engineering. Specifically,
the participants in this study were enrolled in a subject called “Physics for Engineers.” The
sample used to validate students’ learning performance over the time period of 6 academic
years consisted of 300 students. Students were aged from 17 to 19 years. The distribution of
students disaggregated by academic year is shown in Table 2. However, the sample used to
analyse students’ satisfaction with the process of teaching and learning were the 51 students
enrolled in the academic year 2018/19. The overall response rate to the questionnaire was
64.70%, as 33 students ultimately participated in the study. Furthermore, the same course
instructor was responsible for the subject during the period 2013–2019.
Data analysis
Statistical tests were applied to ascertain the significance of differences between students’
marks over the 6-year period. The Shapiro-Wilk test was first used to evaluate whether the
marks obtained by the students followed a normal distribution. In a second phase, the
non-parametric Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test was conducted to check if a randomly
selected student mark from the tool selected as the control method (EduZinc) was greater
than a randomly selected mark from a student of the comparison tool (either Human
Grader or Doctus). Additionally, a chi-square test was also performed to determine if there
were statistical differences between the students who passed the course and those who
did not, and between the students who passed with excellent grades and those who
Table 2. Students enrolled in “Physics for Engineers” during the period 2013–2019.
Academic year
2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
Males 39 36 58 44 44 46
Females 4 5 7 6 6 5
Total 43 41 65 50 50 51
passed but did not achieve excellent grades. Finally, a descriptive analysis was conducted
based on students’ satisfaction with regard to different factors related to EduZinc.
Comparing the marks obtained by students during the period 2013–2019
We aimed to validate the proposed application, EduZinc, by comparing the marks that
students obtained during 6 academic years (time period 2013–2019). It is worth mention-
ing that the course design, the course content, the syllabus and, ultimately, the degree of
difficulty of the subject were similar over the period 2013–2019. However, three types of
evaluation systems were carried out during these years. The first evaluator, called Human
Grader, was used during 2013–2015; it was mainly the course instructor who evaluated
the assignments and assigned a score during the entire process of continuous assess-
ment. The second evaluator, called Doctus, was used during 2015–2017. Doctus is an
automatic grading tool (see the Introduction and Literature review sections) and, to the
best of our knowledge, it is the automatic grading system most like the one proposed
here (De la Peña et al., 2012). Motivated by the limitations observed in Doctus, we created
EduZinc, which was piloted during the period 2017–2019. Data of the academic years are
grouped in elements of 2 years in order to reduce the variability of students’ marks
according to the tool implemented during this period (Table 3).
Table 3 (descriptive analysis) shows the mean, standard deviation, median, and the
distribution of the students’ marks, whereas Table 4 reports on the statistics and p values
associated with the statistical test implemented. From a descriptive point of view, it can
be seen that EduZinc obtained the best mean (5.40) and the best median (6.16). It is also
important to highlight that EduZinc had the highest level of excellence (10 out of 101
students passed the course with excellent final grades).
Students evaluated with EduZinc (experimental group) achieved a significantly better
median mark than those evaluated using the Human Grader system (Table 4). The median
mark of the students evaluated using EduZinc was also greater than that for students
evaluated with Doctus (although these differences were not significant according to the
Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test, p value = 0.64).
Furthermore, we carried out two chi-square tests to analyse the differences in propor-
tions. The first chi-square test enabled us to check if there were differences in the
proportions of students who passed the course and the proportions of students who did
not pass the course. The second chi-square test enabled us to detect if there were
differences in the proportion of students who passed the course with excellence and the
proportion of students who did not pass the course with excellence. In all cases, EduZinc
achieved better results (proportionally) as all the chi-square values obtained in the com-
parisons were lower than 0.005. As can be seen in Table 4, the average of students’ marks
per academic year improved with the introduction and improvement of automatic tools
proposed in the subject. Our hypothesis, based on our teaching experience with EduZinc, is
that due to the daily evaluation and feedback, students are a lot more engaged in the
subject. They dedicate more time to improve their results and are motivated to go further
in the skills and competencies proposed to them (Steen-Utheim & Hopfenbeck, 2019).
Table 3. Statistical analysis of the marks obtained: mean, standard deviations, median, and the
distribution of the students’ marks.
Human Grader (2013–2015) Doctus (2015–2017) EduZinc (2017–2019)
M SD Mdn M SD M M SD Mdn
3.05 2.07 2.55 4.49 2.90 5.12 5.40 2.77 6.16
Frequencies of students’ scoresa
63 (NP) 94 (NP) 44 (NP)
21 (P) 21 (P) 47 (P)
0 (PE) 0 (PE) 10 (PE)
NP (No pass), P (Pass), PE (Pass with excellence)
Table 4. Statistical analysis of the marks obtained: z statistic and p value of the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon
test and χ2 statistic and p value of the χ2 test (for the two cases explored).
Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test
Experimental group: EduZinc (2013–2015) Human Grader (2013–2015) Doctus (2015–2017)
z2 statistic 0.97 0.46
p value 0.00* 0.64
χ2-square test (No pass, Pass)
Experimental group: EduZinc (2017–2019) Human Grader (2013–2015) Doctus (2015–2017)
χ2 statistic 18.58 33.96
p value 0.00* 0.00*
χ2 square test (No excellence, Excellence)
Experimental group: EduZinc (2017–2019) Human Grader (2013–2015) Doctus (2015–2017)
χ2 statistic 8.79 11.93
p value 0.00* 0.00*
*Significant differences were found for α = 0.05.
Additionally, the competencies detailed on the Instructor’s Report enabled the instruc-
tor to steer the emphasis toward those skills that are more difficult for the class as a whole.
From there, the instructor can modify the sequencing of content, generate tutorials or
supporting material, and identify those competencies that are more complex for students.
From a descriptive point of view, the abovementioned EduZinc elements met with
a general satisfaction. Specifically, out of 10 points, 51.52% of the students scored the
Student’s Guide exercises and the Student’s Report as either 7 or 8. Furthermore, 57.58%
of the students scored the in-class questionnaire as either 9 or 10.
The Student’s Guide is the all-in-one source of information for the course. Although it
contains the information typically found in a textbook, it is a lot more than that as it changes
daily. The adaptive content, the information on how to move through the course, the links
to more materials, or the access to the input website, for instance—all of these features
make it the main tool for the course. Yet for many students this was the first time they were
exposed to this kind of system, and it took a slight adaptation in some cases. The general
acceptance of the Student’s Guide over the last few years is, however, positive. In future
upgrades of EduZinc, the Student’s Report will most likely be incorporated with the
Student’s Guide. Interaction with the Student’s Report has shown it is more useful in context
with the rest of the material. Nonetheless, students thrive as they see the daily reward for
their work. In general, students were satisfied with the Student’s Guide, specially stressing its
ease of use. However, they have suggested they want more gamification in it.
On the other hand, the more remarkable results are related to the instructor’s role and its
implication in the tracking of students’ learning. EduZinc promotes a more fluid communica-
tion between instructors and students, which improve students’ engagement with the subject.
The atmosphere created through the EduZinc system encourages students to ask for the
tutoring sessions they need. The instructor, on the other hand, has not only early warnings on
the state of the class but also is encouraged with the progress of good students, thriving on
helping them on a more individual basis. This creates the feedback loop that eventually makes
more than 90% of the class highly satisfied with the instructor’s involvement.
The model with the best accuracy in the generalization set was the support vector
machines, which achieved an overall accuracy of 86.7%. The good performance achieved by
the model enabled us to interpret the variable that influenced the most in the classification. To
that end, we used the global sensitivity analysis proposed by Fernández-Navarro et al. (2017).
The global sensitivity analysis enabled us to determine those activities with greater
influence in the course. Thus, this analysis could help instructors to design new activities
(not redundant to the previous ones) in content with more impact in the course. The
exercises in Units 3 and 4 have an important impact on the explanation of the variable
associated to the students’ final grades, whereas the exercises in Unit 7 have less impact
on the previously mentioned variable. These results are consistent with the perspective of
the course instructor as exercises in Unit 7 were very long, and students had more
difficulties solving them. This fact reduces significantly the discriminative power of the
input variable linked to the exercises in Unit 7.
The advantages afforded to assessing and grading automatically are diverse. First,
much of what students do online is saved, archived, and stored. This presents huge
opportunities for instructors and students in the sense of tracking progress and generat-
ing sources of evidence of the student’s learning. Second, the flexible nature of online
learning can be leveraged to support diverse approaches to learning. Students have the
opportunity to do their work when it suits them.
Motivated by these reasons, we developed EduZinc as an open and flexible automated
grading application for both distance and face-to-face courses. The tool not only has
a great flexibility in the creation of content but also provides intelligent feedback. This is
particularly important in the context of distance education. Students drift; motivation and
discipline are often hard to maintain (Gómez-Rey et al., 2016). To counter that, many tools
offer online interaction. Some offer easy creation of personalized material. Some also
include warnings for both instructors and students as the course moves on. Fewer have
exercises that evolve as answers come in. Even fewer suggest new material to cover areas
where the student needs additional support. Some have great flexibility to customize the
rules of all the abovementioned features. Only a few go beyond grading to assessing the
causes of better and worse learning processes, looking at competences in context.
EduZinc has all these features and is ready to expand as new templates are proposed.
The traditional fixation on grading has removed many, when approaching technology,
from the real potential: not automated grading, but automated evaluation. We now have
the in-detail competencies that anticipate and steer the course toward those specific parts
with which the class as a whole struggles the most. Individual assessment of skills and
competencies is now also possible.
These are some of the lessons learned during the development and implementation of
EduZinc. The first is that we do not have to be too ambitious in the creation of our material.
EduZinc is easy to use in both the creation of learning materials and the daily interaction
with students. The first simple achievement that EduZinc has brought is that, because of the
daily feedback and follow-up, students who would typically do none of the exercises of the
course (or wait until the last days before the due date) now do all or most of the compulsory
ones. The EduZinc Student’s Reports become the motivation for them not to lag behind,
while the Instructor’s Reports provide early warnings on students who need support.
This places students in a completely different frame of mind with regard to the course.
First, they are motivated as they see progress and reward every day. Second, they learn
enough basics to challenge themselves to tackle exam-level exercises and other more
demanding course objectives. Third, they ask for tutoring sessions on a regular basis,
making the individual interaction with the instructor a spontaneous process. Finally,
although they are aware of their individual responsibility, they share their personalized
exercises with their classmates to work together toward the solutions needed. If someone
other than the student completes the work, it eventually shows in the abilities the student
must show toward the end of the semester.
The results presented here are the testimony of a subject (“Physics for Engineers”)
where we showed a way to structure a course to increase students’ engagement. It is the
customization, the automation, and the provision of daily feedback that create this
atmosphere and this degree of involvement from both instructors and students. This is
an emergent behavior not foreseen merely by looking at the syllabus of the subject.
Study limitations
Although this study presents an automatic grading tool with certain advantages with
respect to other automated summative assessment systems introduced in the literature, it
is important to highlight that this research work in its current form has a potential
limitation. Our study used two forms of evidence to assess the merits of EduZinc: the
marks obtained by students during the period 2013–2019 and the students’ perceptions
in the academic year 2018/19. Taking into account that the proposed tool was recently
created, the authors do not have a wide range of documentation to justify the extent to
which the students’ success (students’ marks) corresponds to the introduction of the tool
and the extent to which the students’ success (students’ marks) is related to either non-
teaching or teaching-related input variables. Thus, motivated by the study of Gómez-Rey,
Fernández-Navarro, et al. (2018), future research will present a classification model that
relates the technology—EduZinc—and the abovementioned variables to the students’
final mark. This kind of data will help us validate the importance of the proposal.
Notes on contributors
David Becerra-Alonso obtained his PhD from the School of Computing at the University of the West
of Scotland in 2010, where he worked on dynamical chaotic systems. He currently holds a position
as associate professor at the Universidad Loyola Andalucía. His research interests include dynamical
systems and machine learning methods.
Isabel Lopez-Cobo holds a PhD in education from the Universidad de Córdoba and is a lecturer in
education at the Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Spain. Her work focusses on improving the effec-
tiveness of schools, information and communications technology, skill assessment of university
professorate, and the creation of learning communities in disadvantaged environments.
Pilar Gómez-Rey holds an MSc in business administration and an MSc in education and information
and communications technology. She received her PhD in education and information and commu-
nications technology in 2017. She is an assistant professor at the Universidad Loyola Andalucía,
Spain. Her research is focussed on measuring quality in online and distance scenarios.
Francisco Fernández-Navarro received a PhD in computer science and artificial intelligence in 2011. He
was a research fellow in computational management with the European Space Agency, The
Netherlands, and is currently working as associate professor at the Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Spain.
Elena Barbera holds a PhD in educational psychology. She is a senior researcher and director of the
PhD program “Education and ICT” at Universitat Oberta Catalunya and the head of the e-DUS
research group (Distance School and University education). Her research is focussed on educational
psychology and self-regulation in e-learning.
Isabel Lopez-Cobo http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3579-0877
Pilar Gómez-Rey http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1883-4279
Francisco Fernández-Navarro http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5599-6170
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