MIL Module 3 Lesson 1-2-FINAL
MIL Module 3 Lesson 1-2-FINAL
MIL Module 3 Lesson 1-2-FINAL
Types of Media
What I Need to Know
This module will help you achieve Media and Information Literacy (MIL) learning competency:
• Identify traditional media and new media, and their relationships. (MIL11/12EMIL-IIIb-5)
• Editorialize the roles and functions of media in democratic society. (MIL11/12EMIL-IIIb-6)
• Search and look up the latest theories on information and media. (MIL11/12EMIL-IIIb-7)
To help you master the competency mentioned above, you will undergo
Lesson 1: Evolution of Media from Traditional to New Media
Lesson 2: Types of Media
Are you aware of what is happening in your community? Are you still updated
with the current issues that our country is facing today? If yes, good to hear
that! I bet you have your cellphone, television or radio with you to stay updated
on what is happening around. Did you ever wonder how people in the past received
and delivered information or data?
What’s New
Activity 1. Classification of Words: Classify the following communication
tools according to what age they belong. Write your answer in your booklet.
What’s In
As shown in the picture, everything
undergoes a process called
Evolution—implying that nothing is
permanent except change. This
transformation allows every learner to
embrace improvement on the current
situation or undertaking. Learners in
the 21st century era are now exposed to
the new development of media and
information literacy.
Photo by: by
What Is It
As media and information evolve throughout the history, it provided people
with a better and faster access to information that is easier to adopt and to
Below are the different tools that were used in various eras in the
history of communication.
Pre-Industrial Age
Pre-Industrial Age (Before 1700s) - People discovered fire, developed paper from
plants, and forged weapons and tools with stone, bronze, copper and iron.
Source: Ferdinand B. Pitagan, Ph.D, “Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information Literacy” Philippines Quezon City: Commission on Higher Education, 2016, pp.20-21
Other examples:
Industrial Age
Industrial Age (1700s-1930s) - People used the power of steam, developed
machine tools, established iron production, and the manufacturing of
various products (including books through the printing press).
Source: Ferdinand B. Pitagan, Ph.D, “Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information
Literacy” Philippines Quezon City: Commission on Higher Education, 2016, pp.20-21
Telegraph is used for long-distance communication by
transmitting electrical signals over a wire laid between stations.
Source: “Morse Code and the Telegraph”, History, last modified June 6, 2019,
Other Examples:
Electronic Age
Electronic Age (1930s-1980s) - The invention of the transistor ushered in the
electronic age. People harnessed the power of transistors that led to the
transistor radio, electronic circuits, and the early computers. In this age, long
distance communication became more efficient.
Source: Ferdinand B. Pitagan, Ph.D, “Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and InformationLiteracy” Philippines Quezon City:
Commission on Higher Education, 2016, pp.20-21
Other Examples:
• Television (1941)
• Personal computers - i.e. Hewlett Packard 9100A (1968), Apple 1 (1976)
• OHP, LCD projectors
Information Age (1900s-2000s) - The Internet paved the way for faster
communication and the creation of the social network. People advanced the use
of microelectronics with the invention of personal computers, mobile devices, and
wearable technology. Moreover, voice, image, sound and data are digitalized.
We are now living in the information age
Source: Ferdinand B. Pitagan, Ph.D, “Teaching Guide for Senior High School Media and Information Literacy” Philippines Quezon City: Commission on Higher Education, 2016, pp.20-21
Other Examples:
In a democratic society freedom of expression is a fundamental human right and media
plays an important role in providing reliable and accurate information to the people. Media’s
wide reach through different platforms indeed influences how people perceive and take
action on a certain issue.
What’s More
Activity 2. Identify the following kinds of media below as Traditional or New Media.
Copy and write your answer in your booklet.
1. Magazine 6. Tabloid
2. Broadsheet 7. Paperback Novel
3. Radio 8. Television
4. Online Video Games 9. Web Video Portals
5. Online Telephony 10. Messaging Capability
Activity 3. Fill out the table with significant information on your Media Favorites.
Copy the table and write your answer in your booklet.
My Media Favorites
Media Product Local Examples Foreign How did you Why do you like
Examples discover them? them?
✓ As media and information evolve throughout the history, it provided people with
a better and faster access to information that is easier to adopt and to manipulate.
✓ Traditional and new media have both contributed to the society by providing
valuable information and helping people stay connected.
✓ As time goes by media will continue to evolve to meet the demands of the evolving way
of life of people.
✓ Media plays a very important role in this democratic society to be the source of reliable and
accurate information.
✓ Media’s wide reach through different platforms make it possible for people to access
information very easily and this information will greatly influence how people see things
and take actions.
Activity 4. Fill out the missing information found in the table below. Copy and
Write your answer in your booklet.
What Can I Do
Activity 5: Comparison of the Traditional Media to New Media
Compare how people communicate during the sinking of Titanic ship at the
Atlantic Ocean and the communication people use at present on ships like that of
Titanic. You may choose one specific ship to compare to the Titanic ship and provide
pictures of the said modern ship to support your work. You may post your answer in
your FB page and send the link to your teacher.
What I Know
Activity 1: Classify the media sources below according to their type found in the table.
Write your answer in your booklet.
What is it
We associate media to ABS-CBN and GMA, the two biggest mainstream media
in the Philippines. However, have we ever thought why “media” exist? In this
lesson you will understand contents of media, and how issues are presented
through different types of media.
The evolution of the type of media has drastically taken over the world. From
print, to broadcast radio and television and now we have the online media.
➢ Print Media
These print media include Newspapers, magazines,
journals, newsletters, and other printed material serve as
the oldest media forms. . The influence of print media is
therefore significant. Regular readers of print media tend
to be more likely to be politically active. The print media is
responsible for more reporting than other news sources.
Many news reports on television are merely follow-up
stories abopru t news that first appeared in newspapers.
int - edia/
➢ Broadcast Media
Broadcast Media are news reports broadcast via radio and
television. Television news is considered as vital in every country.
➢ Television News
News broadcasting is the medium of broadcasting of various
news events and other information via television, radio, or
internet in the field of broadcast journalism. The content is
usually either produced locally in a radio studioor television
studio newsroom, or by a broadcast network.It may also
include additional material such as sports coverage, weather
forecasts, traffic reports, commentary,
and other material the broadcaster feels is relevant to their audience.
➢ Radio News
Radio is the other type of broadcast media. Before the advent of
television in the 1950s, most Americans relied on radio
broadcasts for their news. Many people listened to radio news
every day, especially during morning and evening commutes.
➢ Talk Radio
Since the 1980s, talk radio has emerged as a major force in broadcasting.
It has a radio format in which the hosts mix interviews with political
commentary. As a result, many talk radio shows are highly partisan. .
What’s More
Activity 2. Identify the types of Media shown in the table below. Copy the
table in your booklet. Mark check if it is Broadcast Media,
Print Media, Film, New Media.
Delivery mode of content in different types of media
Live streaming allows a creator to share creation and idea in real time. It can be
in Broadcast media, but commonly used in online media using Facebook, YouTube
and Instagram as its platform.
Webinars create a room for seminars, trainings, lectures, and discussion using
online media. It can also be use in presenting new products showcasing latest
Podcast is known as “new radio” merged from the word iPod and broadcast. It is an audio
programme done in series and delivered in digital audio. Listeners can access through
online media and download it for offline listening.
Infographics is a visual presentation of information and data. It comes in imagery, charts
and minimal texts which allows the reader to have a quick overview of the concept or
idea. Infographics use print media and online media.
E-books are electronic version of printed books. Stories can be read on computer
or handheld device. One of the advantages of E-book is its “interactivity” and
“personalization”. It is interactive in a way that reader can take note, underline
bookmark a page and go through hyperlinks to gain more information.
Personalization allows the reader to change the font and the backlight.
Activity 4. Answer the following questions: Those who can access the internet,
do this in your FB page and send me the link. Those who cannot,
answer in your booklet.
What I can Do
Activity 5: With the use of coloring materials, pentel pen, pencil, and short bond paper,
make a POSTER showing the effects of Media to your Life. Those who can
access the internet, you may use any app to make a poster. Be creative.
Summary: Please copy in your booklet.
Media- refers to the groups that communicate information and news to people.
Print Media- is the oldest media forms are newspapers, magazines, journals, newsletters, and
other printed material.
Broadcast Media -are news reports broadcast via radio and television.
Television News - is the medium of broadcasting of various news events and other
information via television, radio, or internet in the field of broadcast journalism.
Radio News – is the primary news source of people, especially during morning 7 evening commutes.
Talk Radio – is a radio format in which the hosts mix interviews with political commentary.
The Internet -provides text, audio, and video information, all of the ways traditional media are transmitted.
Weblogs – refer to the written messages of the bloggers regarding their opinions on a variety of issues.
Film / Cinema - is created by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera; by
photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation techniques;
by means of computer animation.
Video Games / Digital Games- refer to various interactive games played using a specialized
electronic gaming device or a computer or mobile device and a television or other display
screen, along with a means to control graphic images.
7. Which broadcasting media uses radio waves to transmit entertaining, informative, and educative content to the public?
A. Television B. Telephone C. Film/ Movie D. Radio
8. A digital tool that allow people to communicate and share and produce content.
A. Print Media B. Social Media C. Broad Casting D.
9. An electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer
facilities around the world.
A. Social media B. Google C. Internet D. Internet Cafe
10. The most read book in the world is the Bible. What type of media is the bible?
A. Religious information B. Old Media C. Printed Media D. Broadcast Media
not just by pictures but with words too. How are you going to do that?
Give the 5 Key Points on the Delivery mode of content in different types of media:
This module 2 is intended for 2 weeks from February 24-March 10.
Please manage your time in answering all the activities.
The Lesson is relatable to you even the activities. Enjoy Learning.
Do not burden yourself thinking it’s too long.
Please copy these in your notebook.
1. It teaches you how to verify the information and acknowledge others’ perspectives.
2. It encourages audiences to think critically.
3. It promotes responsible information sharing and dissemination.
4. It helps you identify and understand the media’s role in our culture.
5. It teaches you to think and decide objectively, factually, and reasonably.
6. It encourages you to participate in public affairs as a citizen actively.
7. It teaches you to create your own content responsibly
8. It makes you better appreciate media products
_____ 1. There has been a huge rise in creativity among the public since the advent of
social media.
_____ 2. E-mail is the most popular online communication technology.
3. There is growing evidence that heavy multitaskers—people who have
screens open at once and who are heavy users of social media—show
less ability
to concentrate and remember things than light multitaskers.
______4. The tools and technologies that are available to journalists today have
the basic principles of journalism.
______ 5. All news outlets need trained journalists with high standards.
______ 6. Technology makes it more difficult to keep up with news today than in
the past
because it is difficult to keep up with all the information.
______ 7. People usually stick to only one trusted news source to get all of
their news.
8. Consumers turn to digital or printed newspapers more than any other
source for most news.
______9. An American Press Institute study found that tech-savvy people use
media far less than anyone else.
10. The best storytellers are those who give audiences a unique
Assessment: (Post-Test)
Multiple Choice. Circle the letter of the best answer from the given choices.
5. People who are getting involved in their communities and democracy at all
levels from local to national and global are called ?
A. Activists B. Reformists C. Active Citizens D.
11. The ability to access, analyze, and respond to a range of media is known
as”Media Literacy.”
A. False B. True C. Maybe D. Neither
Student must mention translating the language into vernacular, and
larger texts.
2 Answers are varied; however, all boxes must be filled.
3 All four examples are FAKE.
4 1. TL 2.TL 3. IL 4. ML
LAS 6: Differences among and between Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and
“Poepsel, Mark. Media, Society, Culture, and You. Southern Illinois University
Edwardsville, 2018.
Staff Report. “Busted: Top fake news in the Philippines this week.” The
Times. March 9, 2018.
pick/2018/03/09/true- queen-elizabeth-ii-calls-pres-duterte-brave-
Travers, Mark. “Facebook Spreads Fake News Faster Than Any Other Social
Website, According to New Research.” Forbes. March 21,
UNESCO IITE. Educating for the Media ad the Digital Age. Austria. 1999.