Reinforce Holes in LVL

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Manoochehr Ardalany1, Massimo Fragiacomo2, Peter Moss1, Andrew Buchanan1
Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch,
New Zealand.
Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning University of Sassari, Italy.


Many practical situations require holes in timber beams. When the hole is large relative to the depth, the failure of the
beam is governed by crack initiation and propagation around the hole. Cracking of a timber beam decreases the capacity
of the beam considerably. This paper presents a method for designing the reinforcement around holes in Laminated
Veneer Lumber (LVL) beams so as to recover their full flexural capacity. The design procedure is complemented by two
worked examples where all verifications are discussed in detail.

KEYWORDS: LVL, Screw, Plywood, hole, reinforcement, tensile stresses

1. INTRODUCTION section, architectural requirements, ease of installation,

and other factors.
Many practical situations including building services
installation and architectural considerations require the The mechanisms developed by plywood and screws to
introduction of holes in timber beams. Introducing a hole control the stresses around the holes are different.
into a timber beam can cause stress concentrations Screws can develop local stress concentrations,
which vary from tension to compression. The inherent whereas plywood uniformly controls the stresses around
low tensile strength of wood perpendicular to the grain the hole due to the large contact area with the LVL. For
makes the beam susceptible to crack initiation and crack thick members where plywood is not so effective, screws
propagation at rather low load levels [1]. A good survey can provide a better means to reduce the stress
of the test methods, results and calculations for the concentrations around holes.
glulam beam have previously been presented by
Danielsson [2]. Riipola [3] used Linear Elastic Fracture
Mechanics (LEFM) to predict the failure load of a glulam
beam with a hole. The expanded formulation had a
number of limitations. Johannesson [4] used the theory
of elasticity for failure load prediction of glulam beams
with holes.

Figure 1 shows a Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) beam

with a hole that has cracked at the perimeter. Around
the hole, the tensile stresses will most likely exceed the
low tensile strength perpendicular to grain, in this way
causing crack initiation. Subsequently, the crack Figure 1. Crack propagation around a hole .
propagation due to the coupled shear and moment in the
beam section reduces the strength and stiffness of the
beam significantly. Reinforcement around the hole is an
effective option for improving the behaviour of the timber Self tapping screws are drilled into the beam to block
beam. Good reinforcement should recover the load the path of the crack propagation, in this way increasing
carrying capacity of the beam completely. Plywood and the load-carrying capacity of the beam (Figure 2).
screws are two alternative methods to control crack Although the screws can handle the tensile stresses and
propagation and to enable the beam to be restored to its control those stresses very well, it may not effectively
original capacity [5]. The choice of the reinforcement stop increased shear stresses in the section of the
type is very much dependent on the stresses in the beam.

Previously presented at the World Conference on Timber Engineering, 2012, New Zealand.


Figure 2 . Reinforcing with screws. Figure 4. Reinforcing with plywood.

The design of the screws is somewhat challenging example of plywood reinforcement to an LVL beam with
because the screws have to meet a number of design a hole. Phenol resorcinol formaldehyde has been used
criteria. The main criteria for the design of the screws for the gluing the plywood to the LVL. The plywood also
are that the screws should carry tensile loads in the has been nailed to the beam to provide a roughly uniform
section without yielding, and without exceeding the glue pressure on the surface. Design of the plywood also
withdrawal capacity. Besides, the screw has to be needs to be addressed carefully. Plywood should be
inserted at sufficient distance from the opening to designed for the tensile forces produced in the section of
prevent wood splitting. Finally, stress concentrations the beam. The plywood dimensions should be large
close to the screw should not cause failure at the tensile enough to cover the stressed area.
edge of the beam. Such an edge failure in an LVL beam
is shown in Figure 3. 1.3. FINITE ELEMENT MODELLING
Crack propagation is a challenge for typical elastic finite
element modelling as the continuity of elements should
be preserved in the elastic model used for the analysis.
There are few models that can handle the crack initiation
and propagation, particularly for wood structures. One of
the possibilities is the use of cohesive elements in finite
element modelling previously used for the connections
[6]. Cohesive elements are defined at a surface or
surfaces in the model where there is the probability of
crack initiation and propagation. The idea of the cohesive
element in crack propagation is to diminish gradually the
stiffness of the elements that have reached the
maximum tensile/shear strength of the material. In this
way, numerical problems are reduced, and crack
propagation can be effectively modelled. Figure 5 shows
an example of using cohesive elements for a 2600 x 400
x 45 mm beam loaded at mid-span. The model can
predict the failure load of the beam with holes accurately
Figure 3. Edge failure in LVL beam reinforced with screws .
(within 3 to 15% accuracy) when compared with the
results from an experimental programme [5].

1.2. PLYWOOD REINFORCING In this paper, the design of both reinforcement methods,
screws and plywood, is discussed and two worked
Another reinforcement option is the use of plywood
examples are presented. The tensile forces due to the
glued to the outer faces of the beam. The plywood and
hole are calculated using an analytical formulation
the beam then form a composite entity, in this way
derived for LVL beams. The proposed design method
decreasing the tensile stresses in the wood. Although
ensures that the load-carrying capacity of the entire
plywood works very well for thin members, it is not of so
beam section is obtained by using the minimum amount
much use in thick beams as plywood cannot reduce the
of reinforcement calculated.
stresses far from the beam surface. Figure 4 shows an


Figure 5. Use of the cohesive elements for crack modelling (units MPa).

2. BEAMS WITH HOLES AND NO with the aim of providing a conservative design
recommendation, the limitation of 50 mm diameter is
Design of LVL beams with holes was studied through a proposed for beam with length to depth ratios of more
comprehensive experimental programme [5]. The than 10. Based on APA recommendations for LVL beams
experimental programme found that for beams 200 mm, [7], a 25 mm diameter hole may be used for beam of
300 mm and 400 mm deep with span length to depth length to depth ratios smaller than 10 without the need
ratios smaller than 10, a 50 mm hole diameter did not to reduce the load-carrying capacity to allow for the
cause any reduction in load-carrying capacity. However, hole.

Figure 6. Drawings of beams with circular (a) and rectangular (b) holes.


3. TENSILE LOAD account size effects. A modification factor of: h
Figure 6(a) and Figure 6(b) show drawings of beams with
holes including notations of geometrical parameters. applied to the final tensile load predicted through
Equation 1 is proposed to take into account the larger
The tensile load due to the shear force and bending
depth. The modification factor was obtained through
moment in each section of a beam was calculated using
finite element analysis of beams with holes.
the so-called strut and tie model. This model assumes
that the moment and shear that could not be transferred Also, for a small eccentricity of the hole along the beam
in the section of the beam due to the hole are depth (10% of beam depth), the numerical analyses
transferred through the strut and tie action around the showed that the tensile load in the reinforcement
hole [5]. increases considerably. Again numerical analyses
showed that a magnifying factor of : ⎛ h d ⎞
The model yielded Equation 1 for tensile load predictions ⎜1 + ⎟
of LVL beams with circular holes. ⎝ h ⎠
can be applied to increase the final tensile load in the
2 3
2V hd (3h2 − hd ) 3 M hd (hd + h) screw.
Ft , d = + 3 (1)
8h3 4 h (h . hd + h2 + hd 2 )
where Ft,d is the design tensile load, V is the shear force
in the section of a beam, hd is the hole diameter as Experimental tests on reinforced LVL beams with holes
shown in Figure 6, and M is the moment in the section of yielded several limitations, in good agreement with the
the beam. Equation 1 has two contributions: (i) the first Swedish glulam handbook [8]. For circular holes
contribution due to shear; and (ii) the second reinforced with fully threaded screws:
contribution due to moment.
h d ≤ 0 .4 h (5)
For square holes the formulation was revised in the
moment term (second term in Equation 1) because the In the case of plywood reinforcement for circular holes,
proposed formulation was over-estimating the tensile the limit in Equation 5 can be relaxed because plywood
load considerably. Equation 2 presents the tensile load increases the shear capacity of the beam locally in the
due to the shear and moment in the section of a beam section, thus:
for a square hole.

2 2
h d ≤ 0.45h (6)
2V hd (3h 2 − hd ) h
Ft , d = 3
+ 0.7 M d3 (2)
8h h The above limitations in DIN 1052 [9] for screw
reinforcement is 0.3h and for plywood reinforcement is
0.4h. The limitation from Equation 5 for screw
Finally, rectangular holes were investigated, and some
reinforcement was decreased slightly for rectangular
formulations were derived for tensile load predictions.
holes due to the corners as below:
Equation (3) provides the tensile load produced due to a
rectangular hole in a section of beam: h d ≤ 0 . 35 h (7)

⎛ β ⎞
( )
2 h
Ft , d = ⎜ 3 ⎟V hd 3h 2 − hd + 0.7 M d3 (3) Equation 7 can be adjusted when using plywood
⎝ 4h ⎠ h reinforcement:

where β signifies the parameter defined as follows:

h d ≤ 0 .4 h (8)

⎛ bh hd ⎞ Finally, for rectangular holes, the dimension limitation

β = Max ⎜ and ⎟ (4)
⎜ 2 2 2 2 ⎟ suggested by the Swedish glulam handbook was adopted
⎝ hd + bh hd + bh ⎠ [10].

It should be pointed out that only Equation 1 was derived b h < 3h d (9)
from the Strut and Tie model, whereas Equations 2, 3
and 4 were obtained through numerical analyses on LVL To avoid long term crushing of the beam, a hole should
beams with holes. have enough distance from concentrated loads and the
supports. A comprehensive study showed that the
The aforementioned formulations were used for beams
distance equal to beam depth is a reasonable distance
up to 400 mm deep. A series of finite element analyses
[11]. Therefore Equation 10 may be used:
on beams with circular holes showed that the predicted
tensile load using Equation 1 underestimates the tensile
⎛ h ⎞
load in the reinforcement for depths greater than S = ⎜ Lc − C − d ⎟ ≥ h (10)
400 mm. A correction factor is required to take into ⎝ 2⎠


Figure 7. Reinforcement by screws.

Parameters are defined in Figure 7. 5.1.2. YIELDING OF SCREW

Tensile stresses due to holes should not cause yielding
in the screw reinforcement. Control of reinforcement
5. REINFORCEMENT stresses can be accomplished by requiring:
Cracks in LVL beams with circular holes usually start at F t,90,
an angle of about 45 degrees relative to the horizontal
< f y, d, screw
axis of the beam at the edges of the hole, while cracking πd 2 (14)
( )
in the rectangular/square holes starts at the corners of 4
the holes because of stress concentrations.
where Ft,90,d is the design tensile force perpendicular to
5.1. SCREW REINFORCEMENT DESIGN the grain calculated from Equations 1 to 4, d is the core
Design of fully threaded countersunk SPAX screws diameter of the screw, and fy,d,screw is the design yielding
should meet the following criteria: (i) distance of screw strength of the screw defined as:
from edges of beam should be enough to avoid splitting
of wood, (ii) screw should not yield due to the tensile f y ,k
f y, d, screw = k mod (15)
stresses, and finally (iii) screw should not withdraw due
to the tensile forces.
and fy,k is the characteristic yielding strength of screw,
OF BEAM γm is a partial safety factor for screw of 1.3 according to
Eurocode 5 [12]. The variable kmod signifies the partial
Figure 7 shows a drawing of a beam with a hole
modification factor for load duration and moisture. Such
reinforced with two vertical screws with edge distances
a parameter should be assumed equal to 1 because
of a1,c , a2,c and a mutual distance of a2. The following
screw design is not affected by the change of the
limitations (Equations 11 – 13) were adopted from the
moisture content in the wood or by the load duration.
German design code DIN 1052 [9] for the distances of the
screw from edges of the beam. The distances ensure 5.1.3. SCREW WITHDRAWAL
that no splitting in the LVL beam can occur.
Screws should not withdraw. Screw withdrawal can be
prevented by using enough embedment length at both
2 . 5 d r ≤ a 1, c ≤ 4 d r (11)
sides of the crack surface.
a 2 ≥ 3d r (12)
Ft,90, d ≤ R ax , d (16)
a 2, c ≥ 2 . 5 d r (13)
R ax, d ≤ Rax , k × k mod / γ m (17)
where dr is the outer diameter of the screw.


Figure 8. Withdrawal length.

where Rax,d signifies the design tensile strength of screw 5.2. PLYWOOD DESIGN
reinforcement, Rax,k the characteristic tensile strength of Design of plywood should meet the following criteria: (i)
the screw, γm partial safety factor that for LVL is plywood should carry the tensile load due to the hole;
assumed equal to 1.2 and finally kmod is a modification and (ii) plywood should cover the portion of beam where
factor for LVL taking into account load duration and tensile stresses exceed the tensile strength of LVL.
moisture content that for permanent loading is equal to
0.6. According to Aicher et al. [13] kax,d can be calculated 5.2.1. CONTROL OF DIMENSIONS
as: Plywood as reinforcement should be glued and nailed/
screwed to both sides of the beam around the holes.
R ax , k = min( R t , u , k , f 1 , k L bd d r ) (18) Nailing/screwing with gluing of plywood to both sides of
the hole provides full bond between LVL and plywood.
Note: Rt,u,k signifies the characteristic tensile strength of Figure 9 provides a drawing of a hole reinforced with two
screw, f1,k the withdrawal strength of LVL, and Lbd the plywood sheets with dimensions shown in the figure.
embedment length of screw. According to the The limitations below should be used for beams with
experiments on LVL specimens [5] the characteristic holes.
withdrawal strength for screws with an outer diameter
of 8 mm can be obtained through the Equation 19.
0 . 25 h d ≤ a r ≤ 0 . 3 ( h + h d ) (22)
f 1 , k = 81 × 10 −6
ρ 2
h 1 ≥ 0 . 25 h d (23)
where ρ is the density of LVL in kg/m3. For 550 kg/m3
density of LVL, f1,k is 24.5 MPa.

Control of the length Lbd is necessary to avoid screw

withdrawal as follows: 5.2.2. TENSILE STRESS CONTROL
The plywood should control the increase in stresses due
L bd ≥ max( 12 d r , L ad ) (20) to the hole. Control of the tensile stresses can be
performed using the following equations:
Lad and Lbd are shown in Figure 8. σ t , 90 , d ≤ f d , ply (24)

Lad is the distance of the crack surface from the upper or

lower edge of the beam. The crack surface is assumed to f t , 90 , k
f d , ply = k mod (25)
begin at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the horizontal γm
surface passing through centre of the hole. Lad is hence
calculated as [5] :
K Ft , 90 , d
σ t , 90 , d = (26)
L ad = 0 . 5 h − 0 . 345 h d (21) 2 ar tr

where σt,90,d signifies the tensile design stress of plywood


Figure 9. Plywood reinforcing on both sides of a hole in a beam.

perpendicular to face grain, fd,ply the design tensile Table 1. Characteristic tensile strength of plywood
strength of plywood perpendicular to face grain, and K is perpendicular to face grain [15].
a factor taking into account the non-uniform stress Class of Characteristics tensile strength of ply-
distribution around the holes in LVL beams. K according plywood wood (MPa)
to Aicher et al. [13] may be taken as 2. Ft,90,d is the design
F22 34.6
tensile force in plywood due to the hole. Parameters ar
and tr are introduced in Figure 9. F17 30
According to New Zealand Standard, NZS 3603 [14], the F14 22
tensile strength of plywood for different classes of
F11 17.3
plywood are as shown in Table 1.
F8 13.5
Ratio of maximum shear to average shear

Ratio of hole size to beam depth

Figure 10. Ratio of the maximum shear to average shear for different hole width to beam depth ratios [5] .


5.3. STRESS CONCENTRATIONS where fv,d is the design shear stress capacity of the LVL
In square and rectangular holes, corner stress defined as:
concentrations occur and shear stresses increase
f v ,k
considerably. According to Bejtka and Blass [16], for f v , d = k mod (30)
rectangular holes with sharp corners the ratio of γm
maximum shear stress to average shear stress varies
significantly with increasing hole diameter to beam where fv,k is the characteristic shear force capacity of the
depth, as shown in Figure 10 for square holes. LVL.
Figure 10 shows that for hd / h = 0.2 the maximum shear
stress produced is 3.3 times the average value and for
hd / h = 0.5 the ratio is 6.4. 5.4. INTERACTION OF HOLES
Control of the shear stresses at the edges of a Interaction of two or more holes (Figure 11) considerably
rectangular opening is necessary and the following decreases the capacity of a beam. Cracks around the
formulations may be used for calculation of the holes joining each other can govern the failure
maximum shear stress [17]: mechanism. Interaction of the holes was investigated
through a set of numerical analyses on reinforced
Vd beams.
τ 2 = κ 2 × 1 .5 (27)
b ( h − hd ) Numerical analyses showed that for distances between
screws greater than 1.5h the screws have no interaction
0 .2
⎛ b ⎞ ⎛h ⎞ to each other. This distance is recommended as a
κ 2 = 1.84 ⎜1 + h ⎟ × ⎜ d ⎟ (28) minimum clear distance between the screws that should
⎝ h⎠ ⎝ h⎠ always be ensured.
where τ2 is the maximum shear produced due to the
hole and applies for 0.1 ≤ bh/h ≤ 1 and , 0 . 1 ≤ h d ≤ 0 . 4
subject to:
The following examples illustrate how the two
τ 2 ≤ f v ,d (29) reinforcement methods can be used to restore the beam
to its original capacity.

Figure 11. Interaction of the holes.


A beam of dimensions 3000 x 300 x 45 mm has been loaded at mid-span. A hole of diameter 90 mm is introduced into the
beam at a distance of 650 mm from the end support. The beam is used within the roof of a house subjected to permanent
loads. The design of the reinforcement using fully threaded SPAX screws of 8 mm outer diameter (see Figure 12) is
required. Assume 2 mm thread for the screw.

Figure 12. Beam with hole reinforced with screws (dimensions in mm).

Controlling hole diameter:

The ratio of the hole diameter (hd) to beam dept (h) is 0.3, which is smaller than the limitation for fully threaded SPAX
screw of 0.40. The reinforcement by screw needs therefore to be designed.

Tensile load perpendicular to grain in screw:

The design here is being performed for maximum shear force in the section of the beam.

The characteristic shear capacity of LVL in the grain direction is [18]:

f v , k = 6 . 0 MPa

Design shear capacity of the section:

6 .0 × 0 .6
f v,d = = 3 . 0 MPa
1 .2
The maximum shear force capacity of the beam section according to Eurocode 5 [19] could be calculated as below:

2 2
Vd = f v , k bd = × 3 . 0 × 45 × 300 = 27 kN
3 3
M d = V d × L c = 27000 × (650 − 50 ) = 16 . 2 kNm
Hence the tensile force in the screw can be evaluated using Equation 1 as:

( )
2 2 3 Mhd ( h + hd )
Ft , 90 , d = Ft ,V , d + Ft , M , d = 3 Vd hd 3h 2 − hd +
8h 4 h 3 ( h.hd + h 2 + hd 2 )

3 16200000 × 90 3 × (300 + 90 )
Ft , 90 , d =
8 × 300 3
× 27000 × 90 × 3 × 300 2
− (
90 2
+ × )
4 300 3 (300 × 90 + 300 2 + 90 2 )
= 5 .2 kN

Design of screw reinforcement:

With the assumption of using fully threaded SPAX screws for the reinforcement, the withdrawal strength could be
calculated as below using Equation 19:

f1, k = 81 × 10 − 6 × ρ 2 = 81 × 10 − 6 × 550 2 = 24 . 5
mm 2


The embedment length of the screw could be calculated using Equation 21:

L ad = 0 . 5 h − 0 . 345 h d = 0 . 5 × 300 − 0 . 354 × 90 = 118 mm

L bd = Max ( L ad ,12 d r ) = Max (118 ,12 × 8 ) = 118 mm

The aforementioned embedment length can carry the following load:

( )
R ax , k = 118 × 81 × 10 − 6 × 550 2 × 8 = 23 .2 kN

R ax , k K mod 23208 × 0 . 6
R ax , d = = = 11 . 6 kN
γ m 1 .2

The embedment length of 118 mm provides 11.6 kN resistance to withdrawal. The above force is higher than the design
force of 5.2 kN in the screw. So that embedment length will be sufficient.

The screw also should not yield. Assuming the yielding strength of the SPAX screw is 400 MPa, the yielding force of the
screw is:

400 × π × 6 2
f = = 8 . 7 kN
So the force of 8.7 kN is bigger than the design axial force of 5.2 kN in the screw. The tensile force due to the hole is
smaller than the resisting tensile force in the screw.

Controlling of distance of screw from edges:

Distance of screw from the edges of the beam from Equation 11 is:

2 . 5 d r ≤ a1 , c ≤ 4 d r
20 ≤ 30 ≤ 32 OK

The distance of the screw from the other surface of the beam from Equation 13 is:
a 2 ,c ≥ 2 .5 d r

Hence the distance of the screw from the edge of the beam should be:

a 2 ,c = = 22 . 5 mm ≥ 2 . 5 d r = 2 . 5 × 8 = 20 mm OK
The distance of the hole from the support is checked through the Equation 10:

⎛ h ⎞
S = ⎜ Lc − C − d ⎟ ≥ h
⎝ 2⎠

⎛ 90 ⎞
S = ⎜ 650 − 100 − ⎟ = 505 ≥ 300 mm
⎝ 2 ⎠
The design is now complete for reinforcement with self tapping screws. Control of other critical actions also should be
performed but this is not included in the worked example.


A beam of dimension 3000 x 300 x 45 mm has been loaded at mid-span. A 90 mm diameter hole is introduced into the
beam at a distance of 650 mm from the end section. The beam is used in the roof of a house and is subjected to
permanent loads (see Figure 13).

Controlling hole diameter:

The ratio of the hole diameter to beam depth is 0.3, which is smaller than the limitation of 0.45 for plywood
reinforcement. Reinforcing by plywood can therefore be used.


Figure 13. Beam with hole reinforced with plywood (dimensions in mm).

Tensile load perpendicular to grain in plywood:

The maximum shear force capacity of the section according to Eurocode 5 [19] is:
f v , k k mod 6 × 0 .6
f v,d = = = 3 . 0 MPa
γ m 1 .2
2 2
Vd = f v , d bd = × 3 . 0 × 45 × 300 = 27 . 0 kN
3 3
M d = V d × Lc = 27000 × 600 = 17 . 2 kNm

The tensile force due to the hole is calculated using Equation 1 as:

( )
2 2 3 Mhd ( h + hd )
Ft , 90 , d = Ft ,V , d + Ft , M , d = V h 3h 2 − hd +
3 d d
8h 4 h 3 ( h.hd + h 2 + hd 2 )

3 16200000 × 90 3 × (300 + 90 )
Ft ,90 , d =
8 × 300 3
× 27000 × 90 × 3 × 300 2
− (
90 2
+ × )
4 300 3 × (300 × 90 + 300 2 + 90 2 )
= 5.2 kN

Plywood Dimensions:
The horizontal dimension of the plywood should be limited by Equation 22:
0 . 25 h d ≤ a r ≤ 0 . 3 ( h + h d )
22 . 5 ≤ a r ≤ 117
The plywood should carry tensile forces due to the hole in the section of the beam according to Equations 24 and 25.
σ t , 90 , d ≤ Rd
ft , k 15
f d , ply = kmod × = 0.6 × = 7.5MPa
γm 1.2
Assuming the use of 9 mm thick plywood, the length of the coverage area is defined by Equation 26:
K F t , 90 , d 2 × 5200 577
σ t , 90 , d = = =
2 ar t 2 × ar × 9 ar

αr ≥ 77 mm then the value αr = 100 mm is chosen.

Using Equation 23, h1 should be:

h1 ≥ 0 . 25 h d = 0 . 25 × 90 = 22 . 5 mm assuming h1 = 50 mm

The actual dimensions of the plywood sheets will be 290 x 190 x 9 mm. Control of the other critical sections, such as the
corners for stress concentrations in the case of square/rectangular holes, should be carried out. In a comparison of both
methods of reinforcement, the use of plywood is more desirable because it avoids stress concentrations that occur
around the screws while increasing the local shear capacity of the beam around the hole locally. Plywood provides
alternative routes for transferring the shear stresses around the hole.


CONCLUSIONS [7] APA, Allowable holes in LVL Report number
T2009L-30, 2009, The Enigineered Wood
The paper presents a design method for LVL beams with
Association (EWA).
holes based on controlling tensile stresses at the edges
of the hole in order to regain its original capacity. [8] Carling, O., Swedish glulam handbook 2001,
Experiments on LVL beams show that screws and Stockholm: Svenskt Limträ.
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[9] DIN 1052, Design of timber structures - General
Worked examples are presented for designs using
rules and rules for buildings (In German), 2008,
screws and plywood as hole reinforcement. Screws and
Construction Standards Committee (NABau) at
plywood can be used for the reinforcement of beams
DIN: Berlin, Germany. p. 239.
with holes. Plywood plates glued and nailed on both
sides of the beam are the preferable reinforcement [10] Aicher, S. and L. Hofflin, A contribution to the
method for LVL beams with holes; however, screws can analysis of glulam beams with round holes.
be used for a limited range of hole diameter to beam Journal of Otto-Graf, 2000. 11: p. 21.
depth ratios.
[11] Ardalany, M., et al., Experimental and numerical
analysis of hole placement in depth of Laminated
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Veneer Lumber (LVL) beams (Accepted).
Australian Journal of Structural Engineering
The authors would like to extend their gratitude to the (AJSE), 2012: p. 1-11.
University of Canterbury and the Structural Timber
Innovation Company (STIC) for funding this research [12] Eurocode-5, Eurpoean Committee for
project. Dr Bruce Deam and Prof Keith Crews assisted Standardization CEN, EN 1995-1-1. Design of
with earlier parts of the research. timber structures-part 1-1: General-common
rules for buildings 2004: Bruxelles, Belgium.
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pFad v3 Proxy

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