Grief & Loss Transes
Grief & Loss Transes
Grief & Loss Transes
I. Types of Losses
a. Physiologic loss When these human needs are taken
b. Safety loss
away or not met for some reason, a
c. Loss of security and a sense of
person experiences loss.
d. Loss of self-esteem TYPES OF LOSSES DEFINITION
e. Loss related to self-actualization Physiologic loss Examples include
II. The Grieving Process amputation of a
a. Theories of Grieving limb, a mastectomy
b. Tasks of Grieving or hysterectomy, or
III. Dimension of Grieving loss of mobility.
IV. Application of the Nursing Process Safety loss Loss of a safe
environment is
KEY TERMS evident in domestic
violence, child
abuse, or public
GRIEF - The subjective emotions and affect violence. A person’s
that are a normal response to the experience home should be a
of loss. safe haven with trust
that family members
GRIEVING - Also known as bereavement,
will provide
refers to the process by which a person
protection, not harm
experiences the grief. or violence. Some
ANTICIPATORY GRIEVING - Is when people public institutions,
facing an imminent loss begin to grapple with such as schools and
the possibility of the loss or death in the near churches, are often
associated with
safety as well. That
MOURNING - Is the outward expression of feeling of safety is
grief. Rituals of mourning include having a shattered when
wake, sitting shiva, holding religious violence occurs on
ceremonies, and arranging funerals. campus or in a holy
TYPES OF LOSSES Loss of security and The loss of a loved
a sense of one affects the need
One framework to examine different belonging to love and the
types of losses is Abraham Maslow’s feeling of being
hierarchy of human needs. loved. Loss
According to Maslow (1954), a accompanies
hierarchy of needs motivates human changes in
actions. relationships, such
as birth, marriage,
divorce, illness, and
death; as the
meaning of a
changes, a person
may lose roles
within a family or and self-actualization is challenging
group. and demands flexibility and focus.
Loss of self-esteem Any change in how
a person is valued at
work or in
relationships or by
him or herself can
esteem. It may be
an actual change or Nurses interact with clients responding
the person’s
to myriad losses along the continuum
perception of a
of health and illness.
change in value.
Death of a loved The therapeutic relationship and
one, a broken therapeutic communication skills such
relationship, loss of as active listening are paramount
a job, and retirement when assisting grieving clients.
are examples of
represent loss and
can result in a threat
to self-esteem. Among well-known theories of grieving
Loss related to self- An external or are those posed by Elisabeth Kübler-
actualization internal crisis that Ross, John Bowlby, George Engel,
blocks or inhibits and Mardi Horowitz.
striving toward
fulfillment may
threaten personal
goals and individual
potential. A person Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1969)
who wanted to go to established a basis for understanding
college, write books, how loss affects human life. As she
and teach at a
attended to clients with terminal
university reaches a
illnesses, a process of dying became
point in life when it
becomes evident apparent to her. Through her
that those plans will observations and work with dying
never materialize or clients and their families, Kübler-Ross
a person loses hope developed a model of five stages to
that he or she will explain what people experience as
find a mate and they grieve and mourn:
have children.
These are losses
that the person will