Actg2 At1 Bsa1b
Actg2 At1 Bsa1b
Actg2 At1 Bsa1b
Discussion questions:
Internal events are triggered by internal functions of a business or by the simple
passage of time and do not involve an external party. External transactions are
triggered by business activity between the organization and outside third parties.
Types of External event:
1. Exchange (reciprocal transfer)- an event wherein there is a reciprocal
giving and receiving of economic resources or discharging of economic
obligations between an entity and an external party.
3. External events other than transfer- an event that involves changes in the
economic resources or obligations of an entity caused by an external party
or external source but does not involve transfers of resources or obligations .
Types of Internal events:
1. Production- the process by which resources are transformed into finished
Ex. conversion of raw materials into finished products, production of
farm products.
1. Historical cost- is a measure of value used in accounting in which the value of an asset
on the balance sheet is recorded at its original cost when acquired by the company.
2. Fair value- is a reference to the estimated worth of a company's assets and liabilities
that are listed on a company's financial statement.
3. Present value- is the current value of a future sum of money or stream of cash flows given a
specified rate of return.
4. Realizable value- is a valuation method, common in inventory accounting, that considers
the total amount of money an asset might generate upon its sale, less a reasonable
estimate of the costs, fees, and taxes associated with that sale or disposal.
5. Current cost- is a valuation method whereby assets and goods used in production are
valued at their actual or estimated current market prices at the time the production takes
6. Sometimes inflation-adjusted cost- is to remove it from all of the values in your analysis by
converting all values to current dollar values and by using a real interest rate – that is,
an interest rate with inflation removed from it