SimSewer Manual 5
SimSewer Manual 5
SimSewer Manual 5
Developed by
Sammy L. Wong
Prof. E. N. Allouche
Table of Contents
Objectives 1
Background and Operating Rules 1
Set-up the program 3
The Interface 4
Getting Started 9
Actions And Options 10
Winning the game 16
Printing the final report 18
Know more about SimSEWER 19
Index 21
The SimSEWER Version 2.0 is a simulation game that assists the player in becoming familiar
with concepts of buried infrastructure management as well as various techniques of sewer
rehabilitation. The player will be asked to manage the network so it will remain within an
acceptable condition for a designated time period using pre-determined levels of financial
4 = Excellent
3 = Good
2 = Borderline
1 = Poor
You know from the consultant’s report that the condition of the sewer deteriorated by a value
equal to 0.333 each year (i.e., it takes nine years to move from Rating 4 to Rating 1). Your
ultimate goal is to maximize the ‘health’ of the trunk sewer represented by its overall score. The
score is given by the following equation:
Score (Section Length) * (Section Rating)
Where ‘n’ is the total number of sections in the network. Every year you are given a fixed budget,
from which you must pay maintenance costs. The balance can be used for capital investments
(either replacement, manhole-to-manhole rehabilitation, or spot repair). Alternatively, you can
invest the balance in the bank and earn interest. You are NOT to borrow money. Maintenance
costs are a function of the condition of the particular pipe segment:
Rating Default Maintenance Costs
per Linear Meter
4 10
3 30
2 50
1 75
If a pipe segment reached Rating 1, it should have been replaced with a new pipe before any
other capital investment could take place. As far as capital investments, you can choose one of
the following three options:
The following ‘Rule Matrix’ summarizes the impact of the above mentioned construction methods
on the rating of a given segment:
Current Rating
1 2 3 4
Replacement 4 4 4 ---
Rehabilitation --- 4 4 ---
Spot Repair --- 2-3 3-4 ---
Fold and Form 3 3 --- ---
*Shaded area indicates new rating after capital investment
There are other rules that will be discussed in the section – Actions and Options.
While following the above rules, you are required to use a limited amount of funds in a limited
amount of time to maximize the “health” of your sewer.
Setup the program
To setup the SimSEWER, simply run the setup.exe in your SimSEWER CDRom. The setup
wizard will bring you through the setup procedures as easy as 1-2-3.
(2) If you do not want to change the directory, click the setup icon to begin the setup procedure.
(3) Click OK. The SimSEWER will be installed into your hard drive.
The Interface
This is the general view of the SimSEWER interface. There are two components: Title Bar and
Title Bar
Map Controls
Title Bar
The Title Bar provides the control of finishing the current year and going on to the next year. Also,
it displays current year, the current score, and average sewer condition rating. By clicking the
faces, you may talk to each of the personnel in your company: your manager, engineer advisor,
sewer inspector, and financial advisor.
Your sewer network is shown in the map. With the map, you have full control of rehabilitation
ability using pop-up manual, and a ful visibility of your sewer condition by the various colors of
your pipes. The pipe colors and their implications are shown in the following table.
The map is fully controllable. In the map control bar, the coordinate of the mouse is displayed in
the left hand side followed by the label control, which will label the manhole or/and pipe when
pressed. You may also choose a category in the first combo box to only display the pipes with a
specified condition.
Only poor is
displayed in red
The map may be zoomed in or out by choosing a ratio in the last combo box. Also, you may zoom
in on the map by right clicking anywhere in the map but not on the pipe. You may also scroll the
map vertically or horizontally by moving the mouse towards the edge of the map.
By right clicking the pipe, you will have a choice of rehabilitation in the pop-up menu. Once you
rehabilitate one of the pipes, the color of the pipe will change to green followed by a
corresponding cost displaying in the adjacent area.
Pipe with poor condition is
displayed in red
Sewer List
Sewer with
red colour
Economy Window
This window shows the current economic situation including interest rate, general inflation rate,
and maintenance inflation rate. To show this window, you may click E in the Title Bar or Window
> Economy in the menu. These rates normally affect the way you invest your money. Click OK to
close the window.
Current Unit Price Window
This window shows the current cost of maintenance and rehabilitation. These values vary with
inflation rate. To show this window, you may click P in the Title Bar or Window > Unit Price in the
menu. Click OK to close the window.
Getting Started
Run the program
To run the program, go to Window Start > Programs > SimSEWER, click SimSEWER.
Interest rate: 4%
General Inflation: 2.5%
Maintenance Inflation: 2%
Game Option: Limited Time of 20 Years
Actions and Options
Once you start the game, you are promoted to the position of municipal engineer trainee
(EngTrainee). You have a pre-determined amount of money every term ($700,000 if you set as
default) and you have choices of rehabilitating the sewers using various kinds of techniques,
including replacing any poorly maintained sewer you want or saving your money to gain interest.
There are two ways to rehab your sewers: in Map or in Pipe List Windows.
Take Action
To rehabilitate or replace the pipe in the map, simply right click on the desired pipe, a pop-up
menu with available methods will be shown. Click the desire method to rehab the pipe. The rehab
cost will be shown on the map for two seconds. The amount will be deducted from your account
automatically. The color of the rehabilitated pipe will be changed to green.
Cancel The Action
If you want to cancel the action, you need to go to the Pipe List Window. See the following
1. Choose the Mouse option in the Pipe List Window.
2. To select a single pipe, click on the pipe. The pipe will be highlighted.
3. For multiple selections, right-click on the first pipe that you want to select, hold the button
and drag down until you reach the end of the pipe that you want to select. The selected
pipes will be highlighted.
4. Then, select one of the options by clicking one of the method icons. The selected pipes
will therefore be rehabilitated or replaced in the next year. The expected condition rating
and cost of that rehabilitation or replacement are calculated automatically in accordance
with the current prices.
Fold and Form
Not Selected
1. Choose All in the Pipe List Window.
2. All pipes will be highlighted.
3. Then, select one of the options by clicking one of the method icons. The selected pipes
will therefore be rehabilitated or replaced in the next year. The expected condition rating
and cost of that rehabilitation or replacement are calculated automatically in accordance
with the current prices.
4. No action is done if the pipe(s) among the selections are not satisfied with the
rehabilitation or replacement condition.
Auto Replace
1. Choose Auto Replace in the Pipe List Window.
2. All pipes with a condition rating of one will be replaced.
Auto Rehab
1. Choose Auto in the Pipe List Window.
2. All pipes with a condition rating of one will be rehabilitated using the Fold and Form
Undo the rehabilitation or replacement
1. You may follow the same procedures as the mouse selection or by selecting all.
2. Make sure that you click the Not Selected icon. The selected pipes will therefore be clear
of all rehabilitation or replacement.
Spot Repair
4. This option can be applied to any sewer with a condition rating of
2 or 3.
5. This option can be used multiple times but it cannot be applied to
a sewer that has been rehabilitated using CIPP. Also, the effect
of this option is reduced with the number of repetitive application.
After using spot repair for 5 years, the condition rating will almost
remain unchanged.
In the Pipe Info window, you may click Chart to see the deterioration curve for this particular
pipe. Also, the total maintenance and rehabilitation cost that you have spent are summarized
Save your money
You may choose to save the money instead of doing any rehabilitation or replacement. You do
not need to do anything. All money that you have not spent in the current year will be
automatically transferred to next year with an applicable interest rate. This means you have
saved your unused money automatically. In the Finance window, the rollover field indicates the
sum of your current balance plus the interest income.
To know how the manager feels, click the Manager picture in the Title Bar.
Your manager will always be concerned about his business status. The
business status is represented by the term Deficit. After you click his picture,
you will see a Deficit Chart. The Deficit will go up and down which represents
the amount of money required to bring your sewers to the maximum condition
rating of 4. The less the deficit, the better state your business is in.
Engineer Advisor
Click Engineer Advisor to know more about the technical aspects of the
rehabilitation and replacement technology. The description of each
available method will be provided. The engineer advisor will report the
history of your individual sewer or you may view it by double clicking the
pipe in the Pipe List Window.
Click Inspector to know about the actual status of your sewer. The inspector
will provide an inspection report. The report shows the actual CCTV
images. Click on the images to enlarge them. Also, you may find the
description of the images. There is no image available if your sewers are in
good condition or above.
Financial Advisor
Click Financial Advisor in the Title bar to see your current financial status.
The report provides a chart of your balance, expenditures, and capital.
This chart is for your reference of your cash flow so that you have an
idea of what you will do next.
Go to next year
When you finish the term, click Next in the Title Bar to go to next year. Notice
that you cannot go back to the previous year. All rehabilitation and replacement
actions will be confirmed once you hit Next.
To smoothly go to the next year, you have to meet the following criteria:
1. Always have a positive balance when you click Next. If you have a negative balance and
click Next, you will be asked to end the game. Choose No to cancel the Manager
Dialogue box and adjust your investment. If you cannot attempt to obtain the positive
balance, click Yes to end the game.
2. Each pipe must not be left at the condition rating of 1 for more than two consecutive
years. Those pipes that are at the second year of a condition rating of 1 will turn to red in
the Pipe List Window as well as in the map. You have to replace them before you start to
invest your money to others.
Pipe #7 needs to be
replaced immediately.
Your manager will fire you in any year if you cannot go on to the next year. You may give up (quit)
the simulation at anytime by clicking Game, Give Up in the menu bar.
A game report will be shown after you are retired or fired. The report will show you your game
statistics, deficits, financial performance, etc. You can also print the report to a file. See Print final
report for details.
If you choose Game, Exit in the menu bar, no report will be shown.
Print final report
To have your own record of the game report, you may print the summary of the game to a file.
The SimSEWER generates two files: *.txt and *.dat.
The txt file is the report of the game. The *.dat file is a file with only raw data of the variables at
each year. You may import the *.dat file to MSExcel and plot your own summary charts.
To print the report to a file, simply click Print To File in the Game Over dialogue box. The Print To
File dialogue box will be shown as follows:
If you use your CD Rom to run the SimSEWER, select one of your folders in your hard drive
where the report files will be saved in. Enter a file name in the appropriate field, click Print button.
You may use Note Pad or any word processor to open the report file. The following is a sample of
the report:
SIMSEWER V1.5 Final Report
Year Capital Exp'd Balance Deficit Score
1 0.70 0.26 0.44 2.02 17,224
2 1.18 0.15 1.03 2.75 15,653
3 1.80 0.15 1.65 3.63 13,829
4 2.46 0.28 2.18 4.54 12,006
5 3.02 2.37 0.65 5.49 10,182
Know more about SimSEWER
Initial Setting
In order to modify the default settings, click Option in File Setting window before loading the pipe
You may set the time horizon from 10 years up to 50 years by simply moving the scroll bar.
If you feel that the budget you have is not high enough to run your business, here you will have
chance to adjust. Also, you may adjust the interest rate and inflation rate. You also can click the
Random or Time Dependent option to increase the difficulty because the SimSEWER will assign
these values randomly.
Rehab Cost
Again, you may adjust the cost of each rehabilitation method. You have your own freedom to
assign the cheapest method to the replacement.
Maintenance Cost
You may adjust the cost of annual maintenance cost. However, you have no control to the order
of the cost. You may also click Cost Adjustment Factor to adjust all maintenance cost
Overall Strategy
There are three basic strategies when running the simulation: Reactive Mode of Operation, The
‘Worst First’ Mode of Operation, and The Proactive Mode of Operation.
Sensitivity Analysis
Run the SimSEWER several times using various initial economic conditions to discover the
effects of economy. For example, keep all other factors as well as the strategic plan constant;
only alter one variable such as interest rate. Try to summarize the results to see how sensitive the
interest is.
Auto Selection, 14 inflation, 11 Reactive Mode, 21
Initial Setting, 21 Rehab Cost, 21
B Inspector, 17 Rehabilitation, 4, 13
balance, 17 interest, 11 Replacement, 4, 13, 15
interface, 6 retired, 19
C rollover, 16
L run, 11
capital, 17
CIPP, 15 label control, 7
color, 7
Color, 7
M save, 16
Current Unit Price, 11 Maint Cost, 21 scroll, 8
Manager, 17 Sensitivity, 22
D Map, 7 Setup, 5
map control bar, 7 setup wizard, 5
Deficit, 17 Spot Repair, 15
method icons, 14
Spot-Repair, 4
N strategy, 21
Economy, 21
Economy Window, 10 Next button, 17, 18 T
Engineer Advisor, 17 time horizon, 21
expenditure, 17 O
time limit, 11, 18
Option, 21 Title Bar, 7
Financial Advisor, 17 P W
Financial Window, 10 Pipe List Window, 7, 9 Worse First’ Mode, 22
fired, 18 popup menu, 13
Fold and Form, 4, 15 print, 20 Z
Print final report, 20
H Print To File, 20 zoom, 8
History, 16 Proactive Mode, 22