Transformation of Sentences
Transformation of Sentences
Transformation of Sentences
of Sentences
Sneak Peek
exclamatory to
REWIND affirmative to
interrogative to
You know that there are four kinds of sentences. assertive
• assertive sentence • exclamatory sentence
• imperative sentence • interrogative sentence
You also know that there are two kinds of assertive sentences.
• affirmative sentence • negative sentence
Now, take a look at these sentences.
• How beautiful is this rose!
This is a very beautiful rose.
• What a great victory!
It was a great victory.
The first sentence in each pair is an exclamatory sentence, and the second is
an assertive sentence. But, both the sentences convey the same idea. Hence,
we see that it is possible to change an exclamatory sentence into an assertive
It is also possible to change an affirmative sentence into a negative sentence
without altering the meaning. For example,
• I was doubtful of your success.
I was not sure of your success.
• Where there is smoke, there is fire.
There is no smoke without fire.
assertive sentence
We can also change an
interrogative sentence into an
without changing the mcaninq. For example,
What if i am late?
It does not matter if I am late, sentence contains
If the assertive ever in the
• Is there any sense in waiting for him it becomes Forexample,
for three hours? interrogativesentence.
never asked you its
There is no sense in waiting for him for price?
Did I ever ask you its
three hours,