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1 s2.0 S0032591015005549 Main
Powder Technology
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Numerical simulations with the discrete element method (DEM) and corresponding experimental investigations
Received 4 May 2015 were carried out to understand and to quantify the heat transfer in indirect heated rotating drums. Monodisperse
Received in revised form 2 July 2015 glass spheres (diameter 2 mm) were used and the bulk movement was kept within the rolling motion mode
Accepted 15 July 2015
(rotational speed between 1 and 9 rpm). The focus is on the heat transfer between the covered wall and the
Available online 23 July 2015
particles in contact with this wall, as well as between the particles on the free bed surface and the adjacent
fluid. Radiative heat transfer has been neglected due to the low maximum temperature within the system
Discrete element method (474 K). Effective heat transfer coefficients for the heat fluxes mentioned were derived from the DEM simula-
Numerical simulation tions, considering the actual particle velocities on the free bed surface and on the wall.
Experimental investigation The particle movement and the heat transfer resulting from the simulations show good agreement with the
Rotary drum experiments in general and thus allow the calculation of the effective heat transfer coefficients for the range of
Contact heat transfer parameters considered in the current study.
© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
0032-5910/© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
H. Komossa et al. / Powder Technology 286 (2015) 722–731 723
corresponding experiments and therefore allows a statement how reli- The particle velocity (particle velocity on the free surface of the bed
ably DEM is able to predict indirect heat transfer in rotating drums. as well as the slip velocity between particles and drum wall) is recorded
Note that it has already been shown in [6] that the mechanical be- by a video camera which allows the determination of particle move-
haviour of the bed can be reliably reproduced by DEM for the current ment relative to the drum wall. Note that these measurements were un-
experimental configuration. The simulated dynamic angle of repose, dertaken within an acrylic glass drum lined with sandpaper to provide
the thickness of the active layer and the particle velocity on both the the same roughness as in the sandblasted steel drum. Same mechanical
bed surface and the drum wall were compared with measurements behaviour was verified by a comparison of the dynamic angle of repose
for different Froude numbers. It has been shown that the particle move- in both drums. A small sandpaper-free gap (30 × 30 mm) of the acrylic
ment in rotating drums can be described by DEM simulations with good glass wall allows recording the relative velocity between bulk and drum
accuracy in the rolling and slumping bed motion. The present work ex- (slip).
tends the prior results by corresponding heat transfer experiments and The Froude number used in the following to characterize the indi-
simulations. vidual experiments is defined as the ratio of centrifugal force to gravita-
tional force:
2. Experimental setup
ω2 R 2πn
Fr ¼ with ω ¼ ð1Þ
g 60
The test rig shown in Fig. 1 was used for the measurements. The
drum consists of two steel tubes with a length of 500 mm (cold part)
and 350 mm (heated part), with a wall thickness of t = 2 mm and an with rotational frequency n, drum radius r and gravitational force g.
inner diameter of D = 300 mm. The inclination angle of the drum is The drum was driven by an electric motor with 1.5 kW and controlled
zero. Batch experiments are carried out in the heated part of the drum by a frequency converter to obtain constant rotational speeds. Rotational
filled with bulk material. The inner wall of the heated drum was speeds between 1 and 9 rpm were used in the current experiments to en-
sandblasted to provide a greater roughness. sure the rolling motion mode. The corresponding Froude numbers are
The left part of the drum was heated by an electrical heating band on Fr = 1.7 × 10−4 and 1.4 × 10−2, respectively. U = 0 rpm (static bed) is
the outside of the steel drum and insulated against the other drum by a used as a reference case.
closed split wall made of fibre alumino-silicate-glass coated with silicone. Monodisperse glass spheres with dP = 2 mm were used as bed ma-
The unheated drum provides space for the measurement instrumenta- terial. The material properties of the glass spheres are shown in Table 1.
tion of the heated drum. On the inner wall of the heated drum a friction The filling degree in the experiments was f = 15%.
thermocouple was installed to measure the wall temperature and to con-
trol the power supply to the heating band. A slip ring at one end of the 3. Heat transfer within DEM
drum ensured energy supply of the rotating heating band. A measuring
rod with eight thermocouples (5 mm distance between the thermocou- In a discrete, particle based description the movement of each single
ples, the first thermocouple being 5 mm from the drum wall) was particle in the bulk is described by simultaneous integration of
installed in the bulk to measure the bulk temperature at eight radial po- Newton's, Euler's and heat conduction equations in the individual parti-
sitions. Note that a separate thermocouple was located outside the bulk cles while incorporating all mechanical and thermal interactions among
(centrically above the free bed surface) in the gas phase to measure gas the particles, the wall and the free surfaces [12–14]. In this study the dis-
phase temperature approximately 5 mm above the bed surface. The heat- crete element code of LEAT [15–18] was used. The particles are consid-
ed drum is closed by a steel plate on the left front end. The steel plate has ered as soft spheres, the linear spring dashpot model is used for normal
a central orifice of 150 mm diameter which is open to the surrounding air. and tangential forces. To allow particle rolling translational as well as ro-
According to the manufacturer, the uncertainty of the used thermocou- tational motion are resolved. Further details on the mechanical models
ples is 0.75% of the measured value or at least 2.5 K. The uncertainty of used may be found in [19].
the instrumentation is approximately 1.0 K and the uncertainty by heat Depending on the material pairing (particle–wall and particle–
conduction along the measuring rod can be estimated to be below particle) the coefficients of friction, rolling and restitution have dif-
0.5 K. The analysis showed a maximal uncertainty of 5.2 K. Corresponding ferent values. The required coefficients for the two pairings were de-
error bars are complemented in the figures. termined experimentally [17] and are summarised in Table 2.
Table 1 Table 3
Material properties of investigated glass spheres (experiment and simulation). Simulation parameters.
Dynamic coefficient of friction [–] 0.1966 0.254 0.023 The boundary condition on the free bed surface is defined by the
Static coefficient of friction [–] 0.231 0.735 0.031 convective heat exchange with the particles on the surface of the so
Coefficient of rolling friction [m] 0.62 × 10−4 1.90 × 10−4 5.67–10−5 called “active layer” [2], where the particles continuously move down-
Coefficient of restitution [–] 0.904 0.768 0.071
hill, as caused by the dynamic angle of repose (see Fig. 2).
H. Komossa et al. / Powder Technology 286 (2015) 722–731 725
with Ra being:
li g T surf ;i −T fluid
Ra ¼ Pr Gr ¼ Pr ð14Þ
ν2 T fluid
pffiffiffiffiffiffi p ffiffiffiffiffi
Nuforced;lam;i ¼ 0:664 Re Pr ð16Þ
0:037 Re0:8 Pr
Nuforced;turb;i ¼ : ð17Þ
1 þ 2:443 Re−0:1 ðPr 2=3 −1Þ
Due to the partially open left side wall of the drum convection be- 3.1. Effective heat transfer coefficients
tween drum and surroundings can occur. Therefore the fluid above
the active layer has a lower temperature than the bulk in the drum. For an indirect heated rotary drum the heat transfer coefficient be-
Thus the heat loss of the i'th particles on the free bed surface can be de- tween the covered wall and the particles in contact with this wall is of
fined as: great importance. With DEM simulations an effective heat transfer coef-
ficient can be derived which reflects the influences like particle sizes,
drum diameter or rotational speed. This heat transfer coefficient can
Q i;∞ ¼ α i Ai T Fluid −T surf ;i ð10Þ
be used later on in continuum models for drum layout. Because contin-
uum models always assume a uniform temperature within the bulk all
where Tfluid is the fluid temperature, measured by the thermocouple
further definitions are based on a mean bulk temperature TS (although
above the free surface as mentioned section experimental set-up, Tsurf,i
local temperatures in DEM would be available).
is the surface temperature of the particle, and Ai is the surface area of
For the definition of the effective heat transfer coefficient the follow-
the particle exposed to the fluid. For simplicity it has been assumed
ing three heat fluxes in a rotary kiln (see Fig. 2) must be balanced:
that half of the sphere surface area is exposed to the fluid. αi is the
heat transfer coefficient.
free and forced convection) can be expected the approach of Churchill Q S ¼ m cP ¼ Q s;i ð19Þ
[24] was chosen. Numixed,i is then calculated as follows:
where m is the mass of all particles, cP is the heat capacity of the bulk
and dTS/dt is the temporal change of the mean bulk temperature.
Numixed;i ¼ 3 Nu3 forced;i þ Nu3 free;i ð12Þ
The convective heat transfer is defined as follows:
with Nufree,i for the flow around a single particle (Raithby [25]): Q FBS ¼ α FBS A FBS ðT Fluid −T S Þ ¼ Q i;∞ ð20Þ
Pr with Q i;∞ from Eq. (10). αFBS denotes the total convective heat transfer
Nufree;i ¼ 0:56 Ra þ 2 ð13Þ
0:846 þ Pr coefficient between bulk and fluid.
726 H. Komossa et al. / Powder Technology 286 (2015) 722–731
dT S
m cP −α FBS A FBS ðT Fluid −T S Þ
α WS ¼ dt : ð21Þ
ðT W −T S Þ A
Fig. 5. Relative frequency of particle velocity at the free bed surface for different rotational
Fig. 3. Relevant heat fluxes (DEM). speeds.
H. Komossa et al. / Powder Technology 286 (2015) 722–731 727
Fig. 6. Relative frequency of convective heat transfer coefficient at the free bed surface.
higher the number of revolutions the higher the bulk core temperature, Fig. 8. Heat conduction into the static bulk.
an indication that particle mixing is accelerating bulk heating.
A comparison with experiments for the static bulk (u = 0 rpm, filling
degree 15%) is given in Fig. 8. The outer wall was heated to a maximum
temperature of TWall = 474.3 K. T8-simulated (close to free bed surface) is initially higher than T5-
The wall is heated with 1.5 kW and the temperature continuously simulated (further within the bed) which indicates that initially heat
increases from 293 K to 443 K after 100 min. The thermocouples T1 to is transferred from the gas phase to the bulk. When time is progressing
T8 measure the temperature in the bulk at different levels, T1 is located T8 becomes lower than T5 (see for example at 6000 s) which means that
close to the drum wall and T8 is located near the bed surface (but within heat is then transferred form the bulk to the gas phase. The same effect
the bed). The simulated particle temperatures at these designated levels is present in the experiments.
show a very good agreement with the measured temperatures from the Fig. 9 (U = 1 rpm) and Fig. 10 (U = 3 rpm) show the temperature
experiment. The maximum deviation is 9.6% at thermocouple T5 after a evolution of the heated wall, the thermocouples T1 and T8 and the air
time of 17 min and decreases with time. Steady state has still not been atop the particle bed. The maximum temperature difference between
reached after 17 min. T1 and T8 is ΔT = 24.3 K at U = 1 rpm and is only ΔT = 7.6 K at
Note that the fluid inside the drum is heated faster initially by the U = 3 rpm, thus increasing the rotational frequency reduces the tem-
hot drum wall than by the bulk surface. This is why the temperature perature gradient in the bulk.
Fig. 7. Particle temperature evolution at t = 25 min for the different rotational frequencies.
728 H. Komossa et al. / Powder Technology 286 (2015) 722–731
Fig. 10. Temperature evolution of the moving bulk at U = 3 rpm. Fig. 12. Temperature evolution at different rotational frequencies.
H. Komossa et al. / Powder Technology 286 (2015) 722–731 729
Fig. 14. Slip velocity and rotational frequency around particle axis. Fig. 15. Comparison of effective heat transfer coefficients (experiment and DEM).
730 H. Komossa et al. / Powder Technology 286 (2015) 722–731
When correcting the contact time with the simulated contact time (in-
cluding slip) the agreement improves.
Latin symbols
kilns was experimentally investigated and compared with DEM simula- Greek symbols
tions. Bed material were monodisperse glass spheres with a diameter of αWS [W/(m2 K)] Effective heat transfer coefficient wall–bulk
dP = 2 mm in a drum of D = 300 mm. Rotational speed was varied from βi [m/s] Diffusional mass transfer coefficient of species i
τ [kg/(m s2)] Stress tensor
1 to 9 rpm with 0 rpm as a reference case.
αBF [W/(m2 K)] Effective heat transfer coefficient bulk–fluid
The heat transfer model implemented in the DEM-code was initially γ [–] Filling angle
verified by comparing simulations and measurements of the heating of λ [W/(m K)] Thermal conductivity
a static bulk in the rotary kiln. The simulation of a static bed allows dif- ε [–] Emissivity
ferentiating between conductive heat transfer and effects which stem θ [–] Poisson's ration
μ [Pa s] Dynamic viscosity
from particle movement. With a maximum deviation of 9.6% between
ν [m2/s] Kinematic viscosity
simulated and measured bed temperatures the validity of the heat con- ρ [kg/m3] Density
duction model implemented in the DEM-code was shown. σ [W/(m2 K4)] Stefan–Boltzmann–Constant (σ = 5.67 ⋅ 10−8)
In the current study the convective heat transfer coefficient between τ [–] Catalyst tortuosity
free bed surface and surrounding gas were incorporated by Nusselt ψ [m2/s] Thermal diffusivity
ϕ [–] Porosity/void fraction
number correlations for free and forced convection. The calculation of
forced convection needs the knowledge of the relative velocity between
particle and gas phase. By assuming that the gas phase is stagnant the
problem reduces to the detection of the particle velocity. Frequency dis-
The current study has been funded by the German Federation of In-
tributions of particle velocities at the free bed surface were extracted
dustrial Research Associations (AiF) within the project AiF 17133 BG/2
from DEM simulations. It could be shown that the mean value of the dis-
and by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the project
tribution rises and the distribution broadens for increasing rotational
SCHE322/10-1. The authors would like to acknowledge the generous
speeds. In case of a static bulk the heat transfer coefficient has a value
of αFBS = 39.3 W/(m2 K) and increases by only 38.1% (9 rpm). The influ-
ence of the forced convection is thus relatively small.
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