Restaurant Plaza Activity PDF
Restaurant Plaza Activity PDF
Restaurant Plaza Activity PDF
WARNING: If there ar e conflicts between a stated word and the number/ amount/ fi gure
described, the stated spelled w ord shall prevail . Should there be conflicts between
two (2) stated quantities, the higher f igure shall prev ail.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For this format of the examination in this subj ect, the examinee
shall be allowed to make full use (open books) ONLY of RULE VII and VIII of the
2004 Revised Implem enting Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Presidential Decree No.
1096, otherwise known as the 1977 National Building Code of the Philippines (NBCP)
i.e. ONLY as dow nloaded and reproduced f rom the PRB -Arc w ebsite at . The use of other IRR versions are specif ically
disallow ed during this examination.
A developer has decided that its newly acquired property with a total lot area
(TLA) of four thousand fi ve hundred square meters (4500 m2) shall be developed to
host a restaurant plaza . The property is zoned as C -2 and is located somewhere in t he
less busy parts of Pasig Cit y.
The proj ect site is a rectangular in shape and is an inside lot with a one hundred
meter (100.00 m) wide frontage. Provide a five meter (5.00 m) wide dri veway on both
sides and a six -meter (6.00 m) wide ser vice driveway at the back. The proj ect site
unifor ml y slopes at ei ght percent (8.0%) towards a twent y -meter (20.00 m) wide RROW
located in front. The said RROW has 2.40 m wide sidewal ks on both each side. The
surface of the sidewal k adj oining the vacant front lot shall be considered as elevation
0.0 m. To the left of t he proj ect site is a private hi gh school building. To its ri ght is a
residential condomini um building. To the r ear of the proj ect site are proposed three -
storey single detached residences.