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Solar Arcs Chart

Dragan Jekić
08-11-1968 10:30 GMT+1.0
Kragujevac, Serbia

Solar Arc
01-01-1969 17:14 GMT+0.0
Kragujevac, Serbia

Copyright© 2023 - Astrology Master

Sun in Capricorn
Your Sun is in the zodiac sign of Capricorn indicating that
you're a serious and responsible individual with a strong
awareness of the 'right way of doing things'. You've the
ability to work steadily and honestly towards achieving your
ambitions in life. Others grow to respect your reliable and
steadfast personality, particularly as you grow older. In fact,
the people in your life come to rely on your ability to be a
remain calm and detached in times of crisis. Mostly, you
enjoy this role, perhaps even unconsciously adopting a
superior attitude to those less calm and sedate individuals.
You're ambitious, and enjoy working long hours to
methodically and patiently achieve your objectives, as long
as you consider the goal worthy of attention. You indeed
have the ability to work through a mountain of work, and
eventually get to the top, through patience and an ability to
create structure.

Moon in Leo
This year you are in high spirits, noticeably so. Perhaps a
new romance, or you may just be pleased with yourself and
your life; you may have made changes that have turned out
well, or may simply be feeling cheerful under adversity,
making lemonade from lemons. You can't keep the smile off
your face, others notice and be drawn to your fun loving
nature. You need warmth, fun, laughter and company.
Perhaps you find new activities and hobbies, or new creative
expressions. If you are drawn to the arts artistically inclined
then you are likely to increase your involvement and receive
more recognition. If not, your creativity finds other outlets. If
misfortune strikes, you are surrounded by loved ones and
are able to feel good.

Mercury in Sagittarius
The planet of communications in a fire sign this year
indicates you are open to new ideas and activities. You
enjoy expressing yourself freely and are quick to voice your
opinions, but be careful not to be too outspoken or your
popularity may wane. If you judge the mood of your listeners
you are likely to inspire a positive response. You also need
to learn not to take on too many projects, prioritise what
matters most, or you could become overloaded and tense. If
you attempt too much you are doomed to disappoint
yourself and associates. You may start a new intellectual
activity, such as public speaking, writing, marketing and
public relations, or performing, and may also enjoy learning
a new skill, or developing your talents.

Venus in Aquarius
The planet of love in an Air sign this year indicates that you
seek stimulation in love and money matters, are open to
ideas and eager to communicate, rather than. You may be
interested in speculation, although perhaps not ready to
make a commitment to a particular person or course of
action. If you are single then you are likely to be attracted to
someone who stimulates your mind, and quickly dismiss
anyone who bores you. If you are attached, you are looking
to create quality time for two-way communication. If your
need for stimulation is not met this year, then you are likely
to feel restless. Look at other aspects of your annual chart
for more details on your love life and money matters.

Ascendant in Pisces
Your birthday chart Ascendant is in Pisces, a sensitive sign
--- nudging you into areas that draw on the compassionate
and caring side of your nature...your journey is focussed on
spiritual matters, not mundane ones. This year you may
discover your true calling in life, as you reflect on spiritual
riches, rather than material ones. At times you may feel
overwhelmed by practicalities, so need to make sure that
you eat and sleep well, and deal with the basic requirements
of life. You may be required to focus on someone else's
needs, sacrificing your own, but you learn a lot about love.
You may have to adapt, but you are likely to learn much
about yourself and your loved ones in the process.


Sun in 1st House
Self-development is the major theme of your year. Keen to
master many aspects of your own life, in particular your self-
expression, you want to shine as the major player in your
life. Circumstances may force you to face facts, but you are
also eager to embrace a new sense of self, expending a lot
of time and energy on pursuits that promote your own well
being. Others may feel a little neglected, as you feel that you
don't need other's co-operation, but be aware of the
consequences of your actions right now. If you act too
selfishly then you may discover that others leave you to
enjoy your own company. If you have been working on a
project behind the scenes then this year you truly shine.

Moon in 7th House

The changeable Moon is influencing the area of marriage
and business partnerships this year. If you are married
perhaps your spouse's situation has changed and you are
now required to take a different role. Even if single, your own
needs are put on hold while you take care of someone
significant, or wait for them to sort their life out, and you
need to take on a caretaker role. On the other hand the
Moon may stir up some strong feelings when it comes to
marriage and relationships, challenging you to break out of
old patterns and embrace a new way of relating. You may
meet someone significant who makes you realize that your
life needs to change and lead you to make a rewarding,
fulfilling commitment.

Mercury in 12th House

Undercurrents come to light this year that you might not
have been aware of. Someone or something is not as it
seems, not acting in your best interests. Your lessons: keep
your thoughts to yourself if possible so you don't say the
wrong thing, act with integrity in all areas, and realize that
you cannot control other people's behaviour. Go with the
flow, changing what you can, and let go of the rest. Time to
take a back seat if you are have been busy and mentally
overloaded, for pushing yourself now you are likely to
become tense, perhaps even distressed, and alienate
It is a good year for solitude, meditation, rest and relaxation.
Or focus on an imaginative or philanthropic project.

Venus in 1st House

During the this year you are likely to attract warm and loving
friends. If you are single you may meet someone significant
and fall in love, or perhaps enjoy a more fulfilling social life
and attract a choice of lovers. If you are married your
spouse features more prominently in your life, the romance
and excitement rekindled. But there may also be challenges
about how you relate...is it real, or a façade that protects
you from being hurt, and if the latter are you comfortable
with your image or is it time for a makeover? If you decide
that your lover is asking too much then you are able to
attract someone new. Make sure you’re following your heart,
and not avoiding intimacy.

Mars in 10th House

You are keen to take action to achieve your life-long goals. If
you have been settling for second best in your career, now
you are likely to challenge authority. If you are self-employed
then you may take a different direction on your own accord.
If you are an employee then you are likely to lay down your
demands before your boss and seek employment elsewhere
if need be. At times your career may feel a bit like a
battlefield, as you vie for either your own autonomy, or top
position. You may feel a bit driven this year, a kind of "now
or never" feeling. But avoid making rash decisions that have
long-reaching consequences. You may get married or
actively seek someone suitable for marriage.
Jupiter in 10th House
This year you’re in the right place at the right time when it
comes to career and marriage. Follow your intuition and
career opportunities will keep turning up, and your marital
status advance. If single you could experience a "heart
beating", "must marry this person" feeling when meeting
someone. If married you may experience a renewed sense
of hope and love in your marriage...together you can
conquer the world! If living alone you may travel through
your job, or perhaps witness a loved one's wedding. Your
career is likely to advance in leaps and bounds if you have
laid the groundwork, but if past decisions were foolish you
may have to make up ground this year. Your reputation is
prominent, whether it is good or not so good.

Saturn in 5th House

Playtime is limited by or to work this year. Perhaps your
heavy work load means you must cancel holiday plans, limit
social occasions, and squeeze in a little play sometimes.
Alternatively your sense of fun comes from a satisfying
work project. You may play and work with children, or take
on responsibilities in a creative field. Possibly a decision to
have a child requires extra work. You may discover that,
when you try to plan some rest and recreation, it creates
extra responsibilities. Learn to incorporate more creativity
into daily life and work environment. Most of your spare
time may be taken up by a child, or creative project. If you
have always wanted to start a creative work project with
long term results, this is your year.
Uranus in 11th House
With the planet of change in the friendship sector this year,
the obvious meaning is that your social circle is altering. If a
new relationship or relocation has triggered this shift, you
may encounter some resistance from your old contacts, but
true friends will support your decisions. Possibly you have
changed your interests and old friends are no longer in
contact. This is your opportunity to strip any social facades
and live your life authentically, surrounded by like-minded
individuals who value the real you. You may join a new and
creative group this year. It is also time to re-evaluate your
hopes, dreams and wishes. Dreams do come true, but you
need to explore your options rather than opting for the
status quo.

Neptune in 1st House

This is a year of self-realisation, either an enlightening and
uplifting process, or an uncomfortable comprehension of a
few home truths. It is as if you are looking at an out-of-focus
reflection in a mirror. You are confused, perhaps unsure of
facets of your life. Try to see yourself with love, and make
adjustments to ensure that your life is fulfilled. Have you
have fallen into lazy habits, taking the easy way out? You
need to be open to possibilities and choose the most
positive course of action. It isn’t easy but it helps you grow.
You may need to improve your physical self, perhaps with
diet or exercise, and then look beyond to improving your
spiritual self. Honour yourself, stare down fears, and follow
your own dreams.
Pluto in 10th House
Prepare for your date with destiny. Pluto is influencing your
life direction, and the time has come to reassess your
influence in society, your role as an authority in your field,
career satisfaction and your marital status. This soul-
searching will challenge you to make changes. If you are
satisfied with your current career you may choose to stay
with it and seek more responsibility, but if dissatisfied you
may seek a new career path. Matters of power could be
prominent in your profession, but you are advised to work to
the best of your ability and co-operate with authority, not
going head to head. If single you change your life course by
getting married. Or your life direction may change because
you become a parent.

Sun(Dragan Jekić) Square Moon(Solar Arc) - (Orb:
This is a memorable year. Right now your feelings are
intense, threatening your peace and happiness, because you
are being urged to move out of your comfort zone and
accept new challenges. You need to face emotional truths
and make changes or your health may suffer. Let go of
unnecessary emotional burdens, particularly hurtful
memories, abusive relationships and unhealthy habits. Don't
let your emotions rule you but use your thoughts positively.
One chapter of your life is closing and the next begins, and
you will discover renewed vitality and a sense of carrying a
lighter load. When you look back on this year you will view
the changes in a positive light, feeling that a new episode of
your life is starting, with a clean slate.

Sun(Dragan Jekić) Square Venus(Solar Arc) - (Orb:

The planet Venus is never more than 48 degrees away from
the Sun. Therefore only two aspects - a conjunction and
semi-square - are possible.

Sun(Dragan Jekić) Conjunction Jupiter(Solar Arc) -

(Orb: 7.74)
Jupiter here indicates that you can enjoy a year of growth
and success. You are able to see your own life in terms of
the big picture. You are likely to feel like a super hero,
optimistic, gladly trying out new activities and ventures.
Others notice your enthusiasm and may make you a magnet
to draw to you for a beneficial mentor, teacher, or
benefactor. This is one of those years when doors open
almost as soon as you state your request. You are free to
explore new options and able to take great strides towards
your goals. Beware of becoming greedy, or arrogant. An
attitude of gratitude can help you on your journey. This is
also your year to become a benefactor, teacher or mentor.

Sun(Dragan Jekić) Sextile Neptune(Solar Arc) - (Orb:

The message this year is: "time to follow your dreams". You
are seeking more magic in your life….a romantic liaison,
artistic inspiration, spiritual enlightenment or remote and
beautiful holiday. If you are a dreamy type, you may be even
more soft and creative. If an ambitious, practical and
analytical type, you may notice the softening effect and at
first you may feel a little lost, lacking your usual clarity. Slow
down, contemplate, or illness may force you to. Follow your
dreams in a way that does not burn bridges. Not an
auspicious time to make sound financial decisions. Explore
the spiritual, explore your artistic talents. Fall in love , but
don't commit until you have passed through this phase.
Avoid drugs, alcohol, religious sects and unscrupulous
business deals.

Sun(Dragan Jekić) Conjunction Pluto(Solar Arc) -

(Orb: 3.49)
Quite simply the message is: "it is time to be true to
yourself", and themes of truth and transformation play out
during the course of this year. This is your year to manifest
the glory of God that is within you. Do not be afraid of your
power, but actively share your light with the world. The
challenge is to allow the process of transformation to take
place because any obstacles that stand in your path are
likely to be removed. This can be an uncomfortable feeling,
to say the least, if you are attached to someone or
something that is detrimental to truly giving of yourself to
the world. Nevertheless the time is right for you to be
liberated from any negativity, and to find renewed purpose.

Moon(Dragan Jekić) Quincunx Sun(Solar Arc) - (Orb:

This is a memorable year. Right now your feelings are
intense, threatening your peace and happiness, because you
are being urged to move out of your comfort zone and
accept new challenges. You need to face emotional truths
and make changes or your health may suffer. Let go of
unnecessary emotional burdens, particularly hurtful
memories, abusive relationships and unhealthy habits. Don't
let your emotions rule you but use your thoughts positively.
One chapter of your life is closing and the next begins, and
you will discover renewed vitality and a sense of carrying a
lighter load. When you look back on this year you will view
the changes in a positive light, feeling that a new episode of
your life is starting, with a clean slate.

Ascendant(Dragan Jekić) Conjunction Sun(Solar Arc)

- (Orb: 5.23)
You are likely to take centre stage in your own life this year,
even if you usually stay in the background, taking care of
other people or organising events from behind the scenes.
This year your talents are recognised, and you can enjoy the
accolades. You may feel inspired to push forward with your
own aspirations and plans. This is your year to focus on
yourself, to assert your own needs and to shine in areas of
your choice. You may discover that you are in the right place
at the right time, on more than one occasion. Make an
honest appraisal of your own gifts, and then make the most
of the opportunities that come your way. Don't hide your
light under a bushel.

Midheaven(Dragan Jekić) Sextile Sun(Solar Arc) -

(Orb: 7.87)
This year you are teetering on the edge of a major life
change, the direction up to you. Set aside time to reassess
your career goals, your marital status and your ambitions.
You can achieve your goals if you steer a steady course,
make the most of the opportunities and stay focused. If
typically a stay-at-home type your friends and family are
likely to notice a change in your behaviour. If you are already
an ambitious type then you are likely to really enjoy your
time in the sun this year. Promotions, demotions, job offers,
proposals of marriage and other such life changing
situations all hold the promise of adventures into
challenging territories. This year you are up for the
Planet Sign Degre Hous Speed Declination
e e

Q Sun k Scorpio
16° 10 01° 00' 16° 38' 45''
03' 15'' S

21° 6 11° 51' 28° 03' 10''

W Moon d Gemini 08' 02'' N

E Mercury j Libra 29° 9 01° 29' 09° 35' 18''

55' 16'' S

R Venus l 22° 12 01° 12' 24° 55' 25''

07' 44'' S

T Mars h Virgo 29° 8 00° 36' 01° 27' 31''

29' 31'' N

Y Jupiter h Virgo 28° 8 00° 10' 01° 31' 46''

42' 38'' N

U Saturn > a Aries 20° 3 -00° 04' 05° 22' 15''

16' 01'' N

I Uranus j Libra 02° 9 00° 02' 00° 17' 17''

22' 59'' S

25° 10 00° 02' 17° 37' 08''

O Neptune k Scorpio 53' 13'' S

P Pluto h Virgo 24° 8 00° 01' 16° 01' 37''

27' 31'' N

 North Node (True) a Aries 09° 3 -00° 07' 03° 34' 59''
02' 05'' N

Ž South Node > j Libra 09° 9 -00° 07' 03° 34' 59''
02' 05'' S
` Lilith d Gemini
15° 5 00° 06' 27° 27' 50''
56' 42'' N

Z Ascendant z 05° 1 - -

03° 10 - -
X Midheaven k Scorpio 16'

Planet Sign Degre Hous Speed Declinatio

e e n

Q Sun z 11° 1 01° 00' -

08' 15''

W Moon g Leo 16° 7 11° 51' -

13' 02''

E Mercury l 25° 12 01° 29' -

00' 16''

17° 1 01° 12' -

R Venus x Aquarius 12' 44''

T Mars k Scorpio
24° 10 00° 36' -
34' 31''

23° 10 00° 10' -

Y Jupiter k Scorpio 47' 38''

15° 5 -00° 04' -

U Saturn > d Gemini 21' 01''

27° 11 00° 02' -

I Uranus k Scorpio 27' 59''

O Neptune z 20° 1 00° 02' -

58' 13''
P Pluto k Scorpio
19° 10 00° 01' -
32' 31''

 North Node (True) d Gemini 04° 5 -00° 07' -

07' 05''

Ž South Node > l 04° 11 -00° 07' -

07' 05''

` Lilith g Leo 11° 7 00° 06' -

01' 42''

01° 2 - -
Z Ascendant c Pisces 00'

X Midheaven l 28° 12 - -

Planet Aspect Planet orb

Square 90° 0.18

Q Sun W Moon
Square 90° 1.16
Q Sun R Venus
Trine 120° 1.08
E Mercury Z Ascendant
Sextile 60° 1.56
E Mercury X Midheaven
Conjunction 0° 2.88
R Venus E Mercury
Sextile 60° 2.02
T Mars I Uranus
Square 90° 1.12
T Mars X Midheaven
Sextile 60° 1.25
Y Jupiter I Uranus
Square 90° 0.35
Y Jupiter X Midheaven

Square 90° 0.70

U Saturn > O Neptune
Trine 120° 1.75
I Uranus  North Node (True) >
Sextile 60° 1.75
I Uranus Ž South Node >
Conjunction 0° 1.31
O Neptune T Mars
Conjunction 0° 2.09
O Neptune Y Jupiter
Conjunction 0° 1.57
O Neptune I Uranus
Square 90° 0.55
P Pluto E Mercury
Sextile 60° 0.12
P Pluto T Mars
Sextile 60° 0.66
P Pluto Y Jupiter
Square 90° 2.10
 North Node (True) > Q Sun
Trine 120° 1.99
 North Node (True) > ` Lilith
Square 90° 2.10
Ž South Node > Q Sun
Sextile 60° 1.99
Ž South Node > ` Lilith
Sextile 60° 0.30
` Lilith W Moon
Trine 120° 1.28
` Lilith R Venus
Conjunction 0° 0.57
` Lilith U Saturn >
Trine 120° 2.27
X Midheaven Z Ascendant

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