Dragan Jekić
08-11-1968 10:30 GMT+1.0
Kragujevac, Serbia
Solar Arc
01-01-1969 17:14 GMT+0.0
Kragujevac, Serbia
Moon in Leo
This year you are in high spirits, noticeably so. Perhaps a
new romance, or you may just be pleased with yourself and
your life; you may have made changes that have turned out
well, or may simply be feeling cheerful under adversity,
making lemonade from lemons. You can't keep the smile off
your face, others notice and be drawn to your fun loving
nature. You need warmth, fun, laughter and company.
Perhaps you find new activities and hobbies, or new creative
expressions. If you are drawn to the arts artistically inclined
then you are likely to increase your involvement and receive
more recognition. If not, your creativity finds other outlets. If
misfortune strikes, you are surrounded by loved ones and
are able to feel good.
Mercury in Sagittarius
The planet of communications in a fire sign this year
indicates you are open to new ideas and activities. You
enjoy expressing yourself freely and are quick to voice your
opinions, but be careful not to be too outspoken or your
popularity may wane. If you judge the mood of your listeners
you are likely to inspire a positive response. You also need
to learn not to take on too many projects, prioritise what
matters most, or you could become overloaded and tense. If
you attempt too much you are doomed to disappoint
yourself and associates. You may start a new intellectual
activity, such as public speaking, writing, marketing and
public relations, or performing, and may also enjoy learning
a new skill, or developing your talents.
Venus in Aquarius
The planet of love in an Air sign this year indicates that you
seek stimulation in love and money matters, are open to
ideas and eager to communicate, rather than. You may be
interested in speculation, although perhaps not ready to
make a commitment to a particular person or course of
action. If you are single then you are likely to be attracted to
someone who stimulates your mind, and quickly dismiss
anyone who bores you. If you are attached, you are looking
to create quality time for two-way communication. If your
need for stimulation is not met this year, then you are likely
to feel restless. Look at other aspects of your annual chart
for more details on your love life and money matters.
Ascendant in Pisces
Your birthday chart Ascendant is in Pisces, a sensitive sign
--- nudging you into areas that draw on the compassionate
and caring side of your nature...your journey is focussed on
spiritual matters, not mundane ones. This year you may
discover your true calling in life, as you reflect on spiritual
riches, rather than material ones. At times you may feel
overwhelmed by practicalities, so need to make sure that
you eat and sleep well, and deal with the basic requirements
of life. You may be required to focus on someone else's
needs, sacrificing your own, but you learn a lot about love.
You may have to adapt, but you are likely to learn much
about yourself and your loved ones in the process.
Sun(Dragan Jekić) Square Moon(Solar Arc) - (Orb:
This is a memorable year. Right now your feelings are
intense, threatening your peace and happiness, because you
are being urged to move out of your comfort zone and
accept new challenges. You need to face emotional truths
and make changes or your health may suffer. Let go of
unnecessary emotional burdens, particularly hurtful
memories, abusive relationships and unhealthy habits. Don't
let your emotions rule you but use your thoughts positively.
One chapter of your life is closing and the next begins, and
you will discover renewed vitality and a sense of carrying a
lighter load. When you look back on this year you will view
the changes in a positive light, feeling that a new episode of
your life is starting, with a clean slate.
Q Sun k Scorpio
16° 10 01° 00' 16° 38' 45''
03' 15'' S
North Node (True) a Aries 09° 3 -00° 07' 03° 34' 59''
02' 05'' N
South Node > j Libra 09° 9 -00° 07' 03° 34' 59''
02' 05'' S
` Lilith d Gemini
15° 5 00° 06' 27° 27' 50''
56' 42'' N
Z Ascendant z 05° 1 - -
03° 10 - -
X Midheaven k Scorpio 16'
T Mars k Scorpio
24° 10 00° 36' -
34' 31''
01° 2 - -
Z Ascendant c Pisces 00'
X Midheaven l 28° 12 - -