Spread Spectrum Communications Using Chirp Signals
Spread Spectrum Communications Using Chirp Signals
Spread Spectrum Communications Using Chirp Signals
Ahtmct- We report on the use of broadband chirp s i p acoustic wave (SAW) chirped delay lines [5]. These de-
nals for spread spectrum systems in indoor applications. vices can be realized at small size and low cost and due to
The presented system concepts make use of chirp transmis-
sion and pulse compression. Different modulation schemes the analog correlation process the complex synchronization
for chirp signals resulting in different system performance circuits can be economized.
and complexity are compared in terms of bit error rate for After an introduction into the theory of chirp signals
the AWGN channel and for frequency selective indoor radio
channels. We present simulations and measurement results
we describe different incoherent and coherent modulation
from demonstrator systems which use surface acoustic wave schemes for chirp spread spectrum systems. Simulation
(SAW) devices for the generation and matched Altering of results and first measurements obtained with a hardware
the chirp signals. RF and IF frequency and transmission demonstrator are given.
bandwidth of the presented systems are 2.4 GHz, 348.8 MHa,
and 80 MHz, respectively. Due to the processing gain of 16
- -
d B made possible by the use of SAW devices and the large 11. CHIRPTHEORY
transmission bandwidth the system is insensitive against fre- A chirp waveform [3] can be written as
quency selective fading, CW interference and noise.
s ( t ) = a(t)cos [ O ( t ) ] (1)
I. INTRODUCTION where O(t) is the phase, and a(t) is the envelope of the
Indoor wireless communications has gained increasing chirp signal which is zero outside a time interval of length
attention over some time and its market share is expect- T. The instantaneous frequency is defined as
ing to grow rapidly in the next years due t o advantages 1 dO
over cable networks, such as mobility of users, elimination fM(t) = --.
2n dt
of cabling and flexibility. Typical applications are cordless
phone systems and wireless local area networks (WLAN's) The chirp rate is defined by
for home and office applications and flexible and mobile dfM 1 dLO
data transmission links between sensors, actuators, robots, p(t) = - = -- (3)
dt 27r dt2
and controller units in industrial environments. Due t o
the hostile electromagnetic environment, which includes se- and represents the rate of change of the instantanous fre-
vere electromagnetic emissions from other devices as well quency. We call waveforms with p(t) > 0 upchirps an
as heavy distortions due to multipath propagation [ l ]the those with p ( t ) < 0 down-chirps. For a linear chirp p ( t )
robustness of the communication link is an extremely im- is constant, and hence f ~ ( t is) a linear function of t, and
portant feature of a wireless communication system. @(t) is a quadratic function. If we take the waveform t o be
The spread spectrum technology is especially well suited centered at t = 0 it can be written as
to provide such a robust data transmission even in very s ( t ) = a(t)cos [27rfot + 7rpP + VO] (4)
noisy radio environments [2]. The critical operations in
spread spectrum systems are the spreading and despread- where fc is the center frequency and a(t) = 0 for It1 > T / 2 .
ing functions in the transmitter and receiver. In common It is convenient t o define the bandwidth B as the range of
system concepts (direct-sequence and frequency hopping) the instantanous frequency, so that
the synchronization of the despreading code is a difIicult
task which needs high computational effort. With the well B = 1p1T. (5)
known FM chirp signals and the associated technique of The impulse response of a matched filter for a linear chirp
pulse compression with its high processing gain, which is signal is again a h e a r chirp signal but with a chirp rate of
widely used in radar systems [3], another kind of spread opposite sign. If a chirp waveform is fed into its matched
spectrum technique can be realized [5],[6],[7]. In this sys- filter the output signal typically has a narrow IF peak at the
tem concept, the spreading is used solely for combating chirp center frequency. If we consider chirp waveforms with
multipath distortions, whereas code-division multiple ac- flat time domain envelopes and take the matched filter to
ces (CDMA) can only be realized if additional coding is be centered at t = 0 an analytical expression for the output
introduced [4]. waveform g ( t ) of the matched filter can be given. We have
The implementation of the spreading and despreading
with chirp signals is easily accomplished by using surface g(t) = W ) * 4 = cpss(t) (6)
chirp filter
n / 4 DQPSK
data out
dat y&
n / 4 DQPSK
chirp filter
IF-signal I I
I ,
Figure 5. Measured transfer function and group delay of an optimized weighted chirp filter.
Eb/NO in dB
I3 2 4 6 8 in 12
-8 -2
+ 67 Mbps, no data-clock recovery
0 10 Mbps, data-clock recovery
- 10 Mbps, indoor channel, integrate
10 Mbps, data-clock recovery
-5 indoor channel. inteerate
i :ULJ
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