1.2 Terms and Conditions For Subcontractor Rev. 01.2022

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Terms, conditions & responsibilities of sub-contractors

Please be aware of Mercury Standard Requirements

Section 1 – Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS)


1.1 Mercury Engineering is committed to both protecting the health and safety of all people on our Projects
and also ensuring that our activities are not harmful to the environment and the community. The
Contractor shall have a similar policy.

1.2 Mercury Engineering has a comprehensive Safety Statement. This is disseminated throughout all
Mercury Projects and available upon request to all Contractors.

1.3 Mercury Engineering will prepare a Project EHS Plan. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements
of this Project EHS Plan and fully co-operate with the arrangements made to ensure health and safety
on site.

1.4 In the event that Mercury Engineering’s Client has specific EHS requirements, then Mercury Engineering
will communicate these to the Contractor for its implementation.

1.5 The Contractor shall ensure that all work is carried out in accordance with all relevant EHS laws and
regulations and take into account the safety of others on the site and the general public.

1.6 The Contractor shall provide all necessary information that is required for inclusion in the “Health and
Safety File” as required by local legislation.

Risk Management
1.7 The Contractor shall ensure that all tasks and activities are planned, and risk assessed, via a Risk
Assessment / Method Statement (RAMS) process. The Contractor shall not commence any activity on
Site until the associated RAMS has been reviewed and accepted by Mercury Engineering. The
Contractor shall ensure that RAMS are:
• Submitted to Mercury Engineering a minimum of 3 weeks (or as early as contractually feasible)
before work commences;
• Compliant with these Minimum EHS Requirements and also the Project EHS Plan;
• Inclusive of details on methodology/sequence of works; plant; tools and equipment; personnel;
first aid and emergency arrangements; training, skills and competence;
• Inclusive of details of any High-Risk-Activities (HRA) and specific risk reduction measures for these;
• Prepared in the Mercury Engineering format, unless the Contractor proposed format has been
formally approved in writing by Mercury Engineering.

1.8 The Contractor shall fully support and comply with both the Mercury Engineering morning “White
Board” Meetings and also the Daily Activity Bulletins (DABs) programmes. This will include highlighting
any High-Risk-Activities (HRAs).

1.9 The Contractor shall comply with the requirements of Mercury Engineering Construction/
Commissioning Permit to Work programmes to mitigate the risks of High-Risk-Activities (HRAs). These
may include third party (General Contractor / Client) Permit to Work programme where applicable.
These will include: Permit to Dig/Excavate; Lock Out/Tag Out; hot work permit; confined space entry;
electrical; work at height; ladder use permit; etc.

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1.10 The Contractor shall implement a programme of Last-Minute-Risk-Assessments, which shall take place
at the task location and involve a documented daily discussion between the supervisor and work party,
including any High-Risk-Activities (HRAs). The Contractor shall use the Mercury Engineering Safe Plan of
Action (SPA) format, or third party (General Contractor / Client) SPA formats where applicable, to
manage this process, unless otherwise approved in writing by Mercury Engineering Group EHS

1.11 Prior to the commencement of any Mercury Engineering Project or defined scope of work, Mercury
Engineering reserves the right to conduct an EHS Readiness Review to ensure that all Project EHS
programs and elements are in place and functioning per the defined project EHS Plan and/or RAMS.
The Contractor shall ensure that all deficiencies found and documented during this review are rectified
(or an approved plan in place) prior to the commencement of the work.

1.12 Mercury Engineering reserves the right to Pause the Work in the event of EHS concerns. The Contractor
shall undertake corrective action and support the restart of work in a timely manner.

Project Induction and EHS Training

1.13 The Contractor shall ensure that all its direct employees and sub-contractors complete the Mercury
Engineering on-line EHS Induction, minimum 24 hours prior to mobilisation to the Project. Mercury
Engineering will then complete a site-specific EHS orientation, prior to the issue of a Project access

1.14 The Contractor shall ensure that all its direct employees and sub-contractors have the relevant health
and safety cards applicable to the jurisdiction they are undertaking works in (examples: Ireland Safe
Pass; UK CSCS cards; Benelux VSC, etc.)

1.15 The Contractor shall ensure that all its direct employees and sub-contractors are competent for their
assigned Project role and have completed both all Project-required EHS training and also all training
required by law and regulation. The Contractor shall maintain written EHS training records for all its
direct employees and sub-contractors and shall provide these records to Mercury Engineering upon
request. Mercury Engineering and/or its designee reserves the right to audit training records and field
competencies at any time.

1.16 It is recognised in the construction industry that New-to-Site Workers and Young Workers can be a
higher risk category than other categories of workers. The Contractor shall develop and implement a
programme” to address this risk, which will include as a minimum assigning a “buddy” to all New-to-
Site and Young Workers during the first 14 calendar days of their time on Site, who will provide
mentoring, coaching and assistance in EHS matters.

1.17 The Contractor shall ensure that all its supervisors (both direct employees and also sub-contractors)
complete the Mercury Engineering SSSP Training within one-month of their mobilisation to Site.
Mercury will provide this training on site on a periodic basis.

1.18 The Contractor shall ensure that EHS matters are effectively communicated to all its employees on Site
(examples: Weekly Tool Box Talks, safety posters, safety alerts, etc).

EHS Staffing and Coordination

1.19 Prior to commencing work, the Contractor shall:

• Identify the Contractor’s senior onsite manager with overall accountability for EHS;
• Employ an onsite qualified full time Safety Professional (approved of in advance by Mercury
Engineering Project Management) when actual or expected manpower reaches 20 employees or
hazardous activities are predetermined to be present. In the event of the Contractor having less
than 20 employees, then the Contractor may nominate one of its managers or senior supervisors

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to complete this role on a part-time basis; the Contractor shall provide Mercury Engineering with
the name of the persons that they have appointed as Site Safety Advisor;
• Provide an additional qualified Safety professional for each manpower increment of 50
employees; and
• Provide Mercury Engineering or its designee for approval a plan to provide adequate EHS coverage
for all work to be completed outside of normal working hours.
All Contractor Safety Professionals must be experienced and qualified in Health & Safety (Diploma in
Safety, Health and Welfare at Work or equivalent). Mercury Engineering reserves the right to
approve/disapprove any and all personnel chosen as EHS staff on the project based on applicable
experiences and willingness to support the Project EHS programme. The Contractor shall provide CVs
for appropriate personnel if requested. Mercury Engineering reserves the right to implement an
integrated EHS Team approach with its Contractors.

1.20 The Contractor shall send the attendance of their senior onsite manager and its nominated EHS
representative to all pre-arranged EHS meetings and then communicate and implement the outcomes
of these meetings to its workforce.

1.21 The Contractor shall ensure that EHS matters are effectively communicated to all its employees on Site
(examples: Weekly Tool Box Talks, safety posters, safety alerts, etc). In particular, this shall include
communications on High risk Activities.

Lower tier Contractors

1.22 The Contractor shall ensure that all its sub-contractor companies (including multi-tier sub-contractors)
are submitted to Mercury Engineering for EHS review and approval.

1.23 Prior to submittal to Mercury Engineering for review and approval, the Contractor shall ensure that all
its sub-contractor companies (including multi-tier sub-contractors) have been approved as part of the
Contractor’s EHS pre-qualification process. In addition, details of any Ireland HSA/ UK HSE (or
equivalent) notifications of dangerous occurrences, enforcement, prohibition and improvement notices
shall be disclosed to the Mercury Engineering Project EHS Manager for review.

1.24 If a sub-contractor is disallowed for work on Mercury Engineering projects due to a failure to meet the
EHS expectations and criteria, then the Contractor shall notify Mercury Engineering in writing for
documentation on that firm within Mercury Engineering records.

1.25 Where business conditions dictate accepting a sub-contractor who does not meet EHS expectations, a
written corrective action plan must be negotiated between the Contractor and the sub-contractor.
Contractor shall submit this plan to Mercury Engineering Project Manager for review and acceptance.

Audits and inspections

1.26 The Contractor shall implement a programme of self-assessment, inspection and audit on its work. This
shall contain as a minimum:
• Contractor project management shall participate in the Mercury Engineering Safety Management
by Walking Around (SMBWA) Program, which includes EHS performance reviews conducted by all
project supervision/management a minimum of 1 per week. This programme shall place particular
emphasis on High-Risk-Activities (HRAs);
• Safe Observation reporting: The Contractor will be required to participate in the Safety
Observation Card programme. A written copy of this program can be obtained from a Mercury
Engineering EHS representative upon request.
• The Contractor shall conduct periodic compliance inspections audits (and any applicable sub-
contractors) to ensure core compliance with all applicable laws and defined Mercury Engineering
performance requirements;
• A written report of, findings and follow-up/closure from the inspections and audits shall be
retained in written records for Mercury Engineering to review upon request.

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1.27 The Contractor’s operations on site shall be subject to a number of environmental, health and safety
(EHS) inspections and audits throughout the life of any given contract (both by Mercury Engineering
and also 3rd Parties). The Contractor shall fully support and comply with these inspections and audits
(both in terms of the schedule of the inspections and provision of Contractor personnel requested by
Mercury Engineering).

1.28 The Contractor will be informed of any hazards or defects noted during these inspections and audits
and shall be expected to take immediate action, including formal written closeout reports. The
Contractor’s responses and performance shall directly impact on the continuation as a Contractor with
Mercury Engineering.

Incident preparedness and response

1.29 The Contractor shall provide a project specific Emergency Response Plan, complete with identified roles
and responsibilities. The plan must contain:
• Names and contact numbers of Contractor management;
• Emergency response procedures (spill containment, emergency medical response, etc.) for any
potential emergencies that might arise due to construction activities in the Contractor’s defined
scope of work;
• Defined communication systems used to ensure efficient communication with affected project
personnel, responders and Mercury Engineering as appropriate; and
• Procedures to ensure that the plan is maintained during and until completion of the Project.

1.30 Prior to the commencement of work, the Contractor shall provide a “Medical Coverage Plan” for
approval by Mercury Engineering project management. This plan should identify the methods that the
Contractor has chosen to provide medical support (from first aid through emergency care) in the event
it is needed.

1.31 The Contractor shall support and comply with the Project emergency evacuation and medical
emergency drill programmes.

1.32 The Contractor shall implement an Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) to supports its employees
with work related and/or personal problems that may impact their mental health, their job
performance and emotional well-being.

1.33 The Contractor shall provide Mercury Engineering a Case Management and Return-to-Work Plan, as
described below.

1.34 The Case Management element of the plan shall ensure:

• Medical support (on or offsite) appropriate for the defined project work hours;
• Onsite management coverage for accompaniment to clinic/doctor;
• Physician/Clinic follow up post visit;
• Restricted work coordination with the aforementioned return to work program; and
• Investigation and follow up for potentially unsubstantiated claims and injuries.

1.35 The Return-To-Work element of the plan shall be designed to return employees safely and efficiently
back to their positions following an occupational and/or non-occupational injury or illness.

Incident reporting, incident investigation and EHS statistical reports

1.36 The Contractor shall ensure that all incidents (first aids, recordable injuries, environmental incidents,
dangerous occurrences, near misses, regulatory inspections and/or citations) are reported to Mercury
Engineering Project Manager and Project EHS within 1 hour.

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1.37 The Contractor shall submit a preliminary written notification within 24 hours to both Mercury
Engineering‘s Project Manager and also the Mercury Engineering incident reporting function

1.38 The Contractor shall complete a detailed written report detailing all circumstances leading up to the
incident provided within 7 days. This shall include: both identification of all incident causal factors (root
and contributing causes); and documentation of all corrective actions and anticipated closure date.
Mercury Engineering reserves the right to require Mercury Engineering involvement in any and all
Contractor investigations.

1.39 The Contractor shall maintain documented incident records for the duration of the project and will
make these historical files available to Mercury Engineering EHS at project close out.

1.40 Mercury Engineering may utilise the Contractor’s incident reports (excluding any personal information)
in the Mercury Engineering incident communication systems (e.g. Tool-Box-Talks, Safety Bulletins and
Alerts, reporting to Client, etc).

1.41 The Contractor shall provide a written EHS statistical report each week and this shall contain:
• The Contractor Headcount and Person Hour Report (including sub-contractors), separated
between Administrative and Field;
• Details and number of all incidents (first aids, recordable injuries, environmental incidents,
dangerous occurrences, near misses, regulatory inspections and/or citations; and
• Leading indicator summary, including numbers of: SMBWA inspections; Safety Observation
Reports; Safe Plan of Action; and Good Catches/Near Misses.

EHS performance management

1.42 Mercury Engineering operates a Non-Conformance Reporting (NCR) system which is effective at all
times. Personnel not in compliance with specific rules, policies, procedures and method statements,
operating unsafely, unsafe act, condition, positions may be subject to NCR issue. NCRs are recorded on
the Contractor supply chain records and are considered during re-application.

1.43 Mercury Engineering implement a disciplinary code on its sites, which allows for warnings to be issued
and recorded. Mercury Engineering reserves the right to suspend or permanently remove the Project
access privileges of both the Contractor and also Contractor personnel in the event of significant
breaches of EHS requirements.

1.44 A Drug and Alcohol Policy is in effect on all Mercury Engineering sites. Contractor shall comply with this
policy. Any persons found under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol may have their Project access
privileges suspended. On some projects in which Mercury Engineering is employed, our Clients operate
mandatory random screening programme and results are communicated to the individual and the
Contractor. The individual and/or the Contractor may have their Project Site access privileges
suspended or removed, depending on the results.

General EHS arrangements

1.45 Access and egress to the secure site will be controlled and monitored by photographic badges and/or
hand swipe biometric systems. Materials entering and being removed from site must be approved and
inspected by Mercury Engineering project management.

1.46 The Contractor shall ensure that all its direct employees and sub-contractors comply with a five-point
PPE plan, including: safety helmets, eye protection, hi-visibility clothing with Mercury Engineering logo,
level 3 cut resistant gloves / hand protection and safety footwear. Any other PPE requirement as
defined by the EHS Plan and Risk Assessment / Method Statement must be complied with; these may
include face protection, specific clothing, hearing protection, fall arrest/restraint equipment, etc.

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1.47 The Contractor shall ensure the work area is kept free of housekeeping hazards at all times by following
the Mercury Engineering “Nothing on the Ground” policy and also a “Clean As You Go” programme.
Possible hazards presented by material storage, work in progress, etc. shall be appropriately barricaded
to prevent potential incident or injury. Non-barricaded general construction areas, no matter the
working surface condition, shall be kept free of potential hazards at all times.

1.48 The Contractor shall ensure that housekeeping standards are maintained at all times and particularly
asked to note that workplaces must be kept tidy and that all debris, waste materials, etc., are cleared
as work proceeds, and correct segregation is used, where applicable. If the Contractor fails to maintain
its work area in a clean/safe condition, Mercury Engineering reserves the right to facilitate the cleaning
of the work area and back charge the Contractor for the associated clean-up cost.

1.49 Suitable welfare facilities and first aid equipment shall be provided by the Contractors for their
employees in accordance with law and regulation requirements, unless arrangements have been made
for the Contractors to have the use of Mercury Engineering’s or Clients’ facilities. These shall include as
a minimum:
• Conveniently located, clean rest rooms; hand wash facilities and drying facilities for work overalls;
• Adequate lunch and break quarters providing shelter from the heat/cold and isolated from
construction areas to allow lunches and/or breaks without the need for Personal Protection
Equipment (PPE);
• Hazard Communication locations set up and available to personnel; and
• Sufficient drinking water facilities.

1.50 All plant or equipment brought onto site by Contractors shall be CE marked safe and in good working
condition, fitted with any necessary guards and safety devices and with any necessary certification
available for checking. Information and assessment on noise levels of plant, equipment or operations
to be carried out by the Contractor shall be provided to Mercury Engineering’s site representative
before work commences.

1.51 Contractor shall not bring power tools or electrical equipment of greater voltage than 110 volts onto
site. All transformers, generators, extension leads, plugs and sockets shall be to latest standards for
industrial use, in good condition and comply with all relevant laws and regulations. Where applicable,
a certificate must be available for portable appliances that are required to be tested under the relevant
national electricity at work laws and regulations.

1.52 The Contractor shall implement a programme of daily and weekly inspection of lifting equipment and
work at height equipment in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. This daily and weekly
inspection programme shall comply as minimum with the Irish HSA programme (i.e. GA1, GA2 and GA3
inspection protocols).

1.53 The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to minimise work at height and then follow the
hierarchy of controls (i.e. order of precedence: 1. Permanent platforms; 2. Certified scaffolds /
Motorised Elevated Work Platforms; 3. Podium ladders; and 4. A-frame ladders).

1.54 Contractor shall ensure that all scaffolding/access equipment/work at height equipment used by
Contractor is inspected by the Contractor appointed competent person to ensure that it is erected and
maintained in accordance with all relevant laws, regulations and codes of practice (even when scaffold
erected for other Contractors). The Contractor shall implement a programme of scaffold tag inspections
(both handover inspections and also subsequent 7-day inspections).

1.55 The Contractor shall ensure that all its direct employees and sub-contractors are not permitted to alter
any scaffold provided for their use or interfere with any plant or equipment on the site unless

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1.56 The Contractor shall demonstrate by calculation that all Temporary Works/Structures are capable of
performing the duty required. The Contractor shall provide design information to Mercury Engineering
by in a timely manner to allow review and acceptance.

1.57 The Contractors engaged in Lifting Operations shall demonstrate compliance with all relevant laws and
regulations to Mercury Engineering. This shall include competence of rigging operatives, crane
operators, lifting supervisors, etc.

1.58 The Contractor shall comply with the fire prevention measures listed in the Mercury Engineering Site
EHS Plan.

1.59 The Contractor shall ensure that its employees comply with all safety signs erected on the Project at all

Environmental and Hazardous Materials Management

1.60 The Contractor shall comply with all with all relevant laws and regulations with respect to noise limits
at the boundary of site and any associated working hours limitations.

1.61 The Contractor shall ensure compliance with all relevant laws and regulations with respect to
segregation / disposal of their waste.

1.62 The Contractor shall not discharge/pump any liquid effluent, ground water or surface water offsite
without the written approval of Mercury Engineering and in full compliance with all relevant laws and
regulations. The Contractor shall minimise the potential for soil and ground water contamination via
the use of bunds around chemical/fuel storage and drip trays under stationary equipment.

1.63 Prior to commencement of work, the Contractor shall document in the RAMS and submit to Mercury
Engineering for review and approval all hazardous materials required to complete the requested scope
of work.

1.64 The Contractor agrees to limit its inventory of Hazardous Materials on the Project site to not exceed
one weeks’ supply unless specifically authorized in writing by Mercury Engineering EHS department.
Any material or substance brought on site which has health, environmental, fire or explosion risks shall
be stored and used in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations and its Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS). This information shall be provided to any other person who may be affected on site

Section 2 – Miscellaneous

2.1 Checking eligibility to work in the relevant region is a not only a requirement of Mercury Engineering,
but a legal requirement. Prevention of illegal working including guidance, checklists and document
checks. Before an offer of employment to a potential member of staff or sub-contractor trade or agency
labour, certain checks must be carried out to ensure that they have a right to work in the country they
are working in. These checks must be carried out for ALL staff, regardless of their nationality.
Verification/evidence to be provided to Mercury Engineering prior to approval, this requirement shall
be monitored during any approved contractual period.

2.2 The Contractor shall provide performance bonds, parent company guarantees and collateral warranties
if/ when required under the Principle Contract mutatis mutandis as they apply to Mercury Engineering
and its subsidiaries.

2.3 Mercury Engineering Sub-Contract Agreement and accompanying Mercury Engineering Standard Terms
and Conditions of Sub-Contract will be used to govern the Sub-Contract Works, subject to observance
and application of the Principle Contract Conditions mutatis mutandis as they apply to Mercury
Engineering and its subsidiaries.

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2.4 Whilst the foregoing points are not exhaustive the Contractor shall observe Mercury Sub-Contract
Agreement and accompanying Mercury Standard Terms and Conditions of Sub-Contract in their entirety
at all times, including all numbered documents appended thereto.

2.5 Should the Contractor provide any information within the pre-qualification that proves false or it fails
to acknowledge and observe the provisions set down above Mercury Engineering and its subsidiaries
may recall or cancel any sub-contract entered into with the Contractor, without prejudice to any of its
rights under contract or common law.

2.6 In the event of a successful bid, the applicant hereby agrees not to pursue any future installation or
maintenance work in direct competition with Mercury Engineering and its subsidiaries on that same
project until such time as the defects liability period is complete.

2.7 Mercury expects early warning written notifications of all circumstance that the Contractor is aware of,
or should be aware of, that will or may cause any delay or disruption to the Contractor’s performance.
In such circumstances the Contractor is obliged to mitigate any such delay or disruption

Section 3 – Insurances

3.1 All Contractors must provide confirmation of insurance cover at the minimum levels as follows:

Insurance Type Ireland UK

Employer’s liability € 13 Million £ 10 Million Mandatory

Public liability € 6.5 Million £ 5 Million Mandatory
Products Liability € 6.5 Million £ 5 Million Mandatory
Professional Indemnity € 6.5 Million £ 5 Million Where required

Insurance Other EU NON- EU

Netherland Germany Denmark Sweden Spain France
Type Countries Countries
€ 3 Million € 3 Million € 3 Million € 3 Million € 3 Million € 3 Million € 3 Million € 3 Million
€ 3 Million € 3 Million € 3 Million € 3 Million € 3 Million € 3 Million € 3 Million € 3 Million

3.2 All other insurance as required by law including, workers compensation in compliance with all
applicable social security, occupational disease and occupational health & safety laws, statutes, and

3.3 All Contractors insurances must provide for a provision that the insurer will release and indemnify
Mercury against actions claims charges costs demands and expenses.

All Contractors must have valid insurances for the duration of all contracts with Mercury Engineering.
3.4 All territorial extensions provided for works outside of the company's base jurisdiction must also be
renewed. When the insurances provided by the Contractor expire, the account is automatically placed
on hold and an email reminder sent out. The hold on the account will be released when new valid
insurances are produced.

Section 4 – Tax

4.1 Contractors must provide evidence of their tax compliance in the relevant jurisdiction in which they
are based, by way of a letter from their accountants.

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Section 5 – Payment

5.1 The Contractor shall observe the particular periods of payment that govern individual projects
undertaken by Mercury Engineering and its subsidiaries at all times. The Contractor acknowledges that
such payment periods is 30 days from date of payment cert, subject to the payment terms imposed upon
Mercury Engineering and its subsidiaries under the Principle Contract.

5.2 The Contractor shall observe the retention percentages and defects periods under individual projects
undertaken by Mercury Engineering and its subsidiaries at all times.

Section 6 - Work outside of the jurisdiction

6.1 Should the Contractor engage with Mercury Engineering for works outside of its base country, the
Contractor must notify Procurement Compliance Department, prequalification@mercuryeng.com
and provide insurance cover confirming cover in the relevant jurisdiction.

6.2 Should the Contractor engage with Mercury Engineering for work outside of its base country, where it
is ordinarily engaged with Mercury Engineering Unlimited Company, or Mercury Engineering Building
Services (MEBS), etc, the Contractor will be required to contract with the relevant subsidiary, as
decided by the location of works. The Mercury Engineering contracting entities are specified below in
section 7.1.

6.3 Should the Contractor engage with Mercury Engineering for works outside of its base country, the
Contractor must adhere to the tax deductions, if applicable, as stated below. A summary of the
documents and deductions is set out as follows:


For works in Denmark, if the Contractor is a non-Danish entity and engages in a labour-only contract, it
is subject to a withholding tax deduction of 35.6% of the invoice value. This does not apply to any
Contractors who are engaged under a sub-contract agreement, where a scope of works is provided and
applies only to labour-only agreements.

This applies to non-Danish entities only.


Where Mercury Engineering does not receive a German construction withholding tax certificate for the
Contractor for works in Germany, the Contractor is automatically subject to a withholding tax deduction
of 15% on the gross value of the invoice. It is the Contractor's obligation to consult with independent
tax advisors to advise on how to apply for a tax clearance certificate in Germany. This should be done in
advance of any works proceeding as the deductions are, under German law, to be automatically applied
where a tax clearance certificate for Germany is not provided.

This applies regardless of where the Contractor's business is primarily based.


For works in Netherlands, the Contractor must consult with independent tax advisors in Netherlands to
assess whether it is required to hold a G-account for works in Netherlands. Where Mercury Engineering
is not in receipt of a G-account for works in Netherlands, we are instructed, under Dutch legal authority,
to apply an automatic withholding deduction of 30% on the labour value of the invoice. Mercury’s tax
team can review the position as regard the withholding tax should you wish to provide the necessary

This applies regardless of where the Contractor's business is primarily based.

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Section 7 – Invoices

7.1 It is the Contractor's responsibility to ensure that each invoice is addressed as follows, quoting the
relevant VAT number:

Belgium Denmark
Mercury Engineering Belgium SRL Mercury Engineering ApS
1000 Bruxelles, Avendue du Port, 86, box c/o TMF Denmark A/S Købmagergade 60, 1.
204 tv.1150, Copenhagen
VAT Number: 0773.814.431 Vat Number 37 36 91 01

France Germany
Mercury Engineering France SAS Mercury Engineering GmbH
3-5 rue Saint-Georges 75009 Ruhralee 9, 44139,
Paris Dortmund
Vat Number 878 405 083 00014 Vat Number 287699155

Ireland Italy
Mercury Engineering Unlimited Company Mercury Engineering Italy S.R.L.
Mercury House Ravens Rock Road Sandyford c/o TMF Services, Corso Vercelli, 40,
Industrial Estate, Dublin 18, D18 XH79 Milano
Vat Number IE8225667J Vat Number 11365510962

Netherlands Poland
Mercury Engineering BV Mercury Engineering Polska Sp. z o.o.
Kingsfordweg 151, 1043 GR Aleje Jerozolimskie 181A, 02-222
Amsterdam Warszawa
Vat Number 8198.84.637.Bo.1 Vat Number 5213062714

Spain Sweden
Mercury Engineering and Building Services Mercury Engineering Sweden AB
Spain SLU c/O Tmf Sweden Ab, Sergels Torg 12, 111 57
TMF Spain, Calle Principe de Vergara, 131, Stockholm, Sverige
puerta 1, 28002, Madrid Vat Number 556966309801
Vat Number B67200113
Turkey United Kingdom
MERCURY ENGINEERING MÜHENDİSLİK Mercury Engineering and Building Services
Esentepe Mah. Büyükdere Caddesi No: Suite 1, 3rd Floor, 11-12 St. James Square,
108/1 İç Kapi No: 710 Şİşİ, İstanbul, Turkey London SW1Y 4LB
VAT Number: 301875-5 Vat Number GB204 8181 29

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Please note that remittance for works contracted with Mercury Engineering and Building Services
Limited will appear as MEBS on bank statements.
Failure to address the invoice correctly can result in delay of payments. A copy of the invoice &

payment certificate should be issued to accounts.pay@mercuryeng.com.

Section 8 - Use of sub-contractors

8.1 During the course of any project, should the need for the Contractor to use its own sub-contractors,
please contact Procurement Compliance Department email prequalification@mercuryeng.com, to
facilitate this. The name of the sub-contracting company and a copy of their insurances will be required.

8.2 Where the Contractor is found to have sub-contracted works without prior permission in writing with
Mercury Engineering, the Contractor may be stood down immediately from works & removed from the
supply chain database, as deemed appropriate by Mercury Engineering.

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