BDM Section3

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Bridge Design Manual – June 2020

Oregon Department of Transportation

Section 3 – Processes & Roles

Table of Contents
3.1 Section 3 – Introduction ............................................................................................................ 4
3.1.1 Procedure and Process Guides .............................................................................................. 4
3.2 Bridge Design Software ............................................................................................................. 5
3.2.1 Design Software ...................................................................................................................... 5
3.2.2 Software Verification ............................................................................................................... 6
3.2.3 MathCAD Template Library ..................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Bridge Design Process (Design-Bid-Build), Overview ............................................................ 7
3.3.1 Scoping .................................................................................................................................... 7
3.3.2 Project Initiation (Kick-Off)....................................................................................................... 8
3.3.3 50% TS&L (Proof of Concept Plans) ....................................................................................... 8
3.3.4 TS&L Report ............................................................................................................................ 8
3.3.5 Design Acceptance Plans Package ........................................................................................ 9
3.3.6 Preliminary Plans Package Milestone ..................................................................................... 9
3.3.7 Advance Plans Package Milestone ....................................................................................... 10
3.3.8 Final Plans Package Milestone ............................................................................................. 11
3.3.9 PS&E Milestone..................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.10 Bridge Design Project Close Out ...................................................................................... 11
3.4 Roles & Responsibilities .......................................................................................................... 12
3.4.1 Key Personnel ....................................................................................................................... 12
3.4.2 Large or Multiple Bridge Projects .......................................................................................... 15
3.5 Quality ...................................................................................................................................... 16
3.5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 16
3.5.2 Definitions .............................................................................................................................. 17
3.5.3 Design Quality Plans ............................................................................................................. 18
3.5.4 Bridge Design Quality Documentation .................................................................................. 19
3.5.5 Bridge Design Quality ‘Touchpoints’ ..................................................................................... 20
3.5.6 Design Reviews ..................................................................................................................... 20
3.5.7 Design Checks ...................................................................................................................... 21
3.5.8 Qualifications of Bridge Designer, Checker & Reviewer ....................................................... 23
3.5.9 Performance Measures ......................................................................................................... 23
3.5.10 Troubleshooting Bridge Design Quality ............................................................................ 23
3.5.11 Recovery Plans ................................................................................................................. 24
3.5.12 Quality Audits .................................................................................................................... 24
3.5.13 Work Assignments ............................................................................................................ 24
3.5.14 Training & Mentoring ......................................................................................................... 24
3.6 (Reserved)................................................................................................................................. 26
3.7 QPL / research ......................................................................................................................... 27
3.7.1 Qualified Products List (QPL) ................................................................................................ 27
3.7.2 Research ............................................................................................................................... 27
3.8 (Reserved)................................................................................................................................. 28
3.9 Preliminary Design / DAP / TS&L......................................................................................... 29
3.9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 29
3.9.2 Purpose of TS&L ................................................................................................................... 29
3.9.4 TS&L Approval ...................................................................................................................... 32
3.9.5 Multiple Bridge Projects ......................................................................................................... 32
3.9.6 TS&L Report .......................................................................................................................... 32
3.9.7 Alternatives Study ................................................................................................................. 32

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

3.9.8 Bridge Design Criteria & Standards Assessment.................................................................. 33

3.9.9 Design Deviations and Exceptions ........................................................................................ 33
3.9.10 TS&L Report with Memo ................................................................................................... 33
3.9.11 TS&L Report with Narrative .............................................................................................. 34
3.9.12 Engineer’s Estimate @ TS&L ........................................................................................... 34
3.9.13 TS&L Plan Sheet(s) .......................................................................................................... 34
3.9.14 TS&L Templates ............................................................................................................... 35
3.10 Final Design / PS&E ................................................................................................................ 36
3.10.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 36
3.10.2 Sealing & Signing Requirements ...................................................................................... 36
3.10.3 Contract Plans ................................................................................................................... 37
3.10.4 Specifications & Special Provisions .................................................................................. 37
3.10.5 Engineer’s Estimate .......................................................................................................... 37
3.10.6 Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Schedule ................................................. 38
3.10.7 Calculations & Calculation Books ..................................................................................... 38
3.10.8 Bridge Load Rating ........................................................................................................... 42
3.10.9 Operations and Maintenance Manuals ............................................................................. 42
3.11 PS&E to Award ....................................................................................................................... 43
3.11.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 43
3.11.2 Changes to Bridge Deliverables after PS&E .................................................................... 43
3.11.3 Bridge Design Project Close-Out ...................................................................................... 43
3.11.4 Request for Information (RFI) ........................................................................................... 43
3.11.5 Addenda Letters ................................................................................................................ 44
3.12 Construction Support .............................................................................................................. 45
3.12.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 45
3.12.2 Communications during Construction ............................................................................... 45
3.12.3 Shop Drawing Review ....................................................................................................... 45
3.12.4 Temporary Works Review ................................................................................................. 45
3.12.5 Construction Support Close-Out ....................................................................................... 45
3.13 (Reserved)................................................................................................................................. 47
3.14 Coordination with other Project Team Members ................................................................ 48
3.14.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 48
3.14.2 Project Management ......................................................................................................... 48
3.14.3 Survey and Mapping, & Right Of Way .............................................................................. 49
3.14.4 Roadway ........................................................................................................................... 50
3.14.5 Traffic and Mobility ............................................................................................................ 55
3.14.6 Foundations and Geotechnical ......................................................................................... 56
3.14.7 Hydraulics and Scour ........................................................................................................ 57
3.14.8 Environmental ................................................................................................................... 64
3.14.9 Storm Water ...................................................................................................................... 67
3.14.10 Utilities ............................................................................................................................... 68
3.14.11 Railroad ............................................................................................................................. 69
3.14.12 Public Involvement ............................................................................................................ 70
Appendix – Section 3.4 – Roles & R esponsibilities ................................................................. 71
A3.4.1 Bridge Designer ................................................................................................................ 71
A3.4.2 Bridge Reviewer ................................................................................................................ 74
A3.4.3 Bridge Design Checker ..................................................................................................... 77
A3.4.4 Bridge Subject Matter Expert ............................................................................................ 78
A3.4.5 Bridge Design Coordinator ................................................................................................ 79
A3.4.6 Bridge Quality Auditor ....................................................................................................... 80
Appendix – Section 3.5 – Quality ............................................................................................ 81

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

Bridge EDMS QC Checklist ................................................................................................................ 81

Bridge Drafter QC Checklist for TS&L Plan Sheet(s)...................................................................... 81
Bridge Drafter QC Checklist for Advance Plans (95%) Plan Sheets .............................................. 81
Appendix – Section 3.91 – M etric Conversion ........................................................................ 82
A3.91.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 82
A3.91.2 Basic Units ........................................................................................................................ 83
A3.91.3 Derived Units ..................................................................................................................... 83
A3.91.4 Metric Conversion Factors ................................................................................................ 85
A3.91.5 Metric Procedural Rules .................................................................................................... 86
A3.91.6 Bridge Plan and Preparation Guidelines ........................................................................... 86
A3.91.7 Miscellaneous Common Conversions............................................................................... 89

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

Note: Revisions for June 2020 are marked with yellow highlight. Deleted text is not marked; past editions of
the BDM are available for comparison.


BDM Section 3 contains standards and practices pertinent to design procedures and quality processes for
completing highway bridge and structure design.

See BDM Section 1 for standards and practices pertinent to design of highway bridges and structures.

See BDM Section 2 for design guidance pertinent to highway bridges and structures design.

3.1.1 Procedure and Process Guides

ODOT Project Delivery Guide

ODOT Highway Design Manual

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles


3.2.1 Design Software

3.2.2 Software Verification

3.2.3 MathCAD Template Library

3.2.1 Design Software

(1) Supported Software

The following programs are used and supported by the Bridge Section:


Midas Civil 7-64 bridge analysis and design
DFSAP 7-64
LPile 7-64
Group 7-64
ODOT-Col 7-32 column analysis
PAP 7-64
Brass Girder LRFD 7-64
Brass Girder STD 7-64
Brass Library Utility 7-64
Brass Pole
PGSuper 7-64 WSDOT precast design program
PSBeam 7-64
Response 2000 7-64 Reinforced concrete sectional analysis
using Modified Compression Field theory
SIMON 7-64
STLBridge LRFD 7-64 steel bridge design using LRFD
QConBridge 7-64 WSDOT live load analysis program for
continuous frames
RspBr2 7-32
Convert 4.1 7-64
Mathcad 15 7-64
Mathcad Prime 7-64
* Example: 7-64 indicates the software will run using Windows 7 – 64 bit.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

(2) Unsupported Software

With the computer upgrade from Windows XP to Windows 7, most of the bridge legacy programs are out-
dated. The following programs are incompatible with the 64-bit systems or will no longer be supported:
• Brig2d (replaced by RspBr2)
• CrkCol
• CrvBrgPc (Midas and GTStrudl have this function)
• DkElev (Microstation can perform this function)
• LdSort
• MStrudl (no longer in business) – Midas and GTStrudl have this function
• ODOT’s pole program (uses MStrudl)
• Oregon’s PSBeam (not Erikssons PsBeam, which ODOT now uses)
• Ultcol (Xtract can support this function)
• UltFtg (program needed to do simple analysis for footing design (on piling and shallow
• WinStrudl (no longer in business)
• XSection and WFrame – Caltrans programs
• Drain2dx – dynamic response analysis of inelastic plane structures
• GTStrudl – finite element analysis
• SAP 2000 – finite element analysis
• SimQuake – DOS – simulation of time, position, and magnitude of earthquakes
• Xtract – CalTrans – substitute for XSection and WFrame

3.2.2 Software Verification

[Reserved for future use]

3.2.3 MathCAD Template Library

The following MathCAD Standard Bridge Rail Calculations are posted on the Bridge Standards website
under the “Software Tools for Design” section. The calculations document the bridge rail design and

• BR200_Calcs_2016 for BR200

• BR206_Calcs_2016 for BR206
• BR208_Calcs_2016 for BR208
• BR214_Calcs_2014 for BR214 (will be updated in the near future)
• BR221_Calcs_2016 for BR221
• BR290_Calcs_2016 for BR290
• (will be updated in the near future)

The spreadsheet “Summary of ODOT Standard Rail Capacities” summarizes all the bridge rail capacities
for deck overhang design.

Also available on the Bridge Intranet are the following Calculation Templates available for ODOT
designers use to promote standardization and efficiency.

• Deck Overhang with Concrete Bridge Rail (MathCAD and MathCAD Prime)

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles


3.3.1 Scoping

3.3.2 Project Initiation (Kick-Off)

3.3.3 50% TS&L (Proof of Concept Plans)

3.3.4 TS&L Report

3.3.5 Design Acceptance Plans Package

3.3.6 Preliminary Plans Package Milestone

3.3.7 Advance Plans Package Milestone

3.3.8 Final Plans Package Milestone

3.3.9 PS&E Milestone

3.3.10 Bridge Design Project Close-Out

3.3.1 Scoping

The Project (by others) – Scoping involves a reconnaissance level look at one or more alternatives for a
project. It involves more planning, conceptual design, and description than the project-level design
performed after STIP programming. This level of planning assists in securing funding and determining
‘Level of Effort’ required by various work units. Site constraints are identified; assumed or known design
exceptions or deviations are noted; and anticipated outsourcing of work is noted.

Bridge Design – Potential Bridge Program projects are initiated by the Bridge Program Unit from queries
run on the State’s Bridge Data. A ‘Desk Scope’ is completed, and an ODOT Project Business Case is
drafted by the Bridge Program Manager. This information is then sent to the Region for ‘Field Scoping’.
After the Region Scoping Team has performed the ‘Field Scope’, it is sent back to the Bridge Program
Unit for review and reconciliation, and the Bridge program Manager updates the ODOT Project Business
Case. The final ODOT Project Business Case is provided to a Project Leader by a Region Area Manager
after STIP programming, and eventually Project Initiation. Also see Highway Division Directive DES 01.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

3.3.2 Project Initiation (Kick-Off)

The Project (by others) – Project Initiation is when the project is ‘kicked off’ by the Project Leader. Final
refinements to the scope, schedule and budget occur at the Project Kick-Off meeting.

Bridge Design – The Bridge Reviewer meets with the Bridge Designer a couple weeks prior to the
Project’s Kick-Off meeting to prepare by reviewing the Bridge Design Work Order (for outsourced work
also see the statement of work of A&E contract), schedule and budget, project charters, the project’s
scope and the ODOT Project Business Case (if available). The Bridge portion of the Region Quality
Control Plan is also reviewed at this time, and supplemented to cover any project specific needs. Also
see PDLT Operational Notice PD-02.

Verify the proposed bridge/structures scope of the project design as well as begin development of design
deviations and exceptions. Bridge designers use available scoping information and draft project charters
to prepare the Bridge Design Criteria and Standards Assessment. Confirm completion of load rating, deck
testing and certain preliminary analyses of existing bridges that will be not be replaced. Ensure results are
appropriately reflected in the draft project charter and other work description documents.

The Bridge Designer and Reviewer complete the appropriate Bridge QC Checklist found in BDM A3.5. A
list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer and Designer can be found in BDM A3.4.

3.3.3 50% TS&L (Proof of Concept Plans)

The Project (by others) – Concept Plans consists of enough detail to “proof” the project concept that has
been put forth. Site constraints are identified, and alignments are close to final. Consider permanent and
temporary traffic control, and note specialty specification items. Include as many bid items as can be
identified in cost estimates.

Other work completed by others at this stage include: survey control established, survey topography
gathered, survey base map produced, existing right of way determined, environmental base map
produced, Area of Potential Impact (API) identified, draft utility conflicts identified, horizontal and vertical
alignments calculated, bridge bent locations set, retaining wall locations set.

Bridge Design – The Alternatives Study and a rough draft of the TS&L Narrative (or Memo) are complete
and ready to review by the Bridge Reviewer. Review and update the Bridge Design Criteria and the
Bridge Design Standards Assessment and create a list of design deviations and exceptions for each
alternative. Structural analysis calculations may need to be started and sufficiently advanced so can
meet Preliminary Plans milestone needs. Include “significant cost” bid items on the Engineer’s Estimate
@ TS&L. A draft TS&L Plan Sheet may be prepared to include with the other project Concept Plans.
Coordinate need with the Project Team.

The Bridge Designer and Reviewer complete the appropriate Bridge QC Checklist found in BDM A3.5.
A list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer and Designer can be found in BDM

3.3.4 TS&L Report

The Project (by others) – Is nearing the Design Acceptance Plans (DAP) milestone.

Bridge Design – The TS&L Report (consisting of the Alternatives Study, TS&L Memo or Narrative, TS&L
Plan Sheets, Engineer’s Estimate, Standards Assessment, and Design Deviations/Exceptions) is
complete, has been reviewed and approved by the Bridge Reviewer, and is ready to publish in the DAP.
Submit TS&L Report to the Project Leader.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

Provide bridge deliverables to the appropriate personnel to complete a Construction Review,

Maintenance Review and Regional Bridge Lead Engineer Review (see BDM Schedule a review
meeting with Construction and Maintenance personnel to discuss comments. The Bridge Designer,
Reviewer and Drafter complete the appropriate Bridge QC Checklist found in BDM A3.5. A list of
responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer and Designer can be found in BDM A3.4.

3.3.5 Design Acceptance Plans Package

The Project (by others) – Design Acceptance Plans (DAP) provide sufficient detail of project elements
and staging to identify right of way and utility impacts, utility relocation needs, and to allow application for
permits. Complete staging except for minor details.

At this milestone, alignments are final and the project ‘footprint’ is set. Changes after this stage should be
seldom needed, and work after this stage is adding detail and refining the design. Each project team
member is to review others’ DAP deliverables to ensure the work is compatible between disciplines, and
there are no discrepancies.

Roadway often takes the lead on common products, such as distributing the DAP and compiling a
complete cost estimate. A Design Narrative may be prepared that incorporates all sections’
commentaries. Reference may be made to other complete documents, such as the Bridge TS&L Report,
providing only minimal data in the Design Narrative for such sections.

Some items to be completed by others at or near the DAP milestone include:

• Roadway: Approved Design Exceptions, Project Narrative, DAP Cost Estimate
• Geotechnical: Preliminary Geotechnical recommendations documented
• Hydraulics: Hydraulic recommendations and plans

Bridge Design – Respond to any needs identified by the Project Leader. Attend the Design Acceptance
Workshop (DAW), if scheduled.

Some items to be completed at or near the DAP milestone include:

• Bridge: TS&L Report (including Alternative Study), Approved Design Deviations and Exceptions,
Information for permits
• Start structural analysis calculations and Preliminary contract plans.
• Write specialty specs with enough detail to give reviewers an idea of the work and pay items
involved. Include most of the bid items in cost estimates, although quantities will not be
accurately calculated at this time.

A list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer and Designer can be found in BDM

3.3.6 Preliminary Plans Package Milestone

The Project (by others) – Preliminary Plans incorporate adjustments that are needed due to further
refinement with right of way, utility, and permitting negotiations that have occurred. Decisions affecting
the footprint of the project are made by this time. Each project team member is to review others’
Preliminary Plans deliverables to ensure the work is compatible between disciplines, and there are no

Some items to be completed by others at the Preliminary Plans milestone include:

• Roadway: Preliminary Plans, Bid Summary/Cost Estimate
• Geotechnical: Draft Geotechnical Report

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

• Hydraulics: Draft Hydraulics Report, Storm Water Management Plan

• Environmental: Obtaining permits is continuing during this phase
• Utilities: Work with utility companies to establish utility relocations

Bridge Design – Substantially complete structural calculations and prepare Preliminary contract plans. All
plan sheets are started and prepared to approximately 70% complete, showing the basic geometry of all
major elements. Identify boilerplate special provisions using SPLIST. When there is no boilerplate
special provision, provide a draft special provision. Complete the Engineer’s Estimate @ Preliminary
Plans including all bid items with rough calculated quantities. Provide bridge deliverables to the Project
Leader for inclusion in the Preliminary Plans review package.

Provide bridge deliverables to the appropriate personnel to complete a Construction Review,

Maintenance Review and State Bridge Engineer Review (see BDM Schedule a review meeting
with Construction and Maintenance personnel to discuss comments.

Some items to be completed at the Preliminary Plans milestone include:

• Preliminary Plans, Engineer’s Estimate, List of anticipated special provisions
• All plan sheets are started and included in the review package.
• Engineer’s Estimate is to include all bid items with rough calculated quantities.
• Include boilerplate special provisions (i.e., compilation of boilerplate special provisions straight
from the ODOT webpage; without “refining” work).

The Bridge Designer and Reviewer complete the appropriate Bridge QC Checklist found in BDM A3.5. A
list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer and Designer can be found in BDM A3.4.

3.3.7 Advance Plans Package Milestone

The Project (by others) – Advance Plans include all items necessary to bid and build the project. Each
project team member is to review others’ Advance Plans deliverables to ensure the work is compatible
between disciplines; and review the entire plan set for clarity and consistency.

Some items to be completed by others at the Advance Plans milestone include:

• Roadway: Advance Plans, Construction Cost Estimate, Special Provisions,
• Construction: Construction Schedule
• Geotechnical: Stamped Geotechnical Report
• Hydraulics: Stamped Hydraulics Report, stamped Storm Water Management Plan
• Environmental: Obtaining permits may be continuing during this phase

Bridge Design – Complete structural analysis calculations and prepare Advance contract plans. Prepare
plan sheets to approximately 95% complete (only lacking corrections based on QC Checking comments),
including all geometry and details necessary for bidding and construction. Complete draft special
provisions, including specialty special provisions, and Engineer’s Estimate @ Advance Plans, including a
complete itemized list of bid items and accurately calculated quantities. Complete the Engineer’s
Estimate of Probable Construction Schedule when required by project team. Provide bridge deliverables
to the Project Leader for inclusion in the Advance Plans review package; to the Bridge Checker for
detailed structural QC check.

Some items to be completed at the Advance Plans milestone include:

• Advance Plans, Engineer’s Estimate, Special Provisions

The Bridge Designer, Reviewer, Checker and Drafter complete the appropriate Bridge QC Checklist
found in BDM A3.5. A list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer, Designer, and
Checker can be found in BDM A3.4.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

3.3.8 Final Plans Package Milestone

The Project (by others) – Final Plans consist of digitally signing the plan sheets and preparing for
submittal of the design work and finalizing the PS&E package.

Some items complete at the Final Plans milestone include:

• Roadway: Final Plans, Construction Cost Estimate, Final Special Provisions
• Construction: Final Construction Schedule
• Environmental: Approved permits

Bridge Design – Address comments from the detailed structural QC check and other reviews. Finalize
structural analysis calculations and prepare Final contract plans. Complete plan sheets (100%).
Complete final special provisions, final Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Schedule when
required by project team, and Engineer’s Estimate @ Final Plans. Provide bridge deliverables to the
Project Leader for inclusion in the Final Plans package. Also see PDLT Operational Notice PD-02 and
Final PS&E Submittal Checklist, and ensure the Bridge-related aspects of these documents are complete.

Some items to be completed at the Advance Plans milestone include:

• Final Plans, Engineer’s Estimate and Final Special Provisions

The Bridge Designer, Reviewer and Checker complete the appropriate Bridge QC Checklist found in
BDM A3.5. A list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer, Designer and Checker can
be found in BDM A3.4.

3.3.9 PS&E Milestone

The Project (by others) – At PS&E all the contract documents prepared by the Project Team are
submitted to the Office of Project Letting by the Project Leader to begin the process of advertising and bid

Bridge Design – Complete the structural analysis Bridge Designer and Checker calculation book(s).
Make a pdf of the calculation book(s) and submit to the Bridge Reviewer. Assist the Project Leader to
address any PS&E Package deficiencies before advertising; and to address any RFIs and Addendum
Letters during advertising. Prepare the “design” bridge load rating.

The Bridge Designer, Reviewer and Checker complete the appropriate Bridge QC Checklist found in
BDM A3.5. A list of responsibilities at this milestone for the Bridge Reviewer, Designer and Checker can
be found in BDM A3.4.

3.3.10 Bridge Design Project Close Out

Bridge Design – Within 60 days after Award, complete ‘Bridge Design Close-Out’ documents, per BDM

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles


3.4.1 Key Personnel

3.4.2 Large or Multiple Bridge Projects

3.4.1 Key Personnel

The following is a list of ‘key’ roles and responsibilities related to the design of a bridge. This is not an
exhaustive list of responsibilities and duties for the position noted. This list is intended to supplement the
ODOT Project Delivery Guide (PDG), not supersede it. Also see PDLT Operational Notice PD-01.

State Bridge Engineer

• The role of the State Bridge Engineer is to provide management and leadership to the State’s
Bridge Engineering Section.
• The State Bridge Engineer is responsible for:
o Overseeing the Bridge Program.
o Overseeing the Bridge Operations and Standards Unit.
o Overseeing the Bridge Preservation Design Unit.
o Overseeing the Regional Bridge Design Unit.

Bridge Program Manager

• The role of the Bridge Program Manager is to provide management and leadership to the State’s
Bridge Program Unit.
• The Bridge Program Manager is responsible for:
o Developing and programing the Bridge Program STIP.
o Approving final scope of work for Bridge Program projects.
o Approving changes to and funding for Bridge Program projects.

Bridge Operations and Standards Manager

• The role of the Bridge Operations and Standards Manager is to provide management and
leadership to the State’s Bridge Operations and Standards Unit.
• The Bridge Operations and Standards Manager is responsible for:
o Providing Subject Matter Experts for Bridge Designers and Drafters to consult with during
the development of projects.
o Maintaining the Bridge Design Quality Program, and providing Quality Auditors to audit
bridge designs.
o Maintaining the Bridge Design Manual and Bridge CAD Manual.
o Maintaining the Bridge Standard Drawings and Details.
o Modifying existing or developing new standards for design.
o Providing technical training to bridge designers and drafters.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

Bridge Design Manager

• The role of the Bridge Design Manager is to provide management and leadership to the State’s
Regional Bridge Design Unit.
• The Bridge Design Manager is responsible for:
o Satisfying the staffing needs of the various bridge and structural analysis needs by
providing the appropriate resources.
o Developing and implementing strategies to ensure the sustainability of the bridge design
technical discipline statewide.

Regional Bridge Lead Engineer

• The role of the Regional Bridge Lead Engineer is to represent the Bridge Design Manager in the
• The Regional Bridge Lead Engineer is responsible for:
o Performing lead engineer duties associated with the Regional Bridge Design Unit.

Bridge Reviewer
• The role of the Bridge Reviewer is to perform the QC/QA design review from prior to Project
Initiation through Project Award.
• The Bridge Reviewer is responsible for:
o Checking in with, and mentoring, the Bridge Designer and Checker at key points in time
to ensure work is progressing in a satisfactory manner to meet or beat schedule and
o Reviewing work and deliverables prepared by the Bridge Designer and Checker.

Bridge Designer
• The role of the Bridge Designer is to provide structural analysis and design for the Agency’s
maintenance and other structural design related needs.
• The Bridge Designer is responsible for:
o Performing structural analysis and design for bridges and other highway related structures.

Bridge Design Checker

• The role of the Bridge Design Checker is to perform the QC bridge design check of the structural
analysis and design for bridges and other highway related structures.
• The Bridge Design Checker is responsible for:
o Performing the QC bridge design check of the structural analysis and design for bridges
and other highway related structures.

Bridge Design Project Lead

• The role of the Bridge Design Project Lead is to lead and coordinate the bridge design on projects
with multiple bridge designers or bridges.
• The Bridge Design Project Lead is responsible for:
o Coordinating design, estimating and specification writing among the bridge designers on
the bridge project design team.
o Reviewing developing bridge designs to ensure consistency is maintained between
bridge designs.
o Attending Project Team meetings and representing the bridge project design team.

ODOT Project Leader

• The role of the Project Leader is facilitating and coordinating project teams.
• The Project Leader is responsible for:
o Scope, schedule and budget for projects developed using ODOT staff.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

A&E Project Manager

• The role of the A&E Project Manager is facilitating and coordinating project teams.
• The A&E Project Manager is responsible for:
o Scope, schedule, budget, and quality of contracted projects/work.

Local Agency Liaisons

• The role of the Local Agency Liaison is to manage project development for local government
• The Local Agency Liaison is responsible for:
o Delivery of local government projects, including local bridge projects.

Region Tech Center Manager

• The role of the Region Tech Center Manager is to provide management and leadership to the
Region Tech Center.
• The Region Tech Center Manager is responsible for:
o Managing technical staff assigned to the Region involved in project development.
o Developing and implementing a design quality control program within the Region Tech
o Ensuring project work is consistent with the Region Quality Plan.
o Monitoring quality assurance performance.

Consultant Project Manager (CPM)

• The role of the Consultant Project Manager is to serve as project leader in the delivering of entire
projects using full-service consulting contracts.
• The Consultant Project Manager is responsible for:
o Coordinating with consultants for delivery of full-service outsourced projects.
o Scope, schedule and budget for projects developed using outsourced staff.

Project Managers
• The role of the Project Manager is to administer contracts for construction.
• The Project Manager is responsible for:
o Construction management for in-house and outsourced projects.

Area Manager
• The role of the Area Manager is to oversee the complete project lifecycle including: scoping,
preliminary engineering, and construction phases of work.
• The Area Manager is responsible for:
o The delivery of projects in their area.

A&E Bridge Design Consultant

• May be contracted to perform the design duties associated with the Bridge Project Lead, Senior
Bridge Engineer, Bridge Engineer, Bridge Designer, Bridge Design Reviewer, or Bridge Design
Checker for individual projects or “program” of projects.
• Should not be contracted to perform “Owner” duties of the State Bridge Engineer, Bridge Program
Manager, Bridge Operations and Standards & Practices Manager, Bridge Design Manager, or
Bridge Design Leadworker.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

3.4.2 Large or Multiple Bridge Projects

Large design projects with multiple or complex structures usually involve several Designers and Drafters.
Often, these large projects can be done more efficiently if a Lead Designer and Lead Drafter organize and
manage the bridge design and drafting.

The following are guidelines for the Bridge Design Team Lead Designer. (BCM discusses guidelines for
the Lead Drafter.) Before the project kick-off the Lead Designer and Drafter should review these
guidelines and meet with the Bridge Reviewer to discuss the project and these duties.

Project Initiation (Kick-Off) – The Lead Designer should:

• Communicate to project team members and other ODOT units as well as outside organizations
that he or she will be the bridge design contact person for the project
• Obtain available design information

Preliminary and Final Design Phases – The Lead Designer should monitor design and drafting work,
which includes:
• Attend Project Team meetings
• Be aware of the status of design and drafting in relation to lead-time required to meet submittal
deadlines and bid-opening dates (Request help as needed to meet deadlines.)
• Maintain project records and update the project team by keeping:
o A file of correspondence and decisions that affect design
o Project team members informed, by memos or meetings, of any decisions or changes
o Design Reviewer aware of project status and any changes that develop
• Be available to project team members, especially new designers, and encourage them to ask
questions and share some of their assumptions for design and analysis before they start on a
major modeling and design task
• Coordinate preparation of Bridge deliverables
• Review Bridge Plans for uniformity of design/drafting practices and detailing
• Review Bridge deliverables for completeness before submittal to Design Reviewer
• Stay informed about what is happening with all project bridges in order to answer questions from
others in the absence of other bridge design team members

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles


3.5.1 Introduction

3.5.2 Definitions

3.5.3 Design Quality Plans

3.5.4 Bridge Design Quality Documents

3.5.5 Design Quality ‘Touch Points’

3.5.6 Design Reviews

3.5.7 Design Checks

3.5.8 Qualifications of Bridge Designer, Checker & Reviewer

3.5.9 Performance Measures

3.5.10 Troubleshooting Quality Issues

3.5.11 Recovery Plans

3.5.12 Quality Audits

3.5.13 Work Assignments

3.5.14 Training & Mentoring

3.5.1 Introduction

Quality Control and Quality Assurance is based on:

• Quality is achieved by adequate planning, coordination, supervision, and technical direction.
• Quality is achieved by focusing on preventing problems or errors rather than reacting to them.
• Quality is verified through monitoring, checking, and reviewing work activities, with documentation
by experienced, qualified individuals who are not directly responsible for performing the work.
• Quality should ensure that the work is done correctly the first time. (Appropriate knowledge and
experience levels, appropriate design team, appropriate project management, appropriate
communication of project scope, appropriate communications, appropriate attention at the
appropriate time by members of the project team.)

The owner plays the most important role in the quality and success of a project from design through
construction. This applies to in-house design and consultant design as well as design-build design. The
owner must clearly establish the requirements and expectations of a project through RFP design
documents, contract plans, and other design or construction related documents. These requirements and
expectations must be communicated and understood by the designer and the construction contractor.
The owner, the designer, and contractor are then expected to work together to meet the requirements
and expectations.

A Quality Control / Quality Assurance (QC/QA) program establishes the formal office or organizational

1FHWA, Guidance on QC/QA in Bridge Design In Response to NTSB Recommendation (H-08-17),

August 2011

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles

procedures or practices for ensuring the owners requirements and expectations are fully met. A QC/QA
program provides checks and balances within an organization to assure quality in the final contract plans
and specifications. QC/QA programs are implemented at different levels or phases of project activities.
QC/QA is more than performing a design check and review to the design calculations and contract plans.
Design QC/QA starts at Project Initiation and is an ongoing process through Project Award and

Overall Project QC/QA will be planned and carried out primarily by the Tech Center Manager, Project
Leader or Project Manager. The process, however, involves every member of the project team, and
others, such as: Region Tech Center Manager, Project Leader (PL), Project Manager (APM), Region
Area Manager, Bridge Checker, Bridge Reviewer, State Bridge Engineer, Bridge Program Manager,
Bridge Operations & Standards Manager, Senior Bridge Engineer, Bridge Subject Matter Experts, ODOT
Structural Materials Engineer, ODOT Construction Engineer, ODOT Maintenance Engineer, and the
ODOT Office of Project Letting Quality Engineers.

In the bridge design phase, the bridge designer is responsible for making sure his/her calculations and
drawings are accurate and meeting the requirements of the design. The bridge designer performs QC of
his/her own work by establishing procedure for self-checking the work for accuracy and correctness. The
checker performs QC of the designer’s calculations, plans, specification, and estimates. The reviewer,
practicing QA, is responsible for ensuring the established quality procedures and practices are
completed, and reviewing the work of the bridge designer and bridge checker to assure accuracy and
correctness in meeting the design requirements and expectations of the bridge owner.

3.5.2 Definitions

Quality: The degree to which a product or service meets or exceeds a customer's requirements and

Quality Management: The overall management function that determines quality policy, objectives, and
responsibilities, and their implementation by means such as quality planning, quality assurance, quality
control, and quality improvement within the system.

Quality Control (QC): In general: the operational activities put in place to control the quality of a product
or service. These include such activities as providing clear decisions and directions, diligent supervision
by experienced individuals, immediate review of completed activities for accuracy and completeness, and
accurate documentation of all decisions, assumptions, and recommendations. Quality control
procedures, if followed, should ensure that the work is done correctly the first time.

As it relates to bridge design – checking design criteria, procedures of checking the accuracy of the
calculations and consistency of the drawings, detecting and correcting design omissions and errors
before the bridge design plans are finalized, and verifying the specifications for the load-carrying
members are adequate for the service and operation loads.

Quality Assurance (QA): The certainty that products and services meet the requirements for quality. The
objective of quality assurance is the continual improvement of the total delivery process to enhance
quality, productivity, and customer satisfaction. Essentially, quality assurance describes the process of
enforcing quality control standards. When quality assurance is well-implemented, progressive
improvement in terms of both reducing errors and omissions and increasing product usability and
performance should be observed. Quality assurance should function as a "voice" for the customer, a
reminder that the work product is intended for use by a customer. (Essentially, QA is what the project
manager does to confirm that a QC program is effective and provides feedback upon which further
development of the QC program can be made.)

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles

As it relates to bridge design; making work assignments, overseeing the establishment of design criteria,
procedures of reviewing the work to ensure the quality control are in place and effective in preventing
mistakes, and consistency in the development of bridge design plans and specifications.

Quality Control Plan: The comprehensive, well-defined, written set of procedures and activities aimed at
delivering products that meet or exceed a customer's expectations, as expressed in contract documents
and other published sources. A quality control plan will identify the organization or individuals responsible
for quality control and the specific procedures used to ensure delivery of a quality product. A quality
control plan will also detail quality assurance measures and the method of accountability and required

Bridge Designer: An individual directly responsible for the development of design calculations, drawings,
specifications, and contract documents, and review of shop drawings related to a specific bridge design
with a level of technical skills and experience commensurate with the complexity of the subject structure
or structures being designed.

Bridge Checker: An individual responsible for performing a full technical check of the structural design
calculations, drawings, specifications and contract documents.

Bridge Reviewer: An individual responsible for performing QA procedures for assuring that QC
procedures have been performed.

Engineer of Record: An individual responsible for all bridge structural aspects of the design of the
structure including the design of all of the bridge’s systems and components. The Engineer of Record
normally seals and signs the final contract plans and specifications.

3.5.3 Design Quality Plans

ODOT Bridge Section – As it relates to bridge design, ODOT Bridge Section maintains the baseline
QC/QA procedures in the BDM that form the basis for the Bridge Design Quality Control Plan.

ODOT Regions – Each Region has a Design Quality Control Plan that provides guidance to technical
staff on the preparation of high quality, cost effective, deliverables that meet the expectations of its

A&E Consultants – All design consultants shall have a documented Design Quality Plan (DQP) for the
firm's design. This applies to the Prime Consultant and any and all of their subconsultants. In lieu of
subconsultants having their own documented DQP, the Prime Consultant should assume that
responsibility for their subconsultants. The DQP should be furnished to ODOT as a Start-Up deliverable
in the design contract, and as requested. ODOT should review the DQP to ensure it meets the intent of
the Agency’s Quality Program(s), and refer to it when reviewing consultant work deliverables.

Local Agency Quality Control Plan – See Local Agency Guidelines (LAG) manual

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles

3.5.4 Bridge Design Quality Documentation For Typical STIP Projects

The following is a list of the Bridge documents to retain, preferably in Agency's ProjectWise system. If the
project is not in ProjectWise, then in a folder on the Bridge Section server in which the data can be
accessed for Quality Auditing purposes. Electronic pdf files are preferred in lieu of paper hardcopies. For
internal designs, submit these documents to the Bridge Design Manager (who will send to the Bridge
Design Coordinator for tracking and document retention purposes). For external designs, the Design
Contractor will submit these documents to the ODOT Project Manager identified in the contract. The
ODOT PM will send the documents to the assigned Bridge Reviewer (or the Regional Bridge Lead
Engineer if there is no assigned Bridge Reviewer); and the Bridge Reviewer who will send the documents
to the Bridge Design Manager.

1. ODOT Bridge Design Work Order (for internal designs; refer to the A&E Contract for external
designs), original and any revisions
2. A&E Personal Services Contract, if applicable (for external designs)
3. Project Startup deliverables
4. TS&L Report (reviewed and final copy(s))
5. Preliminary Plans Package (reviewed and final copy(s))
6. Advance Plans Package (reviewed and final copy(s))
7. Final Plans Package (reviewed and final copy(s))
8. Calculation Book(s)
a. Note: Unless a separate calculation book is necessary, put TS&L calculations in the Final
Design calculation book.
b. Final Design calculations, Designer’s calculations
c. Final Design Check calculations, Checker’s calculations
9. Checker Review Comment Forms
a. Review Comments, Responses, and QC Verification
10. Reviewer Review Comment Forms
a. Review Comments, Responses, and QC Verification
11. Bridge Designer, Bridge Checker, and Bridge Reviewer QC/QA Checklist

Note 1: The supporting Hydraulics and Geotechnical Reports are retained in the ODOT Geo-
Environmental Section.

Note 2: See the BPPM for the Bridge Design Coordinator role and responsibilities, details regarding
storage/retainage of the Bridge Quality Documents (where they are stored, how long they are stored),
and how they may be accessed. For Bridge Maintenance Projects

The following is a list of the Bridge documents to retain in a folder on the Bridge Section server in which
the data can be accessed for Quality Auditing purposes. Electronic pdf files are preferred in lieu of paper
1. ODOT Bridge Design Work Order, if available, original and any revisions
2. Project Startup deliverables
3. Options Memo (reviewed and final copy(s)) when required
4. Checking Package (reviewed and final copy(s))
5. Final Plans Package (reviewed and final copy(s))
6. Calculation Book(s)
a. Final Design calculations, Designer’s calculations
7. Checker & Reviewer Review Comment Forms
a. Review Comments, Responses, and QC Verification

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles

3.5.5 Bridge Design Quality ‘Touchpoints’

Internal designs will typically have the following QC/QA ‘Touch Points’:
• Project Scoping – Review comments, Draft BDWO
• Project Initiation – Scope confirmation, BDWO finalized (for start of design), and Bridge Reviewer,
Designer, & Checker assignments
• Start-Up – Design Criteria, Standards Assessment, and Design Deviation/Exception identification
review comments
• 50% TS&L (by schedule) – progress check-in
• TS&L Report – Review comments, signature sheet signed
• DAP/DAW – Review comments
• Preliminary Plans Package
• Advance Plans Package – Review comments
• Final Plans Package – Comment resolution verification
• PS&E Package – Bridge design quality documentation
• Project Quality Audit
• Project Close-out

External designs should have similar QC/QA ‘Touch Points’. See the consultant’s Design Quality Plan for

3.5.6 Design Reviews Bridge Reviewer

• Responsible for performing role as noted in BDM 3.4.1, BDM A3.4.2 and per Bridge Reviewer
QC/QA Checklist.
• Responsible for performing QA procedures or seeing that QC/QA procedures have been
• May request Subject Matter Expert review (not a check), including welding, protective systems,
and bridge inspection
• May request Structural Materials Review
• May request Region Bridge Inspector for bridge inspection features
• Ensures that Construction Review has been performed
• Ensures that Maintenance Review has been performed Peer Reviews

For major projects involving unusual, complex, and innovative features, a peer review may be desirable to
raise the level of confidence in the quality of design and construction. A peer review is generally a high-
level QA review by a special panel of professionals specifically appointed by the State Bridge Engineer or
designee to meet the demands for quality and accuracy, recognizing the complexity of the design. Peer
review is an effective way to improve quality and to reduce the risk of errors and omissions. The need for
such peer reviews is at the discretion of the State Bridge Engineer. Project Leader / Project Manager Review 2

• Responsible for coordinating and leading reviews and quality processes.
• Leads Project Team Review, including a review by individual team members to coordinate design
items between disciplines.

2ODOT Quality Program also calls this a “Peer Review”. However, this subsection has intentionally not
been included as a second bullet to BDM because industry peer review is typically understood to
mean people of the same background – in this case, all with a background of bridge design.

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles Regional Bridge Lead Engineer / Bridge Design Manager Review

A design review will be performed by the following personnel:

• Regional Bridge Lead Engineer
• Bridge Design Manager, on selected projects
• Regional Bridge Lead Engineer may request Bridge Engineering Section Review (Subject Matter
Expert review (not a check), including welding, protective systems), however, the outcome of this
review is typically advisory comments or recommendations.

External designs are subject to the same Regional Bridge Lead Engineer design review. The design
consultant will submit TS&L Report to the A&E Project Manager for distribution.

3.5.7 Design Checks

The expected Class of Check is noted on the Bridge Design Work Order. An assessment of the expected
Class of Check will be made based on the table below. In some cases, based on geometry for example,
the entire bridge may require “Independent” check calculation. In other cases, based on elements, the
bridge may require “Independent” check calculations for specific elements, and “Line-by-Line” checks of
the Designer’s calculations for the remainder of the bridge. This will be noted on Bridge Design Work
Order based on the best information available prior to the Project’s Kick-Off meeting. The Bridge
Designer and the Bridge Reviewer should review the Bridge Design Work Order before checking starts to
ensure the Class of Check is appropriate. Changes to the expected Class of Check must be approved by
the Regional Bridge Lead Engineer before proceeding with the check. Changes to the Class of Check
require the Bridge Design Work Order be revised (for Quality documentation purposes). Revise the
Bridge Design Work Order with a ‘pen-and-ink’ note to show the new Class of Check and the Regional
Bridge Lead Engineer’s initials.

Design checks fall into one of the following Classes of Checks:

Class I:
• Prepare “Independent” structural calculations
• Check plans, specifications, and estimate

Class II:
• Perform “Line-by-Line” check of Bridge Designer’s structural calculations
• Check plans, specifications, and estimate

Class III:
• No structural calculations
• Quantity calculations
• Check plans, specifications, and estimate

Use Class III check procedures for bridge preservation work except for calculations in support of seismic
retrofit, strengthening, or structural changes.

An “Independent” check means the Checker will prepare his or her own calculations without or before
seeing the Designer’s calculations. After the Checker has prepared his or her calculations the Checker
and Designer compare results. Generally this type of check takes longer than a “Line-by-Line”. The
advantage is two separate sets of calculations are made; disadvantages include: tendency for the
Designer not to complete his or her design calculation book, content can become cryptic, abbreviated,
and difficult to follow.

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Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

A “Line-by-Line” check means the Checker will work from a copy of the Designer’s calculations, going
through line-by-line and redlining. Besides checking line by line, the Checker must also ask “Has the
Designer included all calculations required?” Generally there is a time savings in performing this type of
check. Other benefits of this type of checking include: calculation book is complete (for design purposes)
at PS&E, and junior designers can see senior designers work, content is complete and understandable
(especially worthwhile if have to make revisions during construction after several months of not working
on the design).

To perform a “Line-by-Line” check the Checker obtains a copy of the Designer’s calculations. The
Checker should review the Table of Contents to ensure it is in order, complete, and that all expected
entries are included. The Checker should then review the Givens and the Assumptions. Then the
Checker can go through the calculations line by line. Any comments should be redlined. Redlining can
be done by hand with a red pencil, or electronically in a pdf file. If checking comments are not made
electronically in the copy, the hardcopies should be scanned to pdf and saved in appropriate electronic

Use the following table to determine if a “Line-by-Line” check is acceptable, or if an “Independent” check
is required:

Check Calculations
“Line-by-Line” “Independent”
Geometry / Layout Regular; Tangent; Simple-Span Irregular; Curved1; Skewed2;
Standard Drawings / Details Acceptable If judged necessary
Major / Unusual / Complex Not acceptable Acceptable
Seismic Design / Retrofit 3 Design Categories A & B Design Categories C & D
Prestress Slabs 4 Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 prior designs
Prestress Boxes 4 Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 prior designs
Prestress Tubs 4 Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 prior designs
Prestress Girders 4 Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 prior designs
Post-Tension anything Not acceptable Acceptable
Steel Plate Girder Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 prior designs
Steel Trapezoidal Girder Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 prior designs
Abutments Regular; Non-Integral Integral & Semi-Integral
Columns Not acceptable Acceptable
Bridge Strengthening Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 similar designs
Rail Retrofits Must have successfully < 2 prior designs
completed 2 similar designs

1. Curvatures with Radius < 1000 feet
2. Skew > 20 degrees
3. Includes Capacity Protection design
4. ODOT Standard shapes only; otherwise do “Independent” calculations
• The items in the table were agreed to between the Bridge Section Operations and Standards
Managing Engineer and FHWA Bridge Representative. No changes or deviations from this table
should be made without discussing with both of these people.

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles

• If the bridge or bridge element you are checking is not described in this table then prepare
“Independent” calculations.
• Any check starting as “Line-by-Line” can be escalated to “Independent” calculations with approval
of the Bridge Reviewer. No check starting as “Independent” calculations may be reduced to
• To request a deviation from the practice noted in this table see BDM 1.2.2
• To suggest an addition to this table that you believe is a good candidate for “Line-by-Line”
checking please send an email to the Bridge Design Standards and Practices Engineer.

3.5.8 Qualifications of Bridge Designer, Checker & Reviewer

The bridge designers, checkers, and reviewers are the key personnel to provide well-designed and
constructible plans to build good quality bridges. The bridge designers, checkers, and reviewers must be
experienced in structural designs and familiar with the current AASHTO Bridge Design and Construction
Specifications and the State’s Bridge Design Manual (BDM).

1) Bridge Designer and Checker: The following are the desirable requirements for a bridge
designer and checker:
• Possess a Professional License as a Civil Engineer or Structural Engineer in Oregon; or
• If the bridge designer and checker do not have a PE/SE license, he or she should be under the
direct supervision of a PE/SE licensed engineer who is in responsible charge of the design;
• The bridge designer and checker’s experience should be commensurate with the complexity of
the bridge being designed.

2) Bridge Reviewer: The bridge reviewer should be familiar with Bridge Engineering Section’s
standards and practices, and ODOT’s project delivery and construction practices, procedures, and

3.5.9 Performance Measures

Performance Measures are specific items/tasks to monitor to ensure the successful completion of
something (e.g., a goal, a specific piece of work, a change in process, a person’s assigned duties, etc.).
The manager typically establishes these items to align with his/her responsibilities (e.g., Goals and
Objectives, specific charges, etc.). These items can be for an individual or for a group; however, they
should be assessed on an individual basis. These items typically become the basis of an individual’s
performance assessment/appraisal.

3.5.10 Troubleshooting Bridge Design Quality

This is not troubleshooting ‘design delivery’; this is what to do if Bridge Design Quality is not being met.
• Early intervention.
• Discussion/Review by Bridge Design Manager, Region Tech Center Manager, Bridge Reviewer,
and Bridge Operations and Standards Manager.
• Review of approved design team by Bridge Design Manager.
• Review BDWO (internal designs; A&E contract SOW and QP for external designs) for changes
(actual and/or under-estimated) as it relates to needed knowledge/experience.
• Change resource’s assignments before making resource reassignment.
• Provide training, internal or external, if schedule allows
• Provide coaching/mentoring of resource, if schedule allows.

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Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

3.5.11 Recovery Plans

The purpose of a recovery plan is to document specific tasks that need to be done, with dates the tasks
need to be done, to get back on schedule or back in budget (i.e., revised performance measures). After
“troubleshooting” any bridge design Quality issues, the Bridge Design Manager will prepare a brief
narrative plan documenting these tasks/measures; keeping a copy and providing a copy to the Bridge
Designer and the Bridge Reviewer.

3.5.12 Quality Audits

The following is a brief outline of the Quality Audit process that will be performed by the Quality Auditor on
a random sample of projects (see BPPM, Quality Auditor, for specifics):
• On a regular schedule, randomly select projects to perform quality audit
• Notifies Bridge Design Manager (who will notify Regional Bridge Lead Engineer), Bridge
Reviewer, and Bridge Designer
• Review BDM and Region Design Quality Plan(s)
• Review Bridge Design Work Order
• Audit project Bridge Quality Documentation retained in ProjectWise or the appropriate location of
the Bridge server
• Collect Reviewer QC/QA Checklist
• If complete, prepare Audit Report noting findings
• If not complete, contact the Bridge Reviewer and Bridge Designer and discuss discrepancies
• If necessary, contact the Bridge Design Manager and requests data be completed and submitted
• Once data received, complete Audit Report
• Provide Audit Report to State Bridge Engineer, Bridge Design Manager, and Bridge Operations
and Standards Manager

3.5.13 Work Assignments

• Performed by the Bridge Design Manager.

• For internal, done based on knowledge, skills and abilities, and training needs.
• For external, done through RFP process and consultant selection (based on consultant proposal
(i.e., response to RFP).)
• For Local Agencies, typically done through RFP process. Some Counties still eligible for Free
Bridge Design through ODOT.

3.5.14 Training & Mentoring

Bridge Design Manager:

• Oversees the Resource Planning group with assignment of project Bridge Reviewer, Designer,
and Checker.
• Evaluates and identifies skill gaps.
• Suggest or recommend training courses to be delivered by Subject Matter Experts.
• Trains people involved in Bridge QCQA what documents need to be retained for Quality

• Mentors Designers: Throughout course of reviewing a project (from Project Initiation to PS&E
Package), the Reviewer is mentoring the project designer (rookie & veteran); and quite possibly
training the rookie designer.
• Mentors Checkers: If during the course of reviewing a project, the Reviewer may elect to mentor
the design checker.

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles

• Mentors Reviewers: Veteran Reviewers will mentor and train new or less experienced rookie
• Trains people involved in Bridge QCQA what documents need to be retained for Quality

Subject Matter Expert:

• Provides training in subject of expertise as needed (training may be one-on-one, one-on-many,
external provider, etc.)

Training Coordinator (proposed):

• Maintains database of internal bridge design staff, their project assignments, their role on the
project (Reviewer, Designer, or Checker), a short description of the project, and a short
description of the bridge work performed.
• Provides report of this information as requested.

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles


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Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles


3.7.1 QPL

3.7.2 Research

3.7.1 Qualified Products List (QPL)

The Structure Services Unit of the Construction Section is responsible for the evaluation of products for
use on construction and maintenance projects.

If a product is approved for use, it is included in the Qualified Products List (QPL) published every six
months. The QPL is covered in Section 00160.05 of the ODOT Standard Specifications for Highway
Construction as modified by the special provisions. The special provisions of a project will tell which
edition of the QPL is in effect for that contract.

A product can be evaluated as an “equal product” or a “new product”:

• Equal products are similar to ones currently used by ODOT and are covered by existing
specifications or standards.
• New Products are ones not addressed by current specifications or standards.

After evaluation, a product’s status becomes one of the following:

• Conditional – Equal or new product will be allowed a trial installation on one project only,
recommended for a demonstration project, or recommended as an experimental feature. See
Section 3.17.3(3) “Experimental Features Program”.
• Qualified – Product is equal to existing approved products or has test results that meet ODOT
• Rejected - Product does not meet ODOT specifications or has failed performance testing.

Products with Conditional status will have trial installation on projects where they can be monitored during
installation and for a limited performance period. The manufacturer or supplier is responsible for locating
an active project, either construction or maintenance, for the proposed product. Normally, a product will
be considered Conditional first, and then move to Qualified after it establishes a good track record. Of
course, a previously qualified product can fall from grace and become rejected because of unsatisfactory
field performance.

3.7.2 Research

(Reserved for future use)

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles


3.9.1 Introduction

3.9.2 Purpose of TS&L

3.9.3 When is a TS&L needed?

3.9.4 TS&L Approval

3.9.5 Multiple Bridge Projects

3.9.6 TS&L Report

3.9.7 Alternatives Study

3.9.8 Bridge Design Criteria & Standards Assessment

3.9.9 Design Deviations and Exceptions

3.9.10 TS&L Report with Memo

3.9.11 TS&L Report with Narrative

3.9.12 Engineer’s Estimate @ TS&L

3.9.13 TS&L Plan Sheet(s)

3.9.14 TS&L Calculations

3.9.1 Introduction

DAP Design Phase (aka, old “Preliminary Design Phase) is the phase between the milestones Project
Initiation (Kickoff) and Design Acceptance Package (DAP). The DAP Design Phase concludes with the
acceptance of the DAP (or cancelation of the project). When the project includes bridge structures the DAP
will typically include a section for Bridges and will include one or more TS&L Reports or Bridge/Structures
DAP reports (i.e., “modified” TS&L Reports).

The TS&L Report is prepared to provide the opportunity for the State Bridge Engineer and the Bridge
Design Manager to have input on the type of bridge, or work affecting the bridge, under design. Items to be
addressed include: type, size and location of the bridge; use of high performance materials; use of new
technologies; new innovative materials; opportunities for accelerated construction; unique/creative new uses
of known materials; constructability; appropriateness of construction techniques; maintainability;
inspectability; cost-effectiveness; aesthetic requirements; corrosion protection strategy; improved details to
eliminate existing problem areas on bridges (i.e., bridge expansion joints, fatigue prone details, bearings,
etc.); hydraulic/scour analysis and deck drainage; geotechnical requirements and types of foundations.

Preliminary design studies should consider the bridge location, length, width, span arrangement and
superstructure system considering traffic requirements, safety measures, channel configuration, stream
flow, etc. Feasible alternatives for a proposed bridge crossing along with their merits and shortcomings,
should be identified and discussed.
3.9.2 Purpose of TS&L

The purpose of a TS&L Report is to:

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles

• Document the Alternatives Study or reasonable alternatives/options considered;

• Document the recommended alternative (or option), and the “approved” alternative advanced to
the Final Design Phase (aka, PS&E Phase) (in some situations these can be different);
• Document the rationale (i.e., the justification) for “why”) the recommended and ‘approved’
alternative(s) or option(s) was(were) selected over the other alternatives or options;
• Document the selected type, geometry, size, and location of the recommended and ‘approved’
alternative or option;
• Document deviations from design practices; and
• Provide rationale with background information for reviewers, owners, or clients to effectively
evaluate and approve an alternative to advance to final design.

Provide just enough information to address each discussion item as a bridge designer; typically it is not
necessary or desirable to provide the supporting information used by other disciplines (i.e., biologists,
hazmat specialists, roadway engineers, traffic engineers, historians, etc.).


There may be a misconception that the TS&L Report is prepared so that the Bridge Hydraulics Report,
Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration, and Preliminary Geotechnical Reports can be prepared. In actuality,
each of these documents should be prepared at the same time with each document preparer working in
close coordination and collaboration with the other document preparers.

A TS&L Report provides specific bridge information required by FHWA for their review and approval of
projects using Federal funding (and recommended for projects without Federal funds). It is the concluding
documentation of the Alternatives Study. The name was coined by FHWA circa 1990. The acronym TS&L
stands for Type, Size & Location. The FHWA/ODOT Stewardship Agreement of the Federal Aid Program
has delegated the TS&L review and approval process to ODOT for federal-aid projects that are designated
as NOT Full Federal Oversight (FFO). ODOT will submit TS&L Reports to the FHWA on projects
designated as FFO.

Note: If adequate background information is NOT provided the TS&L may be rejected, which could result in
an undesirable delay in the project schedule.

Bridge Engineering Section makes a distinction between the TS&L and the DAP. The TS&L is used as
the approval document for the bridge discipline. The DAP is the approval document for the entire project.
The duties of the Bridge Reviewer include official approval of the TS&L for the bridge discipline. Although
Bridge Engineering Section is provided the opportunity to review the TS&L, the outcome of this review is
typically advisory comments or recommendations.

The DAP submittal provides ODOT the opportunity to officially “approve” a project concept. However,
since it includes the entire project, review of this submittal is typically directed more towards roadway
layout with very little attention on structures. For this reason, the primary Quality Control requirements for
the bridge discipline are focused on the TS&L.

To ensure a sincere review of the TS&L, adequate time in the schedule is necessary to allow
modifications to the design and revisions of the TS&L prior to submittal of the DAP. A minimum of two
weeks should be allowed for small projects. Large projects will require additional time. This time
between TS&L and DAP is critical to the Quality Control process. When time is not provided, quality is
compromised since rejection of the TS&L would, in many cases, result in an unacceptable delay to the
project. Where project schedules are compressed, increased involvement by the Bridge Reviewer in the
early stages of design can mitigate project delay risk.

3.9.3 When is a TS&L needed?

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Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

A TS&L Report is required when:

• Typically, anytime work other than routine maintenance or emergency repair is performed on a
bridge, or
• Whenever work is on primary longitudinal (e.g., girders) or transverse (e.g., crossbeams) load
carrying elements.

When is it necessary to prepare a TS&L Narrative:

• Anytime an Alternatives Study is performed, or
• Whenever it is necessary to prepare structural calculations for the work.

When is it acceptable to prepare a TS&L Memo in lieu of a TS&L Narrative:

• Whenever work is on elements other than the primary longitudinal or transverse load carrying
elements, or
• Whenever it is not necessary to prepare structural calculations for the work.
• Whenever the work primarily consists of bridge preservation.


An Alternative Analysis is typically a comparison of credible alternatives such as “new concrete bridge in
location A, new steel bridge in location B, culvert/fill in location C, etc.

A comparison of options analyzes options such as “patch concrete with passive anodes, patch concrete
with impressed current cathodic protection, patch concrete and coat with silane sealer, etc.

If an Alternatives Study of the primary longitudinal or transverse load carrying elements, or structural
calculations is not necessary then a TS&L Memo may be prepared to:
1) document the nature of the work at the end of the DAP Design Phase and before starting the Plan
Development Phase, and
2) document the rationale for selecting between options for non-primary longitudinal or transverse
load carrying elements.
3) document the rationale for selecting bridge preservation options. Typical examples of bridge
preservation work include bridge painting, cathodic protection, concrete patching for historic
preservation or to preserve a bridge for economic reasons, ornamental “stealth” rail replacement,
movable bridge work, and covered bridge work.

If the scope of work at the end of the DAP Design Phase is the same as the scope of work at the
beginning of the DAP Design Phase the TS&L Memo will simply document that the scope is the same. If
the scope of work at the end of the DAP Design Phase has changed, the TS&L Memo should document
the reasons why the scope has changed. For Bridge Program bridge projects, it is very important to have
the concurrence of the Bridge Program Manager and the State Bridge Engineer before proceeding to
Final Design. This is the primary reason for the TS&L Memo.

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3.9.4 TS&L Approval

Under the direction of the Bridge Design Manager, the Bridge Reviewer will review and approve the TS&L
Report. The TS&L Report will be signed by both the Bridge Designer and the Bridge Reviewer. The
Bridge Reviewer’s signature will constitute “approval” of the TS&L by a person knowledgeable in bridge


Prior to 2004 the ODOT Bridge Design Team Leader (Structural Manager) and the State Bridge Engineer
“approved” the TS&L. After 2004, the Region Bridge Manager and, by virtue of the ‘project development
process’, the Region Tech Center Manager and Area Manager formally “approved” the TS&L via their
signature of the DAP Report.

3.9.5 Multiple Bridge Projects

For projects with more than one bridge structure, create a separate section/chapter within the same TS&L
Report for each bridge structure. Creating a separate section/chapter for each bridge will:
1) make it easier to add or subtract bridges, should the scope change;
2) make it easier to focus discussions on individual bridges; and
3) make it easier to not have to flip through pages of information for other bridges that are not relevant
to the particular bridge.

3.9.6 TS&L Report

TS&L Report is comprised of:

• TS&L Narrative or TS&L Memo
• Engineer’s Estimate @ TS&L
• TS&L Plan Sheet(s)
• Bridge Design Criteria & Standards Assessment
• Design Deviations and Exceptions
• Alternatives Study supporting data

Tables and figures are an integral part of a well-written TS&L Report. If the text is crowded with detail,
especially quantitative detail, consider creating a table. Do not overload the text with information that
could be presented better in a table. Tables are often used for reporting extensive numerical data in an
organized manner.

3.9.7 Alternatives Study

Perform the Alternatives Study investigating at least three bridge types; considering such things as
site/corridor context, site access, environmental factors, material availability, constructability, construction
contractor knowledge/experience, and cost. Include this study in the design calculation book.

When the project involves an existing bridge, use the alternatives study to consider reasonable alternatives
that may include replacement, preservation or rehabilitation, and status quo (do nothing), on the basis of first
cost and life-cycle cost. The alternative with the lowest life-cycle cost will provide the highest overall value to
the Agency, but cash flow considerations sometimes dictate selection based on lowest first cost.

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3.9.8 Bridge Design Criteria & Standards Assessment

At the start of the DAP Design Phase prepare the bridge design criteria and a table of bridge standards
applicable to the design. Include references to Standard Drawings, Standard Details, BDM references,
AASHTO Design Code references, etc. and standard values; include actual design values; and include
notation whether the actual design values meet or do not meet that standard. This table will become the
basis for preparation of design deviations and exceptions. Include this table in the design calculation

[Note: A template is in the works to aid in this assessment.]

3.9.9 Design Deviations and Exceptions

Whenever the actual design values do not meet a standard value prepare a design deviation or
exception. See BDM 1.2.2. Include approved deviations and exceptions in the design calculation book.

3.9.10 TS&L Report with Memo

1. Cover Page
2. Signature Page
3. Table of Contents
4. Body of Memo
a. Project Information
b. Rationale for selections between options
c. Rationale for changes in scope
5. Engineer’s Estimate @ TS&L
6. TS&L Plan Sheet(s)
7. Appendix
a. Bridge Design Criteria & Standards Assessment
b. Approved Design Deviations and Exceptions

For most projects that include “bridge preservation” work, in addition to project information, rationale for
selection, and rationale for scope changes, the TS&L Memo will address the following items if applicable:
1. Historic preservation requirements / ADA Compliance
2. Park land impacts
3. Deck condition and chloride content
4. Staging of the work
5. Load rating status (i.e., should the bridge be strengthened as part of the project, and can the bridge
support any needed work access or other temporary works?)
6. Items from the list in BDM 3.9.11(4):
a. Mobility
b. Environmental Information & Constraints
c. Utilities
d. Railroad
e. Any other item listed that affects the preservation work

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3.9.11 TS&L Report with Narrative

1. Cover Page
2. Signature Page
3. Table of Contents
4. Body of Narrative, preferred alternative
a. Project Information (location)
b. Alternatives Studied
c. Recommended Alternative
d. Bridge Design Criteria
e. ADA Compliance
f. Mobility (AADT, # lanes to remain open, detours)
g. Roadway (horizontal & vertical alignment, superelevation, roadway x-section)
h. Hydraulics (design flood, ordinary high water, scour)
i. Geotechnical & Foundations (subsurface conditions)
j. Environmental Information & Constraints
k. Traffic (signs, signals, illumination)
l. Utilities (on bridge, near bridge)
m. Railroad (clearances)
n. Right of Way
o. Superstructure (type, geometry, length, width, clearances)
p. Substructure (type, geometry, size, clearances)
q. Aesthetics
r. Other Design Justification (if rationale for decisions made is not provided above)
5. Engineer’s Estimate @ TS&L, preferred alternative
6. TS&L Plan Sheet(s), preferred alternative
7. Appendix
a. Bridge Design Criteria & Standards Assessment
b. Approved Design Deviations and Exceptions
c. Plan sheets of all other alternatives, as needed

Note 1: If the Hydraulics Report or Geotechnical Report is not available at the time the TS&L Narrative is
written, always include comments about assumptions made in consultation with the Hydraulics or
Geotechnical Designer.

Note 2: Do not use the TS&L Narrative to provide all the data needed for environmental permitting. Include
this permitting information in a separate memo. See BDM 3.14.8 for further guidance.

3.9.12 Engineer’s Estimate @ TS&L

The Engineer’s Estimate @ TS&L documents the estimated construction cost of the preferred alternative.
Prepare an estimate for each alternative studied. The estimate typically is based on a rough calculation of
quantities. Include estimate in TS&L Report.

3.9.13 TS&L Plan Sheet(s)

The TS&L Plan & Elevation Drawing is a single 11x17 sheet containing:
• Title Block
• Vicinity Map (with north arrow)
• Plan View (with north arrow)
• Elevation View
• Typical Section
• Construction Staging Section(s)

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• Hydraulic Data (if applicable)

• TS&L General Notes

A second sheet (or more) may be included to show construction staging typical sections, if

See Bridge CAD Manual for specific information pertaining to the drafting and detailing of the TS&L Plan &
Elevation drawing.

Include plan sheets in the TS&L Report.

3.9.14 TS&L Templates

The following TS&L templates are posted on the ODOT Bridge website:

TS&L Memo (Template)

TS&L Narrative for Bridge Replacement (Template)

TS&L Narrative for Bridge Strengthening (Template)

TS&L Narrative for Phase 1 Seismic Retrofit (Template)

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles


3.10.1 Introduction

3.10.2 Sealing & Signing Requirements

3.10.3 Contract Plans

3.10.4 Specifications & Special Provisions

3.10.5 Engineer’s Estimate

3.10.6 Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Schedule

3.10.7 Calculations & Calculation Books

3.10.8 Bridge Load Rating

3.10.9 Operations & Maintenance Manuals

3.10.1 Introduction

The Final Design Phase can begin after receiving approval of the DAP. For Design-Bid-Build projects, the
Contract Documents are prepared during the Final Design Phase. These documents include sealed and
signed construction plan sheets, Special Provisions, Engineer’s Estimate, and estimates of probable
construction schedule. Other bridge deliverables prepared during the Final Design Phase include
calculation books, the bridge load rating, and Operation and Maintenance manuals.

3.10.2 Sealing & Signing Requirements

ORS 672.002(10) requires the stamping engineer to be in ‘responsible charge’; that is, to have supervision
and control of the work.

• The Bridge Engineer of Record is to seal and sign the final Mylar Bridge drawings; other roles noted on
the drawing may be signed or printed. Current practice requires only one stamp on the plans. (Refer to
• The Bridge Engineer of Record or the Bridge Designer is to seal and sign other applicable work
products per TSB11-02D. (ODOT Intranet link: DES 05-02)
• The Bridge Checker is to seal and sign structural calculations he or she prepares.

It is expected that a person possessing a professional engineer’s license in the State of Oregon will seal and
sign his or her own work.

See ODOT Technical Services Professional of Record Guidance for further guidance.

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3.10.3 Contract Plans At Preliminary Plans

Start all plan sheets and show gross geometry of the elements. Start details if have information; however, it
is not necessary to have all details shown at this time. At Advance Plans

Complete “unchecked” plan sheets. All geometry and details are to be shown at this time. Prepare Check
Print set of plan sheets for the Bridge Checker and the Bridge Reviewer. At Final Plans

Correct plan sheets based on resolution of QC Check comments. Prepare mylar plan sheets for signatures. At PS&E Package

Clear and complete detailed plans with information necessary to obtain a fair bid and to layout and construct
the project.

3.10.4 Specifications & Special Provisions At Preliminary Plans

Download SPLIST from the ODOT Special Provisions webpage and complete the checklist. A benefit of
using SPLIST is the reference Special Provisions are also noted. At Advance Plans

Complete a draft of the Special Provision package. At Final Plans > Final Special Provisions

Complete the final Special Provision package. At PS&E Package

Specifications, Supplemental Specifications, and Special Provisions necessary for construction of the

3.10.5 Engineer’s Estimate At Preliminary Plans

Calculated quantities of materials in the project, based upon the current Bid Item list. At Advance Plans

Calculated quantities of materials in the project, based upon the current Bid Item list. At Final Plans

Calculated quantities of materials in the project, based upon the current Bid Item list.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
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Section 3 – Processes & Roles At PS&E Package

Calculated quantities of materials in the project, based upon the current Bid Item list. Estimate of the cost of
design assistance during construction.

3.10.6 Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Schedule

A Project Construction Schedule is required to be submitted with the PS&E Package per 4.2.i of the
Phase Gate Delivery Manual. At Preliminary Plans

Not applicable. At Advance Plans

Refer to the Phase Gate Delivery Manual, and prepare and submit a draft of the estimated probable
construction schedule for the bridge or structure construction for review when required by the project team. At Final Plans

Update the estimated schedule, and submit a final copy when required by the project team. At PS&E Package

Not applicable. (A complete Project Construction Schedule, including the bridge and structure work will be
submitted to the Office of Project Letting by the Project Leader or Project Manager.)

3.10.7 Calculations & Calculation Books Types of Calculations

• Geometry
• Structural
• Quantity
• Designer’s Calculations – A structural analysis and design of the bridge and related components.
Documentation of the work with hand calculations, computer output and detailed notes. The Design
Engineer is responsible for the meaning and applicability of computer generated data.
• Design Check Calculations – A check of: the structural analysis and design of the bridge and
related components, plan detail sheets, specifications and special provisions, and project quantities;
Document the work with hand calculations, and computer output and detailed notes. Importance of Calculations

Designers are responsible for well-organized, legible, neat design calculations properly assembled in a
calculation book. Remember:


Be selective, including only calculations that actually support what the contract plans show. Do not
include calculations that led down the wrong path and are not shown on the contract plans. However,
calculation sheets voided by a project “redo” should not be discarded/deleted, but stored off-line, until it is
certain they are no longer needed.

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Internally to ODOT, calculation books are a living document and reside in the appropriate PW folder.
Calculations should be added to the book as developed, but at a minimum compile calculation books at
each project milestone submission.

After an assigned project is completed and the project is awarded, submit a calculation book containing
the design/check calculations for archiving. Submit electronic calculation book to ODOT Bridge
Engineering Section at the Bridge Design Project Close Out.

For projects prior to October 2017, submit the electronic (contained in CD or USB thumb drive) calculation
book to:

ODOT Bridge Engineering Section

4040 Fairview Industrial Drive SE, MS #4 Salem, OR 97302

For projects after October 2017, email the ProjectWise URN link for the completed calculation book to:

Update calculation books when design changes occur during construction. See for additional

The Bridge Engineering Section maintains the archiving process for all pertinent design/check
calculations for documentation and future reference. Calculations Books

For a bridge, the paperwork (usually excluding most correspondence) generated by the final design, and
construction stages becomes a “set of calculations”, or a Calculation Book. Typically for a bridge, it

(1) Design Calculation Book(s)

• Cover Sheet
• Table of Contents
• Designer’s QC Form
• Drafter’s QC Checklist
• Updated Bridge Design Standards Assessment Table
• Updated Design Criteria
• Approved Design Deviations/Exceptions
• Structural calculations
• Quantity calculations
• Copy of checked Engineer’s Estimate @ Final Plans
• Final Engineer’s Estimate of Probable Construction Schedule
• Construction stage calculations such as falsework calculations, alternate design checks, and
design corrections or revisions
• Copies of Project Discussion Memos relevant to the calculations

(2) Check Calculation Book(s)

• Cover Sheet
• Table of Contents
• Checker’s QC Form
• “Line-by-Line” check calculations
• “Independent” calculations
• Quantity calculations

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In the above lists, if it does not say “copy”, it means use the original.

Design calculations books must:

• Contain work from only one project. Request a different calculation book number for each
• Contain work from only one EOR. Calculation books can contain work from multiple EORs when
they are working on different parts of the same structure, on the same project.
• Contain work for only one bridge when substantial structural analysis is required. Calculations
books can contain work for multiple bridges when only minor or no structural analysis are
required. If the expectation is unclear, clarify when creating the Bridge Design Work Order or
SOW and document accordingly.

Check calculation books must:

• Not be combined with the Design calculation book.
• Have a unique calculation book number, unless it is a Class II check (BDM 3.5.7).
• Follow the same guidelines as the Design calculation book above.

Calculations for bridge load rating are handled differently from design calculations. Load rating
calculations have their own calculation book and number. For details, refer to the ODOT LRFR Manual. Calculation Book Cover Sheet

The first sheet of every set of design calculations is a completed Calculation Book Cover Sheet. This
sheet must contain a PE stamp with signature. Digital signatures are acceptable.

For bridges, the design standards will normally be the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications,
modified or supplemented by:
• AASHTO Interim Specifications.
• ODOT Bridge Design & Detailing Manual. Table of Contents

Keep the following guidelines in mind:

• Take time to tie calculation pages together by careful cross-referencing. Calculation Sheets

Whether using hardcopy sheets or electronic sheets, fill out all headings completely for each sheet used.
You may want to number the sheets of a set with its own sequence of numbers while working on an
assignment, but you will need to renumber with page numbers in the upper right corners when the set is
bound into a calculation book.

To make your calculations understandable to someone else (and yourself later):

• Put them in logical order.
• Show design assumptions
• Show formulas complete with references.
• Reference the source of any numbers taken from other calculations.
• Reference Design Deviations Other Calculation Material

Make sure other material such as computer output, diagrams on graph paper, or completed forms also
have the same identifying information as the calculation sheets.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
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Section 3 – Processes & Roles Calculation Book Numbers

Each calculation book has its own number. See for additional guidance.

Calculation book numbers are requested from and assigned by the Bridge Engineering Section. When
requesting a calculation book number, fill out the request form at:

Calculation Book Number Request Form

Email request with completed form to: and a calculation book number will be
emailed in return.

At the time Advance Plans are first distributed for review, the designer will need a calculation book
number for the title blocks of the drawings.

Although more than one book may be used for a project with several bridges, do not reserve additional
book numbers when requesting the first one. Book numbers for a project with several bridges are not
required to run consecutively. Request additional book numbers when needed or when preparing a set or
sets of calculations. Page Numbering

For electronic calculation book, there is no limit for the pages.

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Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

3.10.8 Bridge Load Rating

At the completion of the design of the bridge complete the bridge load rating. See the ODOT LRFR Manual
for guidance.

3.10.9 Operations and Maintenance Manuals

Bridge engineering has been changing and numerous emerging technologies are on the horizons that
enable facility owners to improve the performance and/or to monitor the safety of their bridges. To ensure
these innovations are properly applied and monitored for their effectiveness, the owner is requiring
Operations and Maintenance manuals to be submitted along with the design calculations for all
unconventional, complex or unusual systems or details. The specifics of the service manuals will be
determined at the beginning of design of which they relate to the bridge type design selected.

The intent of this provision is to provide additional information to the agency for the efficient and effective
operation of any innovations that are installed and specific to a facility. The manual may include shop
drawings, fabrication details and manufacturer’s technical product information. The manual should be
clear in providing instructions on how and when to inspect and maintain the systems or details and how
often to perform condition assessment of the unit.

Examples of deliverables:
1) NDT/E Monitoring Systems:
a) Example of deliverable: Operations and Maintenance Manual for all the NDT/E monitoring
systems for recording fracture critical stresses and potential fatigue crack locations
2) Electrical and Mechanical Systems on Movable Bridges
a) Operations and Maintenance Service Manuals for the all electrical controls on movable bridges.
Maintenance manual should include servicing the machine components and gears, brake
systems, drive motors and span locks.
b) Operating instructions should include electrical service disconnect, wiring and labeling of
electrical power distributions, traffic control systems, span lift control and lock systems,
navigational and channel lightings, HVAC, fire and security alarms, and remote camera and
sensing systems.
3) Seismic Monitoring Systems:
a) Operations and Maintenance Manual for seismic monitoring system for recording ground motions.
b) Operating instructions should include system inspection and checks, recorder working properly,
troubleshooting, and accelerometers working condition.
4) Cathodic Protection Systems:
a) Operations and Maintenance Manual for all cathodic protection system to include such
components like cabinets, wiring system, reference cells, anodes, and terminal plates.
b) Operating instructions should include system and inspection checks, battery power operated
checks, trouble shooting, presence of corrosion, and sensors integrity check.
5) Bridge design types that are unique or unconventional to the Oregon:
a) Segmental and cable stayed bridges – inspection and maintenance manuals for its critical details
and main force carrying components. Such examples include post-tensioning ducts and tendons,
stay cables, anchorage and cradle details, deviators, pot bearings, modular joints, seismic
isolation and/or damping devices, wind shear locks. Maintenance instructions should include the
inspection and replacement of its components when they are no longer performing as designed.
b) Suspension bridges – inspection and maintenance manual for its critical details and main force
carrying components. Such examples include main cable, saddles, anchorages, shoes,
suspender ropes, corrosion protection systems, seismic isolation and/or damping devices, and
wind shear locks.

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles


3.11.1 Introduction

3.11.2 Changes to Bridge Deliverables after PS&E

3.11.3 Bridge Design Project Close-Out

3.11.4 Request For Information (RFI)

3.11.5 Addenda Letters

3.11.1 Introduction

See PDLT Operational Notice PD-07.

See PDLT Operational Notice PD-08.

[Under development]

3.11.2 Changes to Bridge Deliverables after PS&E

Avoid drawing and estimate revisions after the Bridge Designer has signed the Final Plans. The Office of
Project Letting needs a minimum of 24 calendar days prior to the advertising date for final preparation,
review, and printing of the contract documents.

The Bridge Designer is responsible to see that these late changes are made and carefully documented.
If a drawing is added to the Bridge Final Plans after a project is advertised, the Roadway Designer must
be notified so that the drawing number can be added to the title sheet of the contract plans.

Although every attempt should be made to wait until after the contract is awarded, essential changes to
the plans and special provisions, that would significantly affect the contract cost or character of the work,
can be made during the advertisement period, by an Addendum Letter, up to 10 days before the bid
opening, or letting, date. However, an Addendum Letter is expensive and causes additional stress for the
Specifications Unit at a time when the pressure is great to get the job completed on time.

3.11.3 Bridge Design Project Close-Out

When the project contract is awarded, the Bridge Designer submits the following:
• Calculation Books
• Load Ratings
• Structural Analysis Programs
• CADD files
• Structure Cost Data
• Seismic Design/Retrofit Data Sheet located at:

3.11.4 Request for Information (RFI)

[Under development]

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles

3.11.5 Addenda Letters

[Under development]

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles


3.12.1 Introduction

3.12.2 Communications during Construction

3.12.3 Shop Drawing Review

3.12.4 Temporary Works Review

3.12.5 Construction Support Close-Out

3.12.1 Introduction

[Reserved for future use]

3.12.2 Communications during Construction

In the Preliminary and Final Design phases, except during the contract advertising period, the Bridge
Designer may answer inquiries from outside ODOT about non-controversial projects. Politically or
environmentally sensitive projects are another matter. Refer questions about them, especially those from
the press or public, to the Bridge Engineer, or the Project Team Leader.

However, from the advertisement date until the project is awarded, the Construction Project Manager has
sole responsibility for answering questions about the project. This insures equitable treatment of
prospective bidders and avoids conflicting information about plans, specifications, and bid items.
Therefore, avoid conversations with prospective bidders during this period and refer them to the
Construction Project Manager listed in the front of the project special provisions.

3.12.3 Shop Drawing Review

[Reserved for future use]

3.12.4 Temporary Works Review

[Reserved for future use]

3.12.5 Construction Support Close-Out As-Constructed Drawings

See BCM Bridge CAD Manual 7.11.1 for guidance. Final Calculation Book(s)

Update calculation books submitted at design close out when design changes occur during construction.
Follow the process and standards in BDM 3.10.7 for updates/changes to calculation books that are a
result of construction. Incorporate the changes as an addenda/edit and update the table of contents,
page numbers accordingly and resign, then resubmit book to ODOT. Significant design changes involving
substantial structural analysis may necessitate a new calculation book.

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles Final Reports & Records

For Local Agency projects, to ensure that the requirements of the National Bridge Inspection Standards
(NBIS) are followed under Title 23, submit an electronic pdf file of the following reports and records as
part of the Construction Support Close-Out documentation:
• Pile Records
• Final Geotechnicals Report with documentation of changes made during construction.
• Final Hydraulics Report with documentation of changes made during construction.

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles


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3.14.1 General

3.14.2 Project Management

3.14.3 Survey and Mapping, & Right of Way

3.14.4 Roadway

3.14.5 Traffic and Mobility

3.14.6 Foundations and Geotechnical

3.14.7 Hydraulics and Scour

3.14.8 Environmental

3.14.9 Storm Water

3.14.10 Utilities

3.14.11 Railroad

3.14.12 Public Involvement

3.14.1 General

Regarding permitting, in the situation of an interstate river crossing into Washington or Idaho, ODOT may
need to apply for permits required by the other state if ODOT is the contracting agency.

3.14.2 Project Management

From a Project Leader’s or Project Manager’s viewpoint, the expectation of the bridge designer is to
provide a high quality design per scope, on-time and on-budget. Keep your Project Manager informed of
both positive and negative impacts to these items! No surprises!

Items to coordinate with your Project Leader or Project Manager:

• Scope / Scope creep
• Schedule
• Budget
• Overall project Quality Plan, and Bridge Quality Plan
• Local, and other non-environmental permits
• Bridge deliverables

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
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Section 3 – Processes & Roles Local & General Permits

Local and general permits may be required for a variety of subjects to complete the construction of a bridge
or elements of a bridge. Some typical local and general permits that may need input from the Bridge
• Land Use
• Access Permit
• Conditional Use Permit (CUP)
• Riparian setbacks
• Floodplain
• Tree ordinances
• Willamette Greenway (along Willamette River)
• Noise variance
• Underground Storage Tank (UST)
• Canal, diking, and irrigation districts
• US Coast Guard Permit (for navigable waters)

Discuss permit needs (as they relate to the bridge) with the Project Leader/Manager. Provide needed
information to the Project Leader/Manager to meet the permitting schedule for the project. Providing this
information late will delay the process to apply for and obtain necessary permits, and ultimately delay the
letting date of the project.

3.14.3 Survey and Mapping, & Right Of Way Survey and Mapping

Obtain survey and mapping data. Visit the project site with survey data and mapping in hand to 1) get an
“on the ground” feel for the lay of the land, and 2) visually check the survey and mapping data for any
discrepancies. Identify or confirm site constraints known at this time (see BDM 3.18.1). Right Of Way

This provision is only applicable to new bridges and the widening of an existing bridge.

Include any proposed and existing right-of-way limits and any construction easements with the vicinity map
information. Ask yourself: Can the bridge and the contractor’s operations (work bridge, shoring, falsework,
future inspection and maintenance staging areas, the potential need for a detour structure, etc.) be
accommodated within these limits, as well as safely ingressing and egressing to and from the highway
system by agency personnel?

In order to ensure the bridge inspectors and bridge maintenance personnel have a safe place to park
vehicles and stage maintenance operations, behind the approach guardrail, the Bridge Designer works
with the Roadway Designer to identify the appropriate space. If the bridge is located over another
roadway, consider additional parking/staging space behind the undercrossing route railing. In order to
provide a safe ingress and egress from the highway system, the Bridge Designer is encouraged to locate
these areas behind the trailing end guardrail.

For the bridge project that has very minor roadwork, verify that steps to acquire necessary right-of-way have
been initiated.

For questions about right-of-way data, contact the project’s Roadway Designer, who is in touch with the
Right-of-Way Engineering Group and Right-of-Way Services personnel.

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles

3.14.4 Roadway Project Geometry

Review the project geometry with the Roadway Designer to verify that you have the latest alignment,
roadway cross-sections, and grades. Some questions to consider:

• Do grades, superelevations, etc., provide enough vertical clearances for the type of bridge anticipated?

• Is the choice of bridge width and horizontal and vertical alignment consistent with traffic volume and
type of highway?

• Bridges that are more susceptible to roadway surface icing and have superelevation rates in excess of
0.08 ft/ft are considered hazardous under those conditions. Use greater rates only if special study has
determined that the greater rate is desirable.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles Roadway Clearances

Clearances required for highway overcrossings are shown in Figures, A-1, B and C.

Note: Use 18’-0” min. horizontal clearance for 1 lane (19’-0” for interstate).


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Section 3 – Processes & Roles


Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

(1) Roadway Widths

Coordinate the roadway width with the Roadway Designer at the beginning of the Preliminary Design

In most cases, the bridge roadway width will be 4 feet wider than the approach roadway width.

Normal Bridge Roadway Width = Lanes + Shoulders + 4’

This applies to all classes of roads regardless of the ADT and type of traffic. The major exception to this
is the one-way single-lane ramp (26’ roadway).

Increase shoulder widths by 2 feet where roadside barriers are used. The 2 foot shy distance is normally
not required adjacent to a raised sidewalk that has a traffic rail at the back of the sidewalk.
For local agency projects on the NHS system, verify the roadway width using AASHTO Publication, "A
Policy of Geometric Design of Highways and Streets".

(2) Sidewalk and Bikeway Widths

The width of sidewalks on State projects are as follows:

Designated separate bikeways on bridges 8’ minimum
Urban areas 6’ to 8’
Rural areas 5’

Sidewalk ramps are required at all intersections and other crosswalks for disabled persons. Use the
details on "Sidewalk Ramps", Drawing RD725.

(3) Height of Curbs and Sidewalks

Use 7 inch height when the rail used at the back of the sidewalk is structurally adequate and has been

(4) Vertical Clearance

Vertical clearance policy is established by the Roadway Engineering Section and is listed in Section 4.5
of the Highway Design Manual.

Review and comply with the Oregon Vertical Clearance Standards Map and High Routes (High Routes
are highway segments that are the most important when high loads are moved) Highways Table during
development of the TS&L (and DAP). Additionally, before finalizing the clearance of the bridge, consult
with the Pavement Designer to determine if an additional allowance is required for future pavement
preservation treatments. If the bridge project consists of 3R preservation work and a decrease in the
vertical clearance below the level of the minimum vertical clearance is proposed, ensure that the
Roadway Designer has consulted with the Permit Program Coordinator for the Motor Carrier
Transportation Division (MCTD), and a Design Exception Request has been submitted. The Permit
Program Coordinator for MCTD will need to collaborate with industry and with the Mobility Steering
Committee before providing a written response to the project development team. Follow the same
process when proposing a reduction to the vertical clearance requirements for a new bridge. No
reduction of the vertical clearance on existing bridges, or a reduction in the standard for a replacement
bridge will be allowed without written approval from the Motor Carrier Transportation Division (MCTD).
Include a copy of the approved Design Exception for a non-standard vertical clearance in the calculation

All new bridges where no vertical clearance limitations currently exist require consultation with MCTD to
ensure that ODOT understands the impact of the proposed decrease to the user.

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Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

Vertical Clearance Design Standards:

Minimum Vertical Clearances are actual measured heights, representing the shortest allowable distance
between the lowest point on the underside of a bridge and the surface of the pavement for the entire
width of the roadway, including shoulder area. Minimum Vertical Clearances include a 4 inch buffer, but
do not take into account additional height for any future pavement overlay thickness.

New Construction Projects – Minimum Vertical Clearances:

High Routes 17’ - 4”
NHS (not on High Routes) 17’ - 0”
non-NHS (not on High Routes) 16’ - 0”

Other Projects
• No reduction in existing vertical height clearance below the Minimum Vertical Clearances
• No reduction in vertical clearance if existing vertical height clearance is below the Minimum
Vertical Clearance

Legal Load Height

The maximum height for legal loads is 14 feet.

(5) Clearances during Construction

Horizontal and Vertical Design Policy for clearance during construction has been established by the
Traffic-Roadway Engineering Section. Coordinate with the Traffic Control Plans Engineer for minimum
clearances applicable on the project. If the clearances required cannot be maintained during construction
consult with the Traffic Control Plans Engineer for concurrence and notify MCTD.

Horizontal Clearance:

Freeway Mainline (Not within a Crossover):

One Lane 19’ – 0” (16’ – 0” if over-dimensional loads and annual permits are detoured)
Two Lanes 28’ – 0” (28’ – 0” if over-dimensional loads and annual permits are detoured)

Freeway Crossover:
One Lane 19’ – 0” (16’ – 0” if over-dimensional loads and annual permits are detoured)
Two Lanes 32’ – 0” (28’ – 0” if over-dimensional loads and annual permits are detoured)

Non-Freeway Roadways (Freight Route)

One Lane 19’ – 0” (14’ – 0” if over-dimensional loads and annual permits are detoured)
Two Lanes 28’ – 0” (28’ – 0” if over-dimensional loads and annual permits are detoured)

Vertical Clearance:

For locations with an existing clearance 17’-0” or greater, provide 17’-0” minimum vertical clearance. For
locations with an existing clearance less than 17’-0”, no reduction in clearance will be allowed during
construction. Always notify the MCTD if reduction of the existing vertical clearance is planned for the
construction season. Bikeways

Oregon law requires that reasonable amounts of highway funds be spent for bicycle and pedestrian
facilities. That means: consider bikeway staging needs wherever highways, roads, or streets are being
constructed, reconstructed, or relocated.

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Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

“Bikeway” is a general term meaning any road or path open to bicycle travel regardless of whether it is
designated for bicycles or to be shared with pedestrians or automobiles. Specific types of bikeways are:
• Bikes lanes or bike paths
• Shared roadways
• Shoulder bikeways
• Sidewalk bikeways

To work with bikeways, you are going to need:

• Oregon Bicycle Plan
• AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities

3.14.5 Traffic and Mobility Traffic Handling and Data

Used here, traffic includes:

• Vehicles
• Bicycles
• Pedestrians (including the disabled)

There are four traditional methods of handling traffic when replacing a bridge:
• Close the highway while removing and rebuilding the bridge
• Construct a temporary detour around existing bridge and replace the bridge on the existing
• Use the existing roadway and bridge while constructing a parallel bridge on new alignment
• Use stage construction with one or more existing or new lanes carrying traffic while other portions
of the existing bridge are being removed and rebuilt

Often the last method is recommended over the second and third methods. However, without proper
investigation stage construction may:
• Cause a high number of complaints from the traveling public
• Mean greater danger for ODOT and contractor personnel as well as to the public
• Result in construction difficulties and longer construction time
• Adversely affect the quality of the finished product

Consider the various methods of handling traffic:

• Is the method proposed by the field the most reasonable way to build a project
• Are there alternate and possibly more satisfactory solutions

When site constraints do not allow the use of traditional methods, Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC)
methods may be warranted. See BDM 3.24, “Accelerated Bridge Construction Guidelines”. Moveable Bridge Traffic Control Equipment

Work closely with the traffic signal and sign designers to ensure design from each discipline is detailed or
referenced appropriately. Refer to the ODOT Traffic Signal Design Manual: Chapter 23 for moveable
bridge traffic signal and sign design guidance. See BDM 1.27, “On-Bridge Sign & Illumination Mounts” for
bridge mounted traffic structure guidance.

Detail the following items on the Bridge Plans Sheets:

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles

• Control system that activates the traffic signals and flashing beacons (cabinets, power
source, termination of wires, etc.)
• Location of Gate arms
• Audible devices for warning traffic
• Non-standard poles, foundations, or mounting for signal heads, signs, and flashing beacons
• Electrical conduit routed on/through the bridge structure (including expansion fittings)
• Junction Boxes located on the bridge structure

Detail the following items on the Signal Plan Sheets:

• Location of the traffic signals
• Location of the STOP line
• Use of and location of the flashing beacon warning devices
• PTR signs (site specific for the I-5 NB and SB Columbia River Bridge only)
• Wiring from the traffic signals and flashing beacons to the control system (wire terminations
are detailed on the bridge plans)
• Electrical conduit not routed on/through the bridge structure
• Connection details for conduit going onto (or off) of the bridge structure (Junction box,
expansion fitting, etc.)
• Standard poles, foundations, and mounting for signal heads, signs & flashing beacons

Detail the following items on the Signing Plan Sheets:

• Ground mounted signs that do not have a flashing beacon

3.14.6 Foundations and Geotechnical

See BDM 1.10, “Foundation Considerations”.

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Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

3.14.7 Hydraulics and Scour Hydraulics, General

The Hydraulics Designer will provide data and recommendations in support of bridge foundation and scour
protection design. Waterway Openings and Hydraulic Requirements for Stream Crossings

Design Discharges

The design discharge for bridges on Interstate Highways and highways with an Average Daily Traffic (ADT)
greater than or equal to 750 is the 50-year flow. The design discharge for bridges along highways with an
ADT of less than 750 is the 25-year flow. Bridges spanning over designated FEMA floodways are designed
using the 100-year flow (base flood).

Bridge waterway opening

The bridge waterway opening must be capable of conveying the design discharge with the appropriate
clearance to the projected design high water elevation according to the following:

• Width of waterway opening is measured normal to stream flow. The waterway area is the normal
channel area below the design discharge high water elevation. Minor channel cleanup and modification
is acceptable, but major lowering of the streambed under the bridge to increase the opening is not only
ineffective but unacceptable.

• The Hydraulics report will determine the high water elevation at the upstream face of bridge. The
minimum bottom-of-beam clearance to the high water elevation is 1 foot or 3 feet if drift or debris is a
concern (the hydraulic designer will review the bridge inspection reports and check-in with District to
confirm any ongoing debris issue, and then coordinate debris criteria with the project team when
applicable). If practical, 1 foot of clearance above the 100-year flood elevation is provided. Also note
that there is “no net rise” in water elevation allowed at bridges that will cross over a FEMA regulatory

The exception would be for county and city bridges whose approaches are overtopped more frequently
than once every 10 years. The minimum bottom-of-beam elevation provided for these situations is 1
foot above the 10-year design flood elevation.

• Under rare circumstances, such as a park settings or where other controls on grade lines make it
necessary, high water above bottom of beam, or over the deck, may be allowed.

• Ordinarily, the design flood should not overtop the adjacent roadway. When the roadway over topping
flood is less than the design flood, the overtopping flood becomes the design flood.

If there are no future plans to raise a roadway to eliminate overtopping, a combination of bridge waterway
opening and overtopping at the low points of adjacent roadway may be an acceptable alternate to
accommodating the entire stream flow under the bridge. For Interstate Highways, the minimum overtopping
frequency is 50 years.

Roadway overtopping at lesser recurrence intervals than the 50/25 years is acceptable and allowable in
certain circumstances such as:

• Other roads in the area are overtopped

• Traffic counts are low
• Alternate routes are available

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Section 3 – Processes & Roles

• Road is useable when overtopped (shallow overtopping)

• The required bridge would be excessively long or high and a review is made of the effect of
backwater and overflow on adjacent properties and facilities Bridge Scour Design

(1) Scour Evaluation and Design

The scour analysis can be referenced in the project Hydraulics report. The scour analysis shall include
analysis on possible long term changes in the channel bottom elevation due to either aggradation or
degradation, possible shifts in channel alignment, contraction scour and local pier scour. Abutment scour
and the potential for “washout” conditions are also evaluated. Scour depths are calculated for both the
100-year (design/base flood) and 500-year (check flood) events. However, if the incipient roadway-
overtopping flood can occur, it is usually the worst case for scour because it will usually create the worst
scour conditions at the bridge site (greatest flow contraction and highest stream velocity). Therefore,
scour depths are calculated depending on the recurrence interval for the overtopping flood.

(2) Scour at Bridge Abutments:

The potential for scour at the bridge abutments must also be considered at all waterway crossings.
Abutment scour, lateral stream migration (channel changes) or overtopping of the approach embankment
could all result in partial or complete removal of approach fill material and severely destabilize the
abutment foundation and the bridge. A “washout” condition could occur under any of these conditions
where the approach embankment supporting the abutment foundation is completely scoured out.
Evaluate each of these three conditions as described below:

• Abutment Scour: ODOT policy states that abutment scour calculations are not required if abutment
and approach fill slopes in the waterway are protected with a properly designed revetment protection
system, such as a riprap blanket with a toe trench extending down to the maximum scour elevation.
Revetment methods are discussed in the ODOT Hydraulics Manual, Chapter 10, and in the FHWA
Highway Engineering Circular No. 18 (HEC-18). The revetment protection must be capable of
withstanding the velocities and flow associated with the check flood event. With this level of
protection, the scour prism is reduced to just the contraction scour, scour from degradation and local
pier scour (if applicable) for use in scour design of the bridge.

For abutments and bridge fill slopes in contact with stream flow or wave action and not protected with
permanent revetment measures, abutment scour is calculated (if hydraulic and site conditions are
appropriate). Abutment scour could lead to destabilization of the bridge end slope and loss of
embankment material supporting the bridge foundation and abutment. If this condition is possible,
then consider the potential for a full washout condition for both the 100 and 500 year flood events.

• Roadway Overtopping: Overtopping of the approach fill near the bridge end may also result in a
washout condition (ref. HEC-18 and AASHTO Consider this condition in cases where the
overtopping is located in the proximity of the bridge end and a breached embankment could result in
the scour and removal of fill material supporting the bridge abutment foundation. Properly designed
slope protection and revetment may provide sufficient mitigation against the potential for a washout
condition depending upon site conditions. However, because each overtopping case is unique,
carefully evaluate each for the potential of a “washout” condition. If a “washout” condition is
considered feasible, the amount of embankment material that could be removed, and the scour
depths, are to be determined by the Hydraulic Designer.

• Lateral Stream Migration: Evaluate the potential for lateral streambed migration (channel changes) for
possible detrimental effects leading to erosion or scour of the bridge approach fills. For unprotected,
or even well protected, abutment slopes, if there is a possibility that the stream channel could shift
toward the abutment such that the revetment might not be relied upon for permanent protection, then

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Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

assess the condition of a full or partial washout of the abutment fill material. The potential and
likelihood for stream channel migration and the resulting affects, is determined by the Hydraulic
Designer who also determines whether protective measures such as channel guides, stream bank
stabilization techniques or other measures could be employed to mitigate this potential. The
hydraulic design and any stream bank stabilization measures must demonstrate that the channel
won't migrate toward the abutment such that it could cause a destabilization of the slope and a
potential "washout" design condition.

Under a washout condition, neglect all foundation support (vertical and lateral) provided by the
embankment material beneath the abutment down to the scour elevation associated with both the Design
Flood (base flood) and Check Flood events (excluding local pier scour). Design the foundation to be
capable of supporting the bridge loads under both of these design conditions as described in the
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.

Abutment scour conditions which could result in partial or complete washout of the material supporting
the abutment foundations may occur at one or both of the bridge abutments depending on the site
conditions. For sites with potential washout conditions, investigate the bridge for the washout condition
that would produce the worst case unbalanced loading in the bridge, provided that case is feasible. This
is often the case for strutted abutments where the passive resistance of the abutment backfill material is
crucial to the stability of the bridge and a washout condition behind only one abutment could lead to
unbalanced loads and failure of the bridge.

For washout conditions at abutments supported on deep foundations, debris loads on the end bent piles
or shafts are not included in this analysis.

(3) Scour Design

For scour depths associated with the Design Flood, (typ. 100-year flood or overtopping flood if it is more
frequent), check the bridge design at both the Service and Strength Limit States (per AASHTO Article
3.7.5). For scour depths associated with the Check Flood (500-year flood or overtopping flood if it
controls) provide adequate foundation resistance to support the unfactored Strength Limit State loads
(per AASHTO Article

Only the scour due to long term stream bed degradation is included in the seismic design of the bridge
(Extreme Event Limit State I). Hydraulics Documentation

The Hydraulics Designer will prepare and provide three design report deliverables for bridge projects as

• Preliminary Bridge Hydraulics Recommendations

• Draft and Final Hydraulics Report

Preliminary Bridge Hydraulics Recommendations

The bridge hydraulic recommendations is prepared and distributed to the project team after the kick-off
meeting and before submitting the hydraulic survey request.

• Bridge, geotechnical, roadway, traffic, and hydraulic designers review scoping notes. The design
details such as alignment (horizontal/vertical changes), site constraints, bridge layout and approach
embankments, traffic control, and hydraulic concerns such as highly erodible floodplains or channel
lateral migration that could washout embankments are discussed and coordinated between team

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Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

• Bridge designer outlines bridge/structure type, and geometry such as bent locations, width, and
• The hydraulic designer will prepare a preliminary bridge hydraulics recommendation which is distributed
to the project team and is based on coordination between the project’s bridge, geotechnical, and
hydraulic designers. The recommendation includes a preliminary idea of the hydraulic structure type,
size, location, and special features or concerns. An example of this report is provided at the following
link: Hydraulics Recommendation Example

Hydraulics Report

The hydraulic modeling and analysis begins after obtaining the hydraulic survey data. It is good practice for
the roadway, bridge, geotech, and hydraulic team members to check-in with each other at this point (just
prior to the start of the hydraulic model task) so any changes are reflected in the model.

The hydraulics report provides detailed information that supports structure and roadway design. The report
includes hydrologic calculations, 1D/2D bridge hydraulics modeling results for permanent and temporary
bridges, scour analysis, revetment design, floodplain impact analysis, and the temporary water
management summary and concept plan sheet.

The hydraulic designer will prepare the “draft” hydraulics report during the DAP phase, which is provided
with the DAP submittal package. The hydraulic and bridge designer will need to review the project delivery
schedule and make sure that the “draft” hydraulics report is complete and available for use to develop the
TSL and bridge DAP deliverables. The “final” hydraulics report is provided with the Advanced submittal

A general outline of the modeling and distribution of hydraulic data during the DAP phase of a project is
provided below:

1. Hydraulic designer prepares model

2. Model results are summarized in a “hydraulics data sheet”
3. Scour analysis performed
4. Revetment sizing performed
5. The results of the model are shared with the bridge designer as soon as the details are added to
the hydraulics data sheet.

All hydraulic reports will have a hydraulic data sheet for the proposed structure, see Figure The
data sheet includes the following information:
o Discharge and recurrence intervals for the design event, base flood and the 500-year or
roadway overtopping flood.
o Backwater conditions with the new structure in place
o Headwater and downstream water surface elevations at the bridge, and
o The average water flow velocity at the bridge

The information in the hydraulics data sheet is used to perform the scour and revetment analysis.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

The hydraulics data sheet, and scour/revetment results are shared with the design team members at this
point to perform the following design tasks:

o bridge designer will need to confirm or implement the following:

 verify the bottom-of-beam elevation is 1 or 3 feet higher than the design event “high-
water elevation at upstream face of bridge”.
 add the extent of abutment riprap on bridge plans “plan and elevation view” and note
“see roadway plans for riprap details”. Revetment design recommendations will be
detailed in the report sub-section for revetment. The roadway plans will include the
riprap detail with the following information (1) riprap thickness (2) filter blanket thickness
when applicable, (3) class of riprap, and (4) toe trench configuration and dimensions.
An example of the riprap detail to be included on the roadway plans is illustrated in
 verify the end and interior bent supports (piles, shafts, footings) are below the scour
elevation stated on hydraulic data sheet or in the report sub-section for scour. The
design summary will note when footings are to be anchored into rock as coordinated
between bridge engineer and geotechnical engineer.
 add the “hydraulics data” table to the bridge plans, see Figure

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles


PROJECT: Oak Creek Bridge # 18463 COMPILED BY: ___________________

Pacific Hwy - Lebanon (RR Tracks) Section
Corvallis - Lebanon Highway, M.P. 12.48
Linn County Key # 06420 DATE: 6 October 1997


Discharge (cfs) 1,850 2,3906 2,0605 -
Interval (yrs) 50 100 80
Approach Section H.W.
Elevation w/Natural 277.0 277.5 277.2
Channel1 (ft) -
Approach Section H.W.
Elevation w/ Bridge1 (ft) 277.8 278.4 278.0 274.7
Backwater (ft) 0.8 0.9 0.8 -
H.W. Elev. at Upstream
Face of Bridge2 (ft) 277.7 278.3 277.9 274.6
H.W. Elev. At Downstream Face
of Bridge3 (ft) 276.5 276.9 276.7 274.4
Waterway Area at Downstream 290 290 290
Face of Bridge4 (ft2) (331) (331) (331) --
Average Velocity at
Downstream Face of Bridge 6.4 7.0 6.4 -

1 Approach section is one waterway opening width upstream from upstream face of bridge.
2 Located at upstream face of bridge along the embankment.
3 Located at downstream face of bridge opening.
4 Area normal to channel centerline. Area in parentheses is parallel to roadway centerline.
5 1,870 cfs flows under the bridge and 190 cfs flows through culverts west of the bridge.
6 2,030 cfs flows under bridge, 170 cfs flows over road to west of bridge, and 190 cfs flows through culverts

to the west of the bridge.


The spillthrough structure is a 70-foot long single-span bridge with combination spillthrough/vertical
abutments. The structure is skewed 29 degrees. Three 36-inch diameter culverts are located under the
roadway to the west of the bridge.

Manning’s “n” bridge opening = 0.04

Manning’s “n” main channel = 0.04
Manning’s “n” overbanks = 0.04


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Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles


DISCHARGE (cfs) 1850 2030 1870
RECURRENCE INTERVAL (years) 50 100 80 (overtopping)
UPSTREAM FACE OF BRIDGE (feet) 277.7 278.3 277.9

BACKWATER (feet) 0.6 0.9 0.8

SCOUR ELEVATION1 (feet) 266.0
Scour elevation is provided in hydraulic report section titled “scour”


Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

3.14.8 Environmental

Avoid, Minimize, Mitigate… Environmental Performance Standards & Permits

See PDLT Operational Notice PD-04 and the technical guidance document under References at the end
of the Notice.

Environmental Performance Standards are considered during Project Scoping to help avoid unanticipated
project costs from permit requirements and to ensure enhancement options are considered and, where
appropriate, included in the project budget.

Environmental Performance Standards determined to be applicable during Scoping are reevaluated at

Project Initiation. During the Project Kickoff Meeting, identify design constraints and required permits.

Some environmental rules, regulations, permits and other topics that may be applicable on projects with
bridges that may need discussion with the Environmental Specialist, or input from the Bridge Designer:
• National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (Requires that any activity or project receiving federal
funding or other federal approvals undergo an analysis of potential impacts to the environment.)
• In-Water Work Windows (Permissible time to work inside the Regulated Work Area.)
• Archaeological, Historic and Cultural Resources (Identify areas to avoid.)
• SHPO Section 106, National Historic Preservation Act
• Section 4f – US Dept of Transportation Act of 1966 (Protects three basic types of resources:
publicly owned parks and recreation areas, publicly owned wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and
historic sites.)
• Section 6f of the Land and Water Conservation Act (Prevents property from being converted from
outdoor recreation to any other use.)
• Visual effects (looking away from the bridge, or looking at the bridge from afar)
• Hazardous Materials (Disposal of treated woods, lead paint, and old construction materials
containing asbestos.)
• Piling removal
• Rip-rap bent protection (Exclusion can affect type, size and location of the bridge’s foundations.)
• Wetlands
• Clean Water Act Sections 401, 402, & 404
• Fluvial (Width of waterway to allow for natural meandering of the stream. Affects the length of the
bridge and pier location.)
• ODFW Fish Passage Criteria
• USFW / NMFS Migratory Bird Treaty Act
• USFW / NMFS Endangered Species Act
• Wildlife passage accommodations (May need to provide additional horizontal or vertical
clearances for wildlife passage.)
• Joint ACOE / Oregon DSL Removal-Fill Permit
• Access & Staging Areas (Estimate/Identify adequate areas for the contractor to stage work in so it
can be environmentally cleared for use.)

Discuss permit needs (as they relate to the bridge) with the Environmental representative on the Project
Development Team. Provide needed information to meet the permitting schedule for the project. Providing
this information late will delay the process to apply for and obtain necessary permits, and ultimately delay
the letting date of the project.

Even if no permit is required, restrictions or comments from the permitting agency may have to be shown on
the contract drawings or stated in the special provisions.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles Permit Information Memo

The need to supply the required permit information as soon and as accurately as possible cannot be
overemphasized. Some applications take 6 or more months to get approval.

It is not recommended to try to include all the necessary information for all the various permits in the TS&L
Report – it can become unwielding, and takes away from the purpose of the TS&L Report. Instead, it is
recommended to prepare a separate memo to convey information for use in preparing and applying for the
various permits that are needed to complete the project.

TS&L Plan & Elevation drawings and vicinity maps may also be used as a basis for special permit drawings;
but strip them of any information not needed to obtain the permit. Keep in mind: the people reviewing the
applications are not structural designers. They do not have time to sift through many drawing details and
dimensions not relevant to the permit approval.

Topics that may require the Bridge Designer’s input include:

• Project timing and chronology.
• Alignment and size of the new bridge in relation to the existing bridge (i.e., number of spans,
• Quantity of impervious existing bridge surface removed and added by the new bridge.
• Type of the new deck surface and construction methods.
• Type of the new bridge railing and construction methods.
• Proposed treatment of the runoff (i.e., number of scuppers or direct discharge drains on the old
bridge vs. number of drains on the new bridge)
• Number and sizes of the existing bents/footings to be removed within the OHWM and the wetted
channel. Discuss the removal methods of the existing bents, footings and piles.
• Number and sizes of bents/footings added for the new bridge, within the OHWM and the wetted
channel. Discuss the construction methods for the new footing, bents and piles.
• Type of isolation method used during construction (i.e., cofferdam).
• For bridges with lead based paints, discuss the method of removal and disposal.
• If a detour bridge, working bridge, or falsework are required, discuss how many bents and types of
temporary supports that may be within the OHWM and wetted channel. Discuss the construction
and removal methods that might be used.
• Extent and duration of in-water work (i.e., heavy machinery in wetted channel).
• Amount or extent of fill or rip-rap.
• Possible staging areas and access.
• Amount and type of vegetation to be removed (outside and within the OHWM).
• Amount of wetland impacted.
• Any planned mitigation.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles Protection of Recreational/Cultural Resources

Be alert to the effects of construction on:

• Recreational activities, areas, or facilities.
• Cultural resources such as fossils, artifacts, burial grounds, or historical bridges and dwellings.

Refer to SP 00290, “Environmental Protection”, specifically SP 00290.50, “Protection of Cultural

Resources”, in the Standard Specifications for Construction.

Although normally researched and proposed by ODOT’s Environmental Section, protection or consideration
of these activities or resources can be initially overlooked. Permit requirements from agencies like the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers or Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife deal with historical, cultural, and
recreational concerns too. Here are some examples of challenges from the past:
• Protection of summertime river rafters passing under a contractor’s work bridge.
• Removal of large amounts of river debris hung up on cofferdams and endangering a collegiate
racing crew practicing downstream.
• Saving of old or rare trees near a city bridge construction site in deference to neighborhood
sentiment. Bat Habitat

As there are no regulatory requirements (state or federal) for establishing bat habitat on bridges, use
discretion when providing the habitat. Do not provide bat habitat if it compromises the structural integrity
of the bridge, interferes with maintenance and inspection activities, or creates a public hazard. Consider
off-bridge habitat when applicable.

Use standard details for the design of bat habitats. Only include bat habitat details when requested by
Region environmental staff. The bridge types utilized in the standard details are side-by-side precast
slabs, side-by-side precast box beams, precast Bulb-T bridges and precast Bulb-I bridges. The type of
habitats included in the details are longitudinal slotted habitat in the slab and box beam bridges,
transverse slotted habitat in the precast Bulb-T and Bulb-I bridges, and “cave habitat” in precast Bulb-T
and Bulb-I bridges.

The selection of cave or slotted bat habitat depends on the species of bats that occupy the area. This
can be determined by the Environmental Section.

The slotted habitats are typically 3/4” thick and have varying depths depending on the bridge
superstructure elements. For precast slabs and box beams, the slots are formed with 3/8” recesses in
each of the two adjoining members. The use of a 3/4” recess in one member only was considered but
rejected because of the risk of corrosion. A roughened recess surface is provided by sand blasting or

Slotted habitats used in precast Bulb-T and Bulb-I girders are formed using 3/4” thick precast greystone
panels with roughened surfaces. Three panels are used with a clear spacing of 3/4” between each panel.
They are placed transversely to the beams and in contact with the bottom of the top beam flanges and
the bottom of the deck. This was done to provide thermodynamic contact with the upper concrete.
Access slots are provided at the bottom of the panels.

The cave habitats are also detailed for precast Bulb-T and Bulb-I girders. They are formed using precast
or cast-in-place vertical walls and precast floor panels. The decision between precast or cast-in-place
wall panels can be made by the designer, or left to the contractor. The complexity of fitting up the precast
wall panels between the two precast girders may control this decision. In either case, the wall panels will
be held in place by steel angles anchored in the precast beams. Provide access holes for the bats in
both the floor panels and the end wall panels.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

The location and number of habitat elements will be project specific depending on the population of bats
in the area.

Locate bat habitat features using the following guidelines:

• Do not place bat habitat directly over a roadway or walkway. Bat guano can be a hazard to bridge
inspectors, maintenance staff and the general public. If bat guano is allowed to accumulate and dry
on a roadway or walkway, vehicle or pedestrian traffic will cause the guano to become airborne
resulting in an increased health hazard.

• For vertical slot bat habitat, such as used with precast slabs and boxes, place slots at least 12 feet
away from abutments and interior bents. This requirement provides a guano-free zone for bridge
inspection access to bearing locations. In addition, do not place slots within 5 feet of midspan.

• For cave-type habitat, often used with precast girders, do not place habitat within 15 feet of the
abutments and interior bents. This requirement provides a guano-free zone for inspection of both
bearings and the maximum shear portion of girders. In addition, do not place habitat within 10 feet of

• For abutment roughening that provides area for roosting, limit roughening to no more than 25 percent
of the horizontal abutment face. It is preferable to keep roosting areas limited to the corners (closest
to the exterior edges of the abutment).

Where proposed bat habitat details do not meet these guidelines, submit a design deviation.

3.14.9 Storm Water

[Reserved for future use. (If you have deck drainage, you have Storm Water coordination.)]

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

3.14.10 Utilities - Roles and Responsibilities

(1) District Roles and Responsibilities

The Districts are the main point of contact for the location of all utilities and will issue all utility permits.
(Utility permits are issued by ODOT to the utility companies.) Utility permits allow the installation,
relocation, and removal of utilities within the State right-of-way. Utility companies will only be given a
permit for the specific area they actually need for that installation. Space for future lines will need to be
included on a separate permit application. If the utility installation requires holes to be drilled into the
bridge, if the utility will add a significant amount of additional dead load on the bridge, or if the installation
has the potential to be in conflict with any of the items in BDM and BDM 1.25.1, the District
will refer the permit application to the Region Tech Center Bridge Lead and the Bridge Designer for their
input and approval. Otherwise, the District Manager will simply approve, monitor the installation of the
utility, and assure that all utility installations are labeled in accordance with accepted practices (see BDM

(2) Region Tech Center Roles and Responsibilities

When the District forwards a copy of a utility permit request to the Region Tech Center for review prior to
the issuance of the permit, the Regional Tech Center Bridge Lead and Bridge Designer will assure that
the utility installation is in compliance with the items in BDM and BDM 1.25.1. Consult the
Bridge Engineering Section when there are discrepancies. After review, return the permit application
comments or approval to the District, who will monitor the utility installation.

For proposed utilities on historic bridges, have the application reviewed by the Region Cultural Resource

(3) Bridge Engineering Section Roles and Responsibilities

The Bridge Engineering Section (Preservation, Operations/Inspection, or Load Rating, as applicable) will
provide input if the utility installation will have a direct impact on any of the following:
• The installation is on a bridge that has a cathodic protection system in place, or is within a
Marine/Coastal Environment as defined in BDM 1.26
• Installation has the potential to create a corrosive environment due to dissimilar materials
• The utility is going to be installed on a drawbridge
• The installation is in a confined space where its location or operation creates an unsafe
environment for bridge inspection or bridge maintenance personnel
• The installation calls for the installation of a High-Voltage Line on a bridge (See BDM 1.25.1)
• The utility contains a high-pressure line or volatile gases
• The installation has the potential for adding a significant amount of dead load to the bridge or
individual structural components (See BDM 1.25.1)

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

3.14.11 Railroad

Coordinate all site visits in which you will be on railroad right-of-way, or off railroad right-of-way but within
50’ of the railroad track, with your Project Leader or Project Manager and the Utility & Railroad
Coordinator. It is illegal to enter upon railroad right of way without proper permissions, PPE, and training. Permits

If the bridge is over a railroad track, the Bridge Designer will be involved with providing information for the
railroad permit applications.

Much of the information supplied for railroad permit applications by the Bridge Designer is in the form of
drawings with specific data shown. TS&L Plan-and-Elevation drawings and vicinity maps are normally used
as a basis for special permit drawings, but strip them of any information not needed to obtain the permit.
Keep in mind: the people reviewing the applications are not structural designers. They do not have time to
sift through many drawing details and dimensions not relevant to the permit approval. Railroad Considerations

When scoping bridge repair work above or adjacent to the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way, consider the
following items that may be required:

1. A plan review by UPRR’s engineering personnel in Omaha, Nebraska. Expect a thirty working day
2. Crash wall addition. This would add approximately $250,000 for each wall.
3. Drainage review.
4. Protective fencing.
5. UPRR will want reimbursement for their involvement in the preliminary review work.

UPRR standards require crash walls if a pier, foundation or abutment is within 25 feet of an existing or future
track centerline. Protective fencing is required on all bridges. ODOT maintains its own drainage. UPRR
acknowledges existing construction and maintenance agreements, and will consider this for each review.
Minor repair work will not warrant the safety upgrades to the bridge. Consult the ODOT Utility & Railroad
Coordinator early in the process for any bridge work that could trigger these requirements. Railroad Clearances

Show project specific design clearances, construction clearances, and shoring clearances on the contract
plans. Refer to DET1200 which contains many of the required railroad crossing details.

Design Clearances – Clearances required for permanent construction over railroads are shown in the
design guides provided by the railroads or on the railroad’s website. See BCM 7.3.8 and Figure 7.3.8A.

Shoring Clearances – Shoring clearances required for construction adjacent to railroads are shown in the
design guides provided by the railroads or on the railroad’s website.

A shoring diagram showing the proposed excavation relative to the tracks and all other pertinent
information as detailed in the design guides.

Construction Clearances – Construction clearances required for construction over railroads are shown in
the design guides provided by the railroads or on the railroad’s website.

Show a construction clearance diagram similar to Figure on the plans.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles


Note: All horizontal clearances shown are for tangent track. On curved track, increase the lateral
clearances per AREA Specifications. For special cases, such as in yards, lesser clearances may be
agreed to by the Railroad.

3.14.12 Public Involvement

See PDLT Operational Notice PD-12.

[Reserved for future use. (Talk about possible need to prepare exhibits and provide info to the Project
Leader, Project Manager, Bridge Design Manager, or PI folks for public presentations.)

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles


A3.4.1 Bridge Designer

A3.4.2 Bridge Design Reviewer

A3.4.3 Bridge Design Checker

A3.4.4 Bridge Subject Matter Expert

A3.4.5 Bridge Design Coordinator

A3.4.6 Bridge Quality Auditor

A3.4.1 Bridge Designer

The purpose of the Bridge Designer is to design, engineer and ensure the utmost in quality of the Bridge
deliverables prepared for publication, contract, or construction.

At Project Initiation (at least two weeks prior to the ‘kick-off’ meeting):
• Meet with and discuss the goals and objectives of the project and the bridge design with the Bridge
• Review the Bridge Design Work Order (for outsourced work also see the statement of work of A&E
• Review project schedule.
• Know who is the assigned Bridge Checker.
• Prepare to attend the project kick-off meeting.

After the Project Initiation (kick-off) Meeting (0% DAP Design Phase):
• Prepare bridge design criteria and table of Bridge Design Standards
• Identify alternatives/options.
• Vet out each alternative/option to a point that can make decision to keep or drop.
• Prepare preliminary calculations, as needed.
• Start TS&L Narrative or TS&L Memo, estimates, plan sheets, design deviations/exceptions.

At 50% DAP Design Phase (~50% TS&L development):

• Meet with Bridge Reviewer (if not already doing); review the status of the design and the progress of
the Alternatives Study (Are the right alternatives/options being studied? Are there other
alternatives/options that should be included?), TS&L Narrative or TS&L Memo, plan sheet(s),
engineer’s estimate, and design deviations/exceptions.
• Review Bridge Design Work Order / Statement of Work or Project Guide and ensure that the
“problems/deficiencies” are actually getting addressed. (It is always easier to make corrections in the
“path forward” when they are identified earlier than later!)

At 85% DAP Design Phase (95% TS&L development) thru DAP Milestone:
• Complete TS&L Report (TS&L Memo or Draft TS&L Narrative, plan sheet(s), and Engineer’s Estimate
@ TS&L, Bridge Design Criteria & Standards Assessment, Design Deviations and Exceptions, and
Alternatives Study) and submit to Bridge Reviewer for review.
• Receive written review comments from Bridge Reviewer. Prepare responses to review comments.
• Hold ‘sit-down’ with Bridge Reviewer and review responses to review comments. Reach consensus.
• Update TS&L Report.
• Complete Bridge Designer QC Form.
• Submit complete TS&L Report to Bridge Reviewer and Project Leader (for DAP).

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

After DAP is approved (0% Plan Development) thru Preliminary Plans Milestone (50% Plan
• Start Final Design.
• Start Preliminary Plans package.
• Complete Final Design calculations.
• Prepare Preliminary Plans plan sheets to a 70% level of completion. Show the basic geometry of all
major elements; do not have to show all detail necessary for bidding and construction.
• Prepare Engineer’s Estimate @ Preliminary Plans.
• Create a special provision list (SPLIST is available to download at webpage of special provision
templates) and identify applicable special provisions. (This is a good time to actually review the 100
sections, particularly SP110 and SP190. Understanding these sections can help complete quantities
and other aspects of the package.)
• Submit Preliminary Plans package to Bridge Reviewer and Project Leader.
• Complete Bridge Designer QC Form.
• Start Advance Plans package.

After Preliminary Plans Milestone thru Advance Plans Milestone (90% Plan Development):
• Complete final design edits to calculations.
• Prepare Advance Plans plan sheets to a 99% level of completion. Show all geometry and details
necessary for bidding and construction.
• Prepare Engineer’s Estimate @ Advance Plans.
• Prepare special provisions (in some cases, this may be required to be completed at the Preliminary
Plans milestone; check with Project Leader).
• Submit Advance Plans package to Bridge Reviewer, Bridge Checker and Project Leader.
• Answer questions from Bridge Checker and Bridge Reviewer and finalize design calculations plan
sheets, special provisions and estimate.
• Receive written review comments from Bridge Checker and Bridge Reviewer. Prepare responses to
review comments.
• Hold ‘sit-down’ with Bridge Checker and Bridge Reviewer and review responses to review comments.
Reach consensus.
• Update Advance Plans package.
• Submit complete Advance Plans package to Bridge Checker.
• Submit complete Advance Plans package to Bridge Reviewer and Project Leader.
• Complete Bridge Designer QC Form.

After Advance Plans Milestone thru Final Plans Milestone (100% Final Design):
• Complete final Checking edits to calculations.
• Prepare Final Plans plan sheets to a 100% level of completion. Show all geometry and details
necessary for bidding and construction.
• Prepare Engineer’s Estimate @ Final Plans.
• Review special provisions package.
• Submit Final Plans package to Bridge Reviewer, Bridge Checker and Project Leader.
• Work with Bridge Checker, Bridge Reviewer and any others to resolve all review comments.
• Update Final Plans package.
• Submit complete Final Plans package to Bridge Checker.
• Submit complete Final Plans package to Bridge Reviewer and Project Leader.
• Complete Bridge Designer QC Form.
• Work with Bridge Reviewer to ensure all Bridge-related PD-02 Final PS&E Submittal Checklist
requirements are complete.
• Work with Project Leader to ensure all PS&E package bridge deliverables are complete.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

After Final Plans Milestone thru PS&E Package Milestone:

• Complete Calculation Books to this point in time, pdf, and send pdf to Bridge Reviewer. (Keep original
for use through construction.)
• Complete load rating.
• Work with Bridge Reviewer to ensure all bridge deliverables and Bridge Quality Documentation is
After PS&E Package Milestone:
• Work with Project Leader to complete any bidding RFIs and Addenda Letters.
• Complete Cost Data information.
• Complete Bridge Inventory Forms.
• Provide Construction Support.
• Complete “constructed” calculation book (typically an amended design calc. book)
• Complete the “design” load rating.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

A3.4.2 Bridge Reviewer

[Internal] = Internal to ODOT

[External] = External to ODOT; eg, A&E Consultant

The following duties are relevant to a Bridge Reviewer employed by ODOT [Internal]. For external Bridge
Reviewer duties see the approved A&E Design Quality Plan for the specific project.

The purpose of the Bridge Reviewer is to review and ensure the utmost in quality of the Bridge Design
deliverables prepared for publication, contract, or construction. The Bridge Reviewer shall have a
background in bridge design commensurate to the work being reviewed.

Also, ODOT Bridge Reviewers should understand the different contracting methods for design and
construction. They should understand Federal Aid, Federal participation, and Federal funding vs. State
funding . They should understand “color of money” (funding) and how it affects the rules, regulations, and
deliverables associated with the different contracting methods.

Throughout all design phases:

• Mentor bridge designers and checkers.

At Resource Planning Milestone [Internal only]:

• Review all STIP and Non-STIP projects for bridge work.
• Review pre- ‘Project Initiation’ project schedules (year, start, finish) for all STIP projects with bridge
• Review ODOT Project Business Case and Bridge Design Work Order for the anticipated type of
bridge work/design. (If no Business Case (eg, a bridge through a program other than the Bridge
Program), meet with Project Leader and Area Manager to discuss the nature of the structures work.
Inform them that the purpose of this meeting is to better understand the work so the appropriate ‘level
of experience’ can be made, and the Bridge Designer and Bridge Checker assigned.)
• Participate in assignment of Bridge Reviewer, Bridge Designer and Bridge Checker at BLT or other
bridge design resource planning venue.

At Project Initiation Milestone (at least two weeks prior to the ‘kick-off’ meeting):
• Review Bridge Design Work Order (for outsourced work also see the statement of work of A&E
• Confirm project schedule.
• Confirm assignment of Bridge Designer and Bridge Checker.
• Meet with and discuss the goals and objectives of the project and the bridge design with the Bridge
• After meeting with the Bridge Designer, complete the Bridge Reviewer QC/QA Checklist for Project

At 50% Preliminary Design Phase:

• Check in with Bridge Designer (if not already doing); review the status of the design and the progress
of the Alternatives Study (Are the right alternatives being studied? Are there other alternatives that
should be included?), TS&L Memo or TS&L Narrative, Plan Sheet(s), Estimate, Design Criteria, Table
of Bridge Design Standards, and Design Deviations. (This one time check-in is appropriate for a
designer experienced in the type of design/work. If the designer has not designed this type of work, or
has limited experience with this type of work, the Bridge Reviewer should be checking in on a more
regular schedule (eg, monthly or weekly). (It is always easier to make corrections in the “path
forward” when they are identified earlier than later!)
• For Bridge Program bridges, review ODOT Project Business Case and ensure that the
“problems/deficiencies” are actually getting addressed.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

At 85% Preliminary Design Phase thru DAP Milestone:

• For Bridge Program bridges, review ODOT Project Business Case and ensure that the
“problems/deficiencies” are addressed.
• Review Alternatives Study. (Have the right alternatives been studied? Is the recommended alternative
the correct choice?)
• Review TS&L Memo or TS&L Narrative, Plan Sheet(s), Estimate, and Design Deviations. (Are all the
alternatives in the study properly documented as to the rationale why 1) not selected as the
recommended alternative, and 2) selected as the recommended alternative. Are design deviations
approved by State Bridge Engineer?)
• Provide written review comments to Bridge Designer.
• Hold ‘sit-down’ with Bridge Designer and review responses to review comments. Reach consensus.
• Verify resolution of review comments (review updated documents against responses to review
• Ensure Bridge Designer submits TS&L Report to Project Leader for use in DAP.
• Complete the Bridge Reviewer QC/QA Checklist for TS&L Report.

At Preliminary Plans Milestone:

• Review Preliminary Plans package against list of possible Bridge Plan drawings.
• Review Preliminary Plans. (have all sheets been started and drafted to 60~70% so Bridge Design
Reviewer can see the ‘skeleton’ of the project coming together?)
• Ensure Bridge Designer submits Preliminary Plans deliverables to Project Leader for use in the
Preliminary Plans review package.

At Advance Plans Milestone thru Final Plans Milestone:

• Review PS&E documents (the plans, the specifications / special provisions, the cost estimate, the
estimate of construction duration) against 1) TS&L Report, 2) DAP Report, 3) BDM, 4) design codes,
and 5) other applicable guidance.
o Review against Geotechnical requirements.
o Review against Hydraulic requirements.
o Review against Environmental & Permitting requirements.
o Review against Storm Water requirements. Ensure deck geometry is correct for satisfactory
drainage of the bridge deck, and appropriate collection and transport of storm water away
from the bridge and water body.
o Review against Roadway geometrics (horizontal alignment, vertical alignment,
superelevation, grades, deck elevations).
o Review against design exceptions and design deviations.
o Review against Survey topography (bridge length, width and height fits the contours of the
existing and future (proposed) ground surface, foundations are at appropriate location).
o Review against Right of Way (bridge is within limits of final right of way lines).
o Review against Mobility requirements.
o Review against Utility requirements.
o Review against Railroad requirements.
o Review against Public Involvement and Aesthetic requirements.
o Review against Qualified Products List (QPL).
• Review against any revisions to these documents made during the Final Design Phase, and ensures
changes are reflected in the Bridge PS&E documents.
• Review cost estimate for appropriate bid items, unit cost, and unit cost modifiers (quantities checked
by Bridge Checker).
• Review estimate of probable construction durations. Ensures logical and of appropriate duration for
assumed method of construction.
• Review that all reference special provisions are included for applicable project special provisions.
• Review changes to special provisions, other than ‘fill in the blank’ changes, are appropriate and
• Review that design and detailing practices used meet standards; or that rationale to deviate from
standard is appropriate.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

• Review that details are consistent between bridges on projects with multiple bridges; or that rationale
for different details between bridges is appropriate.
• Review deliverables against project’s funding requirements. Ensure the requirements associated with
that “color of money” are completed.
• Provide written review comments to Bridge Designer.
• Hold ‘sit-down’ with Bridge Designer and review responses to review comments. Reach consensus.
• Verify resolution of review comments (review updated documents against responses to review
• Ensure Bridge Designer submits Advance Plans deliverables to Project Leader for use in the
Advance Plans review package.
• Ensure Bridge Designer submits Final Plans deliverables to Project Leader for use in the Final Plans
• Complete the Bridge Reviewer QC/QA Checklist for these milestones.

At PS&E Package Milestone:

• Verify that all review comments are resolved and closed out.
• Ensure Bridge-related PD-02 Final PS&E Submittal Checklist requirements are complete and
coordinate with Bridge Designer, Project Leader, and OPL Quality Engineer (if necessary) before
submitting PS&E package.
• Ensure Bridge Designer submits PS&E deliverables to Project Leader for use in the PS&E Package.
• Ensure all Bridge Design Quality Documents are complete and submitted.
• Complete the Bridge Reviewer QC/QA Checklist and submit to Bridge Design Manager and Bridge
Operations & Standards Manager.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

A3.4.3 Bridge Design Checker

The purpose of the Bridge Checker is to perform a “Quality Check” of the structural design.

At Project Initiation (at least two weeks prior to the ‘kick-off’ meeting):
• No action.

After the Project Initiation (kick-off) Meeting (0% Preliminary Design Phase):
• No action.

At 50% Preliminary Design Phase:

• No action.

At 85% Preliminary Design Phase thru DAP Milestone:

• No action.

After DAP is approved (0% Final Design) thru Preliminary Plans Milestone (50% Final Design):
• No action.

After Preliminary Plans Milestone thru Advance Plans Milestone (90% Final Design):
• No action.

At Advance Plans Milestone thru Final Plans Milestone (100% Final Design):
• Receive Advance Plans package.
• For Class III checks, receive pdf’s of all non-structural calculations and perform independent checks.
• For Class II checks, receive pdf of structural calculations to use to perform a ‘line-by-line’ check.
• For Class I checks, start to prepare independent calculations.
• Check plan sheets.
• Check quantities and cost estimate.
• Check estimate of probable construction schedule.
• Check special provisions.
• Complete calculations check.
• Provide written review comments to Designer.
• Hold ‘sit-down’ with Designer and review responses to review comments. Reach consensus.
• Verify resolution of review comments (review updated documents against responses to review
• Complete Checker QC Checklist.

At PS&E Package (100% Final Design):

• When changes are made, check updated Special Provisions and revisions after OPC review.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

A3.4.4 Bridge Subject Matter Expert

The purpose of the Bridge Subject Matter Expert (as it relates to the design of a project) is to ensure
design standards and boilerplate special provisions are complete and up-to-date for the type of bridge
work being designed and constructed today. The SME is also a reference to the Designer, Checker,
Reviewer and others throughout the entire cycle of bridge design, construction, inspection and
maintenance of the State’s bridge inventory. The SME also provides training (one-on-one, one-on-many,
external provider, etc) as needed.

During development of a project:

Before a project even exists:

• Provide technical guidance during maintenance, deficiency identification, and project scoping as
• Assist Bridge Program Manager to identify reasonable and feasible alternatives/options for
Alternatives Study.

At Project Initiation (at least two weeks prior to the ‘kick-off’ meeting):
• Typically no action.

After the Project Initiation (kick-off) Meeting (0% Preliminary Design Phase):
• Typically no action.

At 50% Preliminary Design Phase:

• Provide technical guidance as requested.

At 85% Preliminary Design Phase thru DAP Milestone:

• Review and provide comments to Designer (with copy to the Reviewer).

After DAP is approved (0% Final Design) thru Preliminary Plans Milestone (50% Final Design):
• Provide technical guidance as requested.
• Review and provide comments to Designer (with copy to the Reviewer), as requested.

After Preliminary Plans Milestone thru Advance Plans Milestone (90% Final Design):
• Provide technical guidance as requested.
• Review and provide comments to Designer (with copy to the Reviewer and Checker), as requested.

At Advance Plans Milestone thru Final Plans Milestone (100% Final Design):
• Typically no action.

At PS&E Package (100% Final Design):

• Typically no action.

After a project is let and construction is complete:

• Provide technical guidance during inspection and maintenance as requested.

Outside development of a project:

• See BPPM for details.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

A3.4.5 Bridge Design Coordinator

The purpose of the Bridge Design Coordinator is to track, pursue, and ensure all Bridge Quality
Documentation is received from Regions/Reviewers, and to ensure this data is entered, stored, retained,
and managed in the utmost professional manner.

During development of a project:

At Resource Planning Milestone:

• Receive list of all STIP and Non-STIP projects with bridge work from Bridge Program Manager.
(These are the ‘lion’s share’ of the projects to track and collect data.)

At Project Initiation (at least two weeks prior to the ‘kick-off’ meeting):
• No action.

After the Project Initiation (kick-off) Meeting (0% Preliminary Design Phase):
• No action.

At 50% DAP Design Phase:

• No action.

At 85% DAP Design Phase thru DAP Milestone:

• Receive pdf of TS&L Report and pdf of Reviewer’s review package (data and review comment form)
from Reviewer.
• Store in Bridge EDMS.

After DAP is approved (0% Plan Development) thru Preliminary Plans Milestone (50% Plan
• Receive pdf of Preliminary Plans package and pdf of Reviewer’s review package (data and review
comment form) from Reviewer.
• Store in Bridge EDMS.

After Preliminary Plans Milestone thru Advance Plans Milestone (90% Plan Development):
• Receive pdf of Advance Plans package and pdf of Reviewer’s review package (data and review
comment form) from Reviewer.
• Store in Bridge EDMS.

At Advance Plans Milestone thru Final Plans Milestone (100% Plan Development):
• Receive pdf of Final Plans package and pdf of Reviewer’s review package (data and review comment
form) from Reviewer.
• Store in Bridge EDMS.

At PS&E Package (100% Plan Development):

• Receive pdf of PS&E Package and pdf of Reviewer’s review package (data and review comment
form) from Reviewer.
• Store in Bridge EDMS.

After PS&E Package:

• Receive the Reviewer’s QC/QA Checklist for each project.
• Complete EDMS QC Checklist.

Outside development of a project:

See BPPM for details.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

A3.4.6 Bridge Quality Auditor

The purpose of the Bridge Quality Auditor is to ensure design processes and standards were followed or
that appropriate design deviations and exceptions were prepared to document why design processes and
standards were not followed.

During development of a project:

At Project Initiation (at least two weeks prior to the ‘kick-off’ meeting):
• No action.

After the Project Initiation (kick-off) Meeting (0% Preliminary Design Phase):
• No action.

At 50% Preliminary Design Phase:

• No action.

At 85% Preliminary Design Phase thru DAP Milestone:

• No action.

After DAP is approved (0% Final Design) thru Preliminary Plans Milestone (50% Final Design):
• No action.

After Preliminary Plans Milestone thru Advance Plans Milestone (90% Final Design):
• No action.

At Advance Plans Milestone thru Final Plans Milestone (100% Final Design):
• No action.

At PS&E Package (100% Final Design):

• No action.

After PS&E Package:

• Receive the Reviewer’s QC/QA Checklist for each project.
• On a ‘to-be-determined’ schedule, identify ‘X’ projects per year to perform a Quality Audit.
• Perform Quality Audit.
• Prepare report of findings.
• Hold ‘sit-down’ meeting with State Bridge Engineer, Bridge Design Manager to go over findings.
• Receive some form of assurance that findings will be addressed.
• Complete Auditor QC Checklist.

Outside development of a project:

• See BPPM for details.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles


The following forms are posted on the ODOT Bridge website:

Bridge Designer QC Form

Bridge Reviewer QC/QA Checklist

Bridge Checker QC Form

Bridge Preservation QC/QA Form

Bridge Audit QC Report

Bridge EDMS QC Checklist

Bridge Drafter QC Checklist for TS&L Plan Sheet(s)

Bridge Drafter QC Checklist for Advance Plans (95%) Plan Sheet(s)


[Under development]


See BCM.


See BCM.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles


A3.91.1 Introduction

A3.91.2 Basic Units

A3.91.3 Derived Units

A3.91.4 Metric Conversion Factors

A3.91.5 Metric Procedural Rules

A3.91.6 Bridge Plan and Preparation Guidelines

A3.91.7 Miscellaneous Common Conversions

A3.91.1 Introduction

The International System of Units (SI), a modern version of the metric system of measurement, is being
adopted throughout the world. To remain competitive in the global economy, Congress determined the
United States must convert to SI.

FHWA was planning to require ODOT and local agencies to submit contract documents in metric by
September 30, 1996. Congress then postponed the implementation date to September 30, 2000 and
later completely removed the requirement.

After removal of the Metric requirement, most states have reverted back to English units or dual units.

ODOT believes it is important to be in alignment with other state DOT’s and local government partners.
ODOT began converting back to English units in late 2002 and began contracting State projects in
English units in early 2004.

This section has been retained to provide a guide to the units and conversions most commonly used by
the Bridge Engineering Section during the Metric era. This section may help with the interpretation of
plans produced during the Metric era.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

A3.91.2 Basic Units

There are five metric "basic units" that concern bridge design and construction (see Figure 3.91.2).


Quantity Unit Symbol

Length Meter m
Mass Kilogram kg
Time Second s
Temperature Celsius oC

Plane angles degree, minute, second 00, 0', 0"

Figure 3.91.2 Decimal Prefixes

Many numbers resulting from metric calculations are too large or small to be practically used. Three
decimal prefixes are commonly used with the base units to produce manageable numbers (see Figure


Prefix Symbol Magnitude Expression

Mega M 106 1 000 000 (one million)
Kilo k 103 1000 (one thousand)
Milli m 10-3 0.001 (one thousandth)


A3.91.3 Derived Units

In addition to the five basic units, there are three metric units derived from the basic units that are used
frequently in structural calculations (see Figure 3.91.3).


Quantity Name Symbol Expression

Force Newton N N = kg•m/s2
Pressure,stress Pascal Pa Pa = N/m2
Energy Joule J J = N•m

Figure 3.91.3

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles Force

In order to perform metric calculations properly, it is important to understand the distinction between mass
"kg" and force "N".

In the metric system, there are separate units for mass "kg" and force "N". Mass indicates the quantity of
matter in an object. Force or "force of gravity" is the acceleration due to gravity the object experiences in
a particular environment. The mass must be converted to force before computing structural reactions,
shears, moments, or internal stresses. Force "N" = mass times acceleration due to gravity. The metric
acceleration of gravity on the earth's surface is 9.807 m/s2 (i.e., 32.2 ft/s2 x 0.3048 m/ft). One newton =
one kilogram x (one meter)/(one second)2.

For example, a simply supported beam 10 meters long with a mass of 1000 kg/m would have a total
mass of 10 000 kg (see Figure However, the dead load or force on a beam, on the earth's
surface, used to calculate the reactions, shears, moments, etc. would be 1000 x 9.807 = 9807 N/m. The
distinction between mass and force in structural calculations is very important.

Quantity Inch-Pound Units Metric Units

Dead Load = 672+135 = 807 lb/ft = (1000+201) (9.807)
(Force) = 11 777.8 N/m
VA = wl/2 = (807)(32.808)/2 = (11 777.8) (10)/2
= 13,238 lb = 58 889 N
MB = wl2/8 = (807)(32.808)2/8 = (11 777.8)(10)2/8
= 108,578 ft-lb = 147 222 N•m
FB = M/s = (108,578)(12in/ft)/440 =(147 222)(109mm3/m3)/7210x103
= 2961 psi = 20 419 000 Pa
= 20 419 kPa
= 20.419 MPa
Note: lb is understood to be lb-force.

Figure Stress

The pascal is not universally accepted as the only unit of stress. Because steel section properties are
expressed in millimeters, it may be more convenient to express stress in a derivative of pascals; that is in
newtons per square millimeter (1 N/mm2 = 1 MPa ).

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles Energy

Although the joule is a standard metric unit, it is typically not used in structural design. Moments are
always expressed in terms of Nm, or the derivative kN•m.

A3.91.4 Metric Conversion Factors

Figure 3.91.4, is intended to provide common conversion factors and show typical equivalent conversion
units between "inch-pound" and "metric" values. The factors will allow the designer to get a feel for the
magnitude of metric units as compared to inch-pound units.


Quantity From Inch-Pound Units To Metric Units Multiply by

Length mile km 1.609 344
foot m 0.304 8
inch mm 25.4
Area square mile km2 2.590 00
acre m2 4 046.87
square yard m2 0.836 127 4
square foot m2 0.092 903 0
square inches mm2 645.160
Volume cubic yard m3 0.764 555
cubic foot m3 0.028 316 8
Mass* Lb kg 0.453 592
Ton kg 0.907 184
Mass/unit length* Plf kg/m 1.488 16
Mass/unit area* Psf kg/m2 4.882 43
Mass density* Pcf kg/m3 16.018 5
Force Lb N 4.448 22
metric kg kN 9.806 65
kip kN 4.448 22
Force/unit length Plf n/m 14.593 9
Klf kN/m 14.593 9
Pressure, stress, Psf Pa 47.880 3
Modulus of elasticity ksf kPa 47.880 3
psi kPa 6.894 76
ksi MPa 6.894 76
Bending moment, ft-lb N•m 1.355 82
torque, moment of force ft-kip kN•m 1.355 82
Moment of inertia in4 mm4 416 231
Section modulus in3 mm3 16 387.064
Temperature oF oC 5/9 (oF - 32)
*Note: The Inch-Pound Units system using "a mass which weighs such and such pounds" and
converting to true Metric Units masses.

Figure 3.91.4

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

A3.91.5 Metric Procedural Rules Writing Metric Symbols and Names

• Unit symbols should be in lower case except for newton (N), pascal (Pa), and mega (M).

• Unit names should always be printed in lower case, i.e., newton, pascal, kilogram.

• Do not use the plural of unit symbols (write 45 kg, not 45 kgs), but do use the plural of written unit
names (several kilograms).

• Leave a space between the numeral and a unit symbol. Write "70 kg" or "30 oC", not "70kg" or

• Do not use a period after the symbol. Write "70 kg", not "70 kg., except when it comes at the end of a

• Indicate the product of two or more units in symbolic form by using a dot between the symbols, i.e.,
N•m or kg•m.

• Do not mix names and symbols. Write N•m or newton meter, not N•meter or newton•m.

• Do not leave a space between a decimal prefix and a unit symbol. Write "MPa" or "kN•m", not "M Pa"
or k N•m". Writing Numbers

• Use decimals, not fractions. Write 0.75 m, not 3/4 m.

• Use a zero before the decimal point for values less than one. Write 0.65 kg, not .65 kg.

• Spaces are frequently used to separate blocks of three digits either side of the decimal point. Never
use a comma to separate the blocks. For plan dimensions, it will be acceptable to either insert or
omit the space. Write 16 387.064 or 16387.064; but never 16,387.064. Conversions and Rounding

When converting from inch-pound units to metric units, round the metric value to the same number of
digits as there were in the inch-pound number, i.e., 235.75 lb x 0.453 592 kg/lb = 106.9343 kg which
should be rounded to 106.93 kg.

Also see ASTM E380, Section 5, for general guidelines.

A3.91.6 Bridge Plan and Preparation Guidelines Plan Dimensions

For dimensions and elevations use:

• Millimeters in standard drawings and structural details.

• Meters for plan dimensions (structure and span lengths, structure width, lane and shoulder widths,

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

etc.) and other long dimensions.

• Meters to three places for elevations, preceded with the abbreviation El. (e.g., El. 309.564).

To eliminate the repetitive use of (mm) and (m), these will not be used for dimensions in millimeters and
elevations in meters. Meter dimensions should be followed by the symbol (m).

The following note should be shown on the plans, "All dimensions are in millimeters (mm) and all
elevations are in meters (m), except as noted.".

At all locations in notes, etc. use (mm) and (m) notations. Reinforcing Steel

A new series of soft converted reinforcing steel sizes should be used. Figures and
on the following page show the metric properties for conventional and prestressing steel. The equivalent
area in square inches is shown for comparison purposes. The metric bar size is roughly equal to the bar
diameter in millimeters.

The length of straight bars should be shown in 100 millimeter increments where possible. Bent bars
should be detailed to the nearest 20 millimeter total length. Fasteners

Fasteners are to be called out as a soft conversion to the nearest 0.1 mm. Use the appropriate English
specifications for bolts, nuts and washers. Structural Steel

The structural steels called out in ODOT plans and specifications all have metric equivalents. These
equivalent specifications have the same number (AASHTO or ASTM) followed by a capital M; e.g.
AASHTO M 270M or ASTM A 709M.

Structural steel shapes will be a soft conversion. AISC conversion tables are available.

Plate thickness should be a soft conversion and called out to the nearest 0.1 mm.

Normally plate widths should be a hard metric conversion. In some situations it may be appropriate to
use soft converted plate widths. If repetitious pieces have a dimension that can use a common English
plate width, one plate cut can be avoided and it will be more economical to fabricate the item.

Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles


Metric English English English English Metric Metric Metric

Bar Bar Dia. Area Weight Dia. Area Mass
(in) (in2) (lb/ft) (mm) (mm2) (kg/m)
#10 #3 0.375 0.11 0.376 9.5 71 0.560
#13 #4 0.500 0.20 0.668 12.7 129 0.994
#16 #5 0.625 0.31 1.043 16.0 199 1.552
#19 #6 0.750 0.44 1.502 19.1 284 2.235
#22 #7 0.875 0.60 2.044 22.2 387 3.042
#25 #8 1.000 0.79 2.670 25.4 510 3.973
#29 #9 1.128 1.00 3.400 28.7 645 5.060
#32 #10 1.270 1.27 4.303 32.3 819 6.404
#36 #11 1.410 1.56 5.313 35.8 1006 7.907
#43 #14 1.693 2.25 7.650 43.0 1452 11.38
#57 #18 2.257 4.00 13.60 57.3 2581 20.24


Stock Bar Lengths

• #10 – 6.09 and 12.19 m
• #13 & # 16 – 6.09, 9.14 and 12.19 m
• #19 thru #36 – 18.28 m
• #43 thru #57 – 18.28, 21.33 and 24.38 m

PRESTRESSING STEEL - Conversion of prestressing steel should be a soft conversion using the table
below. Make sure standard drawings and plan detail sheets specify the correct strand diameters.


(270 Grade Low-Relaxation AASHTO M203 (ASTM A-416))

Metric English Metric English Metric English Metric English

Size Size Ult. Ult. Area Area Mass Weight
(mm) (inch) (kN) (lbs) (mm2) (in2) (kg/m) (lb/ft)
9.53 3/8 102.3 23,000 54.84 0.085 0.432 0.290
11.11 7/16 137.9 31,000 74.19 0.115 0.582 0.390
12.70 1/2 183.7 41,300 98.71 0.153 0.775 0.520
15.24 0.600 260.7 58,600 140.0 0.217 1.102 0.740


Bridge Design Manual – June 2020
Oregon Department of Transportation
Section 3 – Processes & Roles

A3.91.7 Miscellaneous Common Conversions

Inch-Pound Metric
Dead Loads:
Future Wearing Surface 25 psf 1.2 kN/m2
Reinforced Concrete 150 pcf 23.6 kN/m3
Soil 120 pcf 18.9 kN/m3

Material Strengths:
Concrete (f'c) 3300 psi 22.8 MPa, Equiv. to 25 MPa
4000 psi 27.6 MPa, Equiv. to 30 MPa
4500 psi 31.0 MPa, Equiv. to 35 MPa
5000 psi 34.5 MPa, Equiv. to 35 MPa
5500 psi 37.9 MPa, Equiv. to 40 MPa
6000 psi 41.4 MPa, Equiv. to 45 MPa
6500 psi 44.8 MPa, Equiv. to 45 MPa
7000 psi 48.3 MPa, Equiv. to 50 MPa

Reinforcing Steel:
Grade 40 40 ksi 275.8 MPa, Equiv. to 300 MPa
Grade 60 60 ksi 413.7 MPa, Equiv. to 420 MPa
Grade 80 80 ksi 551.6 MPa, Equiv. to 550 MPa

Structural Steel:
Grade 36 36 ksi 248.2 MPa, Equiv. to 250 MPa
Grade 50 50 ksi 344.7 MPa, Equiv. to 345 MPa
Grade 70 70 ksi 482.6 MPa, Equiv. to 480 MPa

Reinforcing Steel Clearances 1.0 in 25 mm

1.5 in 40 mm
2.0 in 50 mm
2.5 in 65 mm
3.0 in 75 mm
4.0 in 100 mm

Aggregate sizes 1-1/2 in 37.5 mm

1 in 25.4 mm
3/4 in 19.0 mm
3/8 in 9.5 mm

Deck Concrete 4500 psi Equivalent to Class 30 (4350 psi)

End Panel Concrete 3300 or 4500 psi Equivalent to Class 25 (3626 psi) or
30 (4350 psi)

Minor Structure Concrete 3000 psi Class 20 (2901 psi)


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