Cobp Phi 2020 2022

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Country Operations Business Plan

October 2019


This document is being disclosed to the public in accordance with ADB's Access to Information
(as of 31 July 2019)

Currency unit – peso/s (₱)

₱1.00 = $0.01968
$1.00 = ₱50.82000
€1.00 = $1.11550


ADB – Asian Development Bank

CPS – country partnership strategy
OCR – ordinary capital resources
TA – technical assistance


In this report, “$” refers to United States dollars.

Vice-President Ahmed M. Saeed, Operations 2

Director General Ramesh Subramaniam, Southeast Asia Department (SERD)

Team leader Kelly Bird, Country Director, Philippines Country Office (PHCO), SERD
Team members Oscar Amiel Badiola, Programs Officer, PHCO, SERD
Philippines country team, SERD

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation
of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian
Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any
territory or area.





1. Country Assistance Results Areas 3

2. List of Linked Documents 6
3. Indicative Assistance Pipeline 7
4. Assistance Program for Current Year 14
5. Indicative Knowledge Products and Events 19

1. The country partnership strategy (CPS), 2018–2023 of the Asian Development Bank
(ADB) and the Philippines focuses on achieving high and inclusive growth by accelerating
infrastructure and long-term investments, promoting local economic development with a focus on
Mindanao and Visayas, and targeting investments in people at the bottom 40% of the population.1
The CPS closely aligns with ADB’s Strategy 2030, 2 the Long-Term Vision of the Philippines
Towards 2040 (AmBisyon Natin 2040), and the Philippine Development Plan, 2017–2022. It
mainstreams crosscutting support to promote private sector participation, gender equality,
governance, environmentally sustainable development, and regional integration.

2. ADB’s country operations business plan for the Philippines will maintain alignment with
the CPS and the government’s priorities of investing in infrastructure, local economies, and poor
Filipinos. The lending operations will target climate-resilient infrastructure development that better
connects regions, communities, and people, and raise competitiveness. ADB’s support for
promoting local economic development and increasing social investments will be programmatic—
combining policy reforms, institutional capacity development, and complementary project
investments in local governance, livable cities, social protection, universal health, secondary
education, youth employment, and financial inclusion. The key result areas for each sector are
presented in Appendix 1.


3. The Philippines, a group C developing member country, is eligible for regular ordinary
capital resources (OCR) lending. The indicative resources available for commitment to sovereign
operations during 2020–2022 total $4.0 billion. Cofinancing and funding from other sources,
including the regular OCR regional cooperation and integration set-aside, will be explored. An
indicative sovereign lending program of $9.1 billion, or 127.6% more than the indicative resources,
is proposed in Appendix 3.3 Appendix 4 presents ADB’s 2019 program, which consists of 10 loans
totaling $3.0 billion, 1 grant of $3 million, and TA projects specifically programmed for the
Philippines (see Table A4.2) as well as having access to funding under regional TA facilities (see
Table A4.3).

4. ADB’s lending operations were rebalanced toward infrastructure investments and account
for up to 65.0% of total proposed loans for 2019–2022. The biggest shift is in transportation
investments (railway systems, bridges, and road networks) accounting for 59.1% of total proposed
loans for 2019–2022, up from 7.7% for 2011–2018. In terms of financing modalities, loan projects
account for 72.0% of total proposed loans for 2019–2022, followed by policy-based loans at
23.0% (down from 50.0% for 2011–2018), and results-based loans at 5.0%.

5. Technical assistance (TA) will be provided through large regional TA projects or regional
transaction TA, with a sector or thematic focus. Regional transaction TA projects (Tables A3.3
and A4.3) will support all Southeast Asian developing member countries in project preparation,
project implementation, policy development, capacity development, and knowledge work. Stand-
alone TA projects that are dedicated to Philippine operations will also be delivered during 2020–

1 ADB. 2018. Country Partnership Strategy: Philippines, 2018–2023—High and Inclusive Growth. Manila.
2 ADB. 2018. Strategy 2030: Achieving a Prosperous, Inclusive, Resilient, and Sustainable Asia and the Pacific.
3 The actual pipeline can deviate from the indicative resource allocation because of a possible reallocation of OCR
within ADB’s Southeast Asia Department. Also, ADB, in consultation with the government, will explore cofinancing
options to fill any financing gaps.

2022, and are estimated at $5.0 million, to be financed from internal and other financing sources.
Efforts will continue to supplement these resources with ADB-administered trust funds and other
external sources.

6. ADB will continue to align the nonsovereign operations of its Private Sector Operations
Department with CPS priorities and will keep monitoring the rollout of the government's public–
private partnership projects for financing consideration. ADB will also pursue innovative financing
such as Green Finance and financial intermediation through local commercial banks, nonbanks,
and private equity funds in support of environmentally sustainable private sector development.

7. The Philippines government needs demand-driven knowledge support in (i) preparing

lending operations, (ii) drawing lessons for future investments from the monitoring and evaluation
of operations, (iii) optimizing policy and capacity development, and (iv) obtaining inputs for the
next Philippine Development Plan (2023–2028). In response to government’s knowledge needs,
ADB and the government have established a knowledge partnership to develop an annual 2-year
rolling knowledge plan that supplements the country operations business plan. Knowledge
products and services planned for 2020 or to be delivered in 2019 are listed in Appendix 5.


8. Changes from the 2019–2021 program are presented in Appendix 1 and are briefly
described below:

9. Changes in the 2019 program include the shift from 2018 of the Secondary Education
Support Project and the Capacity Building to Foster Competition Project; merger of the EDSA
Greenway projects for approval in 2019 and 2020; preparation of the Metro Manila Water Supply
Project as additional financing to the ongoing Angat Water Transmission Improvement Project;
an increase in estimated lending requirements for (i) the Infrastructure Preparation and Innovation
Facility, additional financing (from $100 million to $200 million); (ii) tranche 1 of the Malolos–Clark
Railway Project (from $1,000 million to $1,300 million); and (iii) Facilitating Youth School-to-Work
Transition Program (from $300 million to $400 million); merger and change in project modality—
from the Regional Development Project–South Central Mindanao and Regional Development
Project-Northern Mindanao to the Regional Development Facility; and shift of the Philippine Cities
Disaster Insurance Pool Project to 2020 and of the Davao Public Transport Modernization Project
to standby for 2020 pending the government’s further advice.

10. Changes in the 2020 program include the addition of the Support for Agrifood System
Competitiveness Program (policy-based loan) and the Davao–Samal Bridge Project; change in
project name and increased estimated lending requirement for the South Commuter Railway
Project (previously: North−South Commuter Rail: South Line, Tutuban to Calamba; from $300
million to $1.2 billion), and increased estimated lending requirement for the Expanded Social
Assistance Project (from $300 million to $500 million); advancement of the Metro Rail Transit,
Line 4 Project and inclusion of the Support to Universal Health Coverage Program as standby in
2020 and firm in 2021; and shift of the Laguna Lakeshore Road Development Project, Bataan–
Cavite Bridge Project, and the Livable Cities Investment Project to 2021 to provide more time for
detailed engineering design.

11. Changes in the 2021 program include the increase of tranche 2 for the Malolos–Clark
Railway Project from $500 million to $1 billion, and deferment of the Northeastern Luzon
Expressway Project and the Interisland Connectivity Project from ADB’s lending program pending
the government’s further advice.
Appendix 1 3


Indicative Resources
Key Country Development Outcomes that ADB Available for Commitment
Contributes to Key Areas of Assistance in 2020–2022 Changes from Last COBP
1. Transport (infrastructure policy and finance, institutional capacity development, infrastructure investments, and urbanization and regional
Access to economic opportunities increased Rail transport Amount: $5.43 billion The timing and indicative
(regular OCR) and financing requirements of
Effective integration of rural areas to growth centers Road transport $2.01 billion (cofinancing) transport infrastructure projects
promoted (i.e., EDSA Greenway, South
Urban public transport Share of COBP envelope: Commuter Railway, Metro Rail
Strategic infrastructure implemented 59.45% Transit Line 4, Laguna Lakeshore
Urban roads and traffic management Road Development, Bataan–
Cavite Bridge, and Malolos–Clark
Transport policies and institutional Railway projects) have been
development updated based on current
progress of and additional
information from project
preparatory activities

Davao–Samal Bridge Project


Northeastern Luzon Expressway

Project and the Interisland
Connectivity Project deferred
2. Public Sector Management (infrastructure policy and finance, institutional capacity development, local governance reforms, local government
capacity development, human development, and social protection)
Access to economic opportunities increased Public administration Amount: $1.00 billion 2021 Regional Development
(regular OCR) and Project–Northern Mindanao
Culture-sensitive and gender-responsive Public expenditure and fiscal $167.8 million (cofinancing) integrated into the Regional
governance policies formulated and implemented management Development Facility
Share of COBP envelope:
Seamless service delivery achieved Social protection initiatives 10.96% Indicative financing requirement
of the Expanded Social
Administrative governance enhanced Assistance Project updated

Local climate change adaptation and disaster risk

reduction measures strengthened
4 Appendix 1

Indicative Resources
Key Country Development Outcomes that ADB Available for Commitment
Contributes to Key Areas of Assistance in 2020–2022 Changes from Last COBP
Quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic
education for all achieved

Social protection expanded

3. Finance (infrastructure policy and finance, local governance reforms, localized disaster risk management and finance, and financial inclusion)
Access to economic opportunities increased Banking systems and nonbank Amount: $1.00 billion Timing of the Philippine Cities
financial institutions (regular OCR) and Disaster Insurance Pool Project
Culture-sensitive and gender-responsive $167.8 million (cofinancing) updated
governance policies formulated and implemented Small and medium-sized enterprise
finance and leasing Share of COBP envelope:
Administrative governance enhanced 10.96%
Inclusive finance
Local climate change adaptation and disaster risk
reduction measures strengthened Money and capital markets

Effectiveness of financial inclusion initiatives Infrastructure finance and investment

strengthened funds

Access to economic opportunities for small farmers Finance sector development

and fisherfolks increased
4. Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Rural Development (infrastructure investments, institutional capacity development, and localized disaster risk
management and finance)
Strategic infrastructure implemented Irrigation Amount: $1,200 million Support for Agrifood System
(regular OCR) and Competitiveness Program added
Spending on public infrastructure increased Rural flood protection $100 million (cofinancing)

Local climate change adaptation and disaster risk Rural water supply services Share of COBP envelope:
reduction measures strengthened 13.15%
Rural market infrastructure

Agricultural production

Agro-industry, marketing, and trade

Water-based natural resources


Agricultural policy, institutional and

capacity development
Appendix 1 5

Indicative Resources
Key Country Development Outcomes that ADB Available for Commitment
Contributes to Key Areas of Assistance in 2020–2022 Changes from Last COBP
Rural water policy, institutional and
capacity development
5. Water and Other Urban Infrastructure and Services (infrastructure investments, local government capacity development, urbanization and regional
connectivity, localized disaster risk management and finance)
Strategic infrastructure implemented Urban water supply Amount: $100 million Timing of the Livable Cities
(regular OCR) Investment Project updated
Seamless service delivery achieved Urban sewerage
Share of COBP envelope:
Administrative governance enhanced Urban sanitation 1.10%

Effective integration of rural areas to growth centers Urban sanitation

Urban flood protection
Local climate change adaptation and disaster risk
reduction measures strengthened Urban solid waste management

Urban policy, institutional and capacity

6. Education (human development, social protection, social innovation)
Income-earning ability increased Technical and vocation education and Amount: $100 million
training (regular OCR)
Demographic transition accelerated, and
demographic dividend maximized Share of COBP envelope:
7. Health (human development, social protection)
Social protection expanded Health insurance and subsidized Amount: $300 million Support to the health sector
health programs (regular OCR) added back to the country
assistance results areas through
Health care finance Share of COBP envelope: the Support to Universal Health
3.29% Coverage Project
Health sector development and reform
ADB = Asian Development Bank, COBP = country operations business plan, OCR = ordinary capital resources.
Source: Asian Development Bank estimates.
6 Appendix 2


1. Portfolio at a Glance: Philippines

2. Country Partnership Strategy: Philippines, 2018–2023—High and Inclusive Growth
3. AmBisyon Natin 2040
4. Philippine Development Plan, 2017–2022
Appendix 3 7


Table A3.1: Lending Products, 2020–2022

Year Cost ($ million)

of ADB
Poverty Operational TRTA Regular ADF Co-
Project/Program Namea Sector Targeting Priority Division / PDA Total OCR COL Grants Total Gov’t financeb

2020 Firm

Philippine City Disaster Insurance FIN TI-G OP1, OP3, SEPF 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 … …
Pool Project OP4, OP5,

Integrated Flood Risk ANR TI-G OP2, OP3, SEER 500.0 400.0 0.0 0.0 400.0 … 100.0c
Management Sector Project OP4, OP5,

South Commuter Railway Project TRA TI-G OP1, OP2, SETC 1,200.0 1,200.0 0.0 0.0 1,200.0 … TBDd
(PFR1) OP3, OP4,

Davao–Samal Bridge Project TRA TI-G OP1, OP3, SETC 400.0 400.0 0.0 0.0 400.0 … …
OP4, OP6

Expanded Social Assistance PSM TI-H OP1, OP2, SEHS 500.0 500.0 0.0 0.0 500.0 … …
Project OP6

Inclusive Finance Development FIN GI OP1, OP2, SEPF 467.3 300.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 … 167.3e
Program, subprogram 2 (PBL) OP6

Support for Agrifood System ANR GI OP1, OP3, SEER, 300.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 … …
Competitiveness Program, OP5, OP6 SEPF
subprogram 1 (PBL)

Support to Capital Market FIN GI OP1, OP3, SEPF 300.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 … …
Generated Infrastructure OP4, OP6
Financing Program, subprogram 1

Total 3,767.3 3,500.0 0.0 0.0 3,500.0 … 267.3

8 Appendix 3

Year Cost ($ million)

of ADB
Poverty Operational TRTA Regular ADF Co-
Project/Program Namea Sector Targeting Priority Division / PDA Total OCR COL Grants Total Gov’t financeb

2020 Standby

Metro Rail Transit, Line 4 Project TRA TI-G OP1, OP2, SETC 500.0 500.0 0.0 0.0 500.0 … …
OP3, OP4,
Support to Universal Health HLT GI OP1, OP2, SEHS 300.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 … …
Coverage Project (RBL) OP6
Davao Public Transport TRA TI-G OP1, OP2, SETC 70.0 70.0 0.0 0.0 70.0 … …
Modernization Project OP3, OP4,

2021 Firm

Metro Rail Transit, Line 4 Project TRA TI-G OP1, OP2, SETC 500.0 500.0 0.0 0.0 500.0 … …
OP3, OP4,

Laguna Lakeshore Road TRA TI-G OP1, OP3, SETC 500.0 500.0 0.0 0.0 500.0 … …
Transport Project (PFR1) OP4, OP6

Malolos–Clark Railway Project TRA TI-G OP1, OP2, SETC 1,000.0 1,000.0 0.0 0.0 1,000.0 … TBDf
(PFR2) OP3, OP4,
OP6, OP7

Bataan–Cavite Bridge Project TRA TI-G OP1, OP3, SETC 500.0 500.0 0.0 0.0 500.0 … TBDd
(PFR1) OP4, OP6

Livable Cities Investment Project WUS TI-G OP2, OP3, SEUW 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 … …
(PFR1) OP4, OP6

Mindanao Irrigation Development ANR TI-G OP1, OP3, SEER 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 … TBDc
Project (phase 1) OP5, OP6

Support to Universal Health HEA GI OP1, OP2, SEHS 300.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 … …
Coverage Project (RBL) OP6

Local Government Development PSM GI OP2, OP6 SEPF 467.3 300.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 … 167.3e
Program, subprogram 2 (PBL)
Appendix 3 9

Year Cost ($ million)

of ADB
Poverty Operational TRTA Regular ADF Co-
Project/Program Namea Sector Targeting Priority Division / PDA Total OCR COL Grants Total Gov’t financeb

Facilitating Youth School-to-Work EDU, GI OP1, OP6 SEPF/ 300.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 … …
Transition Program, subprogram 3 PSM SEHS
Total 3,767.3 3,600.0 0.0 0.0 3,600.0 … 167.3

2021 Standby

Mindanao Agro-Enterprise ANR TI-G OP1, OP2, SEER 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 … …
Development Project OP3, OP5

2022 Firm

South Commuter Railway Project TRA TI-G OP1, OP2, SETC 850.0 850.0 0.0 0.0 850.0 … TBDd
(PFR2) OP3, OP4,

Malolos–Clark Railway Project TRA TI-G OP1, OP2, SETC 450.0 450.0 0.0 0.0 450.0 … TBDf
(PFR3) OP3, OP4,
OP6, OP7

Mindanao Agro-Enterprise ANR TI-G OP1, OP2, SEER 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 … …
Development Project OP3, OP5

Support to Capital Market FIN GI OP6 SEPF 300.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 … …
Generated Infrastructure
Financing Program, subprogram 2

Support for Agrifood System ANR GI OP1, OP3, SEER, 300.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 … …
Competitiveness Program, OP5, OP6 SEPF
subprogram 2 (PBL)

Total 2,000.0 2,000.0 0.0 0.0 2,000.0 … …

2022 Standby

Integrating Innovation System in EDU GI OP1, OP2, SEHS 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 … …
Philippine Technical and OP6
Vocational Education and
Training Project
10 Appendix 3

Year Cost ($ million)

of ADB
Poverty Operational TRTA Regular ADF Co-
Project/Program Namea Sector Targeting Priority Division / PDA Total OCR COL Grants Total Gov’t financeb

Clark–New Clark City Railway TRA TI-G OP1, OP2, SETC 500.0 500.0 0.0 0.0 500.0 … …
Project OP3, OP4,
OP6, OP7
… = data not available; 0.0 = magnitude zero; ADB = Asian Development Bank; ADF = Asian Development Fund; ANR = agriculture, natural resources, and rural
development; COL = concessional OCR lending; EDU = education; FIN = finance; GI = general intervention; Gov’t = government; HLT = health IND = industry and trade;
OCR = ordinary capital resources; OP1 = addressing remaining poverty and reducing inequalities; OP2 = accelerating progress in gender equality; OP3 = tackling climate
change, building climate and disaster resilience, and enhancing environmental sustainability; OP4 = making cities more livable; OP5 = promoting rural development and
food security; OP6 = strengthening governance and institutional capacity; OP7 = fostering regional cooperation and integration; PBL = policy-based loan; PDA = project
design advance; PFR = periodic financing requirement; PSM = public sector management; RBL = results-based loan; SEER = Southeast Asia Environment, Natural
Resources, and Agriculture Division; SEHS = Southeast Asia Human and Social Development Division; SEPF = Southeast Asia Public Management, Financial Sector, and
Trade Division; SETC = Southeast Asia Transport and Communications Division; SEUW = Southeast Asia Urban Development and Water Division; TBD = to be determined;
TI-G = targeted intervention—geographic dimensions of inclusive growth; TRA = transport; TRTA = transaction technical assistance; WUS = water and other urban
infrastructure and services.
a Given the provisional nature of the indicative lending program, the composition of lending instruments in the actual loan delivery may change.
b In this column, “…” indicates that it is yet to be determined whether cofinancing can be arranged. Potential cofinanciers include the Abu Dhabi Fund for International

Development, Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Government of Australia, the Economic Development
Cooperation Fund of the Export−Import Bank of the Republic of Korea, European Commission, European Investment Bank, Global Affairs Canada, International Fund
for Agricultural Development, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, the Islamic Development Bank, the
New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, OPEC Fund for International Development, the Saudi Fund for Development, the Spanish Agency for International
Development Cooperation, the World Bank, the ASEAN Infrastructure Fund, other global climate funds (e.g., Global Climate Fund), and ADB-administered trust funds.
c To be cofinanced by AFD.
d Cofinancing is being explored with JICA.
e To be cofinanced by AFD in euro equivalent (i.e., €150 million).
f Cofinancing amount to be confirmed by JICA.

Source: Asian Development Bank estimates.

Appendix 3 11

Table A3.2: Philippines Nonlending Products and Services, 2020–2022

Sources of Funding
ADB Others
Assistance Amount Amount Total
Assistance Name Sector Division Type Source ($'000) Source ($'000) ($'000)

Poverty Reduction in Communities TRA PHCO TRTA JFPR 2,000 2,000
Affected by the South Commuter
Railway Project
South Commuter Railway Project TRA SETC TRTA JFPR-QI 2,000 2,000
Implementation Support
Strengthening Infrastructure Capacity and TRA, WUS PHCO TRTA TASF 1,000 1,000
Innovation for Inclusive Growth
Total 1,000 4,000 5,000

To be determined

ADB = Asian Development Bank, JFPR = Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction, JFPR-QI = Quality Infrastructure Initiative under the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction,
PHCO = Philippines Country Office, SETC = Southeast Asia Transport and Communications Division, TASF = Technical Assistance Special Fund, TRA = transport,
TRTA = transaction technical assistance, WUS = water and other urban infrastructure and services.
Source: Asian Development Bank estimates.
12 Appendix 3

Table A3.3: Regional Nonlending Products for Possible Access by the Philippines, 2020–2022
Sources of Fundinga
ADB Others
Assistance Amount Amount Total
Assistance Name Sector Division Type Source ($'000) Source ($'000) ($'000)

Southeast Asia Alternative Instruments for Lending Facility WUS SEUW TRTA TASF 5,000 TBD 5,000 10,000
Southeast Asia Energy Sector Development: Investment ENE SEEN TRTA TASF 3,000 TBD 2,000 5,000
Planning and Capacity Building (phase 2)
GMS Agriculture and Environment Service Facility (additional ANR SEER TRTA TASF 2,000 TBD 1,000 3,000
Green and Innovative Finance Initiative for Scaling Up FIN SERC KSTA TASF 1,500 TBD 2,000 3,500
Southeast Asian Infrastructure (additional financing)
Strengthening Safeguards Management in Southeast Asia PSM SEOD KSTA TASF 1,500 0 1,500
(additional financing)
Support for Public Management, Finance Sector and Trade FIN, IND, SEPF TRTA TASF 3,500 0 3,500
Projects in Southeast Asia (phase 2) PSM
Total 16,500 10,000 26,500

Southeast Asia Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Rural ANR SEER TRTA TASF 3,000 0 3,000
Development Facility (phase 2)
Preparing Transport Sector Projects in Southeast Asia TRA SETC TRTA TASF 4,000 TBD 2,000 6,000
(phase 3)
Knowledge Development Support for Southeast Asia (phase 2) MUL SERC KSTA TASF 1,500 0 1,500
Support for Human and Social Development in Southeast Asia EDU, HLT, SEHS TRTA TASF 2,000 TBD 2,000 4,000
(additional financing) PSM
Enhancing Effectiveness of Subregional Programs to Advance MUL SERC KSTA TASF 1,000 TBD 1,000 2,000
Regional Cooperation and Integration in Southeast Asia
(additional financing)
Strengthening Procurement Systems in Southeast Asian DMCs MUL SEOD KSTA TASF 1,500 0 1,500
(additional financing)
Southeast Asia Urban Services Facility (additional financing) WUS SEUW TRTA TASF 5,000 TBDb 5,000 10,000
Support for Public Management, Finance Sector, and Trade FIN, IND, SEPF TRTA TASF 3,500 0 3,500
Projects in Southeast Asia PSM
Supporting Trade Facilitation in Southeast Asia (additional IND SEPF KSTA 0 JFPR 1,000 1,000
financing, TA 9312-REG)c
Total 21,500 11,000 32,500

Enhancing Gender Equality Results in Southeast Asian DMCs MUL SEHS TRTA TASF 1,500 0 1,500
(additional financing)
Appendix 3 13

0 = magnitude zero; ADB = Asian Development Bank; ANR = agriculture, natural resources, and rural development; DMC = developing member country; EDU =
education; ENE = energy; FIN = finance; GMS = Greater Mekong Subregion; HLT = health; IND = industry and trade; JFPR = Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction;
KSTA = knowledge and support technical assistance; MUL = multisector; PSM = public sector management; REG = regional; SEEN = Southeast Asia Energy
Division; SEER = Southeast Asia Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture Division; SEHS = Southeast Asia Human and Social Development Division;
SEOD = Office of the Director General of the Southeast Asia Department; SEPF = Southeast Asia Public Management, Financial Sector, and Trade Division; SERC =
Southeast Asia Regional Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division; SETC = Southeast Asia Transport and Communications Division; SEUW = Southeast
Asia Urban Development and Water Division; TASF = Technical Assistance Special Fund; TBD = to be determined; TRA = transport; TRTA = transaction technical
assistance; UFPF = Urban Financing Partnership Facility; WUS = water and other urban infrastructure and services.
a The amounts reflected in the table refer to aggregate financing amounts for all Southeast Asia DMCs.
b Proposed trust fund under the Urban Financing Partnership Facility.
c A revision of the regional TA title is proposed—from Advancing Time Release Studies in Southeast Asia (old) to Supporting Trade Facilitation in Southeast Asia

(new)—to broaden the scope beyond the time release studies in the next phase.
Source: Asian Development Bank estimates.
14 Appendix 4


Table A4.1: Lending Products, 2019

Year Cost ($ million)

of ADB
Poverty Priority TRTA/ Regular ADF Co-
Project/Program Namea Sector Targeting Area Division PRF Total OCR COL Grants Total Gov’t finance

Malolos–Clark Railway TRA TI-G OP1, OP2, SETC 2018 4,689.0 1,300.0 0.0 0.0 1,300.0 1,378.0 2,011.0b
Project (PFR1) OP3, OP4,
OP6, OP7

EDSA Greenways Project TRA TI-G OP2, OP3, SETC 2017 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 … …
OP4, OP6

Angat Water Transmission WUS TI-G OP1, OP2, SEUW 2014 103.0 103.0 0.0 0.0 103.0 … …
Improvement Project OP3, OP4,
(additional financing) OP6
(formerly Metro Manila
Water Supply Project)

Metro Manila Bridges TRA TI-G OP1, OP3, SETC 180.0 180.0 0.0 0.0 180.0 … …
Project OP4, OP6

Infrastructure Preparation TRA, GI OP1, OP3, SETC 200.0 200.0 0.0 0.0 200.0 … …
and Innovation Facility WUS OP4, OP5,
(additional financing) OP6, OP7

Regional Development PSM TI-G OP1, OP2, PHCO 40.0 40.0 0.0 0.0 40.0 … TBD
Facility (formerly Regional OP3, OP4,
Development Project– OP5, OP6,
South Central Mindanao) OP7

Local Government PSM GI OP2, OP6 SEPF 497.7 328.0 0.0 0.0 328.0 … 169.7c
Development Program,
subprogram 1 (PBL)

Secondary Education EDU GI OP1, OP2, SEHS 2016 300.0 300.0 0.0 0.0 300.0 … …
Support Program (RBL) OP6

Capacity Building to Foster PSM GI OP1, OP2, SEPF 25.0 25.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 … …
Competition Project OP5, OP6
Appendix 4 15

Year Cost ($ million)

of ADB
Poverty Priority TRTA/ Regular ADF Co-
Project/Program Namea Sector Targeting Area Division PRF Total OCR COL Grants Total Gov’t finance

Facilitating Youth School- EDU, GI OP1, OP6 SEPF/ 400.0 400.0 0.0 0.0 400.0 … …
to-Work Transition PSM SEHS
Program, subprogram 2

Empowering Bangsamoro EDU TI-G OP1, OP2, PHCO, 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 … 3.0d
Communities through Adult OP5, OP6 SEHS
Literacy and Productivity
Enhancement Programs

Total 6,537.7 2,976.0 0.0 0.0 2,976.0 1,378.0 2,183.7

… = data not available; 0.0 = magnitude zero; ADB = Asian Development Bank; ADF = Asian Development Fund; COL = concessional OCR lending; EDU = education;
GI = general intervention; Gov’t = government; OCR = ordinary capital resources; OP1 = addressing remaining poverty and reducing inequalities; OP2 = accelerating
progress in gender equality; OP3 = tackling climate change, building climate and disaster resilience, and enhancing environmental sustainability; OP4 = making cities
more livable; OP5 = promoting rural development and food security; OP6 = strengthening governance and institutional capacity; OP7 = fostering regional cooperation
and integration; PBL = policy-based loan; PHCO = Philippines Country Office; PRF = project readiness financing; PSM = public sector management; RBL = results-
based loan; SEHS = Southeast Asia Human and Social Development Division; SEPF = Southeast Asia Public Management, Financial Sector, and Trade Division;
SETC = Southeast Asia Transport and Communications Division; SEUW = Southeast Asia Urban Development and Water Division; TBD = to be determined; TI-G =
targeted intervention—geographic dimensions of inclusive growth; TRA = transport; TRTA = transaction technical assistance; WUS = water and other urban
infrastructure and services.
a Given the provisional nature of the indicative lending program, the composition of lending instruments in the actual loan delivery may change. Investment lending

accounted for 28.68% of sovereign lending commitments in 2019–2021, while conventional PBL was 14.40% and RBL was 4.20%.
b To be cofinanced by the Japan International Cooperation Agency.
c To be cofinanced by Agence Française de Développement.
d The Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction is a possible funding source subject to the approval of the Government of Japan.

Source: Asian Development Bank estimates.

16 Appendix 4

Table A4.2: Philippines Nonlending Products and Services, 2019

Sources of Funding
ADB Others ($'000)
Assistance Amount Amount
Assistance Name Sector Division Type Source ($'000) Source ($'000)
Preparing the Support for Food System ANR SEER TRTA TASF 400 400
Transformation Program a
Preparing the Mindanao Irrigation Development ANR SEER TRTA TASF 550 WFPFb 450 1,000
Project (Phase 1) a
Preparing the Mindanao Agro-Enterprise ANR, IND SEER TRTA TASF 1,000 1,000
Development Project a
Strengthening Human Resources and Leadership for EDU SDSC- KSTA TASF 750 750
Education EDU
Strengthening Integrated Flood Risk Management ANR, WUS SDSC- KSTA UCCRTF 375 375
Preparing an Integrated Innovation System in EDU, IND SEHS TRTA TASF 800 800
Philippine Technical and Vocational Education and
Training c
Preparing Support to Universal Health Coverage c HLT SEHS TRTA TASF 1,000 1,000
Strengthening Tax and Fiscal Policy Capacity for PSM SEPF KSTA TASF 1,000 1,000
Inclusive Growth (Supplementary)
Railway Project Implementation Support and TRA SETC TRTA TASF 1,000 1,000
Institutional Strengthening (Supplementary)
Preparing Livable Cities Investment Project d WUS SEUW TRTA TASF 500 UCCRTF 1,000 1,500
Support for the Manila Bay Sustainable Development WUS SEUW KSTA TBCe 2,000 2,000
Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships in the PSM PHCO TRTA UCCRTF 3,000 3,000
Philippines (Supplementary)
Poverty Reduction in Communities Affected by the TRA PHCO TRTA JFPR 2,000 2,000
Malolos-Clark Railway Project
Strengthening Infrastructure Capacity and Innovation TRA, WUS PHCO TRTA TASF 4,000 4,000
for Inclusive Growth (Supplementary)
Total 11,000 8,825 19,825
ADB = Asian Development Bank; ANR = agriculture, natural resources, and rural development; EDU = education; HLT = health; IND = industry and trade; JFPR =
Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction; KSTA = knowledge and support technical assistance; PHCO = Philippines Country Office; PSM = public sector management;
SEER = Southeast Asia Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture Division; SDSC-EDU = Education Sector Group, Sustainable Development and Climate
Change Department; SDSC-WAT = Water Sector Group, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department; SEHS = Southeast Asia Human and Social
Development Division; SEPF = Southeast Asia Public Management, Financial Sector, and Trade Division; SETC = Southeast Asia Transport and Communications
Division; SEUW = Southeast Asia Urban Development and Water Division; TASF = Technical Assistance Special Fund; TBC = to be confirmed; TRA = transport;
TRTA = transaction technical assistance; UCCRTF = Urban Climate Change Resilience Trust Fund; WFPF = Water Financing Partnership Facility; WUS = water
and other urban infrastructure and services.
a Funding will be drawn from the Transaction Technical Assistance Facility Southeast Asia Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Rural Development Facility.
Appendix 4 17

b WFPF is expected to provide financing for $150,000, and an additional $450,000 in cofinancing support is being explored with other potential cofinanciers.
c Funding will be drawn from the Transaction Technical Assistance Facility Support for Human and Social Development in Southeast Asia.
d Funding will be drawn from the Transaction Technical Assistance Facility Southeast Asia Urban Services Facility.
e Proposed trust fund under the Urban Financing Partnership Facility.

Source: Asian Development Bank estimates.

18 Appendix 4

Table A4.3: Regional Nonlending Products for Possible Access by the Philippines, 2019
Sources of Fundinga
ADB Others
Assistance Amount Amount Total
Assistance Name Sector Division Type Source ($'000) Source ($'000) ($'000)

Southeast Asia Energy Sector Development: Investment ENE SEEN TRTA TASF 3,000 0 3,000
Planning and Capacity Building Facility (phase 1) (additional
Southeast Asia Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Rural ANR SEER TRTA TASF 2,400 TBD 1,050 3,450
Development Facility (additional financing)
Support for Human and Social Development in Southeast Asia EDU, HLT, SEHS TRTA TASF 3,000 0 3,000
Enhancing Gender Equality Results in the Southeast Asian MUL SEHS TRTA TASF 1,500 0 1,500
Strengthening Financial Management Systems in Southeast FIN SEOD KSTA TASF 1,500 0 1,500
Strengthening Procurement Systems in Southeast Asian DMCs PSM SEOD KSTA TASF 1,500 0 1,500
Knowledge Development Support for Southeast Asia (additional MUL SERC KSTA TASF 1,500 0 1,500
Preparing Transport Sector Projects in Southeast Asia (phase 2) TRA SETC TRTA TASF 5,000 TBD 1,000 6,000
Southeast Asia Urban Services Facility (additional financing) WUS SEUW TRTA UFPF 10,000 10,000
Southeast Asia Public Management, Finance Sector, and Trade FIN, IND, SEPF TRTA TASF 3,000 0 3,000
Policy Facility PSM
Promoting an Interconnected, Inclusive, and Resilient ASEAN FIN SEPF KSTA 0 ICFF 1,500 1,500
Capital Market
Total 22,400 13,550 35,950
ADB = Asian Development Bank; ANR = agriculture, natural resources, and rural development; ASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian Nations; DMC = developing
member country; EDU = education; ENE = energy; FIN = finance; HLT = health; IND = industry and trade; ICFF = Investment Climate Facilitation Fund; KSTA =
knowledge and support technical assistance; MUL = multisector; PSM = public sector management; SEEN = Southeast Asia Energy Division; SEER = Southeast
Asia Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture Division; SEHS = Southeast Asia Human and Social Development Division; SEOD = Office of the Director
General of the Southeast Asia Department; SEPF = Southeast Asia Public Management, Financial Sector, and Trade Division; SERC = Southeast Asia Regional
Cooperation and Operations Coordination Division; SETC = Southeast Asia Transport and Communications Division; SEUW = Southeast Asia Urban Development
and Water Division; TASF = Technical Assistance Special Fund; TBD = to be determined; TRA = transport; TRTA = transaction technical assistance; UFPF = Urban
Financing Partnership Facility; WUS = water and other urban infrastructure and services.
a The amounts reflected in the table refer to aggregate financing amounts for all Southeast Asia DMCs.

Source: Asian Development Bank estimates.

Appendix 5 19


Table A5.1: Knowledge Products and Events for 2020

Department or
Sector Group or Funding
Title of Publication or Event Subject Type Thematic Group Source

Asian Development Outlook 2020 ECO, GOV publication and documentation ERCD Non-TA
Basic Statistics 2020 ECO, GOV publication and documentation ERCD Non-TA
Asian Development Bank and Philippines: Fact Sheet 2019 ADB administration, GOV publication and documentation DOC Non-TA
Asian Development Outlook 2020 Update ECO, GOV publication and documentation ERCD Non-TA
Asia Bond Monitor ECO, GOV publication and documentation ERCD Non-TA
Asia Bond Monitor – December issue launch FIN, CD, IND, RCI event organization ERCD TA 8400
ASEAN+3 Deputy Finance Ministers and Central Bank CD event organization ERCD Non-TA
Governors’ Meetings
Media Launch and Dissemination of the Asian Economic CD, ECO, FIN, IND, RCI event organization ERCD TBD
Integration Report 2020
ASEAN+3 Task Force Meetings on ABMI and Future CD event organization ERCD Non-TA
Priorities for Financial Cooperation
Cross-Border Settlement Infrastructure Meeting CD multimedia, database ERCD TBD
ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum Meeting CD multimedia, database ERCD TBD
Steering Committee for Capacity Building Initiatives to FIN event organization ERCD TBD
Support the ASEAN Financial Integration Meeting
Asia Bond Monitor – Website Launch FIN, GOV, IND, RCI multimedia ERCD TBD
Seminar on Green Bonds for ASEAN+3 CD multimedia, database ERCD TBD
Total number of publications = 5
Total number of events = 9
ABMI = Asian Bond Markets Initiative, ADB = Asian Development Bank, ASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian Nations, CD = capacity development, DOC =
Department of Communications, ECO = economics, ERCD = Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, FIN = finance, GOV = governance and
public sector management, IND = industry and trade, RCI = regional cooperation and integration, TA = technical assistance, TBD = to be determined.
Source: Asian Development Bank Knowledge Nexus.
20 Appendix 5

Table A5.2: Additional Knowledge Products and Events Delivered in 2019

Department or
Sector Group or Funding
Title of Publication or Event Subject Type Thematic Group Source

Asian Development Outlook 2019 ECO, GOV publication and documentation ERCD Non-TA
Basic Statistics 2019 ECO, GOV publication and documentation ERCD Non-TA
Asian Development Bank and Philippines: Fact Sheet 2018 ADB administration, GOV publication and documentation SERD Non-TA
Asian Development Outlook 2019 Update ECO, GOV publication and documentation ERCD Non-TA
Report on the Philippines Country Knowledge Strategy and ADB administration, GOV publication and documentation SERD Non-TA
Plan 2012–2017
Philippine Business Cycle Characterization: A Christiano- ECO, GOV publication and documentation SERD Non-TA
Fitzgerald Band Pass Filter Reassessment
Framework to Prioritize Regional Infrastructure Investment ECO, GOV publication and documentation SERD Non-TA
in South Central Mindanao
2016 Purchasing Power Parity Update for Selected CD, GOV publication and documentation ERCD TA 9238
Economies in Asia and the Pacific
Green City Action Plan for General Santos City CD, GOV publication and documentation SERD TA 9572
Asia Bond Monitor ECO, GOV publication and documentation ERCD Non-TA
Characterization of Motorcycle Usage in Metro Manila, TRA publication and documentation SERD Non-TA
Regional Hub Training Workshop on Economic Analysis of ECO, CD event organization ERCD TA 9693
Investment Projects (SERD) for DMC Officials
ASEAN+3 Task Force Meetings on ABMI and Future CD event organization ERCD Non-TA
Priorities for Financial Cooperation
Launch of report on "Adapting Land Value Capture in CD event organization ERCD TA 8522
Developing Asia"
Launch and Dissemination of the Asian Economic Integration CD, ECO, FIN, IND, RCI event organization ERCD Non-TA
Report 2019
ASEAN+3 Deputy Finance Ministers and Central Bank CD event organization ERCD Non-TA
Governors’ Meetings
Joint ADB-OMFIF Conference on Green Bonds CD multimedia, database ERCD TBD
ASEAN+3 Task Force Meetings on ABMI and Future CD event organization ERCD Non-TA
Priorities for Financial Cooperation
Cross-Border Settlement Infrastructure Meeting CD multimedia, database ERCD TBD
ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum Meeting CD multimedia, database ERCD TBD
ADB-Asian Think Tanks Development Forum 2019 CD, ECO, RCI event organization ERCD TBD
Steering Committee for Capacity Building Initiatives to CD event organization ERCD TBD
Support the ASEAN Financial Integration Meeting
Seminar on Green Bonds for ASEAN+3 CD multimedia, database ERCD TBD
World Water Week CD, GOV event organization SDCC TBD
13th ASEAN-PRC Forum on Social Development and RCI event organization EARD TA 9531
Poverty Reduction
Appendix 5 21

Department or
Sector Group or Funding
Title of Publication or Event Subject Type Thematic Group Source

Training Workshop on RCI Operational Direction - RCI event organization SDCC Non-TA
theory/sector/case studies
APEC-FRTI Advisory Group Meeting CD event organization ERCD TBD
Training on Big Data Processing CD training or capacity ERCD TA 9356
Training Workshop on SAE Techniques CD training or capacity ERCD TA 9356
Seminar on Covered Bond Market Development for CD multimedia, database ERCD TBD
ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers and Central Governors’ FIN event organization ERCD Non-TA
Meetings, 2019
ASEAN+3 Deputy Finance Ministers and Central Bank CD event organization ERCD Non-TA
Governors’ Meetings
Subregional Capacity-Building Workshop on Improving HLT training or capacity ADBI TBD
Access to Universal Health Coverage: Role of Foreign development
Investment and Technology Transfer in the
Pharmaceutical Sector
Eighth ASEAN+3 Village Leaders Exchange Program RCI event organization EARD TA 9531
Steering Committee for Capacity-Building Initiatives to FIN training or capacity ERCD TBD
Support the ASEAN Financial Integration Meeting development
Cross-Border Settlement Infrastructure Meeting CD multimedia, database ERCD TBD
ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum Meeting CD multimedia, database ERCD TBD
The Impact of Corporate Governance Practices on GOV, FIN technical study SERD TA 9424
Profitability and Market Performance of Publicly Listed
Companies in the Philippines
Total number of publications = 12
Total number of events = 26
ABMI = Asian Bond Markets Initiative, ADB = Asian Development Bank, ADBI = Asian Development Bank Institute, APEC-FRTI = Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation
– Financial Regulatory Training Initiative, ASEAN = Association of Southeast Asian Nations, CD = capacity development, DMC = developing member country, EARD
= East Asia Department, ECO = economics, ERCD = Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, FIN = finance, GOV = governance and public
sector management, HLT = health, IND = industry and trade, OMFIF = Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, PRC = People’s Republic of China, RCI =
regional cooperation and integration, SAE = small area estimation, SDCC = Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, SERD = Southeast Asia
Department, TA = technical assistance, TBD = to be determined, TRA = transport.
Source: Asian Development Bank Knowledge Nexus.

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