GE 5 (Science, Technology, and Society) Printable Reviewer

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STS Historical Developments - To trade their surplus goods in exchange for things they

lacked. It helped them in their journeys to unfamiliar areas and

Ancient, Middle, Modern, and in the Philippines returned home after discovering new places or completing a
vital trade to another group of people.
TERMINOLOGIES Communication – essential in their endeavors to discover and
Civilization – An advanced state of intellectual, cultural, and occupy new places relevant to communicating with the natives of the
material development in human society, marked by progress in the areas they visited. To facilitate trade and prevent any possible
arts and sciences, the extensive use of record-keeping, including conflicts.
writing, and the appearance of complex political and social - Record-keeping was also crucial since they needed to
institutions remember the places they had been to and documented the
Historical Antecedents – the historical developments or trades they made with each other.
contributions of science and technology made from the past - Keeping records was vital to keep records of their history and
period/era to the present. culture to establish identities as they tried to relate with
different cultures and civilizations.
Technological Development – the creation/innovation of
such technology at a specific time to provide support for human Weapons and Armors – essential tools in the discovery of new
activities. places and establishments of new alliances with other tribes.
Conflicts were common to different groups struggling to control vital
Technology – a process of supplying better means of utilizing resources.
nature to develop & improve human lives; the ways or activities
employed by human beings to change or operate the external - Conservation of life was their primary challenge. They have
environment the application of the scientific knowledge for practical been successful in harnessing abundant resources the world
ends. could provide, but survival was a significant problem.
- Illnesses and diseases, natural or human-made, hampered
the full potential of a human being.
ANCIENT TIMES - Through this predicament, science and technology played a
significant role in the discovery and prevention of illnesses.
The Ancient Time began in 3100 BC with the invention of
writing. This lasted 35 centuries and were concerned with the
Transportation and Navigation – it was significant because people EARLY CIVILIZATIONS
were trying to go and discover new horizons. They traveled to search SUMERIAN CIVILIZATION – located on the southernmost tip of
for food and find better locations for settlements. ancient Mesopotamia (now Southern Iraq).
- Known for their high degree of cooperation with one another Wheel – was made not for transportation but farm work and
and their desire for great things. They are content with the food processes. Mass production was made more accessible, and
basic things that life can offer, pushing them to develop many farmers could mill grains with less effort and less time.
things connected with science and technology.
Plow – used to dig the ground at a faster pace for planting the
Cuneiform – the first writing system that utilizes word pictures seeds. Through this toll, the farmers could cultivate larger parcels of
and triangular symbols which are carved on clay using wedge land faster to produce mass production without so much effort and
instruments and left to dry. These allow them to keep records of time.
things with great historical value or their everyday life.
BABYLONIAN CIVILIZATION – emerged near the Tigris and
Uruk City – The first erected real city and is built from mud or Euphrates rivers. They were great builders, engineers, and
clay coming from the river that mixed with reeds producing sun- architects.
baked bricks.
Hanging Gardens of Babylon – one of the seven wonders of
The Great Ziggurat of Ur – an engineering and architectural the ancient world, but today, people can only marvel at the beauty
feature also called god’s mountain. It is built like the Uruk City and from stories of historians and paintings that portray the place.
served as their chief god’s sacred place, where only priests are
- Was said to be the structure made up of layers upon layers of
allowed to enter.
gardens that contain several species of plants, trees, and
Irrigation and Dikes – was made as the population increased vines.
as well as the demand for food. Sumerians had a mass production of - King Nebuchadnezzar II built this for his wife, Queen Amytis.
food items. - There is no physical evidence to prove the existence of the
Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
- As the environment’s elements seemed uncooperative, they
encountered difficulties to get water from rivers for their EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION – they are famous for their legacy and is
farmlands. located in North Africa.
- This method was considered as one of the world’s most
- Built infrastructures established by the pharaohs through
beneficial engineering works. Through this, they were able to
engineering technology. They also contributed other practical
enjoy year-long farming and harvesting, which increased their
things that the world now considers as essential.
food production.
Paper or Papyrus – though they were not the first to develop
Sailboats – used to carry large quantities of products and
a system of writing, they were able to make writing easier for the
cover long distances since they used waterways for their mode of
world. Papyrus was a plant that grew abundantly in the Nile River in
- These sailboats did not require many human resources to
- Clay tablets were fragile, heavy, and delicate to handle when
make. These were also essential in shipping and trading as
bringing it to one place to another.
well as fostering culture, information, and technology.
- Egyptians processed the plant Papyrus to produce thin sheets Water Mill – considered one of the most important
on which one could write down things. contributions of Greek civilization. It is common in agricultural
- It is one of the significant accomplishments of Egyptians' processes like milling of grains, which is necessary for food
record-keeping and communication. processing.
Ink – Egyptian invented ink by combining soot with different ROMAN CIVILIZATION – perceived to be the most influential
chemicals to produce different colors. It is a liquid substance to write political and social entity in the west, and many of the other
in the Papyrus. It can withstand the elements in nature for the civilizations looked up to them as their model in terms of legislation
recording of history, culture, and codified laws. and codified laws.
Hieroglyphics – the writing system of Egyptians using Newspaper – contained announcements of the Roman
symbols. Egyptians believed that this writing system was provided to Empire to the people. The first newspapers were known as gazettes.
them by their gods. It is a language that tells the history and the Engraved in metal or stone tablets and then publicly displayed, but
culture of the ancient Egyptians written in the pyramid. because of this, it became more accessible for the Romans to
publish announcements and pieces of information.
Cosmetics – this was for both health and aesthetic reasons.
They used KOHL and wore around their eyes to prevent and even Bound Books or Codex – for record-keeping, primarily
cure eye diseases. documenting historical events and newly legislated laws, same with
literature. Julius Caesar started the tradition of stacking up Papyrus
- Was made with soot or malachite with mineral galena. They
to form pages of the book.
believed that when a person is wearing make-up, it is a
protection from evil, and beauty is a sign of holiness. Roman Architecture – it was considered as the continuation
of Greek architecture due to its resemblance. This development in
Wig – it is a material worn for wealth and wellness rather than
the field of engineering and architecture was fully supported and
for aesthetic purposes.
funded by the Roman government, so the implementations more
Water Clock/ Clepsydra – Used for time-keeping device. It significant projects such as large churches (cathedrals and basilica)
utilizes gravity that affects the flow of water from one vessel to
Roman Numerals – devised their number system to address
the need for a standard counting method that would meet their
GREEK CIVILIZATION – located in the southern part of Europe and increasing communication and trade concerns.
known as the birthplace of western philosophy. Their significant
CHINESE CIVILIZATION – considered the oldest civilization in Asia,
achievements include in-depth work on philosophy and mathematics,
if not the world, and is located in the far east of Asia.
and contributed much to the world, especially in science and
technology. Silk – naturally produced by silkworms and processed to
provide paper and clothing. Silk production resulted in the creation of
Alarm Clock – Made use of water or sometimes small stones
a product for trade, making cultural, economic, and scientific
or sand that drums, which sounded the alarm. It is believed that
exchanges after the opening of outside China.
Plato utilized an alarm clock to signal the start of his lecture.
Tea – a beverage produced by pouring hot or boiling water medical attention from growing populations caused by massive
over crushed or shredded dried tea leaves. migration and urbanization.
Great Wall of China – considered the only human-made Telescope – helps observe remote objects and was a great
structure that can probably be seen from outer space and said to be help for navigators in the medieval time.
the largest and most extensive infrastructure that a nation has built. It
War Weapons – developed not only offensive tools but also
was built to keep out foreign invaders and to control the borders of
for defensive instruments. For open-area battles, they designed
crossbows and longbows and close-range hand-to-hand combat;
Gun powder – it was developed by Chinese alchemists who they wore iron body armor.
aim to achieve immortality. It is a mixture of charcoal, sulfur, and
potassium nitrate that leads to the invention of black powder that
could generate large amounts of heat and gas in an instant, rather MODERN TIMES
than creating an elixir of life.
Massive industrialization started and the booming of the world
population in the nineteenth century onwards. The demand for the
production of more goods, efficient transportation to trade more
products, and to cover more considerable distances, faster and the
During the Medieval/Middle Ages (500 AD-1500 AD), development of more natural means of communication. But, food
massive invasions and migrations were combined since wars were processing and medicine posed of the more significant challenges
prevalent. This period is also known as the Age of exploration and since health was a great concern.
some of the innovative minds came from this period.
Pasteurization – was invented by Louis Pasteur as a process
- At the start or early medieval times- technology in the field of of heating dairy products to kill the presence of harmful bacteria that
weaponry, navigation, mass food, and farm production and can be spoiled faster and can consume for an extended period.
health were needed.
Petroleum Refinery – it is used for better means of powering
- There is a decrease in population after the war but an
homes and transportation. At present, petroleum is used to power
increase in the latter part of the period.
automobiles, factories, and power plants, etc.
Printing Press – is a more reliable way of printing using a
Telephone – Alexander Graham Bell invented the first
cast type invented by Johannes Gutenberg. The invention to address
telephone. As more people got connected by trade and exploration,
the need for publishing books would spread information to many
they needed to maintain connections and communicate in real-time
people at a faster rate.
as well as for government communications.
Microscope – Zacharias Jansen invented the first compound
Calculator – invented for a faster way to compute more
microscope to develop proper medicines for illnesses and need
complicated equations.
Intellectual Revolutions
Copernican, Darwinian, Freudian, Information, Meso-American, Asian,
The Philippines also contributes to the global advancement of Middle East, African
science and technology. It is remarkable to note the ingenuity of the
Filipinos since many of these inventions were built or made from
indigenous materials. TERMINOLOGIES
Geocentric Model – a planetary model that shows the Earth
Salamander Amphibious Tricycle – developed to be utilized
as the center of the solar system
during a flood or rainy season that can cross not only in the flooded
streets but also rivers and lakes. Invented by Dominic N. Chung, Heliocentric Model – a planetary model that shows the Sun
Lamberto Armada, and Victor "Atoy” Llave. as the center of the solar system.

SALT Lamp (Sustainable Alternative Lighting) – Aisa Intellectual Revolutions – the period was society
Mijino invented this lighting system. It is an environment-friendly light transformed from their perceptions and beliefs by science and
source that runs on saltwater. It poses no risk of fire and does not technology.
emit toxic gases. It benefits from people who live from far-flung Psychoanalysis – is the study that explains human behavior.
barrios by mixing two tablespoons of salt and a glass of tap water.
Theory of Evolution – posited that the population passed
Medical Incubator – it is made from indigenous and cheap through a process of natural selection in which only the fittest would
materials that did not run on electricity. Dr. Fe del Mundo, a survive.
pediatrician, devised this medical incubator to maintain conditions
suitable for newborns, usually a pre-term baby.
EJeepney – it is an environment-friendly vehicle since it does
not emit smoke and noise. It utilizes electricity instead of expensive In the early time, people questioned what created days and
diesel that produces large quantities of black smoke. nights. They wanted to understand what heavenly bodies like stars,
moons, and planets are. Thus, many Greek philosophers and
intellectuals wrote about planets to explain the movement of celestial
bodies and their effect s on the world.
 Nicolaus Copernicus is a Polish mathematician, and - The crux of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution focuses on the
astronomer in the 16th century. He introduced heliocentrism elimination of inferior species gradually over time, through a
and it suggested that the center of the solar system was not process called ‘Natural Selection’.
the Earth but the Sun in contrast from Claudius Ptolemy’s
model of geocentrism, which was widely accepted by the
people and the church.
Sigmund Freud explained that many conscious and
unconscious factors could influence behavior and emotions. He
PTOLEMY’S GEOCENTRIC COPERNICUS’ argued that one’s personality is a product of id, ego, and superego.
- Despite criticisms, He continued refining his theory and, in
All celestial objects orbited the The planets orbited the sun,
fact, tried to explain how psychoanalysis can be a clinical
Earth. while the moon orbited the
method for treating some mental disorders, which eventually
resulted in classifying psychology as ascience.
Earth is in the center and does The sun, in the center of the - Freud later developed a more structural model of the mind id,
not move at all. universe, along with other ego, and superego. These are not physical areas within the
distant stars did not move at all. brain, but rather hypothetical conceptualizations of important
mental functions.
- The outer planets like Uranus and Neptune were not included
because these planets were not discovered yet at the time.
- Copernicus was correct about some things but was also
wrong about others.
- The sun is not in the center of the universe and it does move,
as do the stars.
- Both Ptolemy and Copernicus thought the planet orbits in
circular motion, but now we know it is elliptical.

This intellectual revolution was considered to be one of the
most controversial of its time. Charles Darwin (Naturalist, biologist,
and geologist) in 1859 published his book "On the Origin of Species"
introduced the "theory of evolution '.
- He stated that organisms could adapt to their environment
and would gradually change into something that would be
more competitive to survive, which he called "evolution."
Sci, Tech and Nation-Building COLONIAL PERIOD
Pre-Colonial, Colonial, and Post-Colonial Periods
Spaniards Colonization (1521-1898) – The Philippines were
claimed in the name of Spain in 1521 by Ferdinand Magellan, a
TERMINOLOGIES Portuguese explorer sailing for Spain, who named the islands after
King Philip II of Spain (Las Felipinas).
Colonization - it is the action or process of settling among
and establishing control over the indigenous people of an area or the - The construction of extensive infrastructures such as walls,
effect of appropriating a place or domain for one's use. roads, bridges is used by engineering skills and tools brought
by the Spaniards. The Spanish government also developed
Pre-Colonial – occurring or existing before the beginning of health and education systems that were enjoyed by the
colonial rule. principalia class.
Colonial period – the period in a country's history when it American Colonization (1898-1946) – American occupation
was subject to administration by a colonial power. modernized almost all aspects of life in the Philippines. They
Post-Colonial – it is the aftermath of colonization. established the governmental agency Bureau of Science, to nurture
development in the field of science and technology.
Principalia Class - The Principalía or noble class was the
ruling and usually educated upper class in the towns of Spanish
Philippines, comprising the gobernadorcillo (who had functions POST-COLONIAL PERIOD
similar to a town mayor), and the Cabezas de barangay (heads of
the barangays) who governed the districts. The Philippines was under different leaderships or
administrations who pursued programs in science and technology.
However, one of the presidents who ushered in advancements in
PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD science and technology and who saw that the key to nation-building
is through science and technology was Ferdinand Marcos.
The Philippines started its scientific and technological
development began at this period. Early Filipino settlers were already Marcos Era – He amended the 1973 Philippine Constitution,
using specific plants and herbs as medicines. There is an Article XV, Section 9 (1), he declared that the "advancement of
implementation of the systems of farming and animal-raising. It also science and technology should have priority in the national
includes the development of different modes of transportation this development.”
time. - Roads, bridges, power plants, schools, and hospitals are the
- The rice terraces were the most magnificent complicated most relevant development in his time.
engineering structures achieved by the early Filipinos in Many agencies in science and technology were established
Cordillera. At present, it's still functional, and it shows the and strengthen that includes:
natives’ innovative and ingenious way to survive in an
otherwise unfriendly environment.
- PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and - On January 30, 1987, during the administration of President
Astronomical Services Administration) in place of Weather Corazon Aquino, the NSTA was elevated to cabinet-level
Bureau. status with the signing of Executive Order 128, and was
- National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) which renamed as the Department of Science and Technology.
reconstituted to National Science and Technology Authority
presently known as DOST (Department of Science and
PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and
Astronomical Services Administration) – is mandated to provide
protection against natural calamities and to insure the safety, well-
being and economic security of all the people, and for the promotion
of national progress by undertaking scientific and technological
services in meteorology, hydrology, climatology, astronomy and
other geophysical sciences.
- Created on December 8, 1972, by reorganizing the Weather
Bureau, PAGASA now serves as one of the Scientific and
Technological Services Institutes of the Department of
Science and Technology.
DOST (Department of Science and Technology) – also known as
Kagawaran ng Agham at Teknolohiya, is the executive department of
the Philippine government responsible for the coordination of science
and technology-related projects in the Philippines and to formulate
policies and projects in the fields of science and technology in
support of national development.
- Was formed as the National Science Development Board on
June 13, 1958, during the administration of President Carlos
P. Garcia.
- The science body was formed as a result of a law passed in
the Congress upon the recommendation of Dr. Frank Co Tui,
who was tasked by Garcia to conduct a survey regarding the
state of science and technology in the country.
- It was reorganized as the National Science and Technology
Authority (NSTA) on March 17, 1981, and was given broader
policy-making and program implementing functions.

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