1. The document contains information about 15 individuals including their ID number, NUPTK number, name, place of birth, date of birth, gender, ID card number, mother's name, education qualification, year graduated elementary school, date of birth, gender, ID number, mother's name, education, year graduated elementary school, function, employment status, certification, and expiration.
2. It lists personal details such as name, ID numbers, birthplace, date of birth, gender, mother's name, education level and year of graduation for elementary school.
3. Employment information such as function, status, certification and expiration are also provided for each individual.
1. The document contains information about 15 individuals including their ID number, NUPTK number, name, place of birth, date of birth, gender, ID card number, mother's name, education qualification, year graduated elementary school, date of birth, gender, ID number, mother's name, education, year graduated elementary school, function, employment status, certification, and expiration.
2. It lists personal details such as name, ID numbers, birthplace, date of birth, gender, mother's name, education level and year of graduation for elementary school.
3. Employment information such as function, status, certification and expiration are also provided for each individual.
1. The document contains information about 15 individuals including their ID number, NUPTK number, name, place of birth, date of birth, gender, ID card number, mother's name, education qualification, year graduated elementary school, date of birth, gender, ID number, mother's name, education, year graduated elementary school, function, employment status, certification, and expiration.
2. It lists personal details such as name, ID numbers, birthplace, date of birth, gender, mother's name, education level and year of graduation for elementary school.
3. Employment information such as function, status, certification and expiration are also provided for each individual.
1. The document contains information about 15 individuals including their ID number, NUPTK number, name, place of birth, date of birth, gender, ID card number, mother's name, education qualification, year graduated elementary school, date of birth, gender, ID number, mother's name, education, year graduated elementary school, function, employment status, certification, and expiration.
2. It lists personal details such as name, ID numbers, birthplace, date of birth, gender, mother's name, education level and year of graduation for elementary school.
3. Employment information such as function, status, certification and expiration are also provided for each individual.
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PEGID NUPTK Nama Tmp Lahir
1 91000079100877 6333757659200013 ABD. ROSYID BOGOR 2 91000081100912 1349759660200023 ABDUL WAHID BOGOR 3 20223768186001 AHMAD ZAHRUDDIN BOGOR 4 91000072106403 2539750652110053 ASIP ABDUL GHAFFAR LOMBOK 5 20223768186002 EDY WAHYUDY BOGOR 6 20223768177001 ervina bogor 7 20223768166001 fredy moidady bogor 8 20223768170001 HARIYANTI JAKARTA 9 91000082138000 0358760661200013 KHOLILURROHMAN BOGOR 10 20223768178001 MAULANA IDRUS HS. BOGOR 11 20223768192001 Nur shofa alawi Jakarta 12 91000071137257 6245749651210093 RAHMIANI ARYANTHI PADANG SIDEMPUAN 13 20223768192002 SITI TOYYIBAH PIKRIYAH BOGOR 14 91000077151105 9559755657300023 SUDIATI TEGAL 15 91000081169097 6158759661200013 SYAHRUL ROMADHON BOGOR Tgl Lahir Kelamin NIK Nama Ibu Kualifikasi Lulus SD 01-10-1979 L 3276040110790002 ROHATI S1 1992 17-10-1980 L 3276041710800002 SITI AMINAH S1 1993 24-08-1986 L 3276042408860001 TIHAROH S1 1998 07-12-1972 L 3276040712720005 MUTIAH S1 1985 11-02-1986 L 3276041102860003 AMINAH S1 1998 02-03-1977 P 31703025545110008 marina S1 1995 21-01-1966 L 3174062101660008 suri SMA 1977 27-11-1970 P 3276046711700003 NASUAH S1 1983 26-10-1982 L 3276042610820001 MAEMUNAH S1 1994 08-02-1978 L 3276090802780001 HJ. MARYAM S1 1991 01-12-1992 L 3276090112920004 Mardiyah D3 2006 13-09-1971 P 3174095309710001 NURLAUT S1 1984 03-05-1992 P 3201154305920002 EUIS NUR AISYAH S1 2005 27-12-1977 P 0953096712777015 SURIBUT S1 1990 26-08-1981 L 3276092608810001 MUINAH S1 1994 Fungsi Status Sertifikasi Verval Guru Non PNS Ya **** Guru Non PNS Ya **** Guru Non PNS Tidak **** Guru Non PNS Ya **** Guru Non PNS Tidak ** Guru Non PNS Tidak *** Staf Non PNS Tidak ** Guru Non PNS Tidak **** Guru Non PNS Ya **** Guru Non PNS Tidak **** Staf Non PNS Tidak ** Guru Non PNS Tidak **** Guru Non PNS Tidak ** Guru Non PNS Ya **** Guru Non PNS Tidak ****