A Fight To The Death
A Fight To The Death
A Fight To The Death
1. To vary their meals – it means to make a partial change in somebody’s meals, for
example in the hospital patients have the same food for breakfast lunch and so on,
but sometimes someone can bring other food which is not in the hospital so it will
diversify the meal with something new. (Урізноманітнити раціон).
2. In his broad Scots – it’s a language spoken in Scotland that is related to English but
has some differences. Maybe it’s a dialect.( шотландською мовою)
3. When you come to think of it - used in speech to say that one has just
remembered or thought of something. ( Коли подумаєш про це …)
4. It drives McLeod wild - to put one into a state of extreme excitement but in another
sense it means to make someone crazy. (Зводити з розуму).
5. In the silence hours - it means after working hours you have some hours for rest or
maybe it’s like a quiet time in some establishments where people sleep or have a
rest. (Тихий час, година спокою, відпочинку).
6. To make life hell for one another – to cause a lot of problems for someone and
make them very unhappy, try to spoil someone’s life. (Перетворити життя один
одного на пекло).
7. Who cares a damn for them – it means don’t care in the slightest (about someone);
to attach no importance to someone. (Хто в біса попіклується про них…)
8. Can’t cope with the world outside – it means that some kind of people can’t deal
successfully with a normal life by themselves, for example, they can exist between a
lot of other people because they scared them, and they used to be in closed
institutions (не можуть впоратися із зовнішнім світом).
9. Couldn’t stand the racket – it means that the person is very irritated or annoyed by
the noise someone is making. (Не може терпіти галас).
10. With a derisive chuckle – it means when someone laugh at someone in an insulting
(образливий) way or it can be making fun of someone. (Глузливий сміх,
насміхаючись з когось).
11. Tried to smooth thing – it means to make problems, difficulties or disagreements
less serious or easier to solve. (Загладити ситуацію).
12. High words passed - it means when people talk in high tones, maybe in rude way,
and mostly when they have an argument, also when someone talk very loudly.
(Розмова на підвищених тонах).
13. Took a keen delight in scoring – it means when you are playing a game and you
intend to score a goal against your opponent and you do it with a great pleasure
because it will lead your team to win. (З великим задоволенням забивати гол
14. To take the game seriously – to treat something as being very important and
deserving attention or respect. (сприйняти гру всерйоз)
15. The last hand was dealt – when you play game, for example, card, it means to play
the last game for today. (Зіграти останню партію).
16. Went about like a lost dog - a hopeless person who hang around and don’t know
what to do where he is and someone who completely incapable of doing just simple
tasks.(Вештатися як загублений пес).
17. Life had lost its savour for him – it means that someone life was changed and the
previous life will never come back to him, he has no meaning for life, and doesn’t
have the things thanks to which he was happy in his life. (Життя втратило смак для
1) b
2) g
3) a
4) j
5) l
6) c
7) h
8) k
9) f
10) e
11) d
12) i
The two equal winners had played off an additional game to decide the winner of the whole
Let’s walk off and have a cup of tea.
It was a bold idea, but it broke off.
We said goodbye; then he turned and walked off without another word.
It’s not difficult to score off Jim in an argument, because he can never think of the right
thing to say.
If the two top teams reach the same result, they will have played off next week.
The attempt did not come off as well as we had hoped.
He’ll probably go out with her just get back on me.
1.Dr. Lennox loved and cared for his patients. For example, when he went fishing, he
brought his patients salmon to diversify their diet. He also liked to talk to his patients and
often did so.
2. McLeod and Campbell hated each other because Campbell played the violin very loudly,
and McLeod lived in the room below. McLeod believed that Campbell wanted to evict him
from the room with this noise because his room was better. And Campbell complained that
McLeod does not understand his music and says that he always plays the same song.
3. In my opinion, men got secret pleasure from quarrels, because despite all the quarrels,
they always stayed together and spent time together
4. They always played together and before Templeton came to the sanatorium they were the
best at playing bridge. They always played as a pair because they knew each other's tactics
very well and they enjoyed winning against each other.
5. Almost no one missed McLeod. Mrs. Bishop wept after McLeod's death. Others were
only glad that he finally left them. Speaking about Campbell's reaction, it can be said that he
missed McLeod the most. He walked like a lost dog. He didn't speak, he didn't play bridge,
he didn't play the violin either, he didn't leave his room for several days. He was transferred
to McLeod's place, but he could not stay there. Surprisingly, life after Macleod's death lost
its savour for him.
6. As we know , McLeod`s death brought him only pain from the loss, because he lost
interest in doing something
8. As for me , though they were enemies , but it hostility made them friends , only
unfortunately, they understood it too late
10. As for me , the third one is the best for this story.