Raghuram K
Raghuram K
Raghuram K
Guide Name
May 2023
Dr. M.G.R.
Educational and Research Institute
(Deemed to be university)
Maduravoyal, Chennai-600 095
(An ISO 9001-2008 certified Institution)
This is to certify that this Project Report is the bonafide work of Mr. RAGHURAM K who
carried out the project entitled Process of Appraisal of Company Pay Role Workers
and Staff, Skilled & Unskilled as Well as Senior, Middle, Lower Staff of
International Tobacco Company under our supervision from Ms. P BHAVANI
To acknowledge here, all those who have been a helping hand in completing this project, shall
be an endeavor in itself
I thank Ms. P BHAVANI guiding me to execute my final year project. I also thank all faculties and
batch mates in Faculty of Management Studies, for their support and guidance throughout the course of
final year project.
I thank Mr. A. KALAIMANI of ITC LTD. (CHENNAI) for guiding and supporting throughout my project
I owe my wholehearted thanks and appreciation to entire staff of the company for their cooperation and
assistance during the project.
1.1 Introduction 5
3.1 CONCLUSION 27-29
Process of Appraisal of
Company Pay Role
Workers and Staff, Skilled
& Unskilled as Well as
Senior, Middle, Lower Staff
of International Tobacco
Company Limited
Process of appraisal should be systematically it is widely used in human
resource development mechanism that poses a long way for systematically
improving the perfomance level of an individual as will as organization.
Process of appraisal provides data about past, present and expected
performance of the employee. Which is helpful in taking decision on
selection Training and development, if process of Appraisal(P.O.A) is
implement well it can take the organization on a fast development trade
and faster productivity through commitment or complete people. process
of appraisal compose actual performance with standards, discuss the
process of appraisal with the employee it is necessary initial correct action.
I.T.C being a big size industries adopted a scientific system of process of
process of appraisal of its human resources the most widely used
technique is the process of appraisal system. performance to evaluation
process comprise Establish performance Standards, communication
performance expectations to employees. Measure actual perform,
compose actual performance with Standard. Discuss the appraisal with the
employee, if necessary initials corrective action. Achievements have been
received for the training and result have been obtained on the basis of
Questionnaire related to work Environment and motivation from company
pay role skilled and unskilled, 150 skilled and 50 unskilled Total No 200
and company pay role staff senior 20, middle 30, lower 50, making a total
number of 100.
Response indicate the Training programme have been well organised and
perceived by both level generaly a vibrant work cultures, the survay
indicated that the intergrated approach has brought about a radical
change in the overall performance of employees particularly with reference
to clarity of role and responsibility at various levels. Motivation leavel and
moral have gone up considelably. Training programs and workshop have
not only be improved but also the overall climate cultures of the
organisation is improved.
KEY WORDS: Process of appraisal, company pay role workers and staff,
Tobacco, Environment.
Performance appraisals can be broken down
into four distinct significant types:
Note that some organizations use several appraisal types during the same review.
For instance, a manager could consult with the employee’s peers and assign a self-
assessment to the employee. It doesn’t have to be a case of either/or.
Performance appraisal also aims to:
• Collect relevant employee data and keep the records for various future
organizational purposes.
Here are three valuable tips and techniques to maximize the effectiveness of your
performance appeals.
• Use outlines: Create an outline template to be used for all your company’s
performance appraisals. This practice promotes a consistent company-wide
review structure and helps employees better prepare for the appraisal
Company Benefit
• Deal with behavioural problems before they affect the efficiency of your
Employee Benefit
Performance reviews should benefit the employees who get them. The knowledge
obtained by evaluating and debating an employee's performance can help you:
• Acknowledge and thank an employee for their accomplishments and
• Recognize and advocate for the need for extra education or training to
advance one's profession.
Solution for fast growing organizations:
Leaders need to guide team members on how to navigate their way to
the end and collectively brainstorm and ideate on the best path. While
internal benchmarks might be lacking, fast growing companies can
always take inspiration from external benchmarks and processes.
Additionally, hypergrowth organizations can give their employees the
freedom and autonomy to experiment the best way forward.
Performance issues arise when employees feel their efforts are going
unrecognized. Often, in the hustle of growing the businesses and 1000
other things that go on, fast growing organizations miss rewarding,
acknowledging, and appreciating everything their employees do,
especially when they go the extra mile. Many companies in the growth
stage feel the financial limitations prevent them from rewarding
exceptional performance. However, this leads to a lack of motivation,
resulting in low levels of performance.
outcomes. Rewards don’t have to be monetarily driven and can simply be
Thank You notes, public acknowledgement and appreciation, gift
vouchers, an extra day off, etc. The idea is to show that their
performance and efforts are being recognized.
Coaching and mentoring are integral to effective performance
management. Due to lack of mentoring and guidance, employees find
themselves lost in the way, leading to performance problems. Leaders
and managers find themselves pressed for time and are often unable to
see the return on investment with respect to coaching and mentoring.
is an obstacle to effective performance management.
Before we wrap up, here are a few best practices for fast growing
organizations to address performance issues and facilitate effective
performance management:
• Promote clarity of vision, goals, objectives, roadmap, expectations and
anything that employees might have questions about to ensure they
understand what they are performing for and why.
Payroll Considerations
When appraising the salary of employees, it is important to consider the
company’s payroll policies and procedures, as well as the industry
The company should also consider the performance of the staff, their
roles and responsibilities, the cost of living in the area, and the current
market rate for similar positions
Payroll tax rates are calculated by factoring in net salaries, perks and
any other monetary entitlements paid by your organization to its
Process of Appraisal can be appraised against some set standards
According to McGregor the format performance appraisal plans are
designed to meet three needs, one of the organizations and the other two
of the individuals. These are :-
• They let the subordinate know where he stands and whether any
changes are required in his behavior attitudes, skill or job knowledge
Performance appraisals have also been found to serve a useful purpose in
employee motivation by providing a platform for recognition of achievements
(Brun and Dugas, 2008). Recognition in this context entails the assignment of
personal non-monetary awards that aid in reinforcing desired behaviours
depicted by an employee. It main include giving of praise through
compliments; awards such as certificates of achievement and private
budgets; and ceremonies such as public celebrations and speeches (Long &
Sheilds, 2010). Past studies in this area suggest that managers and other
superiors should recognise the efforts of their employees as such behaviour
may trigger innovation and application of behaviour that leads to better
performance (Nijhof, Krabbendam and Looise, 2004). In addition, recognition
has been found to encourage the application of creative problem solving skills
among employees (Grawitch, Gottschalk and David, 2006).
• Using Performance Appraisal to Provide Supervisory
The underlying premise behind the use of 360 degree performance appraisal
is that a significant amount of performance data about a given employee can
be gathered when multi-sources are used (Sahoo & Mishra, 2012). In other
words, the 360 degree appraisal systems allows for gathering of information
about an individual from different degree and angles. While supporting such
views, Deb (2009) underscores that the use of multiple assessment sources
helps ensure that an employee‘s performance is double checked. Moreover,
the 360 degree performance appraisal system is considered as one that helps
in overcoming disadvantages such as prejudice, subjectivity and halo errors,
which characterise traditional evaluation systems (Hsu et al., 2005). Espinilla
et al., (2013) for instance notes that the use of this evaluation method makes
it unlikely that the employee is criticised solely by the manager. Sahoo and
Mishra (2012) add that systems of 360- degree appraisal are perceived by
employees as more accurate and more reflective of their performance. They
are thus considered as quite effective in providing comprehensive information
that can be used to determine the employee‘s training needs.
Disadvantages of performance appraisals:
o If not done right, they can create a negative experience.
o They are based on human assessment and are subject to rater errors and
o Can be a waste of time if not done appropriately.
The most effective process of appraisal system have the following
Achievements have been received for the training and result have been
obtained on the basis of Questionnaire related to personal motivation from
company pay roll worker skilled 150 and 50 un skilled making total no 200
and company staff senior 20. Middle 30 and lower50 making a total no
100. Response indicates the Training program have been well organized.
The survey indicated that the integrated approach has brought about a
radical change in the overall Motivation performance of the employees
particularly with reference to the following aspects.
2. The program has helped the participants to introspect and modify their behavior
These training programs and workshop have not only improved the overall
climate and culture of the organization but also generated better quantity
of life and satisfaction amongst the supervisors and workers in their
personal lives.
The first aim of the study concerns the analysis of the types of
performance appraisal techniques and motivation and their effectiveness.
From the interview conducted with the organisation‘s HR manager, several
performance analysis systems are used. These include the multi-rater/360
degree system, behavioural anchored rating scale and graphical rating
different classes of needs with varying degrees of strength at any given
time (Saeednia, 2011).
Overall, the study findings in regards to the first research question indicate
that a cumulative total of 78% of the employees were satisfied with the
existing PAS at the organisation. It can therefore be concluded that the
use of a variety of performance appraisal techniques and motivation yields
greater satisfaction when compared to a single techniques or type of
motivation. This further confirms that different types of appraisals and
motivation have different outcomes on employee motivation. The study
findings also point out to rewards as the most statistically significant factor
influencing satisfaction with existing PAS.
The above findings are largely consistent with the literature reviewed in
the study. Kominis and Emmanuel (2007) for instance consider
promotions and pay for performance as one of the most effective ways of
rewarding and motivating employees. Long and Shields (2010) also
consider rewards and recognition based on achieved job description goals
as one of the ways that help trigger innovative behaviour as an outcome
of motivation. In addition, the use of performance appraisals to identify
employee strengthens and weaknesses is considered as an effective way
of motivating employees through supervisory support (Jong et al., 2009).
The study also shows that employees differ in their preference for rewards
following a performance appraisal. Organizations should therefore adapt a more
personal approach in linking performance appraisal results to rewards and
incentives. This could contribute significantly towards boosting of employee
motivation as a result of improved levels
ITC Limited has a long history of about 90 years and now marched into
the next millennium. ITC, decidedly the leader of Indian cigarette industry,
is a conglomerate of many diversified businesses having overall turnover
to the tune of Rs. 5000 corer. The group having started from its core
competency business of tobacco and financial services has evolved as
leader in many other businesses such as hotels an tourism, agro-
businesses, paper business, etc. During this course of development in
business, the ITC has undergone many ups and downs in its business as
well as managerial practices. Thus, it seems to be a case worth studying
for any good manager or researcher.
and suffered some of the worst set-backs; but every time, it has risen to
new peaks of excellence and growth. In view of this unique phenomenon,
the Scissors case represents one of the best examples of effective PLC
management. The case vividly portrays how the company evolved a
superb product market strategy, how it handled the inescapable product
decline with care and caution, how it retrieved the product to normalcy
and prolonged almost limitlessly its mature and profitable of life.
and Social
In the year 1963-64, M/s NARHARI & CHAUDHARY CO. LTD., a leading
Tobacco-Exporter of Guntur (A.P.) purchased the present premises of the
company which
M/s NARHARI & CHAUDHARY CO. LTD. (known as NCC) was a leading
Raw Tobacco Exporter to Czechoslovakia. One of the partners of the NCC
had a Czech wife, who was related to the top official of SKODA. Taking
advantage of the relationship, NCC anaged to procure cigarette making
machinery along with packing machines from SKODA on BARTER SYSTEM.
These machines were installed in the present plot under dilapidated
In the year 1964-65, NCC made an alliance with another reputed and
leading export house “NAV BHARAT ENTERPRISE PVT. LTD. GUNTUR” as
NCC did not have adequate finance, technical know- how etc. to produce
and market cigarettes. However, with this alliance a new company was
formed titled as TOBACCO COMPANY PVT. LTD., having its registered
office at Hyderabad (A.P.).
Mumbai, the oldest tobacconist who had the sole distributorship for M/s
To sum up the findings of the data collected and analyzed, the researcher
proceeds on the basis conclusion, as revealed by the study, that both the
management. and executives recognize the importance and need of HRD
in ITC and company is taking due interest and care to this effect.