FastHPLCanalysisofadenineinhumanplasmausinga PDF
FastHPLCanalysisofadenineinhumanplasmausinga PDF
FastHPLCanalysisofadenineinhumanplasmausinga PDF
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A fast, simple, inexpensive, selective, rugged and reproducible HPLC method based on the use of a new
generation Sunniest RP-Aqua C28 column is described for the analysis of adenine in plasma. Three
methods for the extraction of adenine from human plasma i.e. by acetone, acetonitrile and solid phase
cartridges are reported. The separation was performed via isocratic elution of adenine using water–
acetonitrile (90 : 10, v/v) as mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min1 and with detection at 260 nm.
The values of retention factor in standard and plasma samples were 2.53 and 2.60, respectively. The
Received 9th November 2012
Accepted 26th December 2012
method was validated and found to be linear at a concentration range of 5–1000 mg mL1. The limits of
detection and quantification were lower than 0.3 and 0.91 mg mL1, respectively. The intra- and inter-
DOI: 10.1039/c2ay26363g
day precisions (% RSD) were less than 9%. The accuracy values were between 99.8 and 107.4%. The extraction recoveries ranged from 95–80%.
This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013 Anal. Methods, 2013, 5, 1487–1493 | 1487
Analytical Methods Paper
Fig. 2 Percentage recoveries of adenine from human plasma and the chromatograms showing impurities and peaks, (A): extraction with acetone, (B): extraction with
acetonitrile and (C): extraction with solid phase cartridge.
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Paper Analytical Methods
Fig. 3 HPLC chromatogram of adenine (500 mg mL1) in water after extraction with acetonitrile (standard).
Fig. 4 HPLC chromatogram of plasma spiked adenine (500 mg mL1) after extraction with acetonitrile.
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Analytical Methods Paper
Validation procedures
Linearity. The selectivity of the method was assessed by
comparing chromatograms of standard solutions. The linearity
of the method was evaluated by constructing calibration curves
in the range of 5–1000 mg mL1, (5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 500 and
1000 mg mL1 of adenine). The calibration curves were gener-
ated by linear regression analysis of the peak areas against the
nominal concentration. The calibration curve was used to
calculate the concentrations of adenine in plasma.
Accuracy and precision. The intra- and inter-day precision
and accuracy were investigated by HPLC analysis of three
Fig. 5 Effect of acetonitrile on separation factor of adenine. different sample concentrations (7, 35 and 850 mg mL1) over
four consecutive days. The samples of three different concen-
trations were tested in six replicates and calculated with cali-
Table 1 Accuracy, intra- and inter-day precisions of adenine in plasmaa bration curves obtained daily. Accuracy was expressed as
percentage value [% accuracy ¼ (detected concentration/
Intra-day (n ¼ 6) Inter-day (n ¼ 12)
nominal concentration) 100%]. The precision was estimated
Concentrations/ Accuracy Accuracy as percentage relative standard deviation (RSD). For acceptable
mg mL1 (%) RSD (%) (%) RSD (%) intra- and inter-day values, accuracy and precision should be
85–115% and be #15%, respectively; except for limit of quan-
7.0 104.2 5.5 102.6 8.6
35.0 107.4 3.7 102.9 3.0 tication (LOQ), where accuracy should be between 80–120%
850.0 101.3 2.4 99.8 2.1 with precision not exceeding 20%.30
a LOD and LOQ. The combined standard solutions were
RSD: relative standard deviation expressed as CV (%).
prepared by sequential dilutions of adenine and injected at
lower concentrations. The limit of detection (LOD) and LOQ for
the assay were calculated by using the signal-to-noise ratio.30,31
eluted methanol was concentrated under vacuum to 0.5 mL.
LOD and LOQ were determined when the signal-to-noise ratio
Further, it was ltered through a 0.22 mm membrane and used
were at least three and ve times, respectively.
for HPLC analysis.
Robustness. For the determination of method robustness, a
slight variation in the chromatographic parameters such as ow
Liquid chromatographic conditions rate, temperature, mobile phase composition and wavelength
HPLC was performed with a Waters HPLC system series was carried out. The sample solutions were prepared and the
2695 equipped with an auto-sampler, empower soware data retention time, peak area and shape were analyzed under the
station, version 2.0.7 and a photodiode array detector (2996 established and slightly varied experimental conditions.
module). The chromatographic separation was performed on a Stability. The stability of the samples at three concentrations
Sunniest RP-Aqua C28 column (250 mm 4.6 mm, 5 mm, was also investigated. It included (i) stability of the extracted
Chromanik, Japan) at room temperature. The mobile phase samples at room temperature for 24 h; (ii) stability aer three
Table 2 Stability results, expressed as percentages of freshly prepared quality control samples of adenine (n ¼ 4)
Theoretical prepared
concentration/mg (mean Aer 24 h storage Freshly prepared Aer 3 weeks storage at Freshly prepared Aer 3 freeze thawed
mL1 SD) (mean SD)a (%) (mean SD) 20 C (mean SD)a (%) (mean SD) cycles (mean SD)a (%)
7.0 7.23 6.32 0.86 (87.5) 7.15 0.82 6.43 0.83 (91.5) 7.60 0.21 7.18 0.46 (94.4)
35.0 36.0 34.4 0.60 (95.5) 36.3 0.28 35.7 1.66 (98.4) 35.6 1.22 34.6 2.04 (97.2)
850.0 859.5 837.8 29.3 (97.5) 860.0 3.62 839.8 2.5 (97.7) 850.6 9.33 829.9 26.7 (97.6)
Percentage calculated from freshly prepared samples.
1490 | Anal. Methods, 2013, 5, 1487–1493 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013
Paper Analytical Methods
HPLC separation
time/min Columns used Extraction procedure Detection limit Economy Ref.
freeze thawed cycles with a frozen temperature of 20 C and HPLC analysis
thawing temperature of 25 C; and (iii) stability of plasma
Details of the column and mobile phase used for the HPLC
samples at 20 C for three weeks. All the samples were
analysis of adenine are given above. The chromatogram of
analyzed together with freshly processed samples.
adenine in plasma sample was identied by comparing with the
chromatogram of a standard (water) obtained under identical
chromatographic conditions. The capacity factors (k) for
Results and discussion adenine in standard sample and plasma were calculated. The
values for k were 2.53 and 2.60 for blank and plasma samples
The results and discussion of this work is divided into two parts respectively. However, the peak was slightly broad in plasma
i.e. sample preparation and HPLC analysis. These are discussed sample, which may be due to interference from plasma impu-
in the following sub-sections: rities. The chromatograms of adenine in standard solution
(water) and plasma are given in Fig. 3 and 4, respectively, and
indicate fast and baseline separation. The retention times of
Sample preparations adenine in standard and plasma samples were 3.904 and
3.971 min, respectively. A slight late elution in plasma may be
As discussed above the sample preparation was optimized by
again due to interference from some impurities in the extracted
using three methods viz. extraction with acetone, acetonitrile
plasma samples.
and solid phase cartridge. The percentage recoveries of adenine
for the different methods were calculated by considering the
experimental error. The experimental error was determined by Optimization of HPLC method
running blank experiments. The calculated percentage recov- To optimize the chromatographic conditions, various combi-
eries were 95, 90 and 80 for acetone, acetonitrile and solid phase nations of acetonitrile and water were tried. Besides, water and
cartridge, respectively. It was observed that the acetone extracts methanol mixtures, various buffers were also used to achieve
contained more impurities than the acetonitrile extracts (Fig. 2). the best separation. As a result of exhaustive experimentation
Therefore, acetonitrile was considered to be a better extraction the best solvent system was optimized and reported. The effect
solvent than acetone. On the other hand, a higher percentage of different concentrations of acetonitrile was also studied and
recovery (90%) was obtained with acetonitrile than with the SPE shown in Fig. 5. A perusal of this gure indicates that a high
method (80%) (Fig. 2). It is also clear from Fig. 2 that acetone concentration of acetonitrile resulted in poor separation and
was used for elution from the solid phase cartridge. Aer retention factor. The values of the retention factor were 3.0 and
passing through the cartridge, the impurities present in the 2.56 for 5.0 and 10.0 mL acetonitrile, respectively, indicating
extract of acetone could not be removed; indicating the inca- good resolution but the peak was broad with 5.0 mL acetoni-
pability of the solid phase cartridge. Moreover, some adenine trile. In contrast, the values of the retention factors were 0.9, 0.4
was adsorbed on the C18 material of the solid phase cartridge; and 0.05 for 15, 20 and 25 mL acetonitrile, respectively, indi-
resulting in poor percentage recovery (80%). Finally, the aceto- cating incomplete separation. Therefore, 10.0 mL acetonitrile
nitrile method was selected as the best one and was used was found to be the best concentration in the reported mobile
throughout this study. phase.
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