Drawing On Drawing
Drawing On Drawing
Drawing On Drawing
CHAPTER 1..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Purpose......................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER 2..................................................................................................................................................... 7
The Grand Tour............................................................................................. 7
Le Corbusier [1887 – 1965] ................................................................................................ 10
Gunnar Asplund [1885 - 1945] ............................................................................................ 11
Alvar Aalto [1898 - 1976] .................................................................................................... 13
Louis I. Kahn [1901 - 1974]................................................................................................. 14
Alvaro Siza [1933 - ]......................................................................................................... 15
The Australian Perspective ................................................................................................. 16
Value and Imprint............................................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER 3................................................................................................................................................... 18
Why Italy? The Crucible of Western Architecture...................................... 18
Greek and Etruscan ........................................................................................................... 18
Roman .............................................................................................................................. 18
Christian and Byzantine Architecture................................................................................... 20
Romanesque Architecture .................................................................................................. 20
Gothic Period..................................................................................................................... 21
Renaissance Architecture................................................................................................... 21
Mannerism ........................................................................................................................ 22
Baroque ............................................................................................................................ 23
Neoclassicism ................................................................................................................... 24
Fascism and Modernism .................................................................................................... 24
Precis ............................................................................................................................... 25
CHAPTER 4................................................................................................................................................... 26
Why draw? Observing and Imagining........................................................ 26
Analysing Precedent .......................................................................................................... 27
Drawing the Imagined ........................................................................................................ 30
To draw............................................................................................................................. 33
CHAPTER 5................................................................................................................................................... 34
Ideas and Drawing… The Connection........................................................ 34
Premise............................................................................................................................. 34
Transactionalist: Engaging the Visual World ........................................................................ 35
Ecological: Appearance of the Visual World......................................................................... 36
Projective: When Order is Made.......................................................................................... 37
The Architects Way............................................................................................................ 38
CHAPTER 6................................................................................................................................................... 39
Bibliography ............................................................................................... 39
Books ............................................................................................................................... 39
Articles .............................................................................................................................. 40
APPENDIX I................................................................................................................................................... 41
Exemplars: interviews ................................................................................ 41
Methodology...................................................................................................................... 41
Practitioners Interviewed .................................................................................................... 41
Ross Bonthorne Interview 17 March 2004......................................................44
Tony Caro Interview 3 June 2004..........................................................46
Philip Cox Interview 2 June 2004..........................................................48
Richard Francis Jones Interview 6 May 2004...........................................................50
Beverley Garlick Interview 17 May 2004.........................................................52
Colin Griffiths Interview 2 June 2004..........................................................54
Peter Ireland Interview 17 March 2004......................................................56
Chris Johnson Interview 15 April 2004.........................................................58
Desley Luscombe Interview 31 May 04.............................................................60
Ken Maher Interview 4 June 2004..........................................................62
Caroline Pidcock Interview 20 May 2004.........................................................65
Alexander Tzannes Interview 19 March 2004......................................................67
Ken Woolley Interview 3 June 2004..........................................................69
APPENDIX II.................................................................................................................................................. 72
Drawing Italy................................................................................................72
APPENDIX III................................................................................................................................................. 73
Current courses...........................................................................................73
This Byera Hadley Travelling Scholarship (BHTS) 2003 for Registered Architects has enabled
academic research and field verification to be undertaken that will lead to the establishment of a
regular study tour of secular and non-secular Italian architecture. The purpose of this
scholarship is to explore and encourage the act and skill of drawing and its value to the
The origins and value of the ‘Grand Tour’ as undertaken by many generations of architects and
artists seeking fresh inspiration by way of travel, pilgrimage and observation is defined,
reviewed and assessed. The selection of Italy as the study focus is assessed, defining its value
as a geographically compact crucible of Western Architecture representing many of the icons of
architectural development since the C6th BC.
This study analyses why, as architects, we draw; considering the analysis of precedent, the
drawing of record and the communication of the imagined. Understanding the differences and
connections between observing and imagining is fundamental to the architect’s ability to
This research explores the connection between ideas and drawing and the expression of the
imagined into communicable forms, defining the connections between observation and
perception, ideas and drawing; key to understanding the psyche of the architect.
Design, which by another name is called drawing… is the font and body of
painting, sculpture and architecture…the root of all sciences.
[Michelangelo, 1584, Michelangelo to Matisse: Drawing the Figure, AGNSW,
1999, p. 25]
Informing the research is a series of interviews with seminal architects currently practicing in
Sydney, Australia. These architects offer a diversity of opinion and experience on the value of
drawing to an architect as well as the connection between the observed and the imagined. Full
transcripts of these interviews have been included as an appendix to this document.
Following the development of academic research, field verification occurred in Italy in October
and November 2004. The purpose of this work was to analyse the long list of sites that could
form the basis of future study tour packages. This has been distilled into a compact itinerary,
developing into a valuable study tour agenda. A full itinerary, including abstracts and visuals of
each building or built form visited, has been assembled into a booklet that forms an appendix to
this document. This booklet may also stand alone as a valuable reference source for architects
travelling through Italy.
As a benchmarking process, the author has explored other study tours that are available, which
offer similar curricular benefits. The outcomes of this are included as an appendix to this
The establishment of a regular study tour of secular and non-secular Italian architecture would
be the primary outcome of this scholarship. The tour format would be an accredited elective
study within Architecture and Design Faculties of NSW universities. It may also constitute a
Royal Australian Institute of Architect’s [RAIA] professional development program or simply be
taken as a ‘stand alone’ exercise by other interested parties.
This tour program supports Byera Hadley’s own view of the purpose for this scholarship.
“…encouraging architectural studies for graduates and students through
travel and overseas experience, and for the advancement of architecture…”
[NSW Board of Architects Byera Hadley Travelling Scholarship website:
It is the belief of the author that the skill of the architect to observe and analyse, imagine and
communicate is fundamental to our success and community standing. An ability to draw, as a
channel for expression and communication, has always been an essential part of the architect’s
skill set. This aim of this scholarship is to reinforce these skill sets.
The idea of the pilgrimage dates from the ninth and tenth centuries. People would free
themselves for an unspecified time from professional and family ties and set off for the Holy
Land in order to visit one of the sites, often Jerusalem, which according to the Bible had
connection with the life of Jesus. Once there, they would confess and declare all sins.
The pilgrimages, combined with the attempts to free the Holy Sites from the rule of the
heathens, led ultimately to the crusades. John Mandeville describes his participation in a
crusade (1356-57) in a form which was the first example of a travelogue in its own right, travel
having hitherto been a theme of literature, an adventure which carried the plot in a number of
different epic poems and novels. 1
Those who found a journey to the Holy Land too difficult, or a crusade too dangerous, looked for
somewhere closer to home where they could show their willingness to repent, Rome for
example, where the Pope as God’s representative here on earth could grant absolution. The
absolution business, as a symptom of the corruption in the Church, was one of the factors which
triggered off the Reformation in the C16th, which was based on the humanistic criticism of the
worldly power of the Church.
One could claim that the impulse to break out of the daily routine, casting off the chains of
family-life and the need to earn a living, was sanctioned in a pilgrimage by the idea that in order
to do penance for sins it was not sufficient just to truly regret having committed them or simply
be repentant; some form of active repentance was required, some activity which required one’s
strength and commitment. Leaving the security of the home in this era was a virtually
incalculable risk and travel was difficult and dangerous except for those who were travelling as
personal messengers and envoys in the service of the nobility, therefore making use of the
privileges of the nobility.
The fragmentary experiences of merchants and pilgrims, which were handed down, and the
knowledge of the tracks they followed in their undertakings all facilitated the general mobility of
the first people travelling for pleasure and educational purposes in the sixteenth century. The
first travel guides and travelogues repeated more or less the structures of older instruction
pamphlets written by merchants and pilgrims.
In 1536 the jurist Johann Fichard from Frankfurt was sent to Northern Italy to serve in the army
of the German Kaiser and then travelled around the country and south to Naples. He was
interested in art, primarily in the Greek and Roman monuments. He was probably not the first
person to do this but he was the first to leave behind something approaching a coherent journal
about his travels. After spending two years in Italy he returned to Frankfurt in 1538. His
1Sir John Mandeville, Mandeville’s Travels, London, 1357(?). Malcolm Letts, Sir John Mandeville: The Man and his Book, Batchworth, London,
1949. Josephine Waters Bennett, The Rediscovery of Sir John Mandeville, Modern Language Association, New York, 1954. Donald Roy Howard,
Writers and Pilgrims: Medieval Pilgrimage Narratives and Their Posterity, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1980. Christian K. Zacher,
Curiosity and Pilgrimage: The Literature of Discovery in Fourteenth Century England, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1976.
writings were not published until three hundred years after his death in 1581 but copies of them
were in circulation during his lifetime. 2
The first guidebook to Italy, fifteen pages in its entirety, was published by a Frenchman,
Jacques Signot in 1518. He lists the ten passes through the Alps from France to Italy and
divides the guide into the different provinces. 3
In 1563 the timetable of mail coaches by Giovanni da l’Herba, which included details of the
places in the larger cities of Italy, was published. 4
Whilst these works had only minor influences, the basis of all further publications of this kind
was the Descritione di tutta l’Italia by a Dominican monk from Bologna, Leandro Alberti,
published in 1550.
Travel as a form of education or even for its own sake, the “pleasure trip”, was a result of the
secularisation of the pilgrimage, itself a consequence of the revolution of ideas in Christian
Europe sparked off by humanism, the Reformation and the Renaissance. Prior to this, the
impulse had always been latent.
Thirst for education cannot be the sole explanation for the stream of travellers who poured into
Italy from the sixteenth century onwards. It was linked to a general appetite, the irrefutable
need to do something against general satiation with life, against the boredom, the whole
syndrome of melancholy, which motivated above all the English and the French nobility and, to
a lesser extent, the German nobility to go on what were known as gentlemen’s tours.
Why Italy? Italy, it would seem, was the only European country which could provide all the
justification needed for the new fashion of travel for its own sake. Here people could update
their humanist education in its birthplace, and see the monuments of the Greeks and Romans
with their own eyes. The variety of city states, and thus forms of government, was coincident
with the colourful variety of urban configurations. Importantly also, Italy was the most
developed, refined and civilised of all the countries on the continent.
Sons of noble families, but also young men from wealthy bourgeois circles, were given a
teacher by their parents to accompany them on their gentleman’s tour and help to organise and
comment on the journey. The individual “tour”, which was a kind of guided tour, during which a
few stops would be made in France or sometimes in Germany before crossing the Alps, was an
English invention and similarly mass tourism was also invented by the English, though not until
the nineteenth century.
“The fact the young people travel in the care of a teacher or a reliable
servant is something I highly approve of, but the young person in question
must master the language… What has to be seen and carefully observed
are royal courts… secular and religious courts… churches and monasteries
and the monuments preserved in them; ramparts and fortifications… and
2 Johannes C. Fichard (1512-1581) in Paul Kruntorad, “Broadened Horizons: The Paradigm of Travel in Italy”, in Nicolin, Pierluigi (ed.), Lotus 68:
The Eye of the Architect, quarterly review, 1991.
3 Jacques Signot in Paul Kruntorad, “Broadened Horizons: The Paradigm of Travel in Italy”, in Nicolin, Pierluigi (ed.), Lotus 68: The Eye of the
The country which Giovanni Antonio Magini in a four-volume work published in 1620 called Un
compendio di tutta l’Europa, perché tutte le cose nell’altre provincie si ritrovano felicemente
raccolte in lei, which a century later was for Charles Thompson The Great School of Music and
Painting, was to be reached then (as now) via the major passes over the Alps.7 For the French,
Italy began after crossing Mont Cenis into Piedmont. For the Germans after the Brenner Pass,
and for the English, depending on whether they had included a detour to Heidelberg or not, via
either pass.
It was always important to visit Venice, a sight which satisfied a sense of the extraordinary
rather than the desire for education; on the way to Rome it was important to visit Loreto. A
longer stay in Rome was the done thing, even if it was connected with the risk of catching the
fevers which came in from the Pontine Marshes. A visit to Naples offered the opportunity, not
merely of getting to know the art and culture of the harbour town but also, of experiencing
luxuriant vegetation, an “earthly Paradise,” which in the case of the Phlegraean Fields with their
sulphur springs also provided a taste of hell.8 Bologna was an important junction where the
traveller had to choose between various different routes to Rome.
In the hierarchy of cities to be visited Florence, Milan and Genoa came next followed by Turin.
Or in terms of the regions of Italy: Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lombardy and possibly
Liguria and Piedmont were the favourite provinces. Umbria, Apulia, Calabria and the islands of
Sardinia and Corsica were virtually ignored. On the voyage to Malta the enterprising traveller
would perhaps stop off in Sicily, but generally trips by sea were avoided, the most common
means of transport being the mail coach.
Even in those days a passport was required at many of the border crossings and in Italy a
certificate of currency that one did not have any contagious diseases. In the eighteenth century
it was best to have two certificates: one testifying good health and the other testifying illness,
because sick people who had a certificate to this effect were allowed to eat meat during Lent.
What was still an adventure in the sixteenth century, developed in the seventeenth and
particularly in the “Golden Age of Travel” in the eighteenth century into more than merely a
luxury, a cure for the “Acidic,” the numbed senses; for painters and architects it was a
professional must. English, Dutch and above all German painters had to perfect their skills in
the place where the greatest art treasures originated. One of the reasons for this was that a
large number of the nobility travelling in Italy had been such ardent collectors of works by the
ateliers of painters and sculptors in the service of the Popes and the secular rulers of the
principalities formed from the city states.
6 Sir Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626), Essays of Francis Bacon or Counsels, Civil and Moral, 1601 (specifically Essay XVIII“Of Travel”)
7 Giovanni Antonio Magini, Un compendio di tutta l’Europa, perché tutte le cose nell’altre provincie si ritrovano felicemente raccolte in lei, Venice,
1620 (published posthumously by his son, Fabio Magini). Charles Thompson, The travels of the late Charles Thompson, esq: containing his
observations on France, Italy, Turke, and Europe, The holy land, Arabia, Egypt, and many other parts of the world, J. Newbery and C
Micklewright, London, 1744.
8 John Milton, Paradise Lost, Simmons, London, 1669. William Riley Parker, Milton: A Biography, 2 vols. 2nd edition revised Gordon Campbell,
Until the nineteenth century there was no alternative to Italy for the “educazione sentimentale”,
for the education of the senses. The printing of books and copper etchings ensured that the
content of this Italian education could be disseminated and made accessible to others, however,
there was no substitute for actually experiencing Italy at first hand and the flair of the country
has in no way diminished.
From a purely documentary point of view (for instance as a record of surroundings and buildings
that are inevitably subject to change or to the ravages of time), the landscape sketches and
travel notes of an architect are worthy of attention. This is especially true when one is dealing
with ages prior to the invention of photography, when the opportunities for travel were also very
different from the present. Giovanni Battista Piranesi, today largely unknown as an architect, is
famous for his views of Rome that depict an entire lost world.9
The travel sketches of architects are also valuable for what they tell us about their character and
preferences, about the characteristics or the artistic personality of the people who made them.
This is not a question of personal background, talent, or cultural inheritance, but also a
reflection of their desire to change the world. Just as they present speculation of utopian
features to the juries of competitions or to potential clients, in order to convince them of the
validity of their projects, architects also convey their aesthetic ideals in sketches of the
monuments that they have occasion to admire during their travels.
Le Corbusier travelled through Italy in 1907 with Léon Perrin. During a stay in Vienna in 1907-
08, Le Corbusier was particularly disturbed by his observation that the contemporary
architecture of his own day seemed to have lost its raison d’être.
Writing from Cologne before leaving on his trip, Le Corbusier, faced with the triteness of the
Modern he had seen and experienced in Germany wrote:
“Recently, you have evoked, majestically, the great attraction of the Latin
and Classical light… In these months, my spirit is as open to the
comprehension of the Classical genius as my dreams, which have carried
me yonder obstinately. Isn’t it true that our entire epoch looks more than
ever toward those blessed lands where glistening rectilinear marbles,
vertical columns and parallel entablatures stand along the line of the sea?
Now the chance has come; my dream becomes reality. To cap a life of
study, I am planning a great trip…”
Le Corbusier letter to William Ritter (1911)11
9 Luigi Ficacci, Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Complete Etchings, Benedikt Taschen Verlag, Cologne, 2000. John Wilton-Ely, Giovanni Battista
Piranesi: The Complete Etchings, Alan Wofsy Fine Arts, San Francisco, 1994.
10 quoted in Envisioning Architecture: Drawings from the Museum of Modern Art, p68
11 Ch. E. Jeanneret, Letter to William Ritter, Neubabelsberg, 1 March 1911, AFLC.
Le Corbusier’s travel sketchbooks for the period 1910-1911 have survived and are now well
preserved. These sketchbooks take the form of six notebooks or carnets. The carnets were
conceived as instruments to “interrogate” history and force it to disclose the secrets of practice,
craft, and forms. The fourth carnet is devoted to Pompeii, Naples, and Rome and covers the
period October 5-20, 1911. The sixth carnet documents the last days of his journey from his
arrival in Florence (October 26, 1911). Le Corbusier’s notes begin with a detail of the paintings
of Piero di Puccio in the Camposanto of Pisa and include the famous sketches of the Certosa of
Ema in Florence. They conclude with additional notes on Pisan monuments.
What distinguished Le Corbusier’s journey from those of his contemporaries at the Ecole and
from the tradition of the Grand Tour was precisely his awareness of “being able to begin again”.
Time and again, this notion stands out in the pages of his notebook. The notes, the sketches,
and the measurements were never ends in themselves, nor were they a part of the culture of
the journey. They ceased being a “diary” and became design exploration and interrogation. To
know how and why architecture is made is to design it repetitively. He viewed the camera with
a suspicion suggested by the diffidence he reserved for “those who looked without seeing”.
The peculiarities he discovered were noted as typological characteristics that conferred
uniqueness on a place: the small size of certain constructions that wise design endowed with an
effect of vast space, far vaster than they actually were; the unity and uniformity of materials; the
confirmation of a simple geometry that governed architecture universally and led him to exclaim:
“I love geometric ratios, the square, the circle, and the proportions of a
simple and distinctive harmony.”
Le Corbusier was not merely interested in Rome, Florence and Pisa as cities but as places in
history, in a history of which he felt himself a part. They were only accumulations of knowledge,
texts to be interpreted. Within them there was no room for people or for curiosities other than
forms and spaces, “and this was for me as if the veil of my temple had been torn apart”.
Asplund left for Sicily, arriving in Palermo in February, then travelled on to Monreale, and on to
Agrigento. He travelled from Agrigento to Castrogiovanni, Syracuse, Catania, Taormina and
Cefalù. Asplund returned to Palermo in March to visit the Museo Nazionale before embarking
to Tunis, where he stayed for a week. He went to Pompeii, Rome and Assisi, then Perugia,
Siena, San Gimignano, finally reaching Florence in mid April. The three weeks he remained in
Florence provided him with an opportunity to study the fine examples of the Tuscan
Renaissance. He went onto Bologna then Ravenna and Venice. Towards the end of May
1914, after having seen Vicenza and Verona, he returned to Venice.
The most substantial account of Asplund’s Italian trip is just over three hundred sheets of paper
bearing drawings, sketches, annotations, figurative portraits and a wide variety of subjects. He
brought back an enormous quantity of picture postcards from his journey, more than 800 in
total, which constituted one of his major travelling expenses. The photographs and postcards
reproduce the most celebrated monuments of Italy, along with the most renowned works of art,
including both paintings and sculptures. Asplund’s interests were not exclusively architectural.
In both the collection of postcards and the drawings, the number of architectural subjects is
matched by those relating to painting or sculpture.
The relationship between the travels and projects of Gunnar Asplund has been fundamental to
an understanding of his architecture. It would be impossible to explain a great deal of his work
without taking into consideration the journey to Italy that he made in these first months of 1914.
The influence of places and monuments that he visited on the architecture that he was to
produce in the future may include;
• influence of an entrance court in a Palermo palace on a similar solution adopted in one of his
later projects for the Central Courts in Göteborg, Sweden
• origin of the ornamental motif in the grand entrance of the Sölvesborg Law Court in Sweden
in a sketch made at Pompeii
• the “Way of the Cross” from Pompeii’s street of tomb’s figures included in a competition entry
for a large southern cemetery in Stockholm
Other examples indicate general resemblances, influences and connections between Asplund’s
architecture and a model of the Mediterranean vernacular. What Asplund was looking for, in the
course of his journey through Italy, was something that was to leave a permanent mark on him
and his architecture and that went far beyond a question of “styles”.
“… Tunis, this is the most amusing I have come across in the twenty-eight
years of my existence! Not as a town of art, but for its outstanding gay and
lively character… Above our heads a sky clear and deep the like of which I
have never seen, such a tone in the colour that I am constantly imagining
the sky as a vast blue-painted dome.”12
For Asplund, the remains of Pompeii and Paestum, the ruins of Sicily, were inseparable from
the landscape that surrounded them: They were no longer fragments of a broken unity, and did
not require reconstruction or interpretation.
12As cited in Luca Ortelli, “Heading South: Asplund’s Impressions”, in Pierluigi Nicolin (ed.), Lotus 68: The Eye of the Architect, quarterly review,
1991, pp.23-34.
Whilst Aalto’s drawings of record are less accurate then others, they are highly personal and
commune an exploration of ideas. Aalto drew to explore his ideas and probe the reality of what
he observed.
14As cited in Göran Schildt, “The Travels of Alvar Aalto: Notebook Sketches”, in Pierluigi Nicolin (ed.), Lotus 68: The Eye of the Architect, quarterly
review, 1991, pp.35-48.
It Italy his pastel of Assisi suggests a return to the broad strokes of the carpenter’s pencil he
had employed during the first trip, but he generally turned toward broader planes of colour
defining strictly rectangular more urban zones. Kahn’s Rome is a pastiche after De Chirico, but
his pastels of Siena, though recalling the surrealist emptiness of De Chirico’s dream squares,
are more purely his own. The colour is aggressive and sometimes mournful; the Tuscan
sheathing of green and white marble prefiguring some of his later architectural details, is adrift
in dark piazzas. Blood-red shadow splashes Siena’s yellow Campo like a flood of pigment from
its own red bricks, while the towers stand in soft green evening light beyond.
In Venice the conventional Impressionism of the first trip becomes late Monet, as enormously
scaled strokes of colour shape a visual reality suggestive of the original model but with a
monumental structure.
For Kahn, the essential process of observation and drawing had culminated in 1951. This trip
effectively broke the hold of International Style weightlessness and sanctioned the Kahn’s
exploitation of geometric abstraction, which he had also perceived as part of the International
Style. That was the moment when the first monumental architects of the Mediterranean world
broke through to him and set him on his way.
In the space of an authentic journey, the eyes, and by means of them, the
mind, gain unexpected capacities. We perceive in a non-mediated way.
That which we learned reappears dissolved amongst the lines which we later
Siza believed and pursued the idea that objects drawn will be stored and reworked in later
design endeavours. This theory of recording and retention forms a cornerstone in the link
between observation drawing and imagination.
15Alvaro Siza, Boston (1988) as cited in Frampton, Kenneth, “Sketching: Alvaro Siza’s Notes”, in Nicolin, Pierluigi (ed.), Lotus 68: The Eye of the
Architect, quarterly review, 1991, pp.86-87.
In either philosophical case the pursuit of travel for the Australian architect was agreed as a
tangible means for to broaden horizons in terms of studying both built form and cultural
Italy is arguably the most geographically compact crucible of western architecture available.
Etruscan, Roman, Byzantine, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Mannerist, Baroque,
Neoclassicism, Fascist, Modernist and contemporary architecture are all represented,
sometimes iconically, within Italy.
The Roman period was a period of development and adaptation from the Greek and Etruscan
ages. This period of greatest development and ingenuity may be contained between the 3rd
Century BC and the 3rd Century. As with most art forms, a preference was developed for order
and function over beauty and aesthetics alone and functional building materials were
predominant. Towns were laid out in regularly planned grid formats for the first time in recorded
history, often for or to the models of military camps. Much of the built form was sanctioned on
behalf of the various Emperors as an expression of the Roman might and ability. The
architecture of the Roman period came to express the power and glory of the Roman Empire.
Whilst the Romans used the three Greek orders, with a preference for the Corinthian order, they
also added two orders of their own with the development of the Tuscan and Composite styles.
The column was relegated to secondary usage in favour of solid construction that incorporated
the rounded forms of arch and dome with a focus on the rigidity of end walls. The use of vaults
was to become the Roman period’s major contribution to architecture.
In addition, the use of an early form of concrete enabled the construction of much greater spans
and hence higher structures than ever previously possible.
The most important ensembles of existing Roman architecture in the urban setting are the
original seaports and residential towns. Within these, all the various elements of urbanity were
found. The forum was the heart of the city, set as a square at the intersection of the two main
streets, the Decumanus running east west and the Cardomanus running north south. Its
various built forms comprised the focus of all main aspects of public life, both secular and non
secular. Each forum contained temples, which initially followed the Greek models with imposing
façades preceded by flights of stairs, with later designs evolving into the circular planning form.
The main public building was the basilica, used for meetings, markets and administration of the
city. Thermae (public baths) were key examples of the formal recreational aspects of life in a
Roman city. The theatres and amphitheatres of the Roman era were atmospheric, often
elliptical, edifices of solid construction where massive outer walls housed inner tiered seating
• temples Tivoli, Lazio
Assisi, Umbria
• temples (circular) Pantheon, Rome Lazio
Temple of Vesta, Rome Lazio
• basilica Trajan and Maxentius Basilicas, Rome Lazio
• thermae Baths of Caracalla and Diocletian, Rome Lazio
• theatres/amphitheatres Coliseum, Rome Lazio
l’Arena Verona, Veneto
l’Amphitheatro Pompeii, Campania
Roman residences fall into three main categories; the domus, the villa and the insulae. The
domus was a town dwelling symmetrically grouped around an atrium and peristyle courts. Villas
were patrician country residences characterised by decorative porticos and colonnades oriented
towards sun and shade aspects. Insulae were tenement type constructions that housed poorer
Romans over several floors. The insulae were vaulted throughout and arranged in multiple
levels, streets and squares.
• domus Pompeii, Campania
• villa Pompeii, Campania
• insulae Ostia Antica, Lazio
Other built forms include the cylindrical mausoleum and, as Roman law forbade burial inside the
city walls, this led to the development of a built form that celebrated the dead.
The triumphal arch was also a Roman creation to celebrate the technology of the arch and
various military victories. The Romans were famed for their engineering and hydraulic expertise
and the utilitarian aqueduct and bridge designs utilised the arch technology to full extent to
transport water into the towns.
• mausoleum Castella Sant’ Angelo, Rome Lazio
• bridges Pons Fabricus, Rome Lazio
Romanesque Architecture
Romanesque architecture emerged as Europe rose from the Dark Ages in the 10th and 11th
Centuries. Key features of this style included a continual attachment to the basilica plan,
cupolas raised on domes, the use of marble as a façade facing, the presence of ancillary
baptisteries and campaniles, and the use of arches for both decorative and structural purposes.
The churches of the Lombardy Plain feature tall towers with projecting vaulted porches that rest
on a decorated base. A circular (rose) window serves as the principle light source into the
• vaulted church Il Duomo, Modena, Emilio Romagna
The Campo Dei Miracola Pisa in Tuscany offers the unique trio of duomo, campanile and
baptistery in one setting, highlighting the unity of consistent façade materials and the
surrounding open arcade galleries.
Idiosyncratic Romanesque styles were fostered using the mixture of mosaics and marble façade
• marble / mosaic facades San Miniato, Florence, Tuscany
Regional influences are to be seen in the exotic inclusions of Byzantine domes and mosaics
mixing with Saracen horseshoe arches.
• regional influences Duomo Monreale and the Palazzo dei Normanni, Palermo,
Gothic Period
The Gothic period was architecturally focussed on light and verticality. The Gothic period in
general grew out of France in the 12th Century to become the dominant architectural force in
medieval Europe. The Italian Gothic ranged from the early 13th Century to the early 15th
Century and was more restrained than its northern neighbour counterparts. The key
architectural features of Italian Gothic included the pointed arch, the rib vault, flying buttresses
and large tracery windows. These became dominant architectural features throughout medieval
The Italian Gothic has a more horizontal emphasis characterised by low rise buildings with
timber rather than stone roofs. Italian Gothic façades were often decorative, with little or no
connection to the interior structure, comprising marble, mosaics and frescoes.
• gothic facade San Francesco, Assisi, Umbria
il Duomo, Orvieto, Tuscany
The spread of plain early Gothic architecture in Italy is directly linked to the Cistercian order of
monks. These churches placed an emphasis on preaching and many were focussed on holding
large congregations thus influencing the larger interior spaces.
• large naves Santa Maria Novella, Florence Tuscany
Il Duomo, Siena, Tuscany
In the north of Italy, the Gothic style of architecture was expressed in the form of stone
structures that placed their primary emphasis upon geometric pronouncement.
• stone structures Il Duomo, Milan, Lombardy
In military architecture, a number of imposing castles were built during the 13th Century. These
castles combined Classic and Gothic elements.
• castle Castel Nuovo, Naples, Campania
Rising civic pride in the late 13th Century gave rise to a passion for town halls that were often
crowned with towers.
• town halls Palazzo Publico, Siena, Tuscany
Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Tuscany
Renaissance Architecture
Renaissance architecture first emerged in Florence in the early 15th Century as a derivation of
the classics. The vocabulary of the Renaissance was to spread throughout Europe and remain
dominant for some four centuries.
The Renaissance period saw the history of architecture become the history of architects, with
full time practitioners emerging for the first time. One of the key characteristics of these
practitioners, and indeed the Renaissance itself, was the diversity of skills of the proponents.
The integration of this diversity of skills was often rooted in the plastic arts of sculpture and
painting and, with the infusion of mathematics and technical prowess, became the signature of
the robust Renaissance style. In addition to the individual designers, the role of the patron or
benefactor became parallel and paramount. The accumulation of wealth, often derived through
mercantile means, saw individuals and families, rather than the church or state, rise for the first
time as a source of community power with a ready desire for outward built form expression.
Filippo Brunelleschi (1377 -1446) was one of the leading lights in this era, moving away from his
classic training as a sculptor to focus on building practices and the classics. Best exemplified
by Florentian works, Brunelleschi’s work fuses Roman construction techniques, such as
herringbone brickwork, with contemporary invention in the form of unique construction hoisting
• Brunelleschi Il Duomo, Ospedale Degli Innocenti, Chiesa di San Lorenzo,
Chiesa Santo Spirito and the Capella Pazzi, Florence, Tuscany
Leon Battista Alberti (1404 –1472), a contemporary of Brunelleschi, was a writer and theorist
whose work was aesthetically manifest in triumphal arches and pediment temple fronts.
Alberti’s work analysed and articulated the theory of harmonic proportions with the adoption of
certain ratios of measurement within a body of built work.
• Alberti Sant Andrea Mantua, Lombardy
Bernardo Rosellino (1409 – 1464) was the architect of Pienza, Tuscany, which was initially
foreseen as a utopian papal town planning scheme.
The high, or later, Renaissance period was triggered by Donato Bramante (1444 – 1514), who
began his working life in Milan. Like many architects of his era he would move from his initial
base often following or finding new mentors or benefactors to allocate work and support
theoretical and built form development.
Bramante’s masterpiece is the Tempietto di San Pietro in Montorio Rome Lazio, which
embodies the spirit of classic architecture blended harmoniously with the ideal Renaissance
values of mathematics and proportion.
• Bramante Santa Maria Presso San Satiro and
Santa Maria Della Grazie Milan, Lombardy;
Tempietto di San Pietro in Montorio Rome Lazio
Andrea Palladio (1508 – 1580) became Italy’s most erudite and influential architect due to his
ability to meld features from all his predecessors into his own personal style. His style and work
philosophies are copied to the present day and are referred to around the world. This is
especially evident in the City of Vicenza. The Villa Rotunda, Vicenza, Veneto, saw the first use
of a centralised plan in a secular building.
Bramante’s position as the leading architect in Rome was taken over by Raphael (1483 – 1520),
who’s finest architectural work is the Chigi Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria del Popolo in
Rome, Lazio. The key feature of this church was the idealised, centralised temple originally
conceived in his painting “The Marriage of the Virgin”.
Raphael’s pupil Giulio Romano (1499 – 1546) operated in Mantua, where he actively rejected
the Renaissance ideals of perfect harmony and balance in classical architecture thus
manifesting the beginning of the Mannerist style. This knowing departure from the rules and
constraints of the classics, and especially the Renaissance, is best exemplified in the optical
gymnastics of the Palazzo Te, Mantua, and Lombardy.
Michelangelo (1475 – 1564) took up architecture in his middle age and his approach towards
architecture was a direct contrast to Alberti. He used plans as a rough guide only, and made
constant changes throughout the construction period, thus forming a role as the master builder.
Whilst none of his major buildings was finished within his lifetime, his work demonstrated an
original approach towards architecture closely linked to sculpture. He invented the giant order
where columns and pilasters rise through two or more storeys.
• Michelangelo San Lorenzo, Palazzo Farnese and Biblioteca Laurenziana,
Florence Tuscany;
Piazza del Campidoglio and (partial work within) St Pietro,
Rome Lazio
After the death of Michelangelo, the most important architect in Rome was Il Vignola (1507 –
1573), who designed the Villa Giulia, Rome Lazio as a mixture of architectural delight mingled
with highly structured landscape design.
This work was followed by Il Gesu, Rome Lazio, which was loosely based on Alberti’s design of
Il Duomo in Mantua. The Il Gesu design though, eliminated the aisles and used the nave
pilasters and lighting effects to draw the eye to the height of the altar. Vignola’s work at the end
of the high Renaissance period and into Mannerism was a precursor to the emergence of the
decorative and eclectic Baroque style.
The Baroque is a distinctive and recognisable style, originating in Rome as a response to the
wealth and self-confidence of the Counter Reformation movement in the mid to late 16th
Century. Baroque architecture expressed the pomp, and played upon the mystery, of the
propagated religious approach.
Architects were concerned with daring special effects, rendering visual movement and spatial
ambiguity by the use of curvaceous lines and form, tricks of light and the overt decoration of
painting and sculpture. All these special effects combined to offer other-worldliness to the non-
secular Counter Reformation movement.
Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598 – 1680) took up architecture in mid life, having initially trained as a
sculptor. His fusion of the arts was to become one of the cornerstones of Baroque architecture
and urban planning, best seen in the forecourt of St Peter’s Rome Lazio. This design of an oval
planned double colonnade came to symbolise the all embrace of the church and incorporated
complex plays of perspective and proportion.
• Bernini Chiesa Santi Andrea, Rome, Lazio
Forecourt, St Pietro, Rome, Lazio
Francesco Borromini (1599 – 1667), who was initially Bernini’s assistant though later his bitter
and declared rival, was a most daring and inventive architect. His attitude to decoration was
very different to Bernini’s in his belief that architecture was sculpture in its own right. Borromini
treated entire wall surfaces plastically, favouring monochromacy rather than the use of colours.
Borromini showed a disregard for convention, creating stunning spatial designs based on
complex series of shapes, resolving equilateral triangles into ovals and circles within the roof
form geometrics.
• Borromini St Ivo e San Carlino Alle Quattro Fontane, Rome Lazio
Guarino Guarini (1624 – 1683) was a mathematician and architect, instrumental in the fusion of
Gothic and Islamic styles and influenced by the work of Borromini. His mathematical ability
fuelled the grand manner of the classics, featuring conical domes and spiralling roof forms.
• Guarini Capella Della Sacra Sidone, Turin Piedmont
Neoclassicism developed in the mid C18th as a conscious response to the overt Baroque
sumptuousness. This period became a return to the most basic architectural forms of (Greek
and Etruscan) classicism.
Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720 – 1778) popularised the neoclassical approach in Rome. His
inspired grand scale engravings of the city’s ruins were widely circulated and his theoretical
writings asserted the superiority of classical Rome over Greece.
• Piranesi Santa Maria del Priorate, Rome Lazio
Giuseppe Mengoni (1829 – 1877) created Italy’s finest example of design in iron and glass, in
the Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle in Milan Lombardy. This was an original piece of urban planning
that reinforced and symbolised Milan’s position as the commercial hub of an emerging nation
Palazzo della Civilta Italiana designed by Ernesto La Padula, Giovanni Guerimi and Mario
Romano and the spiritual focus of the site on the western end of the main axis; Palazzo dei
Ricerimenti e dei Congressi designed by Adalberto Libera between 1937-54. Regarded as one
of the seminal buildings of the Modern era on the eastern end of the main axis; Palazzo dell’Ina
e dell’Infp.s designed by Giovanni Muzio, Mario Paniconi and Guilio Pediconi between 1939-
1943; and the Piazza Imperiale designed in the masterplan as the focus of the site.
After World War II, themes of memory, the relationship with history and the search for a new
identity became the central concerns for Italian architecture. The Torre Velasca in Milan,
Lombardy, by BPR architects, is an intellectual interpretation of the disappearing medieval city
and supported the theory of continuity put forward by Bruno Zevi (1918 – 1999) and Ernesto
Rogers (1909 – 1969).
In the 1960’s and 70’s, architectural theories were overshadowed by the work of individuals.
Ignazio Gardella (1905 – 1999) rejected exhibitionism in favour of the value of materials and
forms. Carlo Scarpa (1906 – 1978) was infused with a personal poeticism of refined materials,
layers and planes defining spaces.
• Scarpa Tomb Brion, Treviso, Veneto
Olivetti Showroom, Venice, Veneto
Castel Vechhio, Verona, Veneto
Pier Luigi Nervi (1891 – 1979) was a structural engineer who popularised the use of sculptural
reinforced concrete. His work was true to, and explored the plastic and elastic nature of,
reinforced concrete and steel and, as such, has proved timeless.
• Nervi Termini Rome, Lazio
A more contemporary school of Aldo Rossi (1931–1997), Renzo Piano (1937– ) and
Massimiliano Fuskas (1944– ) have taken Italian architecture to the world with a new approach
towards human rationalism and technological exploration.
The attributes of public spaces, streets, built form and the patterns of human use, form the
cornerstone of place making. These elements of urban design and architecture coupled with
the evolution of structural, historical and spatial achievements are readily visible in the secular
and non-secular architecture of Italy.
Exhibitions such as “Michelangelo to Matisse: Drawing the Figure”, Art Gallery of New South
Wales 1999, showcase the extraordinary drawing skills of various generations. The Gallery
Director, Mr Edmond Capon poetically summarised the significance of drawing in the
exhibition’s foreword:
“Drawings are modest and intimate…this is no impediment to the breadth of
their embrace or range of their creative horizons. Drawings are arguably the
most revealing and spontaneous renderings of the human imagination…
their immediacy defies the limitations of time…”
[Michelangelo] 16
The value of drawing lies in the merger of the observed and the imagined. One not complete
without, and is equally dependant upon, the other.
As a child I imagined architects as people who draw. Jorn Utzon, Leonardo da Vinci and
Michelangelo all drew to explain their concepts.
Design, which by another name is called drawing… is the font and body of
painting, sculpture and architecture…the root of all sciences.17
My primary attraction to becoming an architect was a love of drawing. As a practicing architect
and educator I draw for two reasons. Firstly, I sketch and therefore analyse precedent,
especially when I travel. To analyse and record precedent one must observe. Secondly I draw
what I imagine to portray my thoughts and visions.
My drawing skills are self taught. I started without the freehand skills encouraged in art classes,
but with the rigour of a tee square and drafting equipment, developing a passion for the precise
measured drawings of the classics. Early attempts to sketch were fraught with a sense of
inadequacy and frustration. Fortunately, I encountered the impressive drawings of mentor, and
first employer, Graeme Hay of Rodd & Hay Architects in Newcastle, New South Wales. I began
by tracing his easy style and, with practice, a confidence in proportion, smoothness and
strength of line quality, replaced uncertainty. The weight and gravity held within the line work of
Matisse and Picasso became exemplar standards to which I still aspire, copying drawings to
practice curvature and proportion. Brett Whiteley’s draftsman ship demonstrated that individual
line work can become a unique signature and Norman Lindsay’s assessment of drawing from
either the fingers, wrist, elbow or shoulder connects the physics with the powers of observation.
Drawing requires careful observation of what is, and sometimes what is not, important. One
can only draw if one is thinking about the subject at hand. This thinking leads directly to deep
”everyone thinks they know what a lettuce looks like. Start to draw one and
you realize the anomaly of having lived with lettuces all your life but never
having seen one, never having seen the semi translucent leaves, never
having noticed what makes a lettuce unique”. 18
and further,
”… we do a lot of looking through lenses, telescopes, televisions… our
looking is perfected everyday but we see less and less”. 19
One can take numerous photographs of the Sydney Harbour Bridge; however drawing that
familiar structure will lead to an indelible understanding of its building materials, proportion and
context. The familiar is no longer ‘taken for granted’.
The inspiration for this particular scholarship’s program and focus owes its origin to Kevin
Gallagher, architect and former academic at Sydney’s University of Technology. During 1986,
as an elective in the Bachelor of Architecture course, Kevin ran a 7-week Study Tour through
Europe to observe first-hand seminal works of western architecture.
As a student, completing the second year of a six-year course, the timing of this program was
profound and long lasting. The first hand experience was invaluable and triggered the
development of powers of observation.
Viewing architectural photographs or drawings is useful in the study of built form. A two
dimensional representation of architectural form, for example a colonnade, may be very
informative. However, that understanding pales into insignificance compared with the first-hand
experience and observation of Bologna’s streetscape or Bernini’s forecourt to St Peter’s in
That 1986 UTS Study Tour ignited the participants’ passion for architecture. The central reason
for this positive response was the tangible nature of observing and analysing precedent first
Analysing Precedent
The practice of observing and drawing precedent may follow a series of subliminal steps. The
following procedural format defines the staged manner that the author will draw an observed
object. Each step reinforces the sketch with further observation and a deeper sense of
18 The Zen of Seeing: Seeing / Drawing as Meditation, Frederick Frank, Wildwood 1973
19 op cit
series of dots are then placed in order to frame the object by setting out the near corner base
and top of building and the then left and right vanishing points as key indicators.20
Step 2 – Guidelines
The next step is to confirm the near edge as the
primary vertical form, thus providing the sketch
with an immediate solidity and form. This initial
indicator of form is supported by lines depicting
the building envelope at the top and bottom of
facade lines though also doubling as indicators
or guides towards the perspective points.
Step 3 – Form
This step confirms the actual form of the object
under assessment. Lines are often doubled in
order to achieve a sense of affirmation or indeed
flexibility or subtle corrections. No lines are ever
removed, they are only added. When some
lines are slightly incorrect, the doubling or
reverberative process can assist to correct any
slight imperfections.
Step 4 – Composition
A move from form into composition now occurs,
whereby the facade is dissected into layers of
floors. This further reinforces the makeup of the
building and strengthens the perspective rigour
for the infill of later details. Immediately the
drawing starts to take on immense detail
depicting the built form.
Step 5 – Context
This step builds on the composition of the form
and adds relevant surrounding context. This
process usually has the effect of absorbing or
including any of the set out or guidelines dots
and lines used in the early stages of the sketch.
Details of the context are inferred such as the
building character or scale of adjacent elements.
20 It is worth noting that the process of this decision making and the ability to draw in perspective is a learned task from the texts Learning to Draw
and Perspective by Gill. These books look at basic perspective, rendering and more complex perspective techniques in a rudimentary step-by-
step fashion. They would form core texts for any student in learning about perspective.
Step 6 – Content
This key phase in fills the primary content of
the built form. Bays of façade planning are
shown as well as the primary fenestration
features and points. This phase defines the
key features and messages of the sketch.
In this case, the keys messages are solid
built form with a colonnaded ground floor
and small windows within wall fenestration
to the piano nobile and a strong top cornice
Step 7 – Depth
The sketch could survive as an idea at Step
6 though the final two steps add depth and
filigree. In this next step, the form and idea
is strengthened by the addition of depth
creation devices showing the width and
shade of the colonnade, the depth and form
of the windows and adding depth into the
Step 8 – Filigree
This final step often features random
elements of dots / dashes and quick
strokes that perform a multitude of graphic
tasks. All these tasks are focussed on
adding filigree and a sense of life to the
scene. People are included and the
various dots and dashes have the effect of
grounding and knitting the sketch into the
page or ‘scaena’ rather than just floating
on a white background, as is still largely
the case up until this point.
This stepped approach towards observation forms the basis of sketch compositions for a variety
of sketches including both 2 and 1 point perspective formats.
Following are included a series of sketches that are drawn using differing time allowances. This
exercise of time allowances further focuses the observation skills of the sketcher. In the cases
employed, a series of sketches of the familiar Piazza San Marco Venezia are shown over 2-5
minutes, 60 seconds and 3 versions each of 10 seconds each.
The 2-5 minute sketch establishes the full steps as set down for Analysing Precedent. This
format would be considered a full and complete rendition of the view under consideration.
As the time decreases to 60 seconds the format of the sketch becomes more of a summary. It is
noted that the formality of the steps previously defined are less rigid.
The series of 10 second interpretations are summary vignettes. This summary vignette would
combine many of the steps articulated into a series of the key visual points for expression. Often
the most expressive as economy replaces accuracy and message replaces measurement.
The seminal modernist Finnish architect Alvar Aalto refers to his drawings as follows:
I begin to draw rather like abstract art. Led by my instincts I draw, not
architectural syntheses but sometimes even childish compositions, and via
this route I arrive at an abstract basis to the main concept.21
Drawing the imagined may follow a layering process, whereby the sketch is imbued with
shorthand information essential to the idea.
Steps are as shown on the attached drawings of an imagined Italian Renaissance church. The
church has a Latin cross plan format, central nave, side aisles embellished with small structural
cloisters, centralised dome and side choirs set upon a small piazza of surrounding palazzo. My
imagined church is similar to Brunelleschi’s Chiesa di Santo Spirito, Firenze.
Step 1 – Construct
Establish the overall construct of the sketch. This is the framework around
which the sketch will evolve and develop. In this case, the Latin Cross is the
key message. The construct acts as a reference point for future movements
covering all choices of infill and the addition of further information and detail.
Step 2 – Message
This step sees the addition of supporting information that informs both the
construct and message of the sketch. In this case, supporting information
includes axial representations and the reinforcement of the Latin cross
planning principles. The overt extension of this message reinforces, and in
fact exaggerates, the message within the sketch. This particular message is
of axiality, balance and centrality.
Step 3 – Reinforce
This step sees reinforcement of the overall structure of walls and an
articulation of the varieties of plan shape within the construct. It is noted that,
in this case, the inclusion of the semi circular apse and choirs are a deviation
from the initial overall construct defined in Step 1. This deviation is not a
negative as it is worked over and retains its form though now with further,
more important, information of the form.
21 Alvar Aalto, ‘The Trout and Mountain Stream’, Sketches, MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts 1978, p.97
Step 4 – Embellish
The next step sees the basic form, in this case the plan, further embellished
with information about the domical roof form and the layering of structure
between the nave and the aisles. This embellishment further informs the use
of layering and format of the idea. The viewer is now allowed to focus into
various sections of the sketch, gaining layered data and articulating the idea.
Step 5 – Inform
Additional information is added. In this case, columns between the aisles
and nave are added as well as a cellular aisle structure. This information
adds another level of detail that the cognoscenti will understand and interpret
and the layman will merely accept and appreciate as relevant supportive
Step 6 – Context
In this step, various elements are added that ground the sketch into a context
and setting. This information adds a scale and, in many cases, a setting to an
otherwise abstract exercise.
Step 7 – Texture
Final rendering of the context to reveal solidity, textures and a sense of some
reality, albeit in a plan format, are added to settle the sketch into a more
lifelike familiar visual environment.
The drawing of the imagined makes it possible to conceive an idea or form. The idea may be
created within the imagination though without the drawing it lacks a fundamental and tangible
expression. The drawing is used to understand, explore, absorb and communicate. It serves
as a chance to get an idea or information out onto a recordable medium (paper) as a means of
visual processing and externalising the idea. Drawings of the imagined are more often
scaleless, of inaccurate proportions though far more essential in content compared to those of
observed or recorded objects.
To draw
Whether it be analysing precent or drawing the imagined it is an architect’s skill to draw. Many
architects will note that the ability and skill to draw remains their greatest communication
attribute. The power of observation and the considered subsequent representation of that
learning concurrently form the inspiration point, store house and primary currency of the
articulate architect.
Through the process of analysing precedent, the designer will observe by drawing. To
communicate their imagination and ideas with a sense of immediacy, the designer will also
draw. The ability to communicate the imagined is rooted in the learning process of observation
by drawing.
Many architects have referred to drawing and its connection to the idea:
‘The drawing is a lens revealing otherwise imperceptible aspects…a method
for understanding how things can change and evolve not for crystallising a
form in a definitive way but to demonstrate the possibilities of what it can
Zaha Hadid, 1982 22
‘Look at my sketch, there is everything in it’. ‘My sketches are data, the
contour lines of an instantaneous vision. In accordance with their
architectural nature, their immediate appearance is that of a whole, and this
is how they must be taken’.
Eric Mendelsohn, 1935 24
“We all gain from scribbling memories of special places and events.”
Chris Johnson26
op cit, p212
op cit, p208
op cit, p88
1960 Byera Hadley scholar in correspondence to author dated 1 March 2003
NSW Government Architect in correspondence to author dated 3 February 2003
paper. The focus is more on the act itself, making marks and interacting with what is drawn,
and less on what the viewer brings to the process or on the nature of what is drawn.
This relates to the Transactionalist view of perception, which emphasises the role of interaction
with the environment as the basis of perception. Leading proponents of this point of view were
Adelbert Ames and John Dewey.
This understanding of drawing is appropriate for the task that architects and designers
ultimately confront. Architects and designers create objects that do not yet exist and, in the
process, they make things. Appropriate to the task of making things, drawings are physical
analogues for what is being represented. Drawing is itself an act of making and pictures should
not be mere imitations of what is represented but real in themselves.
Vision provides information at a distance, allowing a useful detachment from life, at more than
arm’s length and out of harm’s way. Vision may be considered a kind of surrogate sense, one
step removed from real life.
There is ample cause to distrust the primacy of vision, if only because it is so easily deceived.
Camouflage in warfare, trompe l’oeil in painting, and cinematic special effects are all examples
of the relative ease with which the eye can be fooled.
The act of drawing is an act of making, rather than just viewing, and object. For the architect
and designer faced with the task of designing something that does not yet exist, no other
approach makes sense. If trained to draw only that which is already visible, how could they
begin to draw when nothing is yet there to draw? What first marks could they make?
Because it is central to his understanding that sensation is already ordered in itself, Gibson’s
work is particularly useful for architects and designers who must assume that prospect of a
general order. Architects and designers design for the general public and, as such, they
presume and pursue the possibility of a spatial order that works for the majority of viewers.
The central tenet of the ecological point of view is that sensation is in itself already ordered, is
an absolutist argument. Its limitations not withstanding, it is valuable precisely because it is free
from relativist individual and cultural concerns. As he proposes it, Gibson’s order is universal,
applicable for everyone, everywhere.
Gibson found order in the visual textures of the material world. He came to believe that
illumination is not the key issue for vision. Perception of surface and surface texture is. Gibson
came to believe that we perceive surface through the visual textures of which materials are
Gibson uses the term “textural gradient” to describe this correspondence between the pattern of
the visual field and the world outside, and he uses it to explain how we perceive common
conditions such as frontal and longitudinal surfaces, edges and corners. He explains these on
the basis of the signature textural gradient of each condition;
• frontal surfaces project uniform gradients
• longitudinal surfaces, such as floors and streets, project gradients that diminish with greater
distance from the observer
• corners and edges project gradients that shift abruptly from the gradient in one orientation or
distance to the gradient in another
object in the picture. His construction served to unify for the first time the relationship between
the objects in a scene, the picture plane and the viewer.
Alberti’s work requires that we no longer think of objects in isolation, instead we must consider
and draw objects as part of a larger spatial conception. We think of the continuous perspective
space first and then place the objects in it, rather than the reverse order.
This approach places drawing as a process of imparting order to the objects that we see. We
respond to what is already present in the object but, in final analysis, impose perspective order
onto whatever we draw.
Louis I. Kahn (1901-1974) was an architect known for his command of composition in light. He
wrote with great eloquence about the interrelatedness of light and the materiality of architecture.
He described light and material as paired opposites:
“All material in nature, the mountains and the streams and the air and we,
are made of Light which has been spent, and this crumpled mass called
material casts a shadow, and the shadow belongs to Light.”27
He related sight to the primacy of touch:
“I thought then that the first feeling must have been touch. Our whole sense
of procreation has to do with touch. From the desire to be beautifully in
touch came eyesight. To see was only to touch more accurately. These
forces within us are beautiful things that you can still feel even though they
come from the most primordial, nonformed kind of existence.
From touch there is a striving to touch, not just touch, and from this
developed what could be sight. When sight came, the first moment of sight
was the realisation of beauty. I don’t mean beautiful or very beautiful or
extremely beautiful. Just simply beauty itself, which is stronger than any of
the adjectives you might add to it. It is a total harmony you feel without
knowing, without reservation, without criticism, without choice. It is a feeling
of total harmony as if you were meeting your maker, the maker being that of
nature, because nature is the maker of all that is made. You cannot design
anything without nature helping you.”28
27 Lobell, John, Between Silence and Light: Spirit in the Architecture of Louis I. Kahn, Shambhala Publications, Boulder, 1979, p.5.
28 ibid
Italy, The Lonely Planet, 2004 (6th edition).
Le Corbusier: Voyage to the Orient, Rizzoli, New York, 1988.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, The Encyclopedia Press, 1914.
The Travel Sketches of Louis I. Kahn, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia, 1978.
Bennett, Josephine Waters, The Rediscovery of Sir John Mandeville, Modern Language
Association, New York, 1954.
Cooper, Douglas, Drawing and Perceiving: Life Drawing for Students of Architecture and
Design, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2001.
Edwards, Betty, The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Jeremy P. Tarcher / Putnam,
New York, 1999.
Ficacci, Luigi, Giovanni Battista Piranesi: Complete Etchings, Benedikt Taschen Verlag,
Cologne, 2000.
Franck, Frederick, The Zen of Seeing: Drawing as Meditation, Random House, New York, 1973.
Gibson, James J., The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception, Houghton Mifflin, Boston,
Gibson, James J., The Senses Considered as Perceptual Systems, Houghton Mifflin, Boston,
Gibson, James J., The Perception of the Visual World, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1950.
Hochstim, Jan – book of Kahn’s travel sketches published post 1991
Holmdahl, G., S.I. Lind, K. Ødeen (eds.), Gunnar Aspland Architect 1885 – 1940, London, 1950.
Howard, Donald Roy, Writers and Pilgrims: Medieval Pilgrimage Narratives and Their Posterity,
University of California Press, Berkeley, 1980.
Howard, Edmund, Italia: The Art of Living Italian Style, Seven Dials, London, 2003.
Laseau, Paul, Graphic Thinking for Architects & Designers, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
Laseau, Paul, Architectural Representation Handbook: Traditional and Digital Techniques for
Graphic Communication, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2000.
Letts, Malcolm, Sir John Mandeville: The Man and his Book, Batchworth, London, 1949.
Littlewood, Ian, A Literary Companion to Venice, St Martin’s Press, New York, 1995.
Lobell, John, Between Silence and Light: Spirit in the Architecture of Louis I. Kahn, Shambhala
Publications, Boulder, 1979.
Luscombe, Desley and Anne Peden, Picturing Architecture: Graphic Presentation Techniques in
Australian Architectural Practice, Craftsman House, Sydney, 1992.s
Mandeville, Sir John, Mandeville’s Travels, London, 1357(?).
Masson, Georgina, The Companion Guide to Rome, Collins, London, 1980 (6th edition).
McQuaid, Matilda, Envisioning Architecture: Drawings from the Museum of Modern Art, The
Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2002.
Murphy, John, Guide to The Architect’s Sketchbook, State Library of NSW, Sydney, 1998.
Nicholaides, Kimon, The Natural Way to Draw, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1941.
Rasmussen, Steen Eiler, Experiencing Architecture, The MIT Press, Boston, Cambridge, 1964.
Varriano, John, A Literary Companion to Rome, St Martin’s Press, New York, 1991.
White, John, The Birth and Rebirth of Pictorial Space, Boston Book and Art Shop, Boston, 1967.
Wilton-Ely, John, Giovanni Battista Piranesi: The Complete Etchings, Alan Wofsy Fine Arts, San
Francisco, 1994.
Zacher, Christian K., Curiosity and Pilgrimage: The Literature of Discovery in Fourteenth
Century England, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1976.
Cornell, Elias, “The Vaulted Sky” in Arkitektur, no.5, 1961.
Frampton, Kenneth, “Sketching: Alvaro Siza’s Notes”, in Nicolin, Pierluigi (ed.), Lotus 68: The
Eye of the Architect, quarterly review, 1991.
Gresleri, Giuliano, “From Diary to Project: Le Corbusier’s Carnets 1-6”, in Nicolin, Pierluigi (ed.),
Lotus 68: The Eye of the Architect, quarterly review, 1991.
Kruntorad, Paul, “Broadened Horizons: The Paradigm of Travel in Italy”, in Nicolin, Pierluigi
(ed.), Lotus 68: The Eye of the Architect, quarterly review, 1991.
Ortelli, Luca, “Heading South: Asplund’s Impressions”, in Nicolin, Pierluigi (ed.), Lotus 68: The
Eye of the Architect, quarterly review, 1991.
Schildt, Göran, “The Travels of Alvar Aalto: Notebook Sketches”, in Nicolin, Pierluigi (ed.), Lotus
68: The Eye of the Architect, quarterly review, 1991.
Scully, Vincent, “Marvellous Fountainheads: Louis I. Kahn: Travel Drawings”, in Nicolin, Pierluigi
(ed.), Lotus 68: The Eye of the Architect, quarterly review, 1991.
The architects interviewed have the various attributes of being Sydney based, RAIA award
winners, former academics and scholars, current practitioners, authors and active members of
the NSW RAIA or NSW Board of Architects.
The series of questions focused on the areas of;
• travel; its value to the (especially young) architect
• drawing; skills, desires and observations
• teaching; desire and value of teaching others to draw
• ideas and drawings; connections and linkages
Each architect was interviewed by the author for about one hour with a transcript of the notes
attached in this appendix.
Practitioners Interviewed
Ross Bonthorne
• Principal Architect, Lend Lease Design Group
• RAIA Award winner
• Former Deputy Mayor, City of Sydney
Tony Caro
• Principal, Tony Caro Architecture
• Former academic, University of Technology, Sydney
• Former Byera Hadley scholar
Philip Cox
• Principal, Cox Richardson Architects
• Visiting internationally acclaimed academic
• RAIA Award winner
Beverly Garlick
• Principal, Beverly Garlick Architects
• Active RAIA Education committees
• Active academic
Colin Griffiths
• Principal, Colin Griffiths Architects
• Former academic, University of Technology, Sydney
• Former Byera Hadley scholar
Peter Ireland
• Principal, Allen Jack & Cottier Architects
• RAIA Award winner
Chris Johnson
• NSW Government Architect
• Author of numerous books and journals
• Visiting internationally acclaimed academic
Desley Luscombe
• Dean, University of Technology, Sydney, School of Design, Architecture and Building
• Author of numerous books and journals
Ken Maher
• Principal, Hassell Architects
• Visiting academic
• RAIA Award winner
Caroline Pidcock
• Principal, Caroline Pidcock Architects
• Former President, NSW RAIA
• Former academic
Alex Tzannes
• Principal, Alexander Tzannes & Associates
• RAIA Award winner
• Internationally acknowledged author / academic
Ken Woolley
• Principal, Ancher Mortlock & Woolley
• Author and exhibitor on the topic of drawing
• RAIA Award winner
Would you have achieved as much as an architect if you had not applied
yourself to drawing?
No. Drawing ability has enabled a level of communication and connection into the community at
the most senior and influential levels.
Are you aware of any study tours that exist in a similar nature to that
Yes. The University of Technology in Sydney (UTS) had offered an architectural tour of
California that was being taken by a colleague. Also Harvard offers courses into Bilbao Spain,
Hong Kong and Singapore as regular architectural study tours, often with a specific project /
assignment attached as the outcome goal.
Would you have achieved as much as an architect if you had not applied
yourself to drawing?
It is an important part and the main way to communicate. As a teacher working with students,
saw that a good idea not communicated is a waste. Drawing is the testing of a good idea.
Believes that ideas are linked to drawings and ideas, whilst personal, are given to others by
Are you aware of any study tours that exist in a similar nature to that
absolutely vital and essential part of being an architect. Does not like the impersonality and lack
of speed of computers, though acknowledges their importance and potential. Too slow
compared to the immediacy of drawing. Will use montage or collage in unison with computer
technology though the hand is the origin of communication format. The brain eye hand
connectivity remains the essential ingredient of communication.
Would you have achieved as much as an architect if you had not applied
yourself to drawing?
No, drawing is an absolutely essential part of being an architect. People are amazed at the
ability to sit down and translate discussion, ideals and goals into visual certainty, often with
great speed and certainty. Computers are far too slow by comparison.
Are you aware of any study tours that exist in a similar nature to that
No, though believes that formal training in drawing at universities is lacking. The value of
learning to draw still life or to sculpt or to carry out “5 minute exercises” trains the mind to focus
and clarify communication. Training to think quickly about ideas, alternatives and lateral
thinking is an invaluable tool. Noted the value of the quickly committed drawing defining a
naivety though clarity in idea.
Would you have achieved as much as an architect if you had not applied
yourself to drawing?
Impossible to answer as drawing is such a natural and fundamental part of architecture.
Considers it would be impossible to conceive without some form of new technology as drawing
is at present too fundamental to the architect.
Are you aware of any study tours that exist in a similar nature to that
Referred to Tone Wheeler’s travel tours at University of Sydney, though was not aware of study
courses focussed on drawing.
Would you have achieved as much as an architect if you had not applied
yourself to drawing?
Hard to imagine not drawing as an architect, retains a strong visual memory linked to drawing
and it could be linked to the computer in time.
Are you aware of any study tours that exist in a similar nature to that
Yes. Desley Luscombe’s program at the University of New South Wales. UNSW has also run a
tour through India. Personally has run a tour through Indonesia via University of Technology,
Sydney. Key focus was to validate and explore the cultural language of Asian students who
were alien to the curriculum of western architectural history. This course was run as an
assessable part of the elective program.
built forms. Refers to Lloyd Rees’ school of thinking that allowed and encouraged the
idealisation of views to suit better compositional constructs. Sketches often form the essence of
visits to sites and the spark for further design ideas.
Would you have achieved as much as an architect if you had not applied
yourself to drawing?
No. Sees training as part of the design studies to become an architect. A fluency and
confidence as can be shown in drawing is essential to expressing ideas. Training is different to
education; the former being found, the latter being told.
Are you aware of any study tours that exist in a similar nature to that
No, sees study tours as base training for an architect.
interpret and understand. Architects often elaborate built form from set viewpoints, drawings
are a way to examine other aspects like the rear view of the Taj Mahan.
Would you have achieved as much as an architect if you had not applied
yourself to drawing?
Drawing is an important facility in architecture. Believes that fundamentally the thought process
is a drawn one.
Are you aware of any study tours that exist in a similar nature to that
No, only a number of people who have carried independent study tours including self over many
Would you have achieved as much as an architect if you had not applied
yourself to drawing?
Probably not as the ability to draw has contributed to three dimensional assessment, visual
expression and the excitement of ideas.
Are you aware of any study tours that exist in a similar nature to that
Referred to Dimity Reed’s travel courses as well as courses run by Tone Wheeler at the
University of Sydney.
Would you have achieved as much as an architect if you had not applied
yourself to drawing?
Are you aware of any study tours that exist in a similar nature to that
Yes. Own course to Italy via University of New South Wales. Also University of New South
Wales course to India, China and Japan. Students were often naïve though they were guided
through a sequence of architectural experiences as part of these courses.
expression”. More stimulated and interested by physical and visual stimuli rather than a
potential virtual world. Expresses concerns over collage [computer] providing virtual
experiences, providing imagery over real and tangible products. Prefers thinking or assembled
products over virtual visual experiences. Architecture is interpretive, tactile, tangible,
experiential and drawing is a key aspect in making of this. Computers have ability though at
present a lack of craft dimension, intellect, materiality in the traditional sense. Referred to the
work of Nicholas Legoponti where computer applications may be used for direct drawing, and
noted the growing use of analytical predictive environmental tools as a positive and valuable
trend. Notes though that drawing on a tablet offers no texture or intensity of experience to
match that of drawing.
Would you have achieved as much as an architect if you had not applied
yourself to drawing?
No. “Like playing piano with your hands tied behind your back”. Noted the French architect
Jean Nouvel though who does not ever draw though expresses his ideas verbally.
Are you aware of any study tours that exist in a similar nature to that
Would you have achieved as much as an architect if you had not applied
yourself to drawing?
Don’t know how I would have expressed my ideas. “Drawing is a lovely thing to do”. Noted the
analogy with writing and the process of writing and expressing creative writing ideas.
Are you aware of any study tours that exist in a similar nature to that
Noted “Australians Travelling Abroad” (course attended as mentioned was run by these people).
Art Gallery of New South Wales runs art appreciation courses throughout Europe.
technique. Recalls that during 4th year architecture a conscious decision to keep an
architectural notebook coincided with the conclusive decision to become an architect.
Would you have achieved as much as an architect if you had not applied
yourself to drawing?
Absolutely not. Only when drawn do we understand how to make scale and composition. The
fluidity of three dimension objects linked to the design ideas has come from sketch book records
and drawings. The ability to process information in a logical manner, to elevate, to understand
sections and to define built form all gained emergence out of the drawing.
Are you aware of any study tours that exist in a similar nature to that
Aware that alma mater Columbia runs undergraduate course to Paris and Rome. Noted that
during his masters at Columbia that he felt completely under skilled compared to peers
regarding their sketch book portfolios. This was not only in the drawn work but also in the
places that had been visited in order to draw and observe. This sense of inadequacy led to a
drive to travel and in turn improve the drawing skill set.
paper is used so that drawings can be overlayed to develop ideas. Many of these drawings are
used on projects and then logged into job files whilst in the office. Will also use butter paper
overlays though finds this decreasing with the advent of computer screens rather than drawing
boards. Is often loath to work over a plot as you are never sure how recent or accurate it is.
This forms part of the separation from the idea or development that computers can cause.
Travel sketches are produced on notebooks, A4 art paper with a fatter Pentel pen so that areas
of black can be in filled. Noted influence of architect / cartoonist on linework and composition.
Would you have achieved as much as an architect if you had not applied
yourself to drawing?
“Don’t think I’d see it that way”. Can’t separate life into drawing form. Plenty of architects are
successful by other means apart from drawing. Believes that building is about space and
structure and a drawing is a way to get there and find those solutions. Drawing is often the
indication of a good architect. Regrets the lack of true training that exists in architectural
education now. Believes that both training and education are required for an architect’s
Are you aware of any study tours that exist in a similar nature to that
The attached booklet is an assembled record of this author’s sketch book analysis of precedent
of the seminal architecture of Italy observed between the 28th September and the 25th
November 2004 as background information for the 2003 NSW Byera Hadley Registered
Architects scholarship aims.
The following is a non exhaustive outline of current courses available that are of an architectural
nature and demonstrate that the idea of a group study tour is robust and may be achieved with
ongoing tangible outcomes.
In addition to this programs such as that established by the American Foundation for students of
architecture at American Universities to live and study in Rome Italy represent an ongoing in
country means of studying diverse built forms and cultures.
…a guide
David Holm
Why Italy? 2
Tuscany 14
Liguria 50
Piedmont 54
Veneto 70
Friuli-Venezia Guila 98
Emilia Romagno 104
Marches 112
Umbria 114
Lazio 122
Campania 156
Sicily 164
The Roman era was a period of development and adaptation from the Greek
and Etruscan ages. This period of greatest development and ingenuity may be
contained between the 3rd Century BC and the 3rd Century. As with most art
forms, a preference was developed for order and function over beauty and
2 179
Chiosco Ribando, Palermo aesthetics alone and functional building materials were predominant. Towns
were laid out in regularly planned grid formats for the first time in recorded
history, often for or to the models of military camps. Much of the built form was
sanctioned on behalf of the various Emperors as an expression of the Roman
Three sets of kiosks were designed in various styles by the noted Palermitan might and ability. The architecture of the Roman period came to express the
architect Ernesto Basile. The first in 1894 in the Piazza Teatro Massimo power and glory of the Roman Empire.
features a focus on calligraphy and metalwork. The second in 1897 in Piazza
Whilst the Romans used the three Greek orders, with a preference for the
Verdi features colonial design influences. The third, completed in 1916, in
Corinthian order, they also added two orders of their own with the development
Piazza Castelnuovo features a focus on intricate lines and composition. The
of the Tuscan and Composite styles. The column was relegated to secondary
kiosks are used for a variety of commercial uses.
usage in favour of solid construction that incorporated the rounded forms of arch
and dome with a focus on the rigidity of end walls. The use of vaults was to
become the Roman period’s major contribution to architecture.
In addition, the use of an early form of concrete enabled the construction of
much greater spans and hence higher structures than ever previously possible.
The most important ensembles of existing Roman architecture in the urban
setting are the original seaports and residential towns. Within these, all the
various elements of urbanity were found. The forum was the heart of the city,
set as a square at the intersection of the two main streets, the Decumanus
running east west and the Cardomanus running north south. Its various built
forms comprised the focus of all main aspects of public life, both secular and
non secular. Each forum contained temples, which initially followed the Greek
models with imposing façades preceded by flights of stairs, with later designs
evolving into the circular planning form.
The main public building was the basilica, used for meetings, markets and
administration of the city. Thermae (public baths) were key examples of the
formal recreational aspects of life in a Roman city. The theatres and
amphitheatres of the Roman era were atmospheric, often elliptical, edifices of
solid construction where massive outer walls housed inner tiered seating
• temples Tivoli, Lazio
Assisi, Umbria
• temples (circular) Pantheon, Rome Lazio
Temple of Vesta, Rome Lazio
• basilica Trajan and Maxentius Basilicas, Rome Lazio
• thermae Baths of Caracalla and Diocletian, Rome Lazio
178 3
4 177
Grand Hotel Villa Igea, Palermo based on secular imperial models. In general, churches adopted the forms of
the basilica with stark exteriors pierced only by large windows and interiors
displaying the move towards regular columns. Transepts were introduced into
church planning in a conscious desire to emulate and symbolise the cross in
Situated on Salita Belmonte all’ Acquasanta on the northern coast outside plan formations.
Palermo and designed by the renowned Palermitan architect Ernesto Basilo
between 1899 and 1904. • cross plan churches Santa Sabina and Santa Maria Maggiorre,
Rome, Lazio
The villa and its landscaped environs are adjacent to and integrated with the
water’s edge. The villa is focused on the architectural capacity to integrate the The Byzantine’s most distinctive architectural form was the dome. Under the
Romans, this form rested on a circular base however the Byzantines, by the use
design, furnishings and lighting to create the sense of an intimate house.
of pendentive arches, were able to erect domes on square foundations.
• domed church Basilica San Vitale Ravenna, Emilio Romagna
The Basilica San Marco Venice, Veneto developed from this model. With
domical planning, a Greek cross format and sumptuous mosaic decoration, the
San Marco basilica is considered the supreme Byzantine monument.
Romanesque Architecture
Romanesque architecture emerged as Europe rose from the Dark Ages in the
10th and 11th Centuries. Key features of this style included a continual
attachment to the basilica plan, cupolas raised on domes, the use of marble as
a façade facing, the presence of ancillary baptisteries and campaniles, and the
use of arches for both decorative and structural purposes.
The churches of the Lombardy Plain feature tall towers with projecting vaulted
porches that rest on a decorated base. A circular (rose) window serves as the
principle light source into the nave.
• vaulted church Il Duomo, Modena, Emilio Romagna
The Campo Dei Miracola Pisa in Tuscany offers the unique trio of duomo,
campanile and baptistery in one setting, highlighting the unity of consistent
façade materials and the surrounding open arcade galleries.
Idiosyncratic Romanesque styles were fostered using the mixture of mosaics
and marble façade panelling.
• marble / mosaic facades San Miniato, Florence, Tuscany
Regional influences are to be seen in the exotic inclusions of Byzantine domes
and mosaics mixing with Saracen horseshoe arches.
176 5
• regional influences Duomo Monreale and the Palazzo dei Quattro Canti, Palermo
Normanni, Palermo, Sicily
Gothic Period This intersection within the oldest part of the city is known locally as il Teatro.
The Gothic period was architecturally focussed on light and verticality. The The perfect circle of C17th Spanish Baroque curvilinear façades is the ancient
Gothic period in general grew out of France in the 12th Century to become the Roman centre of the city and the intersection of the Cardomanus and
dominant architectural force in medieval Europe. The Italian Gothic ranged from Decumanus. Each façade features a fountain and the intersection marks the
the early 13th Century to the early 15th Century and was more restrained than junction of the four keys areas of the city; Capo, la Kalsa, Vucciria and
its northern neighbour counterparts. The key architectural features of Italian Albergheria.
Gothic included the pointed arch, the rib vault, flying buttresses and large
tracery windows. These became dominant architectural features throughout
medieval Europe.
The Italian Gothic has a more horizontal emphasis characterised by low rise
buildings with timber rather than stone roofs. Italian Gothic façades were often
decorative, with little or no connection to the interior structure, comprising
marble, mosaics and frescoes.
• gothic facade San Francesco, Assisi, Umbria
il Duomo, Orvieto, Tuscany
The spread of plain early Gothic architecture in Italy is directly linked to the
Cistercian order of monks. These churches placed an emphasis on preaching
and many were focussed on holding large congregations thus influencing the
larger interior spaces.
• large naves Santa Maria Novella, Florence Tuscany
Il Duomo, Siena, Tuscany
In the north of Italy, the Gothic style of architecture was expressed in the form of
stone structures that placed their primary emphasis upon geometric
• stone structures Il Duomo, Milan, Lombardy
In military architecture, a number of imposing castles were built during the 13th
Century. These castles combined Classic and Gothic elements.
• castle Castel Nuovo, Naples, Campania
Rising civic pride in the late 13th Century gave rise to a passion for town halls
that were often crowned with towers.
6 175
Piazza Castelnuovo / Piazza Ruggero Settimo, • town halls Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, Tuscany
Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, Tuscany
Renaissance Architecture
This combined piazza sits at the end of the Via Maqueda / Via Ruggero Setturio, Renaissance architecture first emerged in Florence in the early 15th Century as
the original Roman Cardomanus. From here towards the north is the Via della a derivation of the classics. The vocabulary of the Renaissance was to spread
Liberta and the beginning of the modern city. Via della liberta is a wider throughout Europe and remain dominant for some four centuries.
boulevarde, with tree lined central aisles, surrounded by late C19th apartment The Renaissance period saw the history of architecture become the history of
blocks. The piazza stands as the major junction between the old central section architects, with full time practitioners emerging for the first time. One of the key
of the city and the newer more spacious northern sectors planned by the characteristics of these practitioners, and indeed the Renaissance itself, was the
Spanish in the C18th. diversity of skills of the proponents. The integration of this diversity of skills was
often rooted in the plastic arts of sculpture and painting and, with the infusion of
mathematics and technical prowess, became the signature of the robust
Renaissance style. In addition to the individual designers, the role of the patron
or benefactor became parallel and paramount. The accumulation of wealth,
often derived through mercantile means, saw individuals and families, rather
than the church or state, rise for the first time as a source of community power
with a ready desire for outward built form expression.
Filippo Brunelleschi (1377 -1446) was one of the leading lights in this era,
moving away from his classic training as a sculptor to focus on building
practices and the classics. Best exemplified by Florentian works, Brunelleschi’s
work fuses Roman construction techniques, such as herringbone brickwork, with
contemporary invention in the form of unique construction hoisting machinery.
• Brunelleschi Il Duomo, Ospedale Degli Innocenti, Chiesa di
San Lorenzo, Chiesa Santo Spirito and the
Capella Pazzi, Florence, Tuscany
Leon Battista Alberti (1404 –1472), a contemporary of Brunelleschi, was a writer
and theorist whose work was aesthetically manifest in triumphal arches and
pediment temple fronts. Alberti’s work analysed and articulated the theory of
harmonic proportions with the adoption of certain ratios of measurement within a
body of built work.
• Alberti Sant Andrea Mantua Lombardy
Bernardo Rosellino (1409 – 1464) was the architect of Pienza, Tuscany, which
was initially foreseen as a utopian papal town planning scheme.
174 7
The high, or later, Renaissance period was triggered by Donato Bramante (1444 Capella Palatina, Palermo
– 1514), who began his working life in Milan. Like many architects of his era he
would move from his initial base often following or finding new mentors or
benefactors to allocate work and support theoretical and built form development.
Located within the Palazzo Reale and designed for Roger II in 1130. As the
Bramante’s masterpiece is the Tempietto di San Pietro in Montorio Rome Lazio,
richest Norman king in Christendom, Roger II aimed to indulge his passion for
which embodies the spirit of classic architecture blended harmoniously with the
Arab arts and culture. Internal mosaics within the church depict scenes from the
ideal Renaissance values of mathematics and proportion.
Old Testament, and Palermo’s role in various conquests including the
• Bramante Santa Maria Presso San Satiro and Crusades. The chapel features a side entry onto a central nave and side aisles,
Santa Maria Della Grazie Milan, Lombardy; all focused towards a raised altar. The altar is covered by a central dome.
Tempietto di San Pietro in Montorio Rome Lazio
Andrea Palladio (1508 – 1580) became Italy’s most erudite and influential
architect due to his ability to meld features from all his predecessors into his
own personal style. His style and work philosophies are copied to the present
day and are referred to around the world. This is especially evident in the City
of Vicenza. The Villa Rotunda, Vicenza, Veneto, saw the first use of a
centralised plan in a secular building.
Bramante’s position as the leading architect in Rome was taken over by
Raphael (1483 – 1520), who’s finest architectural work is the Chigi Chapel in the
Church of Santa Maria del Popolo in Rome, Lazio. The key feature of this
church was the idealised, centralised temple originally conceived in his painting
“The Marriage of the Virgin”.
Raphael’s pupil Giulio Romano (1499 – 1546) operated in Mantua, where he
actively rejected the Renaissance ideals of perfect harmony and balance in
classical architecture thus manifesting the beginning of the Mannerist style.
This knowing departure from the rules and constraints of the classics, and
especially the Renaissance, is best exemplified in the optical gymnastics of the
Palazzo Te in Mantua, Lombardy.
Michelangelo (1475 – 1564) took up architecture in his middle age and his
approach towards architecture was a direct contrast to Alberti. He used plans
as a rough guide only, and made constant changes throughout the construction
period, thus forming a role as the master builder. Whilst none of his major
buildings was finished within his lifetime, his work demonstrated an original
8 173
The Baroque is a distinctive and recognisable style, originating in Rome as a
response to the wealth and self-confidence of the Counter Reformation
movement in the mid to late 16th Century. Baroque architecture expressed the
pomp, and played upon the mystery, of the propagated religious approach.
Architects were concerned with daring special effects, rendering visual
movement and spatial ambiguity by the use of curvaceous lines and form, tricks
of light and the overt decoration of painting and sculpture. All these special
effects combined to offer other-worldliness to the non-secular Counter
Reformation movement.
Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598 – 1680) took up architecture in mid life, having
initially trained as a sculptor. His fusion of the arts was to become one of the
cornerstones of Baroque architecture and urban planning, best seen in the
forecourt of St Peter’s Rome Lazio. This design of an oval planned double
colonnade came to symbolise the all embrace of the church and incorporated
complex plays of perspective and proportion.
• Bernini Chiesa Santa Andrea, Rome, Lazio
Forecourt, St Peters, Rome, Lazio
172 9
Francesco Borromini (1599 – 1667), who was initially Bernini’s assistant though
later his bitter and declared rival, was a most daring and inventive architect. His Valley of the Temples, Agrigento
attitude to decoration was very different to Bernini’s in his belief that architecture
was sculpture in its own right. Borromini treated entire wall surfaces plastically, ETRUSCAN
favouring the monochromatic rather than polychromatic use of colours.
The City of Akragas was founded in 581BC. The 5 temples that occupy the
Borromini showed a disregard for convention, creating stunning spatial designs valley (actually a ridge along the original town walls) to the south of the original
based on complex series of shapes, resolving equilateral triangles into ovals acropolis are;
and circles within the roof form geometrics.
• Tempio di Ercole – (Temple of Hercules) built in the 6th Century BC, the
• Borromini St Ivo and San Carlino Alle Quattro Fontane, oldest of the structures with 9 of the original columns now re-erected
Rome, Lazio • Tempio della Concordia – (Temple of Concord) from 430BC this temple has
Guarino Guarini (1624 – 1683) was a mathematician and architect, instrumental survived due to its conversion in the 6th century AD to a Christian Church
in the fusion of Gothic and Islamic styles and influenced by the work of • Tempio di Giunone – stands as the highest temple on a ridge and the
Borromini. His mathematical ability fuelled the grand manner of the classics, patches of red visible on the stone are from the sack of Arkagas in 406BC
featuring conical domes and spiralling roof forms. • Tempio di Giove – the largest Doric temple ever known, never completed
and including 8m high telamone columns bearing the temples weight; and
• Guarini Capella Della Sacra Sidone Turin, Piedmont • Tempio dei Dioscuri – originally from the 5th century BC though
reconstructed in the 19th century.
Neoclassicism •
10 171
Urban plan, Noto / Avolo Art Nouveau’s sinewy forms, in their rejection of the classics in favour of a
plastic sculptural design language, influenced European architecture at the
beginning of the 20th Century. The Art Nouveau movement gave rise to the
Futurist movement and with it Antonio Sant’ Elia (1888 – 1916) who envisaged,
Noto was flattened by an earthquake in 1693 and rebuilt in the Baroque style by albeit unrealised, the vibrant high rise metropolis of the future that would be
the noble families of the city. Mostly designed by Rosario Gagliardi and dominated by frenetic activity and mass transport systems. The only example of
Vincenzo Sinatra, the city is now a UNESCO World Heritage site. The city’s Sant’ Elia’s, and indeed the Futurist’s, work is the Monument to the Fallen in
main buildings are organised along the Corso Vittorio Emmanuelle and focused Como, Lombardy.
around Piazza Municipio. The consistent visual imagery of the city’s
The period defining Fascist architecture formed under Mussolini’s reign, when
architecture is made through the Baroque detailing and the use of the soft
he directed massive building programs across the country. New towns were
golden toned tufa stone.
designed as prototypical communities for the new empire. Chief architect of the
Adjacent is the town of Avolo, designed in 1693 by the Sicilian architect, Fra Fascist movement was Guiseppe Terragni (1904 – 1943) who founded the
Angelo Italia, also following the earthquake. Gruppo 7, comprising Italy’s seven most progressive interwar architects. This
Modelled as an opportunity to realise an ideal gridded city, Noto is planned on a group forged the language of Fascist architecture to use new materials in a
hexagonal grid with 5 squares organized in a cross, the largest in the centre and modern way, to capitalise on space and light where rational forms and lines
the others as terminal features of the arms. The symmetry is reinforced by the were cleared of the decorations and elaborations of past styles. New towns
paired rhythm of the six town churches located bilaterally to the the main axis. such as Littorio, Lazio were designed as prototypical communities for the new
After World War II, themes of memory, the relationship with history and the
search for a new identity became the central concerns for Italian architecture.
The Torre Velasca in Milan, Lombardy, by BPR architects, is an intellectual
interpretation of the disappearing medieval city and supported the theory of
continuity put forward by Bruno Zevi (1918 – 1999) and Ernesto Rogers (1909 –
In the 1960’s and 70’s, architectural theories were overshadowed by the work of
individuals. Ignazio Gardella (1905 – 1999) rejected exhibitionism in favour of
the value of materials and forms. Carlo Scarpa (1906 – 1978) was infused with
a personal poeticism of refined materials, layers and planes defining spaces.
• Scarpa Tomb Brion, Treviso, Veneto
Olivetti Showroom, Venice, Veneto
Castelvecchio, Verona, Veneto
Pier Luigi Nervi (1891 – 1979) was a structural engineer who popularised the
use of sculptural reinforced concrete. His work was true to, and explored the
plastic and elastic nature of, reinforced concrete and, as such, has proved
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Tuscany is best known for its exemplary architecture, the finest collections of seminal
artworks, distinctive countryside and some of Italy’s finest fresh food and produce. It was Teatro Greco (theatre), Syracuse
from Tuscany in the 15th and 16th centuries that the Renaissance movement originated and
spread its influence. The works of Tuscans, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Brunelleschi ETRUSCAN
and others are relevant to artists and architects throughout history and to this day. Similarly, This 5th century theatre could house 16,000 people and was carved into the
Dante, Petrach and Boccaccio set the form for the unified Italian language in their writings. natural rock of the limestone hill. It was, and still is, used for popular assemblies
Tuscany’s primary drawcards are the historic, artistic, architectural and urban splendours of and staging plays.
Florence, Siena, Pisa, Lucca and Arezzo, and the landscapes featuring seminal hill towns of Nicias said to the Athenian soldiers on the beach at Syracuse;
Montepulciano, San Gimignano, Voltera and Pienza.
“you are yourselves the town, wherever you choose to settle…
it is the men that make the city, not the walls and ships without
[Spiro Kostof : “The City Shaped” p 36]
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Il Campo, Siena
Sicily The spiritual and physical heart of the city of Siena probably laid out on the site of the Roman
Set between mainland Italy and Tunisia within the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily is forum, by the Council of Nine (men of the middle or merchant class) in the C14th and
home to a turbulent history of maritime geography and changing politics. With famously home to the twice annual ritual of the “Palio” horse race.
influences from all quarters, Sicily is a cultural fusion of centuries of varied The square is divided into 9 sectors to reflect each council. The site was chosen as it was
occupation. the intersection of the terzi or thirds of the city, still visible within the primary street patterns
Architecture of Hellenic Greece mixed with Arab craftsmanship, Norman adjacent of Bianchi di Sopra, Bianchi di Sotto and via di Citta.
austerity and Spanish Baroque, is found throughout Sicily. The council fathers noted in 1392;
Travellers over centuries like Goethe and Byron have found that “It redounds to the beauty of the city of Siena and to the satisfaction of
“to see Italy without seeing Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all!” almost all people of the same city that any edifices that are to be made anew
anywhere along the public thoroughfares proceed in line with the existent
buildings and one building shall not stand out beyond another, but they shall
be disposed and arranged equally so as to be of greatest beauty for the
At the top of the piazza is the Fonte Gaia design by Jacopo Della Quercia in the C15th and
fed by a 500 year old aquaduct.
164 17
Il Duomo, Siena
One of Italy’s seminal Gothic churches constructions was commenced in 1196 and largely
completed by 1215. The façade was completed to a design by Giovanni Pisano in 1284. The
Tempio de Cerere, Paestum façade features white, green and red polychromatic marble. Amongst the façade decoration
are numerous projecting gargoyles depicting various animals and mythical figures. Internally
ETRUSCAN the inlaid marble floor is adorned with 56 panels depicting biblical and historical events.
Paestum was founded by Greeks in the 6th century BC and originally known as Adjacent is the Libraria Piccolomini (Pope Pius II), commissioned by Pope Pius III in 1503 to
Poseidonia. The elements of the Roman town are evident, organised around house the books of the Papal order. The walls of the library are covered in vivid frescoes by
the two main streets, the Cardomanus and Decumanus, the Roman Forum and Bernadino Pinturicchio depicting the life of Piccolomini.
amphitheatre and theatre. Three temples remain, designed in the Doric and
Ionic style or orders;
• the Temple of Neptune – from 450BC and the largest of the three temples
with internal walls largely intact
• the Basilica of Hera – built in 550BC is the most complete and oldest
surviving temple and was dedicated to the goddess Hera; and
• the Temple of Ceres – built in the C6th BC
The city was also originally ringed by a Roman wall.
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Via San Biagio dei Librai / Roman Decumanus, This original Etruscan settlement was known as Velathri and was an important trading centre
with the Tuscan farming regions. Long periods of conflict with Florence commenced during
Naples the Romanesque and Renaissance periods and ended with the Medici domain triumphing in
the late 1400s.
Situated on a rocky outcrop, the medieval ramparts dominate the countryside. Four main
The current Via San Biagio dei Librai follows the ancient route of the Roman gates orient the city within the walls, all focused on the central Piazza dei Priori. The piazza
Decumanus. Running east west, the street was set out in the C6th. Of note is is surrounded by the Palazzo dei Priori, Palazzo Pretorio, and the adjacent, irregularly
that both the set out and the width of the street have been maintained over the shaped Piazza San Giovanni featuring the C12th cathedral and the C13th baptistery.
ensuing centuries. What exists now is one of the primary streets of the city
The Teatro Romano and adjacent Roman sites are located on the edge of the town. Much of
including palazzo, churches and a continual marketplace along its busy
the theatre is still intact, enabling a full conception of the space.
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Baptistry, Florence
Basilica di Santa Chiara, Naples At its origins, one of the oldest buildings in Florence, dating from the C6th and dedicated to
St John the Baptist.
The octagonal plan form is decorated with green and white marble facades and is famed for
Built in 1328 in the Provencal Gothic style, the church and adjacent convent its three sets of bronze doors, designed by Lorenzo Ghiberti and Pisano. The bas reliefs
incorporate an original Roman wall. The site is located on the Roman depict scenes from the Old Testament. The mosaic interiors date from the C13th.
Decumanus, the current Via San Biagio dei Librai, and immediately adjacent the
Piazza del Gesu Nuovo.
The church takes a basilica form though is unique in that the aisles straddle the
interior and exterior of the nave form. These aisles are at times connected or
separated as chapels, providing focus and structural stability to the higher
basilica form. The church was heavily bombed during World War II and has
since undergone roof reconstruction.
Adjacent the church are cloisters associated with the convent, noted for their
decorative mosaics.
158 23
Campanile, Florence
Located adjacent the Duomo and designed by Giotto in 1334, though completed after his
Castel dell’Ovo, Naples
death by Andrea Pisano and Francesco Talenti.
The lower façade is studded with bas relief’s sculptures by Pisano depicting the Creation of
Man and the Arts and Industries. This fortress was built in the C12th by the Normans to defend the maritime
coastline of Naples. The name is based on the whimsical notion that it was built
The campanile creates a spatial counterpoint both to Il Duomo and within the space of the over an egg placed here by Virgil in Roman times, believing that if the egg
Piazza del Duomo. breaks Naples will fall. The castle is noteworthy as it stands as a seaside
fortification against potential intrusion. As is typical, the form is built out of the
organic seabed base, using local stones, thus forming a homogenous earthen
24 157
Campania The palazzo was designed by Arnolfo di Cambio in 1299 as the central seat of Signoria, the
highest level of Florentine government in existence at the time. I eventually became the
The primary region of Italy’s south, Campania is a mix of dramatic coast and palace of Cosimo Medici in the C16th.
remote mountain wilderness. All of this is focussed around the “Mezzogiorno”
metropolis of Naples in the shadows of Mount Vesuvius. Medici commissioned Vasari to later reorganize the interior into a series of uniquely
conceived rooms. The central internal courtyard is designed by Michelozzo.
Etruscan relics are to be found at Paestum though Roman life is encapsulated
at Pompeii and Herculaneum following Vesuvius’ eruption in AD79. It is crowned by the Torre d’Arnolfo, a primary vertical landmark of the city of Renaissance
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The conception of the building is that of an extension of sculpture. The façades of the interior One of Rome’s four patriarchal basilicas and is one of the seven churches of
are all mathematically composed around geometrics of the square and circle. The complete pilgrimage within Rome. It was built on the Esquiline Hill in the 5th century. The
composition is focused on highlighting the various sculptures and the sculptural quality of the main façade is an C18th addition (by Ferdinando Fuga 1741-43), the interior
space. baroque and the bell tower Romanesque. Despite this mixture, the basilican
form of a spacious interior, a nave and two aisles remains intact, somewhat
uniquely as testament to its type and a place of worship. The designs of the
nave columns are based in Vitruvian classical mathematical principles as are
the nave proportions.
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The façade comprises 5 storeys, each diminishing in height as they ascend, with the upper Located along the Piazzale Petriano within the Vatican City and designed by
storey being an open loggia format. This reduction in ascending height has the effect of an Pier Luigi Nervi between 1964 and 1971. The hall has a capacity of 15,000
exaggerated perspective, increasing the palazzo’s apparent height. The interior is focussed people and is a unique blend of acoustics, participator vision and structural
around a central courtyard. efficiency. The trapezoidal plan unites with the innovative use of an exposed
reinforced concrete structure to create a contemporary design within the largely
historical Vatican City context.
32 149
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Located on the Piazza San Lorenzo, the design is based on a mathematically derived, large Mussolini ordered the construction of this satellite city for an international
Latin cross and planned around a square nave crossing supported by a smaller square choir exhibition to be held in 1942. The site contains a focus of Fascist architecture of
and smaller square chapels. The two bronze pulpits are designed by Donatello. the time. The overall layout was won via a design competition jointly by Quaroni,
Muratori, Fariello and Moretti, who merged to develop their ideas. The outbreak
of war saw that the competition plans were not realised. Key sites include;
• Palazzo della Civilta Italiana designed by Ernesto La Padula, Giovanni
Guerini and Mario Romano, the spiritual focus of the site on the western
end of the main axis
• Palazzo dei Ricevimenti e dei Congressi designed by Adalberto Libera
between 1937-54. Regarded as one of the seminal buildings of the Modern
era on the eastern end of the main axis.
• Palazzo dell’Ina e dell’Infp.s designed by Giovanni Muzio, Mario Paniconi
and Guilio Pediconi between 1939-1943; and the
• Piazza Imperiale designed in the masterplan as the focus of the site.
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The façade design is based on (alternating) mathematical rhythms and features a base of Considered to be one of Bernini’s career masterpieces the church is focused on
Tuscan pilasters. The piano nobile is a rich Corinthian style completed by the lighter an elliptical plan compressed upon entry with a series of surrounding chapels.
Corinthian top floor. The façade composition is unfinished as can be made out on the The plan is intended to move the occupant around the spatial experience at all
incomplete right end of the building. times, thus blurring the conception of Christ as the central focus. The street
façade is given theatrical width by the use of the entry forecourt design.
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The interior contains the tombs of Michelangelo, Machiavelli and Galileo. Named after the nearby Spanish embassy, the staircase was built in 1725 and
leads from the Piazza di Spagna up to the French church Trinita dei Monti. At
the base of the steps is the sculpture Barcaccia by Pietro Bernini. The site
serves as one of Rome’s most popular outdoor rooms, a renowned and legible
meeting and dwelling place.
42 139
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Aspects of Pisan Romanesque include blind arcading, extensive sculptural decoration and Located in suburban Rome and designed by American architect Richard Meier
the stepped arcade on the gable front as well as the use of polychromatic local stonework. to coincide with Jubilee 2000. In the architect’s words, “the circle is used to
The interior is typically Romanesque based on square plan formats and semicircular arches. represent perfection, the dome of the heavens. The square represents the
earth, the floor elements and the rational intellect”.
Both the plan and section are driven by a combination of circular, spherical and
rectilinear elements. The spherical solid shells shield the sun out of the church.
The uniform white exterior façade panel colouring contrasts with the rich light
coloured timbers of the interior.
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Il Duomo, Milan
The Cathedral was commissioned in 1386 by Gian Galeazzo Visconti and
stands as a highlight of the Italian late Gothic style and a symbol of Gothic
architecture in Milan and Italy.
The structural system of lateral flying buttresses supports a central spine 108m
above the Piazza del Duomo. The plan is based on the Latin cross with the
nave split into rectangular lateral bays. Each side features two aisles, both
composed on a square plan format.
Hill town urban, Orvieto Santa Maria Presso San Satiro, Milan
Dominating the town is the Cathedral on Piazza del Duomo. Commenced in Bramante’s earliest known building designed in the 1480’s is noted for two
1290 by Pope Urban IV, and originally conceived in the Romanesque style, the features.
design evolved into a Gothic form, primarily endowed within the façade. The first is the east end, which is constructed as a perspective illusion showing
Other sites in Orvieto include; Bramante’s deep influences as a painter under the guidance of Piero Della
• C12th Torre del Moro Francesca. The design positions architectural space as a series of planes and
• The C12th Romanesque Chiesa di Sant’ Andrea, located in the heart of voids, like those found within a painting, rather than a series of three
Orvieto on Piazza della Republica, once the Roman forum dimensional solids as found in sculpture.
• Palazzo del Popolo located on Piazza del Popolo designed in the C12th in a The second is Bramante’s adaptation of the Greek cross plan in the baptistery,
mixed Romanesque Gothic style thus blending early Christian with Florentine Renaissance architectural logic,
• La Rocca designed in the C14th as a fortress at the eastern edge of the seen as a precursor to many Italian churches of the C16th and C17th including
town. St Peters in Rome.
The town is typical in that it is focused around both a secular and non-secular
public place and adjoining supportive buildings.
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The Veneto is a region largely focussed on the unique city of Venice, though it is
also known for the history of Verona, the architecture of Palladio in Vicenza, the
Dolomites to the north and for its rice and corn based polenta cuisine.
110 71
72 109
The Roman era was a period of development and adaptation from the Greek
and Etruscan ages. This period of greatest development and ingenuity may be
contained between the 3rd Century BC and the 3rd Century. As with most art
forms, a preference was developed for order and function over beauty and
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Palazzo Porto Breganze, Vicenza Canal Grande / Piazza San Antonio Nuovo, Trieste
Located within central Vicenza on Piazza Castello and designed by Palladio in Canal Grande and the adjacent Piazza San Antonio Nuovo were designed by
1571. It was built by Scamozzi and is also known as the Casa del Diarolo. This Austrian urban planners in the C18th at the behest of Empress Maria Theresa.
is a later palace within Palladio’s career and again features the Giant Order The long canal runs east to west focused on the Neoclassical Chiesa di Sant’
popularised by Michelangelo. The façade also carries a number of richly Antonio Taumaturgo and empties into the Gulf of Trieste. Along its boat filled
decorated Mannerist design features. waterway and facing Piazza San Antonio Nuovo is the Serbian Orthodox Chiesa
di Santa Spiridione.
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Chiesa Santa Maria de’ Miracoli, Venice Seaside village, Burano, Venice
Santa Maria de’ Miracoli was designed by Mauro Caducci for the Lombardi Though famous for its lace industry, the village was originally a fishing port. The
family in the latter part of the C15th. It is located in the San Marco region of built form attractions are streets lined with bright, pastel coloured houses. The
Venice, north of St Mark’s Square. It is noteworthy due to its influences taken variety of colours on the small scaled buildings, combined with the maritime
from Basilica di San Marco, a common trend in the Veneto for some time after elements, all set within the Venetian lagoon, makes Burano a unique built form
its completion. experience.
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Chiesa di Santa Maria della Salute, Venice Chiesa di San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice
Located on Dorsoduro, and dominating the entrance to the Grand Canal Located on the Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, this Palladian design was built
opposite the San Marco area. The church was built in the late C16th and between 1565 and 1580. The austere interior is a contrast to the bold external
designed by Baldassare Longhena to an octagonal plan. façade and its presence on the Venetian skyline.
The façade design is aimed at resolving the desire for a classical image within a
basilican building form. In this resolution, Palladio chose to interlock two
separate temple fronts onto the façade. The nave is treated as a high narrow
temple within four large columns on bases supporting a pediment. Behind these
columns, and subservient to the primary forms, runs a lower wider temple form
the full width of the basilica.
The overall composition, when viewed from a distance across the canal, builds
logically towards the central dome. One of the key aspects of the interior is the
introduction of an open screen through which the monastic choir may be seen
from the nave. This particular aspect produces unique acoustic effects. The
church is one of the key notes of Palladio’s career and the Renaissance period.
90 91