Company intended to make any alteration in the Article of Association (AOA), will have
to comply with the provisions of Section- 14 of Companies Act, 2013, applicable rules and
the conditions contained in its memorandum.
A company can alter its articles in any of the following manners:
i. by adoption of new articles;
ii. by addition of a new set of articles;
iii. by deletion of an article;
iv. by amendment of an article; or
v. by substitution of an article.
Every change made in the articles of a company need to be noted in each and every copy
of the memorandum or articles of the company.
5. Make necessary changes in each and every copy of the articles of association of the
Company may alter its MOA by way of alteration in above clause of Memorandum of
company may change its name by special resolution and with the approval of the Central
Government. The power of the Central Government under Section 13(2) has been
delegated to Registrar of Companies. However, the addition or deletion of the word
“Private” in the of the company, consequent upon conversion of any one class of
Companies to another class, no such approval of Central Government is required.
ii. File form RUN with ROC for approval of name along with copy of Board
Resolution and along with Government fees of RS. 1000. once the name get
approved valid for 20 days from the date of approval.
iii. Notice of EGM shall be given at least 21 days before the actual date of EGM All
the Directors, Members and Auditors of Company
iv. Hold General Meetings and pass special resolution for Approval of Alteration in
v. File Form MGT-14 with the Registrar along with the requisite fees within 30 days
from the date of passing the special resolution, along with following documents:
certified copy of the special resolution and the explanatory statement annexed
to the notice
Copy of the Notice of meeting along with all the annexure
copy of the Proposed Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association
of the company.
vi. After filing form MGT-14, company shall file Form INC – 24 with ROC within
30 days of passing of Special Resolution, along with following documents
Altered in MOA & AOA.
Minutes of General Meeting
Certified True Copy of Special Resolution
Notice along with Explanatory Statements
The e-Form INC-24 is digitally signed either by the Director/ Manager/Company
Secretary/CEO/CFO of the company. The form will be processed by Registrar of
Companies in non-STP mode.
vii. After completing all Procedure Registrar will issue a New Certificate of
Incorporation (COI)
i. The company has to ensure that articles of association empower to increase its
authorised share capital. If there is no such provision, then the company has to
amend for its articles of association.
ii. Hold Board Meetings after giving notice to all the directors of company at least 7
days before the date of Board Meeting and pass Board Resolution for altering the
Capital Clause.
iii. Issue notice of the general meeting to all members, directors and the auditors of the
iv. Hold the general meeting and pass special resolution for altering share capital of the
v. File Form MGT-14 with the Registrar along with the requisite fees within 30 days
from the date of passing the special resolution along with certified copy of special
resolution and altered of MOA.
vi. After filing form MGT-14, company shall file Form SH-7 with ROC within 30 days
of passing of Special Resolution, along with following documents:
Copy of the resolution for alteration of capital
Copy of order of Central Government
Altered memorandum of association
Altered articles of association
vii. Make changes in the capital clause in all the copies of the memorandum and articles
of association of the company.
No, subscription clause of MOA cannot be changed. Names of subscribers to the MOA
cannot be changed because they were promoters of the company.
Q. What is meaning of the doctrine of ultra vires?
The word Ultra Vires means “beyond the powers of”. The MOA of the company defines
the object for which the company is established. An act of the company cannot be beyond
the object clause else it will be ultra vires. It cannot be resolved even if the shareholders
pass a special resolution with the majority of the votes.
Q. What is different between MOA and AOA?
MOA describes the powers and objects of the Company and relationship with the outside
world, whereas, AOA defines the rules and regulations of the company and the duties,
powers, rights and liabilities of persons associated with the organisation.
Q. When alteration of MOA and AOA required?
Alteration in MOA and AOA of the is required only when their clauses are being changed.
Company can alter its AOA and MOA by way of addition, deletion, modification,
substitution of clause.
Q. Which are the main clauses of Memorandum of Association?
The memorandum of association contains a name clause, registered office clause, objects
clause, liability clause, capital clause and subscription clause.