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RSNA, 2018 Online supplemental material is available for this article.
neurysmal subarachnoid hem- been evaluated for various body parts [mean age, 58.2 years]; significant sex
orrhage is a relevant cause of including brain imaging (12,13). Despite differences [P = .048]). For additional
mortality and morbidity (1). Half the high radiation dose, cerebral VP CT characteristics, see the Table.
of the patients who survive the initial received little attention. Few technical Thirty-seven patients suspected of
phase suffer from persistent neurologic studies showed that reduced dose VP CT having severe angiographic vasospasm
deficits (1–3), mainly caused by delayed with low tube-current time product might underwent DSA within 6 hours after VP
cerebral ischemia, which is strongly yield sufficient image quality for the diag- CT, forming a subgroup (see Standards
associated with cerebral vasospasm. nosis of acute stroke (13–16). However, for Reporting of Diagnostic Accuracy
Early aggressive management leads to perfusion impairment in patients with flowchart; Fig 1).
improved functional outcome (1). Ce- cerebral vasospasm is often more subtle,
rebral vasospasm usually manifests as detectability might be compromised at Data Acquisition
a new neurologic deficit or decrease in lower dose levels (17). Dedicated evalu- Noncontrast CT and VP CT imaging was
consciousness (1,3,4). Patients with an- ation of diagnostic accuracy is crucial be- performed on a 40-section CT imager
eurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage are fore clinical application. We hypothesize (Somatom AS; Siemens Healthineers,
under intensive neurologic surveillance, that low-dose VP CT yields similar results Erlangen, Germany). Noncontrast CT
oftentimes requiring sedation, poten- to original VP CT with high diagnostic was performed by using a sequential
tially delaying detection, and resulting confidence and high diagnostic accuracy scan (tube current–time product, 385
in poor functional outcome (5). for the detection of cerebral perfusion mAs, fixed; tube voltage, 120 kVp; vol-
Device-related monitoring methods impairment. In this study, we aimed to ume CT dose index, 64.1 mGy).
include transcranial Doppler, digital sub- evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of low- VP CT images were acquired with a
traction angiography (DSA) and volume dose VP CT compared with original VP 40-mL intravenous contrast bolus injec-
perfusion (VP) computed tomography CT regarding the detection of cerebral tion at a flow rate of 5.0 mL/sec followed
(CT) (1). Vasospasm occurs at multiple perfusion impairment after aneurysmal by a saline flush (84.0-mm scan length;
levels, affecting large arteries and small subarachnoid hemorrhage. tube current–time product, 180 mAs;
arterioles (6). Macroscopic vasospasm, tube voltage, 80 kVp; acquisition dura-
appearing as large artery narrowing at tion, 45 seconds; temporal resolution,
DSA or increased blood velocity at tran- Materials and Methods 1.5 seconds; section thickness, 10.0
scranial Doppler, represents only 50% The local institutional ethics committee mm; volume CT dose index, 301.2 mGy;
in delayed cerebral ischemia (1,6). Mi- approved this retrospective study and dose-length product, 2702 mGy ∙ cm).
crovascular vasospasm at the arterio- waived informed patient consent. Three- or four-vessel DSA exam-
lar level is more relevant for prediction inations were performed by using a
of delayed cerebral ischemia (1,3,6). Patient Characteristics biplane flat-panel angiography system
Therefore, regional perfusion impair- Between January 2012 and December (Artis Zee; Siemens Healthineers).
ment as observed at VP CT seems to be 2014, we identified 111 consecutive pa-
more accurate for the detection of rele- tients who underwent any brain imaging
vant perfusion impairment and delayed (ie, noncontrast agent–enhanced CT, VP
cerebral ischemia (1). CT, or DSA) in the context of vasospasm. https://doi.org/10.1148/radiol.2017162707
VP CT is acquired with continuous Patients suspected of having vasospasm Content code:
gantry rotation during intravenous injec- at our institution usually undergo non-
Radiology 2018; 287:643–650
tion of iodinated contrast material with contrast CT and VP CT. If substantial
an acquisition duration of around 45 sec- vasospasm (relevant for therapy) were Abbreviations:
onds (7,8), causing high radiation doses suspected, patients would undergo addi- DSA = digital subtraction angiography
(9,10). The U.S. Food and Drug Admin- tional DSA. All 111 patients underwent at VP = volume perfusion
istration raised concerns and called for least noncontrast CT for suspected vaso- Author contributions:
alternative reduced-dose protocols (10), spasm and 87 patients underwent both Guarantors of integrity of entire study, S.A., A.E.O.;
making dose reduction a central subject noncontrast CT and VP CT. The remain- study concepts/study design or data acquisition or data
of radiologic research (11). Because of ing 24 patients who did not undergo VP analysis/interpretation, all authors; manuscript drafting or
manuscript revision for important intellectual content, all
young age and multiple imaging examina- CT were either already undergoing max-
authors; approval of final version of submitted manuscript,
tions, cumulative radiation risk is high for imal vasospasm therapy or had specific all authors; agrees to ensure any questions related to the
patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid contraindications for VP CT. work are appropriately resolved, all authors; literature
hemorrhage at risk of perfusion impair- Of the 87 patients with available VP research, S.A., C.B., O.N., M.M., K.T., M.A.B., J.H.K., A.E.O.;
ment and delayed cerebral ischemia (1). CT, patients with severe motion artifacts clinical studies, S.A., C.B., M.W., A.E.O.; experimental
Acquisition (improved detector technol- were excluded (n = 2), resulting in a final studies, J.H.K., A.E.O.; statistical analysis, S.A., M.A.B.,
A.E.O.; and manuscript editing, S.A., C.B., O.N., M.M., K.T.,
ogies, low tube voltage, low tube current sample size of 85 patients (mean age,
M.A.B., K.N., M.W., A.E.O.
imaging) and image reconstruction tech- 59.6 years; age range, 34–86 years; 23
niques (iterative reconstruction) have men [mean age, 63.5 years]; 62 women Conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.
Figure 2
Figure 2: Original and low-dose vascular perfusion ( VP) CT ( VPCT ) maps in a 76-year-old male patient with cerebral vasospasm 6 days after aneurysmal sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage originating from a basilar artery aneurysm. Areas of hypoperfusion in both hemispheres indicating cerebral vasospasm can be identified on
both original and low-dose VP CT images. CBV = cerebral blood volume; CBF = cerebral blood flow; MT T = mean transit time; T TD = time to drain.
(P , .001) and substantial interrater in whom infarcts were detected on non- No significant differences regarding
agreement (k 0.771). Diagnostic contrast CT images (distribution: one presence and severity of perfusion im-
confidence of both data sets was rated territory in 12 patients, two territories pairment were detected between origi-
as excellent by both readers (original: in one patient, and four territories in nal and low-dose data sets (Z = 20.447;
median score, 5 [range, 4–5]; low-dose: one patient). These territories were ex- P = .655). Interreader agreement was al-
median score, 5 [range, 4–5]) without cluded from further analyses. most perfect for both original (k = 0.971;
significant differences between both After exclusion of the correspond- bias-corrected 95% confidence interval:
data sets (P = .083). The interreader ing territories, 492 territories on VP 0.942, 0.994) and low-dose data sets (k
agreement regarding diagnostic confi- CT images were included. On origi- = 0.983; bias-corrected 95% confidence
dence was substantial (k 0.799). nal VP CT data sets, 101 territories interval: 0.961, 1.00).
(20.5%) showed perfusion abnor-
Prevalence and Detectability of malities that indicated cerebral va- Subgroup Analyses
Vasospasm sospasm. Low-dose data sets helped In the patient-based subgroup analysis
Patient-based analysis.—Of the 85 pa- to identify 100 of the 101 positive of the 37 patients in whom DSA was
tients, 41 patients (48.2%) were negative territories correctly and yielded one available within 6 hours, low-dose VP
for vasospasm at both original VP CT and false-negative territory (ie, negative CT data sets were 100% concordant
angiography. In 14 patients, infarcts were for perfusion impairment on low-dose to original VP CT data sets and to
detected on noncontrast CT images. perfusion maps). Among the 391 neg- DSA regarding the prevalence of vaso-
No discordant findings were ob- ative territories, low-dose data sets spasm in cases without false-positive
served between the low-dose VP CT revealed 389 true-negative and two or false-negative findings (Appendix E1
data sets (100% agreement). Image false-positive findings. This resulted in [online]).
examples are given in Figures 2 and 3. high diagnostic accuracy with a sen- Both original and low-dose perfu-
Segment-based analysis.—The seg- sitivity of 99.0% (adjusted 95% con- sion data showed significant levels of
ment-based analysis of noncontrast CT fidence interval: 97.1%, 100%) and correlations with DSA regarding pres-
data sets showed 18 territories with a specificity of 99.5% (adjusted 95% ence and severity of vasospasm (orig-
demarcated infarcts in the 14 patients confidence interval: 98.8%, 100%). inal: r = 0.671 [bias-corrected 95%
Figure 3
Figure 3: Original and low-dose vascular perfusion ( VP) CT ( VPCT ) maps in a 67-year-old female patient clinically suspected of having cerebral vasospasm 5
days after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage originating from a basilar artery aneurysm. Original and low-dose VP CT images showing normal perfusion of both
hemispheres were negative for vasospasm. CBV = cerebral blood volume; CBF = cerebral blood flow; MT T = mean transit time; T TD = time to drain.
confidence interval: 0.607, 0.725], P A weak but significant negative cor- low-dose VP CT images had similar
, .001; low dose: r = 0.667 [bias-cor- relation between lesion size and the rel- correlation levels with DSA findings.
rected 95% confidence interval: 0.607, ative measurement error was detected Furthermore, the quantitative vol-
0.723], P , .001) without significant (r = 20.366; P , .001). umetric analysis of the low-dose VP
differences between the two correlation CT images showed a high accuracy
coefficients (z = 0.12; P = .905). with low measurement errors and a
Discussion strong correlation with the original
Quantitative Analyses of Perfusion Maps We evaluated the diagnostic accuracy VP CT images. The weak but signif-
The mean affected volume was 56.9 of low-dose VP CT for assessment icant negative correlation between
cm3 6 38.5 (standard deviation) at of patients with subarachnoid hem- lesion size and the relative measure-
original VP CT and 54.4 cm3 6 37.6 orrhage who are at risk for cerebral ment error, however, could indicate
at low-dose CT with small measure- vasospasm and delayed cerebral is- an association of lesion size and mea-
ment errors between the two dose chemia. We found that image qual- surement accuracy, specifically that
levels (measurement error, 2.8 cm3 ity and diagnostic confidence of low- measurement accuracy in low-dose
6 2.7 [range, 0.1–11.6 cm3; median, dose VP CT images were sufficient VP CT might be impaired in smaller
1.8 cm3]; relative measurement er- in all cases. When compared with lesions. Nonetheless, the findings in-
ror, 5.9% 6 5.1 [range, 0.2%–25.0%; original perfusion data sets (defined dicate that low-dose CT is comparable
median, 4.0%). The interreader as the reference standard), low-dose to original-dose VP CT for assessment
agreement was almost perfect for both VP CT images helped to classify the of cerebral vasospasm in the included
original and low-dose data sets (intra- patients regarding positive and nega- cohort.
class correlation coefficient, 0.995; P tive findings correctly in all cases. The We hypothesize that our findings
, .001). Original and low-dose perfu- segment-based diagnostic accuracy are caused by a relative insensitivity
sion data sets showed strong correla- was also high for low-dose data sets of perfusion images to the added im-
tion regarding affected volumes (r = without significant differences com- age noise. A recent study (14) on dose
0.955; bias-corrected 95% confidence pared with original data sets. In the dependence of quantitative VP CT pa-
interval: 0.935, 0.972; P , .001). subgroup analysis, both original and rameters showed that a radiation dose
reduction down to half of the original with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemor- tations. Other relationships: disclosed no rele-
vant relationships. A.E.O. disclosed no relevant
dose does not have relevant effects on rhage. Our findings indicate a high diag-
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