Research Bshm-3-E
Research Bshm-3-E
Research Bshm-3-E
Garcia, Shane B.
Pinero, Samantha.
Roman, Lance Darelle.
Vicente, Mary Angeline E.
Ensaymada is a soft, sweet dough pastry created in the Philippines that is generally
topped with a lot of grated cheese. But, this ensaymada had a salted egg on top. It was made
from taro and had papaya flavoring. Although it was adapted from the Spanish Ensaymada, it has
changed over time to become what many Filipinos now adore. This bread is well-known
These breads and pastries from the Philippines are very much well-liked by their equally
self-effacing Filipino or Pinoy makers, who take delight in the thought that their baked creations
care for their bodies and somehow lift their spirits. In fact, any true-blue Pinoy should be able to
recall a morning of eating hot pandesal with his or her family, an afternoon of eating siopao with
friends, or the surprise of opening his or her lunch box at school and seeing a large, puffy,
creamy ensaymada. In the Philippines, breads and pastries are not just for eating. They are a
Filipino loves bread as a go-to breakfast, bakeries also known as panaderia can be seen
on almost every street corner nowadays, most of them are open 24/7 some opens before the crack
of dawn and later into the night and bread is baked fresh daily, bread is also a good afternoon
snack. Bread consumed regularly by the rich and the poor, it is affordable and budget friendly
Taro originates from humid tropical rainforest regions of Southeast Asia including India.
Different researchers conclude that it is not possible to determine a single centre of origin for
taro (Lebot, 1999). Evidence from the highlands of Papua New Guinea, indicates that taro
processing was active by at least 10, 000 years, while Alocasia and Colocasia starch residues
have been found on stone implements from Buka, Solomon Islands that date back some 28000
years ago (Loy et al., 1998). The nutritional value is the main concern when a crop is being
considered as a food source. Due to the emphasis placed on the nutritional value of food by
consumers, a great need exists for information on the nutritional contents of root crops (Huang,
et al., 2007).
The high starch content of most root crops is considered as an excellent energy source,
but they are marginal to poor sources of protein. Root crops contain a wide variety of minerals
and trace elements, including relatively substantial quantities of iron and calcium, as well as
potassium and magnesium. Root crops are usually a good source of vitamins, e.g., yellow
cultivars of the sweet potato or giant swamp taro are considered to provide ample b-carotene
Input: Output:
A. Ingredients 1. Prepare the taro,papaya
Taro and other ingredients. Gabi Ensaymada With
Papaya Feeling
Papaya 2. Mix all together.
The study aims to innovate a “ Gabi Enseymada with Papaya Feeling “ specifically, it sought the
1. What do you think of the taste of Ensaymada that mae with gabi with papaya feeling?
2. What are the total expenses and product costs per piece?
delight, a delectable snack with nutritious value they need to improve their health.
.Working Students. Due to its affordabale price and delectable flavor, this product will
aid working students who are in need of additional revenue by attracting customers who are
The Researchers. The researchers will benefit by gaining more knowledge and strategy
Future Researchers. The study's results can be consulted by future researchers who wish
to use taro and papaya to create new or improved dishes, desserts, or other mouthwatering food
The goal of the study was to create a new, mouthwatering pastry that is tasty, affordable,
and attractive. viewpoint of certain business-minded individuals and bakers in Pampangas. Ages
15 to 50 will be the respondents for the study, which the researchers will perform utilizing taste
1 cup milk, ⅓ cup sugar, 1 active dry yeast , 3 ½ cup all purpose flour, 3 egg yolks, ¼ tablespoon
salt, ¼ cup butter - softened to room temperature- for brushing. 1 papaya, taro.