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Module 1 (Third Quarter) S.Y. 2020-2021
Grade 11 students
This module is all about Reading and Thinking Strategies across Text Types. As a student, you will be asked
to read and write different types of academic texts—and you need to work hard and work smart to succeed in the tasks
given to you. This module will teach you the different strategies and techniques in reading and writing to help you with
your tasks.
At the end of this lesson, the learners are expected to;
a. Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines.
a) Paragraph Development - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3
b) Narration - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.1
c) Description - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.2
d) Definition - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.3
e) Classification - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.4
f) Comparison & Contrast - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.5
g) Cause & Effect - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.6
h) Problem-Solution - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.7
i) Persuasion - EN11/12RWS-IIIbf-3.8
Reading and Writing - Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode 2020
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Reading and Thinking Strategies across Text Types
First Edition, 2020
A. Directions: Before heading on to our lesson, let us first check what you already know. Read the statements carefully,
and determine what is being referred to, then write your answers on the blanks provided before each number.
___________1.It is a method of writing a paragraph by drawing pictures with words.
___________2.This method of paragraph development involves similarities and differences between two things.
___________3.This gives a written account of an event or story.
___________4.This is a collection of related sentences with one central idea.
___________5.This pattern of development classifies or divides people, places, things or ideas into categories.
B. Can you define what a paragraph is? Try filling up this graphic organizer, with your ideas of what a paragraph is.
1 4.__________________
3. ______________________ 6. _____________________
Module 1 (Third Quarter) S.Y. 2020-2021
One of the most important elements in writing is the form or structure. It is worth noting that without a solid
structure in place, the content you have gathered would fall apart. After constructing an outline and writing your first
draft, it is time to get on to paragraph writing.
An effective paragraph shows the unity of the sentences used in developing the main idea. A paragraph is made
up of the topic sentence which contains the main idea, the supporting details and the conclusion or the clinching
sentence at the end.
Topic sentence – it reveals the main or central idea of the paragraph. It does not necessarily have to be placed at
the beginning of the paragraph. It may be found in the middle of the first and the last sentence or at the end. If it is
found at the end of the paragraph, it may be used as a clinching or concluding sentence.
Supporting details – they give the paragraph life as it elaborates on the scope given by the topic sentence.
Clinching sentence – it closes your paragraph. According to Dagdag (2010), this “may be a restatement of the
topic sentence, a summary, or a conclusion based on the supporting details.”
My First Day
My first day of college was a disaster. First, I went to the wrong classroom for math. I was sitting in the class,
surrounded by people taking notes and paying attention to how to do equations, which would have been okay if I was
supposed to be in an algebra class. In reality, I was supposed to be in geometry, and when I discovered my error, I had
already missed the first twenty minutes of a one-hour class. When I got to the correct class, all twenty-five students
turned and looked at me as the teacher said, “You’re late.” That would have been bad enough, but in my next class my
history teacher spoke so fast I could not follow most of what he said. The only thing I did hear was that we were
having a quiz tomorrow over today’s lecture. My day seemed to be going better during botany class, that is, until we
visited the lab. I had a sneezing fit because of one of the plants in the lab and had to leave the room. When I finally
finished my classes for the day, I discovered I had locked my keys in the car and to wait for my brother to bring
another set. My first day of school was so bad that I know the rest will have to be better.
In the above paragraph, the topic sentence appears in bold sentence and the clinching sentence in italics. Notice
how the sentences in between support and develop the topic sentence by giving specific examples and supporting
details. These examples are the writer’s “proof” of his bad first day of school.
ACTIVITY 1: Read the paragraph below and identify the topic sentence, supporting details and clinching sentence.
Write your answer on the blank provided below each paragraph.
1. Oceans and lakes have much in common, but they are also quite different. Both are bodies of water, but oceans are
very large bodies of salt water, while lakes are much smaller bodies of fresh water. Lakes are usually surrounded by
land, while oceans are what surround continents. Both have plants and animals living in them. The ocean is home to
the largest animals on the planet, whereas lakes support much smaller forms of life. When it is time for a vacation,
both will make a great place to visit and enjoy. I want to swim in the lake.
2. There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an excellent health
care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada has a high standard of
Module 1 (Third Quarter) S.Y. 2020-2021
education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and are encouraged to continue studying at university. Finally,
Canada’s cities are clean and efficiently managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live.
As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live.
3. Climate change is an issue that concerns many people in our society. This concern has made people more
environmentally conscious, and more and more people are making simple changes to their lifestyles that will help reduce
their demands on the environment. Unfortunately, stopping after making a few small changes will not be enough. The
good news is that continuously adding new and greener habits to our daily lives will not only save the environment, it will
also save us money.
Module 1 (Third Quarter) S.Y. 2020-2021
ACTIVITY 2: Read the story and answer the comprehension questions that follow.
One day a father and his rich family took his young son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose to show him how
poor people can be. They spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor family. When they got back from their trip the
father asked his son, “How was the trip?” The boy replied, “The boy replied, “Very good Dad!” The father continued,
“Did you see how poor people can be?” The boy just said, “Yeah!” The father asked again , “And what did you learn?”
The boy answered, “I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of
the garden; they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lamps in the garden, they have the stars; they have the
stars; our patio reaches to the front yard, they have a whole horizon. When the little boy was finishing, his father was
speechless. The son added, “Thanks, Dad, for showing me how poor we are!”
1. Who is the main character of the story?
A. Father and son C. Sister
B. Brother D. Grandmother
Module 1 (Third Quarter) S.Y. 2020-2021
A. Imagine yourself somewhere in the forest. You cannot find your way to get back home. Write a short paragraph
describing your sensations. You may use the word bank list to help you express your sensations.
B. Meljoy wants to know the exact parts of the microscope, what actions she will do in order to evaluate the parts of the
microscope correctly?
Module 1 (Third Quarter) S.Y. 2020-2021
ACTIVITY 4: Try to develop a paragraph by using the definition method (FORMAL or INFORMAL). Choose your
topic from the words listed below. Define the term and expand it by description or giving examples.
1. Education
2. Senior High School
3. Family
4. COVID-19
5. Student
Transitional Expressions
ACTIVITY 5: Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
Types of Friends
Friends can be classified according to their honesty , loyalty , the type that fits you into their schedule , or
the type that finds time for you when they need something. An honest friend tells you the truth even if it’s
not always what you want to hear. In the long run , that honest friend may have saved you from
embarrassment or possibly rejection. They give you constructive criticisms overall. The loyal friend is the type of
friend that will be there for you through thick and thin. They don’t care how good or bad you may look one
day; they are sensitive to your feelings , they respect you and the other people in your life, and most of all
they will never let you down when times are hard. They may be what you call a best friend. The third group,
the person that fits you into their schedule , is the type of person that is always on the go. They barely have
time for themselves let alone another person. More than likely they will not be there for you when you need
them most, because they are so wrapped up in their busy , hectic life. Then you have the self-absorbent type of
friend that finds time for you only when they need something. This type of person isn’t what you would call a
friend. This person may always be extremely nice to you because they know that from being nice they will more
than likely get what they want. They will call you every once in a while when it is almost time for them to use
Module 1 (Third Quarter) S.Y. 2020-2021
that person again. It may be for a ride to work, home or they just want somebody to hangout with because
they have no other friends. If the person that is being used is smart they will eventually realize that they are
getting used and will stop being there for that person. ( Amy Neil, 2005)
Comprehension Questions:
1. Subject – by - Subject Method. You present all of the facts and supporting details about one topic , and
then you give all the facts and supporting details about the other topic.
2. Point – by - Point Arrangement. You discuss each point for both subjects before giving on the next point
ACTIVITY 6: Write sentences by comparing and contrasting (Subject – by - Subject Method & Point – by - Point
Arrangement) the given pictures below.
1. Classroom Laboratory
Module 1 (Third Quarter) S.Y. 2020-2021
Similarities: ____________________________________________________
Differences: ____________________________________________________
2. Computer Calculator
Similarities: ____________________________________________________
Differences: ____________________________________________________
Cause and Effect paragraphs are written for the following purposes:
to discuss why a certain phenomenon occurs
to discuss the results of a phenomenon, event, feeling or action
to understand a situation
to solve a problem
to predict an outcome
to entertain
to persuade
Some of the signal words used in this type of paragraph are the following:
1. For 6. For this reason
2. Because 7. As a result
3. Since 8. Consequently
4. Due to 9. Otherwise
5. So 10. Therefore
6. But 11. Thu
ACTIVITY 7: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.
10 | P a g e
Module 1 (Third Quarter) S.Y. 2020-2021
Many researchers have talked about the effects of viewing violence in the media and how it affects children. Video games
takes this to another level, where the children are actually participating in being violent in the video games. There are
many games out there that allow children to play arm bearing characters who can kill anyone that they want, steal cars,
and commit many different kinds of crime. These games can have negative implications on the children as they get
immune to the idea of committing crime and end up believing that it is alright. Research still on going on this negative
effect and it has not entirely been proven or disproven as of yet.
We find that plain video games can have various effects on children, both positive as well as negative. Even though
children can benefit by increasing their dexterity and improving their reflexes, the cost of them losing out on their
physical exercise and homework, as well as their becoming prone to violent acts, are way too much. It is important that
the parents and educators take up this problem seriously and enable certain rules and regulations that allow children to
divide their time responsively between playing video games and completing their studies and other responsibilities.
(Source: www.tailoredessays.com/samples/video-games-affect-children-essay.htm)
Comprehension Questions:
11 | P a g e
Module 1 (Third Quarter) S.Y. 2020-2021
In composition writing, problem-solution is a method for analyzing and writing about a topic by identifying a
problem and proposing one or more solutions.
Problem-solution paragraphs as the term implies, presents and identifies a problem and proposes possible
In composing this type of essay, you must present an argument or stand and support it with reliable evidence in order to
persuade the readers to make a particular move or action (Kemper et.al, 2016).
According to Soles (2010), topics for problem-solution essays “are typically framed in the form of questions.” Problem-
solution essay can provide answers to 5W and 1H (who, what, when, where, why, and how) questions. Soles (2010)
added that this type of essay has essentially two parts: “a full explanation of the nature of the problem, followed by an
analysis of solutions and their likelihood of success.”
Nordquist (1995) suggested the following structure of a problem-solution paper that may serve as a guide on what
to include in this type of essay:
1. Introduction. At the forefront of the essay, the introduction must serve to capture the reader’s attention. This
may contain the thesis statement wherein the problem or topic at hand is presented. This is where the problem
is defined, and the reason why it is significant to a specific group of people (or the target audience).
2. Problem Paragraph. This paragraph/s will dwell on the elaboration of the problem, effectively conveying the
importance of a solution. You may present reliable sources and evidence to support your stand.
3. Solution Paragraph. Present and describe a concrete solution to the problem. Explain how this solution is
better than other probable solutions.
4. Conclusion. Conclude the essay with connection between the problem and its proposed solution.
ACTIVITY 8: Directions: Read the passage below and complete the graphic organizer that follows.
Deforestation is a serious problem because it destroys forests—and forests and trees are not just pretty to look at,
they do an important job making the earth´s environment suitable for life. They clean the air, store water, preserve oil, and
provide homes for animals. They also supply food, fuel, wood products, and paper products for humans. In the past fifty
years, more than half of the world´s rainforests have been destroyed.
Today, all around the world, deforestation continues, the world´s climate may change, floods may become more
common, and animals will die. One solution to the problem of deforestation is to use less paper. If you use less paper,
fewer trees will be cut for paper making. How can you use less paper? One answer is to reduce your paper use by using
both sides of the paper when you photocopy, write a letter, or write an essay. A second answer is to reuse old paper when
you can, rather than using a new sheet of paper. The backs of old envelopes are perfect for shopping list or phone
messages, and when you write a rough draft of an essay, write it on the back of something else. A final answer is the
recycle used paper products instead of throwing them away. Most schools, offices, and districts have some kind of
recycling center. If you follow "the three Rs"- reduce, reuse, and recycle-you can help save the world´s forest.
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Module 1 (Third Quarter) S.Y. 2020-2021
13 | P a g e
Module 1 (Third Quarter) S.Y. 2020-2021
Some of the transitional expressions used in persuasive paragraphs are the following:
1. First, you need to clean the kitchen utensils, then, cut the vegetables into cube size.
2. On the other hand, people used to become a strong individual in order to hide the pain that they have in their heart and
ACTIVITY 9: Write a paragraph with the topic “I Changed My _________”. (e.g. lifestyle, attitude, priorities, eating
habits, mind, etc.). Devote your attention to the cause of your change and its effects.
Your paragraph will be rated based on the rubric below. You may write your paragraph on the space provided.
Criteria 5 4 3 2
Content The manifesto The manifesto The facts used are There are only few
contains many, ample contains several facts. limited. facts used.
Organization There is logical The presentation of The presentation of The ideas are not
presentation of ideas. ideas is smooth. ideas is not so logical. well-presented.
Language The language used is The language used is The language is The language is very
formal. Vocabulary is formal and there is no informal and some informal and several
appropriate for the jargon or slang words are not words are difficult for
target audience. indicated. appropriate for the the target audience.
target audience.
Mechanics There is no error in There is no error in There are few errors There are several
terms of grammar, terms of grammar, in grammar, spelling, errors in grammar,
spelling, and spelling, and and punctuation. spelling and
punctuation. The punctuation. punctuation.
sentences make clear
Presentation Manifesto is Manifesto is Manifesto is Manifesto is
creatively presented creatively presented creatively presented creatively presented
which makes it but some details are but many details are but important details
catchy, attractive and not prominent. not presented. are not presented
14 | P a g e
Module 1 (Third Quarter) S.Y. 2020-2021
I CHANGED MY ____________________
I. Directions: Read the statements carefully, and determine what is being referred to, then write your answers on the
blanks provided before each number.
____________________2. This method of paragraph development involves similarities and differences between two
____________________5. This pattern of development classifies or divides people, places, things or ideas into categories.
_____________________7. It tries to convince the reader that a particular point of view is worthy of consideration.
15 | P a g e