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2445 6191 1 PB
Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Samudra University, Kota Langsa, 24416, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author
Whatsapp Number [+62-85361091239]
How to Cite: Mauliza, M. (2020). Improving Students’ Learning Result Using Numbered Heads Together Model. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies,
2(3), 301-303. DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/ijevs.v2i3.2445
Learning process is one of the most influencing factors in are cooperative models, one of which is the numbered heads
the education unit. All changes, problems and challenges together. Jacobsen (2009) states that the Numbered Head
that arise in the world of education must be able to be faced Together (NHT) is a learning model that involves more
with an open attitude and creative thinking; therefore, students in discussions to understand the material in a
education is significant for humans to help develop their lesson and evaluates the extent of students' understanding
potencies. An active interaction between students and of the material. This model can be applied to all subjects
educators is needed in the teaching and learning process and for all levels of students. In this learning model,
(Widiawati et al., 2014). The interaction makes the students are grouped into learning groups consisting of
learning process more meaningful.Thus, the objectives of students who work together in a learning activity. Every
learning can be achieved as maximum as possible. student in one group is expected to be able to work together
and take responsibility both to themselves and the group.
The interaction between educators and students also
occurs at the tertiary level, namely between lecturers and Some previous studies mentioned that, the NHT type of
students. Successful learning is demonstrated by the cooperative learning model affected critical thinking skills
mastery of lecture material by students with a level of with an effect size index of 0.7 with a percentage of 76%
mastery of the concept of the material usually expressed by better than conventional learning (Wati and Fatimah,
value (Fransisca, 2019). Slavin (2011) states that by using 2016). The NHT learning model also has an effect on the
mutual discussion and collaboration with friends and ability to remember students by 24.03% higher than
interdependence, in the structure of tasks, goals and prizes, conventional learning (Nursyamsi and Corebima, 2016). In
will ease students understanding concepts that are addition, the average student learning outcomes using the
classified as difficult. The purpose of education in learning NHT model is greater than the use of the TPS model
can be achieved in one way, namely the application of (Rahayu and Suningsih, 2018). Laboratory Basic
effective learning models. Learning models that are Engineering course is one of the basic courses that must be
considered effective to be applied in the learning process attended by first semester students with a total weight of
Mauliza International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, Vol. 2, No. 3, March 2020, pp. 301-303
two SKS. One of the material taught is Occupational Laboratory Engineering courses in the 2015/2016 academic
Health and Safety in the Laboratory. year. Data were collected using test and non-test
Based on the results of preliminary observations on the instruments.Improved student cognitive learning outcomes
previous material, information was obtained that there were measured using a test instrument in the form of a
were several obstacles in which many of the students were pretest and posttest.Student responses toward learning
less motivated so that they had difficulty understanding using the numbered heads together model were collected
the learning of Basic Laboratory Techniques, which using a non-test instrument in the form of a questionnaire
resulted in low learning outcomes. Therefore, efforts are sheet.
needed to make changes and improvements to learning
strategies that can lead students to want to be actively
2.2 Data Analysis
involved in learning activities. The change chosen in this
study was the application of the Numbered Head Together The research data in the form of pretest and posttest values
learning model. were analyzed by calculating the normalized gain (N-gain).
According to Fraenkel (2012) the increase that occurs after
learning is carried out can be calculated with the following
This study was done as a quasi-experimental research. The
design used in this study was one group pretest posttest
design (Fraenkel et al., 2012). This research consists of
three stages, namely: (1) giving a test at the beginning of
learning (pretest); (2) the implementation of learning with The responses toward questionnaires were analyzed
the model numbered heads together; and (3) giving tests at using descriptive technic as a triangulation toward the
the end of learning (posttest). result of statistical data.
This study was conducted in the Department of Biology
Education at Samudra University. It was done during the
teaching of health and safety material within the course of 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Technics in Laboratory during the academic year of 3.1 Statistical Data Analysis
The score for pretest and posttest was described on Table 1,
the N-gain was in table 2 and students’ responses was in
2.1 Data Collection table 3.
opinion of Mulyana et al. (2016) which said that learning dan Software Circuit Wizard. Journal of Vacational
outcomes increased by 89.65% after the application of the and Technical Education 01(01): 7:19.
NHT model. The similar result was also obtained by
Jacobsen, D. A., P. Eggen, dan D. Kauchak. (2009). Methods
Wijayantiet.al (2017), which indicated improvement toward
for Teaching: Metode-Metode Pengajaran Meningkatkan
learning by implementing NHT.
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Increased student cognitive learning outcomes achieved Pelajar.
can be determined by the calculation of N-gain. Based on
Table.2 obtained the highest N-gain value is 0.89 and the Mulyana, M.A., N. Hanifah, dan A.K. Jayadinata. (2016).
lowest is 0.20. The results of the average N-gain is 0.51 Penerapan Model Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads
included in the medium category. This means that in Together (NHT) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar
general there is an increase in student cognitive learning Siswa pada Materi Kenampakan Alam dan Sosial
outcomes after learning about occupational health and Budaya. Jurnal Pena Ilmiah 1(1):331-340.
safety material in the laboratory with the numbered heads Nursyamsi, S.Y. dan A.D. Corebima. (2016). The Effect of
together model. This is consistent with the opinion of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) learning Strategi on
Ernawati (2015) who said that learning outcomes in the the Retention of Senior High School Students in Muara
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of the cooperative learning model numbered heads Learning Model Nembered Head Together and Think
together. Pair Share. International Journal of Trends in
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Based on the analysis of the questionnaire responses of
students in Table 3, a percentage calculation was made of Slavin, A. (2011). Pembelajaran Kooperatif TipeNHT,
each response. The questionnaire sheet consisted of 16 Terjemahan.Jakarta: RinekaCipta.
statement items that were filled out by 21 students, based
Sulfiani, R. (2016). Application of CooperativeLearning
on the results of the analysis obtained answers that
Model Numbered Head Together (NHT) to Improve
strongly agree as much as 15.69%, agree as much as
Student Learning Outcomes Chemistry Class XI IPA 1
45.00%, disagree as much as 12.65%. The percentage of all
SMAN 3 Watampone (Studies on thetopicStructure of
questionnaire answers obtained was 73.34%, so that it was
Atoms, Periodic System of ElementsandMoleculesForm).
included in the agreed criteria and it was generally
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concluded that the students agreed if the numbered heads
together learning model was applied. Wati, W. dan R. Fatimah. (2016). EffectSize Model
Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Numbered Heads
Together (NHT) terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis
4. CONCLUSION Siswa pada Pembelajaran Fisika. Jurnal Ilmiah
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concluded that learning laboratory techniques with the Widiawati, R., N. Kurnia, dan E. Ariyati. (2014). Penerapan
implementation of the numbered heads together model can Pembelajaran Kooperatif STAD pada Materi Archae
improve student cognitive learning outcomes, and overall baca teriadan Eubacteria terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa.
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