Biochemistry Assignment

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1. Answer in ENGLISH or MALAY.


2. Number of words: 2500 – 3000 words excluding references.

Jumlah patah perkataan: 2500 – 3000 patah perkataan tidak termasuk rujukan.

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

Hantar tugasan SEKALI sahaja dalam SATU fail.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

Tugasan ini dihantar secara ATAS TALIAN.

5. Submission date: 18 JULY 2022.

Tarikh penghantaran: 18 JULAI 2022.

6. This assignment accounts for 40% of the total marks for the course.
Tugasan ini menyumbang sebanyak 40% dari jumlah markah kursus.

Part I

The objective of this assignment is to apply the biochemistry knowledge learned in the
module NBHS1112/NBHS1212. A case study involving a 52 years old woman’s medical
condition is analysed. Information on the blood test result and vital sign reports are given.
The student is asked to relate the pathophysiology and pathogenesis of the disease
discovered with the treatment options. The student is also required to analyse the
information in detail to evaluate and plan the treatment procedure. The assignment
sharpens the problem solving skills and decision making skills under a complex situation.
The assignment is aimed to improve the cognitive skills of the learners to understand the
fundamental concepts of biochemistry.

Madam Suba is a 52 years old woman who has been diagnosed with Type II Diabetes
Mellitus 6 months ago, during a health routine check-up. She takes no specific medication
for her diabetes, and has been advised by her doctor to be careful with her food intake. She
was distressed to discover that she was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. She was so
disturbed and did not seek any further treatment. Though, she was controlling her food
well and was doing her exercise regularly. Often, her knee pains did not let her moves freely.
Mentally, she became emotional due to her disabilities. Thus, she lost her focus on proper
diet. Madam Suba starts consume sugary drinks and unhealthy food. Her motive was to lose
weight and bring the blood sugar down.

On checking, her blood glucose level was 22.9 mmol/L [Normal: 3.9-6.1 mmol/L] and HbA1c:
11% [normal <6.5%]. She felt that she is feeling stressed due to the blood test result. She
was admitted and on admission the following vital sign results were recorded:

Height 167cm
Weight 105kg
Blood Pressure 140/80 mmHg
Pulse rate 95 beats/min
Respiratory Rate 22 breaths/minute
Temperature 36.7 ºC
SpO2 97%

i. Describe the pathophysiology of Type II Diabetes Mellitus with links to
Madam Suba’s case. Include in your answer with risk factors for Type II
Diabetes Mellitus, the pathogenesis of Type II Diabetes Mellitus and
possible complications of Type II Diabetes Mellitus.
ii. Elaborate 3 levels of treatment options available for Type II Diabetes
Mellitus for Madam Suba.
iii. Discuss the differences between Type I Diabetes Mellitus and Type II
Diabetes Mellitus.
iv. Identify why Madam Suba’s blood glucose level is high on admission in
hospital. Discuss how each reason you identify affects blood glucose
[Total: 30 Marks]

Part II


Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the
online discussions:

1. Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients that cannot be synthesized by the body.
However, their dietary intake must be within the limit of requirement. Discuss the
functions, dietary sources and deficiency diseases of vitamins and minerals in human
[Total: 10 marks]


Objektif tugasan ini adalah untuk menerapkan pengetahuan biokimia yang telah belajar
dalam modul NBHS1112/ NBHS1212. Satu kajian kes yang melibatkan kondisi kesihatan
seorang pesakit perempuan berumur 52 tahun di analisa. Maklumat keputusan ujian darah
dan laporan tanda vital diberi. Pelajar diminta untuk mengaitkan patofisiologi dan
patogenesis bagi penyakit yang telah dikenalpasti dengan opsyen rawatan. Pelajar perlu
menganalisa maklumat dengan teliti untuk menilai dan merancang prosedur rawatan.
Tugasan ini mengasah kemahiran penyelesaian masalah dan kemahiran membuat
keputusan dalam situasi yang kompleks. Matlamat tugasan ini adalah untuk menambah
baik kemahiran kognitif para pelajar untuk memahami konsep asas biokimia.
Puan Suba adalah perempuan berumur 52 tahun yang diagnosis dengan Diabetis Mellitus
Jenis II enam bulan lepas dalam pemeriksaan kesihatan rutin. Beliau tidak mengambil ubat
untuk diabetes dan dinasihati oleh doktor untuk menjaga pengambilan makanan. Dia
bersusah hati mengetahui bahawa dia diagnosis dengan Diabetis Mellitus Jenis II. Dia berasa
terganggu dan tidak mengambil rawatan susulan. Walaupun, dia menjaga makanan dengan
baik dan membuat senaman secara teratur. Seringkali, sakit di lutut menyebabkan dia tidak
dapat bergerak secara bebas. Secara mental, dia menghadapi gangguan emosi disebabkan
kecacatan ini. Maka dia hilang focus dalam diet yang betul. Puan Suba memakan minuman
bergula dan makanan yang tidah sihat. Motif beliau adalah untuk kurangkan berat badan
dan mengurangkan tahap gula dalam darah.

Dalam pemeriksaan, tahap gula dalam darah adalah 22.9 mmol/L [normal:3.9-6.1 mmol/L]
dan HbA1c: 11% [normal <6.5%]. Dia merasakan bahawa dirinya menghadapi stress
disebabkan ujian keputusan darah. Beliau telah dimasukkan ke wad dan selepas kemasukan
keputusan tanda vital yang berikut direkodkan.
Tinggi 167cm
Berat 105kg
Tekanan Darah 140/80 mmHg
Kadar denyutan 95 beats/min
Kadar respirasi 22 breaths/minute
Suhu 36.7 ºC
SpO2 97%

i. Perihalkan patofisiologi Diabetis Mellitus Jenis II berhubung dengan kes
Puan Suba. Sertakan dalam jawapan anda faktor risiko bagi Diabetis
Mellitus Jenis II, patogenesis Diabetis Mellitus Jenis II, komplikasi yang
berkemungkinan bagi Diabetis Mellitus Jenis II.
ii. Huraikan 3 tahap opsyen rawatan bagi Diabetis Mellitus Jenis II bagi
Puan Suba.
iii. Bincangkan perbezaan di antara Diabetis Mellitus Jenis I dan Diabetis
Mellitus Jenis II.
iv. Kenalpastikan mengapa tahap gula dalam darah Puan Suba adalah
tinggi semasa kemasukan dalam hospital. Bincangkan bagaimana setiap
alasan yang anda kenalpasti mempengaruhi tahap gula dalam darah.

[Jumlah: 40 Markah]



Bincangkan topik berkenaan di dalam forum dan hantar bukti penglibatan forum dalam
perbincangan dalam talian.
1. Vitamin dan mineral adalah mikronutrien yang tidak boleh disintesis oleh badan.
Walaubagaimanapun, diet pengambilan harus berada dalam had yang diperlukan.
Bincangkan fungsi, sumber pemakanan dan penyakit akibat kekurangan vitamin dan
mineral dalam nutrisi manusia.

[Jumlah: 10 Markah]

Excellent/ Good/ Fair/ Poor/
*QN/ Criteria/ Weight/ Tidak Max
CLO Cemerlang Baik Sederhana Lemah memuaskan
*NS Kriteria Pemberat Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Describe the pathophysiology of Type Describe the Describe the Describe the Describe the No related
II Diabetes Mellitus with links to pathophysiology of pathophysiology of pathophysiology pathophysiology answer to the
Madam Suba’s case. Include in your Type II Diabetes Type II Diabetes of Type II of Type II diagnosis
answer risk factors for Type II Mellitus with links to Mellitus with links to Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus given.
Diabetes Mellitus, the pathogenesis Madam Suba’s case. Madam Suba’s case. with links to with links to
of Type II Diabetes Mellitus, possible Include in your answer Include in your Madam Suba’s Madam Suba’s
complications of Type II Diabetes risk factors for Type II answer risk factors case. Include in case.
Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus, the for Type II Diabetes your answer risk
pathogenesis of Type Mellitus, the factors for Type II
II Diabetes Mellitus, pathogenesis of Type Diabetes
possible complications II Diabetes Mellitus. Mellitus.
of Type II Diabetes
i Perihalkan patofisiologi Diabetis 2 Perihalkan Perihalkan Perihalkan Perihalkan Tiada 8
Mellitus Jenis 2 berhubung dengan kes patofisiologi Diabetis patofisiologi Diabetis patofisiologi patofisiologi jawapan yang
Puan Suba. Sertakan dalam jawapan Mellitus Jenis 2 Mellitus Jenis 2 Diabetis Mellitus Diabetis Mellitus berkaitan
anda faktor risiko bagi Diabetis berhubung dengan kes berhubung dengan Jenis 2 berhubung Jenis 2 berhubung dengan
Mellitus Jenis 2, patogenesis Diabetis Puan Suba. Sertakan kes Puan Suba. dengan kes Puan dengan kes Puan diagnosis
Mellitus Jenis 2, komplikasi yang dalam jawapan anda Sertakan dalam Suba. Sertakan Suba. yang diberi.
berkemungkinan bagi Diabetis Mellitus faktor risiko bagi jawapan anda faktor dalam jawapan
Jenis 2 Diabetis Mellitus Jenis risiko bagi Diabetis anda faktor risiko
2, patogenesis Diabetis Mellitus Jenis 2, bagi Diabetis
Mellitus Jenis 2, patogenesis Diabetis Mellitus Jenis.
komplikasi yang Mellitus Jenis 2.
berkemungkinan bagi
Diabetis Mellitus Jenis
ii CLO 1.5 Elaborate the 3 levels List the 3 levels of Elaborate the 2 Elaborate the 1 No 6
3 Elaborate the 3 levels of treatment of treatment options treatment options levels of levels of elaboration
options for Type II Diabetes Mellitus. for Type II Diabetes for Type II Diabetes treatment treatment the 3 levels of
Mellitus. Mellitus options for Type options for Type treatment
II Diabetes II Diabetes options for
Mellitus. Mellitus. Type II
Huraikan 3 tahap Huraikan 3 tahap Huraikan 2 tahap Huraikan 1 tahap Tiada
Huraikan 3 tahap opsyen rawatan bagi opsyen rawatan bagi opsyen rawatan bagi opsyen rawatan opsyen rawatan huraikan 3
Diabetis Mellitus Jenis II. Diabetis Mellitus Jenis Diabetis Mellitus bagi Diabetis bagi Diabetis tahap opsyen
II. Jenis II. Mellitus Jenis II. Mellitus Jenis II. rawatan bagi
Mellitus Jenis
Discuss 5 differences Discuss 4 differences Discuss 3 Listing the No
Discuss the differences between Type between Type I between Type I differences differences discussion/lis
I Diabetes Mellitus and Type II Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetes Mellitus between Type I between Type I ting the
Diabetes Mellitus. Type II Diabetes and Type II Diabetes Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus differences
Mellitus. Mellitus. and Type II and Type II between Type
Diabetes Diabetes I Diabetes
Mellitus. Mellitus. Mellitus and
Type II
CLO 1.5 Mellitus.
iii 6
3 Bincangkan 5 Bincangkan 4 Bincangkan 3 Senaraikan Tiada
Bincangkan perbezaan di antara perbezaan di antara perbezaan di antara perbezaan di perbezaan di perbincangan
Diabetis Mellitus Jenis I dan Diabetis Diabetis Mellitus Jenis I Diabetis Mellitus antara Diabetis antara Diabetis / senarai
Mellitus Jenis II. dan Diabetis Mellitus Jenis I dan Diabetis Mellitus Jenis I Mellitus Jenis I perbezaan di
Jenis II. Mellitus Jenis II. dan Diabetis dan Diabetis antara
Mellitus Jenis II. Mellitus Jenis II. Diabetis
Mellitus Jenis I
dan Diabetis
Mellitus Jenis
iv CLO 1.5 Identify 2 reasons Identify 1 reasons Identify 2 Identify 1 reason No discussion 6
4 Identify why Madam Suba’s blood Madam Suba’s blood Madam Suba’s blood reasons Madam Madam Suba’s on why
glucose level is high on admission in glucose level is high glucose level is high Suba’s blood blood glucose Madam
hospital. Discuss how each reason you on admission in on admission in glucose level is level is high on Suba’s blood
identify affects blood glucose level. hospital. Discuss how hospital. Discuss high on admission in glucose level
each reason you how each reason admission in hospital. is high on
identify affects blood you identify affects hospital. admission in
glucose level. blood glucose level. hospital

Kenalpastikan mengapa tahap gula Kenalpastikan 2 alasan Kenalpastikan 1 Kenalpastikan 2 Kenalpastikan 1 Tiada
dalam darah Puan Suba adalah tinggi mengapa tahap gula alasan mengapa alasan mengapa alasan mengapa perbincangan
semasa kemasukan dalam hospital. dalam darah Puan tahap gula dalam tahap gula dalam tahap gula dalam mengapa
Bincangkan bagaimana setiap alasan Suba adalah tinggi darah Puan Suba darah Puan Suba darah Puan Suba tahap gula
anda mempengaruhi tahap gula semasa kemasukan adalah tinggi semasa adalah tinggi adalah tinggi dalam darah
dalam darah dalam hospital. kemasukan dalam semasa semasa Puan Suba
Bincangkan hospital. Bincangkan kemasukan kemasukan adalah tinggi
bagaimana setiap bagaimana setiap dalam hospital. dalam hospital.
alasan anda alasan anda
mempengaruhi tahap mempengaruhi
gula dalam darah tahap gula dalam

References and citations.

All citations are Most citations are Some citations Citations for There is no
included in the included in the for statements statements reference or
discussion and discussion and most included in the included in the citation, or
references match the references match discussion or discussion are references are
citations according to with the citations references which not present or outdated or
the current APA according to the are included are references that wrong format.
format. current APA format. not found in the are included are
text. not found in the
1 4
Rujukan dan Petikan.
Semua petikan untuk Sebahagian besar Terdapat hanya Tiada petikan Tiada rujukan
pernyataan petikan untuk beberapa petikan untuk pernyataan atau petikan;
dimasukkan di dalam pernyataan untuk pernyataan yang digunakan atau rujukan
perbincangan dan dimasukkan di dalam yang digunakan dalam yang
semua rujukan perbincangan dan dalam perbincangan ketinggalan
sepadan dengan sebahagian besar perbincangan atau rujukan zaman atau
petikan mengikut rujukan sepadan atau rujukan yang tersenarai salah format.
format APA terkini. dengan petikan yang tersenarai tidak terdapat
mengikut format tidak terdapat dalam teks.
APA terkini. dalam teks.
Total 7.5 30
*QN = Question Number / *NS = Nombor Soalan

Part II
Part II/Bahagian II (10%)


Do the following:
1. Select the best FIVE (5) of your postings from the forum discussion set up by your tutor.
2. Do screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your assignment.
3. The screenshots should be in image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the sample of Screen Grab below
4. The screenshots should contain: Name, Title of the discussion, Day, Date and Time.


1. Pilih LIMA (5) posting anda yang terbaik daripada perbincangan forum yang ditetapkan dalam tugasan.
2. Lakukan screen shot posting dan isikan dalam bentuk imej di dalam fail tugasan anda.
3. Imej screen shot mesti dalam format imej (sama ada JPG atau PNG). Rujuk pada contoh screen shot di bawah.
4. Screen shot mesti mengandungi nama, tajuk perbincangan, hari, tarikh dan masa.

5. Marks for the forum will be given based on the following rubric/ Markah forum akan diberikan berdasarkan rubrik berikut:
Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory
*QN Max
CLO Criteria/Kriteria Weight
*NS marks
4 3 2 1 0

Quality of Postings All five Three or four of the One or two of the None of the No postings given as 10
comments comments are comments are comments are proof of participation
Vitamins and are good, good, appropriate, somewhat good, good and in discussion
minerals are appropriate, relevant, appropriate, relevant. /
micronutrients that relevant, meaningful and meaningful and Comments are Tiada posting diberi
cannot be meaningful, respectful respectful short responses sebagai bukti
synthesized by the and that are not penyertaan dalam
body. However, their respectful substantial nor perbincangan.
Tiga atau empat
dietary intake must Satu atau dua komen meaningful.
be within the limit of komen adalah adalah baik, sesuai, Minimum effort
Kelima- lima
requirement. Discuss baik, sesuai, relevan, bermakna (e.g. “I agree with
the functions, dietary relevan, bermakna dan berhemah Tina”)
adalah baik,
sources and dan berhemah
deficiency diseases Tiada komen yang
of vitamins and baik dan relevan. /
minerals in human Komen hanya
nutrition. respon yang
ringkas dan tidak
Part meluas dan tidak
CLO 3 2.5 bermakna. Usaha
II Kualiti Posting minimum. (Cth:
“Saya setuju
dengan Tina”)
Vitamin dan mineral
adalah mikronutrien
yang tidak boleh
disintesis oleh badan.
diet pengambilan harus
berada dalam had yang
diperlukan. Bincangkan
fungsi, sumber
pemakanan dan
penyakit akibat
kekurangan vitamin
dan mineral dalam
nutrisi manusia.

Total Marks 2.5 10

*QN = Question Number / *NS = Nombor Soalan Pa

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