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u9 & u10
Technical Practice
Set Up/Rules
4 teams. On the first coaches command of ‘GO’. One
player on each team sprints over the first blue line into the
tag zone. The last player in the box is “IT” trying to tag the
other 3 players who are avoiding being caught but staying
in the tag zone. On next call of go 4 players in tag zone
race to end line and next 4 players run into tag zone.

Coaching Points Progressions

Fast footwork Add SAQ ladders to the first
Awareness of space section of the race.
After the player cross the
finish line player dribble
down the side of the activity
turning and passing the ball
when the next player on the
team finishes.

Speed, Agility & Quickness

Set Up/Rules
25 yrds from start to finish, two teams racing against each
other moving over the hurdles laterally and then explode
over the small hurdles to the finish. One team is in front of
the other on the lateral hurdles given an advantage on the
sprint. (use cones to jump over if hurdles are not available)

Coaching Points Progressions

Correct execution of move- One server on each end cone:
ments over speed Two 1 touch passes
Move arms for balance and Side foot volley
momentum Chest volley
Quality of technique with Header
the pass


Speed, Agility & Quickness
Set Up/Rules
Split players into two teams. Red begin as attackers. First
player in each line moves through the hurdles towards the
middle line. Red player must now choose to go either left
or right and sprint through the gate. White player must
move towards other gate. Player who gets through first

Coaching Points Progressions

Use body to fake moving Defender now tries to beat
one way and unbalance attacker through the gate they
defender go for.
Now add a ball at end of each
set of hurdles. Player must drib-
ble ball through gate.

Small Sided Game

Set Up/Rules
Play 6v6.
Both teams play 1-2-1-2 formation

Coaching Points Progressions

Firm passes with inside of Have a ladder on the side
foot of the field which coach
Receive with back foot will call one player to leave
Positive first touch where the gae run through and
possible re-join the game. Can tean
take advantage of over-


Technical Practice
Set Up/Rules
On coach’s command, first player in each line sprints to op-
posite end’s tall cone to take ball. Touches must be done in
3 steps: 1) A “negative” touch towards end line, 2) a touch
cutting back towards original line, 3) explosive touch back
towards line where they speed dribble to replace ball
between tall cone and sideline nearest their line.

Coaching Points Progressions

Explain that the negative First team to have 3 goes
touch is used to touch away each are the winners.
from the defender and cre-
ate a little space, explosive
third touch to beat defend-
er. Make sure players return
ball to spot where ball was.

Set Up/Rules
A dribbles the ball between the cones and steps on the ball
for B,then A sprints around the far cone to give chase to B.
B takes possession of the stopped ball and speed dribbles
to try to penetrate the 4 yd shooting zone in front of the
three balls at the opposite end of the grid to shoot and
knock a ball off.

Coaching Points Progressions

Attack at speed Move start position of
Positive touch into space attacker give defender less
Change of speed or direc- recovery distance.
tion to beat defender
Use move to beat defender


Small Sided Game
Set Up/Rules
Play 4v4. Teams gain a point by dribbling into the end zone
and stopping the ball.

Coaching Points Progressions

Exploit 1v1 situations with
creative footwork & moves

Small Sided Game

Set Up/Rules
Play 6v6.
Both teams play 1-2-1-2 formation

Coaching Points Progressions

Firm passes with inside of Team can score a goal with
foot 5 passes in a row
Receive with back foot
Positive first touch where


Technical Practice
Set Up/Rules
Split players into even groups. First player in line dribbles
ball through 2 small cones and then towards larger center
cone. Player performs 1v1 move past the cone before
passing to line opposite. Players perform a scissors move
to the right past central cone.

Coaching Points Progressions

Close control through the Scissors to the left
Correct execution of
scissors technique
Accelerate after move

Set Up/Rules
Red attacks diagonally to try to beat the white and score in
the goal. Cant shoot until into the shooting zone. Once shot
has been taken next white attacker can attack opposite
goal. Red attacker now becomes defender.

Coaching Points Progressions

Attack at speed 2v2
Positive touch into space
Change of speed or direc-
tion to beat defender
Use move to beat defender
Quick recovery as defender.


Small Sided Game
Set Up/Rules
Play 4v4. Teams gain a point by dribbling into the end zone
and stopping the ball.

Coaching Points Progressions

Exploit 1v1 situations with Once team scores in one
creative footwork & moves end they can turn and at-
tack the other end.

Small Sided Game

Set Up/Rules
Play 6v6.
Both teams play 1-2-1-2 formation

Coaching Points Progressions

Firm passes with inside of Coach re-starts the game
foot by throwing the ball to a
Receive with back foot different player each time.
Positive first touch where Vary the throw to test dif-
possible ferent types of ball control
to start the game.


Speed, Agility & Quickness
Set Up/Rules
Two teams. One team have a ball each and spread around
the outside of the area. The other team start inside the
area. Players inside move through the equipment in any-
way they choose. Once through a piece of equipment they
move to the outside and play 2 first time passes with the
outside player. Player then repeats the process.
(use cones if ladders and hurdles are not available)

Coaching Points Progressions

Correct execution of move- Side foot volley
ments over speed Chest volley
Move arms for balance and Header
Quality of technique with
the pass

Technical Practice
Set Up/Rules
Have 1 player stand in each of the set of cones. Rest of the
players inside the area with a ball. Players on the outside
shuffle side to side between the cones with fast foot work.
Players in the inside pass out to a spare player and move
out to replace them in the cones. Receiving player dribbles
into the center and finds a pass to an outside player.

Coaching Points Progressions

Quality of pass. Figure of 8 around the
Awareness of next pass cones
Timing of pass to player 2 foot jump over cones left
performing moves. to right and right to left


Set Up/Rules
Position a large goal at 1 end of the pitch with 2 smaller
goals/targets in either corner at the opposite end.
Equidistant, but slightly set back, from the 2 smaller goals
– mark out a 2x2 yard ‘holding area’. Mark out a “curved
line” from 1 side of the pitch to the other with the start and
end points being approximately.

Coaching Points Progressions

Attack at speed Rotate attackers and
Positive touch into space defenders
Change of speed or direc-
tion to beat defender
Pass or Dribble

Small Sided Game

Set Up/Rules
Play 6v6.
Both teams play 1-2-1-2 formation

Coaching Points Progressions

Firm passes with inside of Coach re-starts the game
foot by throwing the ball to a
Receive with back foot different player each time.
Positive first touch where Vary the throw to test dif-
possible ferent types of ball control
to start the game.


Passing Square
Set Up/Rules
Players pass the ball around the outside of the square.
Players moves to the cone they pass to.

Coaching Points Progressions

Firm pass with inside of foot Play to the right
Receive with back foot Play to the left
Touch into space Give and go around the cone
Set ball back and switch ball to
next cone.

Rondo with SAQ

Set Up/Rules
Have 2-3 players behind each set of cones. 1 player from
each line move through the cones with fast footwork into
the square. Play 3 v 1 with the defender the player coming
through the blue cones. Rotate to net set of cones once
defender clears the ball from the box.

Coaching Points Progressions

Quality of foot work 2 touch play inside the box
through cones
Quality of one touch play
Awareness of next pass


Small Sided Game
Set Up/Rules
Play 4v4. 4 Zone game. To gain a point team must get the
ball into all 4 zones without opposition touching the ball.
Ball can be passed or dribbled between zones.

Coaching Points
Exploit 1v1 situations with
creative footwork & moves

Switch point of attack to

attack open zone.

Small Sided Game

Set Up/Rules
Play 6v6.
Both teams play 1-2-1-2 formation

Coaching Points Progressions

Firm passes with inside of Team can score a goal with
foot 5 passes in a row
Receive with back foot
Positive first touch where


Speed, Agility & Quickness
Set Up/Rules
Players pass the ball around the outside of the square.
Once player has played a pass they move through a ladder
in the direction they played the pass and join the next line.
(use cones if ladders not available)

Coaching Points Progressions

Receiving skills Pass ball in opposite direction
Weight and accuracy of
Quality of footwork through

Technical Practice
Set Up/Rules
Ball is passed into central player who receives and passes
out to the right. Players follow passes.

Coaching Points Progressions

Friendly passes to help Play to the left
team mate Players turn, dribble
Good first touch into space through the square and
Keep ball close when pass to line opposite.
dribbling Add defender in central
square to apply pressure.

GLOBAL PREMIER SOCCER Week 6 - Positive Passing

Forward Passing
Set Up/Rules
2 teams play inside area with one team used as target
players. 2 middle teams combine and keep possession for
as long as possible using outside men and neutral player as
overload. Outside player objective to find the spare player.
2. Same as before but end players only on one touch they
can now pass to opposite end player as an extra support

Coaching Points Progressions

Player awareness on the
Move the ball quickly, look-
ing for the spare player.
Always be available when
in possession.

Small Sided Game

Set Up/Rules
Play 6v6.
Both teams play 1-2-1-2 formation

Coaching Points
Firm passes with inside of
Receive with back foot
Positive first touch where

GLOBAL PREMIER SOCCER Week 6 - Positive Passing

Technical Practice
Set Up/Rules
Have one player on each cone. All others on start cone
with a ball. Players with ball dribble towards each player
and play a give and go. Once at end dribble back to start.
Rotate players on cone and repeat each exercise.

Coaching Points Progressions

Quality of technique 2 one touch passes
Pass and run around player
to get ball back
Players on cone now hold
ball and serve:
Side foot volley

Set Up/Rules
2 defenders and a neutral player start in the area. 2 reds
from one end attack to create 3v2 with N player. Once goal
is scored or ball crosses endline 2 reds from opposite end
attack. Rotate defenders every 3 mins

Coaching Points Progressions

Attack at speed Take out N player and play
Positive touch into space 2v2
Change of speed or direc-
tion to beat defender
Dribble or Pass


Small Sided Game
Set Up/Rules
Play 4v4. Teams defend two goals and attack two goals.

Coaching Points
Exploit 1v1 situations with
creative footwork & moves

Switch point of attack to

attack open goal.

Small Sided Game

Set Up/Rules
Play 6v6.
Both teams play 1-2-1-2 formation

Coaching Points
Exploit 2v1 Situations.


Technical Practice
Set Up/Rules
Red pass to black and moves through ladders and hurdles
to next cone. Black passes to yellow and follows pass. Yel-
low dribbles to red and stops ball.

Coaching Points Progressions

Quality of pass. Now have central player
Quality of footwork through receive and pass behind
equipment them to continue circuit
through both exercises.
How many balls can be

2v1 CIrcuit
Set Up/Rules
Set field out as shown, each zone 12x10 yards. 1 defender
in each zone. Defenders are restricted to zone. 2 attackers
enter the area and try and get past the 2 defenders into the
end zone to score. Attackers move to next zone once ball is
out of play or goal is scored. If defenders win the ball they
try and dribble to start line to gain a point.

Coaching Points Progressions

Pass or dribble Rotate defenders.
Combination play 1st time finish inside end

GLOBAL PREMIER SOCCER Week 8 - Attacking Combinations

Small Sided Game
Set Up/Rules
Play 4v4.

Coaching Points
Exploit 1v1 situations with
creative footwork & moves

Switch point of attack to

attack open goal.

Small Sided Game

Set Up/Rules
Play 6v6.
Both teams play 1-2-1-2 formation

Coaching Points
Firm passes with inside of
Receive with back foot
Positive first touch where

GLOBAL PREMIER SOCCER Week 8 - Attacking Combinations

Shooting Races
Set Up/Rules
Players dribble past the central cone and shoot for goal.

Coaching Points Progressions

Head up to see position of Competition - First player to
GK. score gets a point for their
Shoot for power or place- team.
ment Dribble around the cone
and shoot for the goal they
start next too.

Shooting Races
Set Up/Rules
Ball is passed out to attacker who receives with positive
touch and shoots for goal. Passer moves out to be next
shooter, player who shoots moves to other line.

Coaching Points Progressions

Good first touch to set for Competition - Reds v white.
shot. Team with most goals after
Head up to see position of 5 minutes.
Shoot for power or place-


Set Up/Rules
White team starts by attacking 1v1 the goal opposite them
and score against the red team. Once the ball is dead or
scored, the white player must quickly transition to stop the
next red player scoring in the goal opposite them.
Continuous play until balls run out.

Coaching Points Progressions

Attack at speed 2v2
Change of speed or direc-
tion to beat defender
Use move to beat defender

Small Sided Game

Set Up/Rules
Play 6v6.
Both teams play 1-2-1-2 formation

Coaching Points
Firm passes with inside of
Receive with back foot
Positive first touch where


Small Sided Game
Set Up/Rules
Play 4v4. If team scores they keep possession and attack
the other goal.

Coaching Points
Exploit 1v1 situations with
creative footwork & moves

Switch point of attack to

attack open goal.

Small Sided Game

Set Up/Rules
Play 4v4. Teams gain a point by dribbling into the end zone
and stopping the ball.

Coaching Points
Exploit 1v1 situations with
creative footwork & moves

GLOBAL PREMIER SOCCER Week 10 - Small Sided Games

Small Sided Game
Set Up/Rules
Play 4v4. White team attack left to right. Red team attack
north to south.

Coaching Points
Quick transition from attack
to defense

Small Sided Game

Set Up/Rules
Play 6v6.
Both teams play 1-2-1-2 formation

Coaching Points
Firm passes with inside of
Receive with back foot
Positive first touch where

GLOBAL PREMIER SOCCER Week 10 - Small Sided Games

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