Abstract&The paper proposes a new time sequential multilevel improvement strategies in the distribution system are adding
Monte Carlo (MLMC) method for estimating distribution system protection devices, switching and reclosing devices,
reliability. Usually, the reliability indices of a distribution system accessibility of alternative power supply, speed up the repair
are accurately assessed by sequential Monte Carlo simulation process and system reconfiguration [3]. Therefore, fast
(MCS). A disadvantage of sequential MCS is the computational assessment of reliability indices is a primary need to speed up
burden which may be prohibitive for achieving a high accuracy. the process of reliability improvement.
The aim of the proposed method is to enhance the computational
efficiency of sequential MCS. The basic idea of MLMC is to use Distribution system reliability can be evaluated by two
the stochastic differential equations (SDE) based approximation approaches: analytical and simulation. Analytical approach is
of the reliability indices with multiple timesteps. In MLMC concerned only with the mean values of the indices regardless
method, a large number of simulations are performed on the their future performance analysis. On the other hand, Monte
coarse grid levels at a low cost and few on the fine grids at a high Carlo method [4] is widely utilised simulation approach to
cost in such a way which can reduce the overall variance of the overcome this deficiency of analytical approach. Monte Carlo
reliability indices estimators of MCS for the desired accuracy. simulation (MCS) can be classified into non-sequential and
Comparisons with the analytical and sequential MCS methods sequential modes [5]. Sequential MCS is an accurate tool to
are carried out on a small distribution system to demonstrate the simulate the chronological issues of the complex power
effectiveness of the proposed method. The results verify that the systems. A disadvantage of sequential MCS is the
proposed method gives acceptable values of reliability indices by computational burden when a large number of samples are
reducing their calculation time compared to sequential MCS.
necessary to obtain a high accuracy. To lessen the
computational burden of sequential MCS, several approaches
Keywordsdistribution system; reliability; multilevel Monte have been proposed. The approaches include parallel
Carlo; computational efficiency. computation [6], state-space pruning [7], and variance
reduction techniques [8]. In this paper, a new variance
reduction approach based on multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC)
I. INTRODUCTION method is proposed with application to power distribution
system reliability assessment.
Performance of a power distribution system is measured
by reliability indices. Customers demand a distribution system The idea of MLMC was first presented by Heinrich [9] for
with low interruptions. In the distribution systems, more than the computation of high-dimensional, parameter dependent
80 percent of the customer interruptions occur due to the integrals, and was later applied to stochastic differential
failure of distribution components [1]. Reliability assessment equations (SDE) by Giles [10]. MLMC method uses an
is a probabilistic method that measures past performance and optimal number of samples at different levels to estimate the
predicts future performance of a distribution system. The expected values of uncertainty parameters. In this method,
assessment techniques utilise a set of data including feeder more samples are simulated at the coarse levels with low
lengths, loading, customer data, failure rate and restoration computation cost and few samples are required at the more
time of components. Some common system performance expensive fine levels due to the smaller variances [11]. In this
indices are system average interruption frequency index way, the overall computation time is reduced compared to the
(SAIFI), system average interruption duration index (SAIDI), MCS, where all the samples are simulated on the
customer average interruption duration index (CAIDI), computationally most expensive finest level. Readers are
average service availability index (ASAI), average service encouraged to refer [10] for detailed mathematical proofs of
unavailability index (ASUI), and energy not supplied (ENS) MLMC method.
[2]. Based on these indices information, the distribution
This paper will examine the applicability of the proposed
system planners and designers can take necessary steps to
sequential MLMC method in distribution system reliability
improve the system reliability. Some of the reliability
evaluation. The impacts of each component failure on the load
Now, average failure rate, 4E and annual unavailability, E 3
=; _ 1> SR lEm
E:3 A $ (13)
for could be calculated as follows: >SR
HX The variance of this estimator is =; n A o, so the root
4E _ 1F:3 4EF # (7)
mean square error (RMSE) is
l+-j =; m. To achieve an
HX "1 =; _
l194 m samples. Therefore, for
E _ 1F:3 EF # (8) the =; estimator being a sufficiently accurate approximation
of no with small , a large number of samples need to be
where F is the number of components fails that affect the simulated. This results in huge computational cost.
service of . The proposed reliability indices can be defined The basic idea of MLMC method is simple. Instead of
as follows: estimating no by n A o on a single fine level, MLMC
SAIFI finds the average number of sustained interruptions method uses a number of levels of resolution, . _ *#+# % % #
per customer during a year in the distribution system. The with . _ * being the coarsest level and . _ being the finest
index is determined by dividing the total annual number of level. Mathematically, the idea of MLMC can be formulated
customer interruptions by the total number of customers as follows:
served during this period. The unit of this index is
interruptions/system customer.year. n A o _ n 2 o \ 1<.:3 n . ] .93 o _ 1<.:2 n. o# (14)
YW L >
1WQO W RW where for simplicity we have set 2 _ 2 for . _ * and
_ # (9) . _ . ] .93 for 3 a *. In MLMC method, each of the
expectations on the right-hand side of (14) is independently
where ; E is the number of customers at , ? is the total estimated by MCS using a different number of samples at
number of customers served and E is the number of load different levels in such a way which minimises the overall
points in the distribution system. variance for a given accuracy.
SAIDI is designed to provide information regarding the Let k2 is an unbiased MCS estimator for n 2 o using 2
average duration of interruption for each customer during a samples for . a * and k 3 for 3 c + is the MCS estimator for
year. It is calculated by dividing the sum of all durations of n 3 ] 393 o using 3 samples. Then we have
service interruptions to customers by the total number of
customers served in the distribution system. This index is 3 lEm
k2 _
E:3 2 #
measured in the unit of hours/system customer.year. >N
YW @ >
1WQO W RW and k
3 _ 1> lEm lEm
E:3h 3 ] 393 i#
_ $ (10) >3
the required time increases, but in the meantime the required c) Desired accuracy, ;
number of samples decreases. This suggests that MLMC runs d) Drift value, μ; and
most of the iterations on the cheaper lower levels and just a e) Volatility, 2.
few samples on the computationally expensive higher levels.
In this way, the total computational time is significantly saved In the next step, for a component j connected to the ,
compared to MCS which spends all its effort on the SDE models of a random variable, TTF are constructed at
computationally most expensive finest grid. Since MLMC levels 3 _ * and 3 a * using (2), (17) and (18). Two random
considers the estimations on a sequence of grids so that the numbers between 0 and 1 are generated using the MATLAB
less accurate approximation on the coarsest grid is function rand. Then, these two numbers are converted into
sequentially corrected by the estimators on the following finer KIEF and CHEF of the component according to exponential
grids and thereby achieves the finest grid accuracy. Thus probability distributions using (3) and (4), respectively. After
MLMC can achieve the similar values of reliability indices as that, the values of average failure rate, (EF and average
MCS with less computation time. unavailability, EF are calculated at level . _ * and . a *. In a
Finally, by using (15) and (16), the overall estimator of similar way, the values of average failure rate and
MLMC for each reliability index can be expressed as follows: unavailability for each component in the system are
determined. The load points affected by each component
k3 $ failure is found using the method in [4]. The values of average
=< _ 1<3:2 (20) load point failure rate, (E (failures/yr) and average annual
unavailability, E (hr/yr) are determined by accumulating the
Like MCS, MSE of the MLMC estimator also consists of individual component value connected to the relevant load
two terms: variance of the estimator 1<3:2 393 3 and point. The system performance indices SAIFI, SAIDI and
approximation error nl A ] mo4 : CAIDI are determined at level . _ * and . a *. Finally, the
sum of reliability indices values at level . _ * and . a * is
< 93
l=< 4 4
A m _ 13:2 3 3 \ nl A ] mo $ (21) calculated. The whole process is repeated until the number of
samples is reached to N.
In order to ensure the MSE of MLMC estimator is less
After estimating the values of reliability indices at level
than 14 , it is sufficient to confirm that both 1<3:2 393 3 and 3 _ * and 3 a *, the overall MLMC estimator for each of the
nl A ] mo4 are less than 14 &,. The value of 3 on each reliability indices is determined in order to achieve the target
level 3 ensures that the estimated variance of the combined accuracy. Initially, the minimum refinement level of MLMC
multilevel estimator is less than 14 &,. Therefore, it is essential method is set at _ ,. Then, the number of samples Ns at
to choose optimally 3 to obtain the optimal MLMC levels 3 _ *# +# , is determined using initial number of
convergence. To make 1<3:2 393 3 b 14 -,, the optimal 3 is samples 2 . At the same time, the sum of reliability indices
chosen as [23] values is updated at level 3 _ *# +# ,. Then, absolute value of
average of reliability index, 3 _ 'n3 o' and variance
3 _ ,194 j3 -3 h1<3:2 j3 3 i$ (22) 3 _ n3 o ! 3
number of samples 3 at each level 3 _ *# +# $ $ $ $ $ # is
where 3 is the cost of an individual sample on level 3. The determined based on (22). Next, the optimal 3 is compared to
test for weak convergence tries to ensure that nl A ] mo4 b the already calculated number of samples Ns at that level. If
14 -,. If the convergence rate of l A ] m with 3 for some the optimal 3 is larger, additional samples at each level as
constant 3 is measured by a positive value [23]. Then, needed are evaluated. The values of the mean and variance at
each level are then updated. The aim to determine the optimal
n 3 ] 393 o b 3 ,903 # (23) 3 is to keep the variance of the estimator 1<3:2 393 3 less
than 14 &,. The weak convergence of MLMC estimator is
and the remaining error is tested using (25). This ensures that the remaining bias error is
less than 1-/,. If remaining bias error is greater than 1-/,,
n A ] o _ n < ] <93 o-,0 ] +# (24) then _ \ + is set. Then, the whole process is repeated
again until reaching the target accuracy level. Finally, the
overall multilevel estimator for each reliability index is
This leads to the convergence test
computed using (20).
n < ] <93 o-,0 ] + ` 1-/,. (25) III. CASE STUDY
A. Test System
C. MLMC Simulation Procedure
Three system performance indices; SAIFI, SAIDI and
At first, failure rate and repair time of each component of CAIDI are calculated by applying the proposed method to a
the distribution system is defined. Some MLMC simulation simple radial distribution system [24] as shown in Fig. 1. In
parameters are also defined: this case study, it is assumed that the feeder breaker and fuses
a) Number of samples for convergence tests, N; are completely reliable because of their regular maintenance.
b) Initial number of samples on each level 3, 2 ; Disconnect switches S1 and S2 are normally closed and S3 is
normally open. Some data are assumed for this study. Average
switching time for switches S1, S2 and S3 are considered as MLMC is about 20 times faster than the MCS. Similarly, for
0.5, 0.5 and 1hour, respectively. For the main feeder and SAIFI and CAIDI calculation, MLMC method saves huge
lateral line, the interruption rates are 0.1 and 0.25 computation time compared to the MCS. From the Table, it is
interruptions/km/yr, respectively and the average time to seen that the maximum and minimum TS using MLMC
repair are 3 hours and 1 hour, respectively. Number of approach are 96.9419% (=0.001) and 93.6351% (=0.0005)
customers at load points LP1, LP2 and LP3 are 250, 100 and in SAIFI and SAIDI calculation, respectively. On average
50, respectively. Pre-defined parameters for all reliability sequential MLMC can reduce the simulation running time
indices calculation are = 10000, 2 = 500, μ = 0.01 and 2 = about 95% compared to the sequential MCS.
0.4. The drift and volatility values of stochastic failure and
repair process are generally determined by using a time series TABLE I. SAIFI, SAIDI AND CAIDI VALUES
of TTF and TTR values [25]. These values are usually not MCS MLMC DMC (%) DMLMC (%)
available in distribution system reliability analysis. Therefore, SAIFI (interruptions/system customer. yr)
the values of drift and volatility are determined by adjusting 0.0001 1.2129 1.2293 1.3902 0.0569
based on the accuracies for an index calculation and assumed 0.0005 1.2131 1.2302 1.3739 0.0162
as constant for rest of the indices calculation. Using analytical 0.001 1.2154 1.2252 1.1869 0.3902
technique, the system performance indices; SAIFI, SAIDI and SAIDI (hr/system customer. yr)
0.0001 1.5125 1.5318 0.1655 1.4430
CAIDI can be evaluated [24]. In this study, the results from 1.5130 1.5237 0.1986 0.9072
analytical technique are considered as the base case. The 0.001 1.5134 1.5262 0.2251 1.0728
methodology was implemented using MATLAB and all CAIDI (hr/customer interruption)
computations were performed using an Intel Core i7-4790 0.0001 1.2469 1.2470 1.3739 1.3821
3.60-GHz processor. 0.0005 1.2472 1.2471 1.3983 1.3902
0.001 1.2474 1.2485 1.4146 1.5040
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