The following summary is not prepared by the sponsors of the measure and is not a part of the body thereof subject
to consideration by the Legislative Assembly. It is an editor’s brief statement of the essential features of the
measure as introduced.
Updates and modernizes statutes that regulate practice of architecture in this state to conform
with actual current practice of architecture.
NOTE: Matter in boldfaced type in an amended section is new; matter [italic and bracketed] is existing law to be omitted.
New sections are in boldfaced type.
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1 (3) “Building” means a structure that has the purpose of supporting or sheltering any
2 use or occupancy.
3 (4) “Business entity” means a partnership, limited partnership, corporation, professional
4 corporation, limited liability company, business trust, joint venture or other form of business
5 organization the constituent parts of which share a common economic interest.
6 (5) “Construction phase services” means services an architect provides for the purpose
7 of determining that construction work on a building is proceeding generally in accordance
8 with requirements set forth in a technical submission.
9 (6) “Foreign architect” means a person that has a valid license or registration from a
10 jurisdiction other than this state that authorizes the person to engage in the practice of
11 architecture within the jurisdiction that issued the license or registration.
12 (7) “Foreign architectural firm” means a business entity that has a valid license or reg-
13 istration from a jurisdiction other than this state that authorizes the business entity to en-
14 gage in the practice of architecture within the jurisdiction that issued the license or
15 registration.
16 (8) “Practice of architecture” means engaging in the art and science of designing, in
17 whole or in part, buildings and the space within and appurtenant to buildings and providing
18 related services that include, but are not limited to, planning, developing design concepts,
19 preparing technical submissions and other documents that define a building’s form and
20 function, coordinating construction work and the work of other consultants and providing
21 construction phase services.
22 (9) “Registered architect” means an individual who has a valid certificate of registration
23 issued by the State Board of Architect Examiners under ORS 671.010 to 671.220 that author-
24 izes the individual to engage in the practice of architecture within this state.
25 (10) “Registered architectural firm” means a business entity that has a valid certificate
26 of registration issued by the State Board of Architect Examiners under ORS 671.010 to
27 671.220 that authorizes the business entity to engage in the practice of architecture within
28 this state.
29 (11) “Responsible control” means a degree of control over an operation that is consistent
30 with the scope of a registered architect’s professional knowledge and the application of a
31 registered architect’s professional standard of care.
32 [(9)] (12) “State building code” has the meaning given that term in ORS 455.010.
33 (13) “Technical submission” means a plan, design, drawing, blueprint or other document
34 that an architect prepares in connection with the practice of architecture and submits to a
35 regulatory authority to comply with the state building code, a municipal building code or
36 related rules, ordinances, resolutions or other regulatory requirements.
37 SECTION 2. ORS 671.020 is amended to read:
38 671.020. [(1) In order to safeguard health, safety and welfare and to eliminate unnecessary loss and
39 waste in this state, a person may not engage in the practice of architecture or assume or use the title
40 of “Architect” or any title, sign, cards or device indicating, or tending to indicate, that the person is
41 practicing architecture or is an architect or represent in any manner that the person is an architect,
42 without first qualifying before the State Board of Architect Examiners and obtaining a certificate of
43 registration as provided by ORS 671.010 to 671.220.]
44 [(2) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, a consulting architect may engage in the practice
45 of architecture if the consulting architect:]
SB 224
1 [(a) Is affiliated with an Oregon-registered architect who is in responsible charge of all aspects of
2 the architectural services provided; and]
3 [(b) Uses the designation of “Consulting Architect, in consultation with,” followed by the name of
4 the Oregon-registered architect described in paragraph (a) of this subsection and the name of the ar-
5 chitectural firm.]
6 [(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1) of this section, a foreign architect may engage in the practice
7 of architecture if:]
8 [(a) The foreign architect is affiliated with an Oregon-registered architect who is in responsible
9 charge of all aspects of the architectural services provided;]
10 [(b) The foreign architect uses the designation of “Foreign Architect, in consultation with,” followed
11 by the name of the Oregon-registered architect described in paragraph (a) of this subsection and the
12 name of the architectural firm; and]
13 [(c) The board determines that the jurisdiction in which the foreign architect is licensed or regis-
14 tered has adequate education and training standards. The board, by rule, may recognize agreements
15 between a national certification organization and the foreign jurisdiction as proof of education and
16 training standards.]
17 [(4) A person may not practice or attempt to practice the profession of architecture, or assume the
18 title of “Architect,” “Consulting Architect” or “Foreign Architect,” or use in connection with the busi-
19 ness of the person any words, letters or figures indicating the title of “Architect,” “Consulting
20 Architect” or “Foreign Architect” without first complying with ORS 671.010 to 671.220.]
21 [(5) Every registered architect shall, upon registration, obtain a stamp of the design authorized by
22 the board. All drawings and the title page of all specifications intended for use as construction docu-
23 ments in the practice of architecture must bear the stamp of a registered architect and be signed by the
24 architect. The stamp and signature constitute certification that the architect has exercised the requisite
25 professional judgment about and made the decisions upon all matters embodied within those con-
26 struction documents, that the documents were prepared either by the architect or under the direct con-
27 trol and supervision of the architect and that the architect accepts responsibility for the documents.]
28 [(6) Except as provided in ORS 671.041, an architect registered under ORS 671.010 to 671.220 may
29 pursue the practice of architecture only under the architect’s own name as that name appears in the
30 certificate of registration.]
31 (1) Except as provided in subsection (2) of this section, an individual or business entity
32 that does not have a valid certificate of registration from the State Board of Architect Ex-
33 aminers may not:
34 (a) Engage in the practice of architecture within this state;
35 (b) Assume or use a title, form of address or other designation within this state that
36 indicates or reasonably could be understood to indicate that the individual is an architect or
37 that the individual or business entity engages in the practice of architecture; or
38 (c) State, declare, represent or otherwise purport in any title, sign, card, device, adver-
39 tisement or other indication of the individual’s or the business entity’s business or occupa-
40 tion that the individual is an architect or that the individual or business entity engages in
41 the practice of architecture within this state.
42 (2) An individual who does not have the certificate of registration under subsection (1)
43 of this section may engage in the practice of architecture within this state and use a desig-
44 nation that indicates that the individual is an architect or engages in the practice of archi-
45 tecture if the individual:
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1 [(4) All professional documents issued by the firm that are required by ORS 671.010 to 671.220 to
2 bear the stamp of an architect must bear the stamp of the architect responsible for the preparation of
3 the documents and bear the corporate or assumed business name of the firm.]
4 [(5) Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (3) of this section, a professional corporation that existed
5 on September 29, 1991, may engage in the provision of architectural services if the stockholders owning
6 a majority of the stock of the corporation are registered as architects under ORS 671.010 to 671.220
7 or professional engineers under ORS 672.002 to 672.325.]
8 [(6) In adopting rules required by this section, the State Board of Architect Examiners or the State
9 Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying shall recognize jurisdictions that enforce
10 requirements for registration or licensing of architects or engineers that are substantially equal to the
11 requirements for registration of architects or engineers in this state.]
12 (1) A business entity may apply to the State Board of Architect Examiners for a certif-
13 icate of registration that authorizes the business entity to engage in the practice of archi-
14 tecture within this state as a registered architectural firm.
15 (2) The board by rule shall specify:
16 (a) The manner in which and the procedures under which a business entity may apply for
17 a certificate of registration under subsection (1) of this section;
18 (b) The form and content of all application materials;
19 (c) The period during which a registration remains valid;
20 (d) Fees to apply for registration and to renew registration;
21 (e) Conditions or qualifications under which the board grants or denies registration; and
22 (f) Any other matter related to registration of a business entity that the board deems
23 necessary to specify.
24 (3) If an applicant under subsection (1) of this section meets the qualifications and con-
25 ditions the board establishes for registration, the board shall issue a certificate of registra-
26 tion to the applicant. A registered architectural firm shall display a copy of the certificate
27 of registration at each of the registered architectural firm’s places of business within this
28 state.
29 (4)(a) A foreign architectural firm may offer to provide in this state services that con-
30 stitute the practice of architecture, and may assume or use a name, form of address or other
31 designation within this state that indicates or reasonably could be understood to indicate
32 that the foreign architectural firm is an architectural firm or engages in the practice of ar-
33 chitecture, if the foreign architectural firm provides a notice in writing to each person that
34 responds to or accepts the offer that states that the foreign architectural firm is not a reg-
35 istered architectural firm.
36 (b) Notwithstanding the permission given under paragraph (a) of this subsection, a for-
37 eign architectural firm may not engage in the practice of architecture in this state without
38 a certificate of registration.
39 (5) A business entity that provides services in this state that constitute the practice of
40 architecture may provide the services only through, or under the responsible control of, an
41 owner or employee of the business entity who is a registered architect.
42 (6) Any technical submission that a registered architectural firm submits to comply with
43 a requirement under the laws of this state, or an ordinance or other law of a jurisdiction in
44 this state, must bear the stamp of a registered architect who has responsible control of the
45 technical submission and must display the name of the registered architectural firm.
SB 224
1 (7) A registered architectural firm may not have, use, display or communicate a name
2 or assumed business name that includes the name of an individual who was not previously
3 or is not currently an owner, employee or otherwise in a contractual relationship with the
4 registered architectural firm under which the individual previously engaged in or currently
5 engages in the practice of architecture in this state.
6 SECTION 6. ORS 671.045 is amended to read:
7 671.045. ORS 671.041 to 671.047 do not affect the law applicable to the professional relationship
8 and liabilities between [a person] an architect or architectural firm rendering professional service
9 in the practice of architecture and a person receiving the architect’s or architectural firm’s
10 service, and ORS 671.041 to 671.047 do not affect the standards of professional conduct [of a pro-
11 fession] that apply to architects or architectural firms. A shareholder, director, member, officer,
12 employee or agent of [a professional corporation] an architectural firm may be held personally li-
13 able for negligent or wrongful acts or misconduct committed by [that person] the shareholder, di-
14 rector, member, officer, employee or agent, or by a person under the direct supervision and
15 control of [that person] the shareholder, director, member, officer, employee or agent, while
16 rendering professional service on behalf of the [corporation] architectural firm to a person receiv-
17 ing the service the same as though the service [was] were being rendered by an individual. A
18 shareholder, director, member or officer may also be held liable for negligent or wrongful acts or
19 misconduct in participation with such acts or misconduct of another shareholder, director, member
20 or officer of the [corporation] architectural firm. The [corporation] architectural firm is jointly
21 and severally liable up to the full value of [its] the architectural firm’s assets for [such] the ar-
22 chitectural firm’s acts or misconduct[. However], but the shareholders, directors, members, offi-
23 cers, employees and agents of the [corporation] architectural firm are not personally liable for the
24 debts or other contractual obligations of the [corporation] architectural firm.
25 SECTION 7. ORS 671.047 is amended to read:
26 671.047. [The Oregon Business Corporation Act is applicable to professional corporations and they
27 enjoy the powers and privileges and are subject to the duties, restrictions and liabilities of corporations
28 organized under the Oregon Business Corporation Act, except when inconsistent with ORS 671.041 to
29 671.047. ORS 671.041 to 671.047 take precedence in the event of any conflict with provisions of the
30 Oregon Business Corporation Act or other law.]
31 Unless inconsistent with ORS 671.041 to 671.047, ORS chapters 58, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67 and
32 70 apply as appropriate to the form of business entity in which an architectural firm is or-
33 ganized. The provisions of ORS 671.041 to 671.047 take precedence in governing the powers,
34 privileges, duties, restrictions and liabilities of an architectural firm over conflicting pro-
35 visions of ORS chapters 58, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67 or 70.
36 SECTION 8. ORS 671.050 is amended to read:
37 671.050. (1) Any [person] individual desiring the right to engage in the practice of architecture
38 in [the State of Oregon] this state shall apply to the State Board of Architect Examiners [upon such
39 forms and in such manner as may be provided by the board. In addition to possessing the qualifica-
40 tions required by ORS 671.010 to 671.220, each applicant must be at least 18 years of age.] for a
41 certificate of registration. To obtain a certificate of registration, the individual must:
42 (a) Complete an application with documentation that, in the board’s judgment, shows
43 that the applicant successfully completed an education program, an experience program and
44 an examination that meet standards the board specifies by rule; and
45 (b) Pay an application fee in an amount the board specifies by rule.
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SB 224
1 in the practice of architecture and, while in good standing, submits to the board a written
2 request for inactive status. The registered architect may resume practice by passing any
3 examinations the board requires, complying with any continuing education requirements the
4 board adopts under ORS 671.125 and paying any required fees and penalties.
5 SECTION 11. ORS 671.085 is amended to read:
6 671.085. [In addition to any other fee imposed by the State Board of Architect Examiners by rule,
7 the board may impose fees for the following:]
8 [(1) Registration.]
9 [(2) Renewal.]
10 [(3) Filing an application for Architectural Registration Examination.]
11 [(4) Architectural Registration Examination, resident and nonresident.]
12 [(5) Reciprocal application.]
13 [(6) Duplicate certificate.]
14 [(7) Registration of a firm.]
15 [(8) Renewal of registration of a firm.]
16 The State Board of Architect Examiners may impose fees that are reasonable and nec-
17 essary to aid in the administration of ORS 671.010 to 671.220 and to regulate the practice of
18 architecture in this state. The fees may include, but are not limited to, fees for accepting
19 and processing applications and issuing and renewing certificates of registration.
20 SECTION 12. ORS 671.090 is amended to read:
21 671.090. [The State Board of Architect Examiners may refuse to grant, reinstate or renew, or may
22 suspend or revoke, a certificate of registration to engage in the practice of architecture or in the pro-
23 vision of architectural services in this state upon proof of one or more of the following grounds:]
24 [(1) Using fraud or deception in applying for a certificate of registration or in passing an exam-
25 ination as provided in ORS 671.010 to 671.220.]
26 [(2) Falsely impersonating a practitioner or former practitioner.]
27 [(3) Practicing under an assumed or fictitious name or a firm name contrary to the provisions of
28 ORS 671.010 to 671.220.]
29 [(4) Demonstrating fraud, deceit, gross negligence, incompetency or misconduct in the practice of
30 architecture or in the provision of architectural services.]
31 [(5) Willfully evading or attempting to evade any law, ordinance, code or regulation of the state,
32 or counties and cities of this state, governing construction of buildings.]
33 [(6) Stamping or signing any drawings or specifications that were not prepared by the architect or
34 under the architect’s direct control and supervision.]
35 [(7) Unbeknown to a party for whom the architect is doing work, receiving rebates, commissions,
36 grants of moneys or favors which the architect is not entitled to or justified in receiving.]
37 [(8) Engaging in the practice of architecture or the provision of architectural services in a manner
38 contrary to the provisions and requirements of ORS 671.010 to 671.220.]
39 [(9) Failing to comply with any continuing education requirements adopted by the board under
40 ORS 671.125, unless the requirements have been waived by the board.]
41 [(10) Being convicted of any crime under circumstances that relate to the practice of architecture
42 or the provision of architectural services.]
43 [(11) Being the subject of disciplinary action taken by another jurisdiction.]
44 (1) A person may not:
45 (a) Use fraud or deception in applying for a certificate of registration or in passing an
SB 224
SB 224
1 (A) Suspend or revoke the person’s certificate of registration or place conditions upon
2 the person’s right to engage in the practice of architecture in this state; and
3 (B) Impose a civil penalty under ORS 671.990.
4 (b) If the board determines that a person has violated a provision of subsection (1) of this
5 section and the person is an applicant to obtain or renew a certificate of registration, the
6 board may deny or refuse to renew the certificate of registration and may impose a civil
7 penalty under ORS 671.990.
8 (c) If the board determines that a person has violated an applicable provision of sub-
9 section (1) of this section and the person is not a registered architect, the board may impose
10 a civil penalty under ORS 671.990 for the violation.
11 (4) Actions the board takes under subsection (3) of this section:
12 (a) Are subject to all applicable provisions of ORS chapter 183 including, but not limited
13 to, a requirement to afford the subject of the action an opportunity for a hearing and the
14 requirements for judicial review of any order of the board; and
15 (b) May be cumulative and are in addition to and not in lieu of any other applicable pen-
16 alty or liability to which a person is subject for a violation of the laws of this state.
17 SECTION 13. ORS 671.100 is amended to read:
18 671.100. [(1) The State Board of Architect Examiners may revoke, suspend or annul the certificate
19 of registration to practice architecture in this state of an architect, or reprimand, censure or otherwise
20 discipline an architect who violates any provision of ORS 671.010 to 671.220 or any rule adopted under
21 ORS 671.010 to 671.220.]
22 [(2)] (1) Any person may [prefer charges] submit to the State Board of Architect Examiners
23 a complaint against a [holder of a certificate of registration to practice architecture] registered ar-
24 chitect. The [charges] complaint must be in writing and be sworn to by the complainant. The board
25 shall [take action on the preferred charges] review the complaint at the next regular board meeting
26 following receipt of the [charges] complaint.
27 (2) Submitting a complaint under subsection (1) of this section does not give the claimant
28 a particular priority for resolution of the complaint or restrict or prevent the board from
29 acting on a complaint other than the complaint submitted under subsection (1) of this sec-
30 tion.
31 SECTION 14. ORS 671.120 is amended to read:
32 671.120. The State Board of Architect Examiners shall operate as a semi-independent state
33 agency subject to ORS 182.456 to 182.472 for the purpose of carrying out ORS 671.010 to 671.220.
34 The board shall be composed of seven members appointed by the Governor to four-year terms with
35 three terms maximum. Before a member’s term expires, the Governor shall appoint a member
36 with a term that is effective on September 1 of the year in which the previous member’s
37 term expires. If a vacancy occurs on the board for any cause, the Governor shall appoint a
38 member for the remainder of the unexpired term. The chair of the board [shall] must be elected
39 by the board from among the current members. The board shall have as members:
40 (1) Five architects who are residents of [Oregon and who have resided in] this state [for a period
41 of not less than five years]; and
42 (2) Two members of the general public.
43 SECTION 15. ORS 671.125 is amended to read:
44 671.125. In accordance with [any applicable provisions of] ORS chapter 183, the State Board of
45 Architect Examiners may:
SB 224
1 (1) Adopt reasonable rules necessary for the administration of the laws the board is charged
2 with administering; and
3 (2) Adopt reasonable rules prescribing standards of professional conduct for architects and rules
4 requiring continuing professional education for architects. In adopting rules under this subsection,
5 the board shall [give consideration to] consider national standards and practices as a means of fa-
6 cilitating reciprocal registration and licensing of architects among jurisdictions recognized by the
7 board. The board shall also consider local practices.
8 SECTION 16. ORS 671.220 is amended to read:
9 671.220. [(1) The State Board of Architect Examiners may assess a civil penalty, not to exceed
10 $5,000 per offense, against any person who violates any provision of ORS 671.010 to 671.220 or any
11 rule adopted under ORS 671.010 to 671.220. A civil penalty authorized under this section is in addition
12 to and not in lieu of any other penalty or sanction provided by law.]
13 [(2) If the board determines that a person is engaging or about to engage in an activity in violation
14 of ORS 671.020 or 671.041, the board may institute a proceeding in an appropriate circuit court to re-
15 strain the activity or proposed activity. An injunction may be issued without proof of actual damages,
16 but does not relieve the defendant from the imposition of a civil penalty for violation of ORS 671.010
17 to 671.220.]
18 [(3) A person practicing architecture may not maintain a proceeding in a court of this state in re-
19 gard to the practice of architecture unless the person alleges and proves that the person was registered
20 as an architect under ORS 671.010 to 671.220, or was an affiliated consulting architect or foreign ar-
21 chitect, at the time of practicing architecture. A firm engaged in the provision of architectural services
22 may not maintain a proceeding in any court of this state in regard to the provision of architectural
23 services unless the firm was registered under ORS 671.010 to 671.220 at the time of providing the ar-
24 chitectural services.]
25 [(4) Civil penalties under this section shall be imposed as provided in ORS 183.745.]
26 [(5) ORS 671.010 to 671.220 do not prevent any person from representing the person’s membership
27 or affiliation with any bona fide professional or trade organization unless the representation is made
28 to advance that person’s unlicensed practice of architecture or unlawful attempt to practice
29 architecture.]
30 [(6) Notwithstanding ORS 670.335, civil penalties recovered under this section shall be deposited
31 into an account established by the board as provided in ORS 182.470. Moneys deposited are appropri-
32 ated continuously to the board and shall be used only for the administration and enforcement of ORS
33 182.456 to 182.472 and 671.010 to 671.220.]
34 (1) If the State Board of Architect Examiners determines that a person is engaging in
35 or is about to engage in an activity that violates ORS 671.020 or 671.041, the board may bring
36 an action to restrain the activity or proposed activity. An appropriate circuit court may issue
37 an injunction without proof of actual damages, but the injunction does not relieve the de-
38 fendant in the action from the imposition of a civil penalty for a violation of ORS 671.010 to
39 671.220.
40 (2) A person may not bring or maintain an action related to the practice of architecture
41 in a court of this state unless the person alleges and proves that at the time the person
42 engaged in the practice of architecture, the person was a registered architect or was a for-
43 eign architect acting in compliance with ORS 671.020. An architectural firm may not bring
44 or maintain an action related to the practice of architecture in a court of this state unless
45 the architectural firm was a registered architectural firm at the time the architectural firm
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SB 224