"Jesucristo Rey" Secondary School
"Jesucristo Rey" Secondary School
"Jesucristo Rey" Secondary School
Secondary School
Area: English as a Foreign Language Subject: Area: instrumental
Teachers: Jean Arcentales
Objectives of the Area Objectives of the level
OG.EFL 1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and O.EFL. 5.2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards
inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from the
different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in building an intercultural
secure standpoint of their own national and cultural identity.
OG.EFL 2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards different cultures and multinational society.
to comprehend the role of diversity in building an intercultural and multinational society. O.EFL. 5.3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic
OG.EFL 3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, and critical intelligence and critical thinking skills through an appreciation of linguistic
thinking skills through an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of
their own L1 and of language use for communication and learning. differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their own L1 and of language use for
OG.EFL 4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to communication and learning.
independently access further learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others
within the communication process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible
academic behavior.
OG. EFL 5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English language
texts, such as those published on the web, for professional or general investigation, through the
efficient use of ICT and reference tools where required.
OG.EFL 6 Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended spoken or written dialogue
with peers from different L1 backgrounds on work, study, or general topics of common interest,
expressing ideas and opinions effectively and appropriately.
OG.EFL 7 Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal and informal
social situations with a limited but effective command of the spoken language.
4. TRANSVERSAL AXES: Love, Search and Care, Justice, Solidarity and Innovation.
CE.ELF.5.13 Produce
emails, blogs and other
written texts using an
effective voice and a
variety of appropriate
writing styles and
I.EFL.5.13.1 Learners
can produce emails,
blogs and other written
texts using an effective
voice and a variety of
appropriate writing
styles and conventions.
Demonstrate and
convey different levels
of meaning in literary
texts by identifying
distinguishing features,
interpreting implicit and
explicit messages and
responding in a variety
of ways.
I.EFL.5.17.1 Learners
can demonstrate and
convey different levels
of meaning in literary
texts by identifying
distinguishing features,
interpreting implicit and
explicit messages and
responding in a variety
of ways.
YOU DONE SO greater flexibility of CULTURAL AWARENESS: EXPERIENCE: between people from CULTURAL AWARENESS:
FAR mind, creativity, EFL.5.1.2 Demonstrate Camp other countries or CE.EFL.5.1 Display an
enhanced linguistic mindfulness, empathy, tolerance overnight , regions. understanding of the
intelligence and and an overall respect for the change your Researching schooling integrity of different
critical thinking integrity of cultures in daily look, design from other cultures and cultures by sharing
skills through an classroom activities. your own presenting them on a experiences and by
appreciation of web page , class blog. participating in class
linguistic ORAL COMMUNICATION: learn to play Responding sensitively activities and
differences. Enjoy EFL.5.2.4 Follow oral directions in a musical to a peer’s opinion discussions in a way
an enriched classroom activities and projects instrument , about a text read in that shows empathy
perspective of their and provide directions to peers in ride a horse , class. and respect for others.
own L1 and of selected interactions. sail a boat , Listening to a short I.EFL. 5.1.1 Learners can
language use for perform in a dialogue and then demonstrate an
communication plau , travel writing and acting out a understanding of the
and learning. READING: by plane similar dialogue, using integrity of different
EFL. 5.3.8 Identify and some of the same cultures by sharing
understand the main points in phrases and experiences and by
straightforward texts on subjects expressions. participating in class
of personal interest or familiar Asking and answering activities and
academic topics. questions about unique discussions in a way
or interesting things one that shows empathy
WRITING: has experienced. and respect for others.
EFL.5.4.9 Use a variety of oral, Listening to a set of
print and electronic forms of instructions and putting
writing for self, applying the them together. ORAL
conventions of social writing. Watching a video and COMMUNICATION:
then talking to a partner CE.EFL. 5.6 Deal with
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: about it. practical, everyday
EFL.5.5.4 Read aloud with Reading a text and communication
confidence, accuracy, fluency, completing an outline. demands in familiar
and expressions to demonstrate Agreeing or disagreeing social and academic
understanding and to convey an with a strong opinion contexts, including
interpretation of meaning. stated in a text and following directions in
giving reasons for one’s class activities and
own response. identifying main ideas in
Reading a text and other curricular subjects
answering information when given sufficient
questions. support.
Choosing from a list of I.EFL. 5.6.1 Learners can
words to complete gaps deal with practical,
from a reading. everyday
Doing extended or free communication
writing on a class blog. demands in familiar
Writing a blog post social and academic
about your future plans. contexts, including
Making posters in small following directions in
groups of new phrases class activities and
or expressions. identifying main ideas in
Creating an online other curricular subjects
invitation to a class when given sufficient
event. support
Summarizing the main
idea of a song. READING:
Reciting a poem, using CE.ELF. 5.10 Find
intonation and gestures. specific information and
Brainstorming features identify the main points
and conventions of a in simple,
genre and then reading straightforward texts on
an example in order to subjects of personal
locate each one. interest or familiar
Participating in a academic topics while
performance, such as a making informed
lip-synching contest or decisions about one’s
play. own reaction to the
I.EFL. 5.10.1 Learners
can find specific
information and identify
the main points in
simple, straightforward
texts on subjects of
personal interest or
familiar academic topics
while making informed
decisions about one’s
own reaction to the text
CE.ELF.5.13 Produce
emails, blogs and other
written texts using an
effective voice and a
variety of appropriate
writing styles and
I.EFL.5.13.1 Learners
can produce emails,
blogs and other written
texts using an effective
voice and a variety of
appropriate writing
styles and conventions.
Demonstrate and
convey different levels
of meaning in literary
texts by identifying
distinguishing features,
interpreting implicit and
explicit messages and
responding in a variety
of ways.
I.EFL.5.17.1 Learners
can demonstrate and
convey different levels
of meaning in literary
texts by identifying
distinguishing features,
interpreting implicit and
explicit messages and
responding in a variety
of ways.
HELP AT this established CULTURAL AWARENESS: HOUSEHOLD role plays using a range CULTURAL AWARENESS:
HOME propensity for EFL.5.1.7 Interpret and :CUPBOARD , of verbal and nonverbal CE.EFL.5.3 Interpret
curiosity and demonstrate knowledge of DRAWER, communication. cultural and language
tolerance towards nonverbal and oral GARBAGE , Talking in pairs about a patterns in English,
different cultures communication features by LAUNDRY , video learners have including nonverbal
to comprehend the applying them in appropriate LIVING watched using only communication, and
role of diversity in contexts. ROOM , English. apply them in
building an TABLECLOTH Comparing nonverbal appropriate contexts.
intercultural and ORAL COMMUNICATION: , TRASH , and body language I.EFL.5.3.1 Learners can
multinational EFL.5.2.4 Follow oral directions in YARD between L1 and L2 interpret cultural and
society. classroom activities and projects PHRASAL cultures. language patterns in
and provide directions to peers in VERBS : Writing a short English, including
selected interactions. CLEAN OUT , conversation and nonverbal
HANG UP , including an appropriate communication, and
READING: PICK UP , idiom. apply them in
PUT AWAY , Listening to a short appropriate contexts.
EFL.5.3.1 Find specific predictable TAKE OUT , dialogue and then
information in short, simple texts THROW writing and acting out a ORAL
in a range of age and level AWAY , similar dialogue, using COMMUNICATION:
appropriate topics. WASH UP , some of the same CE.EFL. 5.6 Deal with
WIPE OFF phrases and practical, everyday
WRITING: expressions. communication
EFL.5.4.6 Produce emails and Asking and answering demands in familiar
blogs describing personal questions about unique social and academic
experiences and feelings. or interesting things one contexts, including
has experienced. following directions in
Listening to a set of class activities and
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: instructions and putting identifying main ideas in
EFL.5.5.1 Compare and present them together. other curricular subjects
personal and formal responses to Watching a video and when given sufficient
and interpretations of published then talking to a partner support.
literary texts and the works of about it. I.EFL. 5.6.1 Learners can
peers, referring to details and Reading a text and deal with practical,
features of the text. completing an outline. everyday
Agreeing or disagreeing communication
with a strong opinion demands in familiar
stated in a text and social and academic
giving reasons for one’s contexts, including
own response. following directions in
Reading a text and class activities and
answering information identifying main ideas in
questions. other curricular subjects
Choosing from a list of when given sufficient
words to complete gaps support
from a reading.
Doing extended or free READING:
writing on a class blog. CE.ELF. 5.10 Find
Writing a blog post specific information and
about your future plans. identify the main points
Making posters in small in simple,
groups of new phrases straightforward texts on
or expressions. subjects of personal
Creating an online interest or familiar
invitation to a class academic topics while
event. making informed
Writing a paragraph to decisions about one’s
describe the author’s own reaction to the
intention behind a work text.
of art, story or song. I.EFL. 5.10.1 Learners
Taking pictures to tell a can find specific
story using a digital information and identify
storytelling. the main points in
Using ICT to research simple, straightforward
about a topic of texts on subjects of
learner’s choice and personal interest or
writing a short, creative familiar academic topics
story with the findings. while making informed
Producing a video decisions about one’s
response in groups to a own reaction to the text
song sung in class.
CE.ELF.5.13 Produce
emails, blogs and other
written texts using an
effective voice and a
variety of appropriate
writing styles and
I.EFL.5.13.1 Learners
can produce emails,
blogs and other written
texts using an effective
voice and a variety of
appropriate writing
styles and conventions.
CE.EFL.5.16 respond to
and interpret literary
texts, including original
stories written by peers,
referring to details and
literary elements of the
I.EFL.5.16.1 Learners
can respond to and
interpret literary texts,
including original stories
written by peers,
referring to details and
literary elements of the
LUCKY? this established CULTURAL AWARENESS: CHARMS : when a peer asks for CULTURAL AWARENESS:
propensity for EFL.5.1.9 Communicate EVIL EYE , clarification. CE.EFL.5.4
curiosity and information and ideas effectively FORTUNE Keeping a record of Communicate
tolerance towards to diverse audiences using a CAT , one’s mistakes and effectively using a
different cultures variety of media and formats FORTUNE accomplishments and variety of media and
to comprehend the COOKIES , updating it frequently. formats, including ICT,
role of diversity in ORAL COMMUNICATION: FOUR-LEAF Using a definition or by saying things in
building an EFL.5.2.3 Follow main ideas in CLOVER , example to explain a alternative ways and
intercultural and topics covered in other curricular HORSE concept or word. applying self-correcting
multinational subjects with the help of visual SHOW , Practicing the language and self-monitoring
society. support, using concepts and LADYBUG , needed to deal with a strategies when
vocabulary that have been RABBI’TS need through a mini role needed.
studied in advance. FOOT play. I.EFL. 5.4.1 learners can
ADVERBS OF Listening to a short communicate
MANNER dialogue and then effectively using a
READING: ACCIDENTAL writing and acting out a variety of media and
EFL.5.3.1 Find specific predictable Y , BADLY , similar dialogue, using formats, including ICT,
information in short, simple texts CLEVERLY , some of the same by saying things in
in a range of age and level DELIBERATEL phrases and alternative ways and
appropriate topics. Y , NOISILY, expressions. applying self-correcting
QUICKLY , Asking and answering and self-monitoring
SILENTLY , questions about unique strategies when
WRITING: SLOWLY , or interesting things one needed.
EFL.5.4.6 Produce emails and STUPIDLY, has experienced.
blogs describing personal WELL Listening to a set of ORAL
experiences and feelings. instructions and putting COMMUNICATION:
them together. CE.EFL. 5.6 Deal with
Watching a video and practical, everyday
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: then talking to a partner communication
EFL.5.5.4 Read aloud with about it. demands in familiar
confidence, accuracy, fluency, Reading a text and social and academic
and expressions to demonstrate completing an outline. contexts, including
understanding and to convey an Agreeing or disagreeing following directions in
interpretation of meaning. with a strong opinion class activities and
stated in a text and identifying main ideas in
giving reasons for one’s other curricular subjects
own response. when given sufficient
Reading a text and support.
answering information I.EFL. 5.6.1 Learners can
questions. deal with practical,
Choosing from a list of everyday
words to complete gaps communication
from a reading. demands in familiar
Doing extended or free social and academic
writing on a class blog. contexts, including
Writing a blog post following directions in
about your future plans. class activities and
Making posters in small identifying main ideas in
groups of new phrases other curricular subjects
or expressions. when given sufficient
Creating an online support.
invitation to a class
event. READING:
Summarizing the main CE.ELF. 5.10 Find
idea of a song. specific information and
Reciting a poem, using identify the main points
intonation and gestures. in simple,
Brainstorming features straightforward texts on
and conventions of a subjects of personal
genre and then reading interest or familiar
an example in order to academic topics while
locate each one. making informed
Participating in a decisions about one’s
performance, such as a own reaction to the
lip-synching contest or text.
play. I.EFL. 5.10.1 Learners
can find specific
information and identify
the main points in
simple, straightforward
texts on subjects of
personal interest or
familiar academic topics
while making informed
decisions about one’s
own reaction to the text
CE.ELF.5.13 Produce
emails, blogs and other
written texts using an
effective voice and a
variety of appropriate
writing styles and
I.EFL.5.13.1 Learners
can produce emails,
blogs and other written
texts using an effective
voice and a variety of
appropriate writing
styles and conventions.
Demonstrate and
convey different levels
of meaning in literary
texts by identifying
distinguishing features,
interpreting implicit and
explicit messages and
responding in a variety
of ways.
I.EFL.5.17.1 Learners
can demonstrate and
convey different levels
of meaning in literary
texts by identifying
distinguishing features,
interpreting implicit and
explicit messages and
responding in a variety
of ways.
WOULD YOU greater flexibility of CULTURAL AWARENESS: BOARDING when a peer asks for CULTURAL AWARENESS:
RATHER GO? mind, creativity, EFL.5.1.9 Communicate PASS,BOOKLI clarification. CE.EFL.5.4
enhanced linguistic information and ideas effectively NGA FLIGHT , Keeping a record of Communicate
intelligence and to diverse audiences using a CUSTUMS , one’s mistakes and effectively using a
critical thinking variety of media and formats LUGGAGE , accomplishments and variety of media and
skills through an PASSPORT, updating it frequently. formats, including ICT,
appreciation of ORAL COMMUNICATION: VISA STAMP Using a definition or by saying things in
linguistic HUMAN example to explain a alternative ways and
differences. Enjoy EFL.5.2.4 Follow oral directions in MADE concept or word. applying self-correcting
an enriched classroom activities and projects WONDERS: Practicing the language and self-monitoring
perspective of their and provide directions to peers in ANGKOR needed to deal with a strategies when
own L1 and of selected interactions. WAT, need through a mini role needed.
language use for COLOSSEUM play. I.EFL. 5.4.1 learners can
communication READING: , BLUE Listening to a short communicate
and learning. EFL. 5.3.8 Identify and MOSQUE , dialogue and then effectively using a
understand the main points in MACHU writing and acting out a variety of media and
straightforward texts on subjects PICCHU , similar dialogue, using formats, including ICT,
of personal interest or familiar GREAT WALL some of the same by saying things in
academic topics. OF CHINA , phrases and alternative ways and
MOAI expressions. applying self-correcting
WRITING: STATUES , Asking and answering and self-monitoring
EFL.5.4.9 Use a variety of oral, PONTE questions about unique strategies when
print and electronic forms of VECCHIO , or interesting things one needed.
writing for self, applying the PYRAMID OF has experienced.
conventions of social writing. GIZA Listening to a set of ORAL
instructions and putting COMMUNICATION:
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: them together. CE.EFL. 5.6 Deal with
EFL.5.5.4 Read aloud with Watching a video and practical, everyday
confidence, accuracy, fluency, then talking to a partner communication
and expressions to demonstrate about it. demands in familiar
understanding and to convey an Reading a text and social and academic
interpretation of meaning. completing an outline. contexts, including
Agreeing or disagreeing following directions in
with a strong opinion class activities and
stated in a text and identifying main ideas in
giving reasons for one’s other curricular subjects
own response. when given sufficient
Reading a text and support.
answering information I.EFL. 5.6.1 Learners can
questions. deal with practical,
Choosing from a list of everyday
words to complete gaps communication
from a reading. demands in familiar
Doing extended or free social and academic
writing on a class blog. contexts, including
Writing a blog post following directions in
about your future plans. class activities and
Making posters in small identifying main ideas in
groups of new phrases other curricular subjects
or expressions. when given sufficient
Creating an online support
invitation to a class
event. READING:
Summarizing the main CE.ELF. 5.10 Find
idea of a song. specific information and
Reciting a poem, using identify the main points
intonation and gestures. in simple,
Brainstorming features straightforward texts on
and conventions of a subjects of personal
genre and then reading interest or familiar
an example in order to academic topics while
locate each one. making informed
Participating in a decisions about one’s
performance, such as a own reaction to the
lip-synching contest or text.
play. I.EFL. 5.10.1 Learners
can find specific
information and identify
the main points in
simple, straightforward
texts on subjects of
personal interest or
familiar academic topics
while making informed
decisions about one’s
own reaction to the text
CE.ELF.5.13 Produce
emails, blogs and other
written texts using an
effective voice and a
variety of appropriate
writing styles and
I.EFL.5.13.1 Learners
can produce emails,
blogs and other written
texts using an effective
voice and a variety of
appropriate writing
styles and conventions.
Demonstrate and
convey different levels
of meaning in literary
texts by identifying
distinguishing features,
interpreting implicit and
explicit messages and
responding in a variety
of ways.
I.EFL.5.17.1 Learners
can demonstrate and
convey different levels
of meaning in literary
texts by identifying
distinguishing features,
interpreting implicit and
explicit messages and
responding in a variety
of ways.
BEHAVE THE greater flexibility of CULTURAL AWARENESS: VERBS : role plays using a range CULTURAL AWARENESS:
WAY WE DO? mind, creativity, EFL.5.1.7 Interpret and BREAK UP , of verbal and nonverbal CE.EFL.5.3 Interpret
enhanced linguistic demonstrate knowledge of FIGURE communication. cultural and language
intelligence and nonverbal and oral OUT , GET Talking in pairs about a patterns in English,
critical thinking communication features by ALONG , GET video learners have including nonverbal
skills through an applying them in appropriate OVER , GIVE watched using only communication, and
appreciation of contexts. UP . STICK English. apply them in
linguistic UP , OWN UP Comparing nonverbal appropriate contexts.
differences. Enjoy ORAL COMMUNICATION: , KEEP IT TO and body language I.EFL.5.3.1 Learners can
an enriched EFL.5.2.3 Follow main ideas in YOURSELF , between L1 and L2 interpret cultural and
perspective of their topics covered in other curricular TURN IN cultures. language patterns in
own L1 and of subjects with the help of visual Writing a short English, including
language use for support, using concepts and conversation and nonverbal
communication vocabulary that have been including an appropriate communication, and
and learning. studied in advance. idiom. apply them in
Listening to a short appropriate contexts.
dialogue and then
READING: writing and acting out a ORAL
EFL. 5.3.8 Identify and similar dialogue, using COMMUNICATION:
understand the main points in some of the same CE.EFL. 5.6 Deal with
straightforward texts on subjects phrases and practical, everyday
of personal interest or familiar expressions. communication
academic topics. Asking and answering demands in familiar
questions about unique social and academic
WRITING: or interesting things one contexts, including
EFL.5.4.6 Produce emails and has experienced. following directions in
blogs describing personal Listening to a set of class activities and
experiences and feelings. instructions and putting identifying main ideas in
them together. other curricular subjects
Watching a video and when given sufficient
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: then talking to a partner support.
EFL.5.5.4 Read aloud with about it. I.EFL. 5.6.1 Learners can
confidence, accuracy, fluency, Reading a text and deal with practical,
and expressions to demonstrate completing an outline. everyday
understanding and to convey an Agreeing or disagreeing communication
interpretation of meaning. with a strong opinion demands in familiar
stated in a text and social and academic
giving reasons for one’s contexts, including
own response. following directions in
Reading a text and class activities and
answering information identifying main ideas in
questions. other curricular subjects
Choosing from a list of when given sufficient
words to complete gaps support.
from a reading.
Doing extended or free READING:
writing on a class blog. CE.ELF. 5.10 Find
Writing a blog post specific information and
about your future plans. identify the main points
Making posters in small in simple,
groups of new phrases straightforward texts on
or expressions. subjects of personal
Creating an online interest or familiar
invitation to a class academic topics while
event. making informed
Summarizing the main decisions about one’s
idea of a song. own reaction to the
Reciting a poem, using text.
intonation and gestures. I.EFL. 5.10.1 Learners
Brainstorming features can find specific
and conventions of a information and identify
genre and then reading the main points in
an example in order to simple, straightforward
locate each one. texts on subjects of
Participating in a personal interest or
performance, such as a familiar academic topics
lip-synching contest or while making informed
play. decisions about one’s
own reaction to the text
CE.ELF.5.13 Produce
emails, blogs and other
written texts using an
effective voice and a
variety of appropriate
writing styles and
I.EFL.5.13.1 Learners
can produce emails,
blogs and other written
texts using an effective
voice and a variety of
appropriate writing
styles and conventions.
Demonstrate and
convey different levels
of meaning in literary
texts by identifying
distinguishing features,
interpreting implicit and
explicit messages and
responding in a variety
of ways.
I.EFL.5.17.1 Learners
can demonstrate and
convey different levels
of meaning in literary
texts by identifying
distinguishing features,
interpreting implicit and
explicit messages and
responding in a variety
of ways.
LIKE IN YOUR greater flexibility of CULTURAL AWARENESS: AROUND between people from CULTURAL AWARENESS:
COUNTRY mind, creativity, EFL.5.1.2 Demonstrate THE WORLD other countries or CE.EFL.5.1 Display an
enhanced linguistic mindfulness, empathy, tolerance : ACARAJÈ. regions. understanding of the
intelligence and and an overall respect for the BAKLAVA , Researching schooling integrity of different
critical thinking integrity of cultures in daily BRITISH from other cultures and cultures by sharing
skills through an classroom activities. LUNCH , presenting them on a experiences and by
appreciation of CEVICHE , class blog. participating in class
linguistic ORAL COMMUNICATION: DIM SUM , Responding sensitively activities and
differences. Enjoy EFL.5.2.4 Follow oral directions in GOULASH, to a peer’s opinion discussions in a way
an enriched classroom activities and projects BAKING about a text read in that shows empathy
perspective of their and provide directions to peers in BOILING , class. and respect for others.
own L1 and of selected interactions. FRAYING Listening to a short I.EFL. 5.1.1 Learners can
language use for dialogue and then demonstrate an
communication writing and acting out a understanding of the
and learning. READING: similar dialogue, using integrity of different
EFL. 5.3.8 Identify and some of the same cultures by sharing
understand the main points in phrases and experiences and by
straightforward texts on subjects expressions. participating in class
of personal interest or familiar Asking and answering activities and
academic topics. questions about unique discussions in a way
or interesting things one that shows empathy
WRITING: has experienced. and respect for others.
EFL.5.4.9 Use a variety of oral, Listening to a set of
print and electronic forms of instructions and putting
writing for self, applying the them together. ORAL
conventions of social writing. Watching a video and COMMUNICATION:
then talking to a partner CE.EFL. 5.6 Deal with
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: about it. practical, everyday
EFL.5.5.4 Read aloud with Reading a text and communication
confidence, accuracy, fluency, completing an outline. demands in familiar
and expressions to demonstrate Agreeing or disagreeing social and academic
understanding and to convey an with a strong opinion contexts, including
interpretation of meaning. stated in a text and following directions in
giving reasons for one’s class activities and
own response. identifying main ideas in
Reading a text and other curricular subjects
answering information when given sufficient
questions. support.
Choosing from a list of I.EFL. 5.6.1 Learners can
words to complete gaps deal with practical,
from a reading. everyday
Doing extended or free communication
writing on a class blog. demands in familiar
Writing a blog post social and academic
about your future plans. contexts, including
Making posters in small following directions in
groups of new phrases class activities and
or expressions. identifying main ideas in
Creating an online other curricular subjects
invitation to a class when given sufficient
event. support
Summarizing the main
idea of a song. READING:
Reciting a poem, using CE.ELF. 5.10 Find
intonation and gestures. specific information and
Brainstorming features identify the main points
and conventions of a in simple,
genre and then reading straightforward texts on
an example in order to subjects of personal
locate each one. interest or familiar
Participating in a academic topics while
performance, such as a making informed
lip-synching contest or decisions about one’s
play. own reaction to the
I.EFL. 5.10.1 Learners
can find specific
information and identify
the main points in
simple, straightforward
texts on subjects of
personal interest or
familiar academic topics
while making informed
decisions about one’s
own reaction to the text
CE.ELF.5.13 Produce
emails, blogs and other
written texts using an
effective voice and a
variety of appropriate
writing styles and
I.EFL.5.13.1 Learners
can produce emails,
blogs and other written
texts using an effective
voice and a variety of
appropriate writing
styles and conventions.
Demonstrate and
convey different levels
of meaning in literary
texts by identifying
distinguishing features,
interpreting implicit and
explicit messages and
responding in a variety
of ways.
I.EFL.5.17.1 Learners
can demonstrate and
convey different levels
of meaning in literary
texts by identifying
distinguishing features,
interpreting implicit and
explicit messages and
responding in a variety
of ways.
DREAM JOB? this established CULTURAL AWARENESS: JOBS : role plays using a range CULTURAL AWARENESS:
propensity for EFL.5.1.7 Interpret and ANIMATION , of verbal and nonverbal CE.EFL.5.3 Interpret
curiosity and demonstrate knowledge of DIRECTOR , communication. cultural and language
tolerance towards nonverbal and oral CHEF , Talking in pairs about a patterns in English,
different cultures communication features by SPORTS video learners have including nonverbal
to comprehend the applying them in appropriate COACH , watched using only communication, and
role of diversity in contexts. COMPUTER English. apply them in
building an GAME Comparing nonverbal appropriate contexts.
intercultural and ORAL COMMUNICATION: PROGRAMM and body language I.EFL.5.3.1 Learners can
multinational EFL.5.2.4 Follow oral directions in ER , CRIME , between L1 and L2 interpret cultural and
society. classroom activities and projects SCENE cultures. language patterns in
and provide directions to peers in INVESTIGAT Writing a short English, including
selected interactions. OR conversation and nonverbal
including an appropriate communication, and
READING: idiom. apply them in
Listening to a short appropriate contexts.
EFL.5.3.1 Find specific predictable dialogue and then
information in short, simple texts writing and acting out a ORAL
in a range of age and level similar dialogue, using COMMUNICATION:
appropriate topics. some of the same CE.EFL. 5.6 Deal with
phrases and practical, everyday
WRITING: expressions. communication
EFL.5.4.6 Produce emails and Asking and answering demands in familiar
blogs describing personal questions about unique social and academic
experiences and feelings. or interesting things one contexts, including
has experienced. following directions in
Listening to a set of class activities and
LANGUAGE THROUGH THE ARTS: instructions and putting identifying main ideas in
EFL.5.5.1 Compare and present them together. other curricular subjects
personal and formal responses to Watching a video and when given sufficient
and interpretations of published then talking to a partner support.
literary texts and the works of about it. I.EFL. 5.6.1 Learners can
peers, referring to details and Reading a text and deal with practical,
features of the text. completing an outline. everyday
Agreeing or disagreeing communication
with a strong opinion demands in familiar
stated in a text and social and academic
giving reasons for one’s contexts, including
own response. following directions in
Reading a text and class activities and
answering information identifying main ideas in
questions. other curricular subjects
Choosing from a list of when given sufficient
words to complete gaps support
from a reading.
Doing extended or free READING:
writing on a class blog. CE.ELF. 5.10 Find
Writing a blog post specific information and
about your future plans. identify the main points
Making posters in small in simple,
groups of new phrases straightforward texts on
or expressions. subjects of personal
Creating an online interest or familiar
invitation to a class academic topics while
event. making informed
Writing a paragraph to decisions about one’s
describe the author’s own reaction to the
intention behind a work text.
of art, story or song. I.EFL. 5.10.1 Learners
Taking pictures to tell a can find specific
story using a digital information and identify
storytelling. the main points in
Using ICT to research simple, straightforward
about a topic of texts on subjects of
learner’s choice and personal interest or
writing a short, creative familiar academic topics
story with the findings. while making informed
Producing a video decisions about one’s
response in groups to a own reaction to the text
song sung in class.
CE.ELF.5.13 Produce
emails, blogs and other
written texts using an
effective voice and a
variety of appropriate
writing styles and
I.EFL.5.13.1 Learners
can produce emails,
blogs and other written
texts using an effective
voice and a variety of
appropriate writing
styles and conventions.
CE.EFL.5.16 respond to
and interpret literary
texts, including original
stories written by peers,
referring to details and
literary elements of the
I.EFL.5.16.1 Learners
can respond to and
interpret literary texts,
including original stories
written by peers,
referring to details and
literary elements of the
Brewster, S. & Lane, A. (2016). Stopwatch 4 Teacher’s Guide. Mexico DF, Mexico: Richmond Publishing.
TEACHER (S): Jean Arcentales COORDINATOR’S NAME: Yennys Solórzano PRINCIPAL’S NAME: M. Paula Vera Vera HCR
DATE: 25/03/2022 DATE: 25/03/2022 DATE: 25/03/2022