Characteristics and Process of Research: Lesson 2
Characteristics and Process of Research: Lesson 2
Characteristics and Process of Research: Lesson 2
and Process of
❑ Research must be
systematic, controlled,
rigorous, valid and verifiable,
empirical and critical.
❑To avoid unethical practices,
researchers had obligations
to adhere professional
standards in conducting
of Research
1. E_ p _ _ i c _ l
1. EMPIRICAL Research must be
based on observed
and measured
phenomena and
derives knowledge
from actual
experience rather than
from theory or belief.
2. L_ g _ c _ l
2. LOGICAL Research must be
based on valid
procedures and
3. C_ c _ _ c _ l
3. CYCLICAL Research is a cyclical
process because it
starts with a problem
and ends with a
problem; hence,
research is repeated.
4. An_ l _t i c _ l
4. ANALYTICAL Research involves
critical thinking skills
and the evaluation of
facts and information
relative to the
research being
5. Cr_ _ i c _ l
5. CRITICAL Research is about
expressing and
involving an analysis
of the merits and
faults of a work of
literature, music, or
6. M_ th_d _c_ l
6. METHODICAL Research is conducted
in a methodical
manner without bias
using systematic
method and
7. R_pl_c_bi__ty
The research design and
7. REPLICABILITY procedures are replicated
or repeated to enable the
researcher to arrive at
valid and conclusive
results. The more
replicated the researches
are, the more valid and
conclusive the results
would be.
Characteristics of
❑Empirical ❑Critical
❑ Analytical
Process of
The Seven Steps in
STEP 1. Define and develop your topic
(Research Problem).
❖ Factors to Consider in Selecting a
Research Problem
• Researcher‘s area of interest
• Availability of funds
• Investigator‘s ability and training
The Seven Steps in
STEP 2. Find background information about
your chosen topic (Review of Related