Roman Slavery
Roman Slavery
Roman Slavery
5.0 Introduction
5.1 Nature of Evidence
5.2 Geographical Spread
5.3 Characteristics
5.4 Regional Variations
5.5 Summary
5.6 Exercises
5.7 Suggested Reading
Hunting-Gathering is generally considered that earliest stage in the social
evolution of human groups for which evidence for organized community
life appears with a regularity. The bulk of this evidence is archaeological
in nature and it is supplemented by anthropological data. Records of the
any other kind, with the exception of painted depictions of community
life, are not available. The archaeological evidence, it must be said, is
rich and is quite useful in reconstructing an account of the hunting-
gathering stage of society. The archaeological method accounts for
both ethnographic connotation and technological context and thus helps
us understand the features of hunting-gathering stage in a fairly detailed
manner. We plan to initially examine the nature of evidence and
subsequently use this evidence to reconstruct, as far as helped by the
evidence, the characteristics of hunting-gathering societies. It is our
intent to simultaneously understand the eco-environmental context in
which hunting-gathering societies emerged and flourished. We also aim
at trying to understand regional variations among hunter-gatherers and
the subsistence pattern of regional groups among the hunting-gathering
The bulk of the evidence relates to stone tools and implements which
were crafted by the contemporary people for their use. These tools
were made of selectively chosen stone material. They were also crafted
with a definite purpose and with an economy of effort and material both.
The assemblages of these stone tools survive at specific locations which
conform to one or more requirements of their manufacture. Besides
the availability of suitable material, the other considerations were perhaps
an abundant supply of water and food. The archaeologists unearth this
material evidence and relate it with the cultural context of its assemblage
so that the seemingly mute stone tools assume a vibrant character. This
makes it possible to reconstruct the main contours of contemporary
societies, that is the life-styles of the hunting-gathering communities.
In the process we are further helped by the pictorial depictions made by
the hunting-gathering people as they give us an idea about the economy
and society of the pre-historic people. These pictures which apparently
are visual expressions of the occurrences in the life of contemporary Hunting-Gathering
communities, on a detailed scrutiny communicate for more intense
tidings. Together they – the material evidence of stone tools and
implements and the rock art – help us recreate the ambience of hunting-
gathering communities in much sharper focus than ever before.
The Palaeolithic stage relates to the early period of the use of stone
tools by human groups. Even here the manufacture and use of stone
tools has not been a static process. Significant evolutionary changes are
quite visible within the stage. As stated by Allchins, “the Palaeolithic
industries of the Pleistocene can be divided into three major groups, on
the basis of the shape, size and methods of manufacture of the principal 19
Environment and artifact types. The Lower Palaeolithic is characterized by hand axes,
Early Societies
cleavers, chopping tools, and related artifact forms. Middle Palaeolithic
industries are characterized by smaller, lighter tools based upon flakes
struck from cores, which in some cases are carefully shaped and prepared
in advance, the Upper Palaeolithic by yet lighter artifacts, and parallel-
sided blades and burins”.(Bridget and Raymond Allchin, The Rise of
Civilization in India and Pakistan, CUP, Great Britain, 1982, p.33). It
is clear that the sequential order of the three sub-stages indicates a
continuous process of technological development which must have
adjusted with the contemporary environmental setting.
The Mesolithic stage appears after the end of the Upper Palaeolithic
period. It is generally considered as a transitional phase between the
Palaeolithic period and the beginning of agriculture during the Neolithic
period. There was rise in temperature and the climate became warm and
dry. The climatic changes affected human life and brought about changes
in fauna and flora. The technology of producing tools also underwent
change and the stone tools of microlithic variety were used. “A
progressive change and development in the stone industry towards
smaller, more delicately made and varied artifact types” was distinctly
noticeable, (Bridget & Raymond Allchin, op.cit., p.79). Man was still
in the hunting-gathering stage but there was a shift in the pattern of
hunting from big game to small game hunting and fishing and fowling
also began to be practiced. These material and ecological changes are
also reflected in rock paintings.
On the basis of their typology, the stone tools and implements of the
Lower Palaeolithic stage have been classified into two technological
traditions – the Sohanian and the Acheulian. The Sohanian tools mainly
consist of choppers, flakes and cores and the Acheulian tools mainly
consist of cleavers, hand-axes, scrapers and blades. This difference is
notable since it indicates a difference in the eco-environmental settings
of the two traditions. Likewise the absence of Lower Palaeolithic tools
from a few regions, as indicated above, also suggests a peculiar
environmental setting not conducive for the growth of this stage.
The Sohanian tools were first reported from the Sohan river which is a
20 tributary of the Indus. “The faunal remains from this deposit included
the horse, buffalo, straight-tusked elephant and hippopotamus, suggesting Hunting-Gathering
an environment characterized by perennial water sources, tree vegetation
and grass steppes,” (V.N. Misra, op.cit. p.18). The Acheulian tools have
been found so extensively that it is suggested that the “first effective
colonization of the country was achieved by the makers of the Acheulian
culture.” The hunter-gatherer populations practicing this tradition were
adapted to a wide variety of ecozones. These zones ranged from semi-
arid western Rajasthan, Saurashtra and Gujarat alluvial plain to sub-humid
dry as well as the moist deciduous woodland zones of Central India, the
Deccan Plateau, Chhota Nagpur plateau and the Eastern Ghats and the
south-east coast (Cf. V.N. Misra, op.cit, p.19).
The next major change was the emergence of the Middle Palaeolithic
stage. The hunter-gatherers of this stage occupied largely the same
regions and the same habitats as occupied by the Achculian tradition.
The only regions which showed sparse occupation were western Rajasthan
and the Mewar region and Gujarat plain. Most of the “Middle Palaeolithic
occupations occurred at open-air sites along perennial as well as seasonal
streams, along hill slopes and on stable dune surface… and in rock
shelters as in Central India.” (V.N. Misra, op.cit., p.21).
At about 10,000 years from now the Upper Palaeolithic stage appeared
accompanied with arid climate and sparse vegetation and animal life.
This restricted the food resources of hunters-gatherers and with that the
population might also have fallen. There is a noticeable sparsity of sites
in Rajasthan and Gujarat as also in Central India. Only in the Eastern
Ghats do we notice more extensive occupations. Some of the sites in
this area are exceptionally large covering nearly five acres and yielding
an assemblage that runs in thousands.
The main areas occupied by Mesolithic people covered the arid and
semi-arid plains of western Rajasthan and north Gujarat, the rocky Mewar
plateau, hills and forests in central India and Orissa, the Chhota Nagpur
Environment and plateau and Deccan plateau, the Mumbai coast and Telengana plateau and
Early Societies
Eastern Ghats. Some of those territories are also occupied by Mesolithic
people that had remained uninhabited in the previous periods. These
included the Ganga valley, Damodar valley, the Kerala coast and the
Southern Tamil Nadu coast. The forest-covered alluvial plains of the
Ganga valley were effectively colonized by the Mesolithic pioneers.
Nearly 200 sites of this period have been located in the south central
part of the valley in Allahabad, Pratapgarh, Jaunpur, Mirzapur and Varanasi
districts. (Cf. G.R. Sharma, V.D. Misra, D. Mandal, B.B. Misra and J.H.
Pal, Beginnings of Agriculture: Excavations at Chopani – Mando,
Mahadaha and Mehagara, Allahabad, 1980.)
The diversity in occupation available from this period has been aptly
described by V.N. Misra: “Mesolithic communities exploited a greater
variety of habitats than their predecessors. In the Gujarat plains they
settled on sand dunes on the shores of interdunal lakes and in the Mewar
plain on elevated rocky ground as well as on river bank dunes. In the
woodland zones of the Vindhyas and the Kaimur Range they occupied
caves and rock shelters as well as open-air locations. The limestone
caves in the Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh were also occupied
during this period. In the wooded ecosystems of the interior Peninsula
there are numerous sites right in the habitat of the shifting cultivators
of the present day. Along the west coast, near Bombay, the Mesolithic
groups settled on the tops of hills and rock outcrops near the sea coast.
Near the tip of the Peninsula, on the east coast, there are occupations
on coastal sand dunes (Teris). These coastal occupations are suggestive
of marine food exploitation. Likewise, the occupations on the shores
of ox-bow lakes in the Ganga valley (e.g. Sarai Nahar Rai, Mahadaha and
Damdama), those close to water falls in the Telangana plateau (e.g. Gauri
Gundam and Pochara), around Chitrakot Falls in Bastar, and in the riverine
niches of the Eastern Ghats indicate considerable dependence on aquatic
food resources,” (V.N. Misra, op.cit., p.25).
The popular perception that hunting-gathering communities lived a
primitive life closer to barbaric behaviour is a far-fetched imagination.
Based on the stone tool assemblages, the sites of their find, and the
pictorial depictions available at rock shelters it is possible to deduce
important details. Some of the characteristic features that emerge from
this indicate that hunters-gatherers lived a social life that was composed
of family, local groups and wider social ties beyond the immediate family/
local group. The stone tools and implements associated with them
strongly suggest that the more notable ones came from large factory
sites, each of which would have catered to a large area, and as suggested
by Allchins, “perhaps also been used by communities of many different
kinds and sizes.” Further, “The means of distribution of this high quality
raw material must have been either through many people visiting the site
or by those living near it having a system of exchange with people from
other groups. There are examples of trade or exchange from many early
settlements, which overlap in time with Mesolithic communities” (Bridget Hunting-Gathering
& Raymond Allchin, op.cit., pp. 62-3).
Some notable changes in tool making technology also took place during
the Middle Palaeolithic stage. The use of bifaces declined and flakes
and blades took over. “These were made by the application of retouch,
that is, by finely trimming the edges of parent flakes by the removal of
tiny thin flakes or chips.” (V.N. Misra, op.cit, p.21). The use of quartz
and quartzite, and basalt was slowly shifted to include the use of chert
and jasper and fine-grained siliceous rocks. An important point to
remember here is that transport of raw material over long distances for
tool making had come to be practiced even if in rudimentary form. The
hunting-gathering communities regularly visited the sites of tool factories
from where they collected finished tools.
The regional variation became more clearly discernible during the Upper
Palaeolithic stage as they got associated with some significant
environmental changes in the Indian sub-continent. A major part of
Rajasthan suffered from the drying up of Himalayan drainage. Except
for the north-western corner of the state between Jaisalmer and Ramgarh
there developed sand deposits and sand dunes. Similar aridity engulfed
the other northern and north-eastern areas. The green environment now
survived in the peninsular India. There was thus a notable shift in the
hunting-gathering communities’ camping sites towards south. The main
stone tools from this stage were scrapers, burins and retouched blade
tools. From a site in Kurnool Caves an assemblage of bone tools have
also been found. The ecosystems in South were rich in plant foods like
fruits, nuts, bamboo shoots and grain and leafy vegetables and
mushrooms. Another significant feature of these sites is that some of
them yield evidence on fishing, both riverine and marine and the
exploitation of other aquatic foods such as prawns, crabs, tortoises etc.
Budha Pushkar and Bagor are two most important sites from the Rajasthan
area. Budha Pushkar is a fresh water lake and has a unique distinction
of supporting habitation beginning with the harbouring of a concentration
of microlithic sites to the present day. Analysis of the finds indicates
that the microlithic sites here were primarily living or camping sites. It
also suggests an overlap with the subsequent semi-urban chalcolithic
stage. Bagor site is to the east of the Aravalli hills situated on a dune
Environment and Lower Palaeolithic Sites in India
Early Societies
Middle Palaeolithic Sites in India Hunting-Gathering
Environment and Upper Palaeolithic Sites in India
Early Societies
Mesolithic Sites in India Hunting-Gathering
Early Societies
Environment and
Rock painting from Jaora near Bhimbetka depicting a hunter with basket or carring net filled with different animals from the forest and river
(After Neumayer 1983)
The Pre-historic societies of hunter-gatherers are studied on the basis
of archaeological remains with the help of anthropological theories.
The Palaeolithic and Mesolithic ages represent the hunting-gathering
stage of social evolution. The Palaeolithic Culture has three phases in
terms of the nature of stone tools and changes in climate. The handaxes,
cleavers, choppers and chopping tools are predominantly early
Palaeolithic artifacts. The Middle Palaeolithic tools are mainly flakes.
The Upper Palaeolithic Culture is characterized by burins and scrapers.
The Mesolithic age started around 8000 B.C. and the age is associated Hunting-Gathering
Budha Pushkar and Bagor are two most important sites from the Rajasthan
area. Budha Pushkar is a fresh water lake and has a unique distinction
of supporting habitation beginning with the harbouring of a concentration
of microlithic sites to the present day. Analysis of the finds indicates
that the microlithic sites here were primarily living or camping sites. It
also suggests an overlap with the subsequent semi-urban chalcolithic
stage. Bagor site is to the east of the Aravalli hills situated on a dune
with changes in climatic conditions. There was further technological
development reflected in the production of microliths and small stone
tools. The Mesolithic tools are mainly the blade, core, point, triangle
and lunate.