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User’s Guide
Revision 4


Echelon, LON, LonTalk, LonBuilder, NodeBuilder, Neuron,
LonManager, LONMARK, LONWORKS, 3120, and 3150 are
registered trademarks of Echelon Corporation. LonMaker,
ShortStack,and i.LON are trademarks of Echelon Corporation.

Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered

trademarks of their respective holders.

Neuron Chips, Serial LonTalk Adapters, and other OEM Products

were not designed for use in equipment or systems which involve
danger to human health or safety or a risk of property damage
and Echelon assumes no responsibility or liability for use of these
products in such applications.

Parts manufactured by vendors other than Echelon and

referenced in this document have been described for illustrative
purposes only, and may not have been tested by Echelon. It is
the responsibility of the customer to determine the suitability of
these parts for each application.



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Copyright ©1995 - 2001 by Echelon Corporation.

Echelon Corporation

1 LTM-10A Overview 1-1

LTM-10A Flash Control Module 1-2
LTM-10 Motherboard 1-2
LTM-10A Platform 1-3
LTM-10A Applications 1-4
Audience 1-5
Content 1-5
Naming Conventions 1-6
Related Documentation 1-6

2 Getting Started with the LTM-10A Platform 2-1

Overview 2-2
Attaching to a LONWORKS Network 2-3
Attaching I/O Devices 2-4
Connecting Power 2-4
Using the LTM-10A Platform 2-6
LTM-10 Motherboard Schematic 2-7

3 Designing in the LTM-10A Flash Control Module 3-1

Designing the Mechanical Interface 3-2
Designing the Electrical Interface 3-4
CP[4..0] 3-5
IO[10..0] 3-5
~IRQ 3-5
~RESET 3-5
XID[4..0] 3-8
Using Pre-Defined Transceivers 3-9
FTT-10A Free Topology Transceiver 3-9
Power Line Transceiver 3-10
TPT/XF-78 and TPT/XF-1250 Twisted Pair Transceivers 3-11

LTM-10A User’s Guide iii

Using Custom Transceivers 3-12
Compatibility with Other Control Modules 3-12
Providing Power 3-13
Power Supply Decoupling and Filtering 3-13
Minimizing Electromagnetic Interference 3-14
Designing for Electrostatic Discharge Immunity 3-15

4 Programming the LTM-10A Module 4-1

LTM-10A Memory Maps 4-2
Using the LTM-10A Module with the LonBuilder Tool 4-3
Using the LTM-10A Module with the NodeBuilder Tool 4-4
LTM-10A Software Features 4-5
Device Recovery 4-5
Activity LED 4-5
Interrupt Request Output 4-5

5 Using the LTM-10A Module as a Network Interface 5-1

Building and Loading the MIP Application for the LTM-10A Module 5-2
Hardware Interface 5-2
Writing a Network Driver 5-3
Writing a Host Application 5-3
Example Design 5-3

iv Echelon
LTM-10A Overview

The LTM-10 family of products, which includes the LTM-10A Flash Control
Module, the LTM-10 Motherboard, and the LTM-10A Platform provides a
modular family of easy-to-use tools for rapidly developing LONWORKS® devices.
The LTM-10A module contains a Neuron® 3150® Chip, flash memory, RAM,
crystal, and reset circuitry, thereby forming the basic building block for a
LONWORKS device. The LTM-10 Motherboard contains all the necessary
components to allow the use of the LTM-10A module on a LONWORKS network
including support for an SMX transceiver, a power supply, reset and service
switches, and status indicators. The LTM-10A platform combines the LTM-10A
module, the LTM-10 Motherboard, and an SMX transceiver in an enclosure. The
LTM-10A platform is shipped as part of the NodeBuilder® Development Tool; and
the LTM-10A platform, LTM-10A module, and LTM-10 Motherboard also are
available as stand-alone products.

LTM-10A User’s Guide 1-1

LTM-10A Flash Control Module
The LTM-10A module includes a flash memory with Neuron Chip firmware version
121 and a Microprocessor Interface Program (MIP) image. The MIP image is based
on the MIP/P50 firmware and can be used to interface the LTM-10A module with an
external host processor.
The version 121 firmware manages four memory maps that enable you to allocate the
LTM-10A 64Kbyte flash memory and the 32Kbyte RAM to the available 56Kbyte
address space on the LTM-10A module. The LTM-10A firmware automatically
selects the appropriate memory map when an image is downloaded to the LTM-10A
module. The memory maps are described in Chapter 4. Figure 1.1 shows a
photograph of the LTM-10A module.

Figure 1.1 LTM-10A module

The module also includes the MIP/P50 firmware which can be used to interface the
on-board Neuron Chip to an external host processor.

LTM-10 Motherboard
The LTM-10 Motherboard enables the user to easily interface an LTM-10A module to
an SMX transceiver of their choice. SMX transceivers are available for different
media from Echelon and other third party sources. The LTM-10 Motherboard also
provides a +5VDC supply for the LTM-10A Flash Control Module and the on-board
SMX transceiver, a service LED and switch, a reset LED and switch, and an LED and
a switch for application development. A connector is provided which enables the
Neuron Chip's I/O pins to be brought out for interfacing to external I/O or a host
processor. The motherboard contains a connector for the user to provide regulated
+5VDC input for use with transceivers and external I/O that require more than the

1-2 LTM-10 Overview

500mA provided by the LTM-10 power supply. Figure 1.2 shows the block diagram of
the LTM-10 Motherboard.

Figure 1.2 LTM-10 Motherboard Block Diagram (size not to scale)

LTM-10A Platform
The LTM-10A platform implements a complete LONWORKS device. This is
accomplished by integrating the LTM-10 Motherboard, the LTM-10A flash control
module, a wall-mount power supply, and an SMX transceiver. The complete modular
assembly is enclosed to allow for easy portability and protection. Figure 1.3 shows a
photograph of the LTM-10A platform.

Figure 1.3 LTM-10A Platform

LTM-10A User’s Guide 1-3

LTM-10A Applications
A LONWORKS device can be either Neuron Chip-hosted or host-based. A Neuron
Chip-hosted device uses a Neuron Chip as its sole processor. The Neuron Chip is
responsible for running the user application as well as the LonTalk protocol for
communicating on the LONWORKS network. As an OEM building block, the LTM-
10A module is designed to be easily integrated into LONWORKS products. On-board
flash memory permits the user application program to reside in non-volatile memory,
and thus be changed over the network at any time. On-board RAM memory can be
used by the user application program for program data and additional
communication buffers. Additionally, the on-board RAM may be used in a
development environment to store the application program, thereby reducing write
cycles to the flash memory. Refer to the NodeBuilder or LonBuilder® user guides for
more information on developing Neuron Chip hosted LONWORKS devices. Figure 1.4
shows the architecture of a Neuron Chip-hosted device using the LTM-10A module.




Figure 1.4 Neuron Chip-Hosted Device Architecture

Host-based devices can be used for applications that require more processing power,
memory, or I/O capability than provided by the Neuron Chip. In this case, the
Neuron Chip becomes a communication processor. The application processing occurs
on an external host processor. Host applications can also be used to interface an
existing application to a LONWORKS network.
You can create a host-based device using a ShortStack™ Micro Server or a
Microprocessor Interface Program (MIP). The ShortStack Micro Server provides the
easiest to use interface with the least overhead required on a host. You can download
the ShortStack firmware and documentation from www.echelon.com/shortstack.
The LTM-10A module contains the Microprocessor Interface Program (MIP) version
P50 that also may be used in developing a host-based device. The MIP/P50 is
included as part of the system image on the LTM-10A Flash Control Module, and is
invoked by the application programmer through the use of Neuron C code.
Figure 1.5 shows the architecture of a host-based device using the LTM-10A module.

1-4 LTM-10 Overview

Host Application

Network Driver

Host Interface

I/O Interface




Figure 1.5 Host-based Device Architecture

Refer to the Microprocessor Interface Program User's Guide and the Host Application
Programmer's Guide for more information on the MIP and the requirements for
writing a host application when using the MIP.

The LTM-10A User's Guide provides specifications and user instructions for
customers who have purchased the LTM-10A module.

This manual provides an overview of the LTM-10A flash control module, LTM-10
Motherboard, LTM-10A platform, and LTM-10A applications.
Chapter 2 describes the process of getting started with the LTM-10A platform.
Chapter 3 provides information for designing in the LTM-10A flash control module.
Chapter 4 discusses the steps necessary for programming the LTM-10A module.
Chapter 5 explains the use of the LTM-10A module as a network interface.

LTM-10A User’s Guide 1-5

Naming Conventions
This guide uses the following conventions:
A leading tilde or a trailing minus sign indicates asserted-low signals. For example:
~RESET and RESET- mean reset asserted-low.
When ~RESET or RESET- is voltage low, it is ON. When it is voltage high, it is OFF.
Code fragments and examples appear in Courier font.

Related Documentation
The following is a list of documents available from Echelon that provide additional
information related to custom nodes. You can download PDF versions of these
manuals from the Echelon web site at www.echelon.com/products.
® ®
• FT 3120 and FT 3150 Smart Transceivers Databook. Describes the memory,
I/O, and communications ports of the Neuron Chip, together with the support
circuitry required for clock, reset, and service functions. Pin assignment, pad
layout, and electrical and environmental specifications are also provided.
• LonBuilder User's Guide. Describes the process of software and hardware
prototyping of custom nodes using the LonBuilder tools. Chapter 7 includes a
detailed discussion of custom device development.
• NodeBuilder User's Guide. Describes the process of software and hardware
prototyping of custom devices using the NodeBuilder tool.
• LonBuilder Hardware Guide. Describes the LonBuilder hardware. Chapter 2
describes the hardware products that can be used for prototyping and developing
custom devices. These products include the LONWORKS Module Application
Interface which is used to debug custom devices based on LONWORKS control
modules including the LTM-10A module.
• Neuron C Programmer's Guide. Provides an overview of the Neuron C
programming language.
• Neuron C Reference Guide. Provides reference information on the functions and
features available within Neuron C.
• LONWORKS Host Application Programmer's Guide. Describes the process of
developing application programs that run on host processors other than the
Neuron Chip.
• LONMARK Layers 1-6 Interoperability Guidelines. Provides guidelines for using
layers 1 to 6 of the LonTalk protocol and the requirements for compatibility at
Layer 1.
• LONMARK Application Layer Interoperability Guidelines. Provides guidelines
for the LonTalk application layer, including the handling of functional blocks,
configuration information, product documentation, SNVTs, and SCPTs.
• The Echelon LONWORKS Products Catalog, which contains a data sheet for all
LONWORKS products, including Echelon's family of SMX transceivers.
• The ShortStackUser’s Guide. Provides information on designing devices using
the ShortStack Micro Server.

1-6 LTM-10 Overview

• LonBuilder Microprocessor Interface Program (MIP) User's Guide. Provides
information for developing network interface applications with a generic
LONWORKS network interface for use by others, or for developing a LONWORKS
network interface for the user's own application.
• LONWORKS FTT-10A Free Topology Transceiver User’s Guide. Describes the
functions and operations of the FTT-10A free topology transceiver.
• LONWORKS PLT-20 C-Band Power Line Transceiver Module User’s Guide.
Describes the function and operation of the PLT-20 C-band power line transceiver
• LPT-10 Link Power Transceiver User’s Guide. Describes the functions and
operations of the LPT-10 transceiver.

LTM-10A User’s Guide 1-7

1-8 LTM-10 Overview
Getting Started with the
LTM-10A Platform

This chapter describes how to get started with the LTM-10A module by
setting up the LTM-10A platform. This chapter also applies to LTM-
10 Motherboard users.

LTM-10A User’s Guide 2-1

The LTM-10A platform enables you to interface an LTM-10A Module to an SMX
transceiver and a LONWORKS network without having to do any hardware
development other than adding your application I/O.

To begin using the LTM-10A platform follow these steps:

1 Verify that your LTM-10A platform is complete. The platform requires the
following components:
• LTM-10 motherboard with LTM-10A Module.
• Twisted pair cable for connecting the device to a twisted pair network
(twisted pair version only).
• Wall-mount power supply (or your own +5VDC regulated power supply for
use with the PLM-20 transceivers).
• Power supply cable for external regulated +5VDC supply.
• LTM-10A User’s Guide (this manual).
Skip to step 6 if you purchased a NodeBuilder Development Tool or an assembled
LTM-10A platform.
2 Verify that the LTM-10A module is installed in connectors J1 and J2 on the
motherboard. To install the LTM-10A module, align the pins of the module with
the sockets at positions J1 and J2 on the motherboard and press the module
firmly into place. Secure the module to the metal standoffs with mounting
3 Verify that an SMX transceiver is installed in the P1 connector on the
motherboard. If not, install one using the following steps. First, remove the
standoff and spacer at the front metal bracket, but save the mounting screw.
Next, position the transceiver component side down over the motherboard so that
the 20-pin connectors are aligned and the SMX transceiver's metal bracket is at
the outside edge of the motherboard, on the same side as the J3 power jack. Press
down firmly to set the connectors and the board down onto the motherboard's
metal spacer. Finally, using the mounting screw, secure the transceiver onto the
metal standoff. The following SMX transceivers are available from Echelon:
• Model 77010 TPM/XF-78 Twisted Pair Modular Transceiver
• Model 77030 TPM/XF-1250 Twisted Pair Modular Transceiver
• Model 77040 FTM-10 Free Topology Modular Transceiver
• Model 77160 PLM-22 C-Band Power Line Modular Transceiver
4 Set any option jumpers on the SMX transceiver by referring to the LONWORKS
SMX Transceivers data sheet.
5 You also can use an SMX transceiver from a third party, or you can develop your
own. See Using a Non-Standard Transceiver in Chapter 3 for information on
how to configure the LTM-10A module for a non-standard transceiver.
Transceivers for other media may be available from other suppliers. Consult the
third party product listing at www.echelon.com/products for more information on
third-party transceivers.

2-2 Getting Started

6 Attach the SMX-compatible transceiver to a LONWORKS network. The PLM-20
transceiver requires an external power line coupler for connection to the power
mains. See the LONWORKS Power Line Couplers data sheet and the transceiver
manuals for details.
7 Attach any I/O devices to the platform using the I/O connector at J5.
8 Apply power to the motherboard by attaching the wall-mount power supply
output to connector J3. See Connecting Power in this chapter. If you are using a
PLM transceiver, you must provide regulated +5VDC power on connector J4.
9 Develop and load an application on the LTM-10A Module. See Programming the
LTM-10A in Chapter 4.

Attaching to a LONWORKS Network

The LTM-10A platform uses an SMX transceiver at P1 to connect to a LONWORKS
network. Table 2.1 gives the pin out of the motherboard’s P1 connector.

Table 2.1 P1 20 Pin SMX Transceiver Header

Name Function Pin Number

~PKT SEND Flashes SMX LED on transmitted packets; 18
CLK Neuron Chip CLK2 output 17
CP0 Neuron Chip communication port 0 10
CP1 Neuron Chip communication port 1 8
CP2 Neuron Chip communication port 2 6
CP3 Neuron Chip communication port 3 12
CP4 Neuron Chip communication port 4 4
~RESET Neuron Chip reset 16
XID0 Transceiver ID 0 input (LSB) 3
XID1 Transceiver ID 1 input 5
XID2 Transceiver ID 2 input 7
XID3 Transceiver ID 3 input 9
XID4 Transceiver ID 4 input (MSB) 11
VCC +5VDC output 1,19
GND Ground 2,20
NC No connect 13, 14, 15

LTM-10A User’s Guide 2-3

Attaching I/O Devices
I/O devices are connected to the LTM-10 motherboard through connector J5. You may
choose to use an Echelon Gizmo 4 I/O Board for early testing, or you can connect
devices of your own design. The pinout of I/O connector J5 is given in table 2.2

Table 2.2 J5 20 Pin I/O Connector

Name Function Pin Number

IO0 Neuron Chip I/O Pin 0 1
IO1 Neuron Chip I/O Pin 1 2
IO2 Neuron Chip I/O Pin 2 3
IO3 Neuron Chip I/O Pin 3 4
IO4 Neuron Chip I/O Pin 4 5
IO5 Neuron Chip I/O Pin 5 6
IO6 Neuron Chip I/O Pin 6 7
IO7 Neuron Chip I/O Pin 7 8
IO8 Neuron Chip I/O Pin 8 9
IO9 Neuron Chip I/O Pin 9 10
IO10 Neuron Chip I/O Pin 10 11
~IRQ LTM-10A Interrupt request to host 13
~SERVICE Neuron Chip Service Pin 15
~RESET Neuron Chip Reset Pin 16
VCC +5VDC output 19
GND Ground 20
N/C No Connect 12, 14, 17, 18

Connecting Power
The LTM-10 motherboard requires power as described below:
• Primary Power. For most configurations, primary power is supplied via the DC
power jack at J3. This jack accepts unregulated +9 to 12VDC input, which the
motherboard regulates to +5VDC. Connect the wall-mount power supply
provided with the LTM-10A platform to this jack. This input can be used with
any SMX transceiver that requires less than 100mA. The output of the LTM-10
power supply is a nominal 9-12VDC at 500mA. Table 2.3 lists the specifications
of the LTM-10 power supplies.

2-4 Getting Started

Table 2.3 LTM-10A Platform Power Supplies

Country or Nominal Input Input Range Frequency Input Connector Echelon

Region Voltage Nominal ±10% Model #
North America 120 VAC 108-132 VAC 60 Hz 2-prong, NEMA 1- 78010
Japan 100 VAC 90 - 110 VAC 50/60 Hz 2-prong, NEMA 1- 78040
U.K. 240 VAC 216 - 264 VAC 50 Hz 3-prong, U.K. 78030
Continental 220 VAC 198 - 242 VAC 50 Hz 2-prong, Euro 78020
Europe Plug

• Alternate Primary Power. For SMX transceivers that require more than
100mA, such as power line transceivers, regulated +5VDC ±5% power must be
supplied to the motherboard. In this case, only the DC power connector at J4 is
used. Connect a regulated +5VDC ±5% power supply to J4, and do not use the
wall-mount power supply included with the LTM-10A platform. Make sure the
output current capability of your power supply is enough to satisfy the current
needs of the SMX transceiver used. The J4 connector is compatible with IBM
PC compatible disk drive power connectors so that a readily available PC power
supply may be used.
1 2 3 4

Figure 2.1 J4 Connector Front Panel View

Table 2.4 J4 Connector Pin Out

Name Function Pin # Color

N/C No connect 1 Yellow
GND Ground 2 Black
GND Ground 3 Black
VCC +5VDC input 4 Red

LTM-10A User’s Guide 2-5

Using the LTM-10A Platform
The LTM-10A platform includes switches and indicators that are used as described in
table 2.5. The LTM-10A module signals are described in Chapter 3.

Table 2.5 Motherboard Switches and Indicators

Name Label Description Usage

Power LED DS1 Green LED Illuminated when power is on.
Service Button S1 Pushbutton Push to assert the ~SERVICE pin on the
LTM-10A module. When pressed, the
LTM-10A firmware will send a service pin
message to the network. This pushbutton is
also used in the application clearing
procedure described in Chapter 4.
Service LED DS2 Yellow LED Displays the state of the LTM-10 ~SERVICE
pin (active low).
Reset Switch S2 Pushbutton Push to assert the ~RESET pin on the LTM-
10A module. When pressed, this switch
resets the LTM-10A. This pushbutton is also
used in the application clearing procedure
described in Chapter 4.
Reset LED DS3 Red LED Displays the state of the LTM-10A ~RESET
pin. A pulse stretcher ensures that brief reset
pulses will be visible.
IO4 Switch S3 Pushbutton Push to ground the IO4 pin of the LTM-10A
IO0 LED DS4 Green LED Buffered output displays the state of the LTM-
10A IO0 line (active low).

2-6 Getting Started

LTM-10 Motherboard Schematic
The following schematics detail the LTM-10 motherboard.

Figure 2.2 LTM-10 Motherboard Schematic (Part 1)

LTM-10A User’s Guide 2-7

Figure 2.2 LTM-10 Motherboard Schematic (Part 2)

2-8 Getting Started

Designing in the LTM-10A
Flash Control Module

This chapter describes the information necessary to design the LTM-10A

module into your device. The LTM-10A Flash Control Module interfaces to the
device application electronics and to the network through two connectors, P1
and P2, respectively.

LTM-10A User’s Guide 3-1

Designing the Mechanical Interface
The LTM-10A flash control module footprint and connectors are shown in figure 3.2.
The most common LTM-10A module mounting scenario uses socket strips on the
application electronics board which connect with P1 and P2 as shown in figure 3.1.
Vendor information for socket strips that mate with the 0.025" (0.64mm) square
header posts of P1 and P2 is shown in table 3.1.

If necessary, taller socket strips may be used to gain more clearance between the
LTM-10A module and the application board. Decisions about component placement
on the application electronics board must also consider electromagnetic interference
(EMI) and electrostatic discharge (ESD) issues discussed later in this document.
Figure 3.2 shows the maximum height of parts on both sides of the
LTM-10A module.
Three plated mounting holes that accept No. 6 (3.5mm) mounting screws are
electrically connected to the LTM-10A module ground plane. When the 0.025"
(0.64mm) square posts of P1 and P2 are inserted into the sockets they provide enough
holding strength (3 oz (85g)/pin) to secure the LTM-10A module against shock and
vibration to the operating limits of the components on the module. However, at least
one metal standoff and fastening screw located at the mounting hole near the P2
connector is recommended to meet EMI limits and for ESD protection.

Figure 3.2 shows the recommended PCB pad layout for the application electronics
board to interconnect an LTM-10A module with an application board that has socket
strips mounted on the component side.

Table 3.1 Socket Strips Suitable for Use with the LTM-10A Module Header Pins

Manufacturer P1: 26-pin (2 X 13) P2: 6-pin (1 X 6)

Samtec SSW-113-01-T-D SSW-106-01-T-S
Augat A010-006-YB-001
Methode 9000-106-303

0.08 (2.03)
0.062 (1.57)
0.50 P1 0.20 P2

P1 and P2 are 0.025 (0.64)

square posts on 0.1 (2.54) centers

.xxx ± .005 (0.13)
.xx ± .010 (0.25)
Approx. 1X Scale

Figure 3.1 Recommended Spacing between the LTM-10A Module and Application Electronics

3-2 Designing in the LTM-10A Module

-0.15 0.250 1.700 1.85
(-3.81) 0 (6.35) (43.18) (46.99)

-0.15 (-3.81)
0 1 25

2 26

2.40 (60.96)  

 Tolerances: Application Electronics

.xxx ± .005 (0.127)) Board Layout
.xx ± .010 (0.254)
Approx. 2X Scale

2.000 (50.80)
2.100 (53.34)
1 6
2.25 (57.2)

-0.050 0.800
(-1.27) (20.32)

Reference Pad O.D. Finished Plated Hole Dia. ±0.003 (0.08) 

Mounting 0.285 (7.24)   0.152 (3.86)     
P1,P2 0.060 (1.52)   0.039 (0.99)     

Figure 3.2 Required Pad Layout for Application Electronics Board

LTM-10A User’s Guide 3-3

Designing the Electrical Interface
Table 3.2 summarizes the pins on the LTM-10A module. The following paragraphs
provide a detailed description of each pin. All inputs require TTL-level inputs except
as noted. Figure 3.2 identifies the pins on the motherboard.

Table 3.2 LTM-10A Module Pinouts

Name Description Pin #
~PKT SEND LTM-10A activity output (8mA sink, 20 µA source) P1-20
CLK OUT Neuron Chip CLK2 output (CMOS level, drives 1 P1-26
CMOS load))
CP[4..0] Network communication port P2-1,5,2,3,4
IO[10..0] Neuron Chip I/O Pins P1-16,14,17,15,13,
~IRQ Interrupt request output (CMOS level, 4mA sink) P1-22
~RESET Reset input and output P1-9
~SERVICE Service invocation input and service status output P1-18
XID[4..0] Transceiver ID inputs P1-24,25,23,21,19
VCC +5VDC ±5% input P1-12

GND Digital ground P1-3,5,7

N/C No connect; must be floating P1-1

The ~PKT SEND output signal is asserted low when the LTM-10A module is sending
a packet to the network. The ~PKT SEND output signal is asserted for
approximately 40ms when the application processor of the Neuron Chip on the LTM-
10A module queues a message for sending. This output can be used to drive an
activity LED. It can sink 4mA with VOL≤0.45V or 20mA with VOL~IV. It can source
20µA with VOH≥2.4V.

The CLK OUT output signal is driven by the CLK2 pin of the LTM-10A module
Neuron Chip at the same frequency as the Neuron Chip CLK IN input. It is a CMOS
driver that can drive 5 LS-TTL loads and can be used to interface to the FTT-10 Free
Topology Transceiver and the LPT-10 Link Power Transceiver.

3-4 Designing in the LTM-10A Module

The CP[4..0] signals are connected to the CP[4..0] communications port pins of the
Neuron Chip on the LTM-10A module. The function of these pins is described in the
Neuron Chip Data Book.

The IO[10..0] signals are connected to the IO[10..0] pins of the Neuron Chip on the
LTM-10A module. The Neuron Chip uses these pins to connect to application-
specific I/O hardware. The specific functions of these pins is described in the Neuron
Chip Data Book.

The IRQ signal output signals an interrupt request from the LTM-10A module to
the host processor when executing the MIP/P50 firmware. It pulses high or low to
signal an interrupt request. The polarity is under software control. It is also
available for use by an application. The address of this memory mapped register is
the least significant bit (LSB) of location 0xE000, and the state of the signal reflects
the value written to this location, either a '0' or a '1'. See Chapter 4 for a Neuron C
example using this output.

The ~RESET signal resets the LTM-10A module and is asserted low by the LTM-10
low voltage protection circuit. An external low voltage protection circuit is not
required. This signal may be directly connected to a reset push button without
debouncing. Figure 3.3 shows the reset circuitry on board the LTM-10A module.

+5 +5 P1-9

Low Voltage
DS1233 Neuron Chip


Figure 3.3 LTM-10A Module Reset Circuit

If this signal is driven by an external circuit, it must be driven by an open-collector

or open-drain driver since the signal is both an input and an output.
The Reset pin is driven low by the Neuron Chip whenever the Neuron Chip is reset
internally. When you load an application with the LonBuilder, NodeBuilder, or
LonMaker™ tools, the Reset pin can flash periodically, indicating resets as part of
the load process. When the Neuron Chip's watchdog timer expires, the Reset pin is
also asserted low by the Neuron Chip.

When used as a MIP module, the Reset output of the LTM-10 must be used to alert
the attached host processor that the host interface must be resynchronized.

LTM-10A User’s Guide 3-5

The ~SERVICE signal is connected to the ~SERVICE pin of the LTM-10A module's
Neuron Chip. The function of the ~SERVICE pin is described in the Neuron Chip
Data Book. The internal pullup resistor for the service pin is enabled by the LTM-
10 firmware. A service LED driven by the ~SERVICE signal will reflect the LTM-10
firmware status: blinking means that the LTM-10A module is unconfigured, off
means that it is configured, and on means that the node is applicationless.
Typical applications do not require debounce conditioning of momentary push
buttons attached to the ~SERVICE pin. The software response time associated with
this input is long enough to effectively provide a software debounce for switches
with a contact bounce time as long as 20ms.
The condition of the service LED may be observed for clues about the actual state of
the node. The behavior of the service LED, specifically the duration of ON and OFF
states, varies depending on the operating state of the node.
Figure 3.4 illustrates the different service LED behavior alternatives. These are the
most common behaviors, others are possible since the state of the service LED is
under firmware control and can be affected by both hardware and software
anomalies. The state of the service LED can also be affected by the application
program using the activate_service_led built-in variable.
Table 3.3 describes each of the behaviors shown in figure 3.4 under different contexts.
Again, this list is not exhaustive and therefore does not provide explanations for
every possible service LED behavior.
Behavior 7 represents that of a fully configured node during normal operation.






6 See table 3.3 See table 3.3


1 sec 2 sec 3 sec 4 sec 5 sec Time

(at 10 MHz,
Applied = ON = OFF
to Node

*Does not scale with the Neuron Chip clock

Figure 3.3 Possible Service LED Behaviors Showing Different Duty Cycles

3-6 Designing in the LTM-10A Module

Table 3.3 Explanation of the Service LED Behaviors Shown in Figure 3.3


1 Power-up Bad device hardware
2 Power-up Bad device hardware
3 Power-up/Reset Device is applicationless
May be caused by the Neuron Chip firmware
when a mismatch occurs on application
This behavior is normal if the application was
exported to come up applicationless
4 Anytime Watchdog timer resets occurring
Possible corrupt EEPROM
Make the Neuron Chip applicationless by holding
down the service button and then pressing and
releasing the reset button. Hold the service
button down until the reset LED flashes a second
time. See Chapter 4.
5 Anytime Device is unconfigured but has an application.
Proceed with loading the device.
6 Using EEBLANK The OFF duration is approximately 10 seconds
(10MHz Neuron Chip). This duration scales
proportionally to the system clock. After this OFF
time the service LED should turn ON and stay
ON, indicating the completion of the blanking
6 First power up with a new flash The OFF duration is approximately 1 second.
on a Neuron 3150 Chip-based Service LED should then turn ON and stay on
custom device. Applicationless indicating an applicationless state
firmware state exported
6 First power up with a new flash. The OFF duration is 1-15 seconds depending on
Unconfigured firmware state the application size and system clock. Service
exported LED should then begin flashing as in behavior 5
shown in figure 3.3, indicating an unconfigured
6 First power up. Configured The OFF duration is indefinite (1-15 seconds to
firmware state exported load internal EEPROM; stays OFF indicating
configured state.)
7 Anytime Device is configured and running normally

LTM-10A User’s Guide 3-7

The LTM-10A module comes preconfigured with many common LONWORKS
transceiver parameters. The XID[4..0] input signals specify a transceiver
identification (ID) to select the appropriate transceiver type.
The transceiver ID inputs simplify LTM-10 configuration by automatically
configuring the LTM-10A module for most transceivers. A special transceiver ID is
reserved for programming any custom transceiver type. This value causes the
communication port pins to be configured as all inputs so that no line will be driven
by both the transceiver and the LTM-10A module before the LTM-10A can be
properly configured. See Using a Non-Standard Transceiver later in this chapter.
The LTM-10A module reads the transceiver ID inputs on power up and reset. If it is
being powered-up for the first time, or if the transceiver ID is different from the last
time it was powered-up, the parameters specified in table 3.4 are loaded. If it is not
being powered-up for the first time, and the transceiver ID is not 30, the LTM-10A
module compares the network bit rate and input clock for the specified transceiver
to the current transceiver parameters. If these parameters don't match, then all
transceiver parameters are reinitialized. These inputs must be tied high or low.
They cannot be left floating.

Table 3.4 LTM-10 Transceiver Parameters

ID XID(4..0) Name Media Network Bit Input # of

Rate Clock Priority
01 00001 TP/XF-78 Transformer-isolated 78kbps 10MHz 4
twisted pair
03 00011 TP/XF-1250 Transformer-isolated 1.25Mbps 10MHz 16
twisted pair
04 00100 TP/FT-10 Free topology with 78kbps 10MHz 4
optional link power
05 00101 TP/RS485-39 RS-485 twisted pair 39kbps 10MHz 4
10 01010 TP/RS485-625 RS-485 twisted pair 62kbps 10MHz 4
11 01011 TP/RS485-1250 RS-485 twisted pair 1.25Mbps 10MHz 16
12 01100 TP/RS485-78 RS-485 twisted pair 78kbps 10MHz 4
15 01111 PL-20A A-band power line 2613bps 10MHz 8
16 10000 PL-20C C-band power line1 5kbps 10MHz 6

17 10001 PL-20N C-band power line1 5kbps 10MHz 8

27 11011 DC-78 Direct connect 78kbps 10MHz 0

1 PL-20C enables the CENELEC compliant access protocol; PL-20N disables it

3-8 Designing in the LTM-10A Module

28 11100 DC-625 Direct connect 62kbps 10MHz 0
29 11101 DC-1250 Direct connect 1.25Mbps 10MHz 0
30 11110 Custom Custom1 N/A N/A 0

Using Pre-Defined Transceivers

The LTM-10A module includes pre-defined transceiver parameters for the transceivers
listed in table 3.4. When using any of these transceivers, the transceiver parameters
are automatically programmed as described under the description of the XID[4..0]
signals in this chapter.

The following sections describe the hardware interface for standard LONWORKS
transceivers available from Echelon for free topology, twisted pair, and power line
communications. The user’s guide for each transceiver contains documentation on the
interface requirements. The following sections provide additional information on using
these transceivers with the LTM-10A module.

Note: The user's guides for the various transceivers are the source material for all
reference information. The following schematics are samples and are provided for
example purposes only.

FTT-10A Free Topology Transceiver

The FTT-10A Free Topology Transceiver supports polarity-insensitive communications
over twisted pair cable with any topology, including bus, star, loop, and hybrid wiring.
It is compatible with Echelon’s LPT-10 Link Power Transceiver, and these transceivers
can communicate with each other on a single twisted pair cable. Figure 3.5 shows the
interface between the FTT-10A and LTM-10A modules. The transceiver ID must be set
to 4 as shown in the schematic. See the LONWORKS FTT-10A Free Topology
Transceiver User’s Guide for additional information.

1 Use type 30 for any transceiver type. The communications port is initially defined as all inputs. This option
is not supported by the NodeBuilder software.

LTM-10A User’s Guide 3-9

See FTT-10A
+5V FTT-10A
Ca,b C4 C3 C1
D1B D1A +
Vcc Vcc NET_A

Rr To/From
CP4 R1 D2A D2B
C8 sp
T2 ps)


See FTT-10A

XID2 Vcc

Figure 3.5 Sample FTT-10A Transceiver Interface

Power Line Transceiver

The PLT-20 Power Line Transceiver supports communications over AC or DC power
mains. It may be connected to the LTM-10A module and a coupling circuit as shown in
figure 3.6. The transceiver ID input must be set as shown. See the LONWORKS PLT-
20 C-Band Power Line Transceiver Module User's Guide for additional information,
including a description of the coupling circuits.

3-10 Designing in the LTM-10A Module

+5V +9V
Power Line
Vcc Vcc
CP2 CP2 TXOUT Coupling
LTM-10A Transceiver

XID4 Vcc
XID2 +5V +9V
GND = CENELEC Power Supply
+5 = Non-CENELEC

Figure 3.6 Sample PLT-20 Transceiver Interface

TPT/XF-78 and TPT/XF-1250 Twisted Pair Transceivers

The TPT/XF-78 and TPT/XF-1250 transceivers support polarity-insensitive

communication over twisted pair cable with a bus topology. The connection between
the LTM-10A module and the TPT/XF-78 and TPT/XF-1250 Twisted Pair
Transceivers is shown in figure 3.7.

+5V +5V

Generic CP1 CP1
Control CT N.C. Network
I I I I I CP4 Twisted Pair or
4 3 2 1 0 GND GND Transceiver

(DIODES = 1N4148 OR
GND = TP/XF-78
+5V = TP/XF-1250

Figure 3.7 Connection between LTM-10A Module and TPT/XF-78 or

TPT/XF-1250 Twisted Pair Transceivers

LTM-10A User’s Guide 3-11

Using Custom Transceivers
The LTM-10A module can be used with transceivers not listed in table 3.4 as long as
the communication parameters are programmed to match the custom transceiver.
You must use the custom transceiver type (ID 30) for the LTM-10A module and load
the appropriate communications parameter into the module via the MIP interface.
Optionally, you may load the new communication parameters over the network using
a LonBuilder system and the following steps:

1 Place a standard LonBuilder transceiver in the network manager slot.

2 Install the network manager using the appropriate standard transceiver for its
channel description.

3 Define a logical phantom router in the LonBuilder. Assign the same transceiver
type as the one used for the network manager node to one side of the router. The
other side of the router should be assigned the channel that represents your
custom transceiver. There is no need for the actual router hardware to be
present for this step.

4 Connect your LTM-10A to an SMX transceiver that matches the transceiver in

the LonBuilder network manager. The SMX transceiver will set the appropriate
transceiver ID for the LTM-10A.

5 Connect the LTM-10A Platform to the network manager and install it. Respond
YES when asked to have the communication parameters loaded.

6 Disconnect the module from the network, remove power from it, and replace the
SMX transceiver with your custom transceiver.

7 Choose the custom transceiver type (ID 30) for your LTM-10A.
8 Your LTM-10A is now programmed with your custom communication parameter.

Compatibility with Other Control Modules

The LTM-10A module is compatible with the Echelon control modules. Pins 1
through 18 of the P1 connector are identical to those of the same connector on the
TP/XF-78, TP/XF-78F, TP/XF-1250, TP/FT-10 and the TP/FT-10F modules.
Therefore, you can design a motherboard that will accommodate all these modules.
Special attention must be given to the physical size of the LTM-10A module as it is
wider than the other control modules. Refer to the LONWORKS Twisted Pair Control
Module User's Guide for mechanical and electrical specifications of these control

3-12 Designing in the LTM-10A Module

Providing Power
The LTM-10A Flash Control Module requires a +5VDC power source with sufficient
current to power the LTM-10A module in all modes of operation.

The supply current requirements for the LTM-10A module are outlined in table 3.5.
The LTM-10A module requires a +5VDC ±5% power supply.
Table 3.5 LTM-10A Module +5 Volt Current Requirements

Typical Max
Current consumption 100mA 160mA
@ 10MHz

1. Assumes internal I/O pullups are disabled and I/O lines are not connected to a load.
2. Assumes ~SERVICE pullup is enabled.
3. Includes CMOS flash memory running typical application with the Neuron Chip
4. Actual current consumption of the LTM-10A Flash Control Module will depend on the
load characteristics of the transceiver with which it is used.

Power Supply Decoupling and Filtering

The design for the LTM-10A module power supply must consider filtering and
decoupling requirements of the LTM-10A module. The power supply filter must
prevent noise generated by the LTM-10A module and I/O circuits from conducting
onto external wires, and in the case of DC-DC switching power supplies, must
prevent noise generated by the supply from interfering with module operation.
Switching power supply designs must also consider the effects of radiated EMI.
The LTM-10A module includes 2.2µF and 0.1µF power supply bypass capacitors on
the +5V supply line. In general, a high frequency decoupling capacitor valued at
0.1µF or 0.01µF placed near pin 12 of P1 on the motherboard is necessary to reduce
The LTM-10A module requires a clean power supply to prevent RF noise from
conducting on to the network through active drive circuits. Power supply noise near
the network transmission frequency may degrade network performance.
Attention to the design of the application electronics circuit is also necessary. High-
speed signals and inductive loads are common sources of noise which must be
managed by separating the logic and I/O power supplies, or by using sufficient
filtering and decoupling techniques.

LTM-10A User’s Guide 3-13

Minimizing Electromagnetic Interference
The high-speed digital signals associated with microcontroller designs can generate
unintentional Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). High-speed voltage changes
generate RF currents that can cause radiation from a product if a length of wire or
piece of metal can serve as an antenna.
Products that use the LTM-10A module will generally need to demonstrate
compliance with EMI limits enforced by various regulatory agencies. In the USA, the
FCC requires that unintentional radiators comply with Part 15 level “A” for
industrial products, and level “B” for products that can be used in residential
environments. Similar regulations are imposed in most countries throughout the
Echelon has designed the LTM-10A Flash Control Module with low enough RF noise
levels for design into level “B” products. Echelon encourages level “B” compliance for
all LONWORKS-compatible products.

Information on designing products for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is

available in several forms including books, seminars, and consulting services.
Echelon recommends the document Electromagnetic Compatibility for Industrial-
Process Measurement and Control Equipment, Part 2: Electrostatic Discharge
Requirements, IEC801-2,1991-04, draft.

Following are design tips for EMC:

• Most of the RF noise originates in the CPU portion of the LTM-10A module, and
in any high-frequency or high-speed application circuitry in the node.

• Most of the Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) will be radiated by the network

cable and the power cable.

• Filtering is generally necessary to keep RF noise from getting out on the power

• The LTM-10A module must be well grounded within the node to ensure that its
built-in EMI filtering works properly.

• Early EMI testing of prototypes at a certified outdoor range is an extremely

important step in the design of level “B” products. This testing ensures that
grounding and enclosure design questions are addressed early enough to avoid
most last-minute changes (and their associated schedule delays).

The three standoff holes on the LTM-10A module are generally not needed for
mechanical support, but the hole nearest connector P2 is important for EMI
grounding of the LTM-10A module. Best results are achieved by a solid ground
connection from the LTM-10A module to the application mother board and to a
metalized enclosure using the P2 standoff.

Since the LTM-10A module routes the Neuron Chip's CP lines directly to connector
P2 without filtering, your design may require filtering on the transceiver's network
data communication lines to meet level “B” emission limits. In rare cases, such as
designs including circuits with extremely fast edges, additional noise attenuation is

3-14 Designing in the LTM-10A Module

required. In such cases it may be necessary to use a common-mode choke, such as
muRata’s PLT1R53C connected in series with the data communication lines adjacent
to the node’s external network connector. This choke will provide an additional
10dB-to-15dB of EMI attenuation over the 30-to-500 MHz range. The choke adds a
few pF of differential capacitance to the data communication lines, and therefore
reduces network performance and may affect interoperability. In general,
application designs should not require a common-mode choke.

Designing for Electrostatic Discharge Immunity

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) is encountered frequently in industrial and commercial
use of electronic systems (refer to UL's LAN Cable Certification Program, Document
number 200-120 20M/11/91, by Underwriters Laboratories, Northbrook Illinois, (708)
272-8800). Reliable system designs must consider the effects of ESD and take steps
to protect sensitive components. Static discharges occur frequently in low-humidity
environments when operators touch electronic equipment. The static voltages
generated by humans can easily exceed 10kV. Keyboards, connectors, and enclosures
provide paths for static discharges to reach ESD sensitive components such as the
Neuron Chip.

ESD hardening includes the following techniques:

• Provide adequate creepage and clearance distances to prevent ESD hits from
reaching sensitive circuitry.

• Provide low impedance paths for ESD hits to ground.

• Use diode clamps or transient voltage suppression devices for accessible, sensitive

The best protection from ESD damage is circuit inaccessibility. If all circuit
components are positioned away from package seams, the static discharges can be
prevented from reaching ESD sensitive components. There are two measures of
"distance" to consider for inaccessibility: creepage and clearance. Creepage is the
shortest distance between two points along the contours of a surface. Clearance is
the shortest distance between two points through the air. An ESD hit generally arcs
farther along a surface than it will when passing straight through the air. For
example, a 20kV discharge will arc about 0.4 inches (10mm) through dry air, but the
same discharge can travel over 0.8 inches (20mm) along a clean surface. Dirty
surfaces can allow arcing over even longer creepage distances.

When ESD hits to circuitry cannot be avoided through creepage, clearance and
ground guarding techniques, i.e., at external connector pins, explicit clamping of the
exposed lines is required to shunt the ESD current. Consult Protection of Electronic
Circuits from Overvoltages, by Ronald B. Standler, for advice about ESD and
transient protection for exposed circuit lines. In general, exposed lines

LTM-10A User’s Guide 3-15

require diode clamps to the power supply rails or zener clamps to chassis ground in
order to shunt the ESD current to ground while clamping the voltage low enough to
prevent circuit damage. The Neuron Chip’s I/O and control lines are connected
directly to P1 without any ESD protection beyond that provided by the Neuron Chip
itself. If these lines will be exposed to ESD in an application, protection must be
added on the application electronics board. Figure 3.8 shows an example of the use of
diode clamps to protect the LTM-10A module I/O lines in a keypad scanning


Flash Control

Diode Array

Figure 3.8 Example of Diode Clamping Protection for LTM-10A Module I/O Lines

3-16 Designing in the LTM-10A Module

Programming the LTM-10A

This chapter discusses the steps necessary for programming the LTM-
10A module. Separate procedures are outlined for the LonBuilder and
NodeBuilder tools.

LTM-10A User’s Guide 4-1

LTM-10A Memory Maps
As described in Chapter 1, the LTM-10A module includes a 64Kbyte flash memory
and a 32Kbyte RAM that may be allocated to the available 56Kbyte address space on
the LTM-10A module (the upper 8Kbytes are reserved for I/O and on-chip Neuron
memory on the LTM-10A module).

The LTM-10A firmware supports four memory maps. The LTM-10A firmware
automatically selects the appropriate memory map when an image is downloaded to
the LTM-10A module. All four memory maps always map the lower 16Kbytes of the
flash memory to the lower 16Kbytes of the LTM-10A module. These 16Kbytes
contain the Neuron firmware and the MIP/P50 image. The following table
summarizes the memory allocation for the four memory maps:

Memory Map Name Flash Memory RAM

LTM-10A Flash 0 – 7FFF (32K) 8000 – DFFF (24K)
LTM-10A Flash 64K 0 – DFFF (56K) None
LTM-10A MIP 0 – 3FFF (16K) 4000 – BFFF (32K)
LTM-10A RAM 0 – 3FFF (16K) 4000 – BFFF (32K)

The four memory maps support the following different types of applications:
· LTM-10A Flash. This memory map is used to run applications that require more
RAM than the 2Kbytes of on-chip RAM on the LTM-10A Neuron Chip. The
application is loaded in the 16Kbyte external flash, plus the available portion of
the 2Kbyte EEPROM on the LTM-10A Neuron Chip. It can be used for
debugging with the NodeBuilder 3 Development Tool, but if you will be doing
extended debugging, you should use the LTM-10A RAM memory map instead.
This memory map stores the application in non-volatile memory, so the
application is preserved even if power to the LTM-10A module is lost or

· LTM-10A Flash 64K. This memory map is similar to the LTM-10A Flash memory
map, but supports a larger application (40Kbytes external flash memory instead
of 16Kbytes external flash memory), and no external RAM. As with the LTM-10A
Flash memory map, this memory map can be used for debugging with the
NodeBuilder 3 Development Tool, but if you will be doing extended debugging,
you should use the LTM-10A RAM memory map instead. This memory map
stores the application in non-volatile memory, so the application is preserved
even if power to the LTM-10A module is lost or interrupted.

· LTM-10A MIP. This memory map is used when the MIP/P50 image on the LTM-
10A module is used to support an external host processor as described in
Chapter 3.

· LTM-10A RAM. This memory map is used for application development using the
NodeBuilder 3 Development Tool. The RAM memory map is ideal for

4-2 Programming the LTM-10A

NodeBuilder development because the NodeBuilder debugger performs many
writes to the application memory, and these frequent writes could ultimately
cause a flash memory to fail. The RAM supports an unlimited number of writes,
eliminating any limitations on debugging. The limitation of this memory map is
that the application loaded into the LTM-10A module is lost if power to the
module is lost or interrupted.
The LTM-10A RAM memory map should be used whenever you will be doing
extensive debugging using the NodeBuilder debugger. This is because flash memory
devices support a limited number of write cycles to each 128-byte sector, and the
debugger performs frequent writes to the same sector when you are single-stepping
through an application. See the Atmel databook for documentation on the write-cycle
limitation of the AT29C512 flash memory device used on the LTM-10A module.

Using the LTM-10A Module with the LonBuilder Tool

You can use the LTM-10A module or LTM-10A Platform with the LonBuilder tool.
To use either LTM-10A product with the LonBuilder tool, follow these steps:
1. Download the version 121 Ltm10sys.sym file from the Development Tools
updates section in the Echelon Developer's Toolbox at www.echelon.com/toolbox.

2. Copy the Ltm10sys.sym file to a new Ver121 directory in the LonBuilder Images
directory (c:\lb\images by default).

3. Copy the Gen.lib file from your LonBuilder Images\Ver6 directory to the new
Images\Ver121 directory.

4. Create a hardware properties definition for the LTM-10A module specifying a

Neuron 3150 Chip, 10MHz input clock rate, Ltm10sys firmware image, and 121
firmware version number.

5. Select a memory map as defined in LTM-10A Memory Maps earlier in this

chapter. Define memory properties that match the entry in Table 4.1 for your
selected memory map.

Table 4.1 LonBuilder Memory Settings

Memory Map ROM EEPROM Or Memory RAM I/O

Name Flash Type
LTM-10A Flash None Start: 0 Flash Start: 8000 Start: E000
Pages: 128 128-byte Pages: 64 Pages: 1
LTM-10A Flash None Start: 0 Flash None Start: E000
64K Pages: 224 128-byte Pages: 1
LTM-10A MIP Start: 0 None Flash Start: 4000 Start: E000
Pages: 64 128-byte Pages: 128 Pages: 1
LTM-10A RAM Start: 0 Start: 4000 EEPROM Start: 8000* Start: E000
Pages: 64 Pages: 64* 0ms write time Pages: 64* Pages: 1

* These numbers can be adjusted to change the mix of application vs. data RAM, as
long as the non-volatile memory starts at 0x4000, the total number of pages is less
than 128, and memory is not allocated past 0xBFFF.

LTM-10A User’s Guide 4-3

6. Provide a logical and physical path from the LonBuilder network manager to the
LTM-10A device. This will require a router if the LonBuilder network manager
and the LTM-10A device do not use the same type of transceiver. The router may
be a LonBuilder Router or a LonPoint Router with the appropriate transceivers
on both sides to route between the two media. For example, if your LonBuilder
network manager is using a backplane transceiver operating at 1.25MBps and
your LTM-10A device is using an FTM-10 SMX transceiver, your router must
have one of each of these two transceiver types. You must also configure and load
this router using the LonBuilder software. Refer to the LonBuilder User's Guide
for more information on installing and configuring LonBuilder routers. Refer to
the LonPoint Module Hardware and Installation Guide for more information on
installing and configuring LonPoint routers.

7. Install the LTM-10A device with the LonBuilder software. If your channel
definition for the LTM-10A device uses a standard transceiver type, you do not
need to update the communications parameters during installation. The
LTM-10A module automatically configures its communications parameters based
on input from its transceiver ID pins (the SMX modular transceivers
automatically set the LTM-10A module transceiver ID pins when using an
LTM-10 Motherboard).

8. Load the application over the network.

Using the LTM-10A Module with the NodeBuilder Tool

You can use the LTM-10A module or LTM-10A Platform with the NodeBuilder tool.
Starting with the NodeBuilder 3 Development Tool, the NodeBuilder tool includes
hardware templates that support the four LTM-10A memory maps described in
LTM-10A Memory Maps earlier in this chapter. To use the LTM-10A module with
the NodeBuilder tool, build an application as described in the NodeBuilder User’s
Guide using one of the four LTM-10A hardware templates. Do not use the LTM-10
templates; these are used with the original LTM-10 module that had a 16Kbyte flash
memory instead of the 32Kbyte flash memory on the LTM-10A module.

You will typically use the LTM-10A RAM hardware template for your development
target since it supports an unlimited number of write cycles to the application
memory space, which is important while debugging your application. This template
assigns the first 16Kbytes of the LTM-10A RAM as application memory, and the
remaining 16Kbytes as RAM. You can change the mix of application memory and
RAM. To do this, copy the LTM-10A RAM template to a user template, open the
user template, and change the non-volatile and RAM settings on the Off-chip
Memory tab. The non-volatile memory must start at 0x4000, the total memory
allocated to non-volatile memory and RAM cannot exceed 32K, and memory cannot
be allocated past 0xBFFF.

You will typically use the LTM-10A Flash or LTM-10A Flash 64K hardware
template for your release target, depending on whether you need more flash memory
or more RAM.

When you download your application to the LTM-10A module, the memory map on
the LTM-10A module will automatically be initialized to match your selected
hardware template.

4-4 Programming the LTM-10A

LTM-10A Software Features
The LTM-10A firmware has several built-in features to simplify the development phase
of a LONWORKS device.

Device Recovery
This feature, through a series of user-initiated steps, clears the application in the
LTM-10A module and leaves the device in the applicationless state. This provides an
easy way of returning the device to a known state in case of errors during development.
The necessary steps are:

1 Activate the Service signal by depressing the Service switch and holding it depressed

2 Reset the LTM-10A module by depressing and releasing the Reset switch
3 Wait approximately ten seconds while still holding the Service switch depressed

4 Once the Reset LED flashes momentarily, release the Service switch

5 The device is now applicationless (Service LED is ON solid)

Activity LED
The ~PKT SEND signal (pin 20 of P1) is asserted low for approximately 40ms when a
packet is sent from the network processor to the MAC processor on the LTM-10A
device's Neuron Chip. This provides an indication of LTM-10-generated network
activity for the LTM-10 device. For convenience, SMX-compatible transceivers have a
front panel activity LED which can be driven by the ~PKT SEND signal from the LTM-
10A module.

Interrupt Request Output

An additional memory mapped output signal is available on the LTM-10A module (pin
22 of P1) that can be used by the application program. This IRQ output, mapped to the
LSB of address 0xE000, can also be used by the MIP/P50 on the LTM-10A module to
interrupt the host. Refer to the Microprocessor Interface Program User's Guide for more
information on the use of the uplink interrupt.

For a non-MIP application running on the LTM-10A module, the state of the IRQ pin
can be controlled by the value written to the least significant bit of location 0xE000
(either a '0' or a '1'). The following Neuron C syntax can be used to set the state of the
IRQ output signal:

unsigned int irq_out; // the output value

*(unsigned short *)(0xE000) = irq_out;

LTM-10A User’s Guide 4-5

4-6 Programming the LTM-10A
Using the LTM-10A Module as a
Network Interface

This chapter discusses the use of the LTM-10A module as a network

interface. The necessary hardware and software components for
interfacing the LTM-10A module to a host processor are discussed. In
addition, a sample interface design is presented.

LTM-10A User’s Guide 5-1

Building and Loading the MIP Application for the
LTM-10A Module
During the load process, the LonBuilder or NodeBuilder software will load the MIP
application over the network into the LTM-10A module. Aside from the configuration
data, this consists of the small amount of code that is generated from the Neuron C
source file. The reset task of this program calls the MIP function mip_nb_interface(),
which is resident in the system image in the LTM-10A module's flash memory. The
arguments to this function are the token throttle delay (in units of 350µs per count), and
the address of a user-supplied function that the MIP calls to generate the uplink
Once the MIP application is loaded, the LonBuilder or NodeBuilder software will change
the state of the LTM-10A module from applicationless to unconfigured. The MIP
application will run in the unconfigured state. This means that it will start after this
state change has occurred, and the first thing it will do is attempt to synchronize the
parallel interface with the host.
If the host is not present, the Neuron Chip's watchdog timer will time out causing
periodic resets. These are indicated by flashing the service and reset LEDs on the LTM-
10A platform. In this state, the LonBuilder or NodeBuilder software will most likely be
unable to communicate with the Neuron Chip, and the load process will halt indicating
that it has failed.

Once the MIP application has been successfully loaded and synchronized with the host,
the host should send a downlink niRESYNC network interface command to the LTM-10A
module, and the LTM-10A module will respond with an uplink niACKSYNC command.
This synchronizes the parallel interface, leaving the write token on the host.

Refer to the NodeBuilder User's Guide for more information on developing a LONWORKS
host application with the LTM-10A Flash Control Module.

Hardware Interface
The main components of the hardware interface are described in chapter 4 of the
LonBuilder Microprocessor Interface Program (MIP) User's Guide. The hardware
interface for developing a network interface based on the LTM-10A is simplified due to
some of the built-in features of the LTM-10A module. For information about ordering
LONWORKS documentation, see Related Documentation in Chapter 1.

The host interface consists of the eight data lines, and three control lines.
The Uplink Interrupt can still be optionally used. Since the LTM-10A provides a memory
mapped register IRQ output, no special Neuron Chip address decoding is necessary.
However an interrupt latch is still needed to allow the host to clear the uplink interrupt
state. Note that the ~IRQ output of the LTM-10A is an active low (low going pulse)
signal by default. The ~IRQ can be easily changed into an active high signal by
modifying the irq_callback() function in the MIP_LTM.NC file in the ...\NB\EXA\
directory, as described by the comments in that file.

5-2 Using the LTM-10A Module as a Network Interface

The Reset Latch shown in figure 4-5 of the LonBuilder Microprocessor Interface Program
(MIP) User's Guide is also needed in order to provide proper synchronization between the
LTM-10A module and the host processor whenever the Neuron Chip resets.

Writing a Network Driver

The host network driver that communicates with the parallel port, reset, and interrupt
hardware must implement certain functionality for correct operation of the network
interface. Once the LTM-10A module has been synchronized with the host, the LTM-10A
module will enter the FLUSH state. In this state, the LTM-10A module cannot
communicate over the network, and cannot send service pin messages. The host network
driver should perform any required configuration of the network interface, and then send
a niFLUSH_CANCEL network interface command to the LTM-10A module to cause it to
leave the FLUSH state, before the loading process can continue. This process should be
performed every time the host detects (via the reset latch) that the LTM-10A module has
Refer to chapter 5 of the LonBuilder Microprocessor Interface Program (MIP) User's
Guide for information on developing a network driver for the MIP/P50.

Writing a Host Application

Refer to the LONWORKS Host Application Programmer's Guide for information on developing your
host application.

Example Design
Figure 5.1 is an example of the hardware interface between the LTM-10A Module and a
Motorola MC68360 processor.

LTM-10A User’s Guide 5-3

D24-D31 8 IO_0 - IO_7

R/~W IO_9

A0 IO-10
A2 O.C. ~Reset
GND H Vdd Vdd
C1 Reset Service
38 . LED LED

MC68360 ~CS2 ~E 470ž 470ž


O.C. Reset Service ~IRQ


D ~PR Q Slave B Mode

C ~Q
~CL Uplink
Reset 74HC74A Latch
Vdd Latch ~CLR_IRQ


Figure 5.1 MC68360 to LTM-10A Interface

5-4 Using the LTM-10A Module as a Network Interface

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