Thank You For Buying Your Home Insurance From Aviva

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Go online at
or call Customer Services Helpline
0345 030 7078
8am-8pm Monday to Friday
8:30am-5pm Saturdays
Ms. E Omar 10am-4pm Sundays and Bank Holidays
21 Mount Ephraim Road Calls may be recorded and/or monitored
Kent Claims Helpline
TN1 1EN 0345 030 6945
Lines open 24 hours

Your policy number

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16 March 2023
Dear Ms. Omar

Thank you for buying your Home insurance from Aviva

We have enclosed your
Information Provided By Y ou docume nt confirmation of payment instructions
policy schedule Pre-contract Credit Information document
policy wording copy of your Credit Agreement which you already signed
Insurance Product Information Document Explanation about your Credit Agreement
Important Information document
It's really important that you read throug h these documents so that you understand the lev el of cov er you have
and to ensure that all the de tails are correct.
There are 11 monthly payments of £58.65 and a final payment of £58.63 to pay by Direct Debit. The total
amount you will pay will be £703.78. This total amount includes Insurance Premium Tax where applicable.
Your premium only applies for this year and may be higher next year.

Automatic renewal of your policy

W e will contact you at le ast 21 days be fore your re newal date with your new price for the ne xt 12 months.
If we don’t hear from you, we will continue to take your pre mium payments automatically at your renewal date
from your chosen payment method unless you tell us you wish to opt out of an automatic renewal. T here’s
more information about this including how to opt out under the Automatic renewal of your policy se ction in the
Important Information document.

Need some additional help?

You can call us and we'll be happy to help, or you can view and make changes to your policy online. Call
0345 030 7078 or visit
Once again, thanks for buying your Home insurance from Aviva.
Yours sincerely
Your Aviva Customer Team

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• Latest product discounts – at Aviva we reward our customers with extra discounts on a wide range of products
• View all your Aviva insurance products and policies in one secure and simple-to-use place
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Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines and mobiles are free. The cost of calls to 03 prefixed numbers are charged at national call rates (charges may vary dependent on your network
provider) and are usually included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles. For our joint protection telephone calls may be recorded and/or monitored.
Insurance is arranged by Aviva UK Digital Limited. Registered in England No. 09766150. Registered Office: St Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, London EC3P 3DQ. Authorised and regulated by the
Financial Conduct Authority. Policies are underwritten and administered by Aviva Insurance Limited. Registered in Scotland, No. 2116. Registered Office: Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH.
Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Need Help?
Your Home Go online at
insurance summary:
Or call us on
0345 030 7078
Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines
and mobiles are free. The cost of calls to
We've put your policy documents in one place, so you can 03 prefixed numbers are charged at
national call rates (charges may vary
easily find what you need when you need to dependent on your network provider)
and are usually included in inclusive
minute plans from landlines and mobiles.
For our joint protection telephone calls
Your Home Policy: maybe recorded and/or monitored

Cover letter
Find your premium and policy number.

Check the cover your policy gives you. Also, see your cover
limits, excess and any clauses that could affect you.

Information Provided by You

Check we’ve got all your personal details right.

About our insurance services to you

See the regulatory status of the insurer (and any
intermediaries), details of the products offered and level of
service we’re committed to.

Important information
This tells you what to do if you’re unhappy, how to cancel,
what happens when you renew, about your privacy and any
personal changes you need to tell us about.

Credit agreement
Check a copy of your credit agreement.

Pre-contract credit information

This is a copy of your pre-contract credit information and is a
summary of your credit agreement.

If the info doesn’t look right in these documents, get in touch by visiting or please call us on 0345 030 7078
About our insurance services to you
Aviva UK Digital Limited St Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, London EC3P 3DQ
Who regulates us?
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is the independent watchdog that regulates financial services, including
insurance. We are authorised and regulated by the FCA as an insurance intermediary and sell insurance products,
acting on behalf of the insurer. We are also permitted to act as a credit broker in relation to the arranging of a monthly
premium payment facility to finance those insurance products. We are registered with the Financial Conduct Authority
as: Aviva UK Digital Limited, St Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, London EC3P 3DQ. Our Financial Services Register number is
You may check this information and obtain further information about how the FCA protects you by visiting the FCA’s
website at

Whose products do we offer?

We are only able to offer information on insurance products from Aviva Insurance Limited apart from Breakdown
(either sold as a standalone product or as an optional cover to a motor policy) where we can only offer information on
products from RAC Insurance Limited.
We also act as credit broker to Aviva Insurance Limited’s monthly premium payment facility.

Which services will we provide you with?

For insurance policies sold by telephone or sold online, you will not receive advice or a recommendation from us. We
will help you make the right choice by asking some questions to narrow down the selection of products and provide
information relevant to your demands and needs.

What will you have to pay us for our services?

Our staff are salaried and they receive an annual bonus based upon the overall performance of the Aviva Group, but
they receive no additional bonus, commission or other benefit from providing you with these services. Aviva Insurance
Limited pays commission to Aviva UK Digital Limited for selling this product. This means a percentage of the premium
you pay is given to Aviva UK Digital Limited. Aviva Insurance Limited also provides services to Aviva UK Digital
Limited, such as customer contact services. No fee is payable in relation to our insurance or credit broking services.
When you receive a quotation we will tell you about any other fees relating to any particular insurance policy.

Aviva UK Digital Limited and Aviva Insurance Limited are both members of the Aviva group of companies. Aviva
Insurance Limited owns more than 10% of share capital in Aviva UK Digital Limited.

What to do if you have a complaint

We hope that you will be very happy with the service that we provide. However, if for any reason you are unhappy with
it, we would like to hear from you. In the first instance, please telephone us on 0345 030 6984.
Aviva UK Digital Limited is covered by the Financial Ombudsman Service for complaints from private individuals,
certain small businesses, charities and trusts. If you have complained to us and we have been unable to resolve your
complaint, you may be entitled to refer it to this independent body.
Following the complaints procedure does not affect your right to take legal action. Further details of our complaints
procedure can be found in your insurance documents, or may be obtained from your usual Aviva UK Digital Limited
If you are unhappy with the product or service provided you may complain via the Online Dispute Resolution platform
developed and operated by the European Commission at the following website: We foresee
that in the majority of cases, this will result in your complaint being handled by the Financial Ombudsman Service.

Peace of mind
Our obligations are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). If we were unable to meet our
obligations, you could be entitled to compensation from this scheme, depending on the type of insurance and the
circumstances at the time.
Further information about compensation scheme arrangements is available on the FSCS website

Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines and mobiles are free. The cost of calls to 03 prefixed numbers are charged at national call rates (charges may vary dependent
on your network provider) and are usually included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles. For our joint protection telephone calls may be recorded and/or

Aviva UK Digital Limited. Registered in England No. 09766150. Registered Office: St Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, London EC3P 3DQ.
Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Aviva Insurance Limited. Registered in Scotland Number 2116. Registered Office:
Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential
Regulation Authority.
NGNAG13363 7.0

Your Policy number: MHO135476587

IMPORTANT - This is the information that you provided to us when applying for your policy. You have confirmed
you have answered the questions to the best of your knowledge and belief. It is very important that you check
that it is complete and accurate. If it isn't, please go online at, or call us on 0345 030 7078
and we will correct and re-issue it.
If any information on this document is not complete and accurate:
• we may cancel your policy and refuse to pay any claim, or
• we may not pay any claim in full, or
• we may revise the premium and/or change any excess, or
• the extent of the cover may be affected.

Period of cover required: From 16 March 2023 to 15 March 2024

Your personal details

Name: Ms. Entisar Omar
Address: 21 Mount Ephraim Road TUNBRIDGE WELLS Kent TN1 1EN
Date of birth: 26 January 1983
Contact number: 01217511266

Your property details

Number of bedrooms: 5 or less
Business use
(other than occasional office work) : No business use
Construction of property: Walls: Brick, Concrete or Stone, Roof: Tile or Slate
Listed property: No
Residence use: Main/Permanent home
Has the home ever suffered from
subsidence, heave or landslip damage? No
Has the home ever suffered from
flooding? No
You have confirmed that:
You, or any person to be insured by this policy, have never been convicted of or cautioned for (or charged but
not yet tried with) any criminal offence other than motoring offences.
You, or any person to be insured by this policy, have never had insurance refused, cancelled or offered with
terms imposed.
The home will not be unoccupied for more than 60 consecutive days
You, or any person to be insured by this policy, have suffered the following claims, losses, damage or liability
incidents in the last 5 years
No losses

Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines and mobiles are free. The cost of calls to 03 prefixed numbers are charged at national call rates (charges may vary dependent on your network
provider) and are usually included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles. For our joint protection telephone calls may be recorded and/or monitored.
Aviva Insurance Limited. Registered in Scotland, No. 2116. Registered Office: Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
(including your Demands and Needs)
What cover your policy provides. Read and keep safe

Your Policy number: MHO135476587

Period of cover required: From 16 March 2023 to 15 March 2024

Your personal details

Name: Ms. Entisar Omar
Address: 21 Mount Ephraim Road TUNBRIDGE WELLS Kent TN1 1EN
Address of property to be insured: 21 Mount Ephraim Road, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, Kent TN1 1EN

Your policy details

You have 5 years unprotected no claims discount applicable to the buildings section.

Your policy cover. To be read in conjunction with your Policy Booklet.

Under Buildings and Contents where individual covers are shown in italic text this means that they are ‘inclusive’
covers under the respective section and cannot be removed.
Your Demands and Needs Statement
F ollowing your enquiry, the information de tailed below indicates the demands and ne eds you stated for your
Insurance re quirements.
Important Information:
Y ou should note that we have not taken into account any ex isting insurance arrang ements you may have.
T he abov e is a record of your demands and needs base d on the information given by you when obtaining a
quote and doe s not constitute a personal recomme ndation. Please check the details care fully and contact us
if anything ne eds changing.
The policy named above will meet your demands and needs as detailed below as you require cover for your
This policy provides cover for loss or damage caused by unexpected events such as fire, theft, subsidence and
flood (and temporary alternative accommodation or loss of rent if your home can’t be lived in as a result of such
insured events), and your legal liability to third parties as owner.

Contents section
Not covered

C ontinued O verleaf
Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines and mobiles are free. The cost of calls to 03 prefixed numbers are charged at national call rates (charges may vary dependent on your network
provider) and are usually included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles. For our joint protection telephone calls may be recorded and/or monitored.
Aviva Insurance Limited. Registered in Scotland, No. 2116. Registered Office: Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Buildings section
In the event of a claim, your policy covers you for:
Sum Insured up to Unlimited
More specific limits apply which are shown below:
Tracing and accessing leaks £5,000
Replacement locks £1,000
Other sum insured limits (not subject to the specified limits above):
Your liability to the public £5,000,000
Loss of rent and cost of alternative accommodation £80,000
Accidental Damage cover to Buildings
Accide ntal damage to serv ices, fix ed glass and sanitary fittings Not covered
Ex tra accidental damage cover to buildings Not covered
You will pay the first £450 towards any escape or freezing of water claim.
You will pay first £1,000 towards any subsidence, heave or landslip claim.
You will pay the first £200 towards any other buildings claim.

Legal Services
Not covered

Home Emergency Cover

Not covered

You have confirmed that the home will not be unoccupied for more than 60 consecutive days

Your premium details


Total premium £703.78

Buildings £643.90
11 monthly payments of £58.65 by Direct Debit and a final payment of £58.63 by Direct Debit.
The total amount you pay will be £703.78. This includes £59.88 total charge for credit. The rate of interest
which applies is 9.30% (variable) and the APR is 21.80% (variable). Paying monthly is more expensive than
paying annually.
This total amount includes Insurance Premium Tax at the appropriate rate, where applicable.
Method of Payment
Monthly by Direct Debit.

All cancellations (outside of the 14 day statutory cooling off period) and some adjustments during the term of this
policy are subject to administration charges. Please refer to your Important Information document and policy
booklet for details.
Your premium reflects an internet discount.

Clauses applicable
Confirmation of your payment instructions Policy number MHO135476587
You have opted to pay: Monthly Direct Debit
Here are the Direct Debit details for paying the premiums on your policy - please take note of the amount and
collection date. If any of your details are incorrect or change please let us know immediately. Your insurance will
continue unless you tell us otherwise.
Account name Entisar Omar
Account number ****3088 Frequency of collection Monthly
Bank Sort Code 405240 Day of the month to be debited 1
Amount to be debited £58.65 Date of first collection 1 April 2023
Amount of last payment £58.63 Date of last collection 1 March 2024

The Direct Debit Guarantee

This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits
If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Aviva will notify you 8 working days in advance of your
account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Aviva to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given
to you at the time of the request
If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit by Aviva or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate
refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society.
- If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Aviva asks you to
You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required.
Please also notify us.

All cancellations and some adjustments during the term of this policy are subject to administration charges. Please
refer to your policy booklet for details.
If any of the above details are incorrect please go online at or call us as soon as possible on
0345 030 7078. However, if your details are correct you need do nothing and your payment will be processed as
above. Premiums shall include Insurance Premium Tax at the appropriate rate, where applicable.
Direct Debit is the most convenient and safe way to pay and now that you can give your Direct Debit details online
or over the phone, it's a quick and efficient process too. What's more, as a customer your Direct Debit payments are
protected with a money back guarantee and you will receive 8 working days' advance notice for any change to the
amount you pay (the terms of the Guarantee are shown above). And of course, you have the right to cancel your
Direct Debit at any time.

Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines and mobiles are free. The cost of calls to 03 prefixed numbers are charged at national call rates (charges may vary dependent on your network
provider) and are usually included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles. For our joint protection telephone calls may be recorded and/or monitored.
Aviva Insurance Limited. Registered in Scotland, No. 2116. Registered Office: Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

1. Contact details
Creditor: Aviva Insurance Limited Credit Intermediary/Broker: Aviva UK Digital Limited

Address: Pitheavlis Address: St Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, London EC3P 3DQ


2. Key features of the credit product

The type of credit Running account credit to finance insurance premiums under Aviva policies.
The total amount of credit The credit limit is £643.90. We may increase the credit limit if you make a mid
This means the amount of credit to be term adjustment or ask us to finance further premiums and this will take you
provided under the proposed credit over the credit limit you already have. We will tell you if we are going to increase
agreement or the credit limit your credit limit.

How and when credit would be provided The credit will be provided immediately to finance the premiums under the
relevant insurance policy or policies that you have with us. You will not be able
to drawdown any funds in cash.
The duration of the credit agreement The Agreement has no fixed or minimum duration.
Repayments Each time you ask us to finance premiums under this Agreement, we will tell you
the monthly minimum payments you must make for the duration of the relevant
policy. This will be calculated by applying the premiums financed and interest on
each relevant policy and dividing by the remaining term of that policy. We will
aggregate the total payments where there is more than one policy to produce a
monthly amount.
Based on the premiums intended to be financed at the outset, your monthly
minimum payment will be £58.65 for 11 months and £58.63 for one month
The total amount you will have to pay Interest rate: 9.30% per annum variable
This means the amount you have borrowed Credit Limit: £643.90
plus interest and other costs Advance Payment: £0.00
Total Amount Payable: £703.78 includes interest
APR: 21.80% variable
The proposed credit will be linked to the Insurance premiums under your Aviva policy or policies.
supply of specified goods or the provision of a Cash Price £643.90.
Security required You authorise us to deduct any outstanding debt under this Agreement from the
proceeds of any claim or refund of premium under any insurance policy financed
by it.

Aviva Insurance Limited. Registered in Scotland, No. 2116. Registered Office: Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
3. Costs of the credit
The rates of interest which apply to the credit 9.30% per annum (variable). Interest is calculated each time additional
agreement premiums under a relevant policy are financed under this Agreement, by
calculating interest on the total premiums being financed and then dividing that
interest by the number of months unexpired on the relevant policy, and
aggregating the total interest on all premiums being funded under the Agreement
for each month. It is then applied immediately. Assuming interest rates are not
varied, you will pay £59.88 interest to finance the policy/policies referred to
above. This amount of interest has been included in the Total Amount Payable
shown above.
We may vary the rate on at least 30 days notice to reflect actual or anticipated
changes in (i) bank base rates, (ii) our cost of funds or (iii) legal or regulatory.
Annual Percentage Rate of Charge (APR) 21.80 % APR (variable)
This is the total cost expressed as an annual
percentage of the total amount of credit

The APR is there to help you compare

different offers
Related costs
Costs in the case of late payments Interest will continue to apply on overdue unpaid amounts at the then current
interest rate before and after judgment.
Consequences of missing payments Missing payments could have severe consequences and make obtaining credit
more difficult. We could obtain a Court Order (a judgment) against you.

4. Other important legal aspects

Right of withdrawal You have the right to withdraw from the credit agreement. This right starts either
a) on the day after the Agreement is made, or b) on the date you receive a copy
of the executed Agreement, whichever is the later, and continues for 14 days
from that day.
Early Repayment You have the right to repay the outstanding balance in full or in part at any time.
Consultation with a Credit Reference Agency If we decide not to proceed with a prospective regulated consumer credit
agreement on the basis of information from a credit reference agency we will,
when informing you of the decision, inform you that it has been reached on the
basis of information from a credit reference agency and of the particulars of that
Right to a draft credit agreement You have the right, upon request, to obtain a copy of the draft credit agreement
free of charge, unless we are unwilling at the time of the request to proceed to
the conclusion of the credit agreement.
The period of time during which the creditor This information is valid for such period of time as set out in the applicable
is bound by the pre-contractual information quote.

5. Additional information in the case of distance marketing of financial services

(a) Concerning the Creditor

Registration Number Firm Reference Number 202153.

The Supervisory Authority Licensed by the Financial Conduct Authority for Consumer Credit and authorised
by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct
Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority for arranging and advising on
general insurance.
(b) Concerning the credit agreement
The Law Applicable to the credit agreement English Law governs the agreement and the English Courts will determine any
and/or the competent court dispute.

Language to be used in connection with the English.

credit agreement
(c) Concerning redress
Access to out-of-court complaint and redress If you have complained to us and we have been unable to resolve your
mechanism complaint, and you are not a business customer you have a right to refer it to the
Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR or by calling
0800 023 4567 or online at If you are
a business customer, you may have a right to refer your complaint to the
Financial Ombudsman Service.
Following the complaints procedure does not affect your right to take legal
Credit Agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974
Policyholder: Ms. Entisar Omar Creditor: Credit Intermediary/Broker:
Aviva Insurance Limited Name: Aviva UK Digital Limited

Address: 21 Mount Ephraim Pitheavlis Address: St Helen’s, 1 Undershaft, London

Road Perth EC3P 3DQ
Tunbridge Wells PH2 0NH

Policy number: MHO135476587

This is a running account credit agreement to finance insurance premiums under any relevant policies that you have with us. Your Agreement
has no fixed or minimum duration.
The credit limit is £643.90. This reflects the total cost of your premiums under the relevant insurance policy or policies you have with us at the
time of making this Agreement, excluding interest and any advance payment(s). The first policy so financed will be that referred to above. Your
balance will reduce as you make your minimum monthly payments. It will increase again should you decide to renew your policy or take out
another policy funded under this credit agreement. We may increase the credit limit if you make a mid term adjustment or ask us to finance
further premiums and those further premiums would take you over the credit limit you already have.
The credit will be provided from the date of this Agreement to finance the premiums under an insurance policy or policies that you have with
us. You will not be able to drawdown any funds in cash under this Agreement.
Interest rate: 9.30% per annum (variable) APR: 21.80% (variable)
Advance Payment: £0.00 Credit Limit: £643.90
Total Amount Payable: £703.78 (includes interest)
Calculation of APR - In calculating the above we have assumed credit up to your limit is drawn down on the date of this Agreement, and
repaid in (12) instalments. In calculating the APR no account has been taken of any variation which may occur under this Agreement in the
rate of interest.
Interest - Interest is calculated each time additional premiums under a policy are financed under this Agreement, by calculating interest on the
total premiums being financed and then dividing that interest by the number of months unexpired on the relevant policy, and aggregating the
total interest on all premiums being funded under the Agreement for each month. It is then applied immediately. Assuming interest rates are
not varied, you will pay £59.88 interest to finance the policy referred to above. This amount of interest has been included in the Total Amount
Payable shown above.
We can vary the interest rate to reflect actual or reasonably anticipated changes in (i) bank base rates, (ii) our cost of funds or (iii) legal or
regulatory requirements affecting our business or the insurance market generally. We will notify you in writing of any change at least 30 days
before it takes effect and your monthly payments will change from the first monthly payment after the change takes effect.
Payments - Monthly minimum payments must be made by you by direct debit on each payment date. We will notify you of this date (which
will be the same date in each month). If the payment date is not a day when banks in London are open for normal business (a business day),
the payment will be taken on the next business day. If there is no corresponding day in the month, the payment will be taken on the last
business day before that date. Monthly minimum payments will commence approximately one month after the date the first policy financed
under this Agreement commences. The monthly minimum payments will be calculated by applying the premiums financed and interest on each
policy and dividing by the remaining term of that policy. We will aggregate the total payments where there is more than one policy to produce a
monthly amount.
Based on the premiums being financed at the date of this Agreement, your minimum monthly payment will be £58.65 for 11 months and
£58.63 for one month thereafter. Monthly payments will vary when the interest rate varies and/or the amount of premiums financed varies. We
will give you advance notice if your monthly payments are changing.
Proceeds of Claims - You authorise us to deduct any outstanding debt under this Agreement from the proceeds of any claim or refund of
premium under any insurance policy financed by it.
Charges - You will be liable to pay us for any reasonable costs, charges and expenses that we may incur or have to pay to a third party
including legal costs which arise out of your breach of this Agreement. Interest will be charged on unpaid amounts at their current interest rate,
both before and after we obtain any judgment.
Your Rights - Right to Withdraw: You have a right to withdraw from this Agreement without having to give any reason. This right starts either
a) on the day after the Agreement is made, or b) on the date you receive a copy of the executed Agreement, whichever is the later, and
continues for 14 days from that day (the “Withdrawal Period”). To withdraw you must notify us that you intend to do so within the Withdrawal
Period. You can do this by telephone on 0345 030 7078 or by post at Aviva Insurance Limited, Pitheavlis, Perth, PH2 0NH. If you withdraw
you will need to repay the credit advanced and pay us interest which has accrued from the date that we have provided the credit to the date
that you repay it. This must be paid within 30 days of you giving us notice of withdrawal. We will inform you on request, without delay, of the
daily amount of interest if you draw down credit during the Withdrawal Period. If you withdraw in this way, your insurance policy will only
remain in place if you pay the premium due in full. If you do not, the policy will be cancelled.
Settlement and Termination: You can repay all or part of your balance at any time which will (subject to Condition 2 set out in the Terms of
agreement) increase your available facility. You can terminate this Agreement by paying your outstanding balance in full and notifying us that
you wish to do so.
Missing Payments - Missing payments could have severe consequences and make obtaining credit more difficult and could lead to us obtaining
a court order (a judgment) against you.

Aviva Insurance Limited. Registered in Scotland, No. 2116. Registered Office: Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
The use of an electronic “I accept” button is intended and deemed to be an effective method of signing the Credit Agreement.
This is a Credit Agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974. Sign it only if you want to be legally bound by its terms.
Signature of Debtor:

Date of signature:

Signed on behalf of Aviva

Adam Winslow
CEO, UK & Ireland General Insurance
Please note: If you are (a) a limited company or (b) an LLP or (c) a partnership of 4 or more partners or (d) if the credit provided exceeds
£25,000 and is wholly or predominantly for the purpose of your business, then notwithstanding any other provision or statement in this
Agreement, it will not be regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines and mobiles are free. The cost of calls to 03 prefixed numbers are charged at national call rates
(charges may vary dependent on your network provider) and are usually included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles. For our
joint protection telephone calls may be recorded and/or monitored.

Terms of agreement
1. This Agreement is made between us, the company named overleaf, referred to in this Agreement as “we” and “us” and you, the customer,
described overleaf and referred to in this Agreement as “you”.
2. We reserve the right to refuse to allow you to finance further premiums by using credit which would be otherwise available under this
Agreement, at any time for reasons relating to your creditworthiness. We will seek to give you prior notice but if this is not reasonably
possible we will notify you immediately afterwards.
3. Unless otherwise stated, all payments under this Agreement shall be made by monthly direct debit. It is not always possible, for pure
administration reasons, to debit the first and second payments within the first and second months of the start of the relevant policy
respectively. In this case the payments will still be calculated as set out overleaf and we will collect any outstanding payment(s) due at the
next instalment date.
4. If the premium payable under any policy/ies funded under this Agreement is/are adjusted, we will automatically adjust the outstanding
balance under this Agreement accordingly. If your balance increases due to an increase in the premium payable under a policy, then we
will apply the contractual rate of interest to the increased balance. We will advise you in writing of any change in the payment amount and
continue to apply to your bank for the monthly payment due. If a return premium results in a credit balance on your account, we will
automatically adjust the outstanding balance accordingly unless you have repaid your outstanding balance, in which case the amount of
the credit balance will be refunded to your bank account.
5. We can vary the interest rate under this Agreement to reflect actual or reasonably anticipated changes in (i) bank base rates, (ii) our cost of
funds or (iii) legal or regulatory requirements affecting our business or the insurance market generally. We will notify you in writing of any
variation to the interest rate at least 30 days before it takes effect. We can vary any other term of this Agreement to reflect actual or
reasonably anticipated changes in legal or regulatory requirements or guidance or to reflect reasonable changes in our systems or
procedures or in practices in the insurance market generally. We will give you at least 30 days’ prior written notice if the changes are to
your disadvantage.
6. This agreement has no fixed or minimum duration. It will continue until it is ended by either of us giving notice to the other. Your obligation
to pay all outstanding amounts due and payable under this Agreement will continue until all amounts you owe have been paid. You may
terminate this Agreement at any time by paying your balance in full and contacting us. If at any time the balance outstanding on your
account is nil and no payments are due, we may, on 2 months’ notice to you, terminate this Agreement.
7. If you default in making any payment when due, or fail to maintain a direct debit instruction, and such default or failure is not corrected
within a reasonable time, we reserve the right to terminate this Agreement, subject to giving you notice required by law. We may also
terminate the insurance policy/ies funded by this Agreement in accordance with the terms of the relevant policy/ies.
8. We reserve the right to terminate this Agreement, subject to giving you notice required by law, if you become bankrupt, in any way
perpetrate, attempt or are involved in, any fraudulent or other criminal activity in relation to this Agreement, any policy funded under this
Agreement, or in any other way in connection with us; or if any information you have provided as part of the application for this Agreement
is incorrect or incomplete.
9. If the insurance policy/ies funded under this Agreement is/are cancelled or has/have expired we reserve the right to terminate this
Agreement subject to giving you notice required by law.
10. On termination of this Agreement, the outstanding balance will become immediately due and payable. If you do not repay your
outstanding balance, the insurance cover under the policy/ies funded by this Agreement will be cancelled in accordance with the terms of
the relevant policy/ies.
11. You shall reimburse us against all reasonable legal and other costs, charges and expenses incurred by us in attempting to obtain payment
of any missed payments. We may debit these amounts to your account.
12. On occasion, we may relax the terms of this Agreement, for example by giving you more time to pay, but this will not prevent us from
strictly enforcing these terms in the future.
13. We hope that you will be very happy with the service that we provide. However, if for any reason you are unhappy with it, we would like to
hear from you. In the first instance, please contact us at the address shown at the top of this Agreement. If you have complained to us and
we have been unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction, you have a right to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service,
Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR, telephone 0800 023 4567, email Following the
complaints procedure does not affect your right to take legal action.
14. We may assign, transfer or otherwise sell some or all of our rights and our duties (including our obligation to lend to you) under this
Agreement to any person. If the arrangements for serving this Agreement do not change as a result, we may do this without notice. In
other cases we will tell you as soon as possible. We may also arrange for any other person or business to carry out our rights or duties (or
both) under this Agreement. Your rights under this agreement and your legal rights (including under the Consumer Credit Act 1974) will
not be affected. You may not transfer any of your rights or duties under this Agreement.
15. The terms of this Agreement and our dealings with you are governed by English Law, unless your address is in Scotland, in which case,
Scottish law will apply or your address is in Northern Ireland, in which case the law of Northern Ireland will apply. The non-exclusive
jurisdiction of the English or Scottish courts or the courts of Northern Ireland (as appropriate) will apply. We will only write to you in
16. Any notice to be served on you shall be sufficiently served if sent by post, facsimile, electronic mail, or delivered by hand addressed to you
at your usual or last known address or number, or address or number, as shown in this Agreement. Proof of despatch will be conclusive
evidence of receipt by you in the normal course of transmission.
17. Aviva Insurance Limited provides credit products to customers under consumer credit agreements and the supervisor for this is the
Financial Conduct Authority. You may check this information and obtain further information about how the Financial Conduct Authority
protects you by visiting Aviva Insurance Limited is a company registered with the registrar of companies for Scotland,
Company Number 2116, registered office Pitheavlis, Perth, PH2 0NH. Aviva Insurance Limited is authorised by the Prudential Regulation
Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority for arranging and advising upon general
18. For information on how we use your personal data please refer to the Important Information provided to you when you purchase or renew
the insurance policy/ies funded under this Agreement.
Important - Explanation about your Credit Agreement
You should read this information, as well as the Pre-Contract Credit Information we have provided which tell you
all about the conditions and features of the Credit Agreement. You should take time to consider all of this
information before deciding if this credit is suitable for your needs.

General Information - features of this Credit Agreement

• This credit is to finance the insurance premiums under a policy or policies you have with us. The credit can
only be used to finance these premiums, so it is not suitable for use as a general credit facility.
• You will not be able to draw down any funds in cash.
• The type of credit provided is running account, which means that it has no fixed or minimum duration and
it will continue until terminated by you or us.

How much you will pay

• Your monthly minimum repayments are set out in your Pre-Contract Credit Information as well as in your
Credit Agreement.
• Your initial credit limit will be equal to the cash price of your annual premium under any policy or policies
being financed, less any advance payment or payments you have made. Applicable interest will also be
payable. The total amount you will have to pay is set out in your Pre-Contract Credit Information and
Credit Agreement.
• You can repay all or part of your balance at any time. Please let us know if you wish to do so.

Changing your mind about taking out a Credit Agreement

• You have 14 calendar days to withdraw from your Credit Agreement starting either a) the day after the
agreement is made, or b) on the date you receive a copy of the executed agreement, whichever is later. You
don’t need to give us a reason.
• If you withdraw in this way, your insurance policy will only remain in place if you pay the premium due in
full. If you do not, the policy will be cancelled.
• You can tell us you’ve changed your mind by calling us on 0345 030 7078 or writing to us at the address

If you don’t keep up your monthly Instalments

If you fail to make your monthly instalment payments under the Credit Agreement, the main consequences are:
• We may cancel your insurance policy.
• We will commence recovery of the outstanding balance. This may include referring your account to a 3rd
party debt collection agency.
• Your credit rating could be impaired, which may make it more difficult for you to obtain credit in the

Further information
If you have any questions, or would like more information, please call customer services on 0345 030 7078. If you
prefer to write to us our address is: Aviva Insurance Limited, Pitheavlis, Perth, PH2 0NH.

Aviva Insurance Limited. Registered in Scotland, No. 2116. Registered Office: Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial
Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Important Information (please read and keep)
Contract of Insurance
The contract of insurance between you and us consists of the following elements, please read them and keep
them safe:
• your policy booklet(s);
• information contained on your application form and/or 'Information provided by You' document;
• your schedule (including any clauses shown on it);
• information under the heading 'Important Information' which we give you when you take out or renew
your policy;
• changes to your policy or important information in notices we give you at renewal.
In return for you paying the premium and complying with the policy terms and conditions we will insure you for
anything shown in your policy booklet which your schedule shows is covered during the period of insurance.

Important Notice - Information and changes we need to know about

You must take reasonable care to provide complete and accurate answers to the questions we ask when you
take out, make changes to, and renew your policy.
Please tell us immediately about changes to the information set out in the application form, 'Information
Provided by You' document or your schedule, including (but not limited to):
• leaving your home unoccupied for more than the agreed number of days
• letting your home or using it for business (except office work)
• anyone who is (or to be) insured being charged or convicted of a (non-motoring) criminal offence.
Please also tell us if:
• you are intending to alter or renovate the buildings (though not minor cosmetic changes such as
• you plan to lend your home;
• the people to be insured change.
We will tell you if we can accept the change and if so, whether it will result in revised terms and/or premium
being applied to your policy. If any information you provide is not complete and accurate we may:
• cancel your policy and refuse to pay any claim; or
• not pay any claim in full; or
• change one or more of:
− the premium;
− the excess;
− the extent of cover.
If you are unsure whether you need to tell us of a change please call 0345 030 7078.

Our Administration Fees

We charge administration fees under certain circumstances as shown below:

I want to.... Will I pay an administration fee?

cancel within the 14 day cooling-off period No fee
cancel after the 14 day cooling-off period has ended The fee is £29 *
make a change via your contact centre No fee
make a change online myself, or pay with a debit No fee
/credit card
* Plus Insurance Premium Tax if applicable.

There is no fee for opting in or out of automatic renewal regardless of how you contact us.
Data Protection – Privacy Notice

Aviva Insurance Limited is the main company responsible for your Personal Information (known as the
controller). Aviva UK Digital Limited act as an additional data controller for the sale and distribution of the

We collect and use Personal Information about you in relation to our products and services. Personal
Information means any information relating to you or another living individual who is identifiable by us. The
type of Personal Information we collect and use will depend on our relationship with you and may include
more general information (e.g. your name, date of birth, contact details) or more sensitive information (e.g.
details of your health or criminal convictions).

Some of the Personal Information we use may be provided to us by a third party. This may include
information already held about you within the Aviva group, information we obtain from publicly available
records, third parties and from industry databases, including fraud prevention agencies and databases.

This notice explains the most important aspects of how we use your Personal Information, but you can get
more information by viewing our full privacy policy at or requesting a copy by
writing to us at: The Data Protection Team, Aviva, PO Box 7684, Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 1JR. If you are
providing Personal Information about another person you should show them this notice.

We use your Personal Information for a number of purposes including providing our products and services
and for fraud prevention.

We also use profiling and other data analysis to understand our customers better, e.g. what kind of content or
products would be of most interest, and to predict the likelihood of certain events arising, e.g. to assess
insurance risk or the likelihood of fraud.

We may carry out automated decision making to decide on what terms we can provide products and
services, deal with claims and carry out fraud checks. More information about this, including your right to
request that certain automated decisions we make have human involvement, can be found in the
“Automated Decision Making” section of our full privacy policy.

We may process information from a credit reference agency, including a quotation search where you are
offered an Aviva credit payment facility. More information about this can be found in the “Credit Reference
Agencies” section of our full privacy policy.

We may use Personal Information we hold about you across the Aviva group for marketing purposes,
including sending marketing communications in accordance with your preferences. If you wish to amend your
marketing preferences please contact us at: or by writing to us at: Aviva, Freepost,
Mailing Exclusion Team, Unit 5, Wanlip Road Ind Est, Syston, Leicester, LE7 1PD. More information about
this can be found in the “Marketing” section of our full privacy policy.
Your Personal Information may be shared with other Aviva group companies and third parties (including our
suppliers such as those who provide claims services and regulatory and law enforcement bodies). We may
transfer your Personal Information to countries outside of the UK but will always ensure appropriate
safeguards are in place when doing so.
You have certain data rights in relation to your Personal Information, including a right to access Personal
Information, a right to correct inaccurate Personal Information and a right to erase or suspend our use of your
Personal Information. These rights may also include a right to transfer your Personal Information to another
organisation, a right to object to our use of your Personal Information, a right to withdraw consent and a right
to complain to the data protection regulator. These rights may only apply in certain circumstances and are
subject to certain exemptions. You can find out more about these rights in the “Data Rights” section of our
full privacy policy or by contacting us at

How your data is used and shared by Insurers and Databases in relation to household insurance
The data you provide will be used by us and shared with other insurers as well as certain statutory and other
authorised bodies for:

• Insurance underwriting purposes, i.e. to examine the potential risk in relation to your (and/or a third
party’s) prospective policy so that we can:
o consider whether to accept the relevant risk;
o make decisions about the provision and administration of insurance and related services for you and
members of your household;
o validate your (or any person or property likely to be involved in the policy or claim) claims history (at
any time, including upon application for insurance, in the event of an incident or a claim, or at a time
of a mid-term adjustment or renewal).
• Management information purposes, i.e. to analyse insurance and other markets for the purposes of:
o portfolio assessment;
o risk assessment;
o performance reporting;
o management reporting.

• Anti-fraud purposes i.e. to detect and prevent fraudulent claims and/or activities by:
o sharing information about you with other organisations and public bodies including the police;
o tracing debtors or beneficiaries, recovering debt, managing your accounts and/or insurance policies;
o undertaking fraud searches. Insurers pass information to the Claims Underwriting and Exchange
Register administered by Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB). This helps insurers check information and
prevent fraudulent claims. When we deal with your request for insurance we may search these

• Compliance with legal obligations and responsibilities, including:

o Claims management – In the event of a claim we may need to disclose information with any other
party involved in that claim, e.g. third parties involved in the incident, their insurer, solicitor or
representative and medical teams, the police or other investigators. We also may have to investigate
your claims history;
o Complaints management - If you make a complaint about the service we have provided, we may be
obliged to forward details about your complaint, including your Personal Information, to the relevant

We can supply on request further details of the agencies and databases we access or contribute to and how
this information may be used. If you require further details, please contact us.

Fraud prevention and detection

In order to prevent and detect fraud we may at any time:

• Share information about you with other organisations and public bodies including the Police;
• Undertake credit searches and additional fraud searches;
• Check and/or file your details with fraud prevention agencies and databases, and if you give us false or
inaccurate information and we suspect fraud, we will record this.

We and other organisations may also search these agencies and databases to:
• Help make decisions about the provision and administration of insurance, credit and related services for
you and members of your household;
• Trace debtors or beneficiaries, recover debt, prevent fraud and to manage your accounts or insurance
• Check your identity to prevent money laundering, unless you provide us with other satisfactory proof of
• Check details of job applicants and employees.

Claims history
• Under the conditions of your policy you must tell us about any insurance related incidents (such as fire,
water damage, theft or an accident) whether or not they give rise to a claim. When you tell us about an
incident we will pass information relating to it to a database.
• We may search these databases when you apply for insurance, in the event of any incident or claim, or
at time of renewal to validate your claims history or that of any other person or property likely to be
involved in the policy or claim.
We can supply on request further details of the databases we access or contribute to. If you require further
details please contact us.

Renewing your insurance

We will contact you in writing at least 21 days before your renewal date and will either:
(a) give you an opportunity to renew your insurance for a further year; or
(b) let you know that we are unable to renew your insurance.
If we don't offer renewal we will tell you why, for example:
• the product is no longer available;
• we reasonably suspect fraud;
• your claims history is poor;
• we have changed our eligibility criteria;
• you no longer meet our eligibility criteria; or
• you have not taken reasonable care to provide complete and accurate answers to the questions we

If we offer renewal we will tell you:

• about any changes we are making to your policy terms and conditions;
• to check this insurance continues to meet your needs;
• to check that the information we have is still correct; and
• next year's price.

If you wish to make any changes at renewal, please call 0345 030 7078.
You can cancel your policy at any time. Please see the GENERAL CONDITIONS in your policy booklet.
Ensuring you have continuous cover
If you are thinking of cancelling or not renewing with us, make sure you can get the alternative cover you
need before your policy ends.
Automatic renewal of your policy
Where we offer you renewal terms and you have selected a continuous premium payment method, you will be
notified in writing at least 21 days before your renewal date that the policy will automatically be renewed and
the renewal premium will be collected by your chosen payment method. You can stop your policy from
automatically renewing free of charge at any time:
• online at MyAviva
• by calling 0345 030 8865
We will not automatically renew your policy if:
• you have contacted us to cancel your continuous payment authority;
• we no longer offer you the continuous payment method if, for example, you have a poor payment or credit
• you have opted out of Automatic Renewal.
If any of the above happens we will tell you in your renewal letter and ask you to contact us to make payment
before we can renew your policy.

Your cancellation rights

You have a statutory right to cancel your policy within 14 days from the day of purchase or when you receive
your policy or renewal documents, whichever is the later.
a. If you cancel before the cover start date you will receive a refund of any premium you have paid.
b. If cover has started you will receive a refund as set out in (a), less a proportionate deduction for the time
we have provided cover.
See the GENERAL CONDITIONS in your policy booklet for full details of the cancellation conditions.
To cancel please call 0345 030 7078.

What to do if you are unhappy

If you have a complaint please contact us as shown below:

If your complaint is about: Who to contact

A Home claim (other than Home emergency) Call 0345 030 6945
A Home emergency cover claim or anything about Call HomeServe on 0345 300 3346 or write to them at
Home emergency cover terms and conditions HomeServe Membership Limited, Cable Drive,
Walsall WS2 7BN.
Anything else related to your home insurance Call 0345 030 7078 or write to Cruan Business
Centre, Westerhill Business Park, 123 Westerhill
Road, Bishopbriggs G64 2QR

We will acknowledge your complaint promptly. If we can't fully investigate and respond to your complaint
within 10 working days, we will let you know our expected response date.
If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint you may refer the matter to:The Financial
Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR. Telephone 0800 023 4567 (free from UK
landlines and mobiles) or 0300 123 9123 Website:
Whilst we are bound by the decision of the financial ombudsman service, you are not. Following the
complaints procedure does not affect your right to take legal action.
If you have taken a product out with us online or by telephone, you can also use the European Commission's
Online Dispute Resolution ( service to make a complaint. The purpose of this
platform is to identify a suitable Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) provider and we expect that this will be
the Financial Ombudsman Service. Please be aware that the Financial Ombudsman Service will only be
able to consider your complaint after we have had the opportunity to consider and resolve it.

Aviva Regulatory Status

We are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
and the Prudential Regulation Authority with firm reference no 202153. Our registered address is Aviva
Insurance Limited. Registered in Scotland, No. 2116. Registered Office: Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH.
Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the
Prudential Regulation Authority.
You may check this information and obtain further information about how the Financial Conduct Authority
protects you by visiting

Financial Services Compensation Scheme

Depending on the circumstances of your claim you may be entitled to compensation from the Financial
Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) if we cannot meet our obligations. See for more

Choice of law
The law of England and Wales will apply to this contract unless:
• at the date of the contract you live in Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man,
in which case the law of that country will apply; or
• you and we agree otherwise.
Use of language
All communications relating to this contract will be in English.
Telephone call recording and charges
Calls to 0800 numbers from UK landlines and mobiles are free. The costs of calls to 03 prefixed numbers are
charged at national call rates (charges may vary depending on your network provider) and are usually
included in inclusive minute plans from landlines and mobiles. For our joint protection telephone calls may be
recorded and/or monitored.
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Aviva Insurance Limited. Registered in Scotland, No. 2116. Registered Office: Pitheavlis, Perth PH2 0NH. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by
the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

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